A wealthy businessman hired a poor woman to play the role of his fiancée, but when she spoke...

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Stories For The Soul
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Raphael Alvarado was a well-known and very wealthy businessman owning a chain of hotels a young and extremely attractive Bachelor of about 35 he graced the covers of popular magazines many socialites dreamed of him and did everything they could to win Raphael's favor but he seemed to think only about work he rarely attended any events mostly focusing on his business each year he increased his Capital becoming an even more desirable catch Raphael was perfectly content with his situation he lived in spacious apartments on the top floor of a massive Penthouse in the city center where an
elderly maid cleaned every day she did the laundry cooked excellent meals and took care of the everyday needs of the wealthy businessman when he returned from work he would sit in his favorite Chair by a wall-sized window enjoying drinks while watching the evening City Lights additionally Raphael often read books in the evenings a secret passion he never mentioned in interviews the businessman believed that it was books that made him who he was because the stories he devoured as a child inspired him to dream bigger Raphael came from a rather poor family with two sisters and
a younger brother however his love for adventure novels fostered a passion for travel he embarked on his first journey at the age of 14 he hitchhiked with his best school friend to a neighboring City they stayed overnight in one of the most most modest hotels on the outskirts of the city and it was then that Raphael realized how wonderful it was that there were hotels where Travelers could rest from their Adventures that was when he started imagining his own hotel projects in his mind he designed various hotels one was to be located in a massive
tree another in a mountain and a third underground he even imagined his own space hotels that could host tourists on Mars Raphael didn't stop there and asked his mother to buy him a sketchbook where he began drawing his projects He kept the Sketchbook carefully in his desk drawer showing it only to his best friends who admired his imagination finally Raphael had the opportunity to share his ideas at a school conference the teachers and the school principal appreciated the boy's project and advised him to pursue a career in design and architecture the boy was very grateful
to them and started preparing to enter University none of his family believed he could make his plan a reality and get a scholarship but Raphael worked diligently often staying up late with his textbooks when his friends knocked on the door with a soccer ball in hand the boy would just shake his head and return to his books and notebooks from books Raphael already knew that only perseverance and determination would help him achieve his goal and indeed he succeeded he was admitted to the architecture University in the design faculty his parents couldn't believe it for a
long time but they were very happy and proud of their son Raphael threw himself into his studies it was then that he met asyra a beautiful tall girl with blonde hair she seemed like a gray-eyed angel to him and Raphael fell madly in love with her with his scholarship money he bought flowers chocolates and took as Myra to the cinema and theater the girl condescendingly accepted his courtship she came from a very wealthy family and studied in the paid Department Raphael completely lost his head and even forgot about his studies for a while however for
asyra his love was just a game when she grew tired of pretending she stopped answering his calls and started dating one of the most popular guys in The Faculty a rich and arrogant Macho who was the object of many girls dreams Raphael's heart was broken and he vowed to do everything possible to become rich and prove as SM wrong I swear she'll regret it when she finds out how great I am he said to his best friend who also studied on a scholarship like Raphael his friend just nodded not believing it was possible however Raphael
kept his word he graduated from University with honors and he was immediately offered a good job one of his favorite professors put in a good word for him the company where Raphael started working was one of the leading construction companies in the country which collaborated with other countries over the course of two years Raphael traveled a lot for work gaining new experiences valuable contacts and expertise after his contract expired Raphael left the company that had taught him everything he needed and started his own business initially it was very difficult for the young man and he
was even ready to give up but the thought of asmira to whom he had vowed to prove himself often prevented him from doing so finally Raphael's persist paid off and his business began to thrive he started collaborating with new business partners and together they launched their first major project constructing a glass Hotel on the roof of a skyscraper in the city center then there were other interesting ideas they brought to life a ship-shaped hotel an octopus-shaped Hotel on the seashore and a hostel inside an airplane many of these projects originated from Raphael's Sketchbook which made
him very proud this is how he became a wealthy businessman admired by many young Beauties though he had little interest in them Alvarado did not intend to stop there he wanted to bring new ideas to life and travel the world one evening as Raphael was sitting in his favorite chair with a book his business partner Victor called they were the same age and communicated like best friends they used to dine together often and spend weekends in interesting places but then Victor got a girlfriend named Isabella and he began spending most of his free time with
her this didn't bother Raphael at all he took such things philosophically listen brother we have a chance to reach a new level and make good money Victor said as usual without greeting he always got straight to the point considering formalities a waste of precious time how Raphael immediately engaged for him business had long become an exciting game in which he would never pass pass up the chance for a new upgrade one of the major foreign businessmen alesandro raso is interested in our hotels he wants to build something similar in his country moreover he is extremely
intrigued by your imagination and would like to collaborate with us on a long-term basis to create a couple more unique projects however after studying his history I can confidently say that if he is satisfied he won't stop there so as you understand brother this is a big fish we can't miss this opportunity excellent Raphael replied did you tell him we're in Victor hesitated for a moment that's the thing brother there's a catch here he finally said what I'm sure we can solve any issue Victor cleared his throat it's very delicate he began alesandro raso has
a fiance I'm very happy for him Raphael smiled and he is very very jealous Victor concluded Raphael was momentarily stunned not expecting this twist what do you mean he asked as his assistant confidentially told me Victor explained alesandro raso has a tradition for business to go well he periodically meets with his business partners from what I understand this happens almost every week oh heavens Raphael GR gred where will I find the time yes Victor nodded and that's why alesandro is very interested in each of us attending the business dinners he organizes with a girlfriend better
with a fiance even better with a wife Raphael laughed as for me everything is clear next week I'm going to propose to Isabella Victor confessed sincerely but what about you an encourageable Bachelor Rafa thought hard do you have anyone in mind Victor asked cautiously not yet but I will Raphael quickly replied business always came first for him and if he needed a fiance he would get one a soon as possible excellent then I'll tell allesandro that you'll come with your beautiful darkhaired blue-eyed friend Raphael was taken aback why exactly like that I think such girls
suit you Victor replied with a laugh maybe he's right thought Raphael and remembering as Myra he sighed in any case arrogant blondes definitely don't suit me the next morning the first thing Raphael did was contact his assistant I need you to find me a fiance he said without any Preamble there was a moment of silence on the other end of the line excuse me senor Alvarado the poor girl asked find me a fianceé Raphael repeated this needs to be done by the weekend he hesitated for a moment as if wavering then added she should be
a beautiful girl with long dark hair and blue eyes and preferably poor just a girl looking for a job who doesn't aspire to be with a famous and Wealthy businessman additionally she should be well-mannered educated and articulate that's all the assistant was silent for a while again but where will I find such a girl she finally asked use all your connections and Imagination Raphael replied and hung up soon he received a message from Victor on his phone alesandro raso is expecting us for dinner at 700 on Saturday evening Magnolia Restaurant on Central Avenue how's it
going with the fiance Raphael quickly typed a reply excellent the fiance is in progress on Friday morning the assistant called to inform him that she had found several suitable candidates in her opinion do you want to meet them personally to understand who you'll be dealing with Senor Alvarado she asked Raphael decided it was necessary he had to make a choice and at the same time brief The Chosen girl he told the secretary he would be in the office in an hour please invite the candidates you selected by that time okay the assistant rep lied exactly
an hour later Raphael was taking the elevator to his office for some reason his heart was pounding but he managed to Cal it down after all he was not expecting dates but business interviews even if with potential fian finally the elevator reached the 12th floor where Raphael's office was located he entered the reception area and the assistant said that the first girl senorita Torres was already waiting for him nodding Raphael entered his office and saw a girl with long dark hair braided into a plate she was wearing a gray suit a jacket under which a
white blouse peaked out and a long skirt black shoes with low stable heels completed the strict outfit the girl looked at him and Raphael noted that the assistant had meticulously met all his requirements his potential fiance had blue eyes he decided to make sure the girl could hold a conversation and spoke to to her senorita Torres it's a pleasure to meet you I am Raphael Alvarado the girl stood up and they shook hands like true business partners in the process senorita Torres blushed deeply which in turn embarrassed rafhael now I will briefly introduce you to
the matter at hand and then ask a few questions if you don't mind he said quickly to hide his discomfort the girl nodded they sat down in chairs opposite each other and Raphael explained the nature of the job she would be expected to do hearing his words the girl raised her eyebrow for a moment then her face returned to a calm and inscrutable expression and now if you don't mind helping me for a decent fee we can proceed to a short interview the young lady nodded again it feels like she's mute thought Raphael nevertheless he
began asking her questions about her current occupation education and favorite activities before answering senorita Torres took a long time to gather her courage but once she started she couldn't be stopped listening to her torrent of speech Raphael felt disappointed the girl stuttered that's why she was hesitant to say a word the man realized when senorita torus finished he thanked her politely and said he would call if the decision was favorable the girl walked out and Raphael invited the next candidate she was a very attractive girl but her cold manner of communication put the man off
the third candidate was also beautiful but too tall for him Raphael didn't want to look ridiculous next to his bride the fourth girl seemed too plain to him the fifth too naive and silly in the end Raphael didn't choose any of the candidates feeling deeply frustrated for wasting so much time he went out to dinner in the restaurant The Man couldn't forget that he needed a bride like air and consciously glanced around for a suitable candidate there were many attractive girls around but Raphael didn't dare approach any of them he didn't want to make a
fool of himself if the Press finds out they will laugh at me he decided moreover this whole charade will quickly reach alesandro raso that would be a complete failure with these gloomy thoughts Raphael finished his cold dinner and went home the next day he woke up early Restless he paced back and forth thinking about where to find an unfortunate bride a message notification sounded Victor had written to Raphael again I hope you've settled the matter with the girl raso was expecting both of us read the message Raphael didn't reply deciding that if worst came to
worst he would say he was sick and simply not go to the dinner he took a shower got dressed and went into the city for breakfast leaving his car in the parking lot the man walked towards his favorite Cafe where they served very tasty French toast and croons in the mornings on the way he suddenly noticed a public library and remembering that he had no new books decided to go inside of course Raphael hadn't used libraries for a long time all the books were ordered by his assistant but because of all the fuss with the
bride the businessman had completely forgotten to send her a new list this meant he was left without books for the weekend which was like death to Raphael he really loved to read moreover due to the absence of a bride it seemed he would have to spend tonight at home of course Raphael could have gone to any bookstore and bought the necessary copies but the sight of the library suddenly evoked long-forgotten childhood memories it was Nostalgia that Drew him to the heavy doors behind which Liv thousands of stories Raphael pulled the door open and inhaled the
unique scent of books with pleasure he once again felt like a child standing on the threshold of new Unforgettable Adventures entering the hall Raphael climbed the wide white staircase and walked into a room filled with many bookshelves he started moving slowly along them looking at the spines completely forgetting about breakfast and other worries the man was so engrossed that he didn't immediately hear a young girl in round glasses call out to him realizing that the new visitor hadn't heard her she approached closer and repeated her question are you looking for something specific the girl asked
Raphael started and looked at her the girl had long dark hair blue eyes and a sweet smile nah Martinez read the badge on her white shirt Raphael involuntarily looked her up and down she was elegant and slim wearing a short pleated skirt funny white knee socks and heavy army boots I the businessman began completely forgetting why he had entered the library you the girl smiled patiently waiting for him to continue I was looking for books Raphael said oh that's wonderful you've come to the right place we have many the girl joked sweetly maybe you have
specific preferences Raphael couldn't focus on the conversation all his thoughts were consumed by the upcoming dinner what if I asked this lovely librarian to be my date for tonight I wonder how she will react he thought tensely he felt himself sweating all over oh why wasn't he Victor Victor would immediately use his charm to win the girl over and easily take control of the situation Raphael was different he always found it hard to meet new people it turned out that even now as a wealthy businessman it was still difficult for him I love reading philosophical
books Raphael finally managed to say wonderful nah smiled then let me guide you to the section where Socrates Aristotle and Plato are eagerly waiting for you with these words she walked lightly along the shelves and Raphael barely kept up with her how does she walk so fast in those heavy army boots he wondered finally nah led him to the shelves with Hefty volumes on philosophy here you go choose whatever you like and I won't disturb you with that she went to her desk and Raphael couldn't help but glance at her slender figure he pretended to
be choosing a book while desperately thinking about how to make the strange proposal that was swirling in his head finally he picked the first book He Saw and approached her oh cica an excellent choice nah smiled broadly at him are you already registered with us Raphael shook his head all right then I'll take a blank form and I'll need your documents Raphael put down the book and took his driver's license out of his pocket however before handing it over he looked intently at the girl she raised her eyes in Surprise feeling his gaze do you
need something else she asked a special book that's not on the shelves no it's not quite that Raphael admitted or rather it's not that at all he got confused and felt himself blushing then what is it nah asked slightly furrowing her brow and getting ready to listen attentively Raphael took a deep breath I need your help but it's not the usual kind I'd like to invite you to dinner the girl's eyebrows went up but it's not a date no Raphael quickly added nah laughed then what is it do you you want me to read you
poetry no it will be a dinner with my business colleagues the man admitted everyone will be there with their girlfriends and fian and I oh that's what it is nah guessed and quickly finished for Raphael and you have no one exactly he nodded with relief nah thought for a moment and when is this dinner she asked tonight Raphael replied his heart skipped a beat he was afraid she might be busy but nah smiled again strangely enough I am completely free this evening Raphael felt relieved and very happy great he smiled he inadvertently looked nah over
again just do you have it was again terribly awkward for him to say it out loud but the girl guessed everything again an evening dress she asked Raphael exhaled and nodded I think I can handle that nah nodded if you need to buy something I'll cover it Raphael quickly said here's my business card just send me the necessary amount in a message and I'll transfer the money nah took the business card and glanced at it at that moment Raphael's phone rang so he didn't notice how the girl's face darkened in an instant it was Victor
calling Raphael moved towards the bookshelves and answered the call well brother you didn't reply to my message did you manage to find a bride or not Victor everything is fine Raphael answered quietly I will be with you in the evening why are you Whispering Victor was surprised I'm in the library Raphael replied and without waiting for a response hung up when he returned to nah she had already f filled out the form she handed it to him for his signature at that moment there was not a trace of a smile on her face she seemed
to be remembering something intently so we're meeting at the restaurant in the evening or should I pick you up Raphael asked oh that's not necessary nah replied I'll take a taxi write down my number Raphael nodded and entered the number she dictated into his phone then he took the book from the table and said I will send you the restaurant address and dinner time in a message Nina nodded reservedly in response Raphael headed for the exit with a strange feeling that something had changed about the girl but what exactly he felt that the warmth had
suddenly been replaced by coldness and the friendly Smile by strictness and even severity but what could be the reason perhaps the girl just needed to get back to work Raphael Shrugged in any case the task was done he had found a suitable bride and could now go to dinner with alesandro raso without worries so why fret over Trifles if nah didn't smile at the end it didn't mean he did something wrong calming himself with this thought Raphael decided to forget about the last unpleasant feeling and focus on the upcoming matters he finally had breakfast then
called his personal stylist and scheduled a meeting at the dinner he had to look his best he decided closer to noon he received a message from Nina she sent him a photo of a beautiful evening dress it was bright red and Raphael involuntarily imagined how good it would look on her however when he saw the price tag the man cuffed the dress cost a fortune despite being more than wealthy Raphael never allowed himself to throw money around recklessly most often he bought the most ordinary things went to trivial cafes and felt perfectly fine about it
thanks to his poor childhood he knew the value of money all too well of course sometimes he had to buy expensive items to look respectable in the eyes of business partners and today was one of those occasions so he transferred the required amount to the account Nina indicated in the message and later paid for equally expensive shoes and a handbag this girl decided to prepare thoroughly the man thought at exactly 7 in the evening Raphael parked his car at the Magnolia Restaurant he got out of the car and glanced at his reflection in the bright
window of a nearby store he was wearing a light suit a white shirt with a bow tie and leather shoes everything fit him perfectly Raphael adjusted his expensive watch on his wrist and headed to the entrance Victor and his girlfriend Isabella were already waiting for him at the table both looked more than Splendid Isabella was wearing a green velvet dress with an open neckline and a pearl necklace adorned her neck the girl had gathered her reddish brown hair into an intricate hairstyle at the nape so that several wavy strands fell across her face Hello friends
Raphael greeted the young man and woman hello brother Victor greeted him you look great but why are you alone my bride will arrive by taxi any minute Raphael replied and where are alesandro and his dear lady the delayed Victor replied there's a small traffic jam at the entrance to the city Roso wrote that he will be here in 3 minutes Raphael sat at the table next to Victor took out his phone from his pocket and texted nah are you on your way she replied yes I'll be there in 5 minutes great I'll be waiting at
the table Raphael responded and put his phone away Victor said something to Isabella and then turned to him listen brother in our business dealings everything has always been clean right we haven't broken the law or anything like that he asked anxiously as far as I know no but why are you thinking about this now Raphael wondered Victor nervously tapped his fingers on the table I heard that Roso is very picky about such things he himself is extremely honest and demands the same from his colleagues and partners if our company has ever been involved in any
dubious dealings he will immediately refuse to cooperate Raphael thought for a moment trying to recall anything no I've always tried to conduct business as properly as possible unless there's something I don't know Victor nodded then then I think everything will go perfectly of course unless your fiance decides to ditch you he laughed but Raphael was not in the mood for jokes he was looking at a couple slowly approaching their table he had only seen the man in photographs before and it was alesandro raso a well-known businessman and their potential business partner he was a tall
middle-aged man in his 50s his smooth bald head Shone under the lights and his stylish checkered suit fit him perfectly Roso carried himself with great confidence following him was a rather tall young woman with blonde hair and big eyes with long lashes a blue silk Sheath dress accentuated her slim figure and silver jewelry matched her light gray eyes beautifully Raphael stared at raso's companion not believing what he saw he undoubtedly knew her very well alesandro's companion was asra the same woman who had once broken F's heart at University now he understood why Roso was so
jealous of his partner this woman had always been flighty when the couple approached the table the men stood up to greet alesandro asyra gave Raphael a languid look and extended her hand for a kiss he shook it somewhat mockingly unsure if asyra had recognized him as she put on an indifferent expression in any case everything between us is long in the past Raphael thought glad to see you all in this beautiful place alesandro raso said good-naturedly my respects Victor Isabella Raphael oh Raphael why are you alone where is your fiance Victor said you would come
to dinner with a lovely blue-eyed angel Raphael blushed realizing that seeing asyra had made him so nervous that he completely forgot about nah collecting his thoughts he was about to open his mouth and say that his partner would be there any minute when suddenly he heard a soft voice the blue-eyed Angel has already arrived everyone including Raphael looked up nah was standing at the table she wore a modest dark blue dress and simple black shoes her hair was neatly tied in a bond at the nape of her neck and she wore long shiny earrings despite
the obvious Simplicity of her outfit she looked very good however Raphael expected a completely different effect why didn't she come in the gorgeous red dress I bought he thought nevertheless he stood up and put his arm around nah she exuded a coldness but Raphael had no time to think about it he seated nah next to him and smiled at everyone present this is nah my fiance he said the girl smiled with dignity oh she is indeed lovely despite her rather restrained to alesandro commented I'm not used to luxury Nina replied commendable commendable Roso responded Raphael
smiled awkwardly he didn't understand why nah acted this way but he knew that the only thing he could do was join the game the rules of which no one had explained to him Victor was watching him intently and Raphael noticed that he also didn't understand anything and was therefore worried Alvarado tried to reassure him with a look but he wasn't sure if it worked the waiter approached and everyone started ordering as Myra ordered shrimp and Champaign Roso supported her and Victor and Isabella also placed their orders what will you have nah asked Raphael I think
I'll go with plain rice the girl replied seriously plain rice laughed alesandro Raphael are you not letting your friend eat properly Raphael blushed feeling embarrassed no I I would never he caught as Myra's mocking glance and got completely flustered oh he has nothing to do with it nah said with Regal calm I just watch my figure and try not to eat much after 6 alesandro laughed good-naturedly as if he had heard a funny joke I like this girl he said Victor joined Roso in laughter and the others started to smile too she's still a child
as Myra said patronizingly and Raphael felt irritation nah said nothing the waiter brought aars and light snacks a business conversation started at the table which the women listened to but did not participate in when the men had discussed work matters asyra turned to nah so when do you and Raphael plan to get married she asked nah shook her head we haven't said a wedding dat yet she said oh but why not we're not in a hurry rafhael quickly answered for nah yes you've always been quite slow noted as Myra and suddenly winked at Raphael alesandro
looked at his friend in Surprise how do you know that he asked looking at his Myra suspiciously my sister went to University with him the girl lied this unsettled Raphael as Myra hasn't changed a bit he thought but said nothing out loud the conversation smoothly shifted to other topics now Victor and Isabella were in the spotlight after some time the waiter started bringing the order dishes there was a lot of food and it smelled more than delicious a modest plate of rice was placed in front of nah and she began to eat it slowly alesandro
couldn't hide his affection as he watched her Raphael saw that his friend had won the favor of their potential partner could he say the same about himself rafhael didn't know sometimes it seemed to him that Russell looked at him with suspicion the reason was of course asyra who kept giving Raphael ambiguous looks Nina noticed this too but chose to remain silent finally the conversation turned to the Future joint project Victor and rapael took turns to telling raso about their working methods their ideas and the Innovations they plan to introduce this all sounds wonderful remarked allesandro
and I like both of you I'm almost ready to sign a contract with you Raphael and Victor exchanged Victorious glances however my reputation is of utmost importance to me I will never get involved with a company if I find out it has been involved in anything dirty can you guarantee me that my honor will remain intact and my dignity untainted if I start working with you Victor hastily swallowed his food and nodded of course we guarantee you that alesandro turned his gaze to Raphael yes we have never allowed ourselves to act dishonestly towards anyone he
confirmed what little angels remarked this Myra alesandro was about to say something but at that moment nah Rose from her seat what's wrong dear Raphael asked alarmed nah looked at him coldly and hostilely are you sure you told Mr Russell the truth she asked rather harshly Raphael was confused what are you talking about he asked the table fell very quiet I'm talking about the fact that you haven't always been honest with everyone you've dealt with nah said clearly Raphael looked at her not believing what was happening who did I deceive he barely managed to say
my father the girl replied a few years ago your company decided to implement a new project and found a suitable location in the city center but there was one small obstacle in your way a little house where my family lived and you decided to Simply demolish it a deadly silence hung over the table alesandro raso stared intently at Raphael is this true Mr Alvarado he asked sternly Raphael turned pale and sweat appeared on his forehead I don't know anything about this he muttered that's a lie exclaimed nah you are the head of the company you
must know everything that happens in it but I seriously know nothing I always personally checked the place where construction was planned you're lying nah shouted tears welled up in her eyes and grabbing her purse she ran away from the table Raphael wanted to catch up with her but Victor managed to hold him by the sleeve wait brother he said Raphael stopped looking at Victor I don't know anything about any demolished house he repeated looking his friend in the eye but I do admitted Victor lowering his gaze what Raphael couldn't believe his ears it happened 4
years ago we were planning to build a hotel in the center you took a short leave then because your mother was ill I handled everything yes there really was one small house I offered to buy it but the owner refused so I bribed the police and they forced the family to leave the house giving them 3 days to pack this man wanted to go to court but our lawyers convinced him that it was useless to fight a giant company we transferred a substantial amount to the owner's account to cover the costs of acquiring a new
home and after a while I completely forgot about this incident Raphael looked at Victor with wide horrified eyes you really did all this and behind my back how could you Victor I trusted you completely without raising his head Victor replied forgive me ref I didn't think it was that serious alesandro Roso began CL clapping theatrically Exquisite what a dramatic scene two business partners unmasking themselves saying this he stood up and helped as Myra to her feet dear gentlemen I thank you for a wonderful dinner and asked to be excused we must take our leave with
these words allesandro and His companion left with dignity no one thought to stop them everything was obvious well I'll be damned with was all Victor could say and Isabella sympathetically patted his hand Victor this is absolutely not funny Raphael said sternly I'm not sure I'm ready to continue working with you with that he got up and also headed for the exit as Raphael was getting into his car he felt someone's Gaze on him looking up he saw a smire of coily watching him through the window of a car leaving the parking lot in response Raphael
just shook his head he took out his phone and sent nah a message I'm sorry but I really didn't know about your house Victor just told me about his dishonest act now the reply came almost immediately I don't believe you nah responded Raphael had no choice but to go home he couldn't sleep for a long time and only calmed down when he firmly decided to go to the library the next day to talk to nah he woke up very early he immediately got up brushed his teeth took a shower and got dressed there was still
plenty of time before the library opened so rafhael decided to take a walk he strolled down the street got a coffee and drank it anxiously barely tasting it half an hour before the library opened he was already standing at the entrance finally he saw nah she was walking down the street lost in her thoughts she was wearing a short green skirt a white polo shirt and the same army boots her hair was down adorned with a green bow clip nah didn't notice Raphael at first so he had to intercept her to get her attention seeing
him the girl was very surprised what do you want I thought we said everything to each other yesterday Raphael tried to take her hand but nah pulled away I just wanted to apologize again I'm telling the truth I knew nothing about your house Ina looked at him intently not saying a word it doesn't matter anymore she finally said trying to walk past Raphael but he didn't let her pass wait a minute I want to make amends you already did that yesterday the money you transferred for the dress shoes and bag I gave to my parents
Raphael nodded now he understood why nah came in her regular clothes but I don't want you to hold a grudge against me Raphael exclaimed desperately he himself didn't know why it was so important to him the deal with alesandro raso had fallen through so he no longer needed a bride however something inside resisted the thought of letting nah go forever I'm not holding a grudge the girl replied dryly then prove it Raphael smiled let me take you to dinner another one nah responded skeptically Raphael finally managed to take her hand yes but this time we'll
be alone and it will be a date he said firmly and resolutely Nina's eyebrows shot up in Surprise she couldn't believe what she was hearing but why would a wealthy businessman invite an ordinary girl on a date Raphael leaned close to Nina's ear maybe because he simply likes her nah smiled at these words all right I'll give you another chance she said and skillfully slipped away disappearing behind the heavy Library door Raphael went home after changing he went to the office where he reserved a table at a restaurant and ordered roses to be delivered directly
to the library then there was a knock at the door come in Raphael shouted Victor entered the office still visibly embarrassed Raphael I'm sorry for what I did behind your back now I understand that I cast a shadow over our entire company good that you understand otherwise I thought something was wrong with your brain Raphael grumbled I swear I'll never do that again Victor said please forgive me I'll think about it his business partner replied he was still angry at his friend after Victor left Raphael received a message from an unknown number you've become quite
something I'd love to see you the man read at the bottom he saw the signature as Myra so she wanted to see him at any other moment Raphael would have felt triumphant but remembering Nina's gentle blue eyes he took his phone and typed a reply I think alesandro wouldn't be pleased after sending the message he blocked his my's number and focused on his work at exactly 600 he closed his laptop and went home to change and get rid at 700 he was at the library door when nah appeared he didn't recognize her at first she
wore a long golden dress and high heels and her hair was beautifully curled and pinned up when did she have time for that Raphael wondered you look amazing he said out loud thanks for the Roses the girl replied nah took Raphael by the arm and they walked to his car he took her to a small restaurant with books on the shelves and they had a wonderful quiet evening at a cozy table the young people talked about various things reminising about childhood sharing their hobbies and discussing favorite stories it turned out they had a lot in
common by the end of the evening Raphael was completely Enchanted by nah and the girl finally believed that the man had nothing to do with the matter concerning her home the young couple began seeing each other almost every day and after some time they realized they couldn't live without each other they fell in love and soon Raphael proposed to nah a few months later they got married and went on their honeymoon since both loved books they decided to travel to different countries where famous writers had lived and visit the places they once frequented the trip
was successful and brought the young couple even closer now they knew almost everything about each other and loved each other with all their virtues and flaws after returning from their honeymoon nah immediately moved into her husband's apartment and in the evenings they would sit together on the couch and red books it was a quiet time filled with love and happiness dear viewers if you enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
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The millionaire decided to test the new ma...
Stories For The Soul
After my parents' funeral my husband said, I will inherit the $150M company. Disagree? Get a divorce
After my parents' funeral my husband said,...
Revenge Online
An old woman was asking passersby for bread, but one day a fancy SUV stopped near her...
An old woman was asking passersby for brea...
Stories For The Soul
My Story Time
A millionaire executive hired a poor woman to play the role of his fiancée, but when she spoke...
A millionaire executive hired a poor woman...
Heart Narratives
The little girl gave her plane seat to the veteran, surprised when she realized who he was...
The little girl gave her plane seat to the...
Posdcard Feelings
A waitress has a super sense of taste, catches the eye of a famous chef and starts her counterattack
A waitress has a super sense of taste, cat...
Millionaire forces his son to marry a poor maid, what happens next...
Millionaire forces his son to marry a poor...
Heartwarming Tales
Piers Morgan Interviews Woman who Killed her Entire Family | Serial Killer Women
Piers Morgan Interviews Woman who Killed h...
True Crime Central
A millionaire asked nurse to be his daughter for a week...when wife entered the room with the will
A millionaire asked nurse to be his daught...
Life Narrated
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