15 Spartan Life Rules (How To Be Mentally Strong)

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RedFrost Motivation
The Spartans were a warrior culture hell-bent on producing the toughest citizens to have ever lived....
Video Transcript:
the greatest shame for a spartan was to return home alive from a lost battle so too do not return from a challenge having not given everything only consume plain food and never eat to the point of satisfaction this will not only bring about a leanness for battle but also foster mental fortitude seek out intense competition you will push yourself much harder [Music] every spartan should undergo a rite of passage a physical or mental trial once completed you are born again better than ever [Music] speed strength and agility are less essential and stamina grid endurance and
courage accepting death will allow you to live your life courageously it unshackles the mind from the limitations of fear bringing forth your true potential do not engage in gossip only engage in conversation that will nourish and strengthen your spirit fight for a good cause use every ounce of your being to push that cause further and do not be afraid to defend it surround yourself with people who are ruthlessly devoted to becoming their greatest [Music] selves a leader does not watch on safely from the rear [Music] continuously introduce yourself to difficult situations where you are forced
to either sink or swim a great spartan must have the ability to quickly adapt [Music] partake in structured organized and well-respected training programs ensuring you see them through to the finish refuse to be a victim of circumstance learn to be self-reliant and prepared for any situation find ways to implement short bursts of discomfort into your daily life this will ensure growth and prevent you from falling into sloth dedicate yourself to perpetual physical training regardless of circumstance and feelings you
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