Legendary LEGDAY | Tom Platz & David Hoffmann

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so what is happening now well it's been was it three years four years or you know four years since the last time we actually got together in California if nothing's changed only this time really squat okay really squat once many people asked me if my if my legs improved after we trained together yeah many people still asking today yeah I want you to do what you normally do I'll critique a little bit maybe make a few adjustments when it comes time for that one set you know when you think you're done totally done you have
at least five mission five more reps okay we'll go there we'll go you know that I used to do sports like Esther the grass I think that's what I had last time and you said they're like they were the piston in the cylinder okay and now I did I didn't do squats for a while I used more machines like press suppose you have a phone down yeah I have to do all over again so what would you say is the most important most important part about the neck training well everyone nowadays the first thing they
do in squats is they lean forward the nose comes this way the nose should go this way this way like you're jumping in water not diving okay you're not diving you're jumping and water this way it's the most important thing everybody starts wrong starts incorrectly I made one suggestion to David just now within seconds he made the adjustment I'm impressed right now that's fantastic but the majority in for lack of a better word the squat has been bastardized the technique has been bastardized to make it about hip flexors lower back I want the quads to
be the prime mover even if you use less weight I don't care for you use the bar use your quads that's what people forgot about you try to not train the glutes right intentionally right because when you when you see a side shot from your legs they look even bigger because you are your future smaller right yeah exactly you know the boots will be developed they will take actions an action part of the muscle part of the movement but nowadays everyone leans forward and there's a thrust you're using their glutes and their hips and their
lower back to much lower back flexion and they're pushing the bar this yeah you can use more weight you can push more weight sideways then you can straight up and down yeah everybody does does hobbies have star we can just echo the things our next to by now it'll obviously take a look nice I got yeah good lower back yeah if you're a power lifter yeah yeah if you are a power lifter it's beautiful but if you're a body on the physique stage forget about the weight squat pure pure pure pure like you just did
okay that's the answer that's the secret that people don't realize tomorrow I know inside good I like that 3/4 five one to three four five good the joints ankles hips over your own well most modern but you know it used to be in the 70s people lacked ankle flexibility I mean plantar flexion and dorsiflexion people were messed up here that you know didn't squat sighted I had to work on that nowadays everybody is messed up here because they choose the machines before the free bar squat okay so they have no flexibility here and as a
result they have to squat sideways they have to use their butt in their lower back the secret or the mentality should be forget the machines we will start to the squat it's the hardest thing in the world to do the squat is balance and control and scary but that's why it's so effective okay the hardest things are usually the best if it's easy leave it to somebody else okay if there's a risk involved in an exercise and there is you're out here and open wind then you could fall there's a risk associated with a movement
it's a good exercise if there is minimal risk why do it it's probably a exercise okay all right topless oh yeah America why every time nothing hi-yah you want to be married almost you know we first met your girlfriend you didn't just walk up to and say hey honey that's good let's go to bed right it was sort of a courting process seamless was sort of like you get to know it sort of get to feel familiar with it you own the space you feel it's yours and then you progress to the next phase of
your relationship we don't walk in and just the squad is not something you just do a few of these and do something else this is a religion this is a the altar which I said before but this is it's like courting a girl you gradually get to know her you gradually get comfortable with the bar on your back and now you get married the final set okay I don't count the what I don't count anything other than probably the final set and the next step we're getting count two sets today it will count we won't
count the ones going up what's your opinion on overtraining because nowadays I will always say when I give seminars smoke there are more people are suffering from under training than suffering from overtraining so what's your opinion definitely you know overtraining most people don't need to train as much as they do if you train easy and exercise if you exercise you need to train more often yeah if you really train it really pushes little gas all the way down if you're really intense with your training the nervous system stresses the muscles I trained wakes I train
legs every two weeks at my best mm-hmm squatting twice a month hell is the most I could do and grow mm-hmm okay people will squat every day every week twice a week the wonder they can't grow up that was probably an intensity most people can't even imagine right exactly here you go I like it you could squat that well in those shoes you're flexible you could squat that well in those shoes you're very flexible I could never squat nose I mean I could but it it almost makes you want to use your button lower back
make sure you like my shoes last time we talked about shoes and the business would love it but your own my own signature shoe actually have it signed right there this is my shoe I copied the shoes that I used when I was a boy I had the wooden wood is very important the wood gives you more power power as force times distance over time more power more speed of the movement I wish I had the wood like this back in my day but the weightlifters talked me into this in fact more I argued with
him the more I realized they were right right about the wood there's a reason the Olympic lifter is in world-class wait if terms of good it's because of the wood the high ankles the high ankle support is fantastic but most importantly for guys like you that's all what you are need to shoot a push really with the toilet you don't even need it you're so flexible you're an athlete most guys who squat need a shoe that puts them into position you're able to get there without much effort but shoe like this is it's very important
I still have to try that these are your size these are your size you could put them on a little form there's a reason they're green chillis think about green people all can't wear green shoes it's Incredible Hulk screams Mopar doing everything high horsepower is green so are my shoes and in Germany we say green is DeHoff no it means like the green is the hope is green everything's great everything's green Green is power Green is horsepowers green is go okay and that's why they're ugly [Laughter] we'll be all Gannett yellow if of Kessinger to
get sharp rice tuna also know it took a shot Nick Dania Tonica at the Geneva a versus enter some pieces act even us would be harmony at the entered on the seat at Co Knox from github doomed is he sick - Santa Santa for vacant gotta Baby Bop training on so historic fajitas are courts a targeted of Smith woman me as an Arab student any run of the soul yeah give no call it a good good let's make sure you use your legs the prime movers your quadriceps good your legs maybe a couple reps sit
on your heels drive up straight straight on straight down straight up for another 20 oh yeah when I tell these guys last night this is my and two more seminars tomorrow two more squat clinics tomorrow you have what you do it you do it naturally you're a seasoned professional most guys don't own the space you know they're like oh I'll just I'll rent the space I'll do a few reps and I'll do some leg extensions to simulate curls you own this place so the first thing I usually have my guys do when they put on
the shoes is I have them address the squat rack I haven't addressed the squat look at the squat rack and claim ownership I own this place this squat rack is mine nobody's gonna tell me when to go or when to stop but me in fact I'm gonna go further than I ever went before you own this place you have to you do this you do it naturally I do that sometimes you told me to do it did I well you know I have some some rituals like yeah let's get the getting heavier I tied my
shoes pull up my socks lift my leg train stops perfect order yeah - farmer haha hey Willis Jam smoothie uh gabbaland all represent no Maximus max these are David special electromagnet socks and it means like the legs have to grow oh is it yeah he said that to me after the amateur and in Park itse those rituals are very important they're most body rules don't realize how important the ritual is it's preparation even a celebration afterwards its original people forget to celebrate they forget to prepare they just do it and wonder what happened they're like
waiting for something to happen it never happens you've got a bullet to happen but the rituals put you in place yeah that's why religious people they're religious which we are okay have rituals it puts you in that frame of mind that's spirit okay very very important very important okay I like this weight even nowadays it's a good way to kind of rest me just get five at a time five reps is manageable so if you get five good reps you can manage five reps I can't manage 20 30 40 reps I can't that's - it's
like I have a nervous breakdown that can manage five so I just want you to do five another five without stopping the set another five well stopping the set and we'll go from there okay sorry but the hard on the lure here must have agreed s for title field hug me back to being fun so Teddy sure he lets me automatically going tomorrow to dig my yeah yeah that's a good time yeah yeah machine moon bamboo time I need you good good late prime mover wide except Friday to drive drive there's five six seven come
on David eight come on give me two more for ten one one more for ten ten grab five more five more one for more two three more one two more come on get serious one more fifteen everything dry okay now five more five more make twenty we're gonna help you we're gonna help five more you can do it writer whose Saavedra me famous right now without walking just do baby rebel baby reps baby reps wonders yeah just stay there Adam little baby reps yeah keep doing baby runners fry your legs fry your quadriceps ah come
on baby reps okay now get back in there that's what I'm talking about nothing left nothing left not bad for your first set take a rest David didn't squat for one year so this is something what he should not do again right but we shouldn't do it again yes white nothing nothing's like squats I mean it's like nothing compares to squats you can do leg presses but why why do it inferior movement why do a movement that what looks good but it produces hardly any results I don't care how much weight you can use I'd
rather do like you did three good plates get in 1520 good reps and reap the benefit I mean there's a reason people don't squat it's hard it's hard people don't want what's hard they wants what's easy what looks shall we forget about fact forget about the weight just squat correctly like you just did that is the secret to absolutely where my favorite things to do one of them since I love about squatting is when you do a set like that go down in weight and do a nice light weight it's like it's like it's like
it feels like butter it's like a butter set okay let's just take one plate off there's a butters I want your rest first I want you to rest first don't rush into this set I want you to take an adequate rest Oh don't be afraid to rest okay understood up to the goddess of the moon fun who is the plug if nothing else in we all feel unheard us once something whose guess I'm by anything yet it's up because I'm number doing like little baby reps back in the 80s get to the point where I
used to just label all into the rack I couldn't walk back to the rocket so good it's it's it's just beautiful I getting the towel and having water in the top having a wet cow all the drops out and that last couple reps is like one more drop one more wrap that's it it's x over that's what you got to do it most guys can't do that they don't have the mentality for that you do you do mr. Sisler effects too much blood well my hot be any spirit over here it's mining yellowish lon yeah
yeah good China know you have not me me to talk to any others so delicious tea almost immortal native an attorney about here it was a says to spare the circum don't ever hurt anthem in Medina belong about Kevon mystified and postage-paid this region against wave O'Connor are when he pins always is to begin from my mouth how do i problem with the mouse and and off yet when this mysterious new house for house fought and leave some belief to admit not enter it once its effectiveness for caveats from Mohammad Suleman Botanica mafia T so
can you maybe give me your definition of luck this was a very interesting point at the seminars luck is when preparation meets opportunity most of us prepared 14 years 10 20 years for one night we're offered preparation met opportunity that's winning and having the same mentality the same energy the same passion and love for what you're doing years later that's what it takes that's commitment that's really what body buildings all about most people want an instant they want instant Facebook instant messenger they want to Instagram they don't want results if you want results it's going
to take hard work three years and that's the answer David said before only when you're getting ready for a show and doing squats go before you're ready do the next set before you're ready offseason don't go before you're ready wait you're totally rested between sets there's a lot of scientific reasons we can talk about later but be really rested so those reps feel like like butter it's I love putting on a hundred pounds less or fifty kilos less it's like people are like like it's like it's like victory lap you know that's what we're doing
now eviction for repetitions you go higher for selects I mean in general you cool more reps for legs so many years yeah reps are more important reps are where the gold is okay most people do a lot of heavy weights if their form is really good they still have small legs I train with some of the best squatters in the world Fred have to have had tiny little legs he squatted a thousand pounds I never touched a thousand took off the rack once almost killed me but I squatted usually between five and seven hundred pounds
had great results but the thing secret really is new and heavy weights for high reps and doing the days we also have the lower reps for the human heavy loads that's the secret most people think it's all about the heavy weights it's not the weight doesn't matter if your form and technique is pure size and strength will fall please nice two three four five perfect seven eight nine ten next five one Wow thirty or two more fit huh - or fifty dead yes 115 huh you have to have big ah now five more five more
say yes they closed 7d four reps left four reps come on yeah great Rosa three reps dear two reps left what Oh huh one more rep right half ones now half ones to take [Music] 303 come on okay okay it's about 95 percent you had 5% left you did okay see what do you guys you were right you know 100 think come on oh so I'm not pissing cuff comes Matt King off more how do you sit on metal struck performed I was afraid afraid of falling down okay I can't tell how many times I
dropped your weight on the floor drop Twitter's toss it off my back fell down get up again and continue to set you got to be willing to fail if you can't fail what I learned in the gym isn't got to go out there and fail gotta go out there and fall down most people who've won big have failed big okay you know see even you know and what I promise myself is a cute little boy I said I can never leave the gym knowing I have 5% left that 5% is magic it's the magic place
for very few people go you can go there I'm giving you permission to go there we'll have people behind you if you fall down and drop the weight on the floor who cares who cares but if you make it I care I want that I want you to fail and I want you to get up and do it again the same thing in life is the same thing here we can do this you can do anything anything right now you're 5% away 5% away from being a champion let's go it does miss motive you advise
Novartis as multi-element into houses it sneers omelet upon cooks and Howard a prisoner found in our name no heater before fit coma another indie Gilligan hi well Sylvia that's now beside cadence and a style it's very different from my own style you're an ectomorph you're a high endurance rep kind of guy he do fast reps you know if I work with you over time I'd have you do slower reps on this not everything but on this slow one rep at a time versus five at a time you're doing five at a time it's one continuous
set almost I'm looking for you to rest between each rep you can handle a lot more work than I was able to a guy like yourself an ectomorph more red fiber can handle more sets more volume and more frequency I get it I have to cater what I'm thinking I can't have you trained like me trying to be like you so everything I would not do I'm gonna have you do everything I would not do I want you to do let's do one more set Dave's last 5% is crucial that he gets there what I
say that people were David is right now is go out there and fail go out there and fail miserably miserly miserably I can't even say the word miserly dropped the weight on the ground tossed the weight but achieve failure achieve failure if you can do that you can also win if you can fail you can also win and all winners have failed that's the goal here today that last 5% all right Oh God you keep using your legs keep using your legs 2 3 4 five better wrestle cake response six seven eight nine ten beautiful
David come up there's ten yeah keep going come on go now come on lightweight lightweight come on you got to or fifty did one more fifty all right girl now five more go for go for it go for it come on Dave one more try excellent excellent great job yes say yes go yes three more 23 more Drive I sprung it stronger come on yes dig do all your strong your knee up you got two more idea come on you could do it you could do it dad yeah don't what more like that one more
one more one more come on Trey dumb oh you're getting stronger come on give me three give me three like that make 25 you can do it you can do it oh yeah stronger two more come on congratulations you achieve failure failure has been achieved thank God now the only place to go from failure is to win you have to achieve failure you have to take it that far nobody wants to go that far it's too scary but you know something I got news for you that's where winning is it always has been nothing's changed
since the 70s nothing except people trained not as hard come from all faiths can have a nice and I'm here laying on the floor going like somebody was stabbing knifes in my quads I used to lay there put the towel over my face my trend new partner was saying people were thinking fine I was dying go he's okay don't worry about him after about 10 minutes one more set okay are you doing great you're doing great I'm I'm happy you can do this you can happen I think I I kind of lost the lost ability
to go to a hundred percent you know I feel when I was younger like when I was twenty I didn't think that much and it was easier for me to go to maybe in ninety nine percent and now you have all those at least I do I have all those thoughts in my head sometimes doing neck training so too many other things when you know too much so a child chat will do anything a child skateboard off of crazy Heights and do crazy stuff and do flips you know we older you go all gonna get
hurt so you start limiting yourself how far you want to go but you know you have to go through this time where you don't go to failure if you get out of shape so I'm speaking on out of shape but because on the way to gain shape is to get out of shape the only way to go to failure is not go to failure you know the difference most big guys like yourself have a problem going to failure I'm shocked it's like most guys will have the wind 15 20 reps is like oh my god
to me that's like half a sentence I'm they're doing 50s all the time it was crazy and I wasn't good at reps like to train for reps with the reps is key reps is a secret but that failure and that last rep will you think you know eventually you'll know I know even today leaving last month I was squatting back in LA I know I know I don't have one more rep no there's nothing left but I'm willing to take it to that far to work like okay I can make it back to the rack
maybe okay and that's where I want you to go good 35 years ago when I did a seminar at this gym the David Gym in Switzerland we use I used the David leg extension machine 35 years ago there's a picture in Kathy's office with me doing this exercise we're gonna use that today it's pretty soon this machine's gonna leave it shouldn't but it's gonna leave this is our last chance to really drive the old car it's like driving a 55 Chevy or 68 Camaro this is where it all happens this is the truth of training
you know it's a beautiful machine I love the old stuff I walk you come and you walk right now yeah yeah - so if you went between these two machines right now if you went like this can you do that in stretching here hard to get up get up impossible okay good good okay just a check I'm just checking that's how it should be you right it should be yeah well you can't walk to the car you've done enough yeah okay but basically you know but when I was totally disabled I get my ID walks
through the car getting my old Corvette and the steering was real bigger than on the Corvette you know I could barely fit my legs underneath the steering wheel I could drive home but I knew if I could barely make it to the car that was a clue that you probably did enough if you could if you could dance to the car get back in there yeah look good your body type is very different you could do a lot of endurance but that doesn't mean you can't grow obviously okay but this machine is our last opportunity
to use the old one of the Vinci machines the reward all started looking for his weapon of caramel pecans eggnog and Nana my 15-minute Authority no Adam flick connectors to say sleaze desu disaster pieces for with deep [Laughter] Sapna Lana Hadees in fructose machi moon incident ah see by in training there were three kilograms around 15 pounds and now it's 10 pounds more if I just kill me it's it's just a stop it doesn't have to be pretty I don't care a lot Freddie I don't care about perfect movement just move it any way you
can move it but momentum yeah move momentum pure blue route stupid movement what are we gonna do I want you to just get it up okay it's not about being pretty strict it's about being all right to reckless abandonment like I don't care you know I don't care about anything that's the attitude you want now I don't care I don't care about my headache forget that you are all you are the quadricep is what you are you are quadriceps and you're addicted you're addicted to quadricep tension in your life forget about your life nothing else
matters all you want is more contraction here you live for this moment it's not gonna be forever just for now if you don't live for this moment go get another job okay this is your job it's a thought excellent strong come on people three strong man very strong 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 but nine 10 five more 1 2 3 4 oh yeah come on show me bring it up down way up up higher hold it there now now fight me kick me in the face
get mad at me kill me come on one more round one more rep go try it oh yeah oh yeah hold it there hold it there attention you put tension there now fight me fight me harder oh boy push push push ok that's one set I work on edit cuz leyasu good instrumentals just designs topia just get it up and do partial new get anyway if you can do full movements great but just get it up use your hips whatever you got to do to keep tension here this makes your attentions here make sure the
tensions in your quads and it let me push down and you fight up as long as you maintain tension here okay if you can do it for reps I want you to do it okay if you can't do it do any kind of movement you can a guy like you has meticulous reps you're a perfect trainer you train in perfect form we train like Arnold used to beautiful okay I mean that with total respect now I want you to do the opposite and once you do go to failure like you have been but I want
you to cheat to add more stress to the muscle of intention most beginners who don't know how to don't know how to train strict they cheat they think muscle they take pressure off some eyes over intention the goal here now our goal is to forget about training pretty just move the weight it's move the weight put that tension on the muscle and take it as far and as far and as far as you can just before the muscle the tendon tears from the ball I don't want to tear the tendon from the bone but just
before that happens we stop yourself okay that's growth does the testing put its I heard he's almost right here yo man three or four five six seven eight come on nine more time come on one two three four five one two three hold it hold it hold your tank can she come on do not be a failure do not be a failure fail fail go spice needle it's not as dangerous it's a more control okay you're healthy enough to make it work okay and I feel I wouldn't do this for everybody except people like you
that are serious have trained or trained you're world-class guys and you're willing to take the risk with more expert more success being a parent it's always success follows risk assess follows risk right now we're like looking for success up here and the risk is like teasin hmm if the risk is ever too high and we success is down here forget about but the risk follows the risk follows the opportunity more opportunity more risk never liked Electra's but you like what's obviously and you like the leg extension leg extension I marry before in a pant leg
curls I liked TAC squads I liked but I found leg presses to be nice a waste of time okay I mean look nice he put all plates on and move a lot of iron then now the the inverted leg press the up side netting or the old leg press from the old days which is completely upside-down I used it a little bit more for pictures and I did for training okay not really for training for training squats hack squats this before contest yeah yeah it's a very good hamstrings from the Redcoats and end the squats
on this wall my leg curls my leg biceps grew from squats by doing the strict performance of a district technique well my leg biceps finally he became muscle that it was like probably your arms everything you do your arms roll advice I could do I could do seated cable rows male body it's weird that I got to that point after a1 and you never did read it yeah twice do four or five 50 reps and stuff like that at the end of a back workout they're doing back for an hour and a half hamstrings were
involved in that but not for hamsters and back in the early 70s I did stiff legged deadlifts after much back problems I said that's the forget I think it's too risky I think the stiff-legged deadlift people do too much risk I can I can milk it out of leg curls for you I can do stuff it's less room even better result there's always the benefit to risk ratio how much risk coming from you're always weighing those two things no risk might even work out an exercise it doesn't have the risk it's not worth doing okay
let's do this next step yes yeah three four come on do it but you're going keep going keep the tension muscle keep it keep it to me now push me ah push me one more rep one more rep up boom Oh put tension on the muscle take another quad one one one one one what what now good Christmas a hunch son your time start our mama ah Lucas yeah come on before recommend the minister say mercy whom sake let's get new decision like yeah I decide and below the patella and today nothing no pain okay
you may be Rico's in the next one more weather I think you're not just data I used to make that's pretty heavy and I cover the problem sir the big favor to meet the autumn my shopkins could you run you have to be here abrazo one could you run right now if you could run in that training yeah okay I mean I used to go out and try to run sprints after squatting reps that slow motion it's like slow like be on slow motion on the video no I will do one more set like do
we push how we do though everything thank you Xander this is everything we got this machine okay you can do it I'm gonna help you you can do it just take it make it work make it work for you okay this David machines going away for a 55 Chevy 68 Camaro it's going away in its name David this is the David Machine okay it's a signs a clue opportunity comes to you many times opportunity comes you can either take it or remain scared of it if you don't take it it's gonna knock on somebody else's
door and it's gonna invite them to the adventure you know you take it or you don't the more I work the luckier I get but luck is not something just happens it's armed okay in German we say this group is militaristic I'm sorry what means like this with the busy but but we also say that Lukas mitten do the lockers with the stupid people look what we have there's a ligand yeah 35 years ago and this is the original one it's like music from Rises Java so I told North Carolina who's on all those businesses
move the way come on yes come on show me again show me oh yeah two three four five come on harder keep going come on come on come on push me push me push me nah okay good good job excellent this video finder I'd aligned in a movie one time this movie in my last line and I sat I was stand up on the squat rack and I just finished a set I looked down at the guy on the floor and I said welcome to the pain zone it's where we live okay it's true 35
years ago was the same machine welcome to the pain zone is where we live him but you know it's about in bodybuilding you can't think about the money I think about the heart the passion of love the commitment and the energy you're willing to put into it that close to death even willing to die to get it when you give it that much the side effect the side effect is standing on stage and having the audience having five or ten thousand people go yes I would train 25 more nights 25 more years one more night
forget about the money okay but you know something money is a nice side effect to doing that but for every great sport meant sportman every great athletes they would entertain the money doesn't come because they were looking at the money to come because they're looking at the goal of achieving something nobody else dead to boldly go where no one else dare to that is body that's body ruling that's where it always will be that's what it's always has been and people forgot excellent job thank you so you have more talent than I could ever dream
of okay you have more talent than I could ever dream of for flicking that 5% hitting at 5% mark going the distance every single time the doors are opening up to open up even more plastic fatigue is your destiny I guarantee I'll be watching you right good luck thank you sir thank you yeah that's like oil analysis access tombs which rises the high English our money boom come on you got found the sharpen yet on you might slide him outta line it seems wiser and items in the form diminish units here they come studio and
around a paper Arnold Schwarzenegger Robinson other party Chicago Olympia Buena Hatami I'm studios vignette my commanders fortune Batali looks to punt a Phoenix to do abdominal Enzo a liner for the near demise decide on kind knish to the dispute Inaba in kind kind happier in our state income they are often England pricing level on the way astonish left not be seen I know video that's Malta co-option leukopenia does all her son was a masala in July Antonio most witness in vision on yeah I'm aligned estamos movie deserves inspiration school from trauma and Osman flash hard
and yet our families percent or more artists and even more to Vinick my device was looking upon in Hoonah to design and done is not the kunst thus National Ana Muhammadan Hamada bias among vision monoculars image to maja ephemeral ina is Samsung Samsung armed a line of studio 16 mankind who cooked and of thoughts in verse 13 and toss it buddy tied and thus a reality the song was martin decision the body below new champion dogs kennel donation you don't take that last 5% it's even knock on somebody else's door there's only a certain window
of opportunity for success this is your opportunity of a lifetime take the 5% goal the fibers and distance it's gonna be scary is all headed we drive into the ground you'll fail a few times you fall on your face get up keep it up keep getting up if you don't you have to be happy for the rest of your life if you don't take the last 5% and to be happy the rest of your life knowing it went to somebody else's door and knocked on door their door and you could have been that guy it's
up to you
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