How to learn Japanese FAST? Tips from a native speaker ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ“šโœจ๐ŸŒŽโœˆ๏ธ

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Ruri Ohama
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Video Transcript:
hi guys it's me judy today we're going to be talking about how to learn japanese and since i'm a native speaker in japanese i'm going to be sharing you guys my perspectives as a native speaker and i'm going to be talking about the mistakes that most of the foreigners make so before talking about tips let's talk about why to learn japanese so firstly i think this is the most common one it's to enjoy animes without subtitles when it comes to anime and when i look to do like english turkish german or subtitles most of them
cannot really represent the anime itself it's kind of like changes the meaning of the anime and i think watching anime without subtitles is the best thing that you can ever do in your life and also when it comes to animes characters have certain ways to talk and it really build up their character like how they talk how they kind of say things really shows actually their personality and when it comes to anime it is really important for example in jojo's bizarre adventure which is my all-time favorite anime if you haven't watched that just watch it
the way georgia characters talk is really different from the day-to-day life and from the other animes as well for example in jojo every character says janaika in japanese we normally say for example kind of like that but in jojo the characters are so different from the anime they say they use it it on purposely if you're a native speaker or if you are fluent in japanese you will understand jojo hundred percent if you are reading subtitles and if you are a foreigner who doesn't understand japanese or japanese culture you will understand maybe 50 of it
and still there are a lot of people enjoying jojo and other animes with reading subtitles if you're enjoying anime with subtitles maybe like let's say five point out of ten you will enjoy without subtitles ten out of ten it's so different it is so different to watch anime with subtitles versus actually understanding japanese so if you love anime i would highly highly recommend to learn japanese because it will change the whole experience i'm being productive only to watch anime without the guild so the second one is to visit or travel japan so if you're planning
to visit or travel to japan after this whole situation ends i would recommend you to learn a little bit of japanese here and there like some emergency things japanese people will appreciate your effort to speak japanese and they will help you i think 10 times better when you talk in japanese because when you ask something in english they will be probably scared and there will be probably maybe not to help not because they're ignorant because they're shy they're pretty shy when it comes to english so yeah before visiting japan i would recommend you to learn
in japanese a little bit because i'm sure that will help you and the third reason is for work or academical purpose so if you're going to be learning for it work or for academical purpose you really have to make sure that you know keigo which is the kind of they you show respect when you're talking in japanese it is very hard and when you are learning japanese for work or academical purpose i think it would be really really hard for you but keep going you have that okay so when it comes to learning japanese it
is really important to know hiragana katakana and kanji so where to start i would highly highly recommend you to start from your pronunciation and learning hiragana and katakana at the same time because they will show you how to pronounce things actually don't don't ever study japanese in romaji which is like the latin alphabets because it will change your pronunciation i think the pronunciation is the most most most important thing when it comes to learning a language don't rush to learn kanji first because even for japanese it takes years and years to learn kanji bots pronunciation
katakana and hiragana these are the really really important things when you want to improve your japanese pronunciation so when it comes to pronunciation as everybody knows watching animes youtube videos listening to japanese songs watching maybe ghibli movies are pretty good ways to learn japanese and make your pronunciation better because in animes and in ghibli movies you can hear the voice actors talking pretty clearly their pronunciation is 10 out of 10 so you can really learn from them but the problem with learning japanese with animes and the movies is that most of the words that they
use is not the words that we use daily as japanese people for example not a lot of people say or nantoka or something they are like the words that used to use japanese in the past so actually it depends really on what type of anime you watch but most of the time the words and the way that talk in anime is for making the things fun so most of the japanese of course don't talk in that way for vocabularies and for pronunciation watching movies and animes is very very important in my opinion but in order
to learn japanese in a proper way it is really important to interacting with the native speakers but how to interact with japanese native speakers right it is really hard these days to travel to japan because of the whole situation and also it is really expensive to travel to japan because japan is a pretty expensive country in my opinion especially if you're coming from a country like turkey so what you can do instead you can find native speakers online because the thing that i like about my generation is that internet is everywhere and everybody can use
internet so how to interact with native speakers the best way to do it and the most affordable way to do it is that using a language app so today's sponsor is hello talk i'm thanking for them to sponsoring my video and what is a hellotold so hellotalk is a free app where they have more than 150 languages you can find chinese japanese korean turkish german english arabic i don't know whatever language you want to learn you can find that in hellotalk and what you can do with hellotalk you can interact with the native speakers you
can chat with them you can have phone calls and you can send voice messages and in the chat system there is a ai which checks your pronunciation and also your grammar so when you're talking with a native speaker ai will automatically show the right way to say the sentence and we can have a chat we can have a conversation and then we can have phone calls etc and also in hello talk they have a timeline where you can post things and people will comment on you for example if you want to check your pronunciation you
can just like say the word use a like voice record option in hello talk and you can post it in your timeline and maybe ask for them is my pronunciation right and somebody will comment and somebody will help you and also you can get private lessons from native speaker teachers i'm thanking for hello talk to sponsoring this video go and check it out it's in a free app i think it's awesome i think it's amazing i realized that i haven't talked japanese in this video so let me talk a little bit in japanese in this
video so that i can prove that i'm a native speaker like that so how to learn hiragana and katakana i think you can learn them in just one day it doesn't take that much time the only thing that you have to do is really to practice right right and right and right they're not that hard and what is the difference between hiragana and katakana so hiragana is like the basic thing basic alphabet that you use we don't only use hiragana we combine them with kanjis and with the katakanas hiraganas and katakanas are actually the same
thing katakana is an alphabet that is used for foreign words for example coffee in japanese means kohi so let me write both of them in hiragana and also in katakana so as you can see i've written it with hiragana and also with the katakana so the upper one is hiragana and the lower one is katakana don't rush with the kanji we will get there but don't rush with learning kanjis learn hiraganas and katakanas and make your pronunciation better so let's talk about kanjis so i got a lot of questions saying that do i really need
to learn kanji my answer is that it really depends on your purpose of learning japanese if you want to learn it for fun if you want to learn it for understanding animes or movies you don't necessarily need to learn kanji but if you want to read something in japanese or if you want to use that japanese in japan then you really have to learn kanjis but you don't have to rush first because firstly improve your pronunciation and hiragana and katakana and communicate with native speakers and make japanese a habit in your daily life daily practice
is really important first do that after that worry about learning kanjis so if you want to do it in a fun purpose i don't think that you need to learn kanji however if you want to read something or if you want to use japanese for academical or work purpose then you really have to learn kanjis but the thing about the kanjis is that even for japanese it takes years and years to learn kanjis so i search it real quick and in order to read newspaper you have to know thousand and eight hundred kanjis so it
doesn't mean that you will be able to read every single news that you'll see but you'll understand most of the newspaper so you need thousands and hundreds kanjis to learn that when it comes to kanjis it is really important to do practices and there are a lot of kanjis that has the same pronunciation but the different meaning how to understand that is that using kanjis in daily life which you can do with the hellotalk when you're chatting with a native speaker you will automatically pick kanjis and it will improve your ability to select the right
kanji but when it comes to kanji it is important to write write write and write and use them daily like even me i'm not really good at kanjis i can read kanjis but i cannot really write kanjis because i don't use them daily in my daily life i don't use kanji i just type so i don't really write kanjis i'm not really good about writing kanjis but you know when i'm typing of course i can choose the right kanji so i just cannot remember the kanji itself but do i have any difficulties in japan when
i'm in japan absolutely not it won't really help you your phone will help you when you are trying to write something in japanese because i type in japanese i look up to the kanji and i write the same thing when it comes to kanji if you're doing for work academical purpose i would highly recommend you to learn kanjis practice them use them daily there is no shortcuts to learn kanji but as i said if you are learning it for understanding animes or movies you don't really need to learn them i can make a whole video
about learning kanjis better and how to read in japanese and how to watch animes effectively or how to watch movies and listen to songs effectively i can do a video about that if you guys want let me know in the comments down below but these are the basic things you have to really know [Music] so let's summarize this video first point screw romaji so latin alphabet and learn hiraganas and katakanas instead of them secondly focus on your pronunciation and while you're focusing on your pronunciation learn hiraganas and katakanas at the same time never use romaji
learn like japanese and third one when you are practicing your pronunciation and your vocabulary don't forget to watch animes movies and listening to songs and also like j-dramas i think they're pretty good they're like pretty sweet so watching j-dramas is also a good way and fourth one is interacting with the native speakers you can use hellotalk to do that chat with them make phone calls post something on timeline and use a translator focus your grammar focus your kanjis and all that stuff and the fifth step is learning kanjis it's important to do some practices write
them write them write them use them daily and type in japanese read in japanese write in japanese just make japanese as a part of your life and that's the summary of the video as i said if you want a video about how to read in japanese or how to watch animes effectively i can make another video let me know in the comments down below i'll probably make a video about that i hope you find this video helpful and let me see you in my next video bye for now bye
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