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Endless dreams
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a businessman gets beautiful women pregnant and abandons them for fun one day he tries to do the same with another woman but he had no idea that she was the Twilight descended over Chicago painting the sky with fiery Hues that competed with the hidden lust in the waves of the sea in this setting of unparalleled Beauty the sapphire Sky Restaurant Shone like a beacon for the wealthy and for those who for one night aspired to touch the veil of luxury Carson Smith a businessman whose charm was only surpassed by his cunning Was preparing for yet
another meticulously planned date Victoria with her soft curls cascading over her shoulders wore a blue dress that rivaled the evening Sky she walked nervously toward the restaurant entrance her heart beating with the promise of a memorable evening the prospect of meeting a single elegant man added a thrill of excitement to the air good evening Victoria you're even more Charming in person Carson greeted her standing up to kiss her hand with the courtesy of a bygone era his voice was velvet that concealed thorns and his smile a trap disguised as a promise thank you Carson I've
been looking forward to this evening your message was such a intriguing surprise Victoria replied feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension as she settled at the table with a view of the moonlit sea the conversation between them flowed like the wine that Carson chose with an impressively knowledgeable taste he spoke about travels and art with a passion that seemed sincere every word calculated to disarm and charm you know Victoria I believe life should be lived with passion whether in work or in the little pleasures and you what brings you here tonight Carson asked fixing on
her a gaze that many before had mistaken for genuine interest I am always in search of new experiences and your proposal was something I simply couldn't refuse besides there's something about your way of seeing the world that fascinates me Victoria confessed ignoring the silent alarm her intuition was sounding as the night went on Carson wo his web masterfully between laughter and flirtation he guided Victoria through a Labyrinth of emotions each gesture and word a stroke in his painting of Seduction when he finally invited her for a walk on the beach Victoria's resistance had melted away
like sugar in the rain Victoria do you believe in destiny Carson asked as they walked along the cold sand of the beach the sea calming its own storms in the background the wind played with her hair and the Stars began to shyly appear in the sky sometimes yes but mostly I believe in the choices we make she replied her voice almost a whisper against the constant sound of the Waves as if each word was being Carried Away by the wind there was a soft Glow In Her Eyes reflecting the moon and she seemed immersed in
a sense of peace that only the sea could provide then choose to believe in been an unforgettable night he said his smile concealing the shadows of his true intentions the gentle tone of his voice carried a promise that Victoria couldn't resist even though a small voice inside her urged caution Victoria allowed herself to be enveloped by the illusion of a connection that for Carson was just another Conquest in his long list in the dangerous game he masterfully orchestrated he was the predator and she the prey still unaware of the imminent danger lurking around her innocence
their Footsteps in the sand seemed like a Prelude to something inevitable as if fate had already written the end of that story so Victoria shall we head up to the hotel Carson asked with a penetrating and seductive voice each word carefully chosen to win her trust he was on the verge of adding another name to his list of deceived and abandoned women and his excitement was almost palpable all that was left was Victoria's confirmation who though hesitant was already being swayed by the empty promises hid behind his charming smile yes let's go I'm just a
little unsure Carson it's never been this fast she replied sensing that something could go wrong but still allowing herself to be led don't worry Victoria I promise it will be Unforgettable he assured her together they went up to the hotel and spent the night together before Dawn Carson woke up while Victoria was still sleeping soundly that was easy he thought satisfied with himself another one for his long list of future single mothers he dressed quickly and left the room abandoning Victoria to The Silence of the early morning as he walked through the hotel corridors he
was already planning his next move I need two more women to hit my target for this month this is great the more I do the more I want to keep going he whispered to himself with a Sinister smile barely lighting up his darkened face 4 days later Carson was in his office scrolling through Tinder in search of his next victim no she's not the type I'm looking for I need someone like this he muttered as he came across Ruby Fernandez's profile interesting meanwhile across Chicago Ruby looked at her phone surprised who is this elegant man
he sent me a friend request interesting she thought intrigued in the days that followed Ruby and Carson spent hours on Late Night Calls Ruby however had no idea she was about to become just another disposable piece in Carson Smith's game all right Caron I accept where will our date be she asked eager to meet this attractive and elegant man ah of course we'll meet at the sapphire Sky Restaurant on the night of our date I'll send a car to pick you up don't worry about anything I'm looking forward to meeting you princess Carson said hanging
up the phone with a cynical and dark smile on the day of the date Carson was already in place waiting for Ruby Fernandez to arrive I hope she doesn't make things complicated he whispered to himself anxious when Ruby walked in the Simplicity of her attire surprised Carson contrasting sharply with Victoria's Elegance maybe this one is smarter I might need to use a sedative he thought concerned hi good evening Carson Ruby greeted her captivating smile lighting up the room as she approached the table slightly adjusting the elegant dress that accentuated her presence wow you look stunning
Ruby I expected nothing less from you please have a seat and make yourself comfortable waiter a bottle of Brunello deont alino please Carson said his voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration though his true intentions remained hidden there's no need to order such an expensive wine Carson Ruby replied feeling slightly uneasy with the extravagance she had always valued Simplicity over excessive luxury of course it's necessary my dear a woman of your stature deserves much more than an expensive wine Carson asserted leaning slightly towards her the seductive smile never leaving his lips I want this night
to be special something you'll never forget Ruby still a bit hesitant accepted the glass the waiter brought I hope what makes the night special isn't just the wine Carson she said her voice soft but loaded with meaning Ruby felt flattered yet a bit shy wow what a man she whispered to herself feeling her heart race is he even real and if he is what does he see in me she questioned his intentions but couldn't hide the sparkle in her eyes as she watched him I've always dreamed of finding someone like this someone who makes me
feel special she continued to think while a slight smile formed on her lips could he be the one I've been waiting for my prince charming the image of a Kind elegant and dazzling man filled her mind and for the first time in a long while Ruby allowed herself to believe that maybe just maybe Destiny was finally working in her favor Carson and Ruby engaged in Lively and captivating conversation as they enjoyed an elegant dinner at that luxurious restaurant known for its sophisticated atmosphere and exceptional Cuisine it was Carson's favorite place to make a striking first
impression where he often took his future victims he knew that the combination of the Exquisite setting and top tier dining was irresistible as they talked Carson with his calculated charm subtly laid the ground work for the invitation he would make next to move up to one of the luxurious rooms in the Majestic Hotel adjacent to the restaurant hours after dinner Carson and Ruby found themselves in an elegant hotel room the tension in the air was palpable as Ruby feeling uncertain confessed I'm a little nervous Carson maybe it's not the right time yet her voice trembled
slightly revealing her distrust and fear Carson keeping calm tried to reassure her with an apparently innocent suggestion no it's okay here's what we'll do I'll go get two glasses of champagne for us all right that way we can relax a bit he paused looking her in the eyes trying to convey trust I'm not saying you have to do this I'm just asking you to trust me I understand your side and I respect it if you're not comfortable that's fine but a nice champagne will surely help us unwind just wait a moment as he descended in
the elevator Carson muttered to himself aware of the potential challenges Ruby might present presentent I knew she could be difficult he whispered as a sarcastic smile formed on his lips but that just adds a bit more thrill to the game he thought about the next steps of his plan I'll need to spike her drink make sure everything goes exactly as I want Carson reflected a cunning gleam in his eyes Ruby will sleep like a bear and won't even realize what happened he chuckled softly with a little luck she'll wake up completely hooked and ready for
what I've planned Carson continued on his way after all it's just another night at the office manipulation and charm my foolproof formula he was determined to control the situation in his favor leaving no trace of his true intentions back in the room Ruby sat on the edge of the bed lost in her thoughts an inner voice criticized her why don't you ever let yourself go a little Ruby stop being silly and pessimistic just let things flow naturally for once she was caught in a mental struggle debating whether to go forward or not she knew she
needed to make a decision before Carson returned with the glasses of champagne the silence in the room seemed to amplify each anxious heartbeat as she pondered her choices and what each one might mean for her future Carson returned to the room with a disguised urgency as if he was craving something more than just wine here I am Ruby he said politely handing her the glass in which he had discreetly placed a sedative thank you Carson you're being a real Prince with me I'm so grateful for your kindness no one has ever treated me this way
before Ruby confessed but I don't think I'm ready to take things forward so quickly that's perfectly fine Ruby remember I didn't invite you to dinner with other intentions I I'm genuinely interested in you and I think I'm starting to like you Carson replied pretending to show genuine interest to make her more vulnerable I'll respect your decision and wait for when you're ready he assured her keeping the conversation going while waiting for the sedative to take effect as the substance mixed in the champagne began to take hold Ruby felt her vision gradually blur I think my
sight is getting blurry Carson what's happening to me the concern in her voice was evident with a disturbingly calm demeanor Carson responded without hesitation it's all right Ruby just relax he began undressing with an unsettling Tranquility as he continued you won't remember anything his voice was a mix of serenity and coldness what do you mean I don't understand Carson were Ruby's last words before she completely lost Consciousness succumbing to the effects of the drug Carson watched her pass out with a look of satisfaction perfect he thought she had no idea what happened alone with Ruby
now unconscious Carson spoke with calculated coldness you could have made things easier Ruby but that's fine he said his voice cold and Resolute I always find a solution watching her lying there he reflected on the situation with a disdainful gaze it'll be quick Carson continued I promise he leaned slightly closer as if expecting Ruby to hear his words even in her unconscious State you're not the first not to cooperate and you certainly won't be the last Before Dawn the next day Carson was already on his way to his company leaving the hotel before Ruby could
wake up as he drove he reflected with satisfaction another one for my list he whispered feeling empowered but it's not over yet I need one more woman to complete my list for this month who will be next 2 hours later Ruby woke up with a sharp headache wow this headache is intense she murmured to herself trying to get up but the discomfort made her feel dizzy she looked around and confusion quickly overwhelmed her where am I what happened here her mind was in turmoil trying to piece together the fragments of the last few hours I
can't remember anything Ruby thought Panic starting to set in why don't I have any memory of what happened yesterday fear and worry were clear in her eyes as she struggled to understand the situation I need to know what happened I have to remember she tried to recall what she had done before waking up there but her mind was blank was it a normal night or did something strange happen Ruby slowly stood up observing the unfamiliar surroundings trying to find any clue that could explain the situation ru tried to calm herself but when she noticed her
dirty clothes reality hit her hard no this can't have happened she wondered desperately trying to understand how she ended up in a luxury hotel tears began to well up as doubt consumed her was I drugged no this can't be real this has to be a dream please tell me it's just a dream meanwhile Carson was comfortably seated in his office chair allowing himself a moment of Reflection by now Ruby must be awake she's probably Des with no memory of anything he thought a malicious smile forming on his lips with that thought he burst into laughter
sinking into a dark satisfaction perfect exactly as I planned suddenly Roberta interrupted Carson's moment of Satisfaction by abruptly entering his office sorry for barging in like this sir it's just that the investors have already arrived for the meeting you scheduled for today ah it's fine Roberta please ask them to wait a bit we'll start in a few minutes Carson replied regaining his composure with a calm nod thanks for letting me know Roberta understood and nodded in acknowledgement all right Mr Carson excuse me then as Roberta walked away Carson watched her for a moment wow looking
closely Roberta is really impressive could she be the next one he pondered briefly before dismissing the idea no better not Carson getting involved with people in the company never ends well better to keep things as they are he side turning his attention back to the documents on his desk mentally preparing himself for the meeting across town Ruby walked desperately battling with her thoughts why God but what really happened to me she murmured her voice broken by anguish a part of her the more rational side knew what had happened while another part still resisted trying not
to believe she had been a victim of sexual abuse while unconscious tears of helplessness and frustration streamed down her face each drop marking the pain she felt inside she quickly entered her small apartment and went straight to her bedroom throwing herself onto the bed and crying desperately why Ruby you shouldn't have left home I I just wanted to remember what happened that night she sobbed covering her face with her hands how could I have been so careless how could I not see the signs between sobs Ruby tried to piece together fragments of memory trying to
understand every moment of that night there was something wrong with that drink I should have noticed she thought the pain mixing with anger at herself and the world I need to do something I can't just let this go meanwhile after hours in a meeting Carson returned to the Solitude of his office I don't have much time I need to pick another woman he quickly grabbed his phone and called a colleague he' talked to a few days ago it's going to have to be her Carson whispered with dark determination finally Ariana answered the call hey Carson
what an unexpected call what do you need Ariana asked her voice playfully flirtatious while a suggestive smile appeared on her lips oh you know Ariana I was thinking we could have dinner together tonight what do you think Carson proposed trying to sound casual but with a hint of expectation in his voice ah yes I'd love to Carson where are we going Ariana asked clearly excited her curi I it already peaked by the invitation she playfully twirled a strand of hair anticipating an enjoyable evening we're going to a restaurant that I consider special and I think
you'll like it too it's the sapphire Sky Restaurant send me the address of your building and I'll have a car pick you up I'll be waiting eagerly Carson said ending the call with a kisses wow I can't believe he asked me out could he be the man of my dreams I was so surprised and happy when I got the invite I've been thinking about it non-stop does he feel the same way I do maybe this date is the start of something amazing one night Ariana arrived at the restaurant wearing an elegant red dress she and
Carson talked for hours enjoying each other's company until finally Carson invited her as he had done with the others to come up to his hotel room at that moment Ariana unknowingly became the third victim of unconscious sexual abuse perpetrated by Carson at dawn Ariana woke up with an intense headache Carson had done to her what he had done to Ruby oh my head hurts so much where am I what happened here realizing where she was and how she was dressed despair completely overwhelmed her oh no I can't believe it what happened to me I can't
remember anything meanwhile Carson was already back in his office meticulously adding another name to his list of women and finally the last one for this month Ariana you were simply perfect he muttered to himself however reflecting on his recent actions made him reconsider but I think I need to stay in the shadows for a bit I've had dinner with three women in less than a month that could be risky Carson concluded deciding to lay low and take a break for a few days with the glass in hand he briefly gazed out the window of his
office his eyes lost in the urban Horizon they'll never know my whereabouts again he laughed to himself feeling invincible and Unstoppable his laughter echoed a mix of arrogance and disdain for the consequences of his actions revealing an excessive confidence in his ability to evade any responsibility a month had passed since those nights in Chicago and The Summer's glow had given way to a gentle Autumn Breeze the Chicago general hospital with its White Walls and long sterile corridors was now the unlikely setting for the reunion of three Fates intertwined by the same man Carson Smith Victoria
Ariana and Ruby each carrying the weight of their recent discoveries found themselves in the waiting room of the obstetric department Victoria held an ultrasound looking at it with a mixture of joy and apprehension Ariana was flipping through a magazine without really reading it her thoughts distant and Ruby was typing something on her phone with a worried expression it's strange how life can change so quickly isn't it Victoria broke the silence her voice a fearful whisper as she absent-mindedly looked out the window watching the leaves gently fall Ariana lifted her eyes meeting Victoria's gaze yes especially
when change comes from where we least expect it I I'm pregnant too Ariana confessed a shadow of hesitation in her words she nervously intertwined her fingers fearing her friend's reaction Ruby hearing the conversation paused and looked at the two I'm expecting a baby too must be the spring she tried to joke but her voice faltered at the end betrayed by the gravity of her worries she forced to smile trying to mask the fear she felt inside the father do you know the father Victoria asked her heart racing a suspicion began to take shape my story
isn't the best the father just disappeared off the face of the Earth her eyes searched her friends faces for any clue any coincidence that might explain the strange connection yes I met him on Tinder his name is Carson Arana replied confusion evident in her voice but it wasn't really by choice you know Ariana began tears starting to form in her eyes she lowered her head struggling to control her emotions he he seemed perfect at first but after what happened um I got scared Carson Smith Ruby interrupted her expression turning pale HEK the father of my
baby too what do you mean it wasn't by choice Ruby asked trying to piece together the puzzle oh he he must have put something in my drink I don't know Ariana tried to speak her voice breaking as tears stream down her face I just remember waking up the next day alone in bed he did things while I was asleep the shock of this discovery made them all sit down each processing the Betrayal and the coincidences that had brought them there Victoria with tears forming spoke first he told me he wanted something serious that he was
different how could we have been so deceived he's a liar a manipulator and an abuser Ruby said as anger began to replace the shock he did the same thing to me Ariana I can't imagine having a child fathered by an abuser we need to do something we can't let him keep doing this I feel the same way Ruby there are nights when I can't sleep well but our children aren't to blame for what happened we need to take care of them with all the love we can even though it happened in such a painful and
shameful way I'm going to protect my child with all my heart Ariana affirmed her voice determined though her eyes were still filled with tears the three women now United not only by by their trauma but by a growing desire for justice agreed to find a way to expose Carson the hospital's waiting room once a place of anxiety and fear became a cradle of Alliance and determination we have each other now Ariana said firmly holding Victoria and Ruby's hands and together we can do this we'll find a way to make Carson pay for what he did
to us her voice was Resolute conveying a strength that seemed to rekindle the group's Spirit I'm sorry for everything you went through girls thank God it didn't happen to me the same way I went of my own free will I really thought he was a good man you know Victoria shared her voice soft though her distant gaze revealed the pain of having been deceived Ruby and Ariana nodded we understand Victoria we all thought the same thing that's why we're together now we need to take him down once and for all they said their voices joining
in a chorus of resolve and courage it's going to be really hard and what about when our children ask about their father that will be so difficult Ariana said the worry evident on her face but at least they'll have each other and they'll have us who will fight to give them a better life if I could I'd swear I'd take that rotten man down myself Victoria muttered feeling a wave of anger and fury Rising within her she squeezed her friend's hands tighter as if drawing from them the strength needed to face what lay ahead he
won't destroy us we're stronger together in the cool morning at Chicago General Hospital a distinguished figure in a black blazer walked the corridors with a clear purpose McKenzie Guerrero stopped in front of the waiting room in the obstetric wing where three women United by a dark secret were sharing their stories of disillusionment sorry to interrupt McKenzie began immediately drawing their attention with her assertive voice I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about Carson Smith may I join you Victoria Ariana and Ruby exchanged 10 glances assessing the stranger Victoria always the most diplomatic nodded affirmatively yes
of course but who are you and how do you know about Carson Victoria asked the caution clear in her voice McKenzie sat down beside them maintaining an open and honest posture my name is McKenzie Guerrero I'm a CIA agent and I've been investigating Carson for some time he's part of an investigation into emotional manipulation and other crimes Mackenzie words brought a mix of surprise and relief among the women Ruby always the most skeptical raised an eyebrow challenging and what exactly do you want from us Ruby asked the distrust clear in her voice I want to
help you Expose and capture Carson you have something we need testimonies and evidence of his actions McKenzie explained her tone firm and convincing exuding a confidence that immediately influenced the atmosphere she sat facing them her posture demonstrating total dedication to the cause Ariana whose gentle nature often left her vulnerable felt a spark of hope but how can we trust you how do we know this isn't just another one of his tricks she asked her voice trembling slightly McKenzie nodded understanding their concern that's fair I can show you credentials and provide assurances about my mission additionally
I'm willing to work with you transparently our only goal is to stop Carson and protect other women from his manipulations Victoria emotional and still holding the ultrasound looked at her new Companions and then at McKenzie if you can really help us we're with you Carson destroyed part of our lives and we don't want him to do that to anyone else she declared with a newfound determination shining in her eyes McKenzie smiled a smile that promised not just support but revenge against the injustices they had suffered great let's start planning we have a lot of work
ahead I'm going to need everything you know about Carson every detail could help us set an effective trap the women spent the rest of the morning sharing their experiences while Mackenzie meticulously noted down every piece of information the atmosphere was tense but there was a new feeling in the air a mix of camaraderie and resolve together they were not just victims they were the driving force behind a hunt to capture a predator with MacKenzie by their side they finally felt they had a chance now that we're in this together let's make sure can no longer
hide behind his mask of perfection it's time to act Mackenzie Miller concluded closing her laptop with a decisive click they nodded in unison unified in their determination the fight ahead would be tough challenging and full of obstacles but McKenzie's arrival had brought new energy to the group The Morning in Chicago was particularly bright with a sky so clear it felt like a good omen for the tasks McKenzie and the three women had planned in a discreetly luxurious room at a boutique hotel McKenzie rolled out maps and displayed several photos of Carson at different locations around
the city here are the places Carson frequents regularly McKenzie pointed to each spot on the map luxury restaurants beach clubs and even this small theater where he likes to watch plays quietly Victoria Ariana and Ruby watched closely absorbing every bit of information McKenzie then revealed a box filled with surveillance equipment small cameras a audio recorders and even glasses with built-in cameras we're going to need you to wear some of these when you interact with him again we need everything documented McKenzie explained Distributing a set of discret recording devices to each of the women she handed
out a pair of glasses with a built-in camera a watch with audio recording capabilities and a broch that also functioned as a recorder Ruby took the glasses examining them with a mix of admiration and nervousness she turned them over in her hand noting how indistinguishable they were from a regular pair what if he notices what if everything goes wrong she asked her voice full of concern as her eyes sought reassurance from Mackenzie that's why we're going to rehearse everything beforehand every move every line Mackenzie assured her with a calmness that instilled confidence she stepped closer
placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder to reassure her we'll plan each interaction down to the smallest detail nothing will be left to chance bes besides I'll always be nearby monitoring everything McKenzie continued pointing to the monitor on her desk that would display the footage and audio captured by the devices you won't be alone in this we'll be in constant contact and at the slightest sign of something unplanned we intervene Ariana listening intently added we can do this together we're stronger and with your help McKenzie we have a real chance to make a difference McKenzie nodded
her determined gaze reflecting the seriousness of the mission we're doing this for all those who can't fight for themselves we'll bring Justice in the days that followed the women met several times rehearsing their interactions with Carson fine-tuning every detail of their stories and behaviors to ensure everything appeared natural McKenzie supervised each session correcting postures speech patterns and even facial expressions remember the key here is naturalness Carson is sharp he'll pick up on any signs of excess nervousness or forced Behavior McKenzie instructed you're strong intelligent women you can do this Victoria wearing the glasses with the
built-in camera for the first time looked at herself in the mirror she adjusted the frame slightly practicing A Smile as she observed how they fit perfectly on her face I feel like a spy in a movie She joked trying to ease the tension she felt her voice shaky but laced with an attempt at lightness you're better than a spy you're fighting for justice Ariana replied stepping closer with an encouraging smile she placed a hand on Victoria's shoulder looking at her reflection in the mirror with admiration and pride we're doing something important something bigger than ourselves
meanwhile Carson Smith was in his office anxiously browsing through social media in search of his next victim with an air of indifference he dismissed profiles one after the other this one isn't my type this one looks too old old hm this one might be a good choice he thought as his finger hovered over the profile of a woman who seemed to meet his Twisted criteria with his new Target selected Carson was ready to take the next step meeting her at a luxury restaurant you're doing great Victoria keep him talking we need to find out if
he has other targets McKenzie instructed through the earpiece discreetly hidden in Victoria's ear her words were a constant reminder of the purpose behind this risky mission so Carson how have you been this restaurant is beautiful I've never been to a place so elegant and luxurious Victoria glanced around complimenting the ambience with a sweet voice trying to appear fascinated while in reality she was focused on keeping Carson engaged in the conversation ah I've been busy as always but there's always time for Good Company Carson replied with a charming smile completely unaware that every word was being
recorded and every gesture analyzed his tone was light but the intentions behind his words were anything but innocent so Isabella do you believe in destiny he posed the question with practiced casualness using Victoria's false name in the conversation Victoria posing as Isabella responded naturally keeping her expression relaxed and interested inside however her anger was growing really Carson do you always use the same lines she thought her mind critiquing every cliche oh I guess so Carson why do you ask her response was carefully measured to encourage him to reveal more about his intentions without showing her
growing disdain while Victoria wo her web under McKenzie's guidance Ruby and Ariana prepared for the next phases of the operation they knew that success didn't depend on just one of them but on all of them United in a common purpose under the leadership of an unexpected Ally the Carson's mask operation was in full swing and the cat and mouse game had begun you always know how to create the perfect atmosphere Carson said Victoria her voice sweet and admiring but inside she maintained a constant vigilance she watched his every gesture every change in his expression as
she continued to play her role meticulously the Night Calls for something special doesn't it Isabella he replied maintaining an alluring gaze and a soft voice his smile was Charming designed to disarm and seduce as he gauged her reaction to his approach Victoria gave a slight smile lowering her head feigning a bit of shyness ah who knows right her response was intentionally vague a game of charm and disdain that she skillfully played to keep Carson interested without revealing her true intentions Carson gently stood up extending his hand to help Victoria rise so Isabella Will you accompany
me to my room he asked holding the hands of the woman he thought was Victoria trying to lead her deeper into his web Victoria pretending to have fallen into Carson's trap nodded with a flirtatious smile of course my prince how could I refuse such an offer her response was coetic with a layer of false admiration she hoped would convince him of her interest when they arrived at the room Carson as always offered a glass of champagne here Isabella some champagne for us to relax a little what Carson did not know was that mckenzi had already
installed a hidden camera in the room capable of recording everything together with the evidence from other victims they could use this recording to put an end to him once and for all oh of course what champagne is this Victoria asked pretending to be totally in love and Enchanted by Carson Carson always cunning often used his financial status to attract women even more ah this is G diamon one of the most expensive champagnes in the world a real Delight that we can enjoy tonight but this champagne doesn't compare to you Isabella come on Carson don't be
so silly Victoria replied giving an embarrassed laugh inside the van McKenzie and Ariana listened to the conversation between Victoria and Carson while Ruby kept an eye on the back exit of the restaurant Victoria keep acting naturally you're going to need to trust us now drink the glass of champagne in exactly 7 minutes we'll go up to the room we have to wait for the sedative to take a bit of effect on you so we can catch him in the ACT Victoria listening to McKenzie through her TI tiny earpiece still holding the glass of champagne felt
her heart race do I have to drink what if things don't go as we planned what if he no no I need to trust my friends Carson noticing Victoria's expression of nervousness for a moment inquired Isabella are you okay I know you're a bit nervous let's take it slow okay drink the champagne it'll be delicious Victoria took a sip from the glass of wine and minutes later began to feel her vision blur what's happening Carson I think I'm getting don't worry Isabella just stay calm and relax you won't remember a thing he responded preparing to
continue with another crime another victim but before Carson could even touch Victoria Ariana Ruby and McKenzie burst through the door appearing unexpectedly if you touch her one more time I swear I'll end you Carson Ruby shouted her voice filled with Fierce and unshakable determination she was ready to face any consequence to ensure Justice was served D you don't scare us anymore we're in this together and you're going to pay for everything you've done she added with a conviction that resonated in every word strengthening her stance before the man who had tried to destroy them Ariana
feeling frustration and anger at seeing Carson added it's over Carson you're going to pay for everything you did to me to Ruby to Victoria and to other women this woman who is unconscious isn't the Isabella you think she is the same Victoria you got pregnant and abandoned do you remember me do you you monster Ariana continued the outrage clear in her voice you drugged us to take advantage of our vulnerability how can you be so despicable tell me you coward and abuser Ruby shouted the fury growing inside her what is this a surprise party Carson
asked trying to mask his growing nervousness with a forced laugh that sounded more like a jarring note in the tense Silence of the room surprise Carson but not the kind You're Expecting Ariana replied her voice as sharp as the night Breeze she crossed her arms staring at him with a look that left no doubt about the seriousness of the moment Ruby wiping away the last defiant tears marking her face added with calculated coldness think of it as an intervention a chance for you to face the consequences of your games her stance was that of someone
who had not only overcome her own wounds but was determined to ensure Justice would Prevail Carson tried to speak but the look from Mackenzie who was now approaching made him hesitate she joined the group exuding the authority of her position with a folder full of documents and photos Carson Smith you are being accused of emotional manipulation and exploitation of vulnerability we have substantial evidence including testimonies and Records you thought would never see the light of day McKenzie declared opening the folder on the table for him to see this is ridiculous these are just relationships that
didn't work out out you can't accuse me of anything Carson retorted his voice trembling with anger and fear as he shook his head in disbelief his eyes wide as the accusation seemed to close in on him from all sides no Carson these aren't just relationships you planned and executed a series of emotional frauds and sexual abuses McKenzie responded Relentless her posture was firm and her voice carried an authority that resonated in the confined space silencing any Whispers of doubt and we're going to make sure each of these women gets Justice you won't be able to
hide behind your excuses any longer how many women have you gotten pregnant out there how do you sleep at night tell me you pathetic excuse for a man Ariana challenged her voice dripping with contempt our children will be born and I really hope they never know who their father was she declared spitting on the floor in a show of disgust as the confrontation escalated the sound of police sirens began echoing in the background growing louder until the blue and red lights illuminated the hotel Windows Carson looked around realizing his Escape was blocked you don't understand
I I just Carson tried to argue but the words died in his throat as two police officers arrived and approached him with Stern professional Expressions Carson Smith you are under arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say Canon will be used against you in court one of the officers announced handcuffing him as the other read him his rights the three women watched with Heavy Hearts burdened by the emotional toll of the night yet relieved to see Justice finally beginning to unfold Victoria still under the effects of the sedative Carson had put in
her drink seemed distant McKenzie placed a comforting hand on each of their shoulders offering a silent solidarity the next morning the first rays of sunlight filed through the curtains of the small Cafe where Victoria Ariana Ruby and McKenzie had decided to meet after Carson's tumultuous capture I never imagined we'd get this far Victoria murmured stirring her coffee absent-mindedly her eyes lost in deep thoughts neither did I but here we are and it's real Carson is going to pay for what he did Ariana replied trying to find comfort in the certainty of justice as she watched
people pass by the window unaware of the drama that had unfolded there Ruby always more focused looked at the two of the and said firmly now we have to think about the future how can we use what happened to help others I don't want our experience to be in vain Ruby's words were interrupted by the arrival of McKenzie who approached the table with a folder full of documents and a serious expression good morning everyone I have good news Carson has been formally charged and will face trial with the evidence we've gathered it's likely he'll be
convicted McKenzie announced placing the folder on the table that's great Mackenzie thank you for everything you've done for us Victoria said a tired smile emerging on her face Justice is being served but there's more I brought information about support groups and other resources that can benefit women who've been through similar situations also I was thinking we could work on an awareness campaign McKenzie suggested opening the folder and handing out flyers Ruby nodded that's important an awareness campaign could really make a difference we need to talk about ipulation and emotional abuse openly she said already considering
practical steps Ariana moved by the idea of turning their experiences into something constructive added enthusiastically we can organize workshops maybe even talks at schools and universities education is the key to prevention her eyes sparkled with the prospect of making a positive change and her voice carried a mix of Hope and determination and not just that she continued we can create support material videos and even online campaigns to reach a wider audience the idea seemed to grow with every word she spoke inspiring not only herself but also the others listening to her exactly and I have
contacts in several organizations that would be interested in supporting us we can build a support network that extends far beyond this Cafe McKenzie said excited by the potential to turn adversity into action but I will leave this duty to you three I'm dispersing from here stated Mackenzie G ero with a serious and determined expression her posture was firm conveying the gravity of her decision as she faced each of them trying to transmit both strength and farewell in her gaze Victoria incredulous asked but where are you going McKenzie just when we're going to need you the
most her voice carried a mix of surprise and concern reflecting the insecurity she felt about continuing without McKenzie's leadership I agree with Victoria McKenzie if it weren't for you I don't think we would have ever succeeded you need to be with us in the talks Ariana asserted reinforcing Victoria's plea McKenzie looked at each of them a slight sadness shadowing her eyes I understand the importance of what we're doing and I know how much you rely on me but there are other battles I need to fight now other areas where my presence is needed she explained
her voice soft yet firm you are stronger than you think and have everything you need to carry this forward my journey calls me elsewhere but I will with you in spirit always thank you for everything McKenzie Guerrero we and many other women are grateful for your help and for taking us in when we needed it most said Victoria her voice trembling but clear each word loaded with sincerity and respect a black car pulled up in front of the bakery and McKenzie quickly got in these girls are really strong they would be very useful to the
CIA thought Mckenzie Guerrero as she drove farther and farther away from that small Cafe returning to her duty to serve the CIA a who knows maybe in the future McKenzie smiled as she considered the possibilities 5 months later the afternoon cast Long Shadows over the small Park where Victoria Ariana and Ruby gathered to celebrate the First Community event on sexual violence on the podium Ruby with her six-month pregnant belly began to speak my friends and I are here today to show all the women who are pregnant and have been abandoned or even worse those who
have been violently sexually abused and are pregnant like us we are here to start something revolutionary something that will end sexual violence once and for all rubby paused for a moment allowing Victoria to continue that's right we will help and raise awareness for you to protect yourselves against these outrageous cases remember future mothers You are not alone now we have each other Ariana concluded the organization we are setting up will not only provide emotional support for you but also material support we will not leave anyone helpless together we will show the world what our organization
can do empowered women the people listening nodded feeling hope in those three women among the crowd many others who had also suffered the same plight were there moved by the words of support they felt that now they would have someone an organization that truly cared about them as they celebrated McKenzie Guerrero watched from the middle of the crowd these girls are incredible I knew I could count on you she thought with admiration turning to give a final goodbye she murmured I hope to meet you again one day Carson Smith was arrested accused of various crimes
primarily sexual abuse after drugging women in total 32 women were victims of Carson as a result he received a 60-year prison sentence as time passed Ariana Victoria and Ruby found themselves United not only by the anticipation of their children's births but also by their shared commitment to making a difference in Chicago the vibrant City facing its own challenges became the backdrop where they spread messages of support Hope and Faith touching the lives of many with their actions and words each in her own way they organized community events participated in Assistance programs and led awareness campaigns
all while navigating the complexities of their own pregnancies if this story captured your interest don't forget to give it a like And subscribe to our Channel Channel your support is essential for us to continue bringing you engaging and emotional stories regularly stay tuned because the next video will appear on your screen soon you won't want to miss it until next time and remember to activate notifications to stay up to date with our updates
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