whoever did this might as well get there Our Story begins in Columbus Georgia on the morning of January 4th 2016 Columbus 911 received an alarming call Columbus 911e said someone please I want to kill my family someone kill your family some kill my came home my family dead son my grand dead hold on apartment or resident resent resident what's your name my name is Robert officers responded to a home in the community of upup toy Corporal John papy consistent with protocol parked his Cruiser on the street he walked up the driveway and entered the residence
he and his fellow officers coordinated the clearing of the house I got you take Corporal papy said he saw two victims lying on the ground blood all around them he could tell they were deceased the officers made their way further into the home reaching the master bedroom walk-in Club closet that is where they found a young man lying on the ground bound with tape Corporal papy said he had seen many things being exmilitary but this was one of the most terrific scenes he'd witnessed you got open window right there the scene was consistent with a
burglary where they ended up murdering everybody in the house detective Alan Malone spoke with Robert short the home owner who called 911 he identified the bodies as his wife 54-year-old Gloria short his son 17-year-old Kaleb short and his granddaughter 10-year-old Giana Lindsay shemika AIT said her mom was a loving and energetic person she was everybody's mom and loved by all shamika's daughter's name was Giana but everyone called her chii shmika said that Gigi and Gloria were extremely close shemika Caleb's sister knew him as her little baby because she was 17 years old when he was
born she remembers coming home from college and seeing a beautiful little boy Lindsay Robertson shm's sister said that it was difficult knowing that Caleb and Gigi didn't get to live their lives chigi didn't get to go to Middle School High School a dance or have a boyfriend Lindsay said that she was left lost due to the size of the home detective Malone knew it would take a significant amount of time to process the scene for evidence Lieutenant Mike myand said the scene was horrific Gloria was lying at the end of the hallway in a pool
of blood as he walked past Gloria GI was visible in the living room Gian suffered very brutal injuries especially to a 10-year-old girl he observed Gloria and GI wrapped in blue painters tape and duct tape next to GI was a 20 lb dumbbell with blood on it they surmised that the as salent used the dumbbell to at least beat Giana Caleb's body was in the master bedroom walk-in closet Caleb had small pieces of grass on his socks so they knew he had spent some time outside the development LED them to the backyard where they found
pieces of duct tape detectives brought Robert short to the station for questioning Mr short I just need to be able to take some pictures of you real quick sir you can you stand for me are you able to stand can you hold your hands up for me just BB up sorry I'mma taking along with cl Police Department Assa unit been sign take sign investigate this case okay I know understand the circumstances but you you okay to talk to me now okay I know it's a difficult time for you I just try to ask you a
couple questions about you know try to recap to me about what occurred from the time that you you know got home today could you please just walk through what's up what tell me what occurred I was driving up to the house and I saw the garage door up up the car was G uh first I thought my wife went to a half home but then I saw my other car that's just in the driveway was G what car is that 2004 uh GMC on water what color is it it's green we have been driving for
White House break so bad and my wife been driving uh Volkswagen Beetle which was in the garage and it was gone what year is that most way 2014 what color is it it's silver the garage is open the uh the at door was hanging down mhm Light onong in the Attic I knew the end of something was wrong cuz uh my wife harat was outside and where the car was was supposed to be parked and I saw some blood some arrows from the attic bow arrows from was lan there by the door MH and know
something was wrong so CA nobody act with me and know the door was open the back door was open the back door was open was open yeah and when you say the back door you talk what door you talking about when you go through the garage door goes to the to the kitchen garage door okay the garage door was open up but the door to the house house okay back door the side door okay so it was wide open when you got there was open it was a jar so I went in my wife was
laying in the hallway face down and uh stuff was scried everywhere and I checked the person no person now when you say you check the post where you check a post at you order and I saw my granddaughter laying in the living room face up and went checked her p and she was cold and I started running through the house looking for my son calling his name he went in his room uh so R I got into my room and found him in my bedroom closet tired up take time I didn't check the house no
further I came back out and went back in and checked him again so you say you came back out came out to my wife and and went back and check on him and I couldn't get W up I start try to call 911 I had me a couple minutes to call 911 cuz I a now with your son um did you check his also yeah okay you mentioned that you grandaughter you check her post yeah I doubt some Personnel they're going to get you some other clothes cuz we're going to have to collect the clothes
that you have on um once we collect those um then we'll get you out here your son Rober short Jun he's apparently downstairs waiting for you right now or he just got here he called and he'll be downstairs waiting for you and once we get that done collect the clothes and get you some replacement clothes something to wear then we you'll be free to go Robert came in for a followup interview the next day hey how you doing all right I apologize for the way coming down me with me again hold I understand on that
particular day what occur from the time you got up left the house went to work s song and came back home from the following day before to now time I got up U I don't get up at I get up at 5:40 when I work at night come up most in the morning and I go to sleep around noon so and I get up at 5:40 yes I go get up and go straight to work so I get up at 54 I get all I do is get dressed and go straight to work mhm that's
what I did I got up and got dressed when I got up I didn't see k k was in his room it's always in my can or something but I did see Y and I saw she make her mother you know why they all in living rooms just clarify what thing are you referring to what particular day it's jary the what it will be the uh the third is Sunday okay so work Saturday night and work Sunday Sunday night was last night said went to work that's what I normally do um takes me 20 25
minutes to get to work and some traffic I was there work from 7:00 to 7 worked all night and we there to Chang the shift between 6:45 and 7:15 we didn't really have any patient in ICU where I worked at so I kep all floors but you know you no change the Shelf we just sometime we just hang out and socialize a bit talk about different things with the oncoming sh which what we did I know I looked I think I looked at the clock at 7:20 and know so me and me to person work
with that night we walk at the parking lot um together and and drove home when I got home went through the driveway I noticed um the the garage door was open and know over the cars we gone the attic door was hanging down open it I like the light was on it and U some some arrows laying out in and D in the garage I'm in the attic my wife's cab was laying in midia garage MH and when I started walking up there I thought and something was wrong right away when both cars G in
and I saw a cat laying down here in a blood spot rush in there and I found her in the hallway and start calling her name and she was on face she was face down you know I checked her she wants to responding at all can you clarify what you mean you checked it just u i sugar M and I TR to check a p m she was laying down and uh she was cold and I saw right away I saw check her and she was faced up and she was cold too and you take
us right there I come feel nothing and I started screaming yelling for Caleb ran back to his bed room he went in there and I ran back I come back through the house I ran back over again until I be a room and uh and I saw a kale closet door was open I walk in closet saw him laying there and I checked his C he went you know s at that time I ran back to Cale and thought yelling his name and had my phone so I call down 101 I was shaking so hard
it took me a couple times to get through it outside call in and go back in the house you say you went outside what what what doing you did you go out I got the back door garage door okay mean I was calling people mhm I try to call she a person and she went answering At first she never didn't answer then I call my brother that's the police came did at at any time did you um look around the residence you know check any other room see if anything we missing I didn't go back
in the house you back in the house no know know was anything missing or not I would I concern anything missing at the time right down anything standing out to you that seem out of the ordinary um out of place like anything was moved or disturbed I just recall about stuff on the floor I can't what it was something I can't remember was a ceramic B like room C that's something I can recall about there more than that on the Flor all stuff SC on Flor where was where's that bowl normally located at that you're
referring to nor located in the pantry did you own any weightlifting equipment um uh some dumbbells some dumbbells okay how many of there I had two uh gray dumbbells that was uh was the plastic D over the S I guess the sand inside of it had two of those had up a long time just recently last year year before all I think some black metal dumbbells M and I think there was in my closet or I think gr ones definitely in my closet and the black ones they been C he used to used to used
to like to use those the black ones how how long you your wife been married 19 years be 20 years and may this name okay to military to military what branch Service uh the army army how many years you did in the Army 21 21 what would see MOS also 91b uh initially which is a medic and also 91 Charlie and which is uh basically like LPN and then I get my um a bachor degree as a medicine nurse so I've been basent medical Fields all my career oh okay okay you retired from military what
type of work uh did Miss Gloria do she was uh a medical clerk worked in outpatient surgery was she currently employed no she uh had MTI two almost three years of call now um Caleb was he employed anywhere no how old was Caleb 17 17 was he currently in school M this is um junior year junior year sen next year for as you know um what type of activities were Caleb involved in you like to play basketball um this past year saw not quite into basketball he just play in his yard in the yard neighbor's
yard but last year he s dropped off playing basketball know the interest in basketball sort of faded he get more more back into the game playing plus he was before the basketball thing he was into game you know playing so this sh sort of got back into the head and bought some more games past year and say game what type of games refer to U PlayStation 4 it this summer so he sort of got back into he had old PlayStation 3 MH and xed he almost complet start playing so he get back into playing Xbox
I mean PlayStation and summer did he have a lot of friends no he not that many friends he was a big big socialized person socialize that much was he stay at home type kind of quiet kept to the or what you describing that way you didn't have any problems with anybody I know I've asked you this already but you know I actually you again you think of have any issues anybody at school no I think he would say if he did but he have any issues any okay that you or your wife have any problems
with anybody nobody was mad at you upset that you know no did your wife and son that you have insurance you know insurance policies on there yeah from my work from your work okay what's the life insurance policies that you and how much was life insurance policies it's not much on like I think it was was 20 or 303,000 something had a lot on me how much you had on you 400 something th000 400,000 400 something 43 something like 43,000 okay Has anyone came forth with any information or anything that they possibly heard about what
occurred with two vehicles stolen from the scene invest investigators knew there were multiple suspects lead detective Malone went to the coroner's office to observe the autopsies he said that at one point he became very emotional watching Gianna's autopsy because his daughter was the same age Lieutenant Greg Touchberry believed that the grandmother Gloria and the granddaughter Gigi were unlikely to have brought this level of violence to their home the detectives thought they had one viable option Caleb the 17-year-old the investigator wanted to know who Caleb talked to so they obtained a search warrant for his phone
records one of the people Caleb recently communicated with was his family member jarier Tapley allor about the way man it's okay yeah know it took while first of all I want to thank you you know for you know coming down cooperating with us and you know willing to help us with what's been going on we just want to try to you know met with some of the family members just wanted just see what information that they have or anything that they do tell me about Caleb who is he to you first of all my cousin
what type of uh what type of kid was Caleb Caleb now his mouth can be a little but Caleb was the sweetest kid you'll ever meet sir the sweetest kid okay he was real sweet he had never harm anybody of course you know everybody talk a little smacky every now then I do it myself y I'm pretty sure you do it from time to time but any other than that Caleb didn't have no problems with anybody not that I know of basically I was his only kind of brother figure in his life he was kind
of only mind cuz me and him used to go on vacations and I went out there with stuff like that like I was telling him I didn't know too much about Caleb's social life all I knew is when I come out there it would just be me him and his friends right so like with your homeboys at high school you know y'all sit around joke around play basetball talk about girls that's what we did that's what we do right following their interview with javar investigators learned of a GPS tracker on one of the stolen cars
the GPS LED them to Oakland Park where they located both vehicles investigators say they're processing two cars that were missing from the crime scene but there's no word right now if any arrests were made or if any suspects have been named after technicians photographed the cars they towed them to the crime scene units processing Bay luminol a chemical that produces a blue glow when in contact with blood was sprayed throughout the vehicle the armrest steering wheel and gearshift illuminated indicating the presence of blood swabs were taken from common touch points and submitted for DNA testing
the funeral for Gloria Caleb and Gigi took place with around 1200 people in attendance Gloria's former co-workers paid their respects Caleb's High School classmates and friends and G's Girl Scout Troop attended the service a few days after the murder police received a call from a woman indicating that her son was involved in the theft of the vehicles Columbus Police spoke with the woman at her residence so he said that he was with a friend what's a friend's name all I know WEA and WEA and some other boy I know name we weer we and he
said they went to the house and I don't know what house they came they was some stuff that boy came back driving the car my child whatever they find the Oakland Park police bring in the woman's son Raheem Gibson for questioning I just want to see what was going on cuz honestly I don't know what's going on your mama and sister are worried for you and we're just trying to put things together and we don't I don't know what's going on so how old are you 19 19 okay what's the highest level of Education you
completed ninth grade okay okay spell your first name for me r a h e a n okay and middle initial D D okay and Gibson M okay how long you guys been dating about a year a year okay you have any kids one it's a handful isn't it okay you working anywhere no okay what do you do all day be a daddy yeah okay like I said I'm going to advise you of your rights you have the right to remain silent anything you say say can be used in court as evidence against you you're entitled
to have a lawyer now and have him present now or any time during questioning if I cannot afford a lawyer you will be appointed one without cost and he may be present at all times during questioning if you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer you decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements do you understand your rights yes sir okay now what you want to do is just right there is your signature sign that I'm the witness you're the sign you're the signature uh what
about your friends who you normally hang out with ofier javar that's your closest friend is that his real name or that's just what you call him this a real name a real name okay who's WEA javar javar is WEA okay okay weda is javar Tapley the family member detectives interviewed to get a background on Caleb but basically I don't know why you know why your mom was calling us and that's worried about you yeah okay like I said we're honestly here to help you CU they're that worried about you that they think that now that
that they're worried for you okay and so that's why we're here to help you find out what's going on and so we can all get on the same page so tell me what happened so let's just start off on Sunday where did you wake up uh January 3rd where did you sleep that morning my house okay and what was the first time that you left that house or just describe your day I just sitting at the house watch TV with my girlfriend playing with my baby okay he text me said come over when you say
he I'm sorry who javar okay javar do you know if he's been arrested for anything or if he's on probation or so javar text you do you happen to remember what time 12 p.m. okay and you said what did he text you he said come to my house okay so javar say text you and you walk there and you you walk from Jones to okay okay okay and you say how long does that take you roughly I went 45 have you done this before I take it I mean do like every weekend every weekend and
if you had a guest do you think what if you said it takes you an hour 4 so you're there by roughly 2 o' yeah okay and who's all at the house again on calhon when I got there we just his Grand at okay you get there and okay describe what how long are you there for about two hours are you guys talking about anything or what are you guys doing for these two hours know was talking about going to his cousin house okay um and now when you say cousin like I said I just
want to start from the very beginning Caleb he doesn't have a nickname for him he just says okay has he ever mentioned Caleb before no that's when he used to go out there what did he say about him anything or did he like him or yeah he said he liked him two hours later so we're roughly you think of 4:00 now four or five okay four to five what happens at 5:00 where do you guys go next just walking around Benning Hills okay now are you talking to anybody while you're in Benning Hill just him
I mean on your phone no okay and is he talking to anybody the qu okay is it Doug quz or quz quz quz okay and so he's got to live close to yeah you don't know what street though no okay okay so when do you finally meet up with quz on the other side ofar H okay it's it's calhon it's like Double H he's still on this side we met him on the other side with Ben drive at whatever he lives around there okay so quz and this is your first time you're meeting quz no
okay when have you seen him around you seen him around hanging with him okay yeah do you have his number in your phone no okay um and you described quz as how tall about a little shorter than me but not that much okay and his hair fro but short ey fro short short short is about 2 Ines yeah two in okay dark skin light skin okay does he have any tattoos visible tattoos not I know of okay do you know what school quiz went to dispenser I guess cuz they stay near each other okay how
old if you had to guess how old s 16 17 okay you guys meet up in Benning Hills and tell me what happens next he says you going to walk to Kaleb okay now qu asking saying where the hell we going man this is kind of far what what's weita saying you just said going to kill okay is it getting dark yet yeah it was dark by then but down Road okay so here we are we're at the house does he give you a plan or what's what's weed to telling you does he give you
a role no he just says he's not he he ain't going to tell who I'm am when he first come to the door so y'all just stand on the side okay but backing up what did you say you saw on the driveway basketball okay basketball was there any vehicles in the driveway at this time yes okay what vehicle was in the driveway the truck okay when you say truck you know what color the truck was black okay um truck as in like it had an open part in the back or an SUV SUV closed okay
okay so now you guys are at the front door and he and he tells you what again to go on the side of the house cuz he's not going to come out if you see three people and so you and quz are waiting at the house what you I mean what are you guys talking about when you're on the side of the house seriously I mean you probably like what are we doing yeah okay tell me tell me in your own words what did he said to you I said what we doing he said just
be quiet and wait for him and I was like okay then when he came to the door he snatched him I just well I mean you say snatch just tell me like real simple terms did you see him put his hands on no I just guess he snatched him when I did see when I heard that I came around the corner okay now is the front door closed when you come around the front I don't I never came I came to the cor the front of the corner okay understand then I looked he had him
in the front of the yard on the ground and so is it so when you say he's on the ground who's on the ground javar Caleb okay are they fighting no he was just holding him on the ground okay who's on top javar okay so so javar is physically oh just holding down or is he got his knees on him or how how would you describe it holding his hands on uh okay holding his hands behind Okay is he asking you to help him or how how does that work he asked me to help him
I said no and I just stood in the buit sat down then other boy helped him they TI them up I started shaking okay um when when you say tie them up I think rope but what did they time up with okay um can there's all kinds of tape what color was the tape I guess dop tape cuz is gray okay so you're saying duct tape cuz it's gray or silver would you say silver or gray gray Sil but it's shiny okay when when he ties him up what what hands or what part can you
show me TI them up like this okay so his hands are are like this no like this like okay like this yeah okay any other tape or he just tapes them all the way around like this yeah okay so what's he saying to him at this time he just kept on saying uhhuh uhhuh Caleb is saying that what's Caleb saying he's got to be saying he just say why why why you better be playing you better be playing mhm then I'm sending in bushes I've seen him walk past with him okay now is he dragging
Caleb or I mean he's walking him okay he's walking him okay and what's he saying to him tell him to be quiet okay WEA and him they go inside the house in qu and Quest okay and you stay outside did they tell you stay here be the lookout or why do you stay outside I didn't want anything to do with that okay did they ask you to come in yeah they kept on telling me come on I kept on saying I don't want nothing to do with it that's not what I came okay if I
had asked you what you did go there for what would you say he said the go see uh what he got for Christmas okay so you're in the bushes do you see anybody drive by no Okay so you don't see any lights or anything okay how long were they inside the house for about 30 minutes 30 minutes okay what do you hear you hear any noises you don't hear anybody screaming no you don't hear anything okay so 30 minutes and then what's the next thing someone contacts you what happens well qu came he said come
on for the girl I said what's y' do he didn't say nothing and then when I was getting in the car uh D came out he said he'll be right behind us he could get more stuff okay okay so now you walk to the garage correct okay now how do you know to be The Driver or the passenger I wasn't going to be the driver but I was the passenger okay and are I'm not trying to put words but I mean are you helping them put things in the trunk or no everything was already in
okay so everything was already in okay what did you see that was in the in the vehicle boxes of shoes okay do you know any brand names of shoes or Jordans Jordans any other Nik Nikes what what else TVs PlayStations no I didn't see nothing no no TVs oh so they were there just to get um is it jewelry clothing only thing I've seen with shoes Okay shoes okay when you're looking at the garage and it's a double car garage is the vehicle on the left side or the right side or in the middle uh
the middle the middle okay and when you come around you get in the passenger seat is quz already in there or you just sit in the car we getting in at the same time okay getting in at the same time and you say the boxes are in the back seat or is there trunk I'm not familiar back seat okay back seat okay and how many boxes of shoes would you say six okay seven six or seven okay and and that's all you remember seeing the shoes yeah okay describe the garage what did you see in
the garage I only seen bikes like kids bikes grownup bikes allsize bikes or all okay how many would you say five or four okay and where are these bikes are they hanging on the wall or they from the ceiling they're just sitting there just sitting there in front of the VW would you say yeah okay okay so there's bicycles do you remember anything else in the garage just the TIC stairs down okay so when you first see the garage you see the vehicle and you see stairs are you thinking what the heck is up there
yeah what is up there okay know I just asked I asked him what was up there I would too I mean I don't know what the what was up there did they tell you no now you just talking to quz are you talking to J quavius too just quiz cuz I didn't see a cuz he came out once okay what did he do when he came out he just told us to leave okay right is there anything in the other vehicle that the SUV is there anything in that vehicle no nothing so everything you think
that was taken was in the VW Beetle okay why didn't why do you think WEA didn't leave with you I don't know I mean I'm just asking I mean you have can you guess why he told us he was getting more stuff but he said he was getting more stuff but when I later at night when I asked what did he stay for and get he said don't worry about it and stuff okay so you guys leave and waa is still there okay is the door open to the from the garage in can you see
anything no seen the light was on okay the light was on did you hear can you describe any of the noises I a hear no noise okay did anybody yell scream anything break no okay um okay so you guys back out and quz is driving and tell me again which where do you go the same way we came the same exact route past the airplane Place Pass DMV okay and then um KFC that way back now who tells you or why do you guys go to your final resting spot you don't you don't go to
your house correct no okay so where do you go uh uh he called quz and then we uh he chose to RI Park okay now are you familiar with Ren Park yeah do you know why do you know why that area okay so you drive to ragon Park I didn't drive I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not trying to words in your mouth you you arrive there and as a passenger and so you're just sitting there yeah okay and how long do you think you sit there 30 minutes okay does anybody call you or
do you call anybody no qu quaz is on his phone again no he called quz and tell him he was on his way okay then he finally came and told us to leave okay and so how do you leave that rigon Park we go right the main answer in just turn out and just walk down the long road okay so you you don't really as soon as you leave the park you you turn left and go straight towards South Lumin road yeah okay you you just go straight up why why is he still on the
vehicle why does it make you guys walk he said he going to take it somewhere else he didn't offer to drop you off no you didn't ask him I wasn't going to get back you weren't going to get okay when's the last time you see qu we are we all walk together to to watch Grandma okay so you stayed on on Calhoun yeah okay and is that where you sleep that night most of the night then I walk to my grandmother what time do you think you walk to your grandmother's house I 1 a.m We
when's he come back he came the same when we all went to his grandma do okay you guys walk from Rigdon Park correct and you walk straight there okay and where and but we to drive somewhere yes okay but he was already there when we got there oh so he beat you back yeah okay okay and his grandmother lives on calun road he lives with his grandmother okay you have any idea what time that is or 111 12 11 12 okay okay the shoes are in the the beetle when do the CH leave the beetle
he had him there cuz they switched them they switched it out the cars when at that R part okay so when when he arrives at rigon Park you're still there you guys load up yeah the SUV and then you walk okay where so where are the shoes now in the truck in the truck okay and he says he's going dit the C okay so he never brings the shoes back to his grandmother's house he did I don't know when did you see the shoes at the grandmother's house when he got there okay okay so you
you you last saw the shoes technically in the VW get get put in the SUV and then you walk to Calhoun but he's already there with the shoes mhm and no SUV nice okay and then you guys sit around talk they smoke what do they do smoke what's what's he talking about he tell you what happened him son no you done get into I just I kept ask what he did why he stayed he just said big Qui mind your business okay and I was like how not my business if I can get in trouble
for this if you did something bad why do you think he did something bad at that time he wasn't acting normal and so I mean I know you know more about what happened from the news but what do you think happened out there I guess he they say he the person that killed them brutal so I guess he beat them to death was he bloody did you ever see any blood on him no I believe you're very very truthful with me but you know we're taking all kinds of DNA from that house I just need
to know were you inside that house no sir okay um I want can we take your DNA to prove that you weren't in that house okay and what we're going to do is we're just going to swab him out that's all it is but you do understand the seriousness of what happened out there yes sir that's why I mean I'm sure it's Weighing on you cuz you said you haven't eaten since that and who have you confided in cuz I know you can't keep this bottled up sister and M how how much details did you
get into with your sister I just said they he did it that's all what were you wearing that night My Adidas jacket Adidas jacket what color is it black and white whatwe pants were you wearing my great sweat F great sweat where are these clothes now at my house are they all together there just scattered around room have they been washed or you just threw them on the floor they been washed were they wearing gloves I seen javar put on gloves when he snatched up his cin describe the gloves rubber gloves mittens rubber I say
rubber rubber okay what about Quest I didn't see him put on on okay they didn't wear any type of mask I mean I don't understand why would they go do this to his cousin I don't know I thought I knew him but clearly I don't I mean there's one thing from robing somebody stealing something yeah but why he get take to hello that's so in in your opinion do you think quz was in there while they were being beat up and brutally beaten I doubt it because there wouldn't be no other reason for him to
stay there for him to stay there and tell us to go I doubt he had anything he might have known but I don't think he helped or did it m quz what was quz wearing from jacket with color jacket black I think it's a hoodie okay anything written on it no look like one dollar general do you know what he's wearing underneath I know okay what type of pants color sweatpants cargo pants black May silky like okay what is weita wearing dark blue hoodie you sure about that or are you guessing I mean I'm just
asking yeah dark blue I think he wor regular blue jeans okay and he lies a lot who does we okay did you see any blood on weeda when he came back to Calhoun no I mean I know this is waiting on you cuz you got conscious and you know that he he was wrong he was there and his mother was there then I heard about a little girl and I was like he know all three of them longer than he knew me so if he think I'm trying to snitch on he might to kill me
next he kill his own family do to a friend where do you think he is now probably at his grandma on C does he does he have guns does he normally carry guns no I mean I know You' been thinking about this but I mean is that what you think he went out there to to take his shoes and something happened and yeah just think something happened did you hear any demands or what he was telling them to do no the boy Caleb was offering stuff what was Caleb offering just games and stuff games and
money did you mention something that he said where they tied them up or where they put everybody or did you say something about a closet or yeah I who said that qu okay what did he say I asked Quest what he doing with the people he said he put them all in the closet you know what closet did he say did did he tie him up or did he what he what did they tie him up with or I ain't ex I just knew he tied up the other the boy okay is there anything else
that would help us make sense out of this anybody else we need to talk to sense out of it anybody else you think we need to talk to besides quz and WEA you think they told anybody I don't know I ain't been talking to him like that since that so you haven't talked to him since probably what once today what he Grandpa died today somehow he said smoking that stuff we's phone number is in your phone okay I mean this had to be weighing down on you yeah you know wasn't right cuz when I se
he said they said he killed a little girl then I have a little girl exactly okay for like 10 years now never think you that like this is like I said it's just it's a swallow just put it in your mouth so get on at this no I mean this is this is very involved okay and I mean you are in the middle of this okay I'm going uh i l of if I said I don't know but what you're charged with I mean like I said I can't promise you we're all going to discuss
this or whatever but you you understand that we are what 3 days into this and now we're just finding out okay now I'm not saying that you were the worst person this was your idea but just like if everybody's involved you have something you have something to put into this okay so I'm not saying that no are you leaving here tonight no I'm not no but there's a difference between what you're saying and operating to what happens to you that I honestly I do not know we have we this is you know how big this
is okay there's been people talking about this just from all over okay this is a very big thing okay and we're trying to figure this all out um but now you're coming down here cooperating and now I mean literally we're going to go see what happens from here I mean you're not the last person we got to go talk to okay now do you know him and quz divided up things no what' they give you out of it nothing I didn't ask for nothing I didn't want nothing to do one thing didn't want to deal
I didn't okay I'm not saying you're lying but I just don't want to come back and they said well he did this he did that or he was in the house okay I mean like right now I mean yes you're being very Cooperative I think very truthful but we just don't want to come back and then say well you did go in the house and even though you didn't swing at them or do something um we just don't know if you were inside the house okay what this is just saying can consent to draw saliva
you fully understand that your consent is necessary for saliva to be dra uh drawn that any any evidence developed from this sample is admissible as evidence against you in a court of law and like I said it is not blood it is I'm just going to do that on your mouth okay like I said I'm the witness you're the signature you just sign right there that is just open your mouth I'm your G we're going to go for a ride okay so you can show us this route you youj your water but since you're riding
in one of our cars it's our policy but it'll be comfortable FR following raheem's demonstration of the route the trio took on the night of the murders he was arrested and charged with murder investigators contacted a man who called 911 about a strange individual he had seen the night of the triple homicide can you just briefly tell me about what occurred on the night um that you reported this inet yeah I was actually um I left my house I was running to the ATM to get some cash and I was on the phone with my
spouse and as I was approaching the stop sign at the end of mairo turning onto Highway 80 going back towards Midland I noticed there was a guy he was right when I was slowing slowing down stop he was walking AC like walking off the road onto the grass and I'm looking back to see if there's traffic coming so I can go and as I'm looking back I don't know if he's looking at me thinking I'm looking at him or what but he starts walking towards my car just like just like he knows me just walking
straight towards my car and I'm I'm like oh crap this guy's walking towards me and then uh I couldn't go cuz there was a car coming he just keeps on walking he probably got right there to the pavement of the road and I was able to go I called I was one cuz never do we see someone out there there at 9:18 at night at mcke Rock Road I mean there's no reason to be out there he was wearing a dark color hoodie the hoodie was on his head and he was I would say he's
a lightskinned guy when you say lightskinned guy is he black white what um he's a black guy black male um how old did he look to you between could have been younger but I would say between 20 and 30 if you give me a moment I'll be right back with a short okay okay police developed a photo lineup of known Rheem Gibson and jarier Tapley Associates the motorist positively identified 15-year-old Rufus Burks as the person he saw near the short residence on the night of the incident Rufus Burks matched raheem's description of quz detective Touchberry
said checking suspects social media accounts is standard practice the results of search warrants uncovered Communications between javar Tapley and Rufus Burks their messages indicated that they might be involved D in this incident detectives recovered pictures of stolen items from the residents being traded or listed for sale detectives brought the two juveniles to the station for questioning Rufus refused to speak with detectives and immediately requested a loyer based on the witness identification and rufus's Communications with javar he was arrested and charged with murder his alleged cohort javar cier willingly spoke with investigators oh man apologize for
the weight man taking care of some everything around here man stay busy man I tell you again man I really do appreciate you appreciate your patience man and appreciate you coming out here talking to us and everything yeah I got get up and go to school in the morning yeah oh man it's 11:59 you know some people that say that you might have had something to do with it yes sir what you know about that nothing I mean why would I do something like that I told you I we about my grandma can tell my
worry abouts where I was I have anything to do with my own cousin I don't know that's why I'm asking you I mean we just we just have to you know something we just have to check into it yeah I understand that I would never have something to do with knowing all these years I've been knowing him never even crossed my mind to do something like that have anything to do with something like that you feel what I'm saying M no I just can't I didn't do that I promise you that cuz man this was
a this was a a terrible incident nobody deserve it they really didn't nobody deserve that so you know you got a child teenager and a grandmother mother MH like I saying I don't even see myself even being in no situation like that and what that cuz I'm not that type of person you know what type of person is that a cold hearted person coldhearted person yeah I don't see myself hurting anyone you never gotten upset and want to hurt somebody no sir well everybody got upset uhhuh and even lie about that yeah as far as
getting upset mhm and going off and stuff like that I don't well let me ask you this man why would people be saying what I told you you know why all these people would be saying that you had something to do with probably because Caleb was my cousin and they saw and they when me and Cale was together or something like that at the mall they saw me and him together so they figured if he always with Caleb he probably know who Caleb had beef with who Caleb let come to the house who Caleb H
out with who Caleb did this who Caleb did that with you feel what I'm saying yeah I feel you yeah but stuff like that no I don't know who he had beef with or anything like that are you sure yes sir I'm positive so you don't know nothing about this incident um no sir you ain't heard nothing about at all no sir as far as my grandma saying what she said and like that and what she said she say again she had said that she think you was somebody in the family or something like that
and that dude on the corner at that store and he told us he see like the same thing and I was thinking to myself H can't be because everybody in Caleb's family is too sweet like that and nobody on our side of the family even met that side with my grandfather his side of the family with Cale now so that's I was like no y'all can't be right I understand y'all want to know who did this and all but as far as information I honestly don't know with the swab and all that I said I
didn't see no point of doing it like I just told that detective right there I said you find anything the same day you got my grandmother number you know she live at I'll come in to do everything well what you mean by that I think you got to clarify for me I mean as far as me not being out there since June MH there's no even way of point and for what you mean finding what you talking about he said something like if he come across anything the next two or three months M he just
want to make sure I'm out the way but like I said you got my grandmother's number you got my number you got the address not going nowhere I'm there I go to Spencer high school I'm there you call her ask her and like I said I told y all think about it but I just didn't see no point of doing that M but yeah okay I appreciate it you know and ask you that's a it's a part of the process okay yes sir and I want to say this to you again you hear anything or
you remember something that you may not remember tonight give y'all a call give us a call yes sir all right well let me go check on some stuff see about getting you out of here man all right appreciate your time appreciate you coming down okay can you please take me home now I'm sleepy as a dog man give me a few minutes okay get you home okay all right thank you welome I I just get a B about you and you know something just keep telling me that you things not adding up here man I
don't think you being truthful with me I'm being 100% truthful with you I I don't think you are I don't think you are you know I've been doing this you know for some time now speaking with people and some things you telling me don't make any it's not adding up it's not driving I'm telling you what I know and from what I have done with Caleb and as far as being around him and stuff like that well I think you know more than what you're telling me I honestly don't I do and deep down the
side you may know why I feel feel that way not really as far as you ask me where my whereabouts were I told you my grandma could vouch for me anything you want to get off your mind anything you want to get off your chest no sir anything you want to get off your heart no sir s here looking you eye to eye as a man mhm as a man I don't have nothing to hide I mean like if you don't believe me or whatever I mean that's just how you feel mhm okay I I
mm there is nothing I know about this nothing so person like you you would to do that no sir never ever can harm nobody person like you would kill an innocent child no sir I would not person like you would kill a a grandmother no I caring person like Miss Gloria no person like Q want C Caleb no been straight forward you since the first moment I walked in here well I thank you for your time give us a few minutes and we get you out here okay you got to go to school tomorrow right
yeah yeah wake up at 6:00 in the morning take me a shower get ready for school mhm okay all right man yeah all right well I guess we fixing to go then um let me ask you this we had some people down there talking to your Grandmama is there any reason why they would tell us that you and Caleb were kind of like video game buddies we never had the same systems well I'm just asking cuz yeah that's what they were telling us which made me kind of Wonder cuz you were telling me y'all weren't
that close and you don't really know much about him so you don't play no games with him online or nothing like that sir I know him alone here told you what he thought about it I ain't going to lie to you man I understand if I knew anything I would tell yall but as far as like video game budies and stuff like that no I don't play any games I don't own any games last game I owned was right before I lost my last job was working at Waffle House I worked at little season before
that I better can afford to make payments on that so I took that back I think you know more than you're telling me which I don't I'm just tell I'm being honest with you I ain't lied to you since I come through this FR door with you but I'm just there's something in me telling me that you can help me out and I don't know why you holding back I'm not holding back I promise you not I'm being honest you same thing I told him you know I don't my job is not to people and
there's just something everything you saying to me it's like you want to dance around everything and I I don't get that because it's your cousin it's not my I understand I'm telling you what I know from my family members to theirs they know I don't have much contact with Caleb don't tell me anything he don't I don't do anything with him like as far as video games or anything but you say you tell me if you did right yes sir I would get your home to your grand investigators downloaded and analyzed the data from jaar's
phone they found deleted messages he exchanged with Caleb short from the night of the murders detectives brought javar in for another round of questioning just reiterate uh myself another detectives came out to your residents on today um in reference to a search warant for your person okay uh we have a search warrant uh today to obtain DNA hair and photograph of your photographs of your body um we're going to photograph those um and up collec the from you okay and reference to investigation U we previously spoke with you prior to this and uh requested you
know uh for you to provide the DNA but uh you refuse at that particular time so in return we uh obtain a search warrant okay sir and prob CA to get a search warrant for your DNA um hair and also we photograph you okay okay um you will be provided a copy of the search warn you know uh upon this in complete um your phone we'll get your phone returned back to you thanks V Tech he's going to be uh conducting those process which if he would just come right here have in this chair right
here for us okay yeah grab some okay C that one no okay good basically what CS he obain the sample saliva from both of your cheeks right she that's all that is and he explain to you about collection of hair all that just curious about I got a hanging skull in here talking about the skeleton yes I don't know why I said skull it it was here when I got here I don't know it probably been here for a while all right I'm going just uh I'm gonna rub this in one side of your cheeks
okay and then I'm gonna take the second one to the other side okay okay all right all right I said I'll try to be quick buddy it's got to kind of take like 25 random ones okay really yeah that didn't even take it out there sorry don't be scared to dig off in there it a going hurt okay this ain't been hurting you okay have a big head man I didn't wake up this morning and say I bet I'm going be pluck his hairs out of somebody top of somebody's head that' been the last thing
I if anybody said that was what I was going to be doing today hold you 17 17 all right one more and then we'll be done all right now I need to drop your pants we get something I'm just kidding I was what y'all got going on give us a second to walk you over back you know we won't be doing this just cuz yeah yeah yeah I understand I understand it's part of this process so leave job leave job leave job now been talking to you back and forth you know just opportuni is here
anything you tell us to this point okay so right now I want to tell you something I said got your D got your fingerprints okay okay so is there anything that you want to tell us no sir you provided us with your phone last time and you know strange thing with that phone man um we tried to download it and you know a lot of times people think it's Just sh some knowledge which a lot of time people think when they delete stuff they think it's gone oh I ain't worri about listen listen listen I
just want to let you know just share some knowledge with you a lot of times people think they delete stuff from phones and stuff and they think it's gone but it's not gone depend you put stuff on there text messages phone calls call logs all that Etc that stuff is not gone it's not deleted we have ways pulling that stuff up yes sir now you know you just keep that in mind okay yes sir you know that kind of looks kind of being deceitful you know kind of not trustworthy when you coming here you gave
me a phone and you was doing you said a t-mo update yeah you saw it was on like 5% when yall came and got me mhm that's what you was doing to update your phone that's what you saying yeah cuz I have enough space for all the other stuff so I just did it again and then reset the whole thing I just let it sat there and reset and do whatever I had to do you didn't leate and enough that's what you're saying yeah I don't know what go on with them updates I just do
appreciate your cooperation B yes sir based on the evidence gathered the police obtained a warrant for jaar's arrest he was arrested without incident the following day I mistaken apologize about to wait my name is t Mone colums Police Department as you know um today came picked you up at your Grandmother's residence I'm reference to a murder War okay have a war for your arrest for murder well the first thing I'm going to do is a this form right here is a bureau investigative service God's rights for him okay I'm going go over this with you
explain it to you then we'll go from there what's the highest grade of Education that you have sir uh 10th 10th grade and what school you go to Spencer SCH spal okay okay if you understand your rights down here it's also reads wave of Rights I have read or have read to me the above rights and understand what my rights are I'm willing to make a statement and answer questions without having a lawyer Pres at this time understand and know what I am doing no promises or threats have been made to me no personal cersion
of any kind has used against me okay if you want to speak with me today I would ask for you to place your initials by 1 through six and sign your name down here at the bottom would you like to speak with me today nope okay so you do not want to speak with me today hell no okay all right well I thank you for your time uh we'll get you out in short okay while in jail jaar's cmate sent a letter to police requesting to speak with detectives like U Mr keep staring me like
that oh you trying to shade he's like I've killed three people you don't think I'll kill you two if you ever call me you toy again I'm going to kill you I don't care we are in the storm I will kill you he's like I'm never getting out anyway uh when he came in in the morning he read the paper and talk with me about his case just you know say things like uh I wish I could do it again i' kill him again he said they're going to kill the third person who help them
look out they were going to kill him but there wasn't enough time after analyzing the evidence investigators believed jaar's motive was pure jealousy he was jealous of what Caleb had although detectives received a confession from Raheem Gibson they were suspicious of the events and timeline he provided based on his timeline the trio couldn't have walked to the short residence in a revised statement to police when agreeing to testify against his codefendants Raheem admitted that they used a moped they alternated riding the moped to get there faster he added that javar was in communication with Caleb
throughout the journey investigators believe that after arriving at the short residence javar convinced Caleb to come outside he was then ambushed assaulted and dragged to the backyard the suspects gained entry through Caleb's window and committed the horrific crime all three victims were bound and beaten with blunt objects causing extensive trauma confronted with the evidence against him javar Tapley pleed guilty the three counts of malice murder he received three life sentences without the possibility of parole Raheem Gibson also plad guilty to three counts of malice murder because he agreed to testify against Rufus Burks he received
a 30-year sentence Rufus was the only one to stand trial his attorney admits to him being at the scene but insists that he had left with Raheem before the murders had occurred nevertheless the jury didn't buy his story they found him guilty of felony murder and kidnapping he received two concurrent life sentences plus 15 years in prison with Rufus being a juvenile at the time of the murders and during his sentencing the judge could not sentence him to life without parole based on current Georgia law Rufus will serve at least 30 years before being elig
ible for parole detective Malone said they did their best to ensure Justice was served and that they were a voice for the victims shmika felt a sense of betrayal her brother Caleb was shy so she thought javar would help Caleb get out more and that they would do things together javar had joined them on vacation multiple times even sharing a hotel room with the family Gigi had been around him for years as he would spend summers at the house Gloria would buy him clothes anything he wanted Lindsay Robertson said the incident weighs on her family
Lindsay's daughter sometimes pretends that Gigi Caleb and Gloria have come over she said they play along and that it makes them all feel better for more videos of cases never seen on YouTube click one of the videos on screen now or the links in the pinned comment goodbye for now