Joe Rogan - Jesse Itzler Tells Hilarious David Goggins Stories

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Jezze Itzler on David Goggins living with him for a month.
Video Transcript:
I mean when Goggins live with me his rule is we had to do something every day that sucked that was his rule he's a master at that she tell me about it and what'd he make you do uh every day sucked he didn't tell me that we're gonna do that five times a day though you know no I mean I remember one day well if the first thing we did was we came in and he he wanted to see how many pull-ups I could do so he could map out the month he lived with me
for a month and I went to the pull-up bar and I got like maybe eight pull-ups which is an exaggeration I probably got like four pull-ups a lot of people listening say eight and then he said I wait 30 seconds go and do it again and I went up on the pull-up bar and I did maybe like three or four he said I wait 30 seconds I want you to do it again and I got up on the pull-up bar and I did maybe like one kipping you know getting my damn chin over the bar
barely and I dropped down I was all jacked up and I said all right well what's what's next he said well what's next is we're not leaving here until you do a hundred more we're not leaving the gym till you do a hundred more that day now like right now right now so you have seven other like probably seven or ten and I was like man Goggins that's impossible and he said you know I already I already know what your biggest problem is and he's like the limitations you're putting on yourself our self-imposed get [
__ ] back on the bar and you know Roger that man and I got up on the bar and I over over the course of an hour or two I did them and that started our journey of like you're about to go in a place where you've never been on the [ __ ] you know and you know we went I remember one day I was sitting on the couch and in Connecticut where I was living at the time and on the ticker on the on the TV the emergency broadcast system came up stay inside
freezing rain icy conditions high winds stay inside like beeping stay inside and Goggins like this is amazing now let's go for a run and I'm like they're telling us the exact opposite they're they're broadcasting to the whole community to stay inside right so we go for a ten-mile run in the blizzard and we come home and I lived on a lake and kids are playing hockey on the lake so we go down and he takes his hand he moves all the snow off the ice he gets a boulder and he breaks the ice a little
hole in the ice with the boulder and then he takes his hand he makes the hole a little bit bigger and then he jumps in and then he points at me and he takes his finger and he singles for me to jump in I'm not going in the bucket freezing cold water cuz my mother told me as a kid in Long Island don't go anywhere near the frozen what you fall in you have like a minute you know right he's bathing in it so of course I go in and he looks at me as like
man you got about him about 4 to 2 or 2 to 4 minutes gonna get hypothermia we just went on a run we got to get you out of the lake and I go to get out he goes you can't get out he goes if your skin touches the ice it's gonna stick to the ice like the kid in Christmas story his tongue that sticks to the pole you know so he puts my shoes back on my hands and picks my ass up and puts my sock I put my socks on or whatever night I
could bear crawl out of the ice and I run up and I see my wife looking out the window as I'm running into the house and we come in she says to Goggins you know like what's the medical benefit of jumping in a frozen lake and he said to her there's no medical benefit she's like this is what your husband signed up for you know he's like I want to see how far he's willing to go to get to his goals and I was like [ __ ] this is gonna be some 30 days man
Jesus was the toughest thing he made you do it was just the consistency of it you know is this like it was just like it was just she went everywhere I went he shadowed me for 30 days went to every business meeting we flew together he lived it you know with my wife and I did you think like what the [ __ ] did I sign up for this is back in 2010 so this is a you know yes I did I was and the book came out two years ago no okay yeah I waited
five years I didn't I didn't you know and expect it to ever be a book it was just like you know at all there was no book being discussed I I kept a little blog about it you know so why'd you do it um I just felt like there was so much in it there's so many lessons and it was funny fish-out-of-water like he's coming at the our house my wife owns Spanx I mean like the dull dynamic of this [ __ ] was crazy and I just felt there were a lot of lessons that
could be learned through it and you know hook a shot at it Jesus Christ yeah he's a maniac when he did the podcast I got here he showed up super early and when I got here he was already with his shirt off doing chin-ups it was like I walked into the back where the gym is and he's he's in there I'm like look at this [ __ ] amazing he's a savage yeah he's legit but these are all the lessons you know that you're talking about you know and you don't know where the Nuggets come
from you put yourself in a position mm-hmm for the Nuggets to appear and they don't appear addict oposition is like I'm gonna go get Goggins or I'm gonna go live with a month really radical but you put yourself out there like you were saying and you live a life where those lessons find you yeah and then in seek them you seek them yeah well Goggins story is so fascinating because he wasn't that guy he was fat and out of shape and unmotivated and lazy and you know talked openly about the first time he ran like
he quit he was supposed to you know I ran about 3/4 of a mile I think he said and quit and he was exhausted and just drinking milkshakes and all [ __ ] up and somehow or another decided he's not going to be that guy anymore and went a hundred and eighty degrees he came this intensely motivated iron man yeah yeah I was at the race I saw him at the race where he broke all the bones in his feet you know I saw him I was at that I participated in that race it's the
first time I saw him it's how I met him and 2007 and uh you know he broke all the bones on his feet he broke yeah he was running a hundred I was running this race it was a 24-hour race as a relay team I was with four friends and the format of the race is you know you run a mile I run a mile mother whatever team runs the most amount of miles right wins the race he had no teammates that sounds like where's the rest of the team that sounds like him and he
weighed a lot at the time so and I watched him wait a lot was he bodybuilding at the time he was just baiting it probably two hundred and sixty seventy pounds maybe was dead lifting maybe maybe even worse so was this the one where he ran 24 hours all around the rich and just to show that he could run a hundred miles yes anyone up [ __ ] himself yeah yeah he told me about that I saw it I didn't know he broke all the bones on his feet he broke some bones yeah he didn't
even tell me about that and then he ran a marathon a month later yeah he's a [ __ ] animal yeah yeah I mean he really is yeah just tell me also this play that is your wife when you say he's coming to live with you I just said it really fat old Sarah clay I flew out I flew out to meet Goggins after the race you know I cold called him and my wife asked me how the meeting went and in the meeting you know I realize like I kind of wanted to get the
secret sauce like for I thought you know yeah and was that the idea like yeah I was like by being around some such an intensely motivated guy that you would get the rub get the rub and I'd fallen into routine I couldn't get out of mmm and I just you know like I was like just get me out of my routine man you know and I want to learn from you and that kind of thing and my wife asked me have a lunch meeting way and I told her that you know he's come live with
us she was like was lunch meeting with him and did you were you gonna propose this before the meeting I went with what happened was I went to the meeting and [Music] with no real agenda other than like I want to meet this guy man you know it's 2007 I want to meet him 2008 something around around there was 10 years ago and I was just so like drawn to him you know and I actually went home and then and then asked him to come you know live with me and and he said yes and
then I told my wife after this guy's coming in two days now why did he say yes I mean isn't he busy did you offer him money like how did this know he was on he was uh he was act he was still in military at the time and yeah I think I don't know exactly what triggered I remember asking him to comment I remember him saying to me if you're crazy enough to ask guy like me to come live with you [ __ ] I'm crazy enough to come three days later he shows up
with one bag knowing him that is exactly what it would sound like if he said it with those crazy eyes Jesus Christ sweetie this is David Wow did you give him an objective do you say did you say why you wanted him to come or what what you're dragging out at that time in my life I had a I was I had a just left I have my timeline right I think I just left the my private this private jet car company I had Marquis Jet I was just starting out in the zeeco there's coconut
water business and I was in a routine you know I was in a rut not a I was just doing the same stuff man I was so comfortable and I was just like this come shake it up man you know you can travel with me I got some meetings coming up we'll live together and there was no book there was no anything right the book happened years later and he said you said he would do it that's crazy that he just I loved it by the way it was the best months of my life I
love being around him he's an amazing guy I loved you know we were watching games we were working out I was going out midnight 3:00 in the morning we were running in the blizzards we 3:00 in the morning one one day he was like we're gonna run four miles every four hours for 48 hours Joe I was like I gotta work he's like no you don't know you don't you can work 40 in 48 hours so I would wake up at midnight we started at midnight we would run let's say it took us 40 minutes
and then we would come back we'd have you know what three hours and 20 minutes of rest and then at 4:00 a.m. we go again four miles boom boom boom boom boom 48 hours geez Christ one time I've [ __ ] a million stories I mean we went in the sauna and he's like right we're gonna stay in the sauna for uh and I'm a sauna guy I thought I was on a guy by the way and actually this was the steam and it's like we're gonna stay in here for thirty thirty minutes eight ounces
of water okay we jack it up it's [ __ ] cooking in there it's I walk in I'm like holy [ __ ] it's so hot in here he sits down he's whistling Dixie you know I'm sitting in the corner doing a [ __ ] I'm like you know eight minutes in and my water's gone I've already drank my eight ounces of water and about 19 minutes in I'm like Goggins I gotta get out he's like you can't get out I'm like no I'm gonna I'm gonna pass out I got to get out it's like
you can't get out I'm like no no and I just I couldn't even wait for him to say no again cuz I'm about to I'm about to pass out I can feel myself about to pass out I open up the door all the smoke from the steam room goes flying out of the door I sit right in the chair he comes storming out and he looks at me is like oh [ __ ] you don't look good I don't know I'm gonna pass out he goes we got to abort abort to be [ __ ]
like we're not doing the rest of the 30 minutes like I got a pass that was the only pass I got cuz you almost died in the sauna or the steam I was [ __ ] any was different because it's moisture in your pretend I was taking it like the eucalyptus getting cooked cooked yeah I mean really getting cooked it's not like it was sauna you're getting like kind of dry roasted but in the the moisture is different like you can't get his hot in a steam room as you can in a sauna correct yeah
yeah so this was a series of these it's them you know getting poached throughout the yeah god no he would just make these up like come up with these ideas it was just constant man like I mean we would go to work we would be sitting at work and I'd have like a 30-minute break and he'd be like Burpee test like wow I'm at work he'd be like I want to see how many burpees you can do in 10 minutes I'd be like Burpee test and I was like in the middle of work I would
like get down take off Mike you know I was wearing I'm getting like my boxers or whatever like just again and I would do as many burpees as I could in ten minutes and be soaking wet and I'd walk into my next meeting and everybody knew he like he was that was part of the thing so you explained to all these people Wow closed every deal I close every deal head cuz you so amped up in fact plus he was there who's gonna say no is that if you were fascinated I've walked in and maybe
like at the end of the at the end of the meeting I'm like you want to talk he's like whatever the [ __ ] you guys remember we're in we're in wow that sounds so much better than living with a monk I miss him yeah it's you keep in touch yeah we go I haven't spoken to in awhile but yeah I'm known of since 2007 now minutes in ten years Wow yeah would think that that would be hard but exciting whereas the monk thing seems like the drone of it all would just get to you
yeah and like I couldn't go back to my room and my surroundings right in the monk thing I was like in their world forever forever and they live in the same way that you did they have a little cell as well yeah I actually didn't see their rooms but yeah from what I understand even smaller than when I was in I wasn't just Mahler smaller than this table uh my room was about the size of this table the weather's were smaller from what I understand yeah how's it impossible dead what there's no pizzetta's little bit
like just a little bed and just going to a space with you god blackout backup start all over again drone drone yeah no I think the four miles every 40 minutes or whatever the [ __ ] it is or four miles over four hours that sounds way better yeah that sounds crazy at that time but yeah how'd you end it how did he end the 30 days he left me a note on a post-it Thanks that's it that's it Jesus [Laughter] that's intense yes thanks Wow Jesus Christ my goodbyes are like long hugs right changing
exchanging [ __ ] planning Thanks that would be an incredible service like if he wanted to do that and just go to like billionaires and just say you have to do what I tell you to do for a month I bet a lot of people would do that I'm sure just charge charged some [ __ ] stupid amount of money and have him live with you for a month you know that's hard and anybody personality-wise overtime having roommates it's hot you know what I mean yeah so he's with you 24/7 yeah I'm it's hard do
you ever wake you up every day every day he woke you up yep come in and tapped me on the shoulder time to get up let's do where's my wife right next to me Jesus Christ it wasn't the time to do this it was get up [ __ ] does it say well at least he was courteous doesn't wake your wife up yeah was your wife like what in the puddle of you doing she loved them Wow
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