I want to talk to you thank you Jim how do you walk in the spirit like how do you do it you know we we hear about walk in the spirit but how now look I've been in Ministry 50 years it took me a long time to learn what I'm going to share with you because walking in the spirit is really quite simple I think we complicate it sometimes and we we make a mess because we complicate things so let's go to First Corinthians and Jim you're going to help me read if you don't mind
1 Corinthians 3 verse 21- 23 and I want to deal with something I think very important because I want to show you how it works out in our life how do we walk in the spirit because it says walk in the spirit and you'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh but how how how do you do that okay let's go Jim therefore let no man glory in men for all things are yours whether Paul or Apollos or sephus or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all things are
yours fantastic scripture about this this says to me me and this says to you and I that as Believers the moment we step out of the old life the second we are in Christ Jesus the moment we surrender our life to him truly we begin to walk into a new world read that again therefore let no man glory in men for all things are yours whether Paul or Apollos or sephus or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours now now you got to pay attention when it
says all are yours it means a world with no limits no limits no limits also means that we have come out of the world of limitations into a world of no limitations no limitations mean and this is very important no limitations mean that the old life has disappeared the old life that has limitations because through Jesus eternity is the limit all right let's let's let's kind of slow down here and talk about this as a new creature in Christ you have no past record you have no past record meaning you could not say well I
used to do a ABC or whatever you did before salvation it doesn't exist in God's books so let's say you were divorced before salvation in God's books it never happened because now you're a new creation the new creation doesn't have an old record drugs alcohol whatever No Limits now the people who walk in the still in the old life somewhat or maybe have one leg here and one leg there the past still rules the past still controls the only weapons the devil has against you these are in your past you must forget the past as
a Christi you have no past record but the question is how do you get in that world in that world called the spirit okay very important now I want you to hear this very very key and simple so some Christians maybe more than some do not believe in the Lord they believe that that not in example so you'll say okay what do you believe well I believe that Jesus came to Earth died on a cross I believe he shed his blood and I believe he rose again and I believe he ascended to heaven and I
believe he will come again so does the devil so does the devil Christianity is not about that it's about in here's an example if I said to you all do you believe that Benin exists what every hand will go up then I'll then I'll ask a second question do you believe in me some nice folks will say yes to believe in me give me your soul to keep you cannot believe in a human being to believe in a human being give him your soul to keep you cannot give a human being your soul only God
deserves our soul that's only he can be trusted with it so to believe in Jesus means surrender so a lot of people believe that that that so does the devil you have to believe in Christ Jesus to believe in Christ Jesus means complete surrender no longer is your life your own that's true Christianity so to believe that is like Simon the Sorcerer who believe that and was even baptized but Peter said to him your heart is is not right with God or the Jews in John 8 who believed that Jesus was Messiah but they did
not believe in him and then when he said before Abraham was they wanted to throw rocks at him same chapter they didn't believe in him they believe that but not in I can give you many examples in the whole Bible about this so Abraham believed in God in God that's what it says in Genesis he believed in God and God declared him righteous because to believe in is I give you my life the second you really surrender to the Lord now some people come to an altar and pray a prayer Lord come into my heart
save my soul but are they really surrendering or are they just praying right they're only repeating words no go or if they want to receive Jesus to escape hell no go either because he's not Jesus is not a fire escape you have to receive him submitting your yourself to his authority make him Savior and Lord many Christians want him as Savior but not as Lord Lord means I give you everything okay Jesus Is My Savior not good enough Savior and Lord say that Lord means discipleship Lord means I submit to do your will for my
life Lord means I will obey your word so the Lord said don't call me Lord and not do what I tell you don't call me Lord and not obey me obedience that's the key obedience but you can't obey him till you submit your life to him surrender everything everything now you get in the kingdom and when you are in the Kingdom you are in a new world of No Limits just like we're read No Limits so so here is Moses here's Moses are you still listening he is uh looking at the Red Sea right here
and then he turns around and looks and sees the Egyptian Army now wait a minute did he really see the Red Sea or the Army no why he saw God now some Israelites if not a whole lot of them they saw the ocean and the Egyptians and they said we're trapped no way out we're going to die and all God said is lift that Rod up he saw in the spirit Moses Moses was in the spirit it makes no sense humanly to use a stick against an ocean in in front of you or an army
behind you he saw God he walked in the spirit and did not see the ocean did not see the Army he saw the Lord and he literally connected to the word when God said what are you doing on your face get up stretch the rod and he obeyed CU he saw the Lord and when he saw the Lord he be he immediately began what walking in the spirit and when he walked in in the spirit that whole ocean split and he walked through and Israel with him on dry land how about those spies men mention
in numbers 13 and 14 remember them they went into the promised land 12 of them 10 saw giants and two saw God are you still listening 10 were in the flesh and two were in the spirit so the 10 spies said oh oh we see Giants we can't do it we're going to all die and if you read that portion in numbers 14 those 10 spies did not mention God one time not one time can we go to numbers 14 very quickly on the screen there and and the same people the same people I want
to show you something it's so disturbing really in some way I want you to look at uh numbers 14 verse 22 because in verse 22 it says something about those 10 spies that's very upsetting it says because all those men which have seen my glory wait a minute they saw the glory yep and my Miracles they saw the glory and the Miracles which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted me now these 10 times they have not listened to my voice they saw the glory they saw Miracles but they never saw
God they didn't see God cuz it says those men man who did not believe who came and said oh there's Giants in the land we can't make it we're going to die those men saw the glory remember when they came out the fire by night and the cloud by day and they saw the Miracles they saw the Red Sea split and they saw the power of God mightily and they heard his voice clearly gave them the Ten Commandments you name it what would happen to you you if you were standing on that mountain in Exodus
and you heard I am the Lord thy God voice audibly Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graveen image Thou shalt not take the lord's name in vain and you heard every commandment and You Shook and trumbl said to Moses hey we don't want to hear him again you talk to us otherwise we're going to all die but now that same God whom they saw his glory and saw his miracles and heard his voice audibly says you go in the land and check it out spy the land
come tell Moses what you find and they came back and said oh my goodness we saw giants oh we can't make it we're going to all die they did not see or walk in the spirit seeing Miracles doesn't mean you will see in the spirit even hearing the voice of God doesn't mean you're saying in the spirit but those two Caleb and Joshua they saw in the spirit you see the difference so the 10 spies said well well we saw the Giants and in their eyes we were all grasshoppers never forget this the way you
see yourself is the way the devil sees you say that the way I see myself is the way the devil say it the way I see myself is the is the way the devil sees me because they saw themselves as grasshoppers because it says we were grasshoppers in our sight and in their sight we were Grasshoppers and our sight and their sight the way we saw ourselves the enemy saw us that's not living in the spirit and walking in the spirit but then Caleb and Joshua said no no no we'll eat them for lunch we
when to eat those giants for they are only our bread that's what they said what are you afraid of our God is mightier Our God Is Bigger they are only our lunch and breakfast and dinner let's go possess the land they saw in the spirit today if you don't walk and see in the spirit in this Dark Hour you won't survive the future so it's time you get living in the new creation you're in the New World of the spirit you're in get out of the old life and get into the new and God's people
said our faith overcomes the world say it say it say it I'm flying from Tokyo to Hawaii and we got lost 300 miles over the the Pacific Ocean that happened to me we left on a private plane from Tokyo at the time the planes did not have satellite navigation they had systems that were connected to the ground not satellites like today all four navigational systems on that Gulf Stream for went out like that the pilots did not know where Maui was we were flying here from Tokyo we got lost the pilots were freaking out everybody's
crying on the plane except me all crying hysterically it was horrible to watch and I am completely calm which is not exactly me usually I'm the Wild guy come the Lord spoke like this to me he said all is well so what happened 300 miles away from Maui the pilot did not know where Maui was and every time I come here I think about what happened to me and they were talking to a Quantas Airline supposedly close by and the Quantas pilot were flashing the red light on the back Wing but they couldn't say a
thing and finally they were talking to the tower in Honolulu and there were two men in the tower in Honolulu and one was a Christian and the other was not and the guy who was not a Christian gave some instruction instructions to the Palace had they listened to him I would be dead by now but the Christian man said turn on this am channel in Honolulu that has the strongest signal on radio happened to be a Christian station in hululu and the pilots picked up the signal of the of of the radio station and came
on that beam like the Japanese did in the second world war and we landed in Maui and the second we landed we were completely out of fuel the pilot said to me had we been one minute late we would have crashed in the ocean I could not believe how calm I was I said to the entire plane all is well all is well and they were freaking out I don't know if you know my brother hry he's a little different so he's crying on the plane hysterically crying and he's singing the song we just sang
I sing praises to anybody was singing it I sing praises to your name and I went over I said Henry what are you doing he said I want to die singing oh my God we had a man a preacher who was also in the spirit named Ralph Wilkerson Ralph Wilkerson was sleeping everybody was crying except him and me that's it so I went over I said Ralph you better wake up and pray he said leave me alone Jesus slept in the midst of the storm that's what it said to me I told God this guy
is really in the spirit leave me alone Benny Jesus slept in the midst of the storm that's the spirit's life are you are you getting the message so living in the spirit is like Psalm 23:4 ye though I walk through the valley come on of the shadow of death I will fear no evil why thou art with me David did not see the valley he saw the Lord think about walking through that Valley yeah though I walk let's put it on oh you got it already thank you you you deserve a something good yeah though
I walk through the valley of the shadow of that that's a terrible Place terrifying place but David didn't see it he said you're with me he saw the Lord walking in the spirit Moses saw God Joshua and Caleb saw God David saw God that beautiful so let's go to Hebrews 4:2 it's all about faith living by faith is living in the spirit well you know that you know that you know all is well like that shunamite woman her son was dead she said all is well did not even bother her she went to Elisha and
her husband on the way said you know is everything good all is well now imagine saying all is well when your son just died all is well did not change her message her faith was strong and you know what happened right God raised her son from the dead Hebrews 4:2 says what it says unto us was the Gospel preached as well as unto them meaning the Jewish people but the word preached to them did not profit them did not help them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it so so this is what
we got to do like Caleb and Joshua there was faith in their life Faith all right can we go to Romans 13:4 I believe Faith Comes Alive faith in God comes alive when we do this right here this is the key Romans 13:14 is the key go ahead Jim for he is the Minister of God to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid 14 Romans 13:14 sorry no that's all right all right I'll read it put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ put on the Lord Jesus Christ make not
provision for the flesh to come back and fog you and mess you up to fulfill the lust thereof so how do I how do I put on the Lord Jesus because this is what life in the spirit is all about we put on the Lord we starve the flesh we starve the flesh by making no provision for the needs of the flesh we avoid the places that trigger the flesh we avoid with the places that crave the flesh this is not who we are we don't need it we don't want it we strengthen who we
are we strengthen Who We Are by faith we walk in Who We Are not who we were by Faith by faith the thing that you have got to understand is if you don't avoid the places that trigger the flesh you'll be in trouble it's not who you are anymore no way you do not need the flesh you don't want the flesh Ephesians 4:22 through2 24 Jim a radical change must take place in your life if you want to live and walk in the spirit and only scripture can give you the power to live it only
the Bible look look I fight the same battles you fight I'm a human being just like you I've learned one thing about the flesh it has layers more than one and the when you spend time with God you're in his presence through his word say through his word say it again this is the key you get in the presence of God through scripture not outside scripture it's not good enough to listen to worship music and think you're there it doesn't last it's good only for the moment scripture has more music than the tape and you
let the word of God become your song you slowly read the scriptures you let the the scriptures trigger prayer because they do that you let scripture produce Worship in your being and then slowly you'll get in the spirit through scripture you may have heard may maybe you haven't Gan Guan an Old Saint of God in France wrote a book it's called the experience that depth of Jesus Christ you got to read it because she talks about how the scripture when she meditated upon the scripture the presence of God became real through his word through his
word today we all want to feel something when we sing a song it's not good enough it doesn't last long yeah we may experience this and that but it doesn't last there there's no there's no depth there's no substance scripture is endless substance endless power I promise you before God Almighty I'm giving you the truth about it when you read the word and you become a part of the word I have a prayer that I pray every day and I want you all to pray that every day Lord establish me in your word and establish
your word in me Pastor Benny will continue his teaching after this important message so please stay tuned Jesus Christ is returning soon and the world must hear about him the highest calling is to bring more souls into God's kingdom Pastor Benny is answering this call by ministering daily on many platforms potentially reaching over 1.4 billion English speakers but this is only a fraction of the world's population he has prioritized creating language specific programming and four channels are currently in development targeting a possible AUD audience of 1.7 billion people these include 610 million Hindi speakers 559
million Spanish speakers 310 million French speakers and 264 million Portuguese speakers worldwide soon they can hear Pastor Benny in their own languages your support is vital to this project Pastor Benny needs your help covering the Channel's production translation editing and distribution expenses your gift of $125 will provide for a day of programming in one of these languages or you can sponsor an entire week for $875 whatever amount God lays on your heart will assist in launching and continuing the operation of these channels along with all the other methods this ministry uses to spread the gospel
worldwide thank you for your partnership with Pastor Benny through your generosity he will minister in Hindi Spanish French and Portuguese changing lives now and for all eternity as resources become available more language specific channels will be created give your most generous gift today for Souls God bless you now let's join Pastor Benny as he continues his teaching what's the secret to longevity in Christianity and in Ministry good good question he said how what did you learn you've been in it a while I said Michael three things number one build a reservoir of the word of
God inside of you so when the Trouble Comes you'll know where to go it's inside of you number two Let the word enable you to cling to the Lord because only through through his word can you cling to the Lord number three never leave your call he said what do you mean by that so whatever God has called you to do don't walk out of that call he said explain it to me bab I said because in your call there's protection from the enemy find your call stay in your call that's it and the thing
that is so important is all that comes from scripture inside of you from inside of you so it's very important to understand this Hallelujah now this is the radical change that can happen when the Bible is in you you cannot do this without it so so we're going to read Ephesians 4 through 22 uh 22- 24 put off concerning the former conversation own conduct the old man get right of him that old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts verse 23 now I'll explain that to you just a second a little more be
renewed in the spirit of your mind clean the wick in your brain in your head get the dirt out of there and then put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness through okay I've got to stop I got to I got to tell you this so he he he says look you got to make a radical change you've got to get away from the old life make a decision today I will never do it again I don't want to look at it I don't need it I don't want it and renew
your M renew your head your mind the Candlestick in the Tabernacle had to be cleaned every day for the light to shine otherwise if the dirt got in there the light would die there's a light in you if your brain and mind and head is dirty the the light cannot get through be seen by others not even you you you'll have no light in your life if your mind is filthy it is your decision and it is God's will for you to say no to sin but you cannot say no to sin if there isn't
power in you to say no to sin the power is scripture hit that over and over I don't don't want you to ever forget that the Bible is a mighty powerful book because it's the word of God you read it daily never neglect it and here's the key you do not look at history nor poetry no prophecy you look for Jesus right through that's right cuz he's the life of it he's the reason for it in your life you're looking for Jesus not anything else how many times can you hear about Adam and Eve and
Noah and the Ark and Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the rest look for the Lord in every story you read in every chapter you're looking at look for him he's the seed you'll see him right through the word of God when you find Jesus you'll find life am when you find the story you'll not find life you'll just know the story and I always give people an example in the life of Joseph people have read about Joseph and made movies about it it's not about Joseph it's about Jesus who was loved by his father
Jesus who was hated by his brothers Jesus who was in the pit Jesus that's the death of Christ who went to the prison Jesus not Joseph who came out of prison Jesus who sat on the right hand of pharaoh not Joseph Jesus and Pharaoh gave him a gentile wife nothing to do with Joseph that's the church the Lord's wife the church and the Very name Pharaoh gave Joseph in the Egyptian ancient language means savior he called his name savior he wasn't talking about Joseph so you see Jesus in Joseph you see Jesus in Isaac who
carried the wood on his back that's the cross are you listening you see Jesus in the Feast of Israel in Passover you see his death unleavened bread he took you know away our sin first fruit he rose from the dead Pentecost he sent the Holy Spirit trumpets Rapture it's all there it's all there day of of atonement resurrection of Israel Tabernacle Millennium Reign it's all there you don't see the feast you see Jesus in the feast or you see the names amazing I was just reading it today the names of the sons of Israel have
nothing to do with the sons of Israel it's all the Lord who was the first boy Ruben what does it mean look at my son what son notan the Lord second boy Shimon what does it mean hear him thirat boy Levi what does that mean be clean cling to be be attached to him number four praise Judah Praise Him Dan who's Dan God in heaven every name has a meaning look look it up look it up in your Bible it's about the Lord to the last one Benjamin sit on my right hand you see you
see Jesus in the names of the sons of Israel you see Jesus in The Feast you see Jesus throughout the whole the whole Bible and when you see Jesus wow your life Comes Alive your whole being lights up with scripture so it is impossible it's impossible go to verse 23 please it's impossible to do this without that you can't renew the spirit of your mind without the Bible the Bible will you know the Bible says is not my word a hammer that breaks the Rock in pieces you see what happens is like I told you
earlier the the flesh has layers layers and eventually it when it gets in it hardens like that rock hardens in your head in your mind all the filth all the dirt becomes Like a Rock Only the Bible can smash it out but happens slowly you can't do it all at once you keep hitting and hitting with the hammer is not my word is a fire it says it cleia burn all that stuff out it takes time it takes time it's not going to take you like a month it could take you years but you got
to be consistent with scripture every single day you have to make God a promise tonight that you will read the Bible every day and you that have not read the whole Bible read it make a commitment to read it it'll change your life change your life completely so you take that radical step you put off the old flesh the old man you renew your mind put on the new man it'll happen easily if you do that and then you can do something you've never been able to do before is Ephesians 51 you can literally imitate
God as his children you can follow the Lord because it says in Ephesians 51 can can we see that on the yeah followers be therefore followers of God well you can't follow the lord without his word in you so he says in in uh chapter 4 get rid of that old man clean your head put on the new one on easy all you have it you have it the you have you you've got the tools it's called the word of God and then you can you can easily imitate God that's what that word means follow
imitate we receive his life now we draw from his life within us we receive his life we put on Christ Jesus we make that decision I'm going to get rid of the old life clean my head get the dirt out put on the new man the new life and now I put on Christ I can follow God and listen to his voice and when I do that I'm drawing from within all that is within because we've received now we have life within us we're joined to him by Covenant it's so natural now to adopt his
ways it's natural to walk in his way ways in the spirit the flesh cannot imitate the life of God impossibly only you and your life in the spirit can imitate the life of God so what do we do we have to weaken the flesh starve it and when you weaken the Flesh and starve it the life of God will flow out of you so you got to say know to sin no more Fila period job said I have made a covenant with mine eyes I won't look on a maid I say no it's done you
can do it the difference between a Christian and one who isn't you have the power to say no they don't you have the power to say no they don't and you'll know you're in the Kingdom when you hate your sin and you're not in the Kingdom if you love it I got to I got to get through anyone who loves his sin is not saved anyone who hates his sin is born again because you see that new man hates sin that's how you you you kind of comfort yourself you tell yourself I'm in the Kingdom
because you hate to sin we all sin we all sin I do you do but when we sin we hate it we repent immediately we don't want to do it again or say it again or think it again we hate our sin if you love your sin you're none of Christ if you hate your sin you're in Christ simple really you say I'm getting convicted that's my purpose to convict that the Holy Ghost would use what I'm saying to convict so so I'm almost done 2 Corinthians 12:10 now this is what happens here God allows
trials in our lives to draw out of us the fullness of the life of Jesus so it says I take pleasure in infirmities I take pleasure and reproach Necessities persecution destu rest for Christ sake because when I'm weak then I'm strong meaning God allows trials to come into your life and my life and those trials begin to draw out of us the fullness of the life of Jesus now this is marvelous if we were not tested there would be no need to draw from his strength so don't see trials as your your enemy it's an
opportunity for what to draw from within trials allow us to draw from within the life of God God allows trials so we can look within us trials are the opportunity of the Holy Spirit to produce the life of Jesus in our life so if we when we fail we we we approach I should say if we approach them wrongfully if we look at them at something we have to overcome it's not way to do it when Trials come don't overcome them rely on Jesus to take care of them because you can't overcome them only he
can thank you Jesus all right Colossians 3 1 2 and 3 and then one more scripture from the Old Testament and I'm done did you learn anything I'm happy for you and I love it okay Jim Colossians chapter 3 because now when you've taken those steps now you can do this okay if ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above now that's easy to do when you got when you make that decision radical decision I will not allow the old life to rule my life I'm a new creation no limits no
past record I'm in that new world of faith I don't see the ocean or the Egyptians I see God I don't see the valley that shadow of death I see the Lord I don't see Giants I see God I'm going to walk by faith not by sight then I take that precious word of God and I let it fill my soul and fill my life slowly the hammer will work get all the dirt out the F will work to purge and purify you then you can easily put on the Lord not give provision for the
Flesh and the world and now you can do this now you're alive in Jesus risen with Jesus now you can seek those things which are above now you can do it and you can do verse two also it says set your affections on things above wow now your affections your whole life is connected to Heaven not to Earth and you become a soldier of Jesus and you will not be entangled in this in the things of this life because Paul said to Timothy a soldier will not entangle himself with in with the Affairs of this
world you set your affections on things above wow this is marvelous okay Jim one more scripture Ezekiel 36 2627 God will put his spirit in us and cause us to walk cause us to walk you don't have to do it he'll do it through you cause us to walk in the spirit so it says in Ezekiel 36 2627 a new heart also will I give you when you make that decision keep going and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the Stony heart of your flesh and I will give
you an heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and I will what cause you cause you to what walk in my statue that's wait wait wait wait this means that God is living his life through me now so I Surrender so fully to the Lord he lives the Christian Life through me I simply yield to the Lord the Christian life has nothing to do with trying it has to do with yielding say that say the Christian life has nothing to do with trying or trying harder trying harder it's yielding the Bible
never says try it says yield that's what it says yield your members as instruments of righteousness it's so simple like a children yielding like child yielding to Mommy yielding to Daddy trusting them to carry them God says you can't live it let me live it in and through you so simple it's just like so simple it's mindboggling I don't have to live the Christian Life Jesus will live it through me wow and all I do is simply give him my life completely and he lives his life through me that's what it says the life I
live I live by what the faith of the Son of God I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live and the life I live I live by his faith not my own I Surrender completely to the Lord play Something Beautiful behind me there was a lady named citan boom has anyone heard of her how many have how many have not well you can just real hush there and beautiful soft The Hiding Place is her movie look it up called The Hiding Place Billy Graham did her story in a movie called The Hiding Place Cory was a
woman from Holland and her family hid Jews from the Nazis during the second world war they were caught and uh they were taken to a concentration camp and she suffered greatly for the Lord I met I met Corey when I was a little young man I danced with her can you believe it we actually danced with a group of young people and I held her hand we danced together she she grabbed my cheek like this she said where did you get your face I said Israel she said Shalom never forget that K when we went
back in the 70s to Holland we I heard her preach a message that changed my life that really sums up what I'm trying to tell you she took a glove and said this is you you're an empty glove that's it then she lifted her other hand she said this is Jesus and then slowly she began to put one finger after another in that glove before the the glove could be used so she got this glove in her hand no good glove empty glove she said this is you then she put up the other hand this
is the Lord and then she said now this glove is no good till the hand gets in it then she she put one finger her thumb but the four fingers were empty she said he still can't use you cuz you only surrender a little bit of your life no good can't do a thing with you then she put the second finger this was her whole message and I was mesmerized like you could feel God's presence so powerful and then she she put the second finger she said he still can't use you you're partially surrendered but
you're not all the way in yet then three then four still no good one part is missing then the whole hand went in the glove she said ah now he can touch lives through you he can heal the sick through you he you can do anything with he he he can do anything with you now wow wow I'll never forget that I said Lord take my glove and fill it that's the Christian Life there was a man named David dupi mighty man of God your father knew him I knew him fact I traveled with him
for a very very short time I learned a lot from him and he said this one day in a meeting I was at he said the word Christian he said look at the word Christian so we all did Christ then I a an Christ i a n Christian he says i a n stands for I am nothing Christ and Ian I am nothing wow it hit me he said if you want Jesus in your life become a nothing Katherine kumman said to the Lord she said I have nothing to give you I have nothing to
offer you will you take another and use it and he did because we have nothing to give him except our love and our vessel so the Bible says offer your body as a Living Sacrifice let him use it stop trying to to do it on your own it doesn't work oh I'm going to pray today and you fail I'm going to do oh and you fail everything you try you fail CU you don't know how to yield just let go let go lift your hands I want to pray for you Lord can we give Jesus
some Praise In This Place come on he is a wonderful Lord a wonderful savior we're we're going to take a moment right now to sew into Pastor Benny Hinn's Ministry you know what what fertile ground that we can so knowing that people are being healed saved delivered around the world and so we want to give you an opportunity to sew into his ministry what we're going to do tonight just to make it easy for him and easy for us as a churches we're going to if you're going to give tonight if you can do so
you can follow the intuitive prompts there on the screen if you want to download the king Central app you can use the app to give just go to guess you can use the QR code if you need an envelope to keep track of your giving record goad and put your hands up if you're writing on a check write your checks out to KC or King's Cathedral and then what we're going to do is everything that comes in this offering is going to go directly to Pastor Benny's Ministry this church is not keeping one penny of
it it is going directly to his ministry and so please can I encourage you my wife and I already gave when I was there in the front row knowing that I'd have that opportunity we want to sew into Pastor Vinny's Ministry so can we do that right now and we're believing God that this is going to be a season of breakthrough for you we're going to participate everywhere he goes what an incredible privilege that we have that everywhere he goes we get to be participants in what God is doing in his ministry because we're supporting
him isn't that amazing so ushers thank you so much thank you thank you all right everybody has an envelope that needs one thank you Jesus are you guys blessed tonight anybody received something from the Lord tonight Pastor that was a powerful message powerful word powerful word all right everybody put your hand on your envelope or if you're giving by phone put your hand on that phone let's pray together father I thank you for every person sewing seed tonight in this ministry I pray that it will produce a harvest in their lives Lord I Thank you
that we have the wonderful privilege tonight to be participants in this power ful Ministry Lord that every life that gets changed transformed saved and healed Lord we get to see those people in heaven and we thank you we Rejoice for this wonderful opportunity tonight and Lord we pray that you bless Pastor Benny and bless his ministry strengthen him Lord God by your spirit in Jesus name amen and amen let's give together and to Jesus be the glory for all he did in that service thank you for watching I pray the Lord will bless you today
and honor you as you honor him it's been an amazing time for me the last few weeks I'm on my way to Canada the next few days and I'm looking forward to it I just want to say thank you for being my wonderful family and partner I pray the Lord will bless you and reward you for your love your support I really mean this a million thanks with all of my heart I say that thank you again today for giving you can show your seed on the platform you watch me on you can go to
our website b.org or simply text I just want to say thank you and how much I love you as my wonderful family in Jesus Lord bless them as they obey and honor you honor them Lord for your glorious name's sake bless them mightily meet every every need in their life for your glory and God's people said amen and amen and I'll see you again tomorrow much love