Boy Took Abàndoned Vàmpire, Ìmpŕegn̈atèd Her To Save Her Life

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Boy Took Abàndoned Vàmpire, Ìmpŕegn̈atèd Her To Save Her Life #anime #manga #manhwa #manhua
Video Transcript:
a man was seen under an umbrella in the rain it was said that he picked up a girl on a rainy night he was a huge man standing in the rain when he noticed a weak young lady collapsed on the ground feeling nervous he asked if she was okay and shouted for help but no one was around so he decided to assist her she asked him for a mouthful of human fluid which made him think of vampires and scared him he called for an ambulance but no one came he wondered if this was real tearfully
she begged saying she would do anything and he felt sorry for her eventually he gave her his fluid it was a strange encounter but that's how they met after some time when she regained Consciousness she thanked him and introduced herself as sumir a vampire she asked how she could repay him but he said it was nothing she admired his humility and asked if he was a samurai but he replied that he was just an ordinary guy she insisted on doing something for him but he declined at his apartment she apologized for the intrusion he felt
awkward but couldn't leave her in the rain so he brought her home she asked if his roommates were around and he told her he lived alone he apologized for the mess saying he wasn't used to having guests his name was yako Ren she was pleased and said he was the perfect human for a vampire which made him nervous she explained that vampires are trained to take humans and offered to help with anything Ren said he didn't need help making her think of what she could do using her vampire thermography she examined him and told him
his circul ation was poor he mentioned having a sedentary job she offered to give him a massage which he initially refused thinking it wasn't right she pleaded and he eventually agreed as she massaged his back she commented on how big he was and he said it was painful being that huge she told him to relax and started with his shoulders asking if it felt good he responds that it tickles a bit which means it isn't working she stands on his back feeling a bit awkward but he encourages her to keep going she applies more pressure
and he finally says he's feeling it now after the massage she hugs his hands affectionately complimenting how nice he is and mentioning how tasty his fluid is calling him the best human in the world this makes him fidget as he's never been complimented like that before curious he asks how it tastes and she describes it as having a deep spicy flavor with a faint fragrance and an aftertaste that reminds her of a cool breeze on a summer day Ren is impressed and comments on her refined palette she then insists she can't be the only one
satisfied and decides to cook dinner however she gets confused between salt and sugar and asks Ren for help which surprises him she mentions that in school they used induction stoves and this gas stove is different making Ren concerned she starts cooking on high Flames singing but the pot catches fire and she freaks out Ren calmly hands her the pot lid and tells her to cover it and turn off the heat after cooking she serves blackened food calling it sweet and sour pork and ren politely comments on its fragrance she bows crying saying she can't repay
him at all but Ren reassures her saying he doesn't mean to pry and asks why she ended up in that situation she explains with narrowed eyes that the vampire world is strict rules and as a Dropout who can't properly take human fluid she has no place there she wonders why life is so hard tears in her eyes but smiling Ren empathizes saying both humans and vampires have it tough and adds that she can stay with him if she has nowhere to go as he feels a bit lonely she excitedly jumps on his back thanking him
Ren then notices she's cold from being out in the rain and offers to run her a bath she happily prepares for the bath feeling alive again in the bath she laughs loudly feeling saved and dives into the water grateful she no longer has to bathe in rivers or lurk in Alleyways she thanks goodness for her new warm home shedding passionate tears Ren Smiles at her from outside the door later that night Ren apologizes for not having a proper change of clothes for her dot she happily replies that she found a fantastic dress which Ren nervously
realizes is his T-shirt he tells her to make do with that for today Before Sunrise she decides to make him breakfast while he's still sleeping she wonders why humans eat bread and prepares some soup and salad for nutritional balance in the end she makes shredded veggies a cup of ramen and almost burnt toast concluding that Ren will be more than satisfied she sets the table and imagines how pleased Ren will be and how he will thank her repeatedly she hopes he lets her take human fluid as a reward Ren wakes up on his own and
opens the door making her scream in frustration as her plans are shattered she angrily yells at him for waking up on his own and he nervously explains that his alarm went off apologizing it turns out she had tried to stop the Alarm by putting it under sunlight to burn Ren looks blankly while eating and comments on the clean room she proudly tells him that she tidied up while he was resting and he thanks her patting her on the head she requests more praise which makes Ren thinks she's acting like a dog Ren leaves for work
bidding her goodbye and she tells him to have a nice day she yawns and decides to get some sleep as the Sun is up but she remembers leaving her coffin behind and improvises a cardboard coffin with tape she bids herself good night and falls asleep after sleeping for hours she wakes up stretches and exclaims that she slept like a log she gets out of the box wears her leggings and stretches again determined to keep going in the afternoon she adjusts her hair and looks out the window wondering if the laundry is dry she brings in
the clothes and notices that the apartment doesn't get much sun in the afternoon she sniffs the clothes and exclaims that they smell like they've been dried by the Sun but there's also a strong scent of Ren like the wind in the ocean on a tropical island at night this makes her salivate and she starts feeling hungry again she tries to control herself because Ren gave her human fluid yesterday but she can't stop imagining how delicious Ren's physique is she expresses how big Ren's body is and how he has tons of human fluid and she needs
a mouthful or two unable to resist Night Comes dot but Ren isn't home yet he's seen walking back expressing how stressful overtime was sumir jumps on him exclaiming how hungry she is and how irresistible he is he gives her some human fluid and she apologizes for losing control he reassures her saying it was partly his fault and decides to get phones so they can stay in touch a few days later Ren arrives from work and sumir welcomes him he announces that he finished some work and will be off starting tomorrow she is amazed and dances
around in celebration making him smile he tells her they'll have some time to themselves and suggests going shopping which excites her but he stops her pointing out that her dress stands out too much she replies that it's her only clothing he explains that they might attract attention if they stand out too much and suggests going alone for today she throws herself on the ground in tears insisting she wants to go with him she promises to hide her wings so wraps her in a cloth making her feel loved they head to a nearby supermarket and suir
exclaims how big it is Ren replies that it is indeed big she asks if they only sell human food and comments on how easy it is for humans to procure food compared to vampires she climbs on Ren's back attracting attention and he warns her that they'll stand out if she fools around at the meat section Ren asks if they are out of meat while an uninterested suir admires the meat department she picks up packs of meat telling Ren to eat a lot to make tons of yummy fluid but he says he can't buy that much
she sniffs an odd smell realizes the meat has garlic and calls it bad tasting referring to it as a human trap she explains that garlic paralyzes her Limbs and makes breathing impossible developed as a countermeasure against vampires Ren tries to perceive the stake but can't find anything unusual she asks if he understands and he affirms they move to the Clos section and ren explains that this is what shopping is like he encourages her to pick some clothes she confirms if it's okay and he agrees telling her to pick whatever she wants she excitedly picks out
some clothes for herself feeling happy do she changes into the new clothes but complains that they're tight around the upper area expressing how hard it is to find clothes that fit Ren agrees she then goes back to the changing room to put on an undershirt and a top exclaiming how perfect they are for humans and renre again they head to the cashier to pay and our informed the total is 320 yen the cashier comments on Ren walking late at night with a girl suggesting they don't seem to have any relationship making Ren nervous and amazed
Samir sees this as a chance for a skillful deception and proudly tells the cashier they are lovers leaving Ren in shock he nervously laughs Pats her head and tells the cashier she is a relative and he's just looking after her saying the cashier knows better how to tease him suir asks Ren if she should have told them he grabbed her off the street hinting it could have been worse as they walk home suir smiles to herself making Ren concerned she tells him she's never had so much fun in her life and is having the time
of her life making him smile she drags him along suggesting they take a different way home unbeknownst to them a lady with long dark hair is following them she recognizes Ren but doesn't know sumir as they walk sumir asks if walking around at night is fun stating that this is when vampires are invincible she then sent senses something off and asks Ren if someone is following them she yells at the person hiding in the shadows to come out the lady with long dark hair nervously steps out and sumir exclaims that she's a human female while
Ren is perplexed the terrified lady asks who sumir is but suir responds that she should be the one asking that suir calls her a person who breaks homes and says she was lured by Ren's delicious smell but Ren cuts her off saying the lady isn't like that Samir catches her scent goes to sniff the lady and becomes confused Ren draws the lady closer and sumir asks if they are related making Ren answer that they are in a relationship suir comments that they smell so similar and makes Ren's sister sniff herself but Ren tells her not
to bother as she won't be able to tell Ren's sister yakomo minori asks who sumir is expressing how young she looks sumir remains calm until minori suddenly questions Ren if he took in a runaway school girl which Ren instantly denies he whispers to sumir that they need to tell the family what's really going o that things wouldn't go bad and she agreed suir shyly told minori that she and ren were life Partners while Ren urged suir not to complicate things back at Ren's house he informed minori that suir was a vampire causing her to
scream loudly after calming down minori smiled at sumir saying she was at an age where she gets brooding which infuriated sumir sumir licked Ren's neck and taunted minori by saying she'd show her how she takes Ren's fluid in detail this angered minori who grabbed sumir and dragged her away from Ren yelling at her to get away from him suir screamed that Ren was hers but minori refused to accept it a frustrated Ren told them not to objectify him like that minori said she would try to accept that sumir was a vampire prompting Ren to caution
her not to choke minori suddenly pulled out a disposable Chopstick fashioned like a cross and brandished it at suir declaring she wouldn't let her have Ren by the power of Christ suir mockingly asked what the toy was and minori realized the cross wasn't working she considered whether she needed to drive a stake through su's heart or use a silver bullet but sumir informed her that none of those would work if minori wanted to defeat a vampire she should use garlic a suggestion Ren agreed was the easiest Ren and minori explained everything and ren finally informed
minori that suir was living in his apartment minori remarked on how kind Ren was to people she explained to sumir that while she understood how tough things were for vampires humans had their concepts of what's proper minori suggested that suir stay at her place instead where it would be more wholesome and wouldn't raise any eyebrows leaving suir confused in response sumir nervously bit Minor's skin to take her fluid commenting that Minor's fluid was a bit fatty and suggesting she exercise more minori offended continued to say bad things to suir Leading to a wrestling match Ren
intervened telling them that fighting wouldn't solve anything and they should all get along they stopped instantly realizing how immature they had been sumir smiled and asked them to shake hands which manori reluctantly agreed to as they shook hands suir used her vampire strength to squeeze Minor's hand causing minori to cry out in pain and call sumir a freaking chimpanzee while Ren wondered what he was going to do with both of them a few nights later Ren bid sumir good night and went to bed suir began to wonder how she could get more fluid from Ren
every day as it was never enough she realized that taking more from him could impact his health so she needed to form a plan do she excitedly brought out a book from her vampire school and read through it she discovered that hunger could be mitigated by the use of milk realizing that drinking milk between taking human fluid could alleviate both her hunger and the burden on Ren's Health she felt encouraged she noted that human money could be exchanged for goods and services but couldn't understand the rest remembering that she had fallen asleep in class when
it was explained regretting her inattentiveness she decided she could still get milk at the store using the money Ren had given her as an allowance for emergencies she rushed out aiming to reach the store they previously visited unfortunately she got lost suddenly someone called out to her warning against walking alone at night it was Ren's sister minori suir replied that young women shouldn't be out at night to which minori who was on her way home from work responded she was an adult she asked sumir what she was doing there and sumir looking away claimed she
was wandering not lost minori sensed the lie and knew suir was lost suir explained her plan to minori who noted that women's milk was quite similar to human fluid and saw the logic minori directed sumir to a nearby convenience store and sumir thanked her moments later sumir came out with bags of milk meeting minori with gratitude however upon closer inspection sumir found some of the milk wasn't real she banged on the floor in frustration exclaiming about the deceptive packaging and calling it a human trap which made minori think she was more of an idiot back
home suir tried the milk and found it good close to the taste of human fluid which took the edge off her hunger she wondered what to do with the mistaken purchase deciding not to waste it and giving it a try happily she commented on its consistency being close to human fluid and regretted not drinking it earlier feeling full she was content with her Discovery do she lands in the the closet realizing too late that the unreadable part of the notebook said to beware of similar products after Sunrise Ren wakes up and greets sare noticing she
looks worn out she claims she's on a diet but he sees through the LIE her stomach growls and he seeing she means well tells her she can have a sip to celebrate making her jubilate she takes his fluid and he tells her not to force herself she exclaims that he is spoiling her and he replies that the thought alone is more than enough that night Ren workplace is under pressure and he is tense dealing with a problematic project he apologizes on a call assuring urgency when he leaves work stressed and worried Su suddenly jumps on
him welcoming him he looks blankly adjusts his glasses and smiles walking through the hallway he comments on liking someone being there with him confusing suir she asks why he is later than usual and he explains the Panic at work hearing this suir eagerly offers to help him with apy oling claiming she's good at it ignoring his confusion she announces she prepared dinner making him freak out she reassures him it's not burnt like her first attempt she brings out a Savory meal calling it Salisbury steak which impresses Ren despite the messy kitchen she calls the mess
wounds earned in battle she also filled the bathtub and he thanks her Ren finds the tub barely spacious enough but when it's su's turn there's barely any water left he tells her to refill it after to their baths Ren thanks her for making his rough day better saying he'll be able to give it his all the next day Su blushes telling him to stop or she'll blush more she mentions she's not asking for a reward but would appreciate today's fluid checking on him she finds him asleep reflecting on his tireless work and his kindness in
letting her take his fluid she hugs him and bids him good night in the shadows voices note a familiar vampire smell among the humans two other vampires like suir one with a long sword decide to investigate Su blushes and deciding to let Ren sleep cleans the messy kitchen she then perceives an unfamiliar scent coming from the door do suir tries to look through the pee pole but a crash and rustling sounds wake Ren from his sleep he puts on his glasses and sees two other vampires bundling Su and tying her mouth one of them Dalia
apologizes for waking him Ren realizes they are vampires like sume Dalia introduces herself and ren extends his business card thinking she's friendly sudden Dalia suggests making Ren a snack and ren retracts his earlier comment saying she's too bad suir screams not to touch Ren and Dalia laughs squeezing su's head and threatening her Ren nervously asks them not to handle Su roughly while she screams his name Dalia's partner Kiku advises against beheading them suggesting they find out more since sume and ren know each other Dalia agrees and ren thinks this contradicts her earlier threat the other
vampires realize Sumer is lucky to have found someone one kind like Ren Kiku thanks Ren for saving Sumer and keeping their existence secret which Ren nervously acknowledges Kiku tells Ren they will take Su with them but she wriggles towards Ren pleading to stay saying they work well together and she doesn't need to go home Ren agrees expressing how Lively the house is with her around Kiku declines stating that while they may be good together it would throw the vampire world into disarray Dalia now rumbling tells sume to come quietly terrifying both sume and ren dilia
commented on how soft Kiku was and mentioned she liked that about her meanwhile sum was boiling with anger she turned into a bat to make a conference like call with dilia sum and ren stared at them with Ren saying they had been talking for a long time Sue Meer asked him to predict the outcome dilia communicating with the bat told them she had gotten his name Ren replied that everything she was saying was messed up Kiku returned surprising Ren and Samir and informed them she had handled the situ sitation Kiku asked if Soma was really
in the class and understood why she wasn't eager to go back Ren wondered what the class was Kiku explained to an eager Samir and ren that they had decided to handle the situation stating that sumay was breaking their laws but could stay with humans on a trial basis if she took a specialized educator and escort Kiku told suer that she would be her educator while dilia would be the escort dilia laughed out loud and suir happily jumped around Ren saying she could finally stay with him he laughed with her but Kiku cut them off saying
they needed to prepare a space dilia mentioned the vacant room next door would be convenient the next evening Kiku and dilia set up their base next door Ren was shocked to see dilia cutting through the walls saying moving between rooms would be stressful so she made a shortcut Kiku expressed that Ren raised the funds and suir did the housework like she said and this was just the perfect time she called out to sue Meer telling her she would fix supper for the the lad which was Ren Samir was excited and full of energy given the
chance to show off her skills and she gave it her all she ended up preparing what she called the delicacy of the sea and Mountain rice which infuriated Kiku who told her not to play with food suir answered that she was serious Kiku explained that even if present Human Society was in a time of gluttony and sanitation it took hard work and much effort to get that much food dilia announced this as one of kiku's olden days Story Time Kiku Lent dilia a sword and told Samir to pull down her pants which made Sue Meer
ask what she wanted to do Kiku said it was for education and hit her making Su Meer screamed loudly later that night dilia commented on Ren saying he was gigantic and she was tall but not as tall as him Kiku checked out his arms imagining them to be like logs and said humans of his type were Splendid specimens suir stretched her nose proudly making dilia ask why her nose was in the air or she would cut it down to size dilia hugged Ren telling him she was starting to feel hungry hungry and would like to
take his fluid which made Ren tell her to stop making people feel like a snack dilia adjusted to Ren ready to take a bite when suir fired at her saying Ren was her partner Dalia drags suir by the shirt but Ren grabs her hand arguing that suir doesn't have a place in their world and ends up falling in the rain He suggests taking her back home is too convenient which amazes Su Dalia laughs and tells Ren to inform the person in charge of su's Education implying they have a job to do Ren and Dalia struggle
over sume with Ren not backing down Dalia tells Kiku that Ren is stubborn and asks if she should get rid of him Kiku Dalia and ren stare at each other Kiku acknowledges Ren's point and force of will stating they need to discuss what happens next and make a report she tells Dalia to wait with them Dalia insisted she wanted just a little but suir disagreed Kiku handed a fluid pack to Dalia telling her to drink that instead Dalia complained about being fed up with fluid packs and wanting to drink from the source Dalia blamed Ren
for having a yummy looking body making Ren apologize Kiku scolded him telling him not to get trapped in her nonsense sumir raised her hand to ask Kiku a question saying Ren hadn't been energetic lately possibly due to her drinking as fluid she mentioned that when he goes to bed it's like he's falling she asked Kiku what to do in this situation making Kiku affirm that sumir noticed his exhaustion if not she would have given her some education making suay a bit joyful while Dalia pleaded to get her sword back from Kiku Kiku stated there were
two possible solutions first to feed the subject with plenty of nutrition and relaxation and second to reduce the amount of fluid she drinks Kiku decided to start with the first by cooking stating that Ren might be suffering from an iron deficiency and was close to being anemic she told suir to feed him food with high iron content and have him rest Ren ate while sumir jotted down what was being taught Kiku explained the second solution saying that once the quality of his fluid improved she would help by taking a little and keeping him in good
shape creating a good cycle Kiku also added that suir could give an appropriate massage to improve his fluid which sumay responded to by saying she tried but Ren's body was stiff Dalia showed Sue Meer how to give a massage by using her absurd super strength making Ren scream in pain as the massage took effect she stretched Ren's hands and told him that once he got used to it he would be fine adding that she would collect just 200 mL of his body fluid as payment Ren wondered why she hadn't given up yet suir got Furious
and walked up to Dalia telling her she would continue the massage for Ren making a laughing Dalia ask if she was jealous which suir denied Kiku gave Ren a fluid producing drug which he tried to find out about she explained that it was a medicine that aids in restoring depleted fluid similar to a nutrient drink created by vampires she warned that it wasn't something he could drink all the time but in this case he could drink it to restore his lost strength quickly Ren gladly accepted and drank it at first there was no effect but
suddenly veins appeared all over his hands and body making him exclaim how amazing it was he suddenly got so energetic that he wanted to move his body and ended up doing push-ups while sum was happy that Ren was now energetic again Ren's activeness began to get out of hand Dalia instantly complained while Kiku observed Ren and told them it might not be normal his body didn't seemed to take the medicine well Dolly responded that he took it too well Ren suddenly announced he was going for a run and left while sumir told him to wait
all three vampires had to fly to look for Ren they found him running along the road as Dalia called out and sum agreed suir screamed that she would stop him right away flying towards his Direction but an energized Ren dragged her along making her scream in fear Kiku wondered what sumir was doing and decided to help stop him gigantic Ren dragged Kiku and sumir as well while still running Kiku screamed at Dalia for help and Dalia responded humorously saying she wished to keep watching Dalia who seemed to be the strongest among them grabbed Ren by
the neck and stopped him instantly they bundled him up and carried him back home later that night Ren was seen sitting in a corner of the room silently while Dolly exclaimed how calm he wassum your side and thank goodness but Kiku cut in saying that wasn't all she explained that after he recovered too much body fluid his mind had flown to the co-op which shocked sumir Dalia suggested they should drink the excess body fluid from Ren to help him get better which Kiku agreed to suir volunteered to drink his fluid bigger sumir exclaimed she was
learning how to handle emergencies which was part of a partner's Duty Dolly informed sumir that she was drooling without realizing it she informed them she was going for the drink suir drank Ren's body fluid until her tummy was full and asked if that was enough Kiku examined him and replied that what she drank wasn't even close Ren's veins were still visible and suir asked what they could do next Dalia offered their help Kiku replied that Ren's life was Irreplaceable so she would allow them to drink him just this once they pulled off Ren's shirt and
together drank his fluid a day passed until Ren finally opened his eyes Kiku apologized to Ren and told him she never expected the fluid producing medicine to have such an effect on him he responded by saying there was light out and slept all through the night but she cut in informing him that he had slept for up to 40 hours making him exclaim half a day she informed him she contacted his work pretending to be his mother to let them know he would be absent making Ren exclaim that it was skillfully done she also informed
him that Su Meer stayed by his side the whole time until she grew tired and fell asleep which was not unexpected Kiku asked Ren how he was as that was more important Ren felt his wrist and responded that he felt good and his body felt felt light which made him think it was because he overslept after taking the medicine Ren apologized to them for causing so much trouble but Kiku replied that he did nothing wrong saying that Dalia was able to drink a lot of body fluid and was high in spirits Kiku quickly arranged something
for Ren to eat asking if he must be hungry and he thanked her as Ren ate he exclaimed how amazing Kiku was saying even if she had a different pallet from humans her food was delicious he looked up at her Ren realized she had fallen asleep and wondered if she had also stayed up until he was awake he smiled covered her with a blanket quietly and thought about how scary they were at first but turned out to be nice people he planned to give Dolly a blanket too and move towards her but she sprang up
saying she was awake and always had been shocking Ren he exclaimed that she surprised him and wondered what the snot bubble in her nose was she informed him that she was on the lookout so her eyes were always wide open which made Ren Wonder since he had never seen her eyes open before aat whispered to Kiku while Dalia announced they had a message Kiku called out to sumir telling her they had to make an appearance at the Academy this announcement made sum Meer freak out and scream Kiku informed her of her unwillingness to go but
said it must be done properly telling her to sort it out as suir side and surrender Kiku faced Ren and asked if he would like to come with them prompting him to ask if it was okay and Kiku agreed when they got to the academy building Ren was amazed by The View before him three vampire students were seen complimenting the sight of a human in their school commenting on how tasty he looked thinking of another class having hands on lessons and finally how he was making them hungry Ren freaked out and Dalia asked him what
he was freaking out for making him respond that the sight of him making vampires hungry was scary one of the students examined samir's face while she glanced along it was announced that they had reached the entrance and a vampire welcomed Ren expressing how pleased they were to have him he was an old vampire and told Ren he was the president of the school named Taro thanking Ren for coming Taro said Ren was a very important person for the future of the vampire World which was why he wanted to meet Ren in person at least once
this made Ren whisper to suer if he was really that important while suer profusely sweated looking confused which Ren noticed tonaro decided to break down the current state of the vampire world to Ren he explained that the students in their school studied all about humans from ecology psychology and economics to International Affairs fully-fledged vampires were permitted to create contracts with humans commonly called retainers as they took the retainers fluid they used their accumulated knowledge and innate abilities to help the retainer achieve societal success the more successful the retainer became the deeper their bond with the
Vampire securing a long-term fluid feed Taro further explained that not all students followed that path some ended up in internal management education and other fields representing the image of the modern vampire after listening to this Ren confirmed that it meant exchanging fluid for a super amazing personal assistant to which tonaro agreed tonaro told Ren that while the human world evolved day by day vampires found their place in a fading World which they must find a way to overcome one of the vampires accompanying Teno commented on his ability to use big words but lacked The Willpower
to back them up the vampire explained that nothing was accomplished by coddling those who failed to save the falling vampire world and that they must increase their effort on education refocusing on the production of superior progyny he then asked tonaro if he planned to cast aside their traditions in Pride another vampire with headphones replied that the outcast students were causing trouble in the human world and needed to change tactics creating a system where even weaklings could survive a vampire with a bell on his head commented that cooperating with humans in an eat and be eaten
relationship was difficult and the most efficient way way was to convert them to livestock solving environmental issues and being eco-friendly the vampires argued among themselves making Ren nervous about how things were getting heated Kiku explained that vampires had their own factions too and informed him that the first person to cut into the conversation was sumir former teacher leaving Sue Meer on the brink of Tears as the vampires kept arguing Taro cut in saying Ren came all the way to visit so they should all take a deep breath they stood straight and he informed informed them
that the plan of action had been decided allowing Ren and Sue Meer to continue their relationship Kiku whispered to tenero that Ren was clearly uncomfortable and they needed to hurry to which tanero concurred and apologized he smiled widely telling them he awaited the results and thanked Ren for his time Kiku bowed to him saying they would take their leave now while sum's former teacher informed them that the principal had high hopes for them he said they expected dazzling results from them and would welcome a chance to visit the site which would be Illuminating this made
Dalia shut him up telling him he was annoying to which he responded that worthless students attract worthless teachers Ren and suir freaked out and hurriedly wanted to get out of there while Kiku told them not to worry as they exited the school sumir sighed exclaiming how nervous she had been while Kiku commented that she did well Ren commented that some teachers were tough but thank God for the principal being an understanding man this made Kiku look dearly at Ren exclaiming how simple he was she then told him not to trust the principal too much suddenly
a bad informed them not to leave her behind making a portal appear with a hand stretching forward leaving Ren surprised a vampire with headphones from the school jumped out of the portal taking Ren back once again she introduces herself as Mimosa being in charge of technique development and tells them to call her Memo Shan she explains that just as Kiku was saying it's too early to trust the principal and proceeds to give Ren a rough explanation the vampire world is classified into three three categories of factions the conservative faction the Salvation faction and the Revolutionary
faction she further explains that they fall under the Salvation faction and the three factions have different functions the conservative faction consists of the old folks who want to double down on how they've been doing things before the Salvation faction are the ones who want to stop the eradication of weak vampires and restore the vampire World lastly the Revolutionary faction called the Dork wants to seize any opportunity to establish a regime where vampires rule she informs them that Su me's continued cohabitation was allowed due to their significant protest making Ren curiously ask if the principal is
from a different faction she replies that up until now the principal has taken a neutral stance regarding sumay Khan's case he quickly comes to an understanding of their point of view she thanks suer for getting their point across but is still worried that the principal left the dust box alone making her conclude that something must be going on behind the scenes this confuses Ren as she opens up portal telling him to step in as it will be easier to show him than explain they teleport high up to the dust box making Ren exclaim how high
they have come memo Shan tells him to take a peep down making Ren look down and ask if something is moving down there suddenly a large number of horrible hungry-looking vampires are seen trying to climb up the box making Ren terrified and nervous memo Shan explains that this is the dust box the prison where all the vampires who lost their place in the world and the condemned vampires are seen scratching tugging and biting their way up she further explains to a nervous Ren that after losing their mind from thirst the vampires wait here for the
rare scraps that are tossed to them and under the current rules Sumer will end up there one day which the principal tacitly approves of this leaves Su nervous as memo Shan exclaims that a place like this shouldn't exist and should be removed she finally announces that she will be living with them as a Record Keeper which Ren immediately agrees to and welcomes her Dalia challenges her asking she also has it rough which memo Shan declines telling them she just feels it would be wrong for them to do as they please back home Ren wonders how
Su is on the verge of meeting a bad fate like that when she is still just a kid while Sumer Peaks at him blankly she suddenly hops up full of Courage telling Ren she will do her best and show everyone she can be a splendid vampire who is a big help to him dot but she is cut off by Mimosa who tells her that is not what the test is about anymore confusing Su Mimosa explains that whether Sumer is useful or not is an old fashion value what they are really looking for is for humans
to understand that both vampires and humans can stay together peacefully she further explains as she Types on the computer that they can think of it as both humans and vampires keeping each other as pets they don't care if she is a bumbling Dropout as much as they care that Ren likes her Mimosa calls out to sume telling her that her old teacher hog is a died in the wool meritocratic conservative and that after studying with him for a while her sense of value has been unconsciously warped Kiku taps mimos on the head telling her she
is going a little too extreme and is in no position to be sumer's educator while Mimosa exclaims that Love Will Save the World Ren Pats su's head telling her not to worry about him and that after all the difficult situations she can let her hair down and have fun Mimosa comments on how Cooperative Ren is and requests to drink some fluid as proof of their friendship which Ren agrees to telling her to take just a little Dalia wants to go first and is called out by Mimosa they laugh loudly while suir stares blankly unable to
act and Kiku stares at her in pity as the night goes by at Ren's workplace he Taps on his computer exclaiming that he has finished the meeting documentation and is going through the figures to confirm if they are in order he realizes there is some noise coming from under his desk he checks it out in Surprise only to find a bat saying that the subject's daily activities are within the normal parameter and that his results are above average he analyzes the voice and concludes it is Moosa which she agrees to he looks around to avoid
being caught and Whispers what she is doing here making her reply that it is her duty to make reports he informs her that it is 10: in the morning and vampires are normally asleep by this time Mimosa working from home tells him she is something of a day Walker making him exclaim how great that is as Ren gulps down his coffee he thinks of mimosa observing him so he decides not to let his guard down Mimosa calls out to him telling him if he wants to drink coffee he should drink the substance in the bottle
she handed him he curiously asks what it is and she replies that it is the new and improved fluid producing medicine she is very proud of this new product so he should go ahead and drink it he recalls and discovers that the last time he couldn't control himself was all her fault Ren is brought out of his thoughts when his coworker asks if something is wrong making him sweat nervously he fakes smiles and answers he is perfectly fine his colleague walks over to his table picks up the fluid producing medicine examines it closely and calls
it an energy drink exclaiming how the design changes these days he warns Ren not to drink too much of it as it is dangerous to his body which Ren agrees to making Mimosa offended by their being rude Ren announces his arrival at home tired and hungry and he is told by Kiku to wait a bit while Su is making dinner. suum is seen cooking as Kiku warns her about the AI controlled fire but in the end she makes a burnt black carriage she tearfully apologizes for ruining the food once again but Ren Cuts in saying
the food is fine and he can handle this much trying not to make Suare feel bad Dalia romantically exclaims how sturdy humans are when it comes to food while myo replies that they would be bedridden for 3 days if they ate something like that while Su stares blankly into the night later that night Dalia disturbs mimo as she sleeps while Kiku reads a book Kiku tells Dalia she's going too far and will wake myo up as Ren sleeps Su is outside reminiscing about the day's events and how she ruined them Just Before Dawn Su realizes
she needs to prepare breakfast but when she goes into the kitchen she finds out all the ingredients are finished as she used them up the previous night she tells Kiku and Dalia that she needs to go to the shop to do some shopping Dalia warns her that the sun is almost up but sume replies that the store is just down the road Su slams the door behind her while Kiku stares blankly as Su runs through the hallway Dalia asks Kiku if she wants her to keep an eye on suir just in case but Kiku doesn't
respond and just stares blankly at the store Su looks around and decides to make sunny side up eggs for breakfast she recalls how unprofessional she is at breaking eggs because the yolks end up everywhere looking messy but then also remembers that Ren doesn't mind how the food looks he eats the food and compliments her cooking skills she concludes that if he is fine with her constant mess ups then he does not expect anything different from her back at the house Ren wakes up and goes out to ask what is wrong mimo screams that everything is
bad and exclaims that Su hasn't returned from shopping this makes Ren nervous as he contemplates what will happen if she gets hit by the sun directly mimo completes his thought saying she will burn to a crisp and that something like that cannot be kept in the report Ren decides to go look for her Kiku hands him a parasol to take along with him and instructs him to keep suir safe at all costs Ren collects the parasol and heads out running all through through in search of sume meanwhile Su is seen sitting under a bridge Ren
looks everywhere for Sumer but cannot find her he exclaims where she could be and recalls Dalia telling him she was in this area but the smell of her Fades little by little because of the sunlight making it harder to find her as he continues searching a worried little child calls out to his mother asking why a man is carrying an umbrella Under the Sun this makes Ren nervous he stares at the umbrella and notices a note wrapped around the handle placed there by Kiku dot when he reads through he is informed not to be scared
and to calm down making him sigh he proceeds reading and is informed that Su can take care of herself as she survived a long time before she met him so he doesn't need to worry he is further informed that Su might have something she needs to get off her chest and it may be something she can't express in front of everyone the note finally begged him to listen to whatever she had to say after a while of searching he found her sitting under the bridge crying alone he observed her for a while and finally went
to sit beside her nervously he tells her sorry and asks why she has been holding something and that he never noticed she squeezed her arms tightly replying that she wonders if it is okay with him she raises her head in tears as he looks at her she reminisces on how he saved her when she ran away from the vampire world and how she wanted to repay his kindness how she wanted him to expect great things from her how she wanted him to count on her but all she did was mess up over and over again
she felt that he didn't expect anything from her making her wonder if he found her very existence a nuisance still crying she recalls her situation being a mission and how she will keep having these miserable thoughts she stares in tears wishing she could disappear Ren stares blankly and stands up ignoring all her rants telling her it's a sunny day and it has been a while since they were out together he then requests they go for a walk making Su glow brightly in confusion while Ren stretches his hand telling her he has a parasol and everything
he then wraps Su up with a towel while exclaiming how worried he was he carries her under the parasol as people stare at them the little boy from previously exclaims how they are standing out quite a bit which Ren responds to saying it's not a problem Ren thanks her for talking to him and that he now understands how she feels he explains that he thought just laughing off her mistakes would make things easier for her but instead he was hurting her and he is deeply sorry about it he further explains that he wants her to
always remember something that these days everyone everywhere is desperately running the rat race including himself and at the center of it all he is being saved by her innocent warmth he would really love it if she stays by him he explains that they will work hard to change things that are not working thereby requesting her to stay with him he cuts in instantly saying forget it this kind of talk is out of character for him making Su laugh replying that she will work hard too he reminds them that they haven't had breakfast yet and she
replies that they should go get a few eggs on their way home and she feels she can fry a bunch of sunny side up eggs he comments that he will expect great things from her at home meanwhile mimichan exclaims happily that Ren found Sam and is almost back home while Dalia sniffs their presence with her nose and agrees to the claim Kiku tells them they have to think of other things sume is seen walking happily with Ren through the hallway after returning from the store while returning home from work Ren talks to himself saying he
thinks everything will be all right now he had always been confident in his stamina but lately he realized he wasn't as young as he used to be as he walked towards the door it swung open surprising him and suir welcomed him home she helped him take off his jacket and asked if he'd had to work late again he replied with a sigh that overtime was just part of the job at their company sumir sympathized with him remarking on the Relentless Rat Race and commenting on how tough life in the human world could be suddenly she
jumped up and assured him that it was her job to support him encouraging him not to hesitate to lean on her as they walked into the house together she hugged him and asked if he wanted to eat dinner first or take a bath Ren chose the bath thinking about how much sumir had grown there was a time when both cooking and housework were disasters but now she had improved so much it was like she was a different person he credited her growth to Kiku and the company but most of all to su's own incredible effort
Ren had come to rely on sumir without hesitation realizing how life had worn him down so much that he had almost forgotten that depending on your partner is a form of kindness she eagerly asked how the food was and when he told her it was delicious she laughed playfully a habit she hadn't outgrown with a wink she asked if she could have her meal too and ren agreed as she massaged his shoulders she told him to relax while she took a drink and ren couldn't help but think about how much sumir had grown but something
still bothered him as she hugged him she noticed his heartbeat quickening but he brushed it off nervously just then Kiku and Dolly arrived apologizing for being late sumir welcomed them but Ma maen sighed saying things hadn't gone well making Ren ask what had happened she explained that suir former teacher had raised concerns about sumir and Ren's interspecies cohabitation test Kiku quickly summarized that the three instructors had been ordered to withdraw Ren was confused and my Machan quoted su's former teacher who had remarked what a meaningful test with all three instructors constantly worrying over them I'm
amazed they've managed to keep up such a shameful display for so long this made Ren anxious and Dalia made some harsh comments adding to his discomfort but she eventually reassured them that they could now see the light at the end of the tunnel mimo Chan excitedly shouted that if the inters species cohabitation test could continue for a year it would be considered a success during that time the instructors wouldn't be able to do much except offer advice Kiku agreed adding that even though the council hadn't said a deadline they would be stepping back voluntarily with
that they told sumir that today would be be the last day they acted as her mentors as she should be able to handle things on her own from now on sum's eyes lit up with expectation and she screamed that she would definitely succeed and prove all her doubters wrong Kiku supported her while Dalia commented on how her spirit was as big as her body sumir replied with a grin saying she was still growing mosan joked about when suir would outgrow her while Kiku reassured her that it was like watching a human grow later that night
they all left telling sumir to take care and send in Daily Report reports sumir hugged Ren exclaiming that they hadn't had much time alone since they first met with a wide smile she told Ren that they should both work hard and he agreed Ren explained that the cohabitation test from this point onward was the real deal in the vampire World meanwhile hog approached two students and announced that they had permission to leave the ground floor by Sundown the next day he told them there was no need to worry and that their Duty was to carefully
select potential human retainers the students agreed bowing and thanking him before leaving once they were outside the school the short-haired student excitedly expressed how happy she was to finally be free while her long-haired partner agreed but warned that permission could still be revoked so they needed to stay sharp the short-haired student promised not to mess up and suggested that they should go somewhere after Sundown tomorrow when her partner asked where they were going she replied with a wicked smile that they should find the loser who had been chased out of the academy and make her
take a special test her partner felt sorry for the girl who was chased out and blam the short-haired student for it but she denied any responsibility saying the girl was just weak her partner called her horrible as they headed into the human world the short-haired student told her partner to get ready and she agreed the next morning sumir banged a cooking pan and Spoon together trying to wake Ren up still deep in sleep Ren begged for more time but suir kept calling him to get up thinking of what to do she got an idea peaked
under his blankets and wriggled underneath greeting him again she made him jump out of bed trembling he told her to have mercy on his poor heart and she asked if she had really surprised him that much but instead of being surprised he told her that she wasn't a kid anymore in a lot of different ways she narrowed her eyes and responded that he had been a little distant lately which made him fidget nervously sweating then her eyes suddenly widened as she yelled asking if he wanted a human partner after all this time she fell to
the ground in tears accusing him of not being loyal to her and threatening to report it to Kiku Ren flustered insisted that he hadn't been disloyal she looked up at him clearly wanting reassurance which he quickly gave finally she asked for some pets and after he petted her they reconciled after bidding each other goodbye Ren left for work and sumar went to take a bath brush her teeth and then sleep in the closet for a long while when she woke up she cooked dinner and cleaned the house when Ren returned home she welcomed him warmly
but told him she trusted him while also studying human techniques to guard against any potential disloyalty Ren wondered why she was still stuck on that topic sumar explained that human men and women are often attracted to each other for no reason and might seek out new partners even if they're already in a relationship which made Ren ask where she got that idea she pulled out a book titled A Love Affair Quagmire which surprised Ren who asked if it was a manga suar opened the book and read aloud saying that if you want to keep your
partner you have have to lay claim which she interpreted as calling dibs grabbing Ren's hands she started licking them explaining that she had seen characters called dibs in situations like this Ren confused wondered if she had read the book properly and told her he didn't think that's what it meant undeterred she said that according to the book the most effective way to lay claim was mouth to mouth she then attempted to lick Ren's mouth which terrified him Ren suddenly bolted with suar chasing after him asking why he was running she finally caught up to him
and tried to lick his mouth again but was interrupted by two vampire students who appeared through a portal sumar stood in shock as they entered with the short-haired student remarking that it had been a while since sumar disappeared leaving them worried she asked suar how she had been but suer just stood there Eyes Wide in shock at their sudden appearance Ren surprised to see them asked suar if she knew them she muttered raspberry with her eyes still wide open in disbelief she then explained that raspberry was a bad girl who scared away a lot of
classmates and was all about succeeding at the expense of others raspberry caused a lot of trouble in class and fit perfectly with Hog's strict education Style sumar with a sad expression told Ren that raspberry had targeted her which led Ren to gently pet her head in understanding he then asked about the second person standing beside raspberry suar answered that he was the Academy's top student Lotus KH who was so talented that they called him Hog's Masterpiece Lotus heard suar and said she was giving him too much credit while raspberry noted that their introduction had been
quite different from what she expected sumar with a mean look asked if there was something so important that they had to sneak out of the academy to find her raspberry laughed and told sumir they did nothing of the sort she said they were allowed to pass which made su's eyes widen in Surprise she asked if they really passed all the Academy's exams and raspberry confirmed it was true moving closer raspberry came face to face with sumir telling her she was happy that all her years of hard work had paid off she said she wanted to
be the one to tell sumir personally so she wouldn't hear it from someone else but suir was too stunned to respond making raspberry ask if the cat had got her tongue raspberry then told sumir to put that aside and turn to Ren exclaiming how strange it was she pointed out that they were back in the vampire World working tirelessly and taking classes with without a moment to breathe surviving on fluid bag rations meanwhile sumir had been out the whole time drinking fresh fluid raspberry complained that it wasn't fair making sumir feel like crying she grumbled
that it shouldn't be the runaway who gets the Lion's Share while the ones who work hard get nothing narrowing her eyes raspberry added that no one would agree with that and people would definitely talk behind sum's back Lotus tried to caution raspberry saying she was going too far but raspberry Shrugged him off and continued declaring that no one would acknowledge the test as a success her harsh words made Lotus stare at her in disapproval while sumir was moved to tears raspberry then threw a fluid bag ration at su's face telling her to drink that from
now on while she raspberry would take the fresh human fluid she taunted sumir asking if she had a problem with it and telling her to get out of the way but she was shocked when sumir stood up to her saying she definitely had a problem with it suir threw the fluid bag back at raspberry then Brave walked up to her and declared that Ren was her partner she told raspberry she could say whatever she wanted about her but she had better keep her hands off him raspberry Amazed by samir's boldness laughed and remarked that suir
had gained some confidence since the last time they met without warning raspberry hit sumir across the face shocking both Lotus and ren raspberry then taunted sumir saying she would take Ren from her by force but before she could finish sumir rushed at her and they both pushed each other toward a glass window only to be saved at the last moment by lotus their fight continued as they clashed midair eventually landing on the roof of a building raspberry Drew her sword from a portal and asked sumir if she remembered the self-defense class they took together mocking
her by saying that beating sumir back then was so much fun she swung her sword at sumir but sumir with her stance guarded blocked the attack with a wooden mopstick sumir retaliated telling raspberry that she wasn't the same as she was back then h
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