Egyptian Gods Explained In 13 Minutes | Best Egyptian Mythology Documentary

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The Life Guide
The Egyptian Gods - Egyptian Mythology has the most interesting Gods of the ancient world, including...
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this video is sponsored by Skillshare at the beginning of time there was only known the primeval waters of chaos then in a great flood the Sun got a term rose from the water and wilt himself into creation a term then created air a Sun he named shoe and moisture a daughter he named Tefnut they were the first divine pair and soon had children of their own the earth named gab and the sky called nut the second divine pair then had four children of their own Osiris Isis Seth and neftis completing the group of nine primeval
gods known as DNA owed a Cyrus then married his sister Isis and the two ruled over Egypt together in an unprecedented time of peace and prosperity however they're jealous brother Seth desired the throne for himself and murdered Osiris dismembering his body and scattering the parts across the land Isis then searched for the pieces of her husband's body and with the help of her sister net this was eventually able to collect them with the help of the scholar god Thoth and the funeral god Anubis Isis was able to reconstruct Osiris creating the first mummy a cyrus
impregnated Isis after his resurrection however he was too weak to remain in the world instead traveling to the Jew at the Land of the Dead where he became Lord Seth then took the throne for himself forcing Isis to flee and give birth to her son Horus in hiding she raised Horus until he was an adult and able to challenge his uncle Seth for the throne after a violent contest the case was settled in a divine legal trial hosted by the unaired acting as judge was GAAP god of the earth who ruled in favor of Horus
who then took his rightful place as king of Egypt future Pharaohs claimed descent from Horus with it being this divine ancestry that gave them the right to rule among the hidden one was the foremost God of Egypt thought to be the invisible force behind all things even creation itself unlike other gods who were linked to only one aspect of the world such as the sky the earth or the Sun a moon was a universal God who had links to all parts of the cosmos his prominence also increased as he absorbed other gods throughout Egyptian history
taking on their roles and powers the most important of these was his merger with the Sun God raah combining to become a man DRA in this role he became linked with the Sun which was an essential part of the Egyptian world it is in this combined state that a moon raw rose to prominence becoming Egypt's chief deity and king of the Gods a moon became so widely worshipped that he came close to becoming the sole deity of Egypt the other gods merely being aspects of his great power Osiris judge of the Dead and king of
the underworld was one of the most respected gods of ancient Egypt his story of death and resurrection inspired the Egyptians to follow in his footsteps and seek immortality for themselves the elaborate tombs and burial rituals found in ancient Egypt were all built in search of this goal with the funerary practices being done to aid the spirit in its journey through the underworld pharaohs and wealthy Nobles could afford more elaborate burials with trinkets and spells to help them in their journey but it was entirely possible for the average Egyptian to survive the underworld as well the
soul would travel through the underworld avoiding dangerous monsters until it reached the Hall of ma at the goddess of truth here the soul would stand before 42 judges and proclaim its innocence of a specific sin to each after this the sword of its heart weighed on a scale by the gods Anubis and Thoth the pure of the heart the lighter it would be if it rose above the weight or the feather of truth that was placed on the other scale then the soul would past the trial and Cyrus would evaluate his worthiness to pass into
the afterlife if it was heavier however then the monster Amit would come and devour the heart erasing the soul from existence you Egypt's most important goddess Isis was so beloved that her worship practically eclipsed that of her husband Osiris as mother of Horus the god who represented kingship she was thought of as the mother of the Pharaoh with each Pharaoh thought to be under her protection her healing magic was invoked by ordinary people greatly aiding her popularity and she was thought to use magic to protect the entire kingdom from its enemies her magic was so
strong that she even used it to challenge the mighty Sun God rahhh she created a snake to bite him only hailing him of its venom when he revealed his true name to her which greatly enhanced her power son of isis and osiris and god of kingship Horus took an important place in the pantheon of gods as the mythological rightful king of Egypt each Pharaoh was thought to embody Horus during life and his father a cyrus during death Horus was also considered to be Lord of the sky imagined as a great cosmic falcon whose right eye
was the son and left eye was the moon with the downsweep of his wings producing the winds Seth good of chaos and destruction opposed the harmony presented by the divine trade of a cyrus Isis and Horus known as the red one Seth personified anger violence and was often thought of as the embodiment of evil he was a god of the desert or red land threatening growth and vegetation that was needed for life itself as a mythological opponent of Osiris and his rightful heir Horus Seth represented rebellion and discord within the kingdom Seth was sought to
express himself in the world through crime disease civil unrest and foreign invasion despite all this seth played an important role in the nightly journey of the song god rah through the underworld every night Seth would travel with rah in his bark until the serpent Apophis rose mortal enemy attacked the serpent would hypnotize all the gods including raw and would only be resisted by Seth who would stab it with his spear repelling the Beast arguably the most important deities of Egyptian mythology were the Sun gods for most of these gods was raw whose body was thought
to be the Sun itself raw was thought to have created man from his tears which fell to the earth he then created kingship and ruled over his subjects as the first king until he became old and weary he decided to depart earth and was raised up to the heavens on the back of the sky goddess nut it was here that he became king of the heavens now ruling over the gods instead it was thought that the Scarab God Khepri represented the Morning Sun as he pushed the solar disc from the horizon to the sky in
the same way scarab beetles robles of mud along the ground represented the midday Sun as he sailed across the sky in his day bark from sunrise to sunset accompanied by an entourage of gods the Creator God at home was then thought to represent the Setting Sun each day at nightfall raaah entered the underworld on his evening bark and fought off his nemesis giant serpent Apophis with the help of the gods traveling with him rahrr was rejuvenated on his nightly trip and was reborn anew each day at dawn to repeat the process all over again [Music]
as a manifestation of his power several goddesses acted as the eyes of rah these goddesses were some of the strongest deities in Egyptian mythology crushing the enemies of the Sun God with their immense power because of their ferocious aspect these goddesses were often depicted as lionesses most prominent of these lioness goddesses was Sekhmet the daughter of rah she was known to breathe fire in battle with the hot winds of the desert being known as the breath of Sekhmet it was thought that when rarr grew old and tired at the end of his kingship on earth
his human subjects plotted to usurp him Ross and Sekhmet to punish them whose wrath was so intense that she nearly wiped out all of humanity not all of Rods eyes were as ferocious as Sekhmet however Bastet was such a goddess starting out as a lioness deity but transforming into a cat deity from the Middle Kingdom onward as her ferocious aspects were toned down she still fought for are helping battle his eternal foe Apophis but was also a protective deity watching over women during pregnancy and acting as a nurse to the Pharaoh some of the eyes
took the form of a cow symbolizing their procreative role one such goddess Hathor was the goddess of women and motherhood and was strongly connected with female sexuality she was thought to watch over conception and childbirth she was sometimes depicted as either the mother or wife of Horus the god of kingship thus the Pharaoh was called the son of hathor and queens were associated with the goddess she was also linked to the afterlife with women eager to assimilate with her after death in the same way men wish to assimilate with Osiris neath was another eye of
Rahu took the form of the cow in some accounts she predates creation itself and was the creator of raw his enemy Apophis and of mankind itself she therefore embodied a maternal figure for both gods and humans she was the mother of the crocodile god Sobek and was thought to care for all the crocodiles of Egypt her maternal side was contrasted with her warlike role where she was said to be a master Archer this association with weaponry led the Greeks to associate her with their own goddess of warfare Athena pitar was the god of craftsman and
the patron of the great city of Memphis which was the first capital of Egypt after its unification around 3000 BCE it was the view in Memphis that Betar was responsible for creation with him creating the world true thought and creative words he was believed to be the sculptor of the earth forming the planet and much on it on his potter's will it was Betar that created the arts and crafts who then shared his gifts with humanity Anubis god of embalming watched over burials to ensure souls made their way through the afterlife he watched over tombs
and punished grave robbers who had desecrate the dead he had a strong link to his father a cyrus whose body he wrapped after death creating the first mummy he became God of the embalming practice thought to watch over the embalming booths where priests would prepare a body for burial the canopic jars which would hold important organs during the embalming process would sometimes be modeled after Anubis although it became more common for them to feature the four sons of Horus with each protecting one of the lungs stomach liver or intestines after watching over the burial Anubis
would then take a key role in judging the souls worthiness to enter the afterlife weighing its heart against the feather of truth only if the soul passed would Anubis send the soul to a cyrus for final judgment thoth was the god of writing and knowledge along with balance and harmony he was thought to have been born from the forehead of Seth after he had eaten the seed of Horus Thoth was a moon God and was thought to have healed Horus his eye when Seth injured it in their battle for kingship the men did I now
thought to represent the moon Thoth invented the art of writing and became scribe of the gods recording the divine words as well as recording the passage of time and the reigns of Pharaohs he watched over his sacred houses of life which were libraries or centers of writing attached to temples his wife was Seche it who herself was a goddess of libraries writing and a keeper of books as a God of balance Thoth took part in the judging of the dead standing by when the heart was weighed and noting the outcome for his records if he
want to learn to write like Thoth or master the arts like guitar then you should check out Skillshare the first 500 people to use the link in the description will get their first two months for free Skillshare is an online learning community that you can use to expand your horizons with thousands of classes in design business technology and more Skillshare has something for everyone from how to take the best photographs at night to tips on presenting you'll get classes from experts in their fields ensuring you have high quality teaching for the subjects you enjoy with
an annual subscription of less than $10 a month Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to these high quality classes so you can improve your skills unlock new opportunities and do the work you love and since Skillshare is sponsoring this video the first 500 life goat viewers to use the link in the description will get their first two months for free click on the link in the description and start learning today [Music] you
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