23 Ways I Created My DREAM Life | Levelling Up & Becoming THAT Woman in 2023

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something that really helped me to create my dream life was creating irreversible decisions if you're always on on that Brink on that line of one foot in one foot out you're always going to choose just to stay into the comfort zone and what I learned is my natural state is actually more feminine it's just that I spent so many years operating from my masculinity that I actually masked that side of me now looking back I've spent a lot of those years when in my masculinity I was so frustrated and nothing ever seemed to work nothing
in business nothing in relationships and now it's because I understand naturally I am more feminine the concept here is that there is going to be periods of time in life where you have to work harder than the majority so when you're seeing your family your friends people around you seeming like they're not even working that hard so why should I you have to work out because you have a vision for your life and you know what it takes to get there cannot in this day and age rely on one income stream you're nine to five
is not gonna do it hello my love welcome back my name is Montel and this is a channel where self Mastery meets work in progress so in today's video I want to share 23 things things that I have personally done that have changed my life and I want to share them with you if you are wanting to step into your that woman era if you are wanting to level up change your life create your dream life this is absolutely going to be useful for you and these are some of the things that I stand by
and will continue to stand by and yeah as I was typing I was thinking yeah this will just be a little eight point of video but no we have 23 points on this list and I probably could have kept going but I'm like you know I can't make this video too long so here is 23 ways that I created my dream life first step to creating your dream life and leveling up is truly making that decision you have to decide in this very moment that I am not settling for Less I am not accepting less
than I deserve I get to decide my reality I get to transform my identity I get to step into the woman I know I'm called to be because that woman's already within you it's not like you have to redesign yourself yes you can reinvent yourself but know that that identity has always lived within you so when you're Reinventing it's just you bringing back to the surface who you've always been called to be and that's truly what it is you get to decide that in this moment so the first step is always about deciding and the
ways that you do that is through visualizing so having that clear image of who the woman you want to become is what does she look like how does she act what does she sound like what her are her mannerisms what skills does she have what lifestyle is she creating for herself and her family you have to be so clear on this because without a plan you're just going to be directionless with what step to take and you're not going to be able to ground yourself and solidify your identity that's when it becomes easy to compare
yourself to other people and what they may be doing in their routines and their habits and their identity when you have to decide who that person is for yourself and who you want to become so it really is about having that self-awareness as well you have to develop that true sense of self that true sense of your identity and if that's something that you are needing more support with doing I would absolutely recommend joining the reinvent yourself challenge which is a five day live coaching experience that will guide you through a process of self-discovery vision
creation and intentional planning it's going to be so amazing we've got a live round coming up very soon so head down to the description if you're interested but even if you're watching a few months from now or even a few weeks from now still head down to the description to see when the next live round is going to be okay so that's the first step decide second step is all about the inner work you cannot skip this you cannot trust me I've tried it I've tried to skip the inner work I've tried to just do
everything on the surface level I've tried to copy everybody else's blueprint and be frustrated with it not working for me I've been there I've done it and I've realized no we have to play the long game when it comes to our life and future success and stepping into the woman that we are called to be there's going to be a lot of internal things going on there's going to be a lot of trauma limiting beliefs lack mindset fear self-doubt there's a lot that's going to be going on as we're evolving into new Arenas into things
that we have not yet experienced in life where we have no evidence no proof that we can actually be successful in these areas without that without that legitimate backing for ourselves we have to create that and we can only do that once we've cleared out all of the internal things that may be going on so there are so many ways that you can start your inner work Journey that's the full video I'll be creating very soon on how you can really get started but small things such as journaling is so powerful if you just Google
self-discovery prompts and then every single day you commit five ten minutes at the very least to journaling out how you may be feeling what you're experiencing what your fears are what your beliefs are just going back to that point of having that self-awareness you have to understand yourself so you can work on yourself you cannot just make things up you cannot copy anybody else's blueprint so it's about you doing that in a work another way is of course therapy which is something that I'm a firm believer in I've spent a couple of years in therapy
and my life completely changed my relationships communication my own sense of self my identity my confidence and limiting beliefs so many things really came out of therapy and sometimes it does take for another person to see you um from an outsider perspective it can sometimes feel difficult to speak with family and friends because they know you through and through and they also want the best for you and they want to protect you so it's not always easy to have difficult conversations with family members because they're trying to come from a place of love and a
place of support and and not telling you how it is so we need tough love at times we really need tough love so when looking for a therapist if you're in a position where you have the ability to invest in a therapist just know that that it's such a privilege and you should feel so blessed that unfortunate that you are in that position if you are in that position just make sure you're looking for somebody who really understands what you're trying to achieve what you're wanting to achieve sorry not trying really understands what you're wanting
to achieve out of the relationship and they can give you that I've been through free therapists the first one amazing she got me straight away we had the best year or so together and then she actually ended up moving on to a different practice so um I had to leave her and by the way I do therapy through Better Health that's been my therapy platform since the beginning I've been with them for over two years now and I will leave them down in the description if you are interested in checking them out as well but
yes I was on better help had my first therapist it was an amazing experience and then she actually left better help so then I went with another one and we just wasn't getting each other we wasn't really vibing she was like talking over me a lot which I really did not appreciate so I ended up moving on from her and now I've got another therapist and again just an amazing relationship so you have to really know what you're wanting out of that relationship for it to truly work but just going back to that point of
doing that inner work having a therapist can really support you with that if you're not sure where to get started okay so number three for how to create your dream life is you have to decide that you from now on only want and will accept the best experiences out of life this was a mindset shift that I had in my early 20s and I decided you know what I deserve better I deserve the best and I expect the best for myself and it's only really now I'm moving into my mid well I'm kind of in
my late 20s now I'm going to be 27 this year which is crazy but yeah now I'm moving into like my later 20s and now I'm I'm more financially stable and I can now afford myself that lifestyle that I want but even in my early 20s when I maybe necessarily couldn't have all of the best experiences in life I still adopted that mindset and I still sought out the best experiences for myself in any possible way and it could even just be the smallest things like choosing luxury bedding I give this example all the time
but it's just a small luxury that you can afford yourself I adopting these smaller luxuries it then makes it easier to elevate your life on a bigger scale once you finally get there once you get into a position so I decided I'm only going to accept the person even if that means I have to cut back on certain things maybe I'd rather let's say save up a bit longer to go on a better holiday than just to go on the cheapest holiday available or maybe I'd save up a bit longer to get a nicer car
than just to get the cheapest car available and I mean everyone's circumstances at different point is different so I'm just sharing my own experiences I'm not saying that this is what you have to do but I've just made a conscious effort where I can now to only accept the best because at the end of the day we only get one life we only get one experience on this physical life anyway so why not just have the best experiences of everything I mean that is my ultimate goal where I can if I could have the best
quality and service food Health gyms travel relationships family I just want it all I want it all because we deserve it so why should we have to settle for less than we deserve just because maybe we don't have the the finances right now that's a common excuse that people tend to use I I don't have the money I don't have the finances which yes it is true maybe you don't have the money right now but by reinforcing that constantly you're going to find yourself in a position where you're not actually see you're not creating a
solution for how you can find the money how you can have better experiences if that's what you desire not everyone desires to have the best experiences but I do so I'm sharing from my own personal opinions here with which is that even at times where I didn't necessarily have the finances I didn't continue to tell myself that I chose to find better Solutions rather than focused on that problem because what you'll find is when you do eventually have the money you'll always find another excuse it just becomes an excuse Loop rather than a solution Loop
so yeah that's the point expect the best experiences so the next thing Point number four number four is to change your language around success and what that means to you A lot of the time we develop other people's opinions and ideologies about what success should look and feel like when in actual fact our version of success could be completely different and we may all oh my battery I when in when in actual fact our version of success could look completely different to another person's we could already be at our version of success but because we're
so fixated on other people's opinions and their versions we completely miss our success train or we delay it or we don't appreciate it for what it is so I know for me right now I am on my journey I'm already successful I am one thousand percent already successful am I all the way where I want to be not yet but I'm on that Journey but I know I can accept my success for where it currently is and that has taken a lot of time for me to really become aware of what it is that I'm
chasing and what it is that I want to see from my life without allowing anybody else to influence that so you have to change your language around what success actually well it's not even that you have to change your language you actually have to create your own language you have to create your own language around what success means to you what it's going to look like to you how you're going to celebrate it once you're there what your Milestones look like what kind of words you're going to affirm to yourself about success because it's not
going to be the same for everybody some people like working 100 hour weeks some people like being extremely busy with lots on the calendar and that's success to them some people like to live completely remote shut off from the world that's their version of success and people are in the middle some people like nine to fives and corporates and climbing that ladder some people want to be more entrepreneurial so there's no one version of success so you have to create that for yourself and stick to it and stay strong in your values and what you
believe okay so the fifth way I created my dream life was by earning more money so I put a lot of intention and focus into building my brand way back when I started my YouTube channel I did not know it was going to turn into what it is and be a career but it happened to be so but I knew the importance of at least building a brand at least building something that eventually can create me money or eventually can create more impacts I knew that from early on so I think it's really essential especially
in this age we're living in to create a brand regardless of whether that's a personal brand so you're showing up you're active on social media such as YouTube or you're building your own platforms and you're sharing your own message whether you do that or whether you build an e-commerce brand or whether you build um there's just so many things that you can build an agency there's so many ways that you can be developing a brand online um ideally so I would really think about what can I do to be built in to generate an additional
multiple income streams not even just one additional income stream you want to have multiple income streams with the way our world is going the way things are so fast paced the way there's so much opportunity you want to make sure you're grasping as much as possible you want to make sure that you're diversifying your incomes as much as possible because as quick as something can blow up and as quick as something becomes a trend it's as quick as it can go away as well so you want to make sure you're diversifying so the way that
I truly was able to create my dream life was through having money like straight up I don't care what anybody tells you you have to be having you have to have money you have to have money in order to have the best experiences in order to invest in yourself in order to have a better quality of life in order to have that freedom that you deserve I mean there's so much life to be lived so in order to live that life we have to have freedom we can't just be working non-stop constantly especially when it's
something that we're not passionate about so your way out of that is by creating Financial Freedom for yourself and that is going to look like like having a business having a side hustle having additional income streams you cannot in this day and age rely on one income stream your nine to five is not going to do it even the people in the top nine to fives earning six figures a year is still it's it's not enough I mean it's great it is great but it's not going to be enough you still want to be having
something else because not only financially it may not be enough but then also you have to look at the fact of working for somebody else you could easily be dropped at any point that is just the reality of working for somebody else you do not know what could ever happen and I am generalizing here but there is still always going to be that risk of working for somebody else so you just want to make sure you're diversifying your income as much as possible and another thing to think about just when it comes to working in
traditional carpet structures which by the way I have no issue with I mean I've always said if I was to find a 9-5 role that seemed perfect and ticked all my boxes I'd absolutely go for where I'm not somebody who's like I'm only going to be an entrepreneur and that's it that's just happens to be where I'm at right now but in the future if there's a nine to five role I would go for it however the difference is I will always have my own things going on as well I'll always be building my side
hustles I'll always be um having additional income streams because you want to be creating income streams that you're not exchanging your time for that is the main thing about nine to fives for me is that it's such an exchange of time 40 hours a week in exchange for money when you yes you can do that but also make sure that you have other streams of income that you do not have to exchange time for so you're making money passively and that truly is the route to Financial Freedom because we only have a limited amount of
time we only have a limited amount of energy within the day so if we're relying on our time and our energy to create money there's always going to be that upper ceiling there's always going to be a limit there whilst on the other hand if we're money passively there's no limits the sixth way to create your dream life is by dropping your ego so you have to understand that as humans we're all flawed in some way and you have to accept those flaws and be willing to work on them and it is a daily effort
there have been so many times where I've had to bite my tongue I've had to accept an uncomfortable situation or a position or a conversation that I may have had with somebody I've had to understand that yes I'm still flawed in my ways I'm still growing in my ways but that doesn't mean that I cannot still be a working process and I cannot create my dream live so there's going to be a lot of uncomfortable conversations that you have on this journey especially if you're somebody who really um is interested in developing yourself and you
like self-improvement and you want to create success and you want to create your dream life just know that it's gonna come with uncomfortable things it's not going to be all smooth sailing they're going to be some things that hit you and it's going to be a such a hit to your ego but you have to learn how to work through that because there is so much more waiting for you on the other side of that once you finally make it through number seven on how to create your dream life is all about stepping into your
femininity so over the past two years I've really focused on balancing out my feminine versus masculine I spend a lot of years in my masculine energy which stemmed from survival mode Victor mentality and just a lot of the experiences I had growing up and through childhood that was always my default mode and it really wasn't until I got with my now partner Sam that I I learned this about myself and so it really took for me to be aware of this of this new fact because I always thought I'm a feminine woman I I always
thought you know I look good I dress nice I thought that was what encompassed being feminine so it really took for me to go on my own femininity Journey just to get to where I am now and what I learned is my natural state is actually more feminine it's just that I spent so many years operating from my masculinity that I actually masked that side of me but now looking back I've spent a lot of those years when in my masculinity I was so frustrated and nothing ever seemed to work nothing in business nothing in
relationships and now it's because I understand naturally I am more feminine and that imbalance was actually so detrimental to the person I was becoming and the life I was creating so learning more about femininity stepping in into my Womanhood more recently has completely changed my life and has made me become that woman of course so this is something that I would recommend deaf definitely looking into doing our Research into I will leave down in the description some of the resources that really helped me some of the YouTube channels that um definitely helped me on this
journey number eight is to create irreversible decisions so in other words act quickly one of my mottos in my early 20s was to say yes now think about it later and I I lived through that throughout my whole 20s even to this day when it comes to Opportunities when it comes to um just new experiences when it comes to leveling up I'm the one to say yes now and I'll I'll worry about it or I think about it later I think about the facts later so something that really helped me to create my dream life
was by creating irreversible decisions because if you're always on on that Brink on that line of one for in one foot out you're always going to choose just to stay into the comfort zone so you want to always make sure that you're creating a decision that you can't easily just go back and change and I'm not saying to create a decision that's going to put you in harm you always want to make sure it's a safe decision but if you know that you could very realistically create this jump into your new life or you can
take a step forward but you're deciding to hold on to your comfort zone that's not serving you that's not helping you progress in any way but it's just comfortable for you to do that if you know that you're blocking yourself in that way you have to think about how can I make this irreversible so to give you some examples of what I my irreversible decisions solo traveling I booked the trips I I pay for the tickets and then I decided okay accommodation this what am I going to do all of that all of that came
after the fact I did not spend days upon days upon days planning out every single thing before I made that first step I bought the ticket first I thought about it later moving house I've moved so many times I've been living independently since I was 17. so I've moved quite a lot and the pain bills is no joke so once you make that decision that you're gonna move then it becomes a responsibility that you have to think about later now of course you want to make sure you aren't at least somewhat of a financial position
to make such a move like that but if you know you are take that leap me moving to London is a recent decision I've made I signed the papers I sign the tenancy agreement I thought about all the logistics after that and me starting a YouTube channel when it comes to business launching new offers and programs I put the course out there first I put the program out there first and then I think about all the logistics after you have to make decisions publicly that are going to change your life that's more than just within
your head because we can create all these big visions and big intentions in our head but if we do not make a physical step forward that cannot be changed we're never gonna move in that direction so make a decision act quick act now say yes and think about it later all right I need to quickly get through these because time is ticking okay number nine is to create stronger the boundaries I'm not going to dive too much deeper into this because I've already spoke about it on so many videos but create boundaries take your boundaries
what are you going to accept in life what you're not going to accept in life and stick with that because people can only respect your boundaries when you enforce them they're not going to create your boundaries for you so if you feel like you're constantly being overstepped and you're constantly being disrespected it might not be that that person is intentionally disrespecting you it's just that you haven't been clear on your boundaries that you need to create for yourself number 10 is to invest in yourself so you want to invest in yourself financially spiritually mentally career-wise
every single area you want to be putting in that investment my life didn't start to change until I put some investment into my life I've invested tens of thousands of pounds in mentors business coaches programs um degrees like so much in personal development and investment so if you're not willing to spend the smallest amount of money in yourself how are you expecting to change your life how are you expecting to impact other people it all starts with you I always say as a coach you cannot become a coach until you've been coach yourself which is
why to this day I have a coach and I'll forever have a coat I'll forever be a part of the Mastermind a community invest in myself and the best thing about the time we're living in is you could learn as much as you want about anything you want if you decide today you want to get into accounting I'm sure that there are so many resources and so many courses that you can join for that if you want to get into property you can do the same if you want to get into coaching there's so many
things that you can learn without always having to go the traditional route of going to University going to college there's so many resources online there's just an abundance of knowledge and if you're not tapping into that if you're not investing then you're really missing out on leveling up yourself and becoming that woman number 11 is to change up your environment your hometown it can only do so much for you it really can when it comes to stepping into your next level identity and really setting the pace for your future but not only your future for
your whole Community for everybody around you if you're somebody who values creating impact you have to step out so that you can inspire you cannot stay within your community and I'm not saying it has to be forever you don't just have to up and leave and never return but you at least have to experience new things so you can bring those new things back into your communities I have explored so many different cultures communities different people I've I've traveled so much I've seen so much I've explored so much and I know not only is it
making me a better and stronger person but it's gonna allow me to go back into my communities and impact them in ways that I couldn't have done if I just stuck within that same surrounding and as well if you I feel like you're you're all a bit like me in some ways I feel like you are which is why you watch my content of course and if you are you're somebody who values freedom and staying in the same areas can make you feel so restricted and limited in yourself and limited in your capabilities and all
it takes is for you to venture out to a new town or a new area and your spirits feel completely lifted from that and you feel so inspired again and you feel very and you feel so expansive again so this is why you have to change a Pew environment as often as possible move out of your hometown take that solo trip take an extended travel trip whatever you have to do to just break free from that even if it's just for a show amount of time that will help you to create so much more impact
than just staying in that same environment and not experiencing a change number 12 is to read more books I think this one goes without saying knowledge is power however one thing I will add to this point is that the reason this changed my life so much is because when you read a book you're actually getting a lot of the information right from the source a lot of information that you see on YouTube nowadays is just regurgitated information so when you go to the book you're going right to the source and there's a reasons why books
have such a long life span and over and over again generation after generation books I still have so much power is that you're getting all of the key principles without all the extra fluff without all the things that other people have oppose their opinions on or other people have post their experience experiences on it's literally the key principles which is why books are so powerful and they almost never like expire in terms of what you learn through them because it's core principles that you're learning so number 13 is challenging yourself every single day so to
create your dream life to level up to build your confidence to reinvent yourself it has to be a challenge you have to create challenges whether that's a mini challenge for yourself every single day on something that you want to improve on or whether you join a community and start a challenge together you find an accountability partner if you're looking for all of those things make sure you join the reinvent yourself challenge that is going to be where it's at but you have to be challenging yourself you have to be putting yourself out there into new
Arenas trying new things and accepting that you may fail at things but you know it's all a part of the journey and if you're going to be so much better off by challenging yourself than to not challenge yourself at all number 14 is to improve your communication now this is something I'm also working on still as well but the better you can articulate your feelings emotions your faults the easier it is going to be for you to get the desired outcome you're looking for whether that's in a conversation if you're wanting to express how you
may be feeling about a certain thing maybe it's with a partner or with family or friends the better you can communicate that the better the response is going to be if it's in a work setting maybe you're wanting a promotion you're wanting to elevate in your career the better you can communicate while you're deserving of that promotion or the skills that you obtain or the um previous successes that you've brought to that company the better you can present yourself and get your points across the more successful you're going to be it's just the truth of
it so I'm constantly wanting to improve my articulation it's something that for myself is an insecurity at times because I just know the power of communication and language and speaking clearly so it's something that you do want to improve on and some of the ways that you can do that is starting a YouTube channel of course was that is something that absolutely helped me develop my confidence with speaking but even if it's just on a daily basis just approaching somebody new and starting up a conversation or just engaging in different conversations what you used to
so maybe on a day-to-day it used to just the typical hey what's up what are you doing standard conversations maybe you can challenge Yourself by going to a networking event where the conversation is different and it challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone and become more confident and articulate and articulate with and become more confident and articulate within yourself so that's just a few ideas but communication definitely is key number 15 is to make new friends kind of goes on the point that I just made of getting yourself out of your comfort zone
and out of your typical environment by making new friends going to networking events joining networking groups joining different support groups in your area you want to challenge yourself to make new friends of all different backgrounds pounds of all different ethnics ethnicity is because it just helps you to be more cultured and to have a deeper understanding of other people and once you've got understanding of other people you can then have a deeper understanding of yourself and really step into that wholesome version of yourself number 16 is to focus on the journey rather than the result
this is something I've shared often on my channel especially in regards to the 12-week year but you really want to focus more on the journey itself and seeing that as the success rather than the actual resolve now of course it's going to be amazing when you finally hit this Milestone that you've been waiting for but you don't want to dismiss that journey and the growth and the lessons and the small wins that you would have experienced on the way to that result if you're just like okay here's my starting point here's my result I don't
care about the rest once you get to that result you're always going to be looking for that next thing you get yourself into a loop as just always chase sent a result always chasing the result so what you want to do is redefine what success means to you and start enjoying that actual process and that Journey because even if you don't get to that result at the end you're not going to feel as disappointed and disheartened because you actually enjoyed growing to that journey and you could actually find that your path completely redirects and on
that Journey if you get into this result that you at the time may have thought you wanted you realize that actually I'm going a different direction because of this journey because of what I've been building because of these small wins and these Milestones that I'm enjoying on this journey I've actually ended up somewhere else number 17 is to willingly accept feedback from others so on your journey to leveling up there's going to be people in your life that offer feedback now you don't have to accept feedback from any from everyone and anyone but if this
is someone that you truly admire and look up to and you know that they're coming from place of love and you really respect their wisdom then you want to be open to receiving that feedback from them because we're all flawed in some way we all have blind spots so there's going to be people around us in our life that are going to support us and help us to see those blind spots but we have to drop that ego and accept that feedback and accept that criticism I can never say that word and accept that criticism
and move forward number 18 is to put yourself out there again this one kind of goes without saying the more you put yourself out there the more you're building your confidence the more opportunities you're likely to have so you have to put yourself forward you have to be your biggest cheerleader because nobody else is going to do that for you maybe your parents might do it for you maybe if you your friends may do it for you but ultimately they've got their own things going on so you always have to be your biggest Advocate at
all times number 19 is taking 100 responsibility for your life I've actually got a full video on this one which will be coming out next which is the one mindset so which is the one mindset shift that changed my life so make sure you check that out and it's just going to be all about how it really is for you to take 100 responsibility of your life you cannot push blame onto other people you have to take that extreme ownership in every single area of your life so stay tuned for that video it's going to
be more in depth than this number 20 is to work hard but also work smart so on your journey of creating your dream life there's going to be a lot of times where you're going to have to work harder and longer than the majority of people the average person doesn't work towards creating a dream reality for themselves they've just accepted the life that they currently have as that's the best they can do but for us we know that there is so much better that we can do but it is going to require us to work
harder now I don't mean having to constantly trade you off time in terms of working harder that's not what it means a lot of people think okay in order to work harder I must work longer hours I must dedicate more time it doesn't mean that it just means that you have to work harder to do the the prep work in order to see success let me give you an example of what that means so passive income for example if you're wanting to create passive income online it means that you're going to have to work a
lot harder in the beginning to prep yourself to do the foundational work to set the groundwork so that in the future you've primed yourself for Success it may mean that right now you have to take on a few extra shifts or you may have to take on a second a third job for a short amount of time so that you have enough income saved so that then you can leap into a business or you can invest in yourself in other ways you can purchase property whatever that may be the concept here is that there is
going to be periods of time in life where you have to work harder than the majority so when you're seeing your family your friends people around you seeming like they're not even working that hard so why should I you have to work hard because you have a vision for your life and you know what it takes to get there so if you have to put your blinders on forget what everybody else is doing and focus on what you need to do and what your mission is for this period in life other people may be in
their rest periods soft life whatever for right now you may be in a work period and accept that number 21 this is personal again so this is how I created my dream life and how I'm continuing to is I have quit drinking so I'm not drinking alcohol I've decided I'm going to go sober at least for this year and then we'll see what happens after that but it's already been three months and I don't miss it that much and then also that is obviously more recently but even just thinking back over my early 20s to
where I'm currently at I have cut down a lot on different social events different social things that I may have dabbled in um not completely of course but just like going to clubs is not really my vibe now I'll go on a very special occasion if it's like a birthday but I'm not out every weekend I prefer to have a quiet night in I prefer to go to a bar or just do something more classy over being trashy and yeah I've just decided I'm cutting back on things that are detrimental to my health or my
mind because for me especially with drinking that used to mess up my mind my anxiety my executive function and it used to go on for like I could maybe just have one night out and be drinking and then for that next week or two I'd be just riddling anxiety and I knew it was alcohol so I've decided I'm not putting myself and my body through that type of stress anymore so um yeah that's something that I've done recently to really step into my my that woman era and just to level up my life because I
know when I'm on my A-game when I'm fully functioning I am Unstoppable so I'm not gonna allow anything to stop me in that track number 22 is to start a new hobby Hobbies can be so life-changing and so many ways for one it's a great way to just reduce the everyday stress of life going through the motions of Life having that same routine it's just a way to break that pattern for two it's a way to just gain a a deeper sense of self and just to explore yourself in different ways a lot of the
time we go through life it's mainly education career relationships that's it we don't really spend enough time with ourselves to understand ourselves so find a new hobby find ways to express yourself to explore yourself to meet new people to challenge yourself there's just so many benefits of um creating new hobbies especially when they're hobbies that are surrounded with communities and other people that have similar interests because then it's just opening up different types of conversations for you and then finally number three oh number three I've been talking for too long to think I've only said
three points number 23 the final one on the list is to stop excessive complaining so if you want to create your dream life if you have to drop the complaints the excuses the moans I know that that's just for a lot of people the default to want to complain about things to want to worries me to want to become a victim but your dream life is going to require you to drop that version of yourself you have to be somebody who is optimistic who is positive who seeks the more positive outcomes rather than dwells on
the problems or the negatives so yeah challenge yourself this week to just stop complaining and just to enjoy life and just to see the positive outcomes and not to engage in any gossip or anybody else complaining just to always offer a solution that is it solution orientated that is what we need to focus on so yeah that is it for this video this was a long one but I hope you did enjoy these are really some of the ways that I've I've changed my life over the past seven years or so throughout my 20s and
yeah they continue to work for me up until this day so if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a big Thumbs Up And subscribe if you are interested in joining the reinvent yourself challenge head down to the description to find out when the next live round is like because if you're watching this um a few months into the future or whenever you're watching this I may still be running the challenge so make sure you head down to the description to check that out and I will see you in the next one bye
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