The Mirror Principle: “This is how they keep you enslaved”

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Quazi Johir
The Mirror Principle is one of the reasons why I BECAME a MILLIONAIRE in just 4 years. Entrepreneur...
Video Transcript:
the world is a mirror forever reflecting what you're doing within yourself never this isn't just a nice idea it's the reality that shapes your life in my personal development Journey everywhere I look there is one principle that I always keep coming back to one principle that governs all of reality and this principle is known as the mirror principle see when I finally mastered mirror principle I was able to break free from the 9 to5 grind built a seven figure business and was able to finally stop living paycheck to paycheck but here's the truth that no
one is telling you the same principle that can set you free is actually being used against you by those in power look it's not a new tactic let's go back to the days of slavery in the American South in the 1800s slave owners kept their slaves doile and obedient by feeding them scraps and fatty foods things like pork fat off cuts of meat and cornmeal this high fat High cob diet became a form of control keeping slaves physically full but mentally and spiritually drained too tired to revolt too complacent to fight back over time this
diet evolved into what we now call soul food but its Origins are rooted in keeping people submissive and easier to manage and here's where the parallels to Modern Life get Eerie Dr Robert lustig's research has exposed how the food industry today is doing the exact same thing pumping processed foods full of sugar and chemicals that hijack your brain's reward system these Foods flood you with temporary pleasure spiking your dopamine but leave you sluggish addicted and easier to control it's the modern version of keeping the masses docile through comfort food just like the slave owners did
centuries ago but food is just one tool in the elites Arsenal the media works the same way Edward Benes the father of modern propaganda laid out the blueprint for how governments and corporations manipulate public opinion through fear-based narratives constant distractions and sensationalism they keep us glued to the external World never questioning the deeper truths within and the science backs it up Dr Lisa Barret has shown in her research that your emotions don't just reflect your reality they actually create it your brain constructs the world around you based on the internal state that you hold when
you're constantly fed fear anxiety and scarcity that's the reality you live in this is the mirror principle live in action your outer world is just a reflection of your internal world and here's the truth the elites have been using this principle to keep you trapped they manipulate the reflection keeping you stuck in a cycle of fear scarcity and distraction but once you understand the mirror principle and take control of your inner world Everything Changes the reflection will have no choice but to follow in today's video I'm going to show you how the elites have been
using the mirror principle against you and more importantly how you can reclaim it to create the life that you've always wanted let's get started so to begin with I want to share with you the potency of the mirror principle if you consistently and persistently apply it this is what could happen with your life so I want to share with you a story with uh of one of our clients Shams so if you look at this screenshot right here Shams has been with us for slightly over a year he's been working together with us in our
reality mastering program which is for entrepreneurs and business owners where we help them create their realities but mainly scale their businesses by learning methods of reality creation like visualization like mirror principle that I'm sharing with you right here so in the instance of Shams what he was able to do was completely miraculous he was able to go from 4K a month to 33k a month in one year in his car detailing company he also went on to lose around £42 he also feels a lot more happier and present to the moment when he posted this
in our customer Community I actually commented asking hey what do you think was the main thing that contributed to this his answer was thanks quasi I strive to embody the mirror principle acting as if success is already achieved depending on the situation I Channel different facets of my Alter Ego so this is the crucial part here using the mirror principle but not just using it actually deeply understanding the four laws and using it consistently so today I'm going to share with you just that in hopes that you can get results just like shems let's get
started with principle number one what you have to understand is that the mirror of reality is dual what does that mean just like a normal mirror one side has the image that you present to it the other side presents to you a reflection so for us the side that we're seeing right now the reflection that we're seeing right now is limited it's the physical world but it also has a non-physical side to it the image that we present the internal world that we can tell into is the non-physical side that contains the all space I
want you to really remember this the all space is what's referred to as the quantum realm where every single possible combination can be manifested when we tune into it through what I'm going to share with you with our hearts and Minds when we are energetically tuned into a particular sector of reality we stream it into existence when we're tapped into it we present that image to the mirror of reality once we present that image and hold it for long enough the mirror has no choice but to reflect so now let's talk about principle number two
what actually chooses that sector of reality what is it that makes one particular sector of reality and not another one why are you this and not that well that's because the reflection that you're seeing right now in the mirror is formed in the unity of heart and mind when our thoughts and our feelings come together when there is a congruence and what we're thinking thinking and how we're feeling we form a very powerful reflection in the mirror the mirror of reality immediately begins to reflect that which we feel Unity towards so for people who are
very deep pessimists if you look at their lives right now and you ask hey why is he like this it's very clear to see that this person all they do is complain about their circumstances about how they're a victim and how Society has failed them they have a million in one different situations to blame and because of that because they truly believe that they feel deeply that they have been let down by society and they blame society they think thoughts of society letting them down guess what happens that's what the reflection is that they're seeing
when they fear losing money and they fear going back to where they started they always keep experiencing that same pattern in their lives where they're constantly in debt or they're constantly failing businesses and they're constantly taking out more loans and the same pattern keeps happening they keep attracting the same toxic relationships over and over again they can't seem to find the partner that they want why does this keep happening it's you it's the thoughts and feelings that you have and it is these thoughts and feelings that's causing this people when they start to learn about
the law of attraction and personal development and start to practice all of this stuff the number one reason people never get any kind of result is because there is an unclear image that you're presenting to the mirror of reality what do I mean by that you're lacking unity in heart and mind you think one thing but you feel another way so let me ask you this when you've started to practice something and you haven't quite seen the results yet let's say in my instance I intended for business success to happen I wanted to quit my
9 to-5 and I wanted to start up my own business and have the kind of Freedom that I wanted when I thought about all of the things that I would have to do and what I'm not good at immediately when I thought about business and starting up a business what did I think well I want to get away from the 9 to-5 but I have to do all of these things that I don't really know how to do I have to learn all of these skills that I don't have I was focusing on the don'ts
and the can'ts instead of I can and I will when I first used to think about the thing that I wanted I always focused on what I couldn't do and what I didn't want and the more I focused on what I couldn't do what I didn't want even though my thoughts were focused on the business there was a misalignment in my heart and what I felt so ask yourself this when you try to manifest money or you Tred to create the kind of relationship that you want what is the thing that you're focusing on feeling
wise are you focusing on oh sh see this happened again I keep failing these jobs and like not making any money in sales you know this pattern just keeps happening and I don't know why I don't know why instead of taking responsibility for it and changing that pattern consciously you unconsciously fall back to the same old stories that you've been telling yourself and that's why you keep experiencing the same reality you've been experiencing nothing changes because you don't change first because the image doesn't change first how can you expect the mirror to smile if you
don't smile first first right that's the reality of it when I experienced true success in my life it was when I was able to change that internal conversation and the stories that I was telling myself so I went from looking at what I wanted to get away from to what I wanted to move towards it's kind of like having Target fixation have you ever been on the highway and you look at the car next to you and you're like hey I want to move away from that car the more you focus on moving away from
that car the more you actually move towards it you steer towards that car why does that happen human beings we have this Servo mechanism as Max maltz would put it in Psycho cybernetics we have this Servo mechanism that we're Target fixated we're Target fixated creatures it doesn't matter what we want to move away from and what we want to move towards whatever we focus on we're going to move towards it so when I change my focus from I want to get away from the 9 to5 and I want to get away from being a corporate
slave and trading in my time for money and just doing something that I hate every single day that burns me out that I have no passion for whatsoever changing my focus from 9 to-5 hate hate hate to business Freedom love success passion Joy focus on that focus on that focus on that once I shifted my focus to that that's what I started to move towards I had Clarity of image okay you need Clarity of image in what you're trying to create the number one reason why people struggle is because they have improper unity in heart
and mind they think one thought but they're focused on something completely different and so you throw mixed signals to the mirror which in case it can reflect a distorted image you're kind of half in half out you kind of move two steps forward and then two steps back if you're someone who's been seeing this kind of pattern of Groundhog Day like I'm moving two steps forward two steps back it's because you're not in complete alignment with your thoughts and feelings and the solution is very simple but there's a second part to this that's causing improper
results and improper Unity which is understanding the third principle of the mirror the delay principle it's because you haven't consistent thought about with heart and mind you haven't thought feelingly about the thing that you want for long enough ah this is crucial so this brings me to the third principle of the mirror which is known as the delay because of the nature of reality when we concoct an image in our Mind's Eye when we have a dream we can immediately think about that we can access that state right now you can close your eyes and
picture up a visual of it right now but in this material reality because matter is so inert because of the quality of matter it takes some amount of time to arrange matter time works harmoniously with space that's why they call it SpaceTime to properly use the delay principle we have to understand the relationship between the image and the reflection so if I think about something for a particular amount of time I'm going to first start to see it happen in reality then I start to think about it even more and feel deeply into it it
is going to start happening in my very own life that's exactly what happened to me I visualized my successful business my wife the house that I wanted to live in everything and I focused in on that feeling that I felt once I had everything waking up in the morning and feeling just so deeply fulfilled I felt Rich first internally before I became rich and that's what you need to do that's how you can use the mirror principle the delay principle of the mirror is as follows if I present an image to this mirror the mirror
will reflect that image with a time delay what is that time delay you ask I have no clue depending on the complexity of your goal and your current Lifeline where you are along the path of achieving your goals so for example if you are worth 999 million it's going to be easier for you to become a billionaire easier for you to reflect the image of a billionaire than if you don't have a scent to your name so it depends on the complexity of your goal and how far along you are from that ultimate goal in
the first place does that make sense that's what you need to do in order to understand a delay principle of the mirror so guys what I want you to do right now is just go to the comment section leave me some of your takeaways so far I know I don't pause these videos to engage with you but I'm trying my best too so I would love to know what your takeaways are so far if you watch the mirror principle video that I've done before or just through this video what do you understand about the mirror
just leave me a comment below and let's return right back to it so this time delay I want to demonstrate this through using a graph if you don't mind on the x-axis we have t for time on the Y AIS we have image/ SL reflection if you look here we have two different depictions right we have two different graphs the dotted line is the reflection which is what we're seeing in our reality and the solid line is the actual image that we're presenting to the mirror so if we say that you're making an intention so
you start here you make an intention to let's say for in my case I wanted to make 20K a month to get away from the 9 to5 and experience the life of my dreams I knew the number for me was 20K a month if I had 20K a month I could experience the Freedom Travel as much as I wanted live where I wanted have a partner and also support my partner and like we could do whatever we wanted if I just had 20K a month so that's what I focused on that was the goal now
let's say I keep focusing on 20K a month but my attitude keeps getting lower and lower because I keep focusing on it but nothing happens nothing happens nothing happens what's happening is reality already starts to reflect my attitude even though I may not see it come into fruition it's still reflecting it reality goes from 0 to 100 but coincidentally what's happening for most people is once they get to the point where they're just about to give up they're right about to give up the thing comes into manifestation the reflection actually forms and you only see
the reflection when the peak of it has manifested when it's time to show up in reality it shows up but by now you're at your lowest point you're right there about to give up you didn't have any faith that it would happen you just kind of focused on it you're like oh come on happen happen happen and then at the first sign of a setback and an obstacle you're quick to express your dissatisfaction and guess what the mirror starts to reflect that dissatisfaction as well you don't trust reality you don't trust life oh okay here
you go here's the reflection that life isn't trustworthy that life isn't working for you that 20K a month isn't going to happen the more you complain the more you get things to complain about what's funny is now reality starts to reflect that with a delay so right around the time when you get to that point where you're grateful for everything that you have reality then gets to the point where it's all it's all back to crap again and you're back to square one you lose that 20K a month that income doesn't keep coming has that
ever happened to you you've got a job or you've gotten like your business to a certain level one month you keep doing well next month you go back down why do you think this is happening your external inconsistency in your reality is solely a reflection of your internal inconsistency you fluctuate you move up and down with life you can't Step Beyond your thoughts and feelings you give into them you are your thoughts and feelings you're nothing but a bundle of thought and feeling you have to become strong enough to take a step back from it
and realize that this too shall pass this too shall pass and when you don't react when you don't give the setbacks the any meaning you don't look at the reflection you don't glare at the reflection you don't get lost guess what happens you get more of that this is the mirror principle and the key to using the third principle of the mirror is simply consistency consistency and Detachment detach until it forms do not judge the reflection yet it hasn't fully formed yet how can you judge a baby that's been in the womb for 3 months
and it looks like a dinosaur you can't you have to wait until the baby's fully formed into a beautiful human being otherwise it's just a little pina in there right God's work isn't done for you so stop judging it have some Faith it's going to happen if you see minor setbacks just turn away from the reflection focus in on the image I can't tell you how many times I've had to remind myself of that if you're working on building something great focus on that long-term optimism and get rid of the short-term pessimism many times in
my business when I wanted to grow and I made the intention to grow I noticed that life throws me all of these tests ah you know just when I started to get some business momentum an employee wants to quit just when I started to gain some momentum my house floods and I can't work on my business I have to work on repairing my house I can't tell you how many times that's happened but through those those are the tests that life throws at you to see if your internal state will be unperturbed you become unshakable
the reality that you want has to manifest and that's how I got to my first 20K month my first 100K month my first 200k month the business keeps growing because internally I'm still be still and know that I am so that's the third principle of the mirror now the final principle of the mirror really summarizes how to properly use it and it goes deeper into what it actually reflects I know I shared with you in number two that it reflects heart and mind but what about the heart and mind what Unity Unity of what and
here's the answer to that the mirror reflects your attitude toward towards yourself and towards your world now my attitude towards myself is called self-identity or identity my attitude towards my world is called the Paradigm that I have so for example if my attitude towards my world is that my world is a terrible place right now is a terrible time to start a business the markets are crap and there's going to be a recession then that's exactly what the mirror will reflect and I will see more cases of why it's such a bad time to start
a business business my attitude towards myself is it may be a good time to start a business but I am not capable I can't do it I'm not confident enough oh I'm just not that kind of person that's my attitude towards myself and that the mirror will reflect as well to understand how to influence the mirror properly we have to understand at all times what we believe about ourselves in relationship to our world and what we believe about our world okay so the attitude we have towards ourselves if we're self-loving and we understand that you
know I may not have all the skills right now but I can develop these skills I just need to be persistent I just need to continue to persist in my intention it may not be the best time right now but I know there are people out there who are becoming very wealthy during a recession there's tons of companies that have become billion- dollar companies during recessions that's when they were conceived just research look at that you'll find what you're you're looking for and the best reality creators are the most biased and the poorest reality creators
do you know what they try to do this concept called power versus force people who suck at reality creating and they always blame external circumstances they look at the mirror and they try to shatter the mirror or they try to shake the mirror to try and change the reflection they're seeing they try to only take Massive Action they just stop fighting and what they do inevitably is burn themselves down to the ground the fuel that they're operating on is very weak if you have positivity and you focus on higher vibration and you know how to
control yourself internally how to tap into that at all times guess what you're going to be run by power not force and so there's this great concept of power versus force that I learned from David R Hawkins and he basically says that power seeks not to impact the world directly Force seeks to impact the world directly force is a win lose when I try to benefit by making someone else lose power is a win-win it seeks to benefit the world and benefit yourself because you two are part of the world so in this instance I
always remind myself what is the power move instead of trying to tackle the obstacle directly and trying to take Massive Action to tackle whatever obstacle I'm going through I actually pause and remind myself what's happening what image am I presenting that's leading to this reflection let's change the image first and then do what's necessary in the moment and 9% of the time the problems get solved has that ever happened to you have you ever noticed how when something becomes really really important let's say you have a goal to make 20K a month or 10K a
month in your business or like you started something and then it becomes so important for you to make 10 20K a month and every single thing you do there is just so much importance this game has become so intense and so important and you just keep facing setback off to setback like everything just seems to go wrong at that moment what I want you to do is just take a moment just take a step back and just assess what image am I presenting to the mirror that's causing this what am I putting on a pedestal
that's causing this all obstacles will disappear as soon as you lower your importance as soon as you take it down a notch and you start putting it up on a pedestal it's like when you have a crush on someone or you value someone you put them on a pedestal they have no choice but to look down upon you don't look up at someone don't look down upon someone look to them as though they're your equals we're all created in the same flesh so the final thing I wanted to share with you is what's known as
the mirror cycle so with along with this delay there is a cycle that most people experience with the mirror and successful reality creators know how to use this cycle and where to begin this cycle here I have this beautiful but empty diagram to demonstrate to you how this process of reality creation works so for most people what they're doing right now okay pay close attention to this where they begin is with an observation they begin looking around them at the reflection that is already there and this is ridiculous because please remember the present is simply
the delayed reflection of the past so all of the delayed attitude that they had in the past all the complaints all the shitty things that have happened in the past all the unconscious choices that were made that's the present moment so they look at present moment bills job I don't like stuck at a revenue level they observe it and they use that to form their image or their attitude so I'm going to write image here and by image you know I mean the internal attitude the thoughts and feelings that we present to the mirror when
they form the image the mirror has no choice but to reflect it and so it reflects and forms reality accordingly with the image reflection and then they observe the reflection again and then they keep staying stuck with this so This Is The Vicious feedback loop most people are in they look around them they're like oh bills oh job I don't like this sucks I hate hate this I hate this job I hate the bills I hate all of it I hate staying stuck here I've been stuck here forever oh you've been stuck here with this
Revenue level you've been stuck here at this job here you go here's more stuckness here's more bills here's more of this current Revenue level that you're at damn it keeps happening again and again I don't know what I'm doing wrong and then you try the different tactics and strategies you try the business strategies you try starting up a new Drop Shipping business a new Final or a new ad strategy and nothing works right like it clicks for a little bit it gets you all excited but then you fall back into this pattern because you can't
make an internal change there is no foundational change happening for you in terms of your worldview and your identity so the way to do this is to reverse this process for most people they begin here this is one this is two and this is three this is the cycle for the puppets if you want to become a reality Creator this is how you reverse this cycle and this is what I had to do we begin here with the image that we'd like to form we turn away from the reflections we turn away from looking at
our current reality because we begin to realize what's around us right now was merely formed from decisions made in the past you have to realize this or else nothing will change if I want to form tomorrow I choose today consciously so we begin here with the image and when we choose the image and we say hey this is what I want and this is what I have the mirror has no choice but to begin reflecting it in little amounts little by little little changes will happen slowly with a delay and then what we do now
instead of observing is we confirm we Peak we simply peek into the mirror to look at hey what's working oh this is working oh look that has happened oh look I wanted to be a confident person here look people are receiving me much better oh look I wanted to improve this aspect of my business business it's improving I wanted to improve this aspect of my golf game it's improving your whole world could be breaking apart but you only focus on the things that you'd like to confirm the things that correspond with this worldview and identity
that you've chosen to craft and then you keep using that and I swear the more you keep doing this it snowballs into something that is going to be beyond anything you imagine like when I started off I didn't want a seven fig business I didn't want any of this I just wanted to have freedom from my 9 to-5 and all I needed to do was earn 5K a month to be able to replace what I was getting paid in that dead-end engineering career that's what I wanted but now we're doing six figure months which was
completely blew my mind how all of this stuff works so if you begin to use these principles your life will completely change I can promise you that okay so now I want to share with you three case studies of clients of ours who have used these four law of the mirror to completely and drastically change their lives let's begin with our client Tia when Tia joined us she was in six figure student loan debt and she was working two full-time jobs 80 hours a week and in one of them she couldn't even stand up to
her boss because you know she was doing something she didn't like to do so she was mainly struggling with a lack of confidence in herself and lack of clarity on how she would get out of it and how she would create what she wanted for herself and she has kids she has a husband and she couldn't spend any time with her family after we helped her operate through these four principles and shift her identity get clear on what she wanted and only focus on that remember law number one of the mirror laws she now makes
40K a month with her own business 2 years later and she gets to spend more time with her family more time with her children and she's very passionate and very happy about what she's doing instead of stuck in two deadend jobs and feeling burned out take our client Louise who has her own marketing business and during the pandemic her old job was deemed completely irrelevant and it was wiped out so she transitioned out and tried to start it and grow her business but she couldn't make it past the six figure Mark she was stuck around
10K a month and what she was lacking was Clarity and as a result confidence she couldn't present her services with certainty she didn't know where to get clients and she didn't know who she really wanted to work with after working together after implementing the mirror principle she now makes 30k a month doing what she wanted and by the way principle number two was very important to her because she was about to give up and she was completely done with it and all of a sudden just when she was giving up boom everything started to fall
right into place because she eliminated all of the importance and all the meaning that she had to whatever she wanted to do number three take our client Bastion Bastian was an agency owner with his own digital marketing agency and he was doing around 20K a month when he joined us his biggest problem was the niche that he was working in he was completely not passionate about it he hated it and he was just unclear about the direction he wanted to go in and he also had a big case of self-doubt when he presented his service
and his offer he wasn't confident in himself in whether or not he would be able to get the result for his client because he wasn't confident and he wasn't clear around what he wanted for his life after we helped him fix that implement the miror principles he's doing over half a million a month now he's completely changed as a person and this mirror principle learning how to observe and confirm the cycle was super important to him okay so now you understand one of the deepest principles of how reality actually operates the mirror principle if you
continue to correctly apply this every single day in consciously choosing your attitude you're going to be shocked at how quickly your reality changes although you won't know notice as much since you are changing others will look at you in a few months and years and they won't be able to recognize you so if you would like to take this teaching deeper and actually implement it with one-on-one support with me and my team then I have some really good news for you right now we're looking for a few committed clients to work closely with to get
extraordinary results for like one of my clients Z who recently went from almost not having a place to live in with their child making 5 to six a month to now 10 months later after working with us 3 exing their income to 162k a month and now has an amazing home to live in and actually was able to go to Maui for their kids sixth grade celebration there's going to be a link right here to fill up an application to see if you would qualify for our mentorship just a quick heads up not everyone will
qualify for this due to the close nature in which working with our clients we're looking for a certain caliber of clientele because it would really have to be the perfect fit because the better the fit the better the results so please make sure to fill up your application with as much detail and depth as possible if you qualify you'll be able to schedule a free consultation call to develop a custom 12month game plan to achieve your goal just like Z did so I'm looking forward to seeing your application thanks
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