The Forgotten Teachings Of Jesus, The Essenes & Dead Sea Scrolls | Aaron Abke

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André Duqum
Born and raised as a pastor's son, Aaron Abke had a unique lens into religion from a young age. This...
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if we know one thing about Mankind is that man always changes the original intention of any holy person who's ever lived and hijacks the religion Christianity is not the one unique Faith where that's never happened yeah trigger warning for sure on this one I grew up Christian pastor's kid the hypocrisy of Christianity is the thing that drove me to the place of is this the fruit of the true Gospel of Jesus it's not that Christianity is not true it's that it's actually way more true than even Christians realize the Asen have the missing key of
who Jesus was an Asen Master there's so much proof in the Bible itself but the most incredible one to me says seems like overwhelming evidence I mean it's world changing Christ is not a person but a state of consciousness and so what good is it to just confess a person who lived 2,000 years ago but you go on lying stealing cheating there is a true way of Jesus and I think that that's what everyone is really hungering [Music] for hey everyone welcome back to the no thyself podcast so stoked to dive into this podcast today
because every so often you come across a sect a lineage of wisdom that feels so pristine in its quality that you just got to dive in and I've been doing that since this spiritual brother of mine uh who you might remember from our last podcast all about the law of one he's a spiritual guide YouTube content creator um covers really beautiful spiritual Concepts and how they can be applicable to our own Awakening process Aaron ABY thanks for coming back bro thanks for having me back man love the new studio by the way thanks epic expanding
yes indeed yeah we went to your story a little bit last time um I think it's actually very informing that you used to be a pastor's kid um and your whole journey of Awakening studying Eastern stuff coming back now it's a more you know mystical Christianity uh we're going to be diving into hidden teachings lost teachings of Jesus Christ and the Asen such a beautiful path and and so you know before we even dive into who they were what you know the historical kind of evidence for what we're going to be diving into in all
the wisdom today what's kind of the promise you know what can we the listeners expect to you know have some light shed on in terms of uh how this can be applicable to their own life and yeah m from there well it's a great question to start with um because you know I grew up Christian pastor's kid in Evangelical Christianity and um not a ton of my followers I think even know that I have a degree in theology from Oral Roberts University I spent four years heavily studying hermeneutics and did some Hebrew as well some
coin Greek and just like plunging into the uh original translations of the gospels new testament old testament and that was my passion at that age age but uh you know fell away from Christianity at 23 and and chose a different spiritual path for a while and then really came full circle like you said back to Mystical Christianity uh about five or six years ago and dove into a whole new understanding of who this person was this person of Yeshua and so the ases to me really have the missing key the missing secret of who Jesus
was because we're going to get into it more in the PO of course but the original Gospel of Jesus was and is so different than the Christian religion's version of The Gospel which um you know if I had to distill it I would say you have Paul's gospel which is salvation by faith alone you just have to confess Jesus as your lord and savior and that's it that's the gospel but then you have the gospel of uh James the just the brother of Jesus and the 12 disciples who writes in the Book of James faith
without works is dead your Works your righteousness your purification the way you live and show up in the world as the Christ uh shows your salvation not just what you confess you believe with your mouth and that was really if you read the the red letters of the Gospel that was Jesus's message was you know he even said to one group of people don't come to me calling me Lord Lord and expect you're going to enter the Kingdom of Heaven because when I was hungry you didn't feed me when I was in prison you didn't
visit me and he says away from me you who practice Wicked but they're calling him Lord I thought that was the whole thing that's what Paul said so those are two very different gospels right and where did Jesus get this gospel if it wasn't the you know kind of blood sacrifice gospel of Paul where did Jesus derive his teachings from and when you trace back the history of the ases this kind of early um you know 150 BCE through 300 ad kind of early Christian Movement it all makes sense all the pieces snap together and
you understand Jesus was a NeNe master from the valley of kumran from a town called Nazareth and the teachings of the AES are so remarkable because they're incredibly simple on one hand and very much get us back in touch with what I would call like practical spirituality being one with the Earth uh being one with uh you know Health in your body not not negating the health of your body which was something that growing up as a Christian that was not something we ever heard taught that physical health even matters at all like everyone was
sick overweight out of shape and that was just normal CU it just matters about going to heaven one day right so you get this new gospel of Jesus Through the ases and when you compare the Asen teachings from the asene gospel of peace with the New Testament you see you know hundreds of correlations and crossovers between what Jesus taught and did in the gospels and the Asen teachings and again suddenly it makes perfect sense so in short what the listeners will get out of this PO I think and I hope is a beautiful simple path
of the the true way of Jesus that has been lost for thousands of years that only since Edmund Bordeaux zley you know found the Asen gospel of peace in the Vatican in I think 1927 or 34 and translated it that these true teachings you know hit the collective consciousness of humanity again and I think the universe is bringing them back at this time for a very important reason so much to unpack into the important reason of the time that it is right now for these teachings to resurface because there's so much like I said practical
wisdom to integrate into your life to to merge heaven on Earth here in our physical reality so I'm excited to unpack all that but first let's dive into the historical context of the Dead Sea Scrolls um and you know where these were found how these were found initially um and and then we'll kind of go into like really historically who the who the yans were how they lived and and everything from there but so for people who aren't familiar what are the Dead Sea Scrolls so the Dead Sea Scrolls are pretty much unanimously considered the
greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century it was a a Shepherd boy Ironically in 1947 you know the parable where Jesus says um I am the Good Shepherd a Good Shepherd is one who leaves the 99 to go in search for the one lost sheep and brings him back and when he brings back the one lost sheep he celebrates greater than you know any other of the 99 that were still there well ironically it was a Shepherd boy who lost a sheep who went looking for his Sheep In The Kuman desert and uh I've heard
two different versions of the story but the Sheep wandered into a cave is one version another version says the shepherd boy was looking for a sheep saw a cave and threw a rock into it and then heard a shattering of pottery and he's like what what was that he goes in and looks and there's all these vessels of pottery in uh this cave and the amazing thing and this is how the universe works right is that the these 2,000-year old manuscripts in these clay vessels had been very pristinely preserved because of the bat dung that
had fallen on them have you heard that I didn't know that part yeah they were covered in thousands of years of bat dung which encased them even further from you know the different bacteria that could corrode them and whatnot so he lets the Village People know and within like you know a year or so there's archaeologists down there Excavating these caves and I think they had um they found 11 different caves and they're pretty spread apart when you look on the map there's about six in one location and then there's a few other dots up
the kumran valley and so over the next few decades they have different Scholars come in and there's some controversy about this because the only Scholars allowed in were all Christian Scholars there were no Jewish Scholars allowed to translate these manuscripts which a lot of people speculate was probably some kind of cover up from the Catholic church trying to make sure there's nothing in here that violates our Rel religion you know hard to believe the Catholic Church would try to cover up something I know right who would think it's impossible to think but you know that's
what happened is that these Christian Scholars came in and started to translate these texts and slowly surface them to the public and it's the entire Old Testament in many different manuscripts except for the Book of Esther which I find interesting because the Book of Esther is one book in the Old Testament that talks very negatively about women and the ases when you study them very much revered the feminine the divine feminine and they call the Earthly mother and uh they didn't like that book so much so they they were preservers is actually one of the
asene Creeds to preserve ancient wisdom and it's one of the seven-fold paths of Peace the sixth uh sorry the fifth path of peace is peace with the ancient wisdom to make sure that we don't just let this sacred knowledge get lost but we we cherish it we save it and we pass it down to Future generations and we add upon it as we're given more knowledge by the universe so they they were sacred preservers of this these ancient texts and uh on top of that there was there was three total segments of texts they found
one is the Old Testament another one is texts that are unique to theen and they describe a lot of their ritual practices and whatnot and I'm I'm forgetting what the third section was now but this hit the scene in 1947 and really like rocked the Christian Catholic and Jewish world and uh when Edmund Bordeaux found the Asen gospel of peace in the Vatican in 1927 this was before the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and there's uh three different books there's called um one is a book of hymns the seen hymns one is uh the scene
Book of Revelations I believe um I'm blanking on the third one but there's these scriptures that he found that also were found in the Dead Sea so when you read if you read the Asen gospel of peace at I think it's in the second gospel it says manuscripts identical with the Dead Sea Scrolls and there's it shows you all the parts that he found in the Vatican that were also in kumran so that again shows you that the Catholic church has been covering up some pretty important uh manuscripts for a very long time and it
all really goes back to when Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD they actually sacked the ases in 68 ad before they sacked Jerusalem I think their thinking was let's deal with these little outskirt movements of Jews first and then we'll go for the big one in Jerusalem when we're ready and they didn't differentiate between they're all just Jews to them they don't care about the different sects but there was only three main sects Sadducees which were like the highest Priestly class the elites you could say the Pharisees which were like the lower but far more
populated class of Jewish Orthodox priests and then there were the ases which basically ostracized themselves into the desert of kumran because they believed that that Orthodox Judaism had strayed and deviated so far from God's laws that they had become some kind of satanic cult almost in their animal sacrifices uh Josephus writes of the unbelievable Bloodshed in the temple in the in those days that uh every Passover they would Slaughter over 250,000 Lambs in one day and the priests he described the priests would be covered from the waist down in Blood and they had to have
trench systems built out of the temple for all the blood to wash out of the temple CU it would just flood the whole place and so you can imagine this like unbelievable blood bath and and genocide essentially of animals where they believe that this is how this is what God wants for us to atone for our sins and the ases were like these people have fallen so far from God's laws they've been influenced by the Egyptians the Babylonians they've lost the true Faith so we need to preserve it so they went to this Burning Wasteland
in The Kuman desert which was preferable to them over the persecution they would face in Jerusalem to follow what they believed was the true way of of Judaism which was actually not to follow Father Abraham as the Orthodox Jews did but theirs was father Enoch and Enoch is a much lesser known biblical character but there's essentially one line maybe one or two lines in the Old Testament that describe Enoch and I believe he was like maybe eight Generations after Adam purportedly so a very ancient person and it says Enoch walked with God and then he
was not for God took him and so that means essentially God he was so devoted and so one with God that God couldn't stand the separation of him being in a physical body and ascended Enoch up to heaven with him and so the the enenes were like hey that's our guy he was the closest one to God so close that God actually took him back to heaven so he was the real first father of our faith and so they were they were followers of Enoch versus Abraham they believed that starting with Abraham it started to
deviate and then through Moses and and so on and so forth so the Dead Sea Scrolls really brought the ases back to the mainstream awareness and from there then we had you Ed and bordeaux's findings just a decade or two later that got published and it's very clear that the Universe has chosen this time to bring these teachings back to life and when you study them and read them I think it's very apparent why yeah so if it's true that the ases lived in the region of kumran then uh which is like where the Dead
Sea Scrolls in the region were found then it's highly likely that the connection between them would lead to them being the scribes or authors of any of the and they've carbon dated them and proven that they they were written and came from the kumran valley yeah so the scenes essentially saw themselves as the sons of Light like the true form true sect of of the religion in which they followed and so um you spoke to the the kind of three different main sex scenes being these individuals who like really lived in the way and like
showed in their works and in their deeds their their true Devotion to God so can you share a little bit more of the context of how the scenes lived and yeah in the region where they were so there was two main sects of the Asen and this is at least as far as Josephus is concerned Josephus is kind of the main historian that Christians especially rely upon to verify the New Testament and and the life of Jesus so the oans were to the South and the nazarians were to the north and isn't it interesting Jesus
was known to be the Nazarene they called him born in Nazareth uh which is a well documented aene sect so like if you're looking for proof that Jesus was in aene you don't even need to go further than the the New Testament description of Jesus that he was from Nazareth but essentially there was those two main sects the um the northern nazarians were they were both very Pious they they believed in ritual Purity uh extreme physical health the oans were sometimes Asen get a bad rap from from Scholars and people who study them you know
plyy and Pho write about them I believe Pho lived with the ases for like three years and he describes the way he lived and what they did and the oans did not believe in marriage they were total celibates they were little over the top on the they were even more strict than the Sadducees and the Pharisees so sometimes people confuse the nazarin and the oans but there's a lot of crossover for sure but the nazarians were a little more loose in in their extreme dogma and more like heart-c centered in their approach to their faith
so they believed in marriage and they taught that marriage is good and that masculine and feminine are meant to join together to reproduce and recreate and in fact what they believed was that the only reason that man grows sick and old and and dies is because man has deviated so far from God's laws that his sickness and his his dying so young is representing how far mankind had fallen uh interestingly enough in the law of one which we talked about on our last podcast RW says that in the third density of Consciousness which is this
plane we're on now in the earth um the original lifespan of a third density being was always Meant To Be A Thousand Years and that's what the Loos had designed and you know we live less than a tenth that long these days right so how did our lifespan shorten so much well it's because Man became tribalistic barbaric warlike committed unbelievable atrocities not just to humans but even to animals um the ases very much believed like the creator doesn't differentiate between what kind of killing is worse to kill an innocent animal is just as bad as
to kill an innocent person and so they believe that we we had to back engineer ourselves back to our spiritual Perfection that the Creator had originally intended and you know when you read the Old Testament there are many accounts of especially in Genesis and the Torah of beings that lived you know 900 years uh Methuselah I believe is said to have lived 967 years old and I think that was Enoch's father was Methuselah or maybe Noah's father so they talk about their ancient ancestors lived 700 800 900 years because that was long before or um
Man became very tribalistic and barbaric so they believed that enough generations of as scenes following these well communing with the 14 Angels following God's holy law which they also would sort of call the Everlasting agreement which is basically the law of free will it's the law of Do no harm and always respect the Free Will of all beings that that's the one single original law that the Creator made and if you don't follow that law then you are subjected to the torah's laws uh in in the asene gospel Jesus has this really cool statement where
he says the farther a law is from God the more that there are the closer the law is to God the fewer there are and we know that Jesus was asked in the New Testament Lord what's the greatest law and commandment of them all and he said it is one love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself that's the law of Do no harm it's the Everlasting agreement right so they believe that man had fallen from that law and it now had to be under the levitic Torah laws hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds of laws because they were like spiritual children that couldn't obey or even perceive uh natural law which the AES say over and over again is written in the hearts of man it's written in nature it's not written in books it's the invisible law they called it if you can't connect with it in your heart you are so far estranged from God like if it's not normal to you to know that everyone is a Divine creation of the father and they all should have their Free Will uninf fringed we should love everyone if that's not
obvious to you you have fallen very far from truth and so you need all these hundreds of laws at that point so they were trying to back engineer Humanity back to the place where we were created to live you know a thousand or more years and so they believed enough generations of the aines following this way of Purity and reproducing would I'm I'm assuming they believed heal the gene codes in the human body and eventually get us back to that original state of perfection and they believed I think that Jesus of Nazareth was that child
that was born like a crystallized being like a perfect being from childhood or sort of a prodigy and so they really um they very clearly saw that in him from a young age and sent him to Egypt Syria Tibet India or he perhaps went of his own accord but he went all around in those Missing Years studying other Traditions um to bring back this message to Israel at 30 years old so he was trying to bring the he was trying to Reform Judaism not destroy Judaism and you know Paul very much says Jesus came to
abolish Judaism it's wicked get rid of it there's nothing good in it but Jesus said I didn't come to abolish your law I came to fulfill your law and that's the original Law of of Do no harm love the Lord your God and so you know this path of Purity is so beautiful because they they describe it with this picture of that they call it the Tree of Life they say at the at the center of the Eternal Garden stands the tree of life and the Eternal Garden was their name their metaphor for the universe
and so the the center of the Eternal Garden is nowhere because the universe doesn't have a center they're referring to the center of the universe is in you um and the tree of life is in you and so their whole path of purification was to embody the 14 Angels which are the seven branches of the tree which are the heavenly father and the Seven roots of the tree the Earthly mother and by communing with these angels uh malakim in Hebrew you would purify yourself and revert back to that state of original Perfection so that's what
they were trying to do and uh Josephus actually writes that the vast majority of the scenes in those days were centenarians they lived over a 100 years somebody else wrote maybe plyy they live to be 120 years on average which is about double the lifespan at that time about 50 to 60 years you know so they were they were clearly doing it right they were successful um but they of course got wiped out in 68 ad I mean it it would make sense that in Peak optimal human I guess cultivation like you you can certainly
live that long when you're living so in accordance with the natural law and I just find and I'm so excited to dive deeper into the the beautiful connection and the prayers and to to merge with the Earthly mother and Heavenly Father uh I you did bring up something which is really interesting about you know there are these Missing Years from Jesus's life that I think only is really mentioned I mean they say he's just a carpenter from like 12 to what is it 29 yeah it would make sense that you know there there is this
individual uh I wrote some of these notes down Nicholas novich yeah he wrote the uh unknown life of Jesus Christ published in 1894 kind of accounting his um time in the East with uh some of these ancient Eastern wisdom traditions and their accounts of a prophet named Isa who lived a like very similar life who described essentially exactly like who Jesus was in his life that says you know he went to um you know the account was that at 14 or 13 he kind of followed the trade route or the Silk Road or silk route
um that took him to Punjab his Fame quickly grew went further South lived among J Jane devotees went further east at pury uh pury welcomed by the Brahman priests for six years studying Hindu scriptures then went North staying with Buddhist monks perfecting his knowledge of the Sacred po language remaining there for another six years before leaving the Himalayas returning to Palestine preaching along the way to abandon the worship of idols and to love thy neighbor um also stopping in Persia I believe and got pushed off by the zor asrian priests he got pushed out everywhere
he went yeah and and it makes sense because Esau or isau is the um is the Arabic name of Yeshua and you know there I think it's only mentioned in the Gospel of Luke that says that and Jesus increased in wisdom and statue and in favor with God and man upon his arrival but it's like all right well happen everything in between and I just find it interesting with the overlap of the scenes the teachings um and so any any yeah any words you have for the Missing Years of Jesus's life and then further proof
that Jesus wasn't a scene MH yeah well it's funny you sent me that video a couple of days ago and I literally read the whole book on my flight over here I couldn't stop it was amaz Jesus in India is the video we can link it below as well yeah and then uh was the hidden life of Jesus by novich um the story is amazing you know he's this Russian Explorer who's going through Tibet and he's talking to these llamas in Tibet and they mention this um character named Isa who is from Israel born into
a poor family and was this essentially a Reincarnation of Buddha they believed and the Tibetan llamas document every great spiritual being that was has ever lived in their tradition and so they have Scrolls that preserve the history of all these beings and the one llama was telling him about it and he said do you have that scroll here and he's like we don't keep it here it's in this other town I forget the name starts with an l and so he's like I'm going there and he goes there talks to the Head llama has this
amazing conversation and the book's really well written too it's like beautiful Journey he describes every step of the journey and the people he encounters but essentially the head Lama says well we have like you know hundreds of thousands of Scrolls here so it would take us quite a while to dig up that one he gives them the overview of it and says next time you're in town I'll find it for you and he's like ah dang you know so he try he's going back to I believe India and just as fate would have it his
hits a ditch Falls over he breaks his leg and he's only less than a half Day's Journey from the Tibetan Monastery and he's like well that's my best routees to go back there and heal up so his servants take him back there and they tell the Buddhist monks they come out very compassion it bring him in put a splint on his leg put him in a nice bed and uh he said he was in really excruciating Agony which you can imagine breaking a leg is like the worst form of pain essentially the body knows of
and so the the head llama had had compassion on him and was like ah this poor guy like let me cheer him up so he orders his Buddhist monks to dig up the Scrolls of the Hidden life of Isa or the the life of Isa they bring it in and he has a Tibetan translator there and he reads him the scroll and he says do you mind if I write this down line by line it's not a very long scroll it's maybe like probably 30 or 40 pages in total and they said of course you
know this knowledge belongs to all people it's not just ours like you're welcome to translate it so as his translator reading it to him in English he's writing it down line by line and uh it's it's very cool because when you read it it has that ancient energy to it and the way it's written but yeah it it describes everywhere Jesus went and it says essentially when he was 14 um as the Asen believed you were supposed to be married and reproduce for the sake of uh Keeping the Faith going and Isa or Yeshua didn't
want to be married and so he left Israel and traveled to the Road and ends up going to um I believe Tibet was the first place or maybe India I can't remember but it's kind of funny because the exact same thing happens to him everywhere he goes that happened to him in Israel in that he goes there and uh learns teaches gains a huge following and then starts pointing out the hypocrisy of the the priesthood in that area and so with the brahin their big thing was the creating of idols and teaching people to worship
idols and all these different deities and apparently the the creating of these Idols was very labor intensive and they would make slaves do it and stuff and so these slaves are are working night and day to make all these Idols for the millions of people that want to worship idols and Jesus basically says to the brahmans you're practicing wickedness because the Creator is invisible he can't be represented in form the Creator's everywhere in everyone and so you're you're worshiping uh a form in which the Creator is not in and harming the people in whom the
Creator really does live inside of to make it you're total Hypocrites and so the brahans try to kill him and he he hears word of it from his followers they're going to come kill you bro and he gets out of there and goes to I believe Syria next same thing happens there with the zoroastrian priests he calls them out for teaching Sun worship and he's like who do you think makes the sun move it's not the Sun moving by itself it's the Creator moving the Sun and you're you're parsing God out into his creation and
teaching that God is uh separate from you in these forms and that's evil and wicked and they try to kill him and he leaves so you're like yeah that's pretty on par for what we see in the gospels too right of him calling out the Pharisees and Sadducees for the same kinds of hypocrisy but in Israel his main bone to pick was the animal sacrifices and the believing that killing innocence and shedding innocent blood could somehow atone for sins uh was insane to him to the ases and they were you know strict vegetarians and all
of that so um yeah I found it to be not only very on on par with the Christ we see in the gospels but just a riveting book to read in itself what's the difference between fundamentalism and mysticism in your eyes as it applies to this that's a really good question um you know I always describe fundamentalism as seeking Union with God through external means rituals practices prayers chants worship Services doing things in the belief that if I do enough things the Creator will have favor on me and you know I'll join with the Creator
and mysticism is the opposite right it's seeking the Creator within yourself through meditation prayer intercession worship devotion and so that's not to say there isn't a place for rituals and the asens had some of their own rituals but it's that God's not in the ritual the ritual is a representation an outward demonstration of an inward state that we are cultivating to reveal the god in you yeah yeah I I imagine I explored these some of these conversations on my podcast here and there and there's always the fundamentalist Christians that you know that come at me
and I'm sure I'm sure as well as in the comment section for a lot of your videos and whatnot too and is just yeah any kind of footnotes that you want to put here in regards to how this can be a triggering conversation for so many especially for individuals that have been indoctrinated into very much so believing one one perspective on the story of Jesus and the way to God yeah trigger warning for sure on this one um you know I think Christians don't I was myself a Christian for 23 years essentially Christians don't know
anything about the scenes because it's not an interesting subject to them they're they've already feel like they've got it figured out Paul had the right message we read Paul's Epistles and stuff and uh even as a Christian I found that strange to be honest with you because you know when I first left Christianity I was having these conversations in person and online with Christian friends and other Christians I knew about why I didn't resonate with the Christian faith not Jesus but the Christian faith right and I would quote a line from Jesus such as forgive
your enemies 70 time 7 and then why do why do you think God wouldn't do that if Jesus told us to do that and they would always quote a passage from Paul to rebut me it's like are you rebutting Jesus with Paul every single time and it became more clear to me that this religion is really panity not Christianity it's the religion of Paul and Paul's version of Jesus who Paul never met Jesus in person never heard Jesus teach in person only heard secondhand knowledge about Jesus and uh was a persecutor of Christians you know
killed hundreds maybe thousands of Christians before his famous encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus where he has this vision and I think Paul's first vision of Jesus was probably a genuine one because when you read the account in the book of Acts essentially a bright light throws Paul off of his horse while he's traveling to Damascus to kill more Christians and he says Paul or his name was Saul at that point Saul Saul why are you persecuting me and he's blinded by this light and he's like who are you Lord he says I
am Jesus the Nazarene whom you are persecuting and then he tells Paul to go to a certain house to meet a certain guy who's going to heal his blindness because he strikes Paul Blind by the light and to me I'm like that sounds like a pretty genuine encounter with a with a light being but what happens is Paul has two more Visionary experiences with Jesus over the next few years and decades and he goes on to say oh I met Jesus in another vision and then a third vision and Jesus told me the real gospel
which is that Jesus himself was the final animal sacrifice of God and that Jesus's murder on God's behalf was the final atonement and all you have to do is just confess with your mouth I believe you died for my sins boom your saved that's all you have to do sign seal delivered and the problem is that's very different than Jesus's gospel that he actually taught in those red letters when he lived and walked on Earth and that was one of the first things that started to rub me wrong about Christianity you know I was a
worship leader right I was a pastor son my whole life I'm around Christians 247 and I noticed we don't seem to care very much about the middle part we care a lot about the Virgin birth and a lot about the cruci crucifiction and Resurrection but those red letters in those years in between the birth and death of Christ we don't give a whole lot of credit to in comparison and then we get obsessed over what Paul said about Jesus but he never met Jesus and he actually very much condemned and called um the apostles Hypocrites
he called them so-called Apostles he says they mean nothing to me in Galatians um so to me it started to seem that Paul was probably jealous of the disciples cuz he wished he probably could have been one of them and he didn't like the gospel they were preaching which was um stop killing animals God doesn't want blood sacrifices really the same stuff that all the prophets in the Old Testament from Isaiah Ezekiel Jeremiah Malachi all of them started to condemn the practice of animal sacrifices in the Old Testament and Jesus shows up and he's like
yo isn't it written in your law I do not desire sacrifice but a broken and contrite spirit and then you have Paul saying but no Jesus was the last animal sacrifice so it's this total contradiction right and I couldn't face up to it at a certain point right I'm like this doesn't make sense to me I don't know this God that you all are talking about who wants blood for forgiveness I only know a god I've only encountered a God in myself who is infinitely merciful who forgives 70 time 7 who wants a righteous pure
heart and uh service to others you know Jesus was huge about love your neighbor feed the poor visit the prisoner this is my gospel and don't you dare call me your lord and try to confess me with your mouth if you're not out helping the least of these and so I I couldn't reconcile those contradictions anymore and decided to leave the faith and I'm so glad I did because that's what led me on this this long 10-year journey of actually very similar to Jesus studying all these Eastern Traditions to get a more holistic picture of
who Yeshua hamashiach Jesus Christ was he was an enlightened Avatar uh probably Reincarnation of the Buddha maybe even as the Tibetans say and seeing him through that lens suddenly made perfect sense that he actually came to get rid of the idea that God needs blood and death and violence to forgive people and that we ourselves are the ones who need to forgive not God powerful so so this leads really nicely into the the Sevenfold path path of peace and Jesus's M more m teachings and the teachings of the ases which is such a beautiful pathway
of purification um and so what would you say is like the Core teaching of that you kind of gave a little bit of the analogy of the seven branches down and up and kind of merging them in between so let's start to open that up as we go into the seven Earthly um angels and Heavenly angels and um the Jesus diet as you've been following it and so many cool things to dive into here yeah so there's a few kind of basic modalities of the Asen way and they call it the Sevenfold path of Peace
the Asen were very big on peace even their gospels called the Asen gospel of peace in Hebrew and uh I would say the Crux of it is the communion with the angels and when you read the aen gospel it's just an incredible book um the First Gospel is essentially just a series of sick people as you know that are coming to Jesus being like Lord Lord help us we're so sick we don't know why we're so sick but we can't get healed and we know that you have the power to heal us and rather than
just laying his hands on them as he does in the gospels he teaches them how they have violated natural law and have basically um he would use like words like invited Satan into your body and Satan just represents like the negative polarity or something right like Darkness Karma maybe and uh he gives them these kind of holistic very like naturopathic remedies to heal their bodies and says um you have defiled the Temple of of God of your body with all of these Abominations of drinking and lenti justness and un unhealthy eating and gluttony and so
you must return to the natural way and he says um blessed are you who ask for wisdom for I will give you the bread of wisdom and I will I will show you uh the path of the Earthly mother's angels and how to walk with the Earthly mother's angels and so he gives them these prescriptions of um you know first it's the angel of air the angel of water the angel of Earth Angel of sunlight angel of life and the angel of joy and then the Earthly mother is the seventh one and he step by
step teaches them what these angels are and how to commune with them and so the Asen path is every morning you commune with one of the seven angels of the Earthly mother and every evening you commune with one of the angels of the heavenly father and in doing so essentially you're building a bridge between yourself and that power angels is just a a metaphor right it's not an actual entity with wings or something but um as you know ancient cultures were very metaphorical in that they understood you can't really get at Divine truth like directly
with words and Concepts there's no one right word you can lay upon any Divine principle so it's almost better not to even try and to just use metaphors and symbols right to point to these truths so they use the term Angels or malakim and so these are really like spiritual forces or spiritual powers that uh we again have lost relationship with through our deviation in our sins and so by communing with these angels and Powers every day you're reestablishing that metaphysical link with that power and this is why the Asen were known healers is that
they they had a Oneness with these like the four elements for example that they could command them to be used for healing or whatever they needed um psychically and what's interesting is my personal theory is this is how Jesus performed his miracles you know he walks on water in one of the Miracles uh there's the famous Miracle where there's a blind man and Jesus spits into the mud and creates some mud with his saliva and rubs it on the Man's eyes and then says go wash in the pool of salom and he does and his
eyes are opened and you see what Jesus was probably doing there was using his saliva angel of water it's passing through the angel of air hitting the angel of Earth Angel of sunlight is shining upon it so he's mixing the four elements and he has command over them because of his communion with them and he probably rubbed them on the Man's eyes and psychically told them to heal his vision and so he has to go on a 15minute walk to this pool and by the time he gets there the miracle had been performed so you
know it's very interesting to think about these teachings with how Jesus did these Miracles but the thees were known healers they were called the therapeuti in Greek which means healers and Josephus plyy Pho all wrote about how people would come from far and wide to get healed by the ases in the kumran valley because they were known for this and what's also cool is that these first century writers and historians also said that the Kings and rulers from all the lands really respected the ases because these people lived with no money so they were no
threat to any King you know they had no Army it said they made no Shields no breastplates no arrows no bows no swords no weapon could be found amongst them they had no money because they believed that poverty or great wealth was a deviation from natural law and they just kept to themselves and practiced communing with God in Purity and they healed everyone who came to them so it's like kind of hard to hate those people right they're no threat and they just want to help and so these Kings would actually speak very highly of
the ases and would even send for ases to come to their you know palaces and whatnot if they were sick sometimes and the Asen would do that so they had a very friendly relationship with the surrounding Nations because their reputation kind of spoke for itself yeah one of the passages in the essene gospel of peace is talking about uh no one gets to the heavenly father unless through the Earthly mother and you're talking about the process of Elemental alchemis of living in right relationship ENT with the Earth to purify yourself to become a vessel I
suppose worthy of receiving the the the power of that Divinity right the whole idea is like if you can't even take care of the physical vessel you were given why should you be allowed or able to purify your spiritual vessel you know first Earth then Heaven we've been given this order by the Creator to master certain levels of Creation in that order just like grades in school or something and so to totally ignore the physical body and your relationship with the Earth and just try to ascend up in Consciousness or something would be like a
first grader trying to get into eth grade it's like no you got to pay your dues you got to prove that you're worthy of eth grade by passing all these tests first and so physical Purity and health was of great importance to them because as you said they believed you can't get to the heavenly father with a sick distorted body because that represents your deviation from the law so first the mother and then the father so I'm I definitely want to go into the seven angels of the Earthly mother and I thought it was very
fascinating how much the first kind of gospel was really focused on how and what to eat and um much of of how to like live in right relationship with those elements and whatnot but first let's just cover the seven uh angels of the heavenly father we'll get right back to the episode but first a quick one basically every single day for the past three years when I meditate in the morning I do it in front of a red light device red light therapy is essentially light within a particular wavelength which can mimic the colors of
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the Heavenly Angels on the Heavenly father's side and and go from there I love that quote because obviously being a huge student of the law of one the law one teaches something called the three disciplines of the personality they ask raw like how do we Ascend spiritually how do we graduate to the next density and Ross says through the three disciplines of the personality and it is uh know thyself love thyself and become the Creator and so you have wisdom know thyself um love accept thyself and power become the Creator and it's kind of this
infusion of the masculine feminine principles right that you must join just like in in physicality right to create a person person to create a human life masculine and feminine must join and that creates the power to to birth new life it's a a physical metaphor also for the spiritual plane as well that if we want to have true spiritual power we have to have wisdom and love imbued together and balanced together because if you have only one or the other you're like a bird with a broken wing and it's hard to fly and so the
angels of the heavenly father are the angel of love the angel of wisdom the angel of power the angel of eternal life um the heavenly father work peace in thank you Angel of creative work they call it and then the angel of Peace those are the seven and we can go through really quick if you want and just explain what they mean but I love for example the angel of power when they teach you the communion with each Angel they give you a little Mantra to repeat and so I begin my meditations whether morning or
evening with the Mantra and then they say essentially you have to contemplate that power and connect with it and understand the way it manifests in different ways and so with the angel of power for example uh the Mantra that Jesus gives says angel of power descend upon my acting body and fill with power all my actions and Jesus explains and then he'll give a little stanza explaining that angel to you as well saying um you know again very much like anti- in gospel he says words and confessions and Thoughts by themselves really don't mean anything
but the way that they translate to your actions and behaviors and who you are the your way of being is what really matters and that's what the angel of power is for the angel of power takes all that wisdom and all that love and imbus it through the body as spiritual power so that when you walk into the room when you interact with people they feel a tangible presence about you that your wisdom and love are demonstrated in your actions so he saysthe sons of light will not only speak um but they will also do
and in their doing will the angel of power be demonstrated so that's one example of the way that the communions are taught is that you're supposed to understand the power that you're connecting with the force you're connecting with and then you're supposed to contemplate the way it manifests and sort of visualize that force acting through you so that's angel of power obviously Angel Of Love is pretty selfish explanatory um they believe that love should be imbued in all of your feelings so it's Angel Of Love descend upon me and fill with love all my feelings
that any unloving feeling towards another brother or sister represents a deviation from God's law because God is love uh Jesus actually says your heavenly father is love your Earthly mother is Love Therefore be loving to demonstrate who they are so that's the angel of love angel of wisdom is also pretty self-explanatory we must have wisdom in our thoughts and in our Deeds to express who the heavenly father is yeah did you want to read one uh well yeah I mean the angel of wisdom who maketh man free from Fear wide of heart and easy of
conscience I really love that it's so poetic isn't it yeah it's beautiful and it makes sense you know someone who's living their life from wisdom has the ability to perceive multiple kind of realities therefore freeing them from one linear dogmatic way of thinking which would contribute to so much fear in the mind mind to live like easy of conscience to like live in alignment and integrity yeah so so powerful and what's really cool is that the seven angels of the mother also correlate to the father there's a it's like physical spiritual they they sink in
together as above so below and the way it integrates right like we know the four elements right angel of air represents the angel of wisdom uh angel of water represents the angel of love angel of Earth represents the angel of um Power and so forth so you have the angel of Peace after that uh the Mantra is peace peace angel of peace be always everywhere and they believed that peace should permeate everything you do everyone you meet everywhere you go and in fact their famous greeting was peace be with you they would say that to
one another you know strangers on the road peace be with you and that was kind of how people knew that they were in a scene was they would always greet you with peace be with you yeah want to start sending emails out with that at the bottom I thought about it too the greetings it's a pretty badass greeting for an email yeah so we got love power wisdom peace eternal life yeah and work yes so the angel of creative work is so cool because it explains how man is meant to create right that's also part
of who God is in US is God is the Creator and so we are co-creators with God so the angel of creative work is that angel that inspires us with our passion our excitement the drive to do and to create and to build more of God's Kingdom on Earth and so Jesus says you know build God's kingdom oh sons of Light through the angel of creative work uh and then you have um the angel of eternal life which goes back to what I was mentioning a bit ago about how they believed mankind Man was created
perfect originally and fell from that state of perfection that the uh Adam and Eve Genesis story was like a loose metaphor for what had really happened metaphysically is that we sinned we started sinning and violating the the holy law of Free Will and so Eternal Light the angel of eternal life was the power that enables man to return back to that state of perfection and they believed in fact that the the only purpose of the universe could be eternal life almost like almost like a video game or something right that we're we incarnate into these
bodies that grow sick and old and die and we're supposed to figure out why and to solve the problems and so the angel of eternal life is that power that shows us how to return to God's laws and empowers us to return to God's laws and have as Jesus said over and over in the New Testament whoever believes in me will not die but have everlasting life or eternal life for God did not send his son to condemn the world but that the world through him might have eternal life so that was a big huge
um part of the Asen Sevenfold path of Peace was that we're meant to have eternal life God intended it we're the ones who lost it so we're the ones who must return back to it there has to be that choice right that the free will to be able to you got it to merge that in the Divine will of the Creator in our I love the creative works because it it makes so much sense as you're communing with the like Earthly angels and the elements you purify your system you have time to spend doing things
that essentially make the immaterial Manifest through your works in the world and your creative action yeah and whatever that is you know it can be expressed in so many different ways but finding that uh that dharmic purpose that alignment with the like the desire of seeing what is most needed on the planet right now how can I serve with what has been given to me is uh is something that I'm you know very passionate about and same with you and your work that you do and is a interesting invitation for the listeners to also contemplate
in which way you know God's how can God create through me how can I be used by God in in in the best way possible and not just what I want of life but what life wants of me and uh and you know applying that I feel like gives that Universal amplification energy to support you on that path too yeah you could also think of the angel of creative work as the angel of Dharma same idea yeah yeah so the merging of both what would you say if you had to kind of the core principle
or teaching of this like it's it's leading to essentially merging Earth and Heaven within the self yeah yes yeah the scenes had the this drawing of the tree of life and uh it's it's very similar to the um the Buddhist tree of life it's the picture of a man kind of meditating and half his body is below the the Earth the upper half is above the Earth and he's in the center of a tree and maybe we can put it on screen or something yeah um you've got seven branches up seven Roots down and each
one has the name of the Angel attached to it so the picture they were trying to draw is that the Tree of Life which if you remember the story of Genesis this with Adam and Eve um God says you're allowed to eat of the tree of life but essentially don't eat the tree of Duality which would be the same thing as saying like don't eat the tree of Separation Consciousness right eat the tree of Oneness over here the tree of life so they believe the tree of life was what we're meant to embody so by
embodying the seven angels of the Earthly mother and the heavenly father we return to that state of perfection that was originally intended and this was something that it had transpired over thousands of years right we fell from Grace not in one moment but over thousands of years of gradually deviating from Eternal law and so they believed it's going to take time to get back there again so that's why they were big on marriage and reproducing and really preserving their lifestyle and their their path of teachings that this was what they said was not invented by
them but was given to them by God and it was the path of Enoch their father that Enoch originally taught in the Book of Enoch and so they very much revered Enoch as their father and the way shower you know so you have Jesus kind of being like this Reincarnation of Enoch almost where he ascends to Heaven just like Enoch did at the end of his life they very much saw Jesus as like the first finished product we've been working towards you know they they believed eventually everybody would be like a Christ everyone would be
born enlightened from birth and would live to be a thousand years old and all this but Jes Jesus was like the first one born among them that proved to them that what they were doing was working because they couldn't deny that this child had incredible spiritual wisdom and Purity at such a young age I mean he didn't even want to get married at 13 or 14 I don't know about you dude but I was pretty interested in girls at that age and Jesus was so not interested in that that he wandered away from his birthplace
to go study other teachings yeah so deep in his knowing of self and I mean it's a completely different world from the average 13 or 14-year-old in today's age you know but say the least but yeah they recognize the purity of this being um and The Missing Years of his life in terms of going to India and Persia and Tibet and is is true um just such a wild story and I love parans yogananda's kind of take also and he's got a two volume series book on the second coming of Christ which is the resurrection
of the Christ within and Christ Consciousness something that far predates the physical being of Jesus or Christ or Yeshua um and something that we all have the capacity to activate and realize within us as well so what is the resurrection of Christ and it's uh in our capacity to have that and realize that in our lifetime we know the word Christ is again the word hamashiach which means anointed one and there's some pretty good evidence to say that that that title was given to Yeshua by the Asen they they were like he's the anointed one
he's the Messiah that we've prophesied would be born and uh if you read the New Testament there's a few passages where they quote um some Old Testament passage that says he will be born a Nazarene and they said look he is the Fulfillment of the scriptures he is the Messiah that we foretold and so the word Christ means anointed one and so when we talk about Christ Consciousness or um the resurrection of the Christ in you it has to be pointing to that principle right again what Christianity overlooks or takes for granted is that Christ
is not a person but a state of consciousness that again the Asen were trying to to merge back with not just a being but a state of being yeah not just a being but a state of being and so what good is it to just confess a person who lived 2,000 years ago and say that's my Lord and Savior but you go on lying stealing cheating all that stuff which I've just always abhor in in like the Christians that kind of just use it as a scapegoat to say yes I've AC since I've said I've
accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior can essentially just like do whatever I want and I'm good I'm going to the prly gates you know and it's like okay fair no judgment but at the same time like how that makes no sense to me that a Buddhist monk who would never kill a fly um who lives his life with so much compassion and service to others who knowingly had awareness of you know quote unquote accepting Christ into his heart and didn't now was going to burn in hell for eternity you know pretty just never
made sense to me and you're not alone in that for sure it's uh it's the universal reason that anyone rejects the Christian faith because Jesus said you know a tree by its fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit so the hypocrisy of Christianity is the the thing that not only me but also my parents um had had suffered from so much that drove me to the place of this must be a bad tree if I'm seeing so much bad fruit and anybody listening even if you're a
fundamentalist Christian listening to this you cannot deny all the the rampant hypocrisy you've seen in probably every church you've ever been involved in I mean I I knew countless youth pastors getting caught sleeping with their you know youth students laundering money constant Relentless fights for power and coup d'as overthrow attempts of pastors um spreading rumors gossiping I could go on and on and tell you stories about my parents suffering these things and it's like is this the fruit of the true Gospel of Jesus who said they will know you by your love for one another
that's Howell they'll know you're my followers it's got to be a bad tree and so it's it's a well-intended tree you know everyone who's a Christian has great intentions you want to do right you want to follow God but this is such a nuanced topic right to understand how this original message of Jesus got diluted hijacked stolen by the Roman Catholic Church changed time and time again changed censored totally bastardized from its original intention that you can't just read this book that's been around for almost 2,000 years and expect that it's exactly what the original
message was has it been tampered with that's just ignorant right you got to do your research and say let me backtrace the whole history of this movement CU if we know one thing about Mankind is that man always changes the original intention of any holy person who's ever lived through the ages the ego of man who wants to have control always gets involved and hijacks the religion it's not Christianity is not the one unique Faith where that's never happened in fact I would say it's happened far worse in Christianity than any Rel in existence I
would say that and this is a very controversial statement as well but I would say that the Apostle Paul is the single most influential human being who's ever lived not Jesus Christ because he stole Jesus Christ's message and made it something very different than it actually was and now everyone Associates Paul's gospel and by the way he called it my gospel over and over again he didn't call it Jesus's gospel he said my gospel is the blood of Christ well that wasn't Jesus's gospel and that's the big problem so to get back to Jesus's message
you have to study the ases and understand where Jesus came from what he taught and this is what's really cool man if if you want to get into this is the incredible amount of proofs in the Bible itself not only with all these early historians that prove Beyond any shadow of a doubt overwhelmingly that Jesus was definitely a Nazarene aene who essentially probably came to J Jerusalem to say yo these people are so lost in this Blood Cult of animal sacrificing thinking that this deity Yahweh wants blood to atone for sins I got to go
help these people I got to go preach the truth to them because they're just falling farther away from God and that was the compassion of Christ to go do that and he probably knew they're going to murder me for it at some point but what other purpose is there to be alive than to serve the Creator and to spread the good news he called it um so do you want to get into that I would love for you to go through there's a lot of really important points I think especially on the heels of what
is definitely a controversial triggering kind of speech that you gave that I very much so am in agreeance with I think this helps solidify as well so I'd love to take some space just to go through some of those awesome so I'm going to read you six known Asen Creeds actually seven technically that Jesus states in the New Testament gospels because again there's so much proof in the Bible itself that Jesus wasn't a seen and and then when you get to sources outside the Bible it just becomes this overwhelming mountain of evidence um but you
know you begin with the fact he was born in Nazareth you begin with the fact that he was constantly condemning the Pharisees and Sadducees for their hypocrisy so stands to reason he probably wasn't a Pharisee or a sadducee that only leaves one other Jewish sect which was the ases and so throughout his teachings especially like The Sermon on the Mount Jesus word for word expresses a seen Creeds that people like pho and Josephus document which Pho and Josephus can you give just quick context who they are for the people that don't don't know yeah Josephus
was a Roman historian I think he was a Jewish by birth but a Roman citizen who was um a prolific historian most of this comes from his text Wars of the Jews where he documented the wars between the Jews and Rome in those days um Pho was a Greek historian I believe and then there's ply the Elder um Pho of Alexandria so yes he was Greek and Pho probably has the most um extensive writings about thees and and Jesus but Josephus is very close behind and the these people both lived in the first century at
the actual time Jesus walked and so the first one to me now when I found these sources of um pho's uh his document called every good man is free amazing document of uh early first century history and then Josephus and and plyy I just do into all these documents and reading them through and they're very lengthy but I was just shocked at the amount of crossover I saw from things that they would say about Jesus or the ases and actual statements of Jesus that I started making these notes of like this is an actual asene
Creed Pho is mentioning here and Jesus says it in Matthew 5 and then I just kept cross referencing like that and pulled out about six or seven of those so the first one is Jesus forbidding Oaths this is a quote from Pho every good man is free speaking of the Asen he says they refuse to swear Oaths believing every word they speak to be stronger than an oath Matthew 5:33 through 36 Jesus says again you have heard that it was said of those of old you shall not swear falsely but shall perform your Oaths to
the Lord so again here's where we have a Divergence from Orthodox Judaism and what Jesus taught and did in Judaism they very much believed in swearing Oaths to the Lord and Jesus says but I say to youo not swear Oaths at all neither by Heaven nor by Earth but let your yes be yes and your no be no for whatever is more than these is from the evil one and it's funny the title of that passage in the Bible is Jesus forbids Oaths and that was something Pho said the ases were huge on was never
swearing Oaths so there's one Asen Creed the second one Pho says it is the asen's first Creed to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness have you heard that before somewhere Matthew 6 Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness literally word for word the asene Creed Philo says number three lay up nothing on Earth for yourselves and fix your mind solely upon Heaven saying this is one of the asan Creeds in Matthew 6 Jesus says lay up not for yourself Treasures on Earth but lay up for yourself Treasures in
Heaven the fourth Asen Creed Pho says part of the Asen Brotherhood Creed was to forsake your father and mother houses and land for the kingdom of God in Luke 18 Jesus says there is no man that has left house or parents or Brethren or children for the kingdom of God's sake who will not receive manifold more and what that means by the way is not like screw you Mom I'm going to go follow the scenes you know it's uh it needs to be the most important thing to you so that if your mom or your
dad says no I forbid you to follow that way then you have to say sorry then because this is the most important thing to me you have to be willing to forsake everything is the point so that's the fourth Creed the fifth Asen Creed Pho says the ases were adamant never to call any Earthly man father or Master for we have one father and master alone they said and uh that's the referring to you know Bishops and priests as father that was something the aen said don't do that don't don't give men this kind of
power like that all are equal and no one is your father but God Alone Matthew 23 Jesus says call no man your father on Earth for you have but one Father in Heaven word for word right number six and seven are kind of in the same quote so I'll break it down Josephus says whenever in aene goes out to speak they take nothing with them they take nothing for the wants of their body and in Luke 10 Jesus admonishes his disciples when he sends them out and says carry neither purse nor bag nor sandals with
you on your way and then he saysin whatever house you enter say first peace be to this house and uh that's why I put that as seven because Philo and Josephus both say that that was the the famous greeting everyone knew the aines by was peace be with you so when you enter a house you say peace be with your house uh also a known to seen Creed so that's those are sources outside the gospels that corroborate Jesus's teachings in the gospels but the most incredible one to me and I almost jumped out of my
P when I saw this dude cuz uh I've had some debates with Christians here and there that um will comment on my videos and be like there's no proof at all Jesus was in a scene and so I need to have uh satisfying answers for them to really consider to change their mind because you've got to see this for yourself this isn't like a debate you should have with someone but like well here's the evidence go research it see what you think and when you come to the inescapable conclusion that Jesus wasn't a scen master
that changes everything about the type of gospel that you're going to have to believe in because again the asene way was total opposite from the paulan gospel and so this is from acts uh the book of Acts chapter 24 where um the book of Acts is basically like a hype book that his disciples wrote about Paul to Hype him up and make him look like this amazing you know guy that most biblical Scholars don't think a lot of the stories in acts are historical but kind of like fables and stuff there's some we know know
that there are some real accounts different uh meetings between the Sanhedrin and the disciples that actually took place that are in other um documents like the Clement the pseudo Clementines and the asense of James so it's not that it's all lies but like extrapolations and exaggerations to make Paul look better and so in Acts 24 Paul is before the Sanhedrin and they accuse him of being the ring leader of the nazarenes and so it says we have found this man to be a troublemaker stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world he is
a ring leader of the Nazarene sect and uh by the way um epiphanous was a second century third Century Bishop of Constantia he says before they were called Christians they were called ases or nazarin that was the first Jewish Christian Movement of that the Disciples of Jesus actually started which Nazarene is Nazar and aene merge together yes you got it the word uh Nazar is netar or netzer which means uh an offshoot or a branch so it means like the Asen were an offshoot of Judaism right and uh the word aene or esoy in Hebrew
uh most Scholars who study the Asin and the Dead Sea Scrolls because they can't find any historical evidence that Nazareth was an actual town in the first century they say okay it must be a reference to the SE of the first century of the ases and so they believe that it's a combination of nzar andine nazarin uh just speculation though but but you're correct and so the the nazarin were the first Jesus movement and Paul was going around preaching about this Jesus guy and to these um Roman officials like it was all the same to
them or the the Jewish clergy like Jesus movements I don't care what they are like it's all the same to me it's they're preaching this guy they say was the Savior we don't like it we're going to condemn you so they don't really understand the difference between Paul's gospel and the Nazarene gospel so they just hear he's talking about Jesus and they're like he's that ring leader of that new Nazarene sect and um Philo also says that they were also called followers of the way followers of the way and so Paul responds to the accusation
that he's the ring leader of the Nazarene sect and he says I admit that I worship the god of our ancestors ERS as a follower of the way which they also call a sect so right there in the book of Acts we have Paul confirming that the early Christian Movement were the nazaran and that has incredible historical implications for what happened later to them and how they got wiped out from the church by the basically the Paul's recruits of the the Pagan Christians um but they were essentially you know a movement that lasted until about
364 ad when uh the year before the Bible was created there was everyone knows the Council of NAA where they put the Bible together but the the year before that in 364 ad was the Council of Le oia and that's when they officially banned any kind of naserian or asene Ritual from being practiced in Israel especially the observance of the Sabbath because the ases were very strict on on the seventh day you fast and you pray all day you commune with the angels you do no work you consecrate the Sabbath to the Lord and Paul
very famously was like you don't need to follow any of these Jewish rituals don't observe the Sabbath anymore just confess Jesus and so that movement grew and grew over the next few hundred years and for about those 300 years the nazarenes and the Paul's Greek Christians who weren't Jewish um were side by side living together and the Greek Christian Movement the Pagan Christians were growing way faster in number and so you got to the Tipping Point in 364 well in 135 they were banished from Jerusalem but the nazarenes still had a lot of influence around
Jerusalem and had a pretty big following and so it was another you know hundred some odd 200 years later that the bishop uh the the pope of Rome officially said it is illegal to practice nazaran Christianity here you will be put to death if you're found being a Nazarene and so that's the last we see of the nazarin in church history seems like overwhelming evidence one would say right yeah I mean it's world changing to to understand that he was in a scene or to to to explore that possibility at the very least and it
makes sense in the way that they lived and and so such a beautiful path of purification internally first and connection with the heavenly father um so so yeah I I just want to keep on diving into a little bit of the wisdom of the aines and uh you know one one really I mean there's a lot of controversial areas here but you know the the animal sacrifice thing and um the the fact that the scenes were vegetarians is very interesting as well buddy of mine uh Cameron Waters and Kip Anderson just came out with this
film called Christ spiry actually diving into this amazing film so really interesting it's definitely ripe right now in in culture to all this yeah um so just diving a little bit deeper into the scenes they they did have this kind of initiatory process which I find very interesting especially in what when we go into the diet of like what they ate and everything matches so much with Chinese medicine ayurveda um what modern science says you know and is proving more and more towards like longevity um but the uh yeah the initiatory phase of like seven
years of of following these principles to then go on this like 40-day Journey or fast was very interesting to me so what was kind of the initiations as in as in a scene yeah well the cool part is again we have Pho who lived with them for 3 years and he documents exactly what it was and it's not totally clear if he was with the oans or the naserian I think he might have been with the oans the more strict sect but he says there was a three-year initiatory period where when Pho said oh no
sorry py said almost day and night people were coming to the ases who had grown weary of you know whether it's Jewish living in in Israel and they're like yo I'm so tired of these animal sacrifices and all this brutal Dogma I have to follow I want to follow your guys way it seems like you guys have it figured out and the ens very wisely were like cool you can join us um here's a hatchet here's a cloak and a tunic and you're going to have to live outside of our community they had like an
outskirts part of their Community where people who were trying to work their way into the community would live and interestingly in Dolores Cannon's work Jesus and the ases uh you've read that right listen to parts of it okay you remember the part where she describes the different headbands they would wear so in the it's kind of a channeled uh hypnotic regression of a woman who had a past life of a man named Sadi a scene teacher in the first century and she's questioning him and stuff and he says that they wore different headbands to delineate
what phase of initiation you were in so those who came outside of the community those who were not born among the ases wore red headbands to distinguish that they were trying to earn their way in then you had light blue I think another color and then white and so it's like karate belts for Ascension totally that's exactly what I thought too it's like like a Jiu-Jitsu belt um for spirituality which is pretty badass but they they gave an opportunity for people to prove prove their salt right they said yeah you can join us but prove
it prove you want it bad enough you can imagine how fast their very pure society would denigrate if they just let people in with open borders kind of like we're doing right it it corrupts Society very quickly when you don't have a vetting process and so it was a three-year period where they would live outside the community I think for one year Pho said um they were allowed to interact and stuff but they had to live a a distance away and practice the asene way very strictly and then they were welcom to live in the
community for two more years and they had to do work and pull their weight and do all the same stuff that other scenes would do and then they were allowed to be considered in a scene and then they began their seven-year initiatory work and Jesus references it in the asene gospel of peace in uh I can't remember which section it is but he says when he's introducing the angels He says this is what you've waited seven years to hear essentially is this sacred knowledge of these angels and uh on on that note you may know
that this as well but the Asen kept their their nosis or their knowledge so sacred that it was well known that these people the Asen had secret knowledge and that's why they're sometimes called the gnostics um the NOG hamadi library is different from the Dead Sea Scrolls that's the what's considered the Gnostic library of Gnostic writings that was discovered not that far after I think 1954 nagadi was discovered and it's all of these you know late first second even 3DD Century Gnostic Christian writings that are again very different than Orthodox Christianity and that's because in
135 ad when the nazarin were kicked out of Jerusalem a couple new movements started like the ebionites and different offshoots of the original as scenes as they were trying to survive you know and then in 364 when they said you'll be killed if you're in a scene they kind of put an end to that movement Al together and they probably were scattered someone to Ethiopia it's it's rumored and became the Rastafarians and stuff there's all kinds of cool connections but the NOG hamadi library was where those early Asen Christians stashed their texts was in the
NOG hamadi Library very similar to what their ancestors did 300 years earlier in the Dead Sea scroll Library so they were very adamant about preserving sacred wisdom which again is one of the it's the fifth path of Peace in the Sevenfold path of peace so they walked the walk you know and nothing proves how much these people walked the walk more than what happened to them when they were caught in 68 ad by Rome Josephus in his Wars with the Jews uh documents in very gruesome detail what happened to these Asin and how they were
tortured he says they were subjected to every instrument and conceivable manner of torture you know tongues ripped out all this stuff to get them to share their secret knowledge cuz again everyone knew that these Jewish ases had secret knowledge that you couldn't know unless you became one of them and stuff and so it built some resentment probably in like oh give us your secret knowledge of scenes but they wouldn't and Josephus says all of the you know thousand plus as scenes initiated as scenes that they captured and tortured not a single one of them gave
up any of their sacred knowledge they all allowed themselves to be tortured to death and Joseph even says they did so smilingly that while they were being burned alive and tortured to death they were they sort of had a smug Grim on their face of like there's nothing you can do to my body that's going to make me confess what's inside of me you know and so if that doesn't earn your respect and show you how legitimate these people are nothing will and Philo has an amazing quote about them in that document where he's describing
them that I think will give you a good taste of how remarkable they were he says the ases were were erase by themselves more remarkable than any other in the world the oldest of the initiates receiving their teachings from Central Asia probably Persia Tibet teachings perpetuated through an immense space of Ages constant and unalterable Holiness and they proved that unalterable Holiness by allowing themselves to be tortured to death which is that the ultimate Act of that is to crucifixion yeah yeah greater love has no man than right yeah powerful man there's there's there's so much
there um and in the process of the ases in their initiatory process like I just liked how they would see kind of this generational pass down of purification and how it would kind of lead to more I guess holy beings and coming into like Incarnation and how that would lead to society and Humanity eventually like really flourishing and blossoming which is really really beautiful as well on that note you know the AES were big Believers in reincarnation and uh there's a couple passages in the New Testament that uh accidentally reveal that a lot of the
first century Jews also did or at least the Asen Jews who followed Jesus because they ask Jesus well Jesus asks his disciples who do people say that I am which is a weird question right what do you mean you're Jesus of Nazareth like that's everyone calls you that that's not what he was asking he was asking like who do they say I'm The Reincarnation of right and they say Lord some people say You're The Reincarnation of or some people say you're the Prophet Elijah others say Moses others say one of the other prophets and he
says but who do you say I am and I believe it's Peter says you are the the Christ the son of the Living God and he says blessed are you Simon for man has not revealed this to you but your father who dwells in heaven so he was saying like I see in you the Incarnation of the Avatar is essentially what was saying and when the ases were practicing as you described trying to purify themselves back to the state of perfection it was because they believed great spiritual Masters want to Incarnate into our planet to
help us and to lead us uh they would call them the teachers of righteousness and every great once in a while one of them Pops in the Buddhas krishna's christs but they said a whole lot more of them can come here if we purify the body because these beings on the spiritual frequency they operate on are not a match to this sick quickly dying human body that's full of diseases and stuff so we need to make the body a host for these higher beings so they can incarnate and again they believe Jesus was an incarnation
of one of those beings maybe they didn't know who but they speculated Elijah or Moses one of the prophets um and it kind of shows you their philosophy of reincarnation that they believed the body has to match the frequency of the being who's trying to Incarnate yeah no makes sense do you think that the earli scenes like wisdom or secret knowledge came like from cabalistic Origins oh yes in fact Philo very much says that in his writings the as scenes were almost picture perfect copies of the pythagoreans interestingly enough who are a Greek mystical Branch
who followed Pythagoras and um phos says both of them the pythagoreans and the ases were students of the cabala or cabalistic students and when you read the the cabala they're it's very clear that they were right we see Jesus performing known cabalistic practices like baptism U baptism is again not an Orthodox Jewish practice so try to convince me Jesus was just another ordinary Jew and not in aene when he's practicing a known Asen SLC IC practice such as baptism baptism in rivers especially because they didn't want you to be dunked in artificial water that was
kept stagnant like Pharisees and Sadducees would build pools in their home they would have rooms that were made into pools so they could do their seven ritual Washings every day and the ases believe no it needs to be Mother Nature's water as the angel is supposed to be in rivers moving through the Earth so they would go out to the rivers to be baptized uh John the Baptist also known as Scene It says that he ate uh Wild Honey and Locust in the Bible but the word Locust is actually a mistranslation of the Hebrew uh
locust tree so he was eating essentially like plants and uh flowers of the locust tree there's actually like a bean looking fruit that comes off the locust tree so it makes you wonder if like were they putting these things in here to make these early Christians look like they weren't vegetarians he Hae bugs you know when he didn't eat bugs he ate you know plants and honey and and so forth and a lot of that with Jesus too like eating fish and stuff but uh with the ases it's very clear that they forbid the eating
of fish or any flesh of any animal believing that you're you're essentially eating your brothers and sisters right when you're eating animals which God did not intend for in the scene gospel piece I love the quote attributed to Jesus saying he who creates Health in his body creates a temple for the Lord to come and dwell in him thought found that so beautiful as just like physical purification leads to mental purification leads to like spiritual well-being um and just like how that healthy mind or healthy body leads to a clear mind to a pure spirit
and so let's dive a little bit into the the diet of what they ate as this is a big part of their practice and then also you've been living in it for what like a couple months now or a month now a little over three months cool how you feeling amazing amazing terrible right I'm L hanging on so what what do you think what did Jesus actually teach about killing and the eating of meat and how [Music] um yeah and then we and then we'll go into the actual practical U some more practical applicable wisdom
but uh primarily first the the actual diet of what they ate yeah well there's a lot of evidence even in the New Testament that Jesus was against the killing of animals um but the most notable one is when Jesus cleanses the temple and what's interesting is Matthew Mark Luke and John all have that story but all they're all very different and you see some of the censorship throughout them um I I read all four like a month or two ago to cross compare how they described it and I don't know how I overlooked this my
whole life but you know we're taught The Narrative of that story that Jesus goes into the temple and creates a whip out of cords and drives the money changers out and says uh this was supposed to be a house of worship but you've turned my father's house into a den of Thieves but in in uh so Matthew Mark and Luke it doesn't say he set loose any animals in the temple except for doves and I think Mark and Luke it says he set some doves free and you're like that's weird just doves you know but
in the Gospel of John interestingly enough it says he sets The Oxen the sheep and the doves loose from their cages and then and then kicks over the money tables so he was clearly upset about the animals being caged right otherwise he wouldn't release them and so it wasn't just that people were monetizing the temple it was that they were monetizing it off of the death of innocence and that's what Jesus was really condemning them for is that just like today everything is monopolized right the priesthood was making Handover fist on these animal sacrifices I
mean think how much money they must have been making to have 250,00 th goats slaughtered on the on the Passover I don't know how much each goat cost but they're getting paid pretty well right and so you see a new picture of why Jesus was probably crucified is that he was getting in the way of the priesthoods money-making scheme by calling them out and condemning their practices and uh that's you know even in our world today when people get offed it's always because they're getting in the way of someone's money in some way they're threatening
someone's power or their money no different in Jesus's day so I kind of see Jesus now as like the first censored person in human history yeah or maybe even the first conspiracy theorist you know because he's saying none of this is real this is all a money scheme and you're all corrupting the temple oh come on Jesus that's a conspiracy theory it's they're genuine I'm sure right I've always loved that understanding and depiction also of Jesus because I think most people have this perception of love being this kind of like soft fragile docile you know
submissive type of energy where it can really Express and be extremely Fierce and protective um for the way yeah yeah and Jesus definitely shows that um so your original question was about the Jesus diet you want to get into that now so I painted that picture just to show you like some evidence in the Bible that Jesus was very against this practice but in the a seen gospel of peace it it's unquestionably all over the place him condemning the practice of eating flesh and he says he who eats the flesh of beasts eats the body
of death and death can only produce death whereas life can only produce life and this was very helpful for me on my own spiritual path because I was a vegetarian many years ago for about a year and a half in 2019 and I wasn't eating a correct vegan diet by any means I was not eating any animal products I was just eating rice and vegetables and so after a year of that my hormone levels had crashed my thyroid had crashed my cholesterol was terrible and uh my nutritionist who looked at my blood work was like
you got to have some saturated fat man from animal products and I had stopped eating animals because I didn't want to participate in the karma of killing something right but I said Okay God I'm in a a rock in a hard place here because I don't feel right about killing an innocent animal just so I can eat that feels very service to self but my body's clearly telling me it needs that to be healthy so it can't be loving to my body to not be healthy so I just went back eating only grass-fed grass-finished meat
from my local farmers market no factory farming at all but nonetheless someone's still killing an animal for me to eat right and my hormones went back to normal I went back to healthy levels I felt great but there was always that internal conflict and when uh it was interestingly during a night of insomnia about four or five months ago that I couldn't sleep and I was about 2third of the way through the first G goel and it was one of those nights where you're like I'm wide freaking awake I am definitely not going to sleep
anytime soon might as well just accept it and be productive right so I had this thought to go to my upstairs living room and read the aen gospel so it's like 2:30 a.m. I go upstairs and I start reading it and it's the passage where he gets into the the diet which I call the Jesus diet for convenience and he explains why eating meat is Unholy and defiles the body and purifies the gut and all this stuff and I understood I had like almost a psychedelic revelation of it where I understood what he's trying to
say in a very first century way which is that all that really matters in our food is The Prana you know the life force energy in it and whether it's minerals nutrients vitamins everything is just different ways of packaging the same elixir of life and so when you eat fruits and things that are alive when you eat them plants or or eggs or milk or something like that you're getting the life force energy from the food and so it's helping not only your physical body be nourished but it's helping the spiritual body the subtle body
be nourished with more pra but when you eat a dead animal the life force had left that animal when it died and so you're just eating the packages without the the energy inside the package which is really all that matters and any any biochemist will even say this that it's ultimately just the ATP our body needs but it gets that ATP in all these different ways from different nutrients right so I started to look at food more like the the difference of the matter and water ratio in the food that water carries that life force
energy in it the angel of water and so I think meat is like 60% water or 70% water but fruit is like 99% water same with vegetables so you're you're obviously getting way more life force energy from the fruit or the vegetable but on top top of that the meat is dead so it doesn't even have the life force in it anymore and so you're getting some nutrients that are maybe good for your physical body but nothing to help the spiritual body and then the second huge factor is the karma that you participate in because
going back to the first holy law that we talked about the Everlasting agreement between God as man is Do no harm uh protect and honor the Free Will of all beings love the Lord your God love your neighbor as yourself is it loving your neighbor as yourself to to kill someone and eat them certainly not so although I didn't go out and kill the cow or the pig I'm participating in that karmic event in some way when I eat the the flesh right so in that night of reading that it all made sense to me
on a on a level that I had been praying to God to answer this question for me of is it right or wrong I don't know anymore and so when Jesus explains the diet uh he he firstly talks very highly of raw milk and I've always been a big fan of raw milk but um he he basically says that raw milk is one of the greatest foods God created for man to eat because animals are meant for man but we're supposed to eat what animals produce not the animals themselves so the milk and the eggs
and whatnot and uh if you think about what milk is it's actually just a very like compacted densified plant product because all that cows eat is grass and plants and so it's the cows digestive system that sort of like chillit it's like compounded plant substances in liquid form and so you've got the whole host of uh amino acids vitamins and minerals a lot of Hormone Health enzymes and digestive enzymes that heal the gut and reset back gut bacteria and then you have eggs which are also part of uh what's allowed and encouraged in the Jesus
diet which again have a perfect amino acid profile Omega-3s saturated fats all the stuff I wasn't getting when I was vegetarian and he recommends of course lots of fruit and honey and vegetables herbs nuts and seeds it's all good it's basically just like don't eat meat and um you're avoiding the karma that comes with that so that's the the dietary aspect of it but the second big part of it is the fasting and man when you look at our country America today and we're the sickest fattest nation in human history a big part of that
to me is the fact that almost nobody spends time not eating you know and the scenes also have something called The Seven Pillars of cosmotherm sunlight we need sunlight for our nervous system and brain to function Earth element which is the foods we eat and then you have movement is number five the body is meant to move because everything in the universe vibrates and moves and then the sixth pillar is fasting or regeneration and they believe that just as it's important to eat healthy foods it's just as important to not eat because then you give
Jesus would say you give the angels of the Earthly mother the space to cleanse out your body to replace old cells with new and Etc and so they basically practiced intermittent fasting every day and every Sabbath of course a 24-hour fast and that was the second hardest part of the dietary change for me was doing so much fasting I had done a lot of fasting before but never on an everyday kind of basis um but after a little while some really cool things start happening number one your stomach shrinks so your appetite goes way down
so you're just not as hungry and with less digestion and hunger comes more energy so you're way more alert brain Clarity um you need to sleep less as well which is also nice if you can get an extra hour a day of being able to work and stuff you can be very productive but um the hardest part of the diet is when Jesus teaches to funnily enough chew your food well that to me dude was the hardest has been the hardest part of the diet is he says chew your food until it's essentially liquid because
then you're helping your digestion your digestive tract to break down the food and just like fasting there's another huge problem with the modern American diet is everyone's just woofing down food five or six bites swallow pile The Next Bite in and it's like the First Act of digestion begins here in the way you chew your food and your saliva breaks down the food so your mouth needs a solid like minute or two with that bite of food to break it down before it sends it into the gut so we're basically making our gut do all
this work and then we wonder why we have so many diseases so much bloating especially you see people today almost everyone's bellies are distended bloated inflated and it's because we're making our digestive system do way more work than it was meant to do so the fasting chewing your food you know like 30 times probably uh and then following the what foods to eat what foods not to eat Jesus says things like don't eat foods that come from far away lands because um actually Indians are very big on this as well in ayurveda uh Indians will
not eat food that is sat out for longer than like a day because they believe it's losing its Prana yeah so what's the point of eating it uh Jesus basically says the same thing eat foods that are locally grown because your Earthly mother knows the foods you need and she provides them in your environment so it's very much like a um really relying on the earth to take care of you and uh going back to your question about the initiatory phase we know that Jesus did a 40-day probably dry fast in the wilderness and that
was from what most Scholars can tell probably the highest and final initiation ritual to become a teacher of righteousness to become one who is revered as a master and can pass down the asene way you had to go through this kind of trial by fire where they would make you prove that you really do commune with the angels because nobody's going to survive 40 days in the kumran desert without food or water unless you have the power of the the Angels working in you and that's what Jesus does and is you know tempted by the
devil and all of that so you even see Jesus in that passage performing that asene ritual right of initiation which is all about let's see if you've been practicing this stuff if you've been fasting if you've been depending on the Angels because there's no way you'll be able to make it through this unless you have so you said essentially they teach to not eat more than two times a day which is the fasting part right so eating no more than two meals a day never eating until fullness so it's essentially like leaving onethird room the
one third rule yeah um fasting completely on Sunday so no food at all yeah on the Sabbath eating locally so food's not coming from afar you know and eating with the seasons not mixing many foods you know so keeping it simple which you know really all of this modern science proves with food combinations and the power of fasting and all of it you know makes sense and I love not just for my own confirmation bias but to see when I read text that talks about what I found to be true studying araba or something and
how I've personally lived the past seven eight years essentially eating one or two meals a day and not eating meat and like a lot of these things I found just feel the best for my body and then you hear this ancient text talking about the way that is going to be most chronically charging for you and and everything was was incredible um and then a couple of the things so you know obviously milk back then versus now is completely different in terms of even so much of the cows I feel like um that you could
be you know getting raw milk from oftentimes are passed down through um animal agriculture that have been genetically modified and you know probably 98 plus per of where people get milk or animal derived products are coming from that system that is like just horrendous I think we can all agree on that um so that's just an interesting distinction there um same similar thing with the eggs I did want to ask you about f though because it sounds like there's quite a few different parts throughout the Bible where it's talking you know talks about Jesus eating
fish or you know creating fish for other people to eat yeah um so just any thoughts there because I could you know I could just hear that critic yeah yeah you know yeah I've thought about that a lot and I think that fish are a really good perhaps medium between somebody who's been eating meat and maybe isn't fully ready or trusting that their body can Thrive without meat um to just only eat fish for a time and see if that transition works for you uh the passages in the Bible there's really just one passage which
is the passage where Jesus has resurrected already and uh I believe Peter James and John see Jesus cooking fish by a fire and they walk over to him and that's where Jesus says to Peter like do you love me feed my lambs and all that and so that's most likely a fable written by so Matthew Mark Luke and John John are almost certainly written by Paul's later Apostles they're written you know up to 100 AD 120 ad I think the earliest is Mark at like 70 AD so these were clearly um Disciples of Paul that
were trying to kind of rewrite the original gospels to confine confide to Paul's version of The Gospel so I don't put a lot of credit in those stories because I mean I don't even know if Jesus did physically resurrect from the dead I could go either way on it but I don't know for sure cuz I wasn't there um so I wouldn't just use that one passage that may have very well been written you know way after Jesus's death to be evidence that Jesus ate fish I would look more to the ases which we know
were Jesus's roots and what they taught and they did teach not to eat fish either um but again it's like you got to go in stages sometimes it's not always great to just jump to an extreme because you think you should but understand the karma you're working through right if you've been eating meat your whole life maybe you should try fish for a while start with the red head headband start with the red headband before jumping into the white exactly start with the white belt before you go to the black ball yeah um okay yeah
cool and then obviously everything from digestion in terms of what we understand with the slow eating and the chewing the chewing of the food and you know obviously digestion starts with the eyes and um breathing deeply while you eat um so how have you felt personally just like following following it over the past few months man just so many benefits I could go on about but mostly it's the not eating as much not being as hungry interestingly enough I haven't lost weight I've maybe lost a pound or two I was like fairly lean before starting
it but I think the fear is if I fast a lot I'm going to lose muscle mass I actually did a 4-day water fast in the last three months as well and uh didn't lose any weight from that so all I've all I've been able to tell in terms of my physical composition and my wife tells me this almost every day she's like you look so skinny now you look so lean um but I still weigh the same which to me means my body has eliminated more of the body fat that I was carrying but
preserve the muscle mass and maybe that's just me I can't say everybody will have that experience but um if someone listening to this which there definitely will be is afraid of like I'll lose my muscle if I stop eating meat you definitely won't if as long as you eat enough protein for your body it doesn't really matter what source you're getting it from if you're getting the essential amino acids the nine essential amino acids acids your body is going to have no problem holding on to your muscle and so I've felt leaner number one a
lot more energy and less sleep so like I'm sleeping less and feel more energized which has been great and uh skin Health has improved quite a bit um not just uh in terms of like the skin expelling toxins but the actual like vibrancy of my skin you're glowing dude the the glow the the Jesus glow right um so I could go on and on on more benefits like that but when you fast you know all the energy your body would use to digest which digestion is the most energy expensive process in the body all that
extra energy gets used for cellular regeneration mental Clarity brain detoxification in fact the only reason we have to sleep according to a lot of science uh Cutting Edge science right now is that our brain has to detox and so we have to go into a sleeping state where the the folds of our brain kind of gently open and cerebral spinal fluid will sweep back and forth and remove oxidation toxins and things like that free radicals and so when you're fasting your your brain is doing more of that while you're fasting so that you need less
sleep so if the idea of sleeping less and feeling more energized sounds great um Regular fasting will definitely do that for you and without eating processed foods I definitely agree with you that if you're going to drink raw milk make sure it's from a local Farm where you know they don't treat their cows with any kind of hormones um I've talked to all my farmers at my market to ask them like yo like what do you treat your cows with and they're like nothing totally organic um and same with eggs make sure your eggs are
Freer rang no hormones the chickens need to be living happy lives like any deviation from natural law creates some kind of consequence so if you're eating eggs from chickens that are cooped up in factory farms there's some negative Karma to that right so it's really a Karma free diet if it's nothing else I found because there's can there's many different ways to look at food in one it's just nutritional composition or how many calories it is I think in this Western kind of reductionistic Newtonian way of looking at it and just breaking it down to
see what the body needs is it's not without utility like there's obviously a lot of validity and looking at food that way but also I found too that the body requires different things when who you are being changes you know like the vibration of who you are as you carry yourself through the through the world as you deepen in your sod meditation practices and you naturally feel this vibrancy the the the attachments and emotional um you know grabbing for certain foods to cope and like a lot of these things fall away and I found like
and I've seen this in many people as well as they deepen in their meditation practices or they have experiences with Kundalini like meat will just look less attractive to them and the body will start stop craving it as much and it makes sense to me that energetically you kind of invite more life in you know what what foods are alive and of course there's the whole side of things with you know with how agriculture is and monocrops are kind of you know happening today there is the death of certain animals that happen with mass you
know growing of certain crops and there's you know it's tough in the modern society we live to have a completely Karma free diet unless you're have your own garden and you know you're doing it all that way that's the only way which is the goal I think yeah I kind of had this underlying intention or like belief that everybody who listens to this podcast is like one day saving up to like all go live on a huge Farm together like I bro I think that's exactly what we should do for sure yeah something like that
but yeah as you like energetically purify yourself and it just makes sense to me that you you become ACH to certain foods that have that vibrancy as well so I think it's important to invite that lens on food as well as the pronic subance substance as well yeah there's something else that the a taught about the the things we consume that gets into addiction and craving is that when you put destructive substances into the body they go all the way into the cellular level right the mitochondrial level and so if you eat junk food drink
alcohol nicotine things like that your body's always going to Crave those substances because you've infused them at the cellular level and so the reason that fasting is so so cleansing for the body is that it allows again the body to go into autophagy and start to regener and and cleanse Out Detox those substances so that you can do um like somebody who's addicted to something could do a three-day or even a 7-Day extended water fast and they would come out of that being almost essentially or completely not addicted to their former addictions the the former
Foods they ate or the substances they were addicted to and I think those of us listening who have been walking a spiritual path and have really purified our diet over the years we all can relate to this I used to crave Taco Bell you know just seeing a Cheesy Gordita Crunch you know it's I just I want it so bad and it's to me now it's like eating vomit or something like I can't imagine eating that stuff no cell in my body wants that but like bell peppers blackberries apples like that's what I crave but
the Cravings are very different because you have negatively polarized energy in food which gives you that endless need for satisfaction that that lust for the the pleasure you're going to get but positively polarized energy in food doesn't give you that same kind of you know nobody lusts for a bell pepper but it's kind of this nice pleasure it's it's enjoyable it's light it feels good it feels clean and so we want those things but not in a way that produces suffering so it's a not only a Karma free diet but a suffering free diet because
it eliminates Cravings you will not crave food anymore but you'll feel hungry and as Jesus says never eat unless the angel of appetite calls to you it's another uh rule of the Jesus diet your body will tell you when you need food you don't have to let your Cravings run you anymore one teaching I love in the yogic system is pratihara within the eight limbs of yoga which is like the sense withdrawal right and I feel like as you uh as you go without something for example if you go into a Darkness Retreat and you
have no sight or you don't speak and you go on a silence Retreat or you go without food for a certain amount of time time you come into deeper appreciation and right relationship for that thing and how to engage with it when you come back because we go into these habitual kind of slumbers in our relationship to food we just kind of do what's comforting and what we might lust after um and I think it's really important to have those periods where you restrict from it so you can have some distance from it and you
come into right relationship with it that goes for not just what we eat but like how we operate with social media how we how we engage with certain relationships and our work and business in the world like if we're always in it then we kind of lose sight from where we're going so yeah you need to fast from everything really yeah yeah it's important okay great so yeah uh I think we kind of touched a little bit a good amount through the through the Jesus diet as you call it and how they might have ate
which is you know part of the purpose is like the purification within this vessel so that you can make space for the Temple of of God to essentially come within you so we spent a good amount of this podcast and the historical context of Jesus being in a scene and how they lived uh and and now I just want to keep diving into some of the wisdom of how they lived how it's applicable to our listeners and so share with us a little bit about like the daily prayer process because I know also as you've
been following the diet you've been doing your morning and evening prayers um and we'll kind of go into you know the angel of of wisdom and I would love to you know hear a little bit more of that yeah this is the most beautiful aspect of the asene way to me is the community iions with the angels and it really is the Crux of the asene way um interestingly in pho's writings he mentions at one point as well that uh when he he talks about the asen's rituals the way they lived and he says that
they they had an important prayer ritual in the morning and in the evening he doesn't say communion with the angels but he says an important prayer ritual and then he says they're also known for Angel worship or I think it's sometimes called angel ology uh study of angels so this was something that was very misunderstood by Orthodox Jews and surrounding Nations that oh those are scenes oh they're those Cooks who worship Angels right or they're those new age people who who worship the Earth right um that's why they tried to keep the knowledge sacred and
secret because people would misunderstand it and take them to be something that they weren't and so the communion with the angels to me doing it every morning and evening it's my favorite part of the day morning and evening when I wake up I can't wait to get to my meditation cushion and just do my morning communion because you do really start to establish a thread a bridge a connection with that power and you start to experience the sacredness of it you a few mornings ago I was doing the it was last Thursday uh the angel
of waters every Thursday morning and I actually had my water with me and I had this thought to do this and I held the water and sort of charged it with the prayer and and it's uh angel of water enter my blood and fill my whole body with the water of life and I said it I really connected to it and to the element of water and then I drank the water and I you feel the cold water going down your throat and into your belly and uh out of nowhere I just got hit with
this wave of emotions and just had this beautiful release of like crying and laughter because I felt like I was connecting to a a sentient Consciousness an entity that has been supporting me my whole life you know my whole body's out of it and I've overlooked it and taken it for granted so those are the ways that you know if you practice this you'll start to experience the fruits of it pretty quick but yeah yeah so each day of the week essentially is attributed or connected to one of the Angels well so yeah they have
it a very strict each day starting with the Sabbath which for uh Jews was Friday evening the Sabbath would start and so that's the Heavenly Father which day are you treating as the Sabbath according to Sunday Sunday yeah my back to my Heritage right we screwed it all up um I don't think it totally Matters To be honest like what day you say is the Sabbath it's just like every seven days choose one of them to consecrate to God and abstain from eating and the needs of the body and go inward you know that's the
idea but um I'm going to read you really quick the angel of wisdom the way Jesus describes the angel in the scene gospel because I mean this is a 2,000 year old text and uh translated from Hebrew to English Engish but it's it's very beautifully written and you can see the intelligence and um the poetic beauty that these people wrote about their their spiritual path with they very much had a balance of the masculine and The Feminine that it wasn't just this like cerebral discipline but it was also a heartfelt path of beauty and so
for the angel of wisdom the Mantra is Angel of wisdom descend on me and fill with wisdom all my thoughts and Jesus says know oh sons of Light that your thoughts are as powerful as the bolt of lightning that stabs through the storm and splits asunder the mighty tree it was for this that you have waited seven years to learn how to speak with the angels for you know not the power of your thoughts use then wisdom in all you think and say and do for I tell you truly that which is done without wisdom
is as a riderless horse mouth foaming and eyes wild running crazed into a yawning Chasm but when the angel of wisdom governs your Deeds then is the path to the unknown Realms established and Order and Harmony govern your lives so powerful so you read that and Jesus gives you the picture there of why this power this Force called wisdom or whatever it is is important for you and then gives you the actual almost visualization of how to connect with it so really really the path is mostly laid out for you um in in the Asen
gospel if you just read the communions as they're written and just kind of take it as a meditation um it's I think it's the consistency that starts to build the progress and results very quickly is if you really do this in a disciplined way um you know these are the powers that sustain me these are the powers I'm created out of I might as well have a relationship with them um that was the way that they believed true spirituality is embodied is not just by confessing something or doing a ritual for the sake of a
ritual but it it needs to be an Alive Real Living Truth for you that actually demonstrates itself in your life and they believe that one of the first ways it would demonstrate is in physical health and not only your own physical health but the ability to transmit physical health to others through the laying on of hands and so the ases were very big on physical laying on of hands for healing and again what do we see Jesus doing all in the gospels yeah just that yep physical onh hands healing yep it all just rings so
true to me and I think that's like ultimately a can be a powerful barometer is intuitively feeling the truth of it as well as so much of this it doesn't require any superstitious Bel in some sort of omnipotent creator that has is watching you while you sleep or um is controlling you you know in your life or you know any any dogmatic idea idea of cosmic Santa Claus yeah it it's like live healthy like treat your body as a temple and it will act as so you know and it's really beautiful because just by treating
your body with that reverence and going on this path of purification um like so much of these forces and I really believe this intelligent Universe really starts to act with us and as we start to go on that path but it's this process from in many ways going from a slumber of unconscious and compulsion to conscious Choice yeah and and so this is a yet another beautiful path as there are many to be able to kind of realize that yeah you know if I could say one thing to summarize not only this whole conversation but
the path of the ases it's that understanding God as law you know Eternal Divine Law that was very much how the Asen saw God and in the second gospel they have their own version of the Gospel of John and uh in in the Bible if you read it it'll say in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt Among Us speaking of Jesus but that has that's a version that was changed because again the religious version is to worship the scriptures
uh as if the the Torah the Bible these this is God speaking to us and only God can be found here because if you can get people to Outsource all their power to a book you can control those people very easily if you tell them all truth is within them you can't control them so that's the method that the church has used for thousands of years but even Jesus said in the Bible you guys keep searching the scriptures because you think in them you have life but those scriptures testify of me and you don't even
recognize me so it's this idea that it's not the law is not in a book but it's in us and so in the aen book of John Gospel of John it says in the beginning was the law and the law was God and the law was with God and the law became flesh and dwelt Among Us so it's again this idea that the perfect embodiment of God's law will be born amongst the aines at one point as living proof that hey this person was born as the perfect tree of life you know the perfect representation
of those of Union with the 14 angels and so if if I can say anything about what the ens really were trying to teach and deliver it's that God is eternal law unbreakable and immutable and the the degree to which you violate God's law God's law must violate you in equal measure because God's law is balance everything in the universe is balance it it's already been created perfect like God already made the perfect Universe it's a Flawless Universe we live in but we don't experience perfection because we have wandered away from it and so if
we want to experience God's perfect Universe we have to get back to the perfect law system and abide by it and that's the holy law the Everlasting agreement that the Jews broke when they began sacrificing animals and following these other ways is that you you have the free will to do whatever you want you know sometimes you can distill the positive polarity and the negative polarity or service to others service to self you can say positive polarity is Do no harm That's the Law negative polarity is do what thou Wilt you've heard that that's the
Freemason Creed as well it's that distinction right and so we we left Do no harm and so we left God's law and we began getting sick and growing old and dying and so the the law is God it's not that God created laws but like God is Law and it is the law of love the law of Free Will and so when you learn to love the law of God like that's the Asen way if anything is it's to become the law of God such that you do no harm you live with compassion you live
with forgiveness you hold no one's sins or trespasses against them knowing that the Eternal law is already doing that and what's another huge misunderstood thing about the Asen is that they were an apocalyptic cult a lot of Scholars who don't study the Asen philosophy like we've been discussing but they just dig up the Dead Sea Scrolls and Trace back the history they think they were just some apocalyptic cult and in a sense they were they were apocalyptic in the sense that they definitely talked about the coming of the End of the Age which was also
warped by Paul's gospel into this Rapture message they were talking about the end of the age of Darkness of their time because they were tapped in they had deep spiritual awareness right they understood man can only wander so far from natural law before hits the fan and the Jews are at that point I mean they were pissing off the Romans they were revolting against the Romans like crazy in those days there was many many Jewish revolts where they believed we're God's chosen people and we're going to overthrow Rome and take back our rightful place as
the number one nation on Earth very prideful and they were getting smacked down every time because of it there was the Babylonian captivity the Egyptian captivity and then the Roman captivity they lived as slaves for thousands of years and Jesus is trying to say to them hey guys the reason y'all are slaves not nonstop is because you're you're violating God's laws you're killing innocent animals thinking that God wants this and God's trying to show you through your karma no you're wandering away from the truth so they believe that the laws of Moses got corrupted there's
a whole a whole book on that in the asene gospel that's fascinating and so the idea of the Asen was to get away from that and have their little container of Purity in the Dead Sea and let everything else crumble to ashes which they knew it was going to they said we're getting we can feel we can sense we can see that Judaism is getting to that point where it's about to be wiped out and boy were they correct because in 70 AD well first they came for the ases and then two years later as
we know in history they sacked Jerusalem where Rome sent its the entire Armada the full might of the Roman Empire came to Jerusalem and man the Jews put up a very 300es stand where they I mean is less than a million Jews in uh Jerusalem hit out in their uh in their Temple area and fought off wave after wave of the Romans they were very inventive in their battle strategies they dug tunnels under the ground for like a month to then flank the Romans and kill them so they were killing all these Roman waves of
you know they had the artillery and all the big weapons and they couldn't get into the into the Jerusalem to to overthrow and burn everything down it took them like I think the better part of a year to finally sack Jerusalem so man they put up a good fight but at the end exactly what Jesus prophesied happened he said I tell you truly a day will come when most of you will still be alive that not one stone will be left upon another here and they didn't like him saying that but probably because they all
kind of sensed on a deep level that that was true as well that you can't violate the laws of of the universe and live in uh division with with your fellow man I mean they had no peace with the Romans they were at constant war and emnity and so the Asen were trying to point that out and warn people for a long time and because of that they get a bad rap that they were an apocalyptic cult but really they were just hyper aware of the day and age they lived in to me I feel
into the society and that we really cultivated and where we live that has more comfort and convenience than ever before the shadow side of that is that it really pulls us away from the natural law and living in harmony with this in so many ways and so it's really upon us to become the individual embodiment where it it's in many ways harder to have that now when we're not living communities that are that are living in natural communion with natural law yeah and we have all these distractions and uh toxins around us but even more
so the worthwhile our efforts need to be present to be able to embody this into to be the living uh representation of that light that permeates Darkness that's our presence everywhere we go and you know that to me feels like so much of what we've devoted our life to and helping propagate more and more the realization of this within us to live into proper Harmony and right relationship and natural law as much as like all these angels describe what we can come into a proper relationship with then we we unveil the True Light that we
are and then we go in our work in the world and we um become that representation of God resurrected and Christ resurrected within us that level of Consciousness that state of being that we were talking about earlier and to me that's a truly transformative thing that will that will move the needle in terms of all the issues that we see today you know which are vastly kind of rooted in this idea or belief of separation and so it's it's all of this is just a really beautiful reflection and also invitation for the audience and family
that we're both cultivating here that are tuning into this episode to uh to really cultivate that sincerity on the devotion of the purification of yourself so huge yeah yeah well you remember how we opened the episode talking about why the universe has brought the ases back onto the the mainstream so to speak at this time it's because what you're saying man I think we're at a point not unlike where the Asen were in the first century where we can see that there is a kind of apocalypse coming there's a kind of falling of the old
world collapsing of the old world happening due to our in intense extreme deviation from natural law where I I don't think they obviously didn't even have the technology back then to be as deviated as we are you know we even our sidewalks and our streets are kind of like living symbols of our separation from Earth you know we don't even touch the Earth most people half the time we're touching artificial barriers we're eating poison we're breathing poison we're drinking poison we're watching poison we're listening to poison and it's no wonder we're the sickest fattest unhealthiest
Nation on Earth it's it's that kind of universal sign that um again there's no wrathful deity doing it right the the karma means your own doing it means again when you violate natural law the law must violate you in equal measure number one to show you that you're wandering away like if it didn't violate you in return you wouldn't even know you were violating or moving away from natural law so it's always meant to be a warning but when you keep ignoring the warnings the slap has to get a little harder each time and pretty
soon it's a death slap right and you got to reincarnate again and try over and I feel like not just America but you know the the modern world and modern society at large is at that point where we're seeing Society collapsing before our eyes in many ways and probably we'll continue to see it for a while and I think that's the reason the universe is bringing the scenes back into the picture right now so we can learn from them and their path of how do we return to natural law what is the best path what
is the best way to be in harmony with the universe and God's creation and I believe it's this path I believe the Asen had it mastered and they thank goodness left their teachings for us to benefit from and people like Edmund Bordeaux zackley and the Dead Sea Scrolls who have found these texts to resurface them right in the hour of our greatest need um I don't think that's a coincidence you know it's a powerful reminder and invitation for our audience too that in the society that we live it's it's really more addition by subtraction and
the fact that it's there's so much Beauty in the Simplicity of following and living in natural harmony with law it's and and it there's this positive feedback loop that we kind of ride the momentum to as well like as you start to feel better you make better choices once you get better sleep your will is stronger and you make choices that are that are going to bring you more vital life force energy and your desire to share that with others and be of service like it all kind of compounds and builds onto this spiritual snowball
down the mountain in a way and uh and so yeah I really do believe that it's so much of not just what we do but in in today's age what we don't do and what we limit ourselves and what we try to um you know just be very mindful in what we allow our Consciousness and those Sun scars to pick up and um the where we place our attention in the toxins that we don't allow and so much of it is is is in that part of it too um so yeah man there's just so
much Beauty and wisdom in in the scenes and I hope that this podcast feel that this podcast and trust that it'll reach who it's who it's meant to and that this can be a this conversation can be but a doorway into people uh realizing the the power of this path but also to to embody it in their life so yeah yeah man any other kind of uh areas of the as scenes or uh you know in terms of how you've been following the path as well and and and ways that you think would be impactful
to resonate or share with the listeners I mean man we could definitely keep going uh there's so much there and we only really covered kind of one of the four gospels and all the teachings in there um but I would love to close us with an Asen prayer if you're down for that yeah so this is a prayer that comes from it's in the asene book of hymns and if you read the scen gospel of peace Jesus quotes it a couple of times in other teachings so as with even the Orthodox Judaism when when Jews
would quote scripture they would they wouldn't be like you know Isaiah 45 says they would just say this scripture uh one famous example is Jesus on the cross this is another passage that gets misunderstood is Jesus is on the cross and he says my my God my God why have you forsaken me and people like look Jesus lost the faith but it's actually a very famous Psalm Psalm 22 where it's David writing this poem about when it feels like God has forsaken you when everyone has turned against you you you C your heart cries out
why have you forsaken me but if you keep reading it right after that it says but then the light of the Lord comes and Rescues Me from my transgressions my suffering and exalts me to the heavens and I'm one with you and all this beautiful stuff and so in those days when you would if you would quote like a lot of times in debates or conversations a Jewish rabbi or priest would quote like one line from a very famous passage and all of the actual Jews listening in that time knew exactly what passage he's referring
to and that he's kind of quoting that passage and what it means in the context of the passage so it's a it was a very famous classic way that Jews would exchange scripture in conversation is they would just quote it right and so Jesus does that to this passage a number of times in the asene gospel of peace and it gives you uh it kind of gives away the fact that this was a central prayer for the ases uh so it just feels like a fitting way to close our conversation love it so it says
I have reached the inner vision and through thy spirit in me I have heard thy wondrous secret through thy Mystic Insight thou has caused a spring of knowledge to well up within me a fountain of power pouring forth Living Waters a flood of love and all embracing wisdom like the Splendor of Eternal Light amen amen beautiful man thank you so much your understanding and knowledge the context of the historical proof and um Jesus being in a scene and also the internal devotion that you have to the path is just like so beautiful so rare in
this day and age to be able to Steward and share this wisdom and knowledge as well in their way so uh dude endless thanks for for what you're doing and sharing the world and the evolution and you know from all the areas of study you know from your personal path starting out more as a pastor's kid to a pastor to the degrees and studying of the law of one um it's it's cool to see how truth overlaps and many different perspectives from different regions of the world that are pointing at to the one law you
know and you know I think so I think that was just a powerful place to to close and you know I think it's important because at this time we were talking a little bit before on the phone about in many ways there's uh there's a Resurgence of I think some people um finding Christianity but then there's this big Exodus too and it's a shame to throw out the baby with the bath water because of you know many churches that have their own corrupt kind of intentions or narratives but the power of Yeshua um is I
think needed more in this day and age uh than ever yeah it was Gandhi I think that said I love your Christ but not your Christians they are so unlike your Christ he also said if it not for Christians I would have become a Christian yeah and it just speaks to that you know that feeling I talked about earlier of the internal conflict I think every Christian does feel but not all allow them to admit to themselves um because it can be scary to admit that Uh something's off here there there's not there's not an
Integrity with the message of Jesus in the actual practice of the Christian faith that needs to be there and so the good news is for those who may be listening who are questioning their religion as I once did and really wrestling with those deep questions is that what you're feeling is the way of Jesus the way of Christ is not in resonance not in total resonance with mainstream Christianity and so a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that there isn't a true way of Christ and they throw the baby out with the bath
water and I saw many of my Christian friends do that by the way um you know F Jesus F the Bible it's all man I'm gonna do my own thing now and you can do that if you want but uh it's a bummer because there's so much gold to be rescued from the Christian faith and it really not even nothing to be erased necessarily but everything to be exalted to a higher revelation of what it means it's not that Christianity is not true it's that it's actually way more true than even Christians realize there's much
deeper symbolism in the crucifixion resurrection of Christ what does it mean to be resurrected in Christ there's so much gold there and so the good news for people listening if I can leave them with good news is that there is a true way of Jesus and it's the Asen way it's it's a It's Perfectly laid out in these texts and perfectly resonates not even 85 or 90% but 100% with the person of Jesus we all know in love in the gospels we say there must be a true path of this man in the red letters
ex U not including all the Dogma that's been attached to it but just what is the true way of Jesus right followers of the way way what is the way and I'm so grateful the universe brought the scenes not only on back on my radar but bringing them back to the world's radar because it is the true way of Jesus and I think that that's what everyone is really hungering for the only thing I'll contribute to that is I think you know there there's a wide range of individuals that are tuning into this episode right
now in terms of their beliefs in the world and what they you know what they think about Christianity organized religion um and the truth of where all this stems from and I would just invite because there can be often this times something that I experienced much more in my past as well this sort of fractured of like really trying to solve life and and figure out the answer of like what is the absolute truth and there yeah this drove me to like one of the darkest periods of my life probably eight years ago yeah um
when all of my friends were all kind of seekers in this way we would like dive down these conspiratorial rabbit holes a lot of them I I haven't really talked about this too much but a lot of them came you know all of them except me essentially went down to like these new age churches um sorry end times churches and got you know it was it felt very fear-based at the time of like if we don't believe this you're going to burn in hell for eternity worst possible consequence yes for all of time and thankfully
for this individual I met that kind of just like allowed me just to chill the F out and to like stop putting so much pressure on my soul cuz it felt like very fractured and felt very fearful well um if anything you know if anything this podcast is challenging maybe somebody who has more fundamental kind of Christian beliefs um you know I just want to invite that patience of your path to like not need to like figure it all out right now but to put this conversation in alternative views in a bucket or a briefcase
of possibilities that you explore when your world view doesn't really serve you anymore and to open it back up and to explore the softness the gentleness and to stop putting so much existential weight on your soul yeah yeah God doesn't need you to figure out the whole nature of the universe before you can be free freedom is a choice right now to be at peace with what is uh it actually sounds like the friend you mentioned was like the angel of peace and disguise coming to you at your hour of need I've been there man
you know the rabbit holes the conspiracy theories can put you in a dark place and many people in the truth movement and stuff today are in that dark place where they just believe that evil controls everything everything and that's not only not true but totally opposite of the truth this is God's Universe This Is My Father's World there's nothing to fear and when we operate from a frequency that is above those levels of consciousness then we're not a karmic match to them anymore even the I'm talking about the Chemtrails the poisons in your food like
this is a part of the path of purification that the Asen taught in believed was that by living pure not only externally with the foods we eat and the way we live but in internally I keep my mind pure I think Loving Thoughts I think non-judgmental thoughts when we purify the vessel like Jesus said clean the inside of the cup and the outside will be clean if your mind is clean you'll notice you're eating good things you're fasting you're praying more you you want to do these things you're not forcing yourself to do them because
your Purity is now flowing out of you and when we live from a vibration like that we don't need to worry what the world economic forum is doing next and the Chemtrails and the poisons in our water because we're not a match to those things um the universe will make sure we're guided in the right ways to avoid those traps and pitfalls because we're again we're not a match to that frequency and uh something that science proves now is that a strong coherent energy field always overtakes a weak incoherent energy field and so the only
thing we need to worry about is not what's happening in the world and what's coming down the pipe next but how do I make my own energy field strong and coherent polarized crystallized that's the Asen path and that's going to make anyone the most capable version of themselves to do anything as you want to serve others and um become the change you wish to see and not just fight against that which you don't want to see you know so right you know those that are healthy vibrant full of joy peace wisdom love and power are
most capable and being leaders and and and stewarding the world they want to see into the world so MH and it's contagious it is yeah dude thank you so much love you uh if there's um anything else you want to share before we close out please do and just where people can find you and on your socials and and all that to stay connected and I'm sure we'll run back another pod in in the future Epic Man well thank you again for having me on this was such a blast to be able to talk about
um my current passion topic with a good friend so um really appreciate that opportunity you can find me everywhere basically with my name so Instagram is just aaby aab aaby I make it easy amazing dude much love appreciate everybody who's been tuning into this episode let us know your thoughts you know this is a community where I really do pay attention to the comments to uh other people's perspectives on what goes on in the conversations and these shows and your own personal path um so your energy is very much so felt appreciate you
very much until next time be well h [Music]
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