Stop Wasting Your Life - 7 Things I Quit to Go From Broke to Millionaire

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Dan Martell
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stop wasting your time I'm going to share with you the seven things that I quit to go from broke to multi-millionaire when kids come up to me in my supercars they always ask what do you do but I always share with them it's not what I do it's what I don't do starting with number one don't spend time with people who suck your energy I call them energy vampires so I grew up with this friend that I've known since elementary school and I realized that he'd only ever call me when he needed something from me
never called me when I had something to share that was good he never called me when he heard that I was having a hard time he never called me for any other reason then he needed somebody to help Ave something or maybe borrow some money or he was bored and I realized that is not the kind of friend I want in my life so I just decided to stop responding to his calls to create some space to not respond so quickly I asked myself one day what does a great friend look like and it occurred
to me there was no part of the characteristics of what a great friend would act like he was acting and yet I just believe because I sat next to him in math class that I had to be friends with him for the rest of my life that's crazy spend time with people who want more for you not more from you there's a lot of people out there and if they're not a good friend when you're winning and an ear when you're not doing well you don't want those people in your life and that's why I
call it a friend ventory you want to audit the people around you and cut them out if they're not supporting your dreams if they make it hard for you to win why would you want those people in your life and the cool part is if you say no to somebody you eventually say yes to a new friend you create the space for somebody new to come into your life that can support you and Propel you forward the way I think about it is today's energy shapes tomorrow's reality so I have to protect my energy if
you want your life to get better you have to change your energy you have to show up with more positivity and opportunity and positive expectation that's how you change your life and the truth is is your environment is everything think about it you could have the most positive attitude and wish that everything is hot but if I put you in a commercial freezer you're going to freeze to death your environment sets your internal thermostat not your positive attitude so make sure that you really audit the people around you if you want to stop wasting your
life the first thing you need to do is cut out everyone sucking your energy which brings us to number two which is don't ask for advice from people who haven't done what you want to do I have these people that come up to me at the gym they see me working out and they start to try to give me advice on how to work out and I look at them and I'm not being rude it's just if I do the push-up the way you're telling me will I look like you because you don't look like
my trainer my coach Allen looks like Superman that guy I listen to all day long somebody else I don't not cuz I'm trying to be rude but because what if I listen to them and they don't mean to be harmful and then they cause me to get off track so here are some of my life principles I don't take Fitness advice from a fat life coach I don't take business advice from a business coach who has no business I don't take parenting advice from Elon Musk the guy's been married three times he has 12 kids
he's a world-class engineer if I was building a rocket or any company he's the guy I want to talk to how to be in a marriage and how to have great relationship with their kids no and you got to choose so this is where everybody makes the mistake because they don't know anybody else and when they have big life decisions they usually turn to their parents the challenge with that is the strategy is flawed because if your parents haven't achieved the thing you want then they're going to give you the advice that got them what
they've got and if it isn't where you want to end up then you're just going to follow what they tell you to do to get to exactly where they're at if you want to be an Olympic Athlete go get advice from somebody who's been to the Olympics not the person that's a weekend warrior surround yourself with people who have what you want and don't be afraid to ask them questions success leaves Clues if you know how to ask to figure out what the clues are same thing goes for your friends your co-workers your boss if
the person hasn't done the thing that you want to do if you don't admire the area of the life that you want results in don't internalize their advice which brings us to point three which is don't blame anyone or anything for your situation when I was younger I used to blame everyone for anything any situation that happened in my life it was somebody else's fault I was late for work somebody cut me off in traffic didn't get the deal it's because somebody didn't like me on the call nobody else was responsible for my situation I
was the person that became me I was the one that had the call I was the one that was driving my car I was the one that couldn't prepare early enough to show up on time so what I realized is that when I blamed other people I lost the ability to control my situation I can't control other people I can control me and if everything is my fault I have control over that blaming other people is another way of just giving away your power when you take responsibility you take take control imagine cooking a meal
and it doesn't turn out as planned blaming the ingredients won't help instead take responsibility as a chef you cook the meal you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you respond the ability to control your emotions your feelings it's the number one predictor of success in life if any person can easily get you on tilt get you to react then they control you and you're not going to be able to manipulate the situation the way you need to get the results you want if other people can get you upset really easily
one of my favorite quotes that I heard is we're not creatures of circumstance we're creators of circumstance we control the ability to shape our reality the world isn't as it is the world is as we are because if our internal feelings are set right then everything external can either feel great or feel really hard if you want to stop wasting your life taking ownership of everything in your life will give you power to change it which brings us to number four which is don't say yes to every opportunity that comes your way when I started
I used to say yes to everything I was so worried if I didn't I would miss out on big opportunities cuz I didn't have a whole lot going in my life but then what happened is I said yes there so many things that I couldn't actually get anything done so everything I was committed to got done poorly and then people started getting mad at me and I realized that saying yes is easy saying no is hard a person that never says no I can't trust their yes cuz eventually they're going to let me down you
don't want to be that person I have a buddy he always says yes to me and because he's always saying yes I can't trust his yes cuz I'm assuming he's saying yes to everybody else and eventually something's going to fall through the cracks he can't possibly do it all Steve Jobs always said sometimes the most productive thing you can do is to say no think of your responsibilities like items in a backpack if you keep adding more items without removing anything it becomes too heavy to carry you only want to say yes to things that
align with your goal and your vision saying no to a very cool opportunity today is saying yes to your dreams and your goal if you want to win the biggest way possible and you haven't had success yet pick one thing and decide to do it for a decade I call it a dedic decide to go 10 years all in put your heads down saying no to everything else be maniacal be focused decide to be the tip of the spirit to become the best in the world at that thing and Trust in the process if you
want to stop wasting your life saying no will make sure you don't spread yourself too thin which brings us to number five which is don't be a prisoner to your device I do a youth program called Kings club and I'm always talking to young men and recently I was talking to one of them about their number one Vice I was like what's your thing what's stopping you what's making life hard and he looks at me holds out his phone he shakes it he said my phone every time I know I got to get something done
I go on my phone and I start scrolling 2 3 4 hours later I put off all the stuff I know I need to do and I don't get it done and it occurred to me the reason why is cuz he doesn't have a plan for his life he doesn't know what the scrolling is robbing from him cuz he hasn't built a real plan for a vision for his life think of your attention your focus like a car on on the road if you get stuck in traffic of notifications and apps and doom scrolling on
social media you'll find yourself going nowhere instead of cruising towards your goals go turn off all your notifications like right now your attention is way too valuable think about it your focus your energy your productivity is worth way more than a red Jewel notification some person's Snapchat to you the truth is if you're addicted to your phone your life's just not that interesting go make it interesting go create big plans go have a vision for your life that pulls you forward that scrolling on social media isn't even an option because you're too excited to go
create the thing that you see yourself doing in 5 years just have more fun things scheduled in your calendar and if you're really having a hard time schedule them with other people if you are committed to go to the gym with your buddy I guarantee you're not going to miss going to the gym if it's just you you'll probably skip out just cuz you want to scroll on social media turning off all notification is the simplest and most effective way to stop wasting your life which brings us to number six which is don't read books
study them when I started reading I was so hungry to read books and to get them off my to-do list cuz people were giving me you got to read this you got to read this you got to read this that I would just speedread these books I didn't write anything down I didn't highlight anything I didn't make comments or anything I was just reading to have read and then it occurred to me that the real value from a book is not the information it's the application it's actually executing the things that you're learning so I
started to develop this muscle the jfdi muscle just effing do it which is as soon as I read something actionable in the book I took took action even better than that was start to teach other people around me what I was learning why in Reading knowing I'm going to teach I read completely different often times we already know what we should have done we read that book but did you do the things in the book so my recommendation is figure out where you're stuck in life and only read books that can help you unlock the
next skill you have to acquire the belief around the world or Implement a habit in your life that'll get you incredible results I call it just in time not just in case you recommend a book to me I'll buy it it'll probably sit there until I have the need and I go oh yeah somebody recommended a book on that topic and then I'll go study it same goes for all my information my YouTube videos my podcast resources courses I buy I cue them up and I study them when I have the problem not just cuz
I bought it most people read or consume courses or hire a coach just so they can feel good about themselves cuz the easiest decision to spend money I call it shelf help you're just consuming knowledge to put on a shelf to have a badge that you can tell people I read that book but are you doing what's in the book if the answer is no stop study execute so if you want to stop wasting your life take action on the things you learn instantly which brings us to number seven which is don't compare yourself to
anyone but yourself I used to compare myself to people my age people in my city people that were more successful than me and honestly all it did is made me depressed I was worried I was behind I wasn't moving fast enough I didn't think big enough I wasn't that impressive nobody should take the time to talk to me and and then it occurred to me one day that the only person that I'm actually competing against is me from yesterday me from last year because over time I'm not anybody else I don't have their brain I
don't have their body I don't have their relationships I don't have their environment their situation but guess what they don't have mine and the only thing I can do is take who I am and ask myself honestly am I getting better am I focus on the things that I can control and if I can get 1% better every day that compounds like mad over a year over a decade change your life and comparing yourself to somebody else will just steal your confidence think of your experience as a Spotify playlist comparing to someone else ignores the
value of your own unique taste who you are what you love focus on curating your own playlist that resonates with you I always say to people why would you compare your chapter 3 to somebody else's chapter 27 I've been in business for 27 years if you're just starting off 6 months a year 3 years in why would you compare s to me if anything know that I've been doing this for 27 years and when you're at 27 years cuz you're watching this or you're listening to this I expect you to be way further along because
you have access to people that I didn't have access to and the biggest thing you can do is just be yourself it's the most unique thing that you have everything that you're insecure about is what makes you you you may not like the sound of your voice the way your nose is shaped the way your ears are shaped you might think that you're not very smart but I'm telling you if you lean into it that's what makes you you it's what makes you memorable trying to pretend that's not who you are or trying to compare
yourself to somebody else or be somebody else is just going to steal all the potential of you standing out in this world and we live in a world where you want to be unique you want to be authentic so take advantage of it those are seven things I quit to not waste my life but if you want to learn the 40 brutal truths I wish I knew in my 20s click the link and I'll see you on the other side
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