[Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout blippy hey it's me blippy oo and it's night time and we're in a parking lot there's so many stores wow look at this store it's the Kinderland indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada come on wow this place is so colorful before we play we need to take off our [Music] shoes all right one shoe two shoe now we're ready to play come [Music] on whoa look at this Hello whoa I'm in a little house oo it's a yellow ball watch [Music] this and a
blue [Music] ball a green ball [Music] a red [Music] ball and an orange [Music] ball holy C look over here yeah it's a ball pit I'm going to jump inside wo wo wao so many colable walls wo what is this it's a dinosaur and this is a pterodactyl listen dinosur bye-bye pterodactyl let's see what else we can find wo wa wo [Music] W wao this is another dinosaur and this is a tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur dinosaur oh I love dinosaur I like Tyrannosaurus Rexes bye-bye wao wao oh look this is a Stegosaurus let's act like a
Stegosaurus together okay ready [Music] dinur dinosur byebye [Music] [Music] wow so many colorful balls let's keep [Music] playing wo look this is a police car vom vom vom vom W look it's a garbage truck wow I love garbage day and garbage trucks wo this is a giant cement mixer look you spin this right here bye-bye woo look a fire truck got to put out the fire ooo a dump truck wo W wo wo and yeah a vacuum all right nice and clean whoo look at this giant orange spiked ball wo wo [Music] W ooh look
at this it's a blue ball wo wo W wo and this is a small orange and blue spiked ball [Music] wo wo woo look at this hello come on wo look a slide all right here I go wo that slide was so much fun oh it's so colorful I'm going to climb to the [Music] top wao W wo wo yeah I'm the king of the world wo wo okay now it's time to get down what's this over here hello are you hungry yeah I'm really hungry I went shopping earlier look at all of these fruits
and vegetables yum let's see what we're going to cook together oo oh look hey got to put out the dishes first the plate and the bowl oo look at this I cooked you some spaghetti all right yum let's season it M yum there you go oo and you know what else I have do you like pizza yeah okay look at this yum that looks so tasty all right let's take the spatula and cut the pizza out oh look at that piece of pizza for you all right perfect there you go oh it's so hot just
came out of the oven ooh to make it even hotter we should put some hot sauce on it but before we put some hot sauce let's try it out [Music] this [Applause] help W look at these come here W this has wheels on the bottom I'm going to let it roll here we go that was awesome oh here's another one I wonder what would happen happen if I rode it all right here we go W that was so much fun o here's another one all right here we go get [Music] ready yeah oo look at
this structure come on [Music] oo look at these steps they're so colorful this is the color black this is a new color wo this is maroon this color is the color pink blue green purple red and gray [Music] wow look at this wow it's a slide okay here I go wo W wo [Applause] wo wo wo so many coloral balls watch this I'll do that again all right I'm going to throw really hard it bounced off the wall and hit me in the face W wo wo wo Watch Out w hello woo look at this
yellow net wo and look at what it is over here wow it's a giant red slide wo hey and look at what's in the way wo that's a lot of big soft blocks it's time to go but they're in the way hm wait a second why don't I slide down and plow them over are you [Music] ready all right here I go [Music] w w oh that was so much fun playing at Kinderland indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my
videos you know what to do yeah just search for my name let's spell blippy together ready B Li I PPI blippy good job all right bye-bye