Discover and Develop Your Mature Masculine Archetype

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Erin Byrd
I use charts to map the mature masculine archetypes and talk about ways to achieve individuation. C...
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hello and welcome back to my Channel I want to begin by saying this video is part two and a continuation of my previous video on mature masculine archetypes in this video I'll be providing some visual aids that can help you understand what your archetype is and how you can get closer to individuation by incorporating the other archetypes I've had people comment saying that this information isn't factual it's all theoretical and this is true how however all of psychology is theoretical and none of it can be objectively proven because we can't even prove that human consciousness
itself materially exists the content in this video derives from a brilliant psychoanalyst named Carl Young who made Monumental contributions to the field of psychology before he died another question that people have been asking about is if the four archetypes king warrior magician lover apply to women the answer is yes and no I recently put out a video about the feminine archetypes the primary archetypes for women are the maiden the mother and the Crone because for a woman her life tends to be divided by her age also becoming a mother is integral to a woman's psychological
development we all have twice as many female ancestors as we do male ancestors because historically the vast majority of women 80% % by most estimates reproduced whereas only about 40% of men reproduced if you were born a woman you had a much higher likelihood of becoming a parent being a mother was basically a universal experience for all women and this is why our psyches have evolved around it Additionally the phases of a woman's life will affect how she is treated and valued by the overall Society her role in society is to dependent on what stage
of life she is in it's different for men they aren't as constrained by their age as women are for instance men have a longer fertility window which means a man can become a father in middle age and Beyond when a girl goes through puberty she becomes a maiden when she gives birth she becomes a mother and when a woman goes through menopause it marks her transition from mother to crone nonetheless women do have a set of archetypes that are similar to king warrior magician lover however there's a difference masculinity itself is primarily concerned with big
things things like War hunting government the priesthood and law enforcement the feminine is concerned with small things like Gathering clothing house chores crafts cooking and raising children and so so the archetypes are accessible to women but on a smaller scale however they often have different names instead of the magician it's the Mystic instead of the warrior it's called the huntress the archetype of the high priestess for example may be considered part of the Mystic or Sage archetype consider the archetype of the warrior accessing Warrior energy means tapping into the limits of physical exertion I tap
into my warrior energy when I decide to clean the whole house it's a physical activity that I must push through even when I don't feel up to it there are other arduous tasks that I must complete that may not seem like huge Feats of Strength to a man but for me they can be in many ways I access Warrior energy but it's on a smaller scale women can also be athletes which represents the warrior energy but they aren't capable of the same physical performance of male athletes so I want to start by talking about this
chart right here this chart is not my work I got this from a YouTube channel from a man whose username is animus and his YouTube channel is called join animus what I like about this chart is that no one is trapped inside a certain archetype in the mbti a person's type is largely set in stone and it's more of a zero sum game but this is far more more fluid than the mbti because every man has all four archetypes contained within himself after studying the mature masculine archetypes I compared them to the vectors used in
yian analytical psychology and I noticed some correlations so there are additions that I've made to the vectors of this chart based on the work of Dr Linda Barons who I'm going to include in my citations so here we have king warrior magician lover the center of this chart where the circle is that represents individuation and so no matter where you are on this chart your goal is to get right here in the center the x axis represents the thinking processes of the archetypes and the Y AIS represents the emotionality of the archetypes so we're going
to start by talking about the king and the warrior they use deductive reasoning when they're making decisions which is basically another word for logic they're very analytical people so they're always thinking about their situation at all times their decisions are basically all knowledge-based they get their knowledge from what they learn or what they read they also tend to be concrete people now what this means is that they deal with things that physic i al exist tangibly in the here and now so they're very present focused they're always in the present or sometimes they're in the
past they're past oriented as well they're usually principled people which means they have like a code of ethics that they follow when they're making decisions on this side for the lover and the magician they use inductive reasoning to make decisions which is a different type of thinking they're also very creative people so they can come up with Creative Solutions to problems that maybe no one else has come up with um they base a lot of their decisions off of experience like personal experience these two tend to be abstract people which means that they're thinking about
things that haven't happened yet they think about the future they think about the future of mankind they're able to imagine several different possibilities all at once and this means that they are somewhat metaphysical meaning that they can perceive metaphysics or in some cases generate metaphysics for emotionality between the king and the lover they are compassion based so what this really means is that they have a sense of connectedness to all the people in their life uh they have to feel like they have a group where they can go and confide and people and fit in
to a group when they make decisions they usually base it on if the group thinks it's the right thing to do they always want to do the right thing and because they're affiliative they care a lot about how other people are thinking and feeling all the time they're better at managing anger over anxiety so these two can have issues uh with anx I disorders OCD things like that for the warrior and the magician they're confidence-based so what this means is that they're very good at creating separation between themselves and other people these can be sort
of the Lone Wolf or Sigma male type of people they're very good at setting boundaries and in forcing those boundaries they're also pragmatic or usually pragmatic so people who are pragmatic don't really care so much if it's the right thing to do as long as it works they want to do whatever is going to bring me the result that I'm looking for they do what works these two are better at managing anxiety over anger but they can also have anger problems um Anor management problems and displays of Rage now there are other archetypes types that
are embedded in this chart if you go to the lover it's where you see the idealist the magician is where the fool is located and the warrior is basically the ultimate realist there are other archetypes that lie on the boundry between two so the father or nurturing archetype is between the king and the lover the Seeker is between the lover and the magician and if I were to plot myself on this chart I would consider myself to be a seeker and so in order for me to get closer to this circle I have to do
more of this stuff more of the deductive reasoning more of the logical knowledge-based decisions and then the ruler lies between the king and the warrior this isn't a tyrant this is a benevolent ruler and then between the warrior and the magician you get the Challenger SL reformer so these are the people that actually change the world they're like the movers and the Shakers of society they invent new things they they make discoveries um all that kind of stuff so that's the first chart okay so this is my second chart uh try not to judge me
for having too many whiteboards so this is something I put together in order to help you understand what you need to do to develop your own archetype and if you'd like to progress closer to individuation how you can get there by incorporating the archetype that is the opposite of you so the opposite of the king is the magician and the opposite of the lover is the warrior so it's diagonal like that so in order to develop the king energy understand that the king is always thinking about the greater outcome of his kingdom of his domain
he wants to do what's going to be good for everyone not just for himself he's very good at establishing and following a routine he is good at to-do list he uses to-do list in order to accomplish his goals he's also able to lead and delegate to other people now if the king is unable to delegate responsibility to other people he will eventually become overwhelmed by anxiety and he might burn out so it's it's really crucial that the King has a close-knit uh of of people around him that he can turn to and ask their uh
advice and hopefully one of those advisers will be a magician so that the magician can offer him a perspective that he may not have thought of on his own and like I said before the king is just always trying to find solutions that are good for everyone he's all about the great or good now some negative aspects of the king is that he can be a micromanager if he takes it too far so a micromanager is the boss that's always looking over your shoulder and who goes over your work meticulously to make sure that you've
done everything correctly as though you are incompetent um that's a micromanager he's easily influenced by other people because he is affiliative and because he does care about what other people are thinking and feeling and this is why it's crucial for him to have good people in his inner circle who can give him the proper advice and he can also uh become a pushover if he cares too much about what other people are thinking uh it can lead to him kind of be becoming a doormat more or less for the warrior the attitude of the warrior
is fix what you can fix and if you can't fix it ignore it and that's actually a strength of the warrior he's able to ignore these extra curricular things that are going on that just aren't important to the task at hand um I would recommend trying to dedicate yourself to either your work or to some sort of craft so that you can practice and and develop it to the point where you can actually have pride in your work and pride in what you have built the the warrior is all about honesty and sometimes this honesty
can be brutal but in today's world we need more of that Honesty uh the attitude of the warrior is to lean into discomfort and to even Embrace pain uh on Project Life Mastery um that YouTube channel he said that he will take cold showers even in order to develop the warrior within himself um and also any kind of sport that you can um engage in is going to be good for your Warrior energy even fantasy sports even joining you know a golf league or something like that and working out is equally as important and if
you do work out push yourself stick to a schedule and make it happen execute the task at hand and even if it's uncomfortable push through it push through the pain now some negative aspects of the warrior is that some times he can turn into like an unfeeling robot basically and that's not good uh he can ignore too much he can ignore the people who are important in his life like his wife and his children and that's not good either and he can also have issues with repressed emotions um because he has trouble expressing how he
feels and uh those repressed emotions will come out in possibly explosive ways because he's more likely to have an anger issue for the magician so I wrote not expecting 100% so say you're a science teacher and you've got 30 kids in your class and 26 of them do their work but four of them don't they they want to sleep when they're in your class they don't do their homework they don't pay attention instead of focusing on trying to get every single student uh to pass the class you should focus on the ones who are going
to pass and not the ones who are goofing off and have no intention of even trying to pass the class don't expect 100% because that's not realistic the magician is good at you know basically not planning things and just kind of being spontaneous and that can be a good thing especially for an overly traditional King an uptight King type uh and also the magician he enjoys the journey for him it's not so much about the outcome he enjoys the process of doing things and that's actually really cool uh don't worry about how other people perceive
you because that's not something that you can control anyway and it'll just inhibit you from reaching your full potential um and then lastly I put do what works I think I uh said that uh for the last chart the magician he does what works the negative aspects of the magician uh so sometimes he can be so separated from the group that he'll ignore the group and this can result in conflicts and that's not good uh the magician tends to have problems with abandonment abandoning people that he cares about and shering responsibility because he doesn't really
like responsibility he likes Authority but he doesn't necessarily want to take on the responsibility that comes with authority for the lover I have go to Art Museums go on nature hikes just to have that sensual experience of being in nature or being surrounded by beautiful art where you don't have to think about anything you can just perceive and and and be in the moment um I also put wine tasting and concerts as things that you can do to uh engage your senses you can use incense candles flowers to spruce up your home and make it
an enjoyable space for you to be in journaling can be really handy because the lover is all about expressing his feelings and he he knows how he feels and he's okay with it and he's able to express it in a masculine way uh trust your gut so this is really important for the lover um if you have any kind of feeling inside that something isn't right you should pay attention to that feeling and maybe even use it as a compass to guide you along and then put the screens down so you know have the the
family come for dinner and no one has a cell phone out everybody is talking when you have a screen between you and another person you can't really have an exchange of emotions you can't really know what they're feeling unless you maybe talk to them on the phone that's a little bit better um but having screens up everywhere just puts barriers between you and other people so uh For the Lover he can get to the point where because he's also affiliative and he also cares about what people think that he can't say no and he can't
set those boundaries that keep him together and he can also have issues with procrastination and just overall being a little bit lazy and not taking initiative to get things done okay so real quickly I have a third and final chart this is about the teaching relationships between the types so what can the king teach the magician and vice versa so the king can teach the magician how to organize the magician because he is so creative and has so many ideas the king can help him to really focus on the most important ideas and then manifest
those into reality he can help the magician with writing business plans out for example the king can also show the magician how to take goals and break them down into smaller manageable tasks and this is actually really important the king sees the big picture he can take a step back and start putting the pieces together in order to form the final puzzle he can teach the magician how to be nurturing as a father how to bring people together how to make personal sacrifices for things that are really important and how to balance Authority with responsibility
the warrior can teach the lover how to take initiative uh to he can show the lover how to stop brooding get up off of his butt and go make it happen go execute tasks he can show the lover how to have discipline and structure in his life and this can actually Cur The Lover's bad habits because addictions and bad habits come from a lack of discipline when times are tough the warrior energy can teach the lover how to have some resilience and some stamina and withstand hard things the warrior is all about finishing what you
start if you say you're going to do something then do it follow through that's really important and he can also uh teach the lover ways in which he can discover wisdom because the lover is actually always looking for wisdom for the magician the magician can teach the king how to find Creative Solutions to different problems he can show the king New Perspectives that the king didn't have before he can use pattern recognition that the king can start using pattern recognition in order to uh sort of predict the behavior of people the magician is very future
oriented this can also help the king who sometimes will get stuck in the past or really stuck in Tradition and the the magician can teach the king how to have a sense of humor and how to make jokes once in a while and how to enjoy your life uh he also brings spiritualism and as I said before practicality over Perfection the lover can teach the warrior um well he teaches all the other archetypes about decreasing the tendency towards sadism but this especially applies to the warrior because that is one of the Warrior's Shadow poles is
um is being sadistic and so the lover can decrease the tendency for sadism in the Warrior he can provide compassion and connection to the Warrior's life so that the warrior can have meaningful relationships with other people the lover can also teach the warrior how to find satisfaction and contentment in life so the warrior doesn't have to be so Restless always looking for the new challenge he can just take a step back and say yeah I'm actually really satisfied with my life at this moment and I'm going to enjoy it and to have fun and the
lover can also teach the warrior how to be more philosophical um because I think that deep down the Warrior wants to know what philosophy is about and he has a yearning for philosophy and the lover can really bring that out in the Warrior and last um he can help the warrior discover new hobbies things that the warrior likes to do for no real reason other than that he enjoys it and that's a good enough reason to do things and to to have hobbies just because you like it that's okay so that was my last chart
thank you for watching this video and thank you for listening if you have any sort of ideas for me any recommendations or any thoughts that you'd like to share go ahead and leave me a comment down below I do read my comments and so if that is all um have a good day and I'll see you next
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