"Ordo Realitas" - Episódio 01 - Ordem Paranormal: Desconjuração

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O primeiro episódio da nova série de RPG, que vai acontecer todo sábado às 18:00 na http://twitch.tv...
Video Transcript:
GM: A very good night... ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first episode of Paranormal Order Deconjuration. First and foremost before we board in and I introduce what the RPG is what it's all about uh, maybe some of you know that we have a project on Catarse for the Paranormal Order game: Enigma of Fear And we had decided to announce a secret goal when we hit... 2 million and we managed to, we're almost hitting 2 and a half million so, before we start thank you so much for your support, thank you for being here and I
have... a little something to show. that you might like… I’ll see you... right after this video. ???: The membrane which protects us from the entities from the other side… ???: The membrane which protects us from the entities from the other side… can be weakened by our own fear. The more we fear... the stronger the creatures become. In all these years, I've always wondered if these aberrations feel something if they have a purpose other than to consume and destroy if they are aware of the moments they steal from us if they even comprehend the pain they
push into our reality That is an answer I know I'll never get. But one thing I'm certain about If these monsters are able to feel something they better feel fear aswell because we will be on their way. R$2.000.000 Goal achieved Fully voice acted game Presenting Guilherme Briggs as “Mr. Verity” + DLC inspired on events from “Paranormal Order: Deconjuration” GM: Tadaa. That was the surprise we will have the game fully dubbed all the characters will have voice acting they'll be acted by someone and we'll have the amazing, incredibly talented Guilherme Briggs as Mr. Verity who's one
of the main characters from the universe. Getting this of the way… We let the cat out of the bag. we… We officially started... our universe. Let me explain a little where we're going now. Paranormal Order the RPG is, basically a… a series where a couple of friends and I gather up to play RPG. RPG is a role-playing game... where I created a world, a story I created all the characters, all the events in this story and I roleplay most of this whole world and my friends are the protagonists of this story so I throw problems
at them, throw complex situations at them and they'll have to make the decisions and roleplay... to define where the story goes. Deconjuration... is a bit different from what you saw before The previous episodes, the previous seasons of Paranormal Order were more investigative series. Deconjuration... is ruthless. it's horror... it still… it still has a bit of the investigation but... the world isn't the same anymore. Each... one of my friends, each actor of each character is directly connected... with their own character and death is permanent if any of them die in the game they only come back
in the next season. With this out of the way I hope you... enjoy what we prepared This is a group work made with a wonderful team, and I'm super excited to play RPG again with my friends. Without further ado... let's go to the intro and when I come back... we'll dive head first to the universe of Deconjuration. Let's go. [POD Opening] GM: Unlike the previous times... the players won't appear all together we'll go one character at a time, in the order they appear in the universe and Triz... our story begins with you. The paranormal, Triz...
shouldn't come to our world easily. Our reality consists of rational and reliable laws and it's these pillars of certainty that keep us sane. But there is an “other side”, a dimension where all these laws and rules are completely insignificant and all kinds of unimaginable horror becomes possible there. The barrier that separates our reality from the other side... is called the Membrane and this membrane can be weakened by fear. causing that the terrible entities from this other side leak... ...into our dimension. Today... is the morning of the 31st of October. Halloween tends to be a dangerous
day to the agents of the Order. But you, Beatrice, are excited. After all... it's the day you'll get your first official mission from Ordo Realitas witch is a secret organization of paranormal investigators. After receiving... a text message at 4:13 AM you arrive at 9 AM at the address of the mysterious encounter and when you get there you… you come across a... the entrance of a little dirty bar not much different than any other in the region. You wonder if this is really the right address... You look up and read the sign at the door of
this bar it's a poorly cared red sign, a bit rusty and the bar's name is "Ashy Armpit". Entering this bar... you… let me drag you up here... you notice that it's completely empty but it’s exactly what you expected. Many yellow plastic tables, a pool table... a refrigerator on a corner with some drinks... a freezer with ice cream and popsicles. The smell of the bar has a hint of cigarettes but despite the rough appearance it's not a very unpleasant bar but it's completely empty. Please describe Beatrice a little, physically, for me. Triz: She has a... (GM:
Sorry, repeat, uh...) GM: ...You were muted, I just unmuted you. Please repeat the description. Triz: Sure. Uh... Beatrice Portinari is a woman in her 23 years... she has dark brown hair, a bit burnt she has freckles all over her body, eyes also dark she wears a thrift shop overcoat, a strap on her waist in this case to keep good posture. She's a florist always carries a side backpack, a side purse with her gardening tools and her bird, Orpheus, who's always on her side. (GM: Orpheus, also… I cut you, uh...) She also has slippers, they're super
comfortable. GM: Orpheus, also, when he arrives at the place he always feels really comfortable in new environments. So he already takes flight and comes to land on a table further ahead, waiting for you. You're in this big bar completely alone. Triz: I walk up to Orpheus, stay by his side and wait until... someone shows up in this place. GM: Perfect. You notice that next to you, there's an arcade machine and it's just emitting some shining light on the screen but there's nothing there. Triz: Mhmm. GM: Do you intend to do something or are you gonna
wait? What do you decide? Triz: I'll take a look around, I'll walk. GM: Ok. I'll ask you something about the system first. Do you see up there, on the simulator menu? (Triz: Yes) GM: There's a guy lifting weights GM: Click that and drag it all the way down. Triz: Clicked… done. GM: Perfect. Uh, Do you... do you walk up to this arcade? Triz: I do. GM: Okay. Can you drag yourself there? Getting there... you notice that... it's a Tetris arcade machine and it's free to play. Triz: Hmm... Can I play a little round while no
one's here? GM: Absolutely. When you press the start button… Roll, roll… Finding, for me, please. Triz: Sure. I'm searching for it here... Look, I'm gonna be honest, I can't find it. GM: Uh, Finding? Ironic to say… to say the least, Beatrice. Uh... It has... You can also roll Listen, on the skills. Triz: Here. Hm... GM: Did you get it? Let's go. [laughing] (Triz: Ok, I...) GM: Was that a Fail? Triz: Yes. GM: Okay. You... start playing Tetris, you end up getting a bit distracted, ah, roll Dexterity to see how well you do on... on Tetris,
please. I'm curious. Triz: [giggles] Triz: Yikes, fumble. GM: [laughs] GM: You start… you don't even understand exactly how to play Tetris, you start piling things up "Huh, aren't you supposed to make it to the top? I... I thought I had won". And when you... finish your first round, with a miserable fail, you feel a presence behind you. Someone got here and you didn't notice. Triz: I turn around to see who it is. GM: When you turn around, you… you get slightly startled and you see a silhouette of a kinda hairy man, with a coat over
his shoulders, and his skin is completely burnt. He holds something spherical in his hands. And you instantly recognize him... as... Tristan, the guy that called you to come here. He's eating a pão de queijo. Triz: Yummy. GM: He, with… with a pão de queijo in his mouth… Tristan: Yo, you took a while to get here, huh? G'morning! (Beatrice: I'm sorry, actually…) Beatrice: Good morning, good morning. I think I'm on the dot. I got here and didn't see anyone. (GM: He looks around…) GM: he grabs his phone Tristan: What time did I set? Beatrice: You said…
at 4h12…? Tristan: No wait, I sent you the message at 4h12. When... When... When did I tell you to come? GM: He looks at the clock... Tristan: Damn, I said 9. I have been here since 8 AM. It's fine, uh... (B: It's ok.) Tr: Did you like it? Welcome to Ordo Realitas! GM: And he points... to the completely empty and dirty bar. Tr: I think that… when they were doing the renovation, I said: ah, I liked it when… I liked it more like this: organize the bottles up there a little better, I left…. I didn't
sweep the corner, sorry, don't mind the mess, please. B: Don't worry, it's… it's great. Super nice. I liked this game, here, by the way. GM: He turns... Tr: Little Orpheo, little Orpheo. GM: Orpheo, who already knows him, flies to his shoulder and lands there, and he starts petting him. Tr: What's up, big boy, what's up… He still hasn't talked? He never said anything? This bird never makes a sound, never saw anything like this. B: I've never heard him sing before, either. He's more silent, reserved, but… You know how he is, also very affectionate. Just a
bit of an introvert. Tr: Perfect, perfect. Anyways, welcome to the Order of Reality's base. When we were changing the name, I suggested Ordo Beeritatis instead of Ordo Realitas, but they didn't like it very much. B: I would've loved it. Tr: Want some pão de queijo? I went to the bakery to buy. GM: He hands you one (B: Uhuh) B: Yeah, of course. GM: He hands you... (B: Right now.) a very warm pão de queijo. And then he… he... he walks over to the counter, jumps over it, and starts to mess up with something on the
refrigerator. You see him moving stuff Tr: Want something to drink? B: Uhm… I think I'd like some… Coffee with milk. Tr: Uhh I don't think we have coffee here... B: [laughs] Nope? Tr: Maybe on the refrigerator on the corner. GM: and he points to a refrigerator at the corner of the bar. Tr: Wanna go take a look? (B: Sure.) Triz: I will, I will. GM: He looks at you like "She's actually going to? Ok". Triz: [laughs] You get to this… you get in front of this... he had pointed to the one at the top, that
yellow one. Triz: Here. GM: Yes. You get in front of the refrigerator, and you see one of those transparent refrigerators, you know? A bit yellow with a bunch of beers and other beverages inside. Triz: Uhuh GM: And you see a number panel on it. I want you to roll Finding now, and I believe you'll find Finding this time. Triz: Sure. Triz: Okay, so Finding, I have 9 (GM: Go for it.) Triz: And I'll roll the D20. Ok, 20 (Triz: I'm sure I found it) GM: Oooh, easily GM: When you look at this refrigerator, you notice
that this refrigerator has something very strange. All bottles, at first, seemed to be normal, but when you see more closely, almost with a perfect investigative view, you notice that they are all glowing in a strange way and all the liquids inside them are not actually liquids, they are ... uhh .. just, as if it were solid matter, it's like all these bottles were fake. All the products from that refrigerator are fake! You hear Tristan, kind of waiting with a smirk as usual. Tr: Hey, is there is there what you want ? B: What the fuck
is this ? Tr: Watch your mouth, it's 9 am Beatrice. B: [chuckles] Tr: Well... B: I'm sorry man, (Tr: I...) but there's something strange with these drinks. Tr: I would say that this refrigerator it's like that American model, that you type a code and the selected drink falls down. I would recommend you to type the cod.. that code… that I've sent you. (B: Okay.) GM: And now I want... And then you remember, do you have exactly the message he sent you? (B: I have.) During the dawn? GM: Can you read it out loud for me,
please? The message that you received at dawn? Triz: Humm... just a second... “Ready for your first day? Meet me at 8 am tomorrow at the Ashy Armpit Bar, Henrique street... 9287, the rest of the team will be there too. The password is: Now. ”. Okay, well, maybe I missed the schedule too, and didn't realize it. Tr: I told you that I had marked at 8 am! B: [laughing] My apologies for that. My time schedule was a little… a little unregulated in the last days GM: He comes walking like a... "know-it-all" guy, and he leans on
the counter waiting. (B: I owe you for this) Tr : So, you ain't picking a drink? B: Yes, for sure. Tr: Get me a soda too. B: So... I'll put the code. Can I ? Tr: The code is "now" right ? B: It’s "now". Tr: Just go, type that numbers in there. B: I'm sorry, which numbers ? GM: Oh, the refrigerator has a numeric keypad. (Triz: I didn't…) in the front... of the... Triz: I didn't found it. GM: No no, not the keypad… you just say what you type on the keypad, you will not have
a keyboard on the tabletop. Triz: Okay, sooo... I'll type... ahnnn... 0413 GM: [pi pi pi pi] [tsssk] You hear a weird noise coming from behind the refrigerator, he says: Tr: Ahhhh you got it, do you.. do you want to explain it to me or you just guessed the code? B: No, I did not guess. “Now”, I think it would be the time that he sent the message? GM: Nice, he looks at you with pride: Tr: Aaah, you've solved my puzzle, pretty cool. B: [chuckles] Ahnnn.. you noticed something weird in the refrigerator? B: Ahm.. everything ?
Tr: So, but now ... GM: Beatrice, push that fridge aside, please. With your mouse. Triz: I'm trying. GM: You have to put the mouse on it and click ... and drag. Triz: Okay. GM: You've pushed a lot, hahaha, just push a little to the side. (Triz: Okay, okay) GM: When you push the refrigerator aside, you find ... a secret passage... with a ladder, behind the refrigerator. Triz: Great. GM: He says: Tr: [gasps] What is that ?? Since when is it there? I never saw that! Let's find out, let's get in there! GM: He points to
you to go in. B: Let's go, let's go. GM: So,you start to get inside, you start going down the stairs. And… and the more you go down, since the door had opened, you heard from down there, coming down this staircase, the sound of voices talking, laughter... and a source of light seemed to come… from… from bottom, oops… I changed places… from the bottom of these stairs. When you go down each step, these lights get brighter, and brighter, and brighter. As you reach the bottom of this stairway, in front of you, a huge, bright room is
revealed, with several large tables, it has ... I'm even going to put some cool music here, that's it here, thank you. Is that the song that I wanted to put on? The song I wanted to put on is this one. Oh yeah. (Triz: Better) GM: He has lots of tables, big TVs on the wall, people talking, metal cabinets. Around the tables there are countless agents talking and studying maps, documents, and evidence. Tristan comes behind you, he puts his hand on your shoulder, he's here, and he says: Tr: Beatrice, welcome to Ordo Realitas! GM: And right
in front of you, you see two familiar faces, arguing with each other, two very eccentric figures. And now, I'm going to ask Kalera to describe her character. Kalera: I'm Erin, I have ginger hair and green eyes. I'm an engineer… GM: Just describe her physically, without spoiling the story yet. Kalera: Oops, Oops. Okay. [Laughs] I am 20 years old, I'm about 170 cm tall, and... I'm... I have a vest on with some grenades, always prepared, and my tools too. GM: You see, Beatrice, that she's interacting with a man with pink eyes and a very nice shirt.
Luis, describe Fernando to me, please! Luis: [Cri's voice] Fernando... [Luis's voice] Ops, sorry. GM: Oops, we miss the season, I think. Luis: Yes, oh, my bad! Fernando, he is a man, he's about 180 cm tall, he wears a white shirt with sleeves... with a flowered sleeve, with pink flowers, he is bald and his eyes are pink, which is a little weird. GM: You see... And how are they interacting? What's going on when Beatrice arrives? What scene does she witness? Luis: You tell me, Erin! E: They didn't forget to close the fridge, right? Whoever forgets will
pay the bill! F: It's Bea! Bea is there. (GM: Tristan arrives...) Tr: Hey guys, look who I brought. (B: What 's up?) F: Heey… Hi Tristan. E: You took your time outside, Tristan! Tr: Bro, It's just... she came at the wrong time. (B: My fault.) Tr: I said it was at 8 am, she came at 9 am, I said she was arriving late, I said that. B: My fault. Tr: Who wants cheese buns? E: Ah, I'll take one. Tr: Take it, take it. GM: He throws one for you. (F: I'm good, thanks.) E: Uh, that
girl... I know her! Tr: It's her, from that day... The street that we... I said we were calling her. I thought this would be a good mission... At least the briefing that Verity gave us, it seemed like a good mission to bring her for the first time. GM: Ka, I'll ask you the same thing, click on the man lifting weight and set it down. Luis: Little man lifting weights. Kalera: OK. GM: Perfect. Tr: Oh, but you hardly know her. She is Beatrice. She has a bird, this is Orpheu. GM: He pats Orpheu on the head.
this is Orpheu. GM: He pats Orpheu on the head. Tr: Oh Orpheu. Introduce yourself! (E: Thanks for the help...) that day, Beatrice. B: You’re welcome, It was... It was... Well, I can't say it was a pleasure, but it was cool. F: Oh, nice to meet you. I called you Bea because you had introduced yourself. Maybe we don't have intimacy. I'm Fernando! Nice to meet you. B: Pleasure is all mine. I didn't notice the color of your eyes, they are very different. F: Cool, right? B: Yes, I liked it. F: It is an extra charm that
I have. GM: Uh... So, the moment that Bea met Tristan and Erin, she didn't get to know you... ... personally, Fernando, but Tristan talked and introduced her a little while he trained her and see if she was able to join Ordo Realitas. He points to the hall and he says: Tr: No more jokes for now, this is the real Ordo Realitas. There are some guys that we usually don't talk to much, because of their frowns, but I think you're going to make friends here. GM: And that, he waves... (B: I hope so) Tr: What's up,
Robertão? GM: And you see a very strong guy, with a braided beard, on the other side. Robertão: Oh! Tristan! B: Nice to meet you. (E: Hey, Can I... Call you Bea?) B: Sure, call me as you want. (E: Nice!) What's up, you good? I'm Erin, nice to meet you. (B: My pleasure.) E: That's fine. Your pleasure then. F: So Tristan, is she really good? Tr: We'll find out! This is the first mission. Ah, she has a good aim, see? She fired a few shots and I thought it was cool. But here... Here's the thing, The
old man is free to talk? Can we talk to him? F: I think he is. Tr: Are you sure? Let's have a look. Actually, let's introduce the Ordo for her first. E: Let’s go (F: No, wait.) F: Before it, I want to know, Tristan and Bea, Who's that cutie on your shoulder? B: It's Orpheu. B: He's my bird, he's a Potoo. You can pet him if you want, he's a good boy. Luis: I come closer to pet him. GM: You can pet him. You can spin it on the scroll too. Be careful not to... intertwine,
like that. (F: Get out) F: Oh, how cute! GM: The environment is very pleasant, it's very clean and wide, even though it is practically a military base. Tristan points to the door next to you and says: Tr: This is probably the most important part, which is the bathroom. If you need to go to the bathroom, there's a bathroom…here! Moving forward... GM: And he takes the lead, walking just like he does, all pompous. Tr: Then we have... GM: He looks to the side and he sees a guy wearing a gas mask that you, agents, know that
it's Aaron, and he...doesn't talk to anyone. When he begins to introduce character, he just... Tr: ...As I was saying, GM: He keeps moving forward, Tr: we have... the Medical… GM: And while he speaks, you hear a noise coming from behind you. [Thud!] ???: [Ouch!] GM: And when you look back, you see a man completely bloodied falling from the stairs. He's a blond man... (T: I will...) GM: In a tank top, and he... he just fell down the stairs and he's slaughtered, with claw marks, covered in blood. Triz: I'm going to run to him. (GM: Let
me pull it over here.) GM: Hold on. As soon as he falls, you can hear: ??? 2: Holy shit! Sorry, sorry, sorry. GM: And a guy comes running down, wearing a hat, after him. ??? 2: My bad, my bad, my bad. GM: Another one, here. ??? 2 : My bad, my bad, Marcão, Marcão, get up, get up. GM: And you see the other agent lifting him up, the guy is like... Marcos: [argh!] fuck! ??? 2: My bad, my bad. Holy shit, stay still, bro. Someone, help! Someone help me here! B: Say less! (F: My God)
Luis: I’m running… I'm running there. GM: Okay, you come running to help. Ah, Erin and Luciano, you recognize that these are Marcos and Leandro, the members of a metal band called "Metal Dragons". They are agents... currently the Ordo's most famous agents, they used their show tours to hunt paranormal creatures, as a facade. And it is quite common to see one of them in this deplorable state, that Marcão finds himself in at the moment. Leando: Help! Let's take him to Marcela! (F: Is Marcão like this again?) GM: He's trying really hard to raise Marcos, who is
much bigger than him. (F: Jesus.) Triz: I will help him, I will help him carry Marcos. E: What happened this time, huh? GM: You don’t have to leave it literally like that you can just leave it closer to avoid conflict. (Triz: Okay!) F: The usual. Leandro: Argh, I don't even know, I just found him like that, apparently he... maybe he just... What's up, Marcos? Marcos: [Argh] Blood! [Blargh] GM: He vomits some blood and... Leandro: Shut up, shut up, let's just go. GM: And he starts to drag and take him, supporting his body, dragging him full
of blood. Then, Tristan comes running. Tr: Marcela, for God's sake, help here! GM: And you see Marcela in the Medical wing, running around and coming to help the agent. Mar: My God, what was it this time? What happened, guys? GM: Leandro, the guy with the hat, says: Leandro: I..I don't even know what happened, he just... he's just... he just came by bleeding, as always, he's almost dying, for God's sake, help here! Mar: Guys, help me here! GM: And they all take the injured friend to the Medical Wing. You can roleplay in the meantime. F: Yeah,
Bea… don’t be scared, OK? (B: Look, I heard all of you...) F: This is normal. (B: Okay.) F: That really happens, Marcão always shows up like this, from fights, so… It's just because they are in a metal band. (B: Alright…I get it.) F: So, you understand it, right? The guys are tough. GM: Marcela goes with the members of the Ordo to a litter and places him lying on it. and starts treating him, and Tristan takes the opportunity to introduce it to you. Tr: Well, this is... this is the Medical Wing that... that I needed to
show you. GM: And on this note, in the midst of this shouting, you hear someone come running, worried about the friend who has just arrived. Guaxinim, I'm going to ask you to introduce Arthur. Guaxi: How's it going, guys? Arthur now, he has a... oh, he hasn't changed much from the previous season, but he is 1.65 meter, he has scars on his face, He has heterochromia, one eye is brown, the other one is bluish green. Guaxi: He wears an overcoat and carries a… an electric guita- I don't know if he's carrying it at the moment… GM:
Not right now, no. (Guaxi: But normally he does.) Yeah, the guitar's case, but that's it. GM: You see him arriving after all this yelling, he recognizes the name of one of his friends who came back hurt, once again, and he turns the corner, running. Arthur: Who got hurt, for God's sake? Hi? Hello? (GM: Uh, so. I'm waiting…) F: You know who got injured, right?! E: Ugh, same old thing. F: [inaudible] Arthur: Oh no... Are you ok? You good, buddy? GM: You get there, you see Marcos... he's unconscious, with blood dripping from him. You see he
has three… he has a big cut on him, from three claws, like on his chest, bleeding. And Marcela, [she's] desperate, putting some bandages on it. Marcela is he gonna die??? (Marcela: Jesus Christ, every time!) No, but… every single time it's like this! I've never seen anyone throw themselves at monsters as much as he does! GM: She's organizing stuff. While that happens, Leandro is already going around… Leandro: What's up, Arthur? How are you doing? Guaxi: Who said that? Sorry, I was… (GM: The one with the hat. Leandro.) A: Hey, Leandro. What happened to him, for fuck's
sake? Leandro: The usual, right? The man jumps on whatever Blood Zombie he sees, anything that shows up he thinks wrestling is a good option. A: Lord have mercy. And you, are you ok? Guaxi: I start touching him, to look for wounds. Leandro: I'm always ok. Always. A: Oh, thank God. Leandro: Well, I'll leave you be. You guys have a mission, right? Everyone is talking about a new agent arriving. Also, welcome! GM: He turns to Beatrice. B: Thank you. (Leandro: It's you, right?) B: Uhm, yes. And you're Arthur, it seems. A: Oh, hi. Guaxi: And I
turn to the guy wearing a hat. A: [whispering] That's the new people? I mean, is she one of the new people? Leandro: [whispering] Yeah. I don't know… I just got here… And she was here already. A: [whispering] Oh ok. So… GM: Tristan enters the conversation, nosey: Tr: [whispering] I also don't know who this woman is. A: [whispering] Is she a gatecrasher? (Luis: I get really close to them) F: [whispering] What are you whispering about? E: [whispering] What happened there? Tr: [whispering] Anyone want pão de queijo? Guaxi: I fix my posture, (F: Thanks) A: Uh… (E:
I want one) A: Uh, nice to meet you, I'm Arthur. Guaxi: And I look at Bea, but I don't know she's Bea, right? B: Nice to meet you too, my name is Beatrice. And this is Orpheo, my potoo. GM: Orpheu flies a little bit. GM: And he lands on Tristan's shoulder. Guaxi: I keep looking at Orpheo. F: Oh, so Orpheo is already best friends with Tristan? Tr: I trained her, man. What did you expect? F: Oh, so he stayed with you? Leandro: Guys, I'll… (F: Aw! I think...) GM: Leandro turns to you… (F: ...he's so
cute!) Leandro: Guys, I'll go there... I'll take care of my boy now. Good luck on your mission, ok? Try not to end up like him. B: We will. (GM: And he goes around.) F: Thanks, Leandro! Guaxi: I walk up to Bea. I poke her… A: Can I… touch him? B: Of course, he's a sweetie. You can pet him. Guaxi: I stand next to him. (GM: [laughs]) GM: Do you… (F: Let's allow people to work here?) A: Hey, birdy! [kissing sounds] B: Talk to him, Orpheo, talk to him. He's a friend. (A: Talk to me!) GM:
You see… Orpheo, he just… he's a strange bird, it doesn't seem shy, isn't afraid of people, but he doesn't show much reaction, either, he just… It seems that Beatrice is the person he responds to the most, even though he's comfortable with everyone around him. B: He likes being petted. (GM: He goes back, uh...) GM: He goes back to her shoulder. So Tristan goes: Tr: So? How's the whole old man's situation? Uhm, you know how the mission is going? You must know a little more, right? A: Oh, he's finishing a meeting right now, we were just
waiting for the group to arrive so we could... go in for... this next meeting, now. T: So, let's introduce the rest... (A: Is everyone here?) Tr: Uh… I think this is everyone right? Yeah, I think so. If I'm not mistaken… Is anyone else going? Because... Verity only called us. A: Uh, actually... there is… but… I'm not sure. Tr: Well, we'll look into that later, yeah. Uh, let's introduce the rest of the Order, then, let's take her… take her to meet everyone else. A: Ok. GM: And he points to the exit of… (Guaxi: I turn to
Marcela and say:) GM: of the Medical Wing. A: Take care of him, ok, Marcela? Guaxi: I turn around. GM: She gives you the tired smile she always has, a "I'm so done with this job" look, like: Marcela: Will do… Every time… [Guaxi laughs] Kalera: I get close to the table and: E: Good luck to you, you'll need it. F: Guys, do you know why these metalheads always like to… to fight, to throw hands? E: It's just that they really like headbanging, right. That's why. B: I think it's a personality trait. F: Maybe they banged their
heads? I don't know, they're kinda nuts. (Tr: Well, Arthur…) I'll leave this part for you to introduce, since it's where you spend most of your time. GM: And he points to an area full of guns, a counter filled with equipment, bullet proof vests, grenades, a bunch of things. And there's a woman, standing behind the counter, cleaning a rifle. Guaxi: Ok. A: Come here, then, guys! I'll show it to you. F: I… I already… already… fine. GM: You get closer and see Ivete, with a denim jacket, a tattoo on her arm. She's fixing [the gun] and
smoking a cigarette, She's almost done with cleaning, she turns and says: Ivete: Oh, good aftern… Welcome, welcome to the Order! B: Thank you! You are…? Ivete: Ivete, I'm Ivete You're the new agent, right? That everyone was talkin' about. B: Yes, us both. Me and Orpheo, my name is Beatrice. (Ivete: So cute...) Ivete: Ah, Orpheo, nice. This Jennifer, here. GM: She points to a kitty. (A: Jeniffer!) GM: She points to a cute cat, on the counter. (B: Hi Jeniffer, hi Jeniffer.) A: Look at my kitty. Maybe they'll become little friends. GM: Guaxi, I'll ask you to
decrease your slider, just the… Guaxi: Sure, sure. GM: The one from the tabletop. (Triz: How do I...) GM: The weight. (Triz: How do I turn...) the character? (Guaxi: Fixed it.) GM: Uh, just scroll your mouse, scroll the mouse. (Guaxi: Click on it and turn.) Turn the… (Triz: Got it, nice.) I'll try to put, I'll tell Orpheo to stand next to her. (Guaxi: Nice.) GM: Ah, he doesn't obey He stays with you. (Triz: Fine.) Triz: [laughs] It's fine, it's fine. GM: Orpheo is… he's independent. You won't be able to control his movements. Sometimes he does things,
sometimes he doesn't. Triz: Totally, I just tried. GM: Ok, ok. (A: She's adorable isn't she?) GM: You see Jeniffer, she's a bit skittish, actually, when you try to approach to pet her, she… she steps back a little… and hides. Ivete: Oh, don't mind her. We got her from the streets, right? So she… she's shy, don't worry, though. A: Yeah, poor thing. But she'll love everyone in just a bit, I'm sure of it, right baby girl?? Ivete: This is the equipment area. I'm responsible for all the equipment here, guns, ammo, anything you need. Uh, prolly yer
gettin' a mission now, right? That's why you came to the GQ. Don't forget to hand me the equipment list for the mission later. A: Of course. (B: Will do.) Ivete: Perfect! (E: Jeniffer...) E: [meow] GM: You do that and she [cat hisses] and goes off to the other side. (E: [meow]) F: Tristan, Erin doesn't learn, does she? Tr: Man don't even start. Look at this! You see this?! GM: He points to his burn scars. (E: Hey, one day I'll make it, you'll see.) GM: He points... Tr: This one, this one wasn't me, neither was this
one. This one on my elbow, how do you think I got it? F: Well, I think I don't have anything. A: You won't… get anything from here? We get the guns and all. Ivete takes care of everything here. B: I think we'll only take them when we're leaving, right? Tr: Uh yeah, yeah. We normally do that. (A: Oh ok. You wanna go to the meeting first?) We take all the equipment after we know more or less what is... uh... The mission we're wanting to do. Exactly. (B: The mission.) Tr: Do any of you know what
the mission is about? It's the one about... It's something about... going after a missing agent, right? Something like that. A: Yeah, exactly. We're going after an agent who went missing. Tr: Got it, got it. (A: It's a...) well-known agent around here. (E: That's it.) Tr: Got it. Ok then, well… Uh! You wanna go check if the old man is free? A: I'll check. Tr: Perfect. GM: Uh, you see Arthur, walking towards, uh… the other side of... of the hall. GM: He goes through you see some agents commenting and talking. The guys... The two guys at
the table, after Marcos got there with Leandro, they went towards... towards the Medical Wing too, since both are from his band, and people here know that. So, Arthur goes towards a hallway on the other side of the base. B: Ok, do we wait here or go after him? (GM: It's on the right,.) It's this door here, Arthur. Yes! You get there and the door is closed, and you hear… [laughs] Your camera stopped working at a great frame, Guaxi. You hear… (Guaxi: Tell me about it.) GM: a conversation coming from inside. It's Mr. Verity with someone.
A feminine voice. Guaxi: Me? GM: Yeah, you hear that. Guaxi: Ok, I… I knock on the door. [knocking sounds] GM: Uh, you knock on the door… and as soon as you do it, some seconds later, you hear a… you hear… footsteps, going to the door, and, and when it opens, you recognize… A... redheaded girl, accompanied by... a little dog. She says: ???: Ah, Arthur? What is it? We're… We're still… We haven't finished yet. (A: Hi.) A: Oh, I'm just... I'm just here to say that everyone is ready, the whole team is here. ???: Oh… Uh...
Ok, I'll just… just let me finish stuff up with him here, just a second. GM: And in the back, you see, with a serious look on his face, as always, leaning on the table, Mr. Verity, clearly thinking about something else and analyzing the countless documents on his imposing office. ???: We're just finishing analyzing some stuff here, give me, like, two minutes, and you can have him, OK? A: Okay. Uh… sorry, uh… ???: No, don't worry about it. It's OK. GM: Then, you see Lupi [dog panting] next to her, uh, making a happy face, she pets
him a little and turns around to keep talking to Mr. Verity. Guaxi: OK. GM: Meanwhile, what… What was going on here? With the other agents? B: Mr. Verity, if I got it right, is like the boss here? GM: Yeah, Tristan told you that, you already know that. Triz: It's fine, I was just trying to break the ice. GM: Oh, OK. You said that, literally. Just to clarify, you said that? Triz: Yeah. GM: OK, sorry. (F: Uh, Tristan...) E: Yeah, he's like the bigwig around here. F: Do you have more pão de queijo? GM: You look
at him, and he's eating the last one, and he… Tr: No...? GM: And he swallows it whole. F: No problem. I feel like getting some coffee. Tr: Aw man, I asked you if you wanted something from the bakery, and you didn't say anything, I'm not going there again. We have to get our mission, soon we have to start working for real, right, no messing around. Not to be rude or anything. (B: I like this ‘messing around’.) E: Well, Bea, you see that it's pretty busy around here, right? B: Uhuh. F: Bea, I need... to ask
you a question. Do you like fire, explosions? E: Heehee. B: Nothing against it, I even have friends that like it. (Erin: Great.) Tr: Damn right she does. GM: He points to himself. Tristan points to himself. F: Does Orpheo like it? Or… B: He doesn't mind, I don't really like speaking for him, but he reacts well. F: Then be very welcome to the team! Luis: And I raise my hand so she can… [high five] Triz: [clicks tongue] F: Damn, but you… No it's… Here. (Triz: I didn't see it.) GM: Something weird happened- (F: Bea.) GM: He
just tried to high-five her and she tried to shake his hand. Then, when you raise your hand and she doesn't high five you, Tristan gets to you and [slap], high fives you in her place. (F: Yes.) Tr: I won't leave you hanging there, buddy. F: Thank you, thank you. (GM: Some seconds…) Triz: And no one shakes my hand? GM: Yeah! Some seconds go by, Arthur, and you see Mia getting out of the office, with Lupi. She says… Mia: Yo, Arthur. We're done here, we were just finishing up some stuff, uh… A: Okay. Mia: You can
call the new team. A: Sure. Is everything OK with him today? Mia: Oh, the usual, you know? A: Yeah. OK, I'll call them. Hey Lupi, hey boy. GM: He goes to you and you… A: Hey! Guaxi: I pet his little head. (GM: Hold on, I have to enable it) GM: The thing here is bugging the miniature, hold on. Guaxi: OK. GM: Here… OK, fixed it. Lupi goes to you. (Luís: And he deletes everything.) (A: Hey.) GM: Asking for pets. A: Yeah, boy, but now I gotta go to work, I will pet you a lot in
just a bit. A: I'll go get them. Guaxi: I tell Mia. Mia: Uh, tell Ivete I'll need that black light later, okay? A: Yeah, you got it. Tell Ivete, tell Ivete. OK, I'll remember, I guess. Mia: Bye bye. GM: Then, you see that, behind you Mia also gets out, uh… she's not leaving because the… oh, okay. Mia leaves and goes towards one of the tables, to check on some stuff. Then you see, after chatting... for awhile... you see Arthur, going back to you. A: Uh, guys. (F: Hi?) A: Everything's set for the meeting, if we
could already go to his office… E: Let's go. F: Okay. (F: Let's go, let's go.) B: Let's go. Where is it? A: Ivete? Hey, Ivete. Ive: Hi, Arthur, shoot. What happened, what do you want? A: Mia will need the… the flashlight. Ive: The black light? A: Yeah, that. Ive: It's set for her already. GM: She grabs it and puts it on the table. Ive: Just… tell her to come get it later. A: OK. Tell her to go get it, tell her to go get it. OK. Tr: Got a memory issue there, pal? GM: Tristan asks.
A: I, no, I'm forgetful today. Mia? Mia: Hey, what? A: The black light, it's there. (GM: She's reading the documents, she's super focused.) Mia: Huh? What is it? A: There's the flashlight, on the table there. Mia: OK, thanks. A: OK (A: No problem.) GM: She's super concentrated, she just… you notice that she only replied because she's super focused, analyzing the documents. Guaxi: OK. A: OK, guys, this way! I mean, not guys, only Bea doesn't know. GM: Yeah. So you all go towards (Guaxi: We're all glued together) Mr. Verity's office… (Triz: We're the infinity symbol) GM:
Oh, and arriving- (Guaxi/Triz: Eesh...) And arriving... Guaxi: We fusioned. (GM: It bugged a little. So...) Luis: Guys? Guys? Hello? (Guaxi: Done.) GM: Take into consideration that you're solid and the walls are also solid. (Triz: That's important.) Guaxi: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. GM: We're at production level here! So we should always move with that in mind, but if it bugs a little, it's no problem. What matters is to know where you are. You enter Mr. Verity's office, and the atmosphere got… All this laid-back moment... all of you are pretty relaxed agents, very likable and charismatic, but when
it comes to work, your work doesn't have that personality. Your work is cruel and Mr. Verity's office reflects this. When you arrive... and get in... The imposing air, with a big carpet and the armchairs, already holds everyone's mood. In front of the armchairs there is a large table with countless documents, photos, notes, all next to an investigation board with several detective connections, you know those cliches you see in movies? Photos of agents, maps, documents, digital prints, and it all, in front of a big picture, of a painting of the coliseum with the Arch of Contanst...
of Constantine on the side. Mr. Verity's finishing reading a paper, he: Mr. Verity: Ah.. Please, sit down. We have an important mission today. Guaxi: I’ll stand here. Mr. V: Arthur, close the door, please! (Triz: I’ll stand by Arthur.) A: Of course, sir. (F: I'm sitting here.) E: Excuse me... GM: Arthur closes the door. Won't anyone else sit down? (A: Ah, Bea...) Triz: I'm on Arthur's side. I stand up.. A: Bea, sit down, it's more comfortable. (B: Okay.) A: This chair is really nice. B: So I'm going to sit down. GM: You sit down, you go
to the chair and sit on it, so Tristan comes and sits on the last chair. Triz: I have a question. I don't see anything on the map. GM: Ah, zoom in. Triz: Should I? (GM: Zoom in, zoom in.) Guaxi: Try to zoom in a little. Guaxi: Or zoom out, because if there's a lot of zoom in it disappears too. (GM: Yes!) Triz: Okay, everything is still very dark. (GM: Are you sure?) Guaxi: So take it out, zoom out a little bit. Triz: Okay, fine. GM: Can't you see? We can... wait, I can try to see
if this works, calm down... Triz: Great, perfect. GM: Did it? Triz: The way it was before. GM: Wait. Triz: Wait, wait it has worked. GM: Wait, I think you've V-Sync on. It probably went wrong, calm down. (Triz: There it was.) GM: See if it's OK now? Triz: No. GM: Okay, it must be... it must have been a bug Maybe you... re-enter the simulator later, it gets better. But, can you see a little bit? (Triz: I can.) GM: Okay, then, good. GM: Mr. Verity, he looks towards you and he is always straight to the point. He
pulls out some documents, he takes a look, he explains: Mr. V: Ah, you... GM: And he looks at the agents who are already part of it. Mr. V: You know that in the last few months, things have changed. But, is it... Beatrice? (B: Yes.) Mr. V: Welcome to Ordo Realitas. It didn't always work like that, (B: Thank you very much.) Mr. V: as a kind of central for all agents. Our methods... they were much more political, we... we worked with secret documents and powerful whispers, but... these methods... They are proving to be ineffective, to say
the least. The Membrane is very weak and the world is... slowly descending into chaos. The police itself is full of crimes that are apparently unsolvable, thanks to all these paranormal events happening. It is because of this that our methods have had to change. The Ordo needs to be more functional and less conservative in its methods. Before, our enemies, they were... A select group of elitist individuals who used terror to carry out their paranormal actions, but that has changed. The knowledge of the paranormal, almost as if it were a virus, is spreading and becoming stronger and
stronger. Now the enemies... are the occultists, who are found in all environments and situations, and they use the power of the Other Side to achieve their goals. This makes any paranormal event completely unpredictable. The only way to combat this is to fight fire with fire. GM: And when he says that, almost as if it was staged, someone knocks on the door. A: Uh.. can I open it, sir? GM: Yeah, you... You ask that and when you ask, the door opens with speed, appearing, barging into the room, someone who seems to be a... a 15-year-old teenager,
fully tattooed, full of cuts on one arm, and tattoos on the other, with a slightly arrogant look and holding a little book. She has a lot of blood all over her body. She: [huff] ???: Ow, Uh... GM: She looks like that. She passes Arthur. ???: Ow, can I kill this bird? B: No, no! Don't come close to him! (A: Agatha!) Agatha: Oh, Arthur!? Uh... can I kill Jeniffer? A: No. Are you crazy? Aga: I need to... I need to weaken the membrane. Yo, grampa?! GM: Ah, Mr. Verity… He looks like this, kind of frustrated. Mr.
V: Agatha, what's the plan? Aga: I'm almost done. I'm almost able to fragilize the membrane here. I just need a little more animal blood, but there's none. for God's sake, I need some animal blood. GM: The... (B: Why don't you take your own?) Aga: Because I am human. You don't understand, it's very complex. Mr. Verity, for God's sake, I just need a little more, just a little more. I swear this time it will work, you need to trust me. GM: Mr. Verity, he looks kind of frustrated, it's clearly not the first time she's interrupting a
meeting to asking something Mr V: Agatha... I'll talk to you later. Are you sure you're almost there? GM: She says: Agatha: Yes, I just need a little more! Mr. V: So wait for me, in 10 minutes I'll go. Agatha: Okay! Who is she? GM: And she points to Beatrice. B: Beatrice. And this is Orpheu, and you will not get close to him! Aga: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. (F: Yeah!) GM: You hear... (F: You won't.) GM: You hear a big noise coming from behind where she came from and a red light shines from there, she
says: Aga: Oh, what the fuck! GM: And she ran out instantly, and she went back to the room she was in. Triz: OK. E: Gee, Agatha dropped the ball... A: I closed the door that was open. Mr V: [sigh] A: It happens all the time. Mr V: I apologize! (F: She's crazy, Bea.) Mr V: She's quite crazy. I apologize for this event. Uh... B: Don't worry. Mr V: Although she's immature, the work she is doing for us, it's very important to deal with what we are dealing. so, this is what I wanted to talk about
now! Meet... Elizabeth Webber GM: And he puts a picture on the table. One of our most bright agents. Despite having participated in only two missions, she was… she defeated and survived things that few experienced agents didn't even witness. Elizabeth was recently recruiting and training a new agent for Ordo Gustavo Dohmer, a longtime friend of hers Back when they were working in the police. Although she did not keep in touch with any other member of the Ordo, her trainee, Gustavo, constantly kept us updated on her status, when she contacted the research team to acquire information. Apparently,
Elizabeth and Gustavo were in some kind of individual investigation, which is not unusual among our agents. But something happened, Liz and Gustavo had been missing for about 2 weeks. There's not much information, but Elizabeth is experienced enough not to disappear without paranormal involvement. There’s not much more I can say about the case, but I know someone who does. Arthur, lead them to the research room, Kaiser is waiting there! A: Yes, Mr. Verity. Follow me. Mr V: Good luck. E and B: Thank you. F: Thank you, Mr. Verity. GM: Do you get up and leave? You
can narrate what you're doing besides... moving the doll, narration's what matters. (Luis: I'm waiting for Tristan) Luís: I'm waiting for Tristan to go with me. GM: Tristan listens to everything, and you notice when Tristan is near Mr. Verity, he isn't as playful as he used to be with you, he becomes serious and professional. He listens to everything and he says Tr: Ok Mr. Verity, thank you! GM: And he gets up and goes out into the hallway. Guaxi: Yeah, Arthur does it as well, it's a very respectful tone. Is this one right here? (GM: Yes. that's
it, the first one!) F: Tristan, If... GM: Calm down. (Guaxi: Someone's spinning.) GM: Yes, there's someone flying. Triz: Yeah, I think I'm bugged. GM: Yeah, you are...Try to rejoin, try to rejoin, Triz. Your app is bugged, yeah. (Triz: Restart the app?) GM: Try to rejoin because your app is bugged. Triz: OK. GM: Maybe it's your connection. Luis: I want... Kalera: Did they stop? Luis: I'll ask Tristan... (GM: You see Arthur's going through the corridor) into a room with a green light glowing from inside. You hear keyboard typing sounds and laughs inside. Inside this room. Hold
on. Agatha's no longer here. Agatha's here. F: Ah Tristan, if a person as experienced, as.. as Mr. Verity said there has disappeared Why won't we go? Tr: We're going, right? That's the mission. F: But… Do you think it will be alright? Tr: It's just a missing agent, it shouldn't be so... it shouldn't be anything that complex, I think, that's why I even called Beatrice, it may be a good one to.. to show her the job. Finding a missing agent maybe we'll find some creatures on the way and we deal with them well. It won't be
anything big, right? E: We are in this together. F: OK, let's go. I trust you. (E: We help each other.) E: Chill out, Fer. GM: Tristan is following you all. So you enter a room full of computers very dark and completely green. and inside it you see three agents. A black man, with long hair tied up, eating some chips and laughing at his computer. You see a woman wearing a red dress who is sitting in the correct posture. and she's typing and filling in several worksheets and, you see a man standing, waiting for you wearing
a gray jacket. And now I'm going to ask you Calango to describe Kaiser to me. Calango: Uh, man, Kaiser has this long hair that goes up to the middle of his back His eyes is like he's... He's watching a sunset directly, you know? He have his eyes almost closed shut, ok. He has a bag of popcorn in one hand and a comic in the other hand. Kaiser: Ah, uh... K: What's up? (GM: What's the comic about?) Calango: Uh, it has some superheroes and you can read from a distance written 'G Force'. GM: Um... Does anyone
want to roll a Wisdom test to see if you recognize G Force? Guaxi: I want. Luis: I want it too. GM: Go ahead. Guaxi: I'll roll a Wisdom test. Triz: While they're rolling it, please invite me on Steam to join again (Guaxi: Let's go) GM: Just a second, I'll send it. 17? Holy shit. (Kalera: I'll roll too) GM: Hold on. GM: Wait. Triz I sent you. Luis: I got 2. [Guaxi laughs] Kalera: I rolled 9. GM: Ok. Arthur, he recognizes those Force G comics as a group of superheroes at school, and they are living incredible
adventures which one of them is an astronaut with a shield, the other one is a red ghost that crosses walls, and there's Tangatatoa that teleports and… Who else? Calango: The Thunder. GM: The Thunder that uses lightning... GM: There's a whole team of crazy heroes. Guaxi: I arrive, look at the magazine and I .. A: No way, Kaiser, did it a new edition came out? K: It came, it came, Arthur. Uh, this one, in particular, it's so cool, but then we'll talk about it. A: Yeah, they're here, they're here. GM: You arrive then and you see
this... man with a beard, waiting for you. Uh, he has a tired look, like someone who has seen too much. Calango: Ah, I get a lot of popcorn and put it in my mouth. K: So... They told me that you were coming. Be welcome. Ouch! K: I bit my tongue Arthur, I bit it. Guaxi: I turn to laugh at that. K: I bit my tongue. Welcome! (E: Jeez, you're hungry, huh?) K: Welcome. I bit my tongue. Uh, yeah this popcorn tastes We added this seasoning From the kitchen, it tastes amazing. So, anyways. Welcome you all.
E: Thanks. GM: You guys can come, I'll leave you here and that's it. Triz, did you joined properly, can you see? (F: I know you) Triz: It's almost, I'm... I'm... Almost... (GM: Almost?) I believe you, I'll already bring you here. K: Arthur, did talk to Verity? A: Yeah, he just explained the mission to everyone and told us to come. GM: While you are getting near, the guy with the hair tied, he turns back. ???: What's up guys? All good? I'm Samuel, nice to meet you! E: All good here, and you, Samuel? Sam: What's up Erin,
you good? Hey! You are the newbie right? GM: He points to Beatrice. A: Yeah, it's me. (B: Yes.) Samuel: Shut up, Arthur! What’s up? Are you Beatrice? B: Yes, nice to meet you… (Samuel: Pleasure, welcome!) B: Thank you… (E:And that’s Orpheu.) (B: Yeah, this is Orpheu.) Samuel: If ya need anything, just, just talk to me, bro. I’ll do it in a minute. Any issue, just come to me. Samuel: That’s it, fellas! I got to finish some shit here anything ya know where to find me, see ya! GM: And he turns right away… (K: Did you
finish…) GM: He turns, press play on a video, and keeps eating his chips. K: Have you finished C.R.I.S's firmware update? (Samuel: What firmware?) I’m watching a video, man, chill. K: [sighs]. That’s the only thing he does. Calango: Okay, just for context, on my desk, behind me, there’s a lot of polaroid pictures, the small ones. You can see that a lot of those have Arthur on them. Some of them have... have other people too, who appear in a lot of the photos. And there’s a bigger one, in a portrait on the top of the table. it
has an old man with what seems to be a corpse, I’m not sure. GM: And I’ve got it... I’ll place the picture here so we can see how it looks... Calango: Nice. (GM: Here it is...) This is the bigger one. Calango: This is the picture in the big portrait on the table. K: Uhm... Ok, just a sec, Calango: Then I go to my desk, and start to just gather up some papers. K: Uhm... I think I have to pass... (GM: Tristan...) GM: Tristan arrives a little after and says... Tr: Yo, uh.. Kaiser, you have the
case information, right? Liz’s..? K: Uh… Elizabeth. Tr: Yes, yes, yes, right. K: Uhm… Yes. The… It is all registered on C.R.I.S. Uh… And here’re some records of bank deposits. Calango: And I hand the papers to everyone, (GM: Mm-hm.) with information written... K: We have records of some, some of Elizabeth's documents. She did a lot of bank deposits for a company called Fake Estate Agency, uhm, related to a leasing contract or something like that. Uh… And I did some research about this Fake Estate Agency, and... and we discovered some missing people related to this estate agency.
Uhm... So much so that it was already on C.R.I.S, he did it automatically. And an agent, he got interested in that, Gustavo, Gustavo Dohmer. I think Verity talked about him to you. A: He did. (E: He did, yes.) Tr: Yeah. This Gustavo was Elizabeth’s trainee, right? K: Yes, right. He seemed interested in this case for a month or so. Guaxi: I take some of Kaiser's… [giggles] Kaiser's popcorn. Tr: Got it. So we have to find more about this Fake Estate Agency, right? K: Yeah, I think so. Tr: She rented an apartment. So, it would be
a good place to start, I guess. K: Yes, it is. We already have a place to start. And.. we also know that this place has something going on. C.R.I.S almost never fails. GM: When you… When you're talking, you hear the lady who's in the corner, she stands up ???: [gasps] ???: Here it is, here, take it! This Gustavo guy, he.. he was asking me for a lot of information about the Fake Estate Agency. Here it is! GM: She hands you a sheet about.. with a list of some apartments and the related info. Let me just
zoom out to be easier to… Here. A list of several apartments.. ???: Erh, basically, what C.R.I.S recognized in this case, is that... C.R.I.S, by the way, is our Control and Research of Information on the Supernatural. It's an algorithm we developed to... recognize cases in social media, on the internet, news… It's a neural network, that recognizes all this… uhn... all the elements and gather info to build coherent cases, for us. So we don't have to research all by ourselves. He does a great part of our work. It was Kaiser’s idea. GM: You can see she… This
is Letícia. She has a snob look, and she wears glasses. She's wearing a dress… uh, well ironed. She seems to be very organized and methodical, but she has a snooty look, you know? And she goes: Letícia: Here, listen up: this is the last document Gustavo asked me related to this... uh, to this Fake Estate Agency. And apparently, there's an address C.R.I.S recognized, and it had a particular apartment that wouldn't be rented for more than a week, it used to be available again for renting in at least one week. Good luck. GM: And she turns back
and returns to type a lot, on the computer. [keyboard clacking] A: Welp, that’s Letícia... Letícia: What did you say, Arthur? (K: She's acting so weird lately, Arthur.) A: Hi, Letícia. Letícia: Got any problem? A: None. Letícia: Hmm. K: Popcorn, Letícia? Letícia: Shut up, Kaiser. GM: And she returns to type. A: She's mad today. E: Guys, I was taking a look here, and it seems that she was talking about apartment 501. F: 103 too… No, the 103 is every two weeks. Triz: Where can I see this document? GM: It's on Mr. Verity, there. Guaxi: In Mr.
Verity's room, on the right side. Triz: Sorry? GM: The.. paper is… in Mr. Verity's room, right.. (Guaxi: The right side room..) Triz: Great, thanks. Found it. GM: You look at all these apartment numbers and if they are rented or vacant. And there's an address at the end of the sheet, with info of the New Dawn Building. This is their apartment availability report. K: Uh, okay. I think we should start going to this address… You… Oh, have you finished showing them the base, Tristan? Tr: Oh, they saw what they had to see. Actually, uhm, they didn’t
go to Agatha’s room yet. And they didn’t meet Renan, in the lab. We can go… We can show them later too, but we should focus on this first. Let's understand what is going on with Elizabeth and where we have to go. E: Street General Marciano Gonzales, 694. Will I need to blow something up today? Tr: I think we’ll probably have to simply investigate first, hold on. E: Ugh, alright. Not even a door? Tr: I hope... not. F: Mr….Mr. Kaiser, right? (A: Wait, Kaiser.) K: Yes. Calango: I don’t even look at you. I don’t look at
anyone's eyes, actually, I just keep looking down. F: Mr. Kaiser, I wanted to know.. This.. Elizabeth, she was… an Ordo agent very… very renowned apparently, by the way Mr. Verity talked to us. K: Right, yes. She was really good at doing her thing. F: And… I’m afraid that, if she disappeared, isn’t this too risky for us? B: Yeah. And am I… trained for this? (K: Look…) B: It’s a big responsibility.. E: Well, you’re here. (F: You are surely more than I am.) K: What’s your name, mister? B: It’s Beatrice... (F: It’s Fernando.) K: Fernando, Beatrice
and? E: Erin. K: Erin, okay. Uhm… Fernando. (A: Arthur.) K: Right. [holding a laugh] A: [giggling] K: Uh, Fernando, whether you’re an experienced agent or not, the paranormal is unpredictable. It can turn into something bad in the matter of a moment. We are not able to predict these situations. F: I see... K: You can be a newbie… (A: And sometimes..) K: Or you can be experienced. Sometimes it ends up in the same way, regardless of that, right, Arthur? A: Yes, exactly. Also, she maybe was... alone and we don’t really have a lot of info, you
know? But with friends it get easier. Guaxi: And I wink at him, like this. Calango: I get a cigarette and light it up. E: Hol' up, just to get this clear. She bought this apartment, which is being rented and vacant all the time… in less than a week? Or, I don’t know, one week? K: She is trying to rent it, as I understood it. Tr: Or she rented, right? We don’t know. K: Yeah, or she did. But anyway, we know that she, as everyone related who has disappeared is involved with this Fake Estate Agency. So…
we have no choice, we have to go there anyway. B: Mhmm. GM: Uh… When you say that, Letícia, she says… she was listening to you, but she doesn’t even turn around, she just says: Letícia: Yeah… For what Gustavo has asked me, she probably had rented it and he was trying to find out which one of them was her apartment. K: And what did he ask you? Letícia: This list. She probably rented the apartment that was being marked by C.R.I.S. K: Okay. Uhm... Great, so, is everyone ready? We have to get our things. Tr: Wait… Are
you going with us? I thought it would be just our team. I didn’t know you were coming along. A: Yeah. We decided to go. Tr: Wait, you too, Arthur? A: Yes, me and Kaiser. We are going outside for a while, right, Kaiser? K: Yes, just to see how things are going. A: Hey, cigarettes damage your health! You should watch out. Tr: I have never seen you going on a mission. Tr: Why are you going on this one? (Guaxi: I get one of his cigarettes to smoke.) A: Oh… K: I think it's time for us to
leave the base for a while. A: Yeah, leave the base for a while. Tr: Well… Good. I just think we should make up a better plan before we go, right? We have to think what exactly we'll do when we get there. A: Yeah… B: We don’t really know what to expect there actually, right? F: I’ve got a list, that Luciano left for me, of things I need to buy… to buy, to get with Ivete. May I go there? Tr: Yeah, no, I think it’s a good idea for us to pass by there, it is a
great idea. What I was thinking is, we are in a large number, so we should buy some tapwires and maybe part of the team stays in the van, while the other part goes in. 'Cause if we are getting in an apartment, it would be a little suspicious to someone who could be looking, if a lot of people get in, wouldn’t it? K: Yes. And let’s try to make it subtle. I remember that Verity once told that a group... Calango: Then he looks back… Back to a Thiago’s picture, Arthur can see that and he goes: K:
They got in an apartment in a very weird way once and this story didn’t end up good. A: This is a hella crazy story... Tr: Yes. We can (K: I wish I was there to see it.) We can pass by Ivete, buy some earpieces, we can also rent the van for the day and we can organize it nicely. Uh.. maybe, if we find out which one was her apartment, in the entrance hall, we could say we know her or something like that? K: Yes. Leticia said that C.R.I.S. recognized which apartment is, right? Let: C.R.I.S. only
recognized this sheet and marked that there is a specific apartment he didn’t… he didn’t mark which one... (K: Ah, he didn’t mark.) Let: Yes, I think you’ll have to find out. GM: Solve the puzzle, man. Guaxi: Oh no. "Solve the puzzle, man". E: Letícia? What did you say about the apartment being rented and vacant all the time? Let: One week. It was rented for a week, at maximum. A: What now, Kaiser? K: What? I'll finish my popcorn. GM: [laughs] GM: Tristan grabs some popcorn and eats. And says: (A: Gimme some.) (Guaxi: The three of us
starts to eat the popcorn.) Tr: Hmm. You put too much salt. F: Maybe it's really the 501, Erin.. (A: I think he didn't put enough.) E: Yeah, it seems to be the 501. K: Worst case scenario we go to all of them. (F: Do you agree, guys?) A: Hey, Kaiser... Guaxi: I whisper near his ear. K: What? A: Liz would have... ...already solved this puzzle. K: I know. A: Damn man. K: Let’s try, Arthur, let’s try. A: I’m here looking at it. GM: There is five dudes around a paper, all of them are like “Hmm,
which one is the apartment?” F: Guys, I’ll go… I’ll be going. So we don’t waste time, okay? B: Uhum. Tr: You’re- Where are you going? Are you running? Hey, don’t run away, help us solve the case. A: Yeah, man. He was smart, shit. (F: But aren’t we already going?) Tr: Yes, but we don't know which apartment it's. Or are you going there and say: “I want Elizabeth”? That is suspicious as hell. (K: Today is 31st, right?) F: Ah, it is 501! It really seems to be 501. Tr: If so, what’s the plan for when we
get there? K: Maybe I... (F: Oh, but the maximum is one week?) E: I don’t know. Hey, hey, it would be too easy to be 501? Is the one that appears the most. Tr: Oh, it appears the most because it’s being rented and vacant all the time. Exactly. B: I guess I might try to tell them I went to feed her cat, that I am a close friend feeding the cat. Tr: And the rest? (K: Wouldn’t it be better for me and Arthur to do that?) B: I don’t know. I think the doorman doesn't really
know anyone. Maybe I look more like a friend. Tr: We can… Yeah, we can also try to organize a strategy when we get there and recognize the place a little better. So, let’s go to the Weapons Wing, to get some shit and go? (K: Let’s go.) F: Can’t we say it's her birthday and we are throwing a surprise party for her? B: Great idea. K: I think she's tired of birthdays. She kinda had... ...too many birthdays. Tr: Isn’t it too dangerous to mention her? (Guaxi: I poke Kaiser, like this.) K: My bad. Tr: Do we
really want to mention her? A: Yeah, it's better to not mention her. (F: She might have left, right?) K: Ok. Ah. I’ll go first, I’m going to talk to Ivete. Calango: I walk out, with head down, and popcorn in hands. E: Well, guys, I can also say I am looking for an apartment to rent and I wanna take a look. Tr: It’s a good idea, good idea... (A: That's genius.) GM: Great. Tristan keeps up with you. And goes out of the Research Wing. Samuel, when he notice you are leaving, he: Sam: Yo! Nice to meet
ya! Thanks! Anything you need, I’m here! (F: Bye, Samuel.) GM: Then you all leave the Research Wing. And go towards the hall. On the way... Who stayed behind? Who was last? Try to go in order, slowly. (Guaxi: Me, me.) Don’t hurry to move the characters, We are not in a hurry. Who is the last one? Who is the last one? Guaxi: Me. I’m just leaving the room. GM: Ok. When you’re leaving, You… Wait a minute. Oh, here. You see Agatha, coming towards you and: Aga: Hey, hey, Arthur. [whispering] A: What is it? [whispering] Aga: So...
Bro, I need to ask you something. A: Oh no, Agatha, seriously. You won't kill Jeniffer. (GM: You…) Nor Orpheu, nor any other animal around here. Aga: Right. Chill. I won’t. Aga: I won’t kill any other animal, relax. Here’s the deal. The ritual it’s almost ready, can you see? Do you see? Can you feel? Can you feel the mist? A: Oh, I can. GM: You look into the room where she is and you're able.. You see a lot of symblos, you have already seen it before, but I will just describe the room. There’s a lot symbols
in bones, blood, organs. A lot of gemstones, some necklaces with gems and symbols on it. A shelf full of books, with several things. And, there’s a great pedestal in the middle, with a big book open on it with several drawings. Drawn in the middle of the room, around the pedestal, there is a huge occultist symbol. GM: And Agatha spent the last month, trying everything. Rituals, she self-inflicts to try to... to use her pain to try to weaken the Membrane. You know that inside this room, horrible things have already happened that she is tried to do.
As far as Mr. Verity allows. So they can weaken the Membrane enough, to be able to teach rituals to the agents of the Ordo. But so far, she wasn't able to find a middle ground. Either, it is too fragile and too dangerous. Or, it is like now, where it isn’t fragile enough. She comes to you: Aga: Listen, I know you won't let me kill the animals. I understand you keep getting attached to them. You're going on a mission now, right? A: Yeah. Aga: Hear me out. If you find any cursed item, anything related to the
Paranormal. Take it and bring it to me. It can be useful to weaken, even more, the Membrane here. If we gather items that weights on the Membrane, maybe we can… finally transcend in this room. If Mr. Verity allowed me do rougher things here, we would have managed a long time ago. [Mimicking Mr.Verity] But no, you cannot kill. A: Yes, because it is kind of the right thing. Anyway. I’ll see what I can do. If I find anything I will bring it back. Aga: Ask your friends too. A: Okay. Aga: Thanks. A: Don’t worry. Aga: You
look good today. GM: She winks at you. And she goes back to the Wing. (Guaxi: I get embarrassed, nervous and I come back.) GM: She goes back inside. That said... roll... everyone rolls Listen to me, please. To see who heard this. Calango: Me too? I'm there with Ivete. GM: You can... No, you don't. I think you got in first, you can't even- Only if you get an extreme, roll it. Triz: Wow. I got 1 (Luis: I failed.) GM: Great. Beatrice for a moment stopped listening to the universe. Suddenly [piiiiiii]. You know? When you randomly listen
to a [piiii]? It happened to her. Wow, your dices are great, huh? Nobody heard? (Guaxi: Yeah, just now, right?) Guaxi: Oh, you mean it's bad? I understand now. (Luis: Man, I was right beside them!) GM: Okay, nobody hears it. You only see… when you look back, Arthur just finishes saying something to Agatha and comes towards you. F: Arthur? A: What's up? F: Are you a friend of that lunatic? A: Ah, I don't know. I see everyone here as Colleagues, right? So... We have to learn how to live together. E: Don't talk about her like that.
(F: No, I understand.) F: She's- she's helping us, right? But I'm afraid of her, she's a little crazy, right? A: Who doesn't, right? She’s trying to kill my cat, is fucked up! E: But if you think about it, everyone here is crazy, right, man? A: Oh no, I’m completely normal. I'm going to pet my kitten, bye. F: Erin, you know that I am perhaps the most normal guy here. E: Ah, I know well. Absolutely sure. GM: Tristan is arriving at the equipment table. Triz: Okay. GM: Everyone arrives then, and you... are in front of Ivete
at the Weapons counter. She is organizing some things, and she says: Iv: Hey, Tata. Ah... you guys received a mission, right ? E: Right. Iv: Then send the list over, starting with you. GM: And then she points to Erin. Iv: How many grenades this time, Erin? E: Ah, I wanted a…. [tss tsss] I don’t think they’ll let me blow anything up today. I'm sad! We'll want, wiretaps, right? Iv: Well, you are the ones in charge, say what you need and I'll tell you how much it costs. What are you planning to take on the mission?
(E: Well, there's...) Calango: Just a question about the system. On the file, do we have to mark what we're going to take? (GM: What is it?) GM: No, no. You just tell me basically what you’re taking. What’s in your inventory. (Guaxi: Yes, what you wanna take.) B: Tristan. (Calango: Okay.) It is necessary for me to take my crossbow? Or just the switchblade? (Tr: Well, i think...) Tr: You might wanna take it just, just in case. F: Okay, so I have here my list that Lu made... (A: Better to take it.) ThatLu did for me, Ivete.
Iv: What is it, sorry? Fernando, right? Now it’s Fernando, right. (F: Yes.) F: Lu made it for me, here. It's an M4. Iv: Ok. GM: She already takes one out, you can hear the metal noise, she's assembling super fast [tchutchut]. [puuf] She puts the M4 on the table. F: Okay, it's... 3 magazines of 5... It's 5.56 mm, I think it's millimeters, right? Iv: Yes, yes, that’s the ammunition. GM: She is putting out. v: Alright, already there. F: Okay. A glock 17. GM: [tooh] She pulls one. (F: It's 17, right?) F: His handwriting is a little
bad. I want… I don't know why he asked for a chill pill. Iv: This you will have to pick up with Marcela, next door. Medicines isn’t with me. Yes, is with Marcela. (F: With her, there?) F: Okay. Flashlight is with you? Iv: The flashlight is with me, yes, yes. It's already on the rifle. (F: Okay, he asked for a flashlight.) F: And a pocket knife, this one is for me. GM: She get down and take one... GM: She takes one...She gets down... There are several knives in front of her, she pulls a little one and
gives it to you. Iv: Okay, you can all go over the list now, and I'll just put them at the counter. B: Okay, I want a crossbow. Iv: Ooh. B: 8 bolts…a toolbox. GM: She pulls… Iv: This one was already separated for you, I already knew you would want it, Tristan told me. Here. B: Thank you. (GM: And you see her) pulling a very large and beautiful crossbow, with some bolts on the side. B: And a toolbox because maybe we’ll need it to open the apartment's doors. (E: Oof!) B: Uhm, a pocket knife too, just
in case. Iv: Perfect. Next one. (B: Orpheus can carry it.) GM: You already have this one, OK? Next one. Calango: I'm leaning on the desk, smoking a cigarette. While people order, I nudge Arthur and ask: K: Uh... have you heard from him? A: Nothing yet, he's still... we only talk in the groupchat and he hasn't said a thing. K: Right, he… A: I was just going to ask you that, actually. Not now but, like... you know? Like, today. K: Nah, I... I think he will show up, but on his time, Right? as always. A: I
agree. Yeah, he… needs some time too. K: Okay. Uhm... can I ask my stuff, Ivete? Iv: Bring it on! Oh, yours is always organized here. GM: She pulls a backpack, [thump], and puts it down, full of tools and weapons. Iv: You always leave it around, unassisted. There's a locker for you, yeah? Just to remind you tha you have a locker of your own, Ce... Sorry, Kaiser. K: Did they finally fix the locker? Iv: Yeah, you can just... You got the keys already, right? K: Yes, yes, Verity gave them to me. It's fine. Thank you, Ivete!
Iv: You're welcome. Ah, did I miss someone? E: Me! (K: Oh, right, the...) K: The earpieces, are they in the backpack already? Iv: Did you have earpieces in your backpack before? K: Uhm... I don't think so... Right, do you have it? Iv: If you want... How many earpieces do you want? Calango: I start counting, like... [laugh] (B: I think we could take...) What about 3? E: It would be good for... two or three people to get in the house, yeah? (A: I think we are twelve, Kaiser.) Tr: How many people do you think is a
good fit? (F: We are six, Arthur!) A: [Sigh]... I always get these things wrong. K: Well, I think... two, three people getting in is good and the other tree to stay in the van, or two stay in the van... E: I just said that, Kaiser. K: I heard what you said and repeated it. E: Oh, okay then! Tr: I think two people in the van... it looks like a good number. A: I think it's a very good idea, Tristan. Guaxi: I go like... [laughs] GM: [Laughing]. And he goes: Tr: Yeah! GM: He high-fives you… right
in front of Cesar, who is between the two of you. E: Okay, Okay… Bring me that little shotgun, Veve? And that grenade… (GM: She already has it, [gun cocks]) Iv: Could it be this one? GM: And she hands it to you. E: Hell, yeah! Exactly this one, with the drawing on the side and everything. Yeah, could you get me that M67? Uhm... a fragmentation grenade... Iv: Okay… E: Just... Not that I'm going to use it, it's just... Iv: Do you want the parts to do it yourself, as always, or do you... You already have one
there, I can see it. E: Ah, you know I like it, right? Setting it together while we're on our way... Iv: Okay, okay. GM: And she gives you granade parts. Luis: I nudge Arthur and say: (F: She will definitely use it.) [Erin laughs] A: I hope so. E: Oh, I was thinking... I've always used a machete, wouldn't you have a dagger instead, maybe? Iv: Uhm, sure, right. Do you want to buy a new dagger? E: I think so. Iv: Okay, the price of the dagger... GM: She pulls out the price table. Iv: It's... 20. It
is R$20. E: Okay! Is it double? Iv: Double? E: Double dagger,you know... [shing shing] Iv: Uh… E: Got it? Iv: If you want to use two at a time, but you… GM: System-wise, you can only hit once anyway. [Chuckles] E: All right then. Guaxi: Just to look good. GM: Yeah, but you can use two. (Kalera: Yes, dude!) Iv: Perfect. (E: OK, then.) Iv: And how many earpieces do you want? E: Sorry? Iv: How many earpieces for the team? E: Get three for mommy. (F: Is it one for each ear?) Iv: No, an earpiece... is only
one piece, yeah? (E: It's one for each person.) Iv: Why would you want two earpieces? (F: Ok…) Iv: One is good enough. F: Okay, so, I want... I don't want... Do I need that, guys? What do you think? Lu didn't put it on the list. GM: Tristan turns to you... Tr: Yeah, if we want to talk at a distance, we will need the earpiece, right? B: Yeah. E: Who's going in? K: Uhm, I believe that Arthur and I would be good, in case she's there. To see a familiar face, maybe. F: But aren't you the
research guy? B: And I think you two are the most unlikely people to just pass by the doorman. Tr: Well I … K/A: Why? Tr: I volunteer to stay in the van. (B: Visually speaking [giggles].) K: What do you mean by that? (A: "Visually speaking", look at that, Kaiser!) B: It’s nothing personal, it's just a matter of doormen. K: I see... E: She must know a lot of doormen (scoffs). Yo, I can try to get in... (A: Am I...?) I check on myself, in case I stink or... whatever, if I'm ugly. A: Do I look
ugly, Kaiser? F: You smell good Arthur. E: No, you look really good. Come on, Arthur. Look, I think I can try to get in. And... (K: Whatever, it's up to y'all.) Calango: Is there a water filter near Ivete? (E: I don't know.) Iv: Are you thirsty? Triz: No answer, preferably there. K: Uhm... I'm thirsty. GM: Uhm... [laughter] She hands you a glass of water. Calango: Okay, I just need a glass of water, (A: Is it my turn to ask then?) I want to take my meds. [Triz laughs] GM: Oh, okay, got it. She takes a
bottle of water and hands it to you. Iv: Okay. Here you go, Kaiser. Calango: Okay, I get some pills and take it. GM: Oh, what did you take? (E: Veve, is it charged already?) Calango: I took it figuratively. Some meds for my thing... (GM: Okay, it wasn't any item) GM: I got it, i got it. It wasn't any specific item. E: Veve, is it charged already? Iv: Oh, it's all there, it's all there. I already keep yours organized... (E:.Okay) Iv: since you always come here. Actually, only Beatrice that I was unsure of. I still don't
know how many earpieces you need. GM: And then, Tristan he turns and: Tr: Maybe it would be interesting to get a camera right? So people in the van can see too. B: Uhum. F: Okay...? GM: Ivete says: (E: Okay.) Iv: Look, the camera costs R$500, the hidden micro-camera. (A: [Aaughh]) Iv: And... the earpieces cost... R$100 each. F: Okay, I... I want an earpiece too, Ivete. Iv: Okay. B: I think I can buy the camera. (F: I'll just get one.) E: And one earpiece for me. Iv: Okay. Anything else? B: Hmmm. No. (A: I don't think
so.) A: It’s my turn to order now, Ivete. Get ready because it's a big list. I'll want twelve bottles of water, four chewing gums, which two are red, and the other two are blue. Iv: Arthur... A: Okay, just give me the guitar. GM: [Laughing] she looks at you: Iv: Arthur! It's there in the corner, just get it. GM: And she points to your backpack in the corner. A: Okay. Iv: And if you can, buy some rice to take home later. A: Stop, mom! Not here... Iv: We need rice, honey! A: Okay, okay... Iv: Well, that's
it. Ah, here's the key to the van. You will get the van, right? B: Uhum. Iv: The rent it’s R$50 per day. K: Did someone buy the camera? B: I bought it. (A: R$25, for me?) GM: She hands Beatrice two earpieces and a camera. It will cost R$700, and… how much do you want to spend... Beatrice spent R$500 on the camera,and.. who bought the earpiece, spent R$100. The hidden micro-camera occupies 0.5, and the earpiece occupies 0.5 in the inventory. Calango: Well, I had a hidden micro-camera from The Secret in the Forest. GM: Ahhhhh, but it
was another season, another time... (Everyone: [laughter]) Guaxi: It broke on the trip, in the suitcase. GM: These were the old days. (Triz: What is the weight of the item?) GM: 0.5, both the earpiece and the camera. (Kalera: 0.5.) Triz: Okay. K: Oh Arthur, this hidden micro-camera is a more advanced model than the one I had. A: Yeah. The one I accidentally swallowed? B: R$500? K: You swallowed it? Iv: Yeah R$500. (A: I'm sorry,) I thought it was a candy. GM: Okay, did you decrease the money on the sheet? Triz/Luis: Yes. GM: Nice. Kalera: What is
the weight of the dagger? GM: Uhm, the Dagger is 2. GM: A medium knife damage is, (Kalera: Two.) GM: Uhm... 1d4 + 2 + ED, plus an extra dice if you have it. What is your body? It's zero, right? Kalera: What? GM: Ka, what is your character's body? Kalera: What's the body...? Zero. GM: Okay, then it's just a 1d4 + 2 damage. Kalera: Okay. GM: Perfect. Iv: Good luck on the mission, yeah? A: Okay. (B: Thank you, Ivete.) F: Thank you, Ivete (A:I love you [smack].) K: Bye, Ivete! Iv: And be careful, okay, kids? (K:
Bye, Jeniffer.) GM: She says especially to Kaiser and Arthur. A: Always. F: Guys, I'm going to see Marcela quickly, (A: Bye, Jeniffer.) F: To get some medicine... Okay? Real quick. A: Okay. Guaxi: I kinda lie down, like this, on the... desk like this.. (GM: When you arrive...) Marcela is already behind the counter. Marcos, who had arrived before, he's a bit more stabilized and he's surrounded by his friends. Uhm... And this guy has already left. Luis: I'm coming, I'm coming here first. F: Hi, guys, is... uhhh... Is everything okay with Marcos? Marcos: [Aurgh] GM: He is
moaning like this. ???: Oh, it's the same as always, he's... he's fine. ???: Yeah, Luciano is used to it, (F: Okay, then.) ???: if it was him you would see man, he's… Marcos is always like this. F: Yeah, he told me, Erin and Tristan told me too. ???: You are very lucky not going on missions with this asshole. F: Uhm... I hope to, some day. It must be funny. Uhh ... we’re going on a mission now. Get well, okay, guys? ???: Oh, we got this. (F: Goodbye) ???: Smash them. Hey, you have to go to
a concert of ours, yet! F: I know, I owe you this one. (???: Luciano likes it, he likes it...) ???: Yo, we could play together sometime, huh, boss? Would you... Would you like to do it? Do you like heavy metal? (F: Ohh, I...) F: I... I never... I'm not a big fan actually. I prefer MPB, but I... (???: C'mon, but everyone likes metal) If we put you in a.. in a mosh pit, you won't... you will enjoy it, won’t you? F: I’m not gonna lie, I might like it a little… (GM: Roberto turns and…) Roberto:
Oh… C’mon, look. You’ll like it, it’s going to be lit. You can play some guitar, and then jump and kick some ass. It’s really fun. F: When you guys have a concert nearby, if you want, I’ll go. Roberto: C’mon! Leandro: Nice! GM: They got excited with you. F: Bye, guys. Roberto: Big Fernando… (F: Hi, Marcela.) Mar: Hi, sweetie. GM: Marcela, she has… Now that we have extra time for her, Marcela… It’s Marcela... Marcela Geleerd, she always has a tired look. She always has some blood stains, because there are always some fucked up agent coming up
and she has to save their lives. She’s responsible for… she takes care of the medical wing of the Ordo. She’s in the Ordo for not so long, but she has already saved several lives, of several agents, several agents, since the operational base has started. F: Ah… Marcela, Luciano made a list for me and he wrote that I need some calming pills. Mar: Ah… Alright, alright. Let me get it. Ahn.. It’s already paid, right? F: I think so. It’s already paid. Mar: Ok, yeah. Usually… Usually people pay for things previously. GM: Oh… she gets some boxes
and… Mar: Ok. That’s it, will you need something else? Medkit? F: No, no. That’s it. Thank you, Marcela. Mar: Ok, sweetie. Anything you need, I’m here. And be careful in this mission, alright? Take care in the mission! (F: Alright. Take care). F: You can count that I won’t return all fucked up. F: I hope not... (Mar: And tell Luciano to take care!) Cause I know that in crunch time, he gets a little inconsequential... (F: I’ll do it). F: Bye, Marcela. Mar: Bye bye, sweetie. B: Anyone have medkit? Just in case. GM: Beatrice asked. (F: Hi,
guys). GM: Jesus, there’s an annoying noise. Guaxi: Yeah. It was someone else, not me. (GM: Kalera?) Calango: I think it's... It’s raining. (GM: You can hear...) An airplane... Calango: Yeah, an airplane. (GM: Kalera, just… Ok, I think it's over.) No, Kalera, your microphone is with the sensitivity high, I think. Kalera: I didn't change it. (Guaxi: It made a noise,) as it was an airplane passing by and it stopped (GM: It's back, it's back.) F: Guys, seriously, my stomach... (GM: An airplane passed.) Kalera: Want me to low it down? (F: I'm hungry!) Tr: Is everything alright,
Big F? Guaxi: No. Now it's good! Kalera: Alright. (F: Gee,) F: there is anything to eat at the tables? (B: Anyone have a medkit?) Tr: I don't have anything. (K: Ahn...) Tr: I'm not taking medkit, guys... (A: I carry one with me.) A: I always carry one. Guaxi: And I shake the box. (E: What's good, Fer?) Everything good with everyone there? F: Everything is good. Marcos is better already. E: Ah, great. (F: And...) they are all there, you know, talking. Marcos is [grunt], almost dying... Guaxi: I get near Fernando (F: But, it's alright.) A: Is
he really well? Guaxi: I’m looking very serious... (E: Oh, he is almost dying but it's ok.) E: Fine, I got it. F: He’s really well. E: Ah, that’s great. (A: [Sighs]) B: So, let’s go, guys? (A: Well...) Calango: I.. I poke Beatrice, smoking my cigarette. K: Oh.. Beatrice, right? Calango: I don't even look at her, just… (B: Right). K: Oh… cute parrot. All: [laugh] (B: Thank you.) A: It's not a parrot, César, it's a vulture. Guaxi: Then I take the cigarette from his hand and smoke it. K: Can.. Can I pet him? B: Feel free,
feel free. Calango: Ok, I go to pet him, but in the middle of the way I give up and return... K: Oh, forget it. Calango: Then I keep going forward. Tr: Who's... I'll drive! Hey, I'll drive. (A: Here's your cigarette.) GM: And... And Tristan goes ahead. F: We need to know... (GM: Then, he starts… Yes, you can speak.) F: We need to know who's going to stay in the van. Luis: I speak as we go. E: Hey, there’s enough time so i go to the bathroom real quick? A: Oh Erin, bro. Of course, go go.
(GM: Yeah. You're passing by,) and you get near the bathroom. K: Ahn… Arthur? A: Yes? K: I think you should get in the apartment, in case she's there. I think it would be a good thing for her to see you. A: But what if it is not good and she... gets mad at me? K: There's no reason for her to get mad at you. I mean, me, if I was her, I would bother about people I don't know coming up, instead of seeing a familiar face, you know? A: Yeah… Mainly from the Ordo, right? K:
Sure. And you're cuter than me. (A: Yeah...) A: Hey, don't say that. Guaxi: Then, I push him a little. [sniffs] A: You're super cute! (F: Tristan...) F: Why did they stay behind? (K: I'm not!) Tr: Ah, they always stop to talk, you know? F: Hey!) Tr: They have known each other for a long time now. They went on some missions together. E: Hey, I'm back. F: All set? Can we go? A: Everyone peed your respective pee? (Tr: Then let's go.) GM: You all, then, ahn… Do you have anything else to do in the base? Or
do you want... to go directly to the van and go to the mission? Tris: Let's go to the mission. (A: Guys… Just one thing,) Agatha came to me and said that, if we find any… Uhn, ghoulish... objects there, we bring it to her, so she doesn't have to kill any animals. So, for the animals! Guaxi: And I put my hand in the middle, for a high-five. F: For the animals! B: For the animals, for the animals... A: Ok. Then let's go. E: Deal! A: Kaiser's driving. (F: Hold on.) F: Arthur… [inaudível] (Tr: I drive, I
said I'll drive!) A: Uh... A: What did you said? (B: Are we going?) A: Whatcha say, Fernando? (Triz: Can we go?) F: Nevermind. (GM: You don't really have to go…) You don't have to go out physically. (Triz: No. It's not that.) GM: When you decide to leave, we skip… We get in the van and go directly to the place. A: Hey Fernando, say it! Ein! Guaxi: I'm kinda bothering him because he does not want to say it. (Luiz: [laughs]) A: Say it, Fernando! [laughs] (F: No, look.) F: Maybe there comes a moment... in which you'll
need to repeat it to me, ok? A: Alright! Anytime you need, my friend! F: But I… I won't remember it but... just repeat it to me. (A: Ah, you also have a memory problem, just like me.) A: It's alright! (F: Yeah...) I got it, I'll remember you, I think.. (F: Something like that.) Guaxi: Then I wink at him. GM: Tristan, then, keep… Keep going to the Ordo's entrance. He goes to the door, takes the fridge off. You follow him and go to... to the van? Triz: Yes. Kalera: Oh… I just go to Fernando to say…
(Luiz: Yes.) Wait, let me just come closer. (GM: Go for it.) Kalera: Hey! Kalera: Oh... GM: You'll learn how to work it out. (Guaxi: The hang of it.) E: Hey Fernando, be cool. I'm with you. I'm used to it, don't you remember? F: I'm cool with it. E: Fine. It will be fine. (F: Thank you.) GM: Then, you go to… With all your equipment already, all prepared, all briefed for the mission. Elisabeth is gone. The last.. The last evidence leads us to an apartment, where people used to mysteriously... disappear. She rented this apartment for an
unknown reason. You, armed, go there with a whole new team, to this apartment, find out what happened to her. And we'll go to a break now, and when we return, we will be already there, in the van, right in front of... the mysterious building, to officially start the very first mission... of Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. We're back, thank you so much everyone who's watching. Uh... It's been a great experience, I'm very excited. Let's go to [inaudible]. Let me just unmute here. We're back, hello, hello, hello. Is everyone here? Is everyone alright? (Guaxi: What's up?) Kalera: Hey!
GM: Let's go. Oh… Is this one, right? Yeah, this one, it's right. [cutlery noises] There is someone eating a steak. Guaxi: [laughs] GM: What's happening? Guaxi: [Laughs] GM: Let's go. (Guaxi: Triz said "Can I eat?", and I...) You can and then she [eating fast noises and laughs] Triz: I tried to speed up here... (All: [laughs]) [laughs and cutlery noises] GM: So, you drive to the address you found in that document. And you are now facing a building. Oh… ([intelligible noises]) GM: What was that? Calango: Oh… On the way… On the way I am... I am...
I'm reading G Force in the way, and then I say: (GM: Ok.) K: No way! A: What?! What?! Oh no, Tangatatoa died, right, man? Oh... K: No, he peed on the floor. A: Tangatatoa peed in the floor?! K: No, the other man. Anyway. A: Oh boy… K: You have to read this edition later…. (Luiz: [laughs]) Boys: [laughs] Luis: Guilty! (TN: Luis' character in G Force, Adan, did it.) GM: OK. So, you see Cesar talking about the comic he is reading, about a hero who peed on the floor. Triz, may you mute your mic when you
cut the steak? (Guaxi: [laughs]) Triz: Sure.. GM: Thank you. [laugh]. It's kinda loud.. (All: [laughs]) GM: Uh, and... You arrive at a building, which is… it has an old aspect, kinda abandoned. The painting is all faded and actually this whole place... it is... it's kinda weird. The sidewalk and the street... on the way here... they seemed oddly empty. It seems like this part of the city... it doesn't look abandoned, but it looks empty. And this specific building... GM: It has a feeling... a dark feeling related to it. You see a double door that leads to
a lobby, you cannot see what’s inside, but you are right in front of this building. Calango: It's the New Dawn Building? GM: Yes. Exactly. K: OK, guys. Now it's with you guys. K: I guess I'll stay in here. (F: Ok, who goes, who'll stay?) Tr: Ah… I... I... can stay, if it’s not a problem. (F: I…) B: I think it would be good for her to see a familiar face. So... K: Arthur’s going. Calango: I put my hand on his shoulder. Tr: In case of any problem, I can drive. I'm a good driver... You saw
it, right? GM: He drives really well. F: I think that.. Oh.. It will be kinda strange for us to go there with... with rifles...? B: Right, that’s why I was thinking, because of... Erin, who's fully armed with grenades, so I think she also should stay. (K: Ah...) Tr: or we can just hide, right? B: It’s just a suggestion. Or she takes off the grenades. A: You want to put it inside? Guaxi: Then I get the cover, you know… The guitar cover. And when I open it there is just equipment. The glock is here, a lot
of things. And I already got it, put it in the holster. A: If you want, there is some space here. E: Yes… Can be. Kalera: I get it in my hands [muah] E: Here it is. Keep it safely, okay? A: Okay. Guaxi: I look at it and [muah], put it inside the cover. F: I think I will leave the rifle here F: I don’t… Luis: I put in the van’s floor. F: Can I leave it here, Tristan? Tr: You can, but you will go without your gun? F: I will take the glock. I think that
if I take the rifle… How am I going to hide the rifle? Does it fit there, Arthur? GM: His backpack is big... (A: I don’t think so...) GM: So, yeah, (Guaxi: Does it fit?) you will become overloaded. (Guaxi: Cause it’s full of my items already.) A: We can do like… Erin, look, I will get these grenades here... Guaxi: Then I pull a bit of sleve that is tied up and I'll put the grenades there to hide, and I pull it back. A: Is that OK? This way I can get it faster, I don't have to
open the cover for you. A: Erin? Hello? Psh... Guaxi: I poke her. E: Oh… I'm thinking, cause I also have a shotgun, do I leave it here in the van? K: Ah… I think you can leave your things here. If you have something small for protection, like a pistol, a knife... (E: I have my daggers with me.) F: I do. K: Worst case scenario, the ones who stayed in the van go inside with the guns. But I really think you can hold things together. Tr: It's the fifth floor we're going? Tr: Oh Kaiser, we can…
We can run up there with the equipment if we feel some shit going on. First of all, we'll be listening too. K: OK. (E: Good.) Tr: And who's carrying the camera? B: Me. Tr: Great. Oh… Tr: Beatrice, you will be our eyes, then. B: Aham, perfect. E: Me, Bea and Arthur? A: Yes. E: Great. (A: Let's go then?) B: Yup. (E: Let's go!) Tr: Luciano, you'll stay? Fernando… you'll stay? F: Ah… I Think that… Do you want me to go? A: If you wanna come. F: Okay. E: I think you should stay here. E: Yeah,
stay in the van. K: I think it's better for you to stay with us. E: We call you if anything happens. (F: Alright) F: OK. I'll stay here in the van then. I'll be ready for anything. Tr: If that's the case I'll go with you, there's no reason for three people to stay in the van. E: Fine, fine. Alright. B: So come with us, Tristan. (Tr: Let's go.) Tr: I already have my gun, I have my pistol, it's fine. A: Are you sure you can handle it, Tristan? I think you look a little rusty. Tr:
[laugh] Me? Rusty? You are the one who doesn't go on a mission for a month or so. A: Oh, but I am working out and doing crossfit almost every day. B: Do I leave Orpheu here? GM: Oh… Orpheu's not here, right? I'll bring him, just a second. B: Can I leave him in the van or... B: He'll probably go with me. (F: Can he stay with me, Bea?) B: Hmm… Ask him. (GM: Here it is.) GM: All set. Orpheu is here now. (F: I don't think he...) F: You want to take him? Do you think
it's better? B: I think it's better, we are never apart. A: Everything is gonna be fine. (Guaxi: Then I put my hand on his head, to pet.) Tr: Hey! C'mon ... Tr: It's just an apartment, what's the worst thing we can find? A: Yes, let's go then. Tr: We are just… We are just trying to find out what happened with that granny, right? Elizabeth, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. A: Elizabeth. Tr: So, let's go. GM: He presses a button here, and the back door opens, allowing you to leave. A: Hey, Kaiser, bro, get out. Tr: Hey
yo, Kaiser and Fernando, (E: Excuse me...) Tr: ..Anything suspicious going on, warn us! Tr: Who has the wires on? Who has the wiretaps? E: Me! F: Me too! Tr: Wait, you have the wires? Isn't it better for one of us to use it? A: Give it to me. F: Okay then, do you want it? A: Throw it. Luis: I throw it. GM: Arthur, give me a Dexterity test. Guaxi: Yes! (Calango: Oh man.) Guaxi: OK, c'mon. Please dear God, Lord, if you searched me… Holy fuck. [laugh]. GM: Is it a fail? What is the success? Guaxi:
Fail. GM: Fail? Guaxi: Fail, fail. Calango: No, broke the wire. GM: Roll a Luck test. Guaxi: Alright. Man, it will not work I think ... Uhh! Good Success! Eighteen. GM: You are next to a storm drain. The wiretap falls right between two bars and it stays hanging. It almost fell down and you almost lost it, but it hanged. (F: It fell, Arthur?) A: Almost. A:No, it’s here, look. K: Dear God, why did you throw it? F: Ah… cause he asked. A: Oh, Kaiser, bro, relax! (K: Why didn't you hand it?) F: I thought he was
good at it. A: He only says that because he aways throws things in the wrong way for me when I ask him. Tr: Let’s go, this is the building. (K: Okay, let’s go.) GM: He points to the door and right away you can see it… higher up… Ok, I will… each one can Ctrl+X the character and take it up there. Ctrl+X Ctrl+V. Kalera: Ctrl+X? GM: Yeah, Ctrl+X to cut and Ctrl+V to bring him up here. Guaxi: Oh, so cool. GM: Do you see then... F: Ah, Mr. Kaiser... Luis: Oh, sorry. GM: Ah, the group enters
this lobby and you... GM: You see a... A very dirty place with a very abandoned carpet, a half-torn sofa next to it, the walls are very dirty. This place is quite disgusting, and on the side there is a ... on one side there is a little lamp illuminating the whole environment, and on the other there is a concierge who is listening to something on a radio, and he's a very friendly doorman even, to the place he’s working. Guaxi: We can't do it, we do not have permission... (Triz: I can't paste my character here) GM: No?
I'll give the permission, wait. Guaxi: Give it to me. GM: I'm promoting you guys. (Guaxi: Yeeeey.) Guaxi: I think it worked. GM: Now I think it will. (Guaxi: It worked, it worked.) Kalera: Ooh. (GM: Just do it.) Triz: Ctrl+E? (Guaxi and GM: Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V) Triz: Ctrl+V, okay. GM: You see a concierge like humbled, listening to something on the radio. Triz: Ah, I'm going to try to talk to him by rolling a Persuade check. GM: Okay ... Okay, but you are going ... ok ok ok. What are you going to say? Triz: I'm going to
talk… Are we already in the afternoon? GM: Not now, it's still morning ... you just came in like ... it was 09 AM, now it must be 10:30/11AM. Triz: Okay. GM: It’s 11 am now. B: Good morning. How are you? GM: He’s like this. Doorsman: Go Living Pool, gooo. Uhh!!! Doorsman: Hi Hi, yes ma’am, I'm sorry. I was listening to the football game, wassup? Nice to meet you, I'm Josivaldo! B: Pleasure is all my Josivaldo. Is the game good? Josivaldo: Okay, we’re losing, we’re losing, Living Pool is losing. B: No, but it will change, it
will change. Josivaldo: Who do root for? B: For Liverpool, for Liverpool. Josivaldo: What is that? It's Living? Living Pool? B: Yeah, it's so... Josivaldo: Let's go Galo!! (Rooster) B: We came here to visit… (Luis: [cocórocócó]) B: Visiting apartment 501, we are thinking of renting. Do you have the keys? We had already left programmed over the phone. Josivaldo: Did they programmed it? They didn't warn me… Oh my god, they didn't warn me, I'm sorry. I'm kind of lost cus' I was focused on the game, right? It's hard. B: Okay, no problem. Josivaldo: Wait, I have to
talk to the Landlord Sidney to see if he allows it. Did you say that you already booked with the real estate agency? B: Yes, we had already resolved everything with the real estate agency, we left it warned, GM: Roll a Fast Talk check to me. (B: They didn’t speak to you...) or you forgot because of the game. Triz: Okay, let’s go. I have enough of Fast Talk GM: Let's see if this successfully pays off now. GM: Sucess? Triz: 14. GM: It's Good… Regular ? GM: Tell me... (Triz: 14) GM: the kind of success. It appears
below it the kind of success. Triz: It didn't appeared to me. GM: How much do you have? (Triz: Only appeared 14). GM: Oh no, no. You have to click on the skill to roll it. Guaxi: Yeah, not in the dice. GM: It's not in the little dice, the dice is general. You click on the skill name and you automatically roll it. I will consider your 14 (Triz: Yeah.) GM: And I will see here in the table how much... How much do you have in Fast Talk? Triz: Fast Talk, Fast Talk… I'm looking for it, Here,
6. Plus 6. GM: Do you have 6 of Fast Talk? GM: So you got a…. Wait, do you have 6 for Fast Talk? 6 is not much. Triz: I have 6 in Fast Talk and I got 14 on the dice. GM: You failed. Triz: Wow, that's weird. GM: You needed a 16. Luis: Yeah, the hairy one strikes again. (GM: Calm down, I have to confirm if that's right Triz: To be honest, I didn't understand. GM: 6, you need to get a... Regular is 15 or higher. Ah, you got 14. Since you have 6, you need
a 15 or higher. Oh, the calculation, it's an algorithm that makes sense, there's a table in the document that I sent on to you, But...you almost got it but you didn't. Ah, you said what again? Sorry, can you repeat? Triz: I told him that we had already called Triz: and left it booked with the real estate company. GM: But you saw that it didn't even make much difference to him, he... Josivaldo: Ah, I have to see with the Landlord Sidney, give me a second, give me a second. He takes his cell phone, it's a very
cheap cell phone, very simple. And he starts to… it still has little buttons. He sends a message. Josivaldo: Give me a second that ... probably he... he must be going down here to see... and the people behind there are with you? B: Ah, yes, yes. We are together, we plan to live together because we go to the same college. Josivaldo: But the apartment is small, for so many people. B: Yes, but we are poor. We need to stay together. Josivaldo: Ah, the apartment... the rent is great, right? R$ 500... R$ 400 per month is a
bargain, no wonder that so many people are interested for this rent. B: Yeah, yes. It's hard to be Brazilian. GM: He looks at you. Josivaldo: And the bird over there? B: He's always with me, but he's quiet, very domesticated. Josivaldo: Are the people back there shy? (B: You can pet it if you want) E: Sup, sir. Josivaldo: Nice to meet you, Josivaldo. (E: How are you?) A: Hey there, Josivaldo. Josivaldo: Does anyone root for Living Pool? (A: I'm Arthur) A: Hmm... I rooted for it some time ago, when I lived in Minas. But then I
stopped catching up with it. Josivaldo: Great game today, right? A: Yeah. B: Big game, we're gonna win. (E: Who's winning?) Josivaldo: It's 1-0 for them. E: Ah, soon it will turn the score. Is it starting now? Josivaldo: We almost finished the second half. [Sizzling] GM: What is that? Josivaldo: Uh, it must be Landlord Sydney coming out of the bathroom, hey! GM: Then, when you… when he says that, you hear [DING] [Voosh] you see the elevator door opening, and getting out from it... you see a man… with... with a cranky face. He's very big… uh... he's
kind of fat, he's wearing very... dirty, unpleasant rags and he's all dirty too, it looks like, I don't know, mud. You can't recognize exactly by what. GM: Triz, are you very still or did you freeze? Triz: I'm very still GM: Oh no, you really froze, you frozen, wait a second. GM: Calm down, let me... yeah, you froze. (Triz: Ah, OK.) Calango: Well, we can see and hear everything from the van, right? (GM: I reseted it.) GM: You're listening to what... Yes, you're seeing through the eyes of Triz, so you're seeing where she's pointing now, which,
in this case, GM: she's looking at the doormen. (Luis: Can we communicate with them?) GM: You do have a wiretap with a microphone, so yes, you can communicate. But only those with an wire can hear you, which in this case is...? Guaxi: Me. (Luis: Arthur.) GM: Arthur and? Triz: And Erin. (Guaxi: And...) Kalera: And me. GM: And Erin, okay. So only you two can hear the people. F: Umm Mr. Kaiser... Don't you want to look up for who Living Pool is playing against? To start a conversation? K: No problem, umm... Calango: I start looking for
information about Living Pool, some of their players, and who is playing against it. (GM: Roll an Computer Use there.) Calango: Hah, but of course I'm going to roll Computer Use! [Everyone laughs] Calango: I rolled it. GM: You're seeing it on the PC? There is a computer on the van. Calango: Wow, I got 5, bro. But it was regular. GM: Is 5 regular? Damn. Calango: 5 is regular. GM: Uhh, you… you start doing some research and you see that they are in the semi-final, playing against Shellsea. Calango: Shellsea? with double l? (GM: Shellsea, exactly.) GM: You
look up for their striker... the striker... (Calango: Okay.) GM: the striker... their starting player is... (Calango: Rabimar, Rabimar.) GM: Their starting player is Zodani. Calango: Zodani, alright. Luis: Okay, so... K: Hey guys, are you listening to me? A: Hey! Guaxi: I turn around. K: Living Pool is playing against Shellsea, and their striker is called... Calango: What is his name again? GM: Zodani. K: Zodani, Zodani is the striker's name. Start a conversation with the guy. A: Hey, is Zodani playing well today? Josivaldo: Ah, so you root for them?! GM: When you say that, (A: Ah, I
know some stuff.) GM: The... the man who left the elevator comes towards the gate and says: ???: Shut up Josivaldo. Who are you? Josivaldo: Sorry, sorry Sidney, sorry. (B: We came to…) Josivaldo: They came here to visit the apartment… what apartment did you come from? B: 501. Josivaldo: 501, Mr. Sidney. They said they had an appointment with the real estate agency. Sidney: There was an appointment? I work for the estate agency and… they didn't make an appointment. Who are you? B: Uhm, my name is Beatrice, and we are here because we want to rent it,
because we are going to study somewhere nearby. Sidney: How old are you? B: I'm 23 already. Sidney: And the people back there have... (E: 20) Sydney: Studying what? B: Umm... I'm a photographer in my spare time and we're doing engineering. (Sidney: Photography?) Sidney: ...Huh ...And engineering? Sidney: And who's going to study engineering (B: Uh-huh.) Sidney: while living in a fucked-up building like this? B: Indeed, because we invest everything in our studies, got it? It's our first investment. GM: Roll Fast Talk again. Or not. You can roll Persuade, actually. GM: You're more persuading than fast talking.
(Triz: Yeah.) Triz: Let's go. Let me find Persuade here. E: Yeah, the equipment is quite expensive, you know? K: Hey there, Fernando. F: Yes? K: I had an idea. K: Maybe if... (F: Hm?) K: if we call the building and talk to the doorman, K: could you impersonate the estate agency? (T:12.) GM: What is it, Regular? Good? Triz: It's not showing up for me. (F: I can try.) Triz: And I'm selecting the skill down there. GM: Try to press F5. Ctrl+F5, hold Ctrl+F5. GM: Hold Ctrl and then F5. (Triz: OK.) Guaxi: Wait, but are you…
are you selecting and clicking on the D20 or are you clicking on the name? Guaxi: Click on the little skill name. (GM: Click on the skill's name.) GM: That it will roll and appear on your screen. (Guaxi: It's not selecting, just click on the name.) Triz: Ah, it was it. (GM: Ah, good.) Triz: I've failed. (GM: No, but now...) GM: Roll again, you had a 14, right? Triz: Okay. Mhm. Guaxi: Roll until you get 14. (GM: Yeah.) Triz: Roll until I get 14? (GM: No, no, you don't have to.) Triz: I really need to fail,
right? GM: How much... how much do you have? I'll check again for you. How much Persuade do you have? Triz: Uhh... Persuade... I have 6. Triz: Sorry, I was rolling Fast Talk, I was rolling Fast Talk. (GM: It's 6...) GM: Was it a failure? Triz: It was a failure. (GM: It's fine.) GM: Ah, proceeding then, you... you... GM: He's clearly have a cranky face, (Triz: I tried) he has... you feel his breath from a distance, you're almost three meters away and you can feel his breath, he's a very disgusting guy. And he says... Sidney: Eh,
students, right? So you want... Never mind, I'm on a good mood. Josivaldo? Josivaldo: Ahm? Sorry l... lan... landlord... [Stuttering] Sidney: Open this shit. Ehh, you have ten minutes. GM: The gate opens [pssshh] Sidney: You have ten minutes, and then you go here and hand me the key, I have more to do. Sidney: Josivaldo, if they don't (B: Okay, thanks.) come down in ten minutes, give me a call. Sidney: What's the apartment? 501? Sidney: Ah, the 501... (B: It is.) Sidney: Ah, I live next to it, in the apartment next door. If you hear a lot
of noise coming from the apartment next door, it's because of my aunt, hellish as fuck. A: Okay. B: Alright. GM: He passes by you... and, and stays at the entrance. Sidney: I have to tell you something, Josivaldo. Josivaldo: Ah, what happened, landlord ? GM: The gate closes behind you. [Gate closes] Triz: Can I roll a Listen? Kalera: Didn't Tristan come up? (Guaxi: Huh, Tristan didn't go.) GM: Ah, Tristan went with them, sorry, Tristan went with them. There's a lot of characters for me to keep track. Guaxi: Yes, yes, yes. GM: Ah... you arrive at the
elevator then. Do you stay here to listen? Triz: I wanted to roll Listen. (GM: Let me see.) GM: He realizes that you stayed and he... looks at you. Sidney: What are you looking at? Don't you have an apartment to take a look? B: It was the game, I was entertained with the game, it's because I also root for the Living Pool. Josivaldo: Oh, really? GM: Josivaldo looks at you. Josivaldo: They just... they just tied, it's 1-1, it's 1-1! [shout of happiness] B: See? That's what I was seeing, bro! GM: You realizes that he looks at
Landlord Sidney... (B: We're… Go get them! go get them!) GM: And he frowns again. Josivaldo: What was it, Landlord? GM: Then Landlord Sydney arrives and begins to whisper... something to him. You can try to roll a Listen. Triz: OK. Hmm… There. Fail, damn. GM: Okay, you can't. You see... (Triz: I'm a failure, dude.) GM: you see them whispering from a distance but you can't hear it. GM: You press the elevator button... (Triz: I can't even play Tetris.) and it opens... and it seems to be one of those very old elevators. It's limit is four people.
Tristan enters. A: How lucky we are! Four people... GM: When you're entering... (A: And we're four.) GM: Sidney gives a shout. Sidney: Hey, girl with the bird. B: Yes? Sidney: You can't live with animals here. Just to let you know. B: Alright, alright. It's okay for him to go with me on the visitation? Sidney: Now it's already in, whatever. GM: You all get inside... in the... elevator, and you realize that the entire building has six floors... and the button to the parking lot is pulled out. A: This building looks old, look. K: Are you guys
all right? B: Yes. Triz: I can't hear it, right? GM: Everyone's in the elevator. (Guaxi: Yeah.) GM: Tristan, he... keeps looking at Arthur… E: It's fine, we're in the elevator. (Tr: Are you not pressing the button?) A: Ah... did you press the button? Or not? E: The closest is you, Arthur... (Tr: You're the one next to the button!) A: Oh no, I just asked. Okay, I'll press it. It's 5 right? [nervous sighs] E: Yes! A: I click it. GM: You click it... (F: Kaiser?) GM: And the door's closing. And when the door is about to
close [corrgh] the wiretap cuts out signal. Calango: Oh my God. GM: And you... you guys... you know that elevator that goes [bump] out of nowhere? To start going up? All of you go “jeez”, get scared as hell, it looks like the elevator is about to fall, it's too old, it's like… this whole building looks like it's going to fall apart at any moment. Calango: Did the camera lose its signal too? GM: Yes, everything lost wireless signal. Calango: Ooooh my God... GM: You start to go up the elevator and in the meantime... (Luis: Can I speak
to Kaiser quickly?) E: Oh and this… F: Kaiser, you... you can't... (E: this button of…) F: Search there... ? Like, I don't know, you're the one who messes with this computer stuff, hacking and such... to know who's, I don't know... secretary from… from the Real Estate? K: But what for? F: I don’t know, maybe buy some time in case they need it. K: Ah… I don’t know, I think they already got in. I think everything is okay. F: Ah… K: Fernando? (E: Hey, guys...) GM: Fernando? (E: Why is...) K: Fernando? Talk to me! (Kalera: Damn,
it’s frozen.) GM: Fernando? Meanwhile, in the building, you can all press CTRL + X on your characters and go a little bit to the left, to the new elevator. Here. E: This button right there… (Guaxi: It’s very dark in here.) Kalera: Ih, I got it wrong. Guaxi: I only came because of Tristan; I didn’t even see where the elevator was. E: Do you think we’ll have time to go to the parking lot later? (GM: And didn’t Luis really died in the first episode?) GM: They guys weren’t kidding, man. (Guaxi: Damn.) GM: The door opens and
you see yourselves facing two apartments… Tristan should be, thank you. You see yourselves in front of three doors, one has 501 written in it, the other one has 502 written. Both are wooden doors and there’s another metal door to the right. Calango: The sign from the camera is back? GM: When they leave the elevator the sign on the camera gets back, but it’s a little worse, you can barely see. B: Do you think it might be interesting for them to make a mapping from the building? To see if there is in fact a… On the
blueprints… A garage? A parking lot? Ask them to do it from the van? Or do you think it’s unnecessary? A: I can try. Cesar! [whispering] (GM: Careful not to be...) (GM: ..on the light.) A: I mean, Kaiser! [whispering] E: Well, but if there’s a button and it was ripped off, it must have a parking lot, right? K: Hi, hello. (A: Kaiser…) Guaxi: He’s hearing me alright now, right? Or is it cutting off? (GM: Yes, yes..) GM: You can communicate, you can communicate. Guaxi: Okay. (A: Kaiser.) A: ahn… Can you see the blueprint of this building?
To see if there’s something on the parking lot, something like this. Because we… The button for the parking lot is broken on the elevator. K: Ah… I really doubt that there’s gonna be something about an old building like this on the internet, but I can search it. A: It’s better to search for it, just to be sure. K: Okay. Calango: I’ll search the blueprint of the building. GM: Luciano… Sorry, Fernando, he looks at you. F: Can’t we just look to see if there’s a gate? (GM: He then gets out of the van, like this, and
look) F: There’s a gate for the parking lot here, but it’s closed. B: Hm, okay. This metal door probably must take, through the stairs to the parking lot. If you want to see this later, I think the priority is really the apartment A: Yes, exactly. (E: Yeah, alright.) A: The priority is for us to find agent Elizabeth, then we see if there’s something else. (E: Ok.) Tr: Wait a sec, did we get the key? B: They gave us; he gave the key. Tr: To you? Triz: I deduced so, because he said “here’s the key, go
on, you have ten minutes”. Tr: So, where is it? B: Right here, in my hand. Tr: Go on then, go on. (K: Hey, guys...) K: If you wanted to know if there’s a garage, there is [laughter], I saw it from here. B: Ok, nice. A: Affirmative. E: Meanwhile, couldn’t they try to get inside the garage? GM: Big F; Big F is back, hello? (A: From the outside, right?) E: Yes, from the outside. Luis: My PC got blue screen, sorry. GM: Wait a second, your sound is… Guaxi: Your sound is… Luis: Sorry; right, okay. (GM: Nice,
nice.) Triz: How do I get in? Because I’m in the absolute dark, like, I’m nowhere. (GM: So, wait, wait.) GM: You will… You put the key in; it’s a kinda old and rusty key, in the 501. You [creck] unlock it and [door squeaking] you start to open the door and you find an apartment, very well lit, really organized, with an old TV, the furniture is kinda old. What you realize is… It seems like, if Liz rented it, she rented it furnished. The smell inside of it is kinda moldy, giving it an air of abandonment, even
bigger to the apartment. Triz: Right. GM: Tristan walks in with you and says: Tr: We got here. GM: You see this… A green couch, this carpet, some frames kinda… Seems like hotel arts, some very generic frames and a table a little bit further with some papers thrown on top of it. A: Ok, right. Apparently there’s nothing to it, now it’s time to search for the little things, right? Let’s go. (B: We’ll take a look on these papers?) E: Yes, there’s some papers on the table. A: Right, I’ll take a look on this bookshelf here. GM:
You go to this bookshelf and see lots of books of… You see lots of fiction books, many from an author called Daniel. Guaxi: But nothing else. Can I try to roll a Finding? GM: You can roll a Finding, yes. Guaxi: Yes, my friend, I’ll roll it. Yes, good success. GM: Nice, you… You take a quick look. You see lots of History books, some of Geography. It looks like basic teaching books, from high school maybe, and some other books. You see lots of books you’d find on the popular section from a library, including “Between the Horse
and the Wolf”, by Daniel Hartmann, and also… Yes, that’s all actually. A: Ok, guys, there’s nothing big on this bookshelf here. Triz: Right here on this corner here, there are some drawers? A bookshelf? (GM: Ah… You) GM: So, wait. Erin went here. Erin, on the table you see two papers… Kalera: Uhum. GM: And both are from the same diary, they are from a notebook and are ripped pages, written by hand. E: Here, guys, there are two papers. It seems there are somethings written by someone, ah... GM: You pick up both of these papers, here. Let
me diminish to make it easier to read, then you just zoom in and click the mouse middle button if needed. Ops, I shrunk Erin as well. (B: Arthur, would you) B: be able to recognize Liz’s handwriting? GM: Ah… Let’s go, Erin got both of these papers. E: Ah… There are two papers written here, it seems to be a part of a journal. “Guto, if you’re reading this, it’s already too late. Take all of my notes about this damn deconjuration and burn everything…” Kalera: Get the hand out. E: “Don’t come after me, run away from this
building right away! By now, they must be getting closer already. Run!” “There’s an organized pattern. The paranormal events around the city over the last years aren’t random, it is as if someone were orchestrating each of the events in sequence…” Kalera: Get the hand out, please. Guaxi: Who’s with the hand? E: “Every case has different entities and occultists, but all of them seem to point or answer to something superior... Even the ones I investigated. My first case, Leonardo Gomes’s death…” Wait a second, Leonardo? “And then, my first mission at the school that went on fire. And
then, the case of Holy Cradle. The same group is behind all of this.” A: Okay. Guaxi: I go like this, kinda serious towards the papers, I look with a straight face, and I… K: It was Liz who wrote this, Arthur. (A: It must be Liz’s.) A: Yeah, I know, Kaiser. But what’s the meaning of all of this? E: Wait, wait. Ahn… Fernando? F: Yeah? (E: Leonardo Gomes) isn’t he... isn’t he the guy that we investigated a while back? F: It was him. (E: Ah… I…) E: Ah, okay. What I know about Leonardo Gomes is that
he was a well-known occultist and had a lot of contacts. A: Ok. E: And he, he’s in the bag already. A: Yeah, we… I know very well about the Holy Cradle as well; this place is gone as well. But anyway, let’s keep looking, then we discuss everything we searched. Guaxi: I’ll save these papers. GM: Nice. You can save these papers to get later if you want, just click with the right button and save object. Then we can delete it later or put up here on an area there isn’t being used, like up here. E: Was
it Liz who wrote this? A: Yes, I’m sure it was. If it wasn’t, it’s very similar to her. GM: When you get to this angle here, Erin, you can see the rest of the corridor, and you see a corridor that apparently leads to the kitchen. E: Ah, guys? I’ll take a look here on the kitchen, does anyone want to come with me? GM: Increase your size a little bit, because I shrunk you. (B: It can be me.) GM: On your right, there’s a door, a light panel as well, next to the bathroom door. E: Ah…
There’s a door here, well… GM: I’ve already spoiled that it’s the bathroom, but that’s okay. Let’s say it was ajar and when you passed by, you saw it was a bathroom. Kalera: Okay. E: There’s… The light from the bathroom is on here. GM: Arthur. Guaxi: Yeah? GM: Did you check if you closed the door? Guaxi: No, because the last one to go through was Tristan. GM: You feel weird. There’s someone looking at you. Guaxi: I look at the door right away. GM: There’s a crack and there’s someone looking at you. A: Tristan. [whispering] Tr: What?
GM: He was back there, looking at the letters. Tr: What? Guaxi: Right, I put my hand on my glock already. But I don’t pull, I just put the hand on the holster, you know? GM: Ok. Guaxi: I come here. (Tr: What was that, Arthur? [whispering]) Guaxi: I stay like this, with my eyes... To the door. GM: When you look at the door again... It's closed. K: Arthur? Tr: What was it? A: That's odd. I'm sure I saw a crack on the door and something was staring me. Tr: Are you okay? A: I don't know. B:
Is it really locked or just closed? Tr: What are you talking about? B: The door. GM: No, wait a sec, are you asking as Beatrice or as a player? Triz: As Beatrice. GM: Ah, okay. But... But why are you asking this? Arthur... E: What's going on there? Triz: Because it could only be closed and not locked. (GM: The door is closed.) The door is closed, like, it was closed (Triz: Alright, ok.) Triz: Can I try to roll a Finding in the entire room? GM: You can roll a Finding, yeah. But you see that all the
furniture is pretty empty, There's no need to roll a Finding, you know there's nothing. Everything is very open in this room, especially because there are not a lot of places to hide things. Triz: It's just that I thought to look under the rug that has a raised edge. GM: Ah, no. You take a look under, and you see only dust, there's nothing. A: Isn't better to close the door? Or lock it, I don't know. Tr: The door is closed, what are you talking, Arthur? A: Lock it, lock it... Ah, just to... I don't know. Yesterday,
I watched a movie, you know? Today is Halloween and all, I watched a movie and I'm kinda scared B: I throw the key for him. (Tr: Did you see someone at the door?) A: I... I'm pretty sure I saw someone, but... (GM: Do you have the gun in your hand?) Guaxi: I'm holding it in my hand... On my... It's in my hand, but I'm not poiting to anyone. (GM: Ah, okay.) GM: Tristan saw that you're a little agitated, A little weird, and he grabs his gun as well You see it's also a silenced glock, and
he says: Tr: Bro, did you see someone at the door? [whispering] A: I'm sure I saw someone looking at me, But the I looked again, and it closed. I mean, it was closed, right, the door, but I'm not sure if it was. (Tr: Give me cover, give me cover.) GM: And he leans on the door. He leans on the side of the wall, like this. He goes to open the door handle [thuck] He opens very quickly... And there's nothing A: Okay... Nothing? Tr: Nothing. Is there something? Did you see something? Did you hear anything? A:
No, no. It must be me... It must be this thing with Elizabeth, you know. Tr: Well... GM: While this was happening. Erin was here a little further, exploring the rest of the house. GM: You take a quick look through the crack on the bathroom, like this, You see there's only a normal bathroom. Going forward through the kitchen... I'm feeling there's something... There, I don't know why this was happening. You... you look, and it's a very simple kitchen, there isn't dishes or anything, it's completely empty. But something gets your attention. There is a chair pointing to
the wall for some reason, on the other side of the kitchen. And there are two doors down here, that takes to closed rooms. E: Guys, come here, real quick. There's a chair pointing to the wall, and I'm thinking this is really weird. By the way, there are clothes here, looks like someone left the clothes or they were used recently GM: Can you... You can always... (A: I lock the door.) GM: I'm gonna ask you, before you move your figure, say were you are going, so we can have an idea, for me, For example, in case
something happens. Because if it goes in real time, everybody moving, I may lose the notion of space. So always speak like: "Ah, I'm going to the chair", and then take you figure So we can have a little control over this. Calango: Oh, can I choose which bug to speak on? Like, can I speak with only one specific person? (GM: Yes, you can.) Calango: So, I'll talk to Arthur GM: Let's pull you both here. Get into the other room down here. Guaxi: Ok. GM: Luciano... Luis as well, nice. K: Arthur? A: Yes, Ces... Kaiser. K: We
already know that there's something weird with this place C.R.I.S barely makes a mistake, we know this. So this place has something weird. If you felt something... It's better for you to watch out. A: I know, I'm feeling it. I'm more concerned about where is Liz than what can happen with me here. K: Stay always ready, Arthur. (F: Ah... Arthur, you-) - Do you think it's better if we get up there? (K: Tristan...) A: No, no. Stay here, stay here. K: Tristan didn't seem to be taking it so seriously. He just took it when he opened
the door, but If there something wrong, you should keep an eye out. A: I'm going to lock the door anyway, I got a little scared here. K: Okay. A: Okay. Guaxi: Okay. Calango: Can we go back? (Guaxi: Let's go back) GM: Okay, let's go back upstairs. GM: I can't believe you said that man, I thought it was absurd that you said that. Calango: Ooh… (GM: Right…) Arthur was talking to Cesar near the door, Tristan had already arrived in the kitchen along with Erin and… with Beatrice. Beatrice... when you get around here, Orpheu, he just… Oh,
I remembered why I did that… He just comes here and lands on top of the fridge. Triz: Okay. Ahm... there are two things I want to do, but I don't know which one I should do first, I… I think I'll check the fridge first. GM: Okay. So you go to the fridge, and what do you do? Triz: I'll open it! GM: You open the fridge and it's completely empty. Triz: The freezer too. GM: Opening the freezer… same thing, empty. Triz: Hmm, okay so I'll want to sit in the chair and have a Listen. GM: Okay.
When you sit in the chair you notice that, in front of it, there is a hole The chair is... (Triz: Okay) GM: Right where the chair is, there is a hole in the wall. Triz: Uhum. I'll try to peek through the hole. GMr: You put the eye…. in the hole, and you see a room with a lot of blood and pieces of people on a table. It appears to be the apartment next door. Triz: Ahm... I'll let everyone know, obviously. I'll… turn around. GM: Give me a Sanity check please! (Triz: Ok) GM: At the time...
you weren't expecting... (Triz: I was thinking about doing this) GM: you weren't expecting this (Guaxi: The first of many) Luis: The first we never forget. Triz: I got 20, bro. GM: I can't believe it, man! You passed... Guaxi: Hairy got screwed, hooray! Triz: I'm going to turn around and say… B: My god in heaven, there is a room here full of blood, full of body parts. (A: Shh shh) A: Bea! [whispering] If you're talking about the hole there... they can hear who's there too. B: There's no one alive here! GM: Give it a Listen check
(E: Are you sure?) GM: everyone, actually... A: Yeah, but that's what it is, what is... bad. Let me see it. GM: Let me see something. Uh... wait… okay, I'm going to ask everyone to roll a Listen check. Guaxi: Okay... oh no. Luis: Wait, except me and the Kaiser right? GM: Yes! Only who's here. Guaxi: Ah, I failed. Triz: I failed too. Kalera: I failed. GM: Okay. GM: You don't listen to anything at all. (Luis: Failed...) B: Tristan, are you up for it? (GM: And you can't act...) GM: because I asked for a listen, GM: just
to let you know, this is metagaming. Guaxi: Uhum GM: So there really isn't anyone in there. Triz: And Tristan doesn't feel like trying to roll a Listen check too? GM: I rolled for him. Triz: Hm. GM: And he's... he's not near you. GM: He's checking, he's opening the cabinets, looking at drawers, and it's all empty, there's a drawer with... everyone hears cutlery like that, but there's nothing. Guaxi: Okay, I want to look through the hole too, to... to take a look. GM: You look into the hole and you see exactly the same vision, sanity check,
not really... yes, Sanity check, yes. Ah, you get scared and you see blood, bloodstains GM: and... pieces of people on the floor... (Guaxi: He wants to kill me.) Guaxi: Success, hmmm... GM: Normal success? Guaxi: It's just success written. (GM: It's ok, that's right,) you got it, congratulations. F: Ah Kaiser, don't you think it's better to ask- (Guaxi: Thanks my friend) F: For Bea to put the camera there? Can't we get some information from here? Triz: I'll put the camera through the hole. Luis: Bea doesn't have a bug, right? GM: You put the camera on and…
the guys down there can't see anything, it's completely dark for them. A: Yeah, oh, we found it now, but it still has.. I think there are still two rooms in this apartment, it's good to be... prepared. Guaxi: And I start taking Erin's grenades A: Here Erin, take it here, I don't care. (E: huhuhu) A: After seeing such a thing... fuck it too, here, oh, take it. E: Want to blow up a little wall? A: No, not now. Calm! (B: No Arthur,I think this...) I think this is the neighbour's wall. (E: Ah) B: I have the
toolbox, we could try to break into it. A: He doesn't... The guy there, the... The... What's the name... The... A: The one that let us come here… (B: The janitor,) A: Didn't he said it was his house? Exactly! (B: he said it was his aunt's house.) (B: Uhum) K: Guys, I don't want to despair of you but time may be running out. A: It's true, we have very little time, let's go (E: Ah,) E: we still have two rooms to see. A: Okay (E: Anyway!) B: I think we could split up. (A: Let's go then.)
A: Okay, want how? B: I can go with Tristan (GM: Tristan he's just-) Tr: Yeah, uh… A: Come on then Erin (Tr: Yeah let's check the rooms,) Tr: come on, come on, we can't waste time. What did you see on the wall you were talking about? A: Blood, a lot of blood and dead people. Tr: In the other… in the apartment next door? E: Mm-hmm (B: Body pieces on the table.) B: Orpheu, don't you want to stay here on my shoulder? (Tr: So get the gun) A: It's already in hands Tr: OK. (E: It's at
the... janitor's mother's house...) GM: Uh, Kalera, you're flying... (E: Landlord's.) GM: You're flying. Put the weight there again, lower everything down. Kalera: It's already there. (GM: No, because you were flying.) Kalera: It's already there. GM: Try moving it now. GM: No, in your... (Kalera: It's right.) GM: Oh, it's OK, now it's right. (Guaxi: Yeah, okay.) A: Come here, Erin, here. You and me here. Tr: At the same time, at the same time, at the same time. A: Okay, wait then. A: Okay then... Okay then, let's go. GM: Oh, Bea... just so you don't need to
drag Orpheu everywhere... He'll always land somewhere close to where you are, when it's in casual... Triz: Nice, Ok. (GM: Situations like that., of exploration.) A: Okay, do you want me to kick the door and you get aimed with your gun? What do you want? B: I have some tools here, in case you want to be quiet. A: Oh I do too, but making noise is cool. E: But let's see if the door is open. (Tr: But it's just a bedroom door.) A: It's true, let's open it. (GM: And Tristan opens the door.) He already opens
the door. A: It's because I have a... Some friends who have problems with doors, and I ended up getting this trauma. Tr: Everyone has a door problem, apparently! GM: Tristan goes... And what you see is just really a bedroom. It's... ordinary, with a double bed, And a desk with a lamp and another one with a few things. The other room has an office, With many... With a table full of documents And papers on top of it. You can already recognize some newspaper clippings and an open diary. Let's do it by steps. Let's start first with
Arthur and Erin, In the room on the right. A: Oh no, Erin, look at that, bro... (E: Jeez.) A: More words. (E: That's a lot!) Did Liz write more stuff? A: Oh, absolutely! I've never seen anyone enjoy writing so much. GM: Arthur, as soon as you look at it, One of the things that catches your attention right away It's a document you've seen before. But it has some notes made in it. The documents are too big. (Kalera: He's shrunk.) GM: Yeah, it's little Arthur, the lil’ Arthur. I'll drag him again, sorry. (Guaxi: I'm small.) GM:
I made him smaller by accident. Guaxi: Real size. (GM: I made the documents too big, I didn't realize that.) I'll improve this for next session. (Luis: I loved this art, real size Arthur) GM: Wait a minute. [Laughter] I'll drag... I'll drag the document... Uh, I'll drag Arthur again, sorry. Done. (Kalera: Arthur is the Ant Man.) GM: Here. Um, you see... (Guaxi: He is my baby one.) GM: This document that you have seen before, But only it has some specific markings on it. A: I've seen it before, Erin... Kaiser! GM: Kaiser went to the bathroom. E:
Where did you see it? F: He went... He went to pee outside of the van. (A: Oh, it's true, OK.) GM: Yeah, Fernando says that. (A: I'll talk to him later then.) Let me know when he's back. Um... He's there... (F: OK. He...) A: I can hear him. F: Wait, he just opened the door here. Oh... A: What was that sound? [Laughs] F: It’s nothing, he opened the van door. A: Okay, anyway, Erin, it was from a previous mission we went and... (F: Um... Kaiser!) A: It’s just that it has a little more detail here.
(K: Hi.) I went to... I went to that bush right there because I took too much... Energy drinks before I came. (F: We know.) A: Kaiser, check out these papers that we found. “Following the Decojuration Order, this file records the archaeological expedition, led by Eva Van Gloss, in ruins..." It's the same paper we saw that time, but with a few extra things. K: Oh no, Eva Van Gloss again? A: Yeah bro, my god. At the end here is written: "Deconjuration determinations are to continue with independent studies Around the Spiral Symbol until relevant information is obtained."
Oh man, again, Kaiser. GM: And on it's side there's a picture. E: But again what? Explain it to me, man. A: It's just that we don't have much time, but it's a previous mission we went on And that... well, we ended up discovering these things. Liz, she... I don't know if you know, she went with us And then, anyway... That's why Kaiser and I decided to come, actually, Because we're friends with her And all that. But I didn't know I was gonna have to visit this again. GM: Um, next to this photo is her diary,
And this diary has some drawings And some sketches... I'm shrinking Arthur again, sorry. I've shrunk them both now. GM: Every time I have to... Bro, these papers are (Guaxi: Keep him small.) GM: too big for the map. Okay. But basically you find this diary with several drawings and sketches By Liz, trying to understand, probably, what's going on. A: Okay. Now there's a... Guaxi: I'm telling Kaiser, OK? A: There's a paper here now, with that symbol... (Kalera: I can hear, right?) Guaxi: Of course, you're by my side, right? (Kalera: Oh, right.) A: Um... with that symbol
from Holy Cradle, that we found. (GM: You can read the document out loud.) Guaxi: Okay. A: Do you wanna read, Erin? Your voice is good for reading. E: Oh, great. “Is each symbol a letter? A word? Is that even a language? What is Deconjuration? A group? A creature? A ritual? I must stop them. For those who live. For those who died. For... Joui. For Thiago. For my mother. The killing must stop.” GM: And besides, I'm gonna drag you... (K: What's she talking about?) E: I didn't understand a thing. A: I have a bad feeling, Kaiser.
GM: I'm dragging... Arthur and Erin again. Guaxi: Ah, I think we have the Ctrl V, right? GM: That's true. You can Ctrl V, it's true, it's easier, actually. Guaxi: Let’s go, my friend GM: And along with that, she's got a lot of newspaper shreds This is clearly a very Liz-like scene that you know, Arthur. She was an... She was an investigative agent and she Put together several pieces... of... news and... Liz was really... She was always very dedicated to the investigations. And she... besides this diary, She also had some newspaper clippings, Which I will put
all of them together, I think it will be easier. One... Two... Three... Four... A: Kaiser, (GM: Five.) Putting all this together here, with the... With the room all bloodied up, I'm going to have to blow that next door. GM: Let's go. (E: Yes!) K: I dunno, Arthur, I think this is too weird. GM: Here, these are the five newspaper clippings she has. A: This definitely shows that Liz was here. Then I look through a little hole in the wall and there's a lot of blood?! K: Yeah, we'll have to go check it out. I mean...
I don't know... Do I have to go with you? A: No, stay there. I'm... I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm... E: These clippings look like, uh... an apartment survey. "Apartment with available spaces", "Cheap rent", "Fake Estate Agency"... "Terminally ill child missing in hospital." "Elderly people claim to have visions of apparitions of their dead son." "Women found dead in different parts of the city." What the fuck? A: OK, Liz did this. She has always liked to investigate this a lot, And it must all make sense, in her head or in anyone's head but mine. Anyway, I
think I'll put it all together. (GM: And there is this one, the biggest one.) Where is it? I'ts here. A: Do you want to try to understand something? Because I.... Have a little bit of a small brain. GM: [Laughs] E: "Mayor boasts: There are almost no more homeless people in the... Dona Floresta neighborhood." Uhh... If you are a resident of the neighborhood... Uuh... I dunno! It's too small. (A: Didn't you realize that...) When we were coming, I didn't see many people on the streets either. E: Yes, but... Guaxi: It's the same neighborhood, isn't it Cellbit?
It's just... (GM: You are in Dona Floresta, yes!) Guaxi: Yeah. A: Okay, that's really weird. (E: Was all this in this neighborhood?) E: These events? A: These are details... She'd already have the answer. GM: Meanwhile, (K: Arthur...) GM: On the other side, we have Beatrice and Tristan who entered the room That looks pretty empty. The bed is made... All the rooms are very dusty And have this musty smell, kinda abandoned. Tr: Well, it doesn't look like there's anything here. What's that up there? GM: He points to the dresser. B: I can't see, it looks like
a ball? GM: No, this is a lamp. [Laughs] Triz: Oh, OK, the light is off (GM: On the other one.) Calango: It's too dark. GM: Oh, is it dark? Calango: It's dark here, for me. Luis: Not for me. Uh, guys... (Kalera: I can see it.) Luis: Improve the quality of your shadows... GM: Yeah, maybe it's that Luis: Change it to "ultra", and it's perfect. Don't drag it too much... Luis: And you can see it all. (Calango: Yeah, yeah. You have to set the shadow quality to "ultra".) Triz: Where, guys? Where can I see it? GM:
RTX on. Calango: Umm... go to the settings. Press Esc, go to settings Then... "graphics"... And there will be "Shadow Quality". Then you set to... GM: To "ultra", yeah. (Calango: To the highest.) Triz: Hmm... GM: Now you'll be able to see the setting perfectly. Triz: Yeah, perfect! B: Um... Let's see what it is, it looks like a book, cards... Let's get closer. GM: You walk up to the dresser and you notice that there's a book Called "Tales of a Needy Creature", by Daniel Hartmann, And there are some sleeping pills, And a tape recorder with a tape
inside. Triz: Hmm... I want to play the tape. GM: You take the recorder in your hand, you press play and you hear this: ???: As I already imagined, There is something very wrong with the manager of this building. Exactly every three days, Two trucks enter the parking lot in the middle of the night. ???: A parking lot, that supposedly, has been closed for renovations, for months. And, if I’m honest, I’ve never heard a renovation with so many screams of agony. The fact that someone has tried to break into the apartment three times in the past
week also bothered me a little. GM: Then the recording ends. B: Alright, B: then. I think we really need to try- (Tr: That- ) Tr: That was Elizabeth’s voice, I think. B: Okay, I figured that much. B: I think… (Tr: Okay, smarty pants) K: ...Elizabeth's voice, yes. Guaxi: Yeah, but she doesn’t have a tap, I think. Kalera: She doesn’t. (A: Just me and Erin.) Calango: Doesn’t Tristan have one? (GM: No, he doesn’t.) GM: He’s just with her B: I think our priority is trying to reach that room aside, or go to... Tr: That’s the landlord's
apartment, isn’t it? B: It is. (Tr: Yeah, we have two weird things.) Tr: This parking lot and the landlord's apartment. B: Sure. He said his aunt makes weird noises, but probably it’s not his aunt. Tr: I also doubt it. B: Uh... let’s try to break in there? GM: Your documents are here, you can save them later. Guaxi: I already saved all of them. (Kalera: Let me save it.) GM: Do it, then you can pick them to read later. Guaxi: I already learned it. (Kalera: How do I do that?) GM: Live feedback here, I’ll probably put
a little table for us to put all the… we can drag all the documents here, actually, look. We can always put them on the streets, then it’s easier to get them. GM: They won’t bother anymore. (Kalera: Oh, OK, better) Triz: Nice. Kalera: We’re still tiny. (F: Kaiser-) GM: You just have to zoom in, press “+”. (F: Look) F:at the streets, dude, it’s full of paper. GM: [Laughs] Shut up. Come on, go. A: OK. Uh… Erin, let’s… Guaxi: That’s all I found up there, right, GM? (GM: That was all.) GM:Not “just that”, there was a lot
of info from newspapers and notes. Guaxi: I’ll check this cabinet here. I’ll roll Finding. GM: No, yeah… You see a lot of A lot of what you already saw in the first one. There isn't any book that seems relevant to you. A: OK, let’s go find the others. E: Yeah, let’s go. GM: You see Tristan and Beatrice leaving the room. A: So? E: OK, you won’t believe it! Tr: Neither will you, we found an audio tape! E: A tape? (A: What tape?) B: A tape… a tape… (Tr: Just a tape.) B: An audio tape, in
which she says that there has been something going on in the parking lot, that they say is a renovation, but two trucks keep coming in and out some times a week and there are a lot of screams of agony. Uh… she also suspects the landlord, because someone tried to break into her apartment three times in the same week. K: Wait, who’s she? Who’s she talking about? B: Liz, Liz. It’s Liz's audio, she was here. A: Okay, this really looks like occultist stuff. Agatha keeps talking about membrane, this can weaken the membrane, can’t it? Can’t it,
Kaiser? B: Of course. And we also have this room next door, where we can clearly see that there were screams of agony, so we urgently need to get in there and also take a look at the parking lot. You guys want to spread out or you'd rather do this together? E: OK, hold on. (B: We just need to hurry.) E: Hold on. We found some pieces of newspaper that Liz was searching on, about murders, about weird stuff happening in this neighborhood, about… something about a Deconjuration, I don’t know. Oh, no, wait, that was in the
other one. There was a diary talking about... Deconjuration being a ritual, things that seem to be Liz's, and a picture of ... what seems to be a ritual. A: Yeah, we found a lot of paper. A: That’s what she meant. (Tr: What is Deconjuration?) E: I don’t know. E: That’s what Liz was investigating, maybe? E: Because there were a lot of questions in her journal. E: What about that bathroom? Tr: Uh… anyone wants to go to the bathroom? Make yourself at home. GM: Tristan points at it. (B: There’s nothing in there.) A: Did you check
it? That’s what I’m asking. B: Erin checked it, Erin checked. (GM: Yeah, the bathroom-) GM: Doesn’t have any cabinet or anything, just a sink, GM: A toilet and a shower. A: Let’s go then, come on, please. Tr [whispering]: Where are we going? Where are we going? Tr [whispering]: Where are we going? (E: Hold on, hold on.) GM: Tristan was worried, holding his gun. E: Wait, hold on. What will we do? I don’t think we should try to break their door down. B: Silently- Break in silently. (Tr: Wait, wait.) GM: Tristan- He approaches Erin, he puts
his hand behind her ear, he pulls… Tr: Hey, can you hear this?! K: Keep your voice down! What? Tr: Oh, Tr: There’s someone- (K: What?) Tr: Check if the guys are still down there, the doorman and the landlord. K: Okay. Calango: I try to look through the window. Calango: Can I see something from outside? (GM: When he leaves, he…) Tr: Wow, I like your perfume, Erin. E: Sheesh, what’s that? (Tr: Is it new?) E: [tsch] Dumbass. Tr: Hehee. GM: What did you say, Kaiser? Calango: Can I see anything outside? GM: You look outside and the
door is closed, the front door. (Calango: Oh fu-) F: I'll go there, I'll go there. Calango: Just a question, a doubt. I have a kit in my backpack that… let me see. It’s a hacking kit. Can I… what is the kit's limit? Can I try to… (GM: Depends on what you’re-) -actually trying to do. What do you want? Tell me. (Calango: Ah, nothing.) GM: No, say it. What do you have in mind? Calango: No, I wanted to try to hack into the security cameras, but there won’t be any, the building is old as fuck. If
there’s any, I want to try. (GM: There are no cameras.) Calango: OK, so… K: OK, Fernando. (E: I wonder if…) there’s a PC in the… or, I don’t know, wi-fi or Bluetooth? F: No, Erin. Wasn’t he listening to the radio? I heard a radio, wasn’t he listening to the game... the “Living Pool” game in the radio? (K: Living Pool, yes.) K: So? F: If he had a PC, he could have used the PC. K: OK, that’s not the point. I don’t think I would manage to find something hacking into the wi-fi network or something like
that. F: OK. Do you want me to go there? To see if they’re still down there? K: Uh… I think I do. You go, ask something, I don’t know, ask for information and see if there’s something in the hall. E: Uh, wait. If there’s something up with the Landlord, the janitor can be covering for him or something, or he doesn’t know anything. So we should try to check with the janitor, if we can make him tell us something… try to get information. F: The janitor or the doorman? (E: Oops,-) doorman. (F: Oh, OK.) A: Guys,
aren’t we taking too long? F: We don’t have time, guys. We're running out of time. (B: Yeah, we gotta break in already) GM: It’s been way more than 10 minutes, just a warning. E: But if Fernando talks to him, we get more time. (GM: It’s been about 30 minutes.) E: He can get us time trying to chat. A: OK, but we have to be careful, because- The agent can be dead right now and we’re here losing time. Luis: I’ll go there, Master. GM: OK, so Fernando leaves the van and goes inside the building. Meanwhile, what
will you guys up here do? Wait? (Triz: We’ll try to break in.) I think… no, not yet. (Luis: Where is it?) GM: I’ll take you.- I’ll turn it on for you. E: And Bea, I’m afraid we try break the door down, even silently, and someone is in the corridor. B: Hmm. Um-hm. E: Maybe trying to open this crack in the wall is a better idea? Even if it takes longer? Not blowing anything, because it will make a loud noise. (A: But how would we open that?) B: Another problem is if someone gets in and we
are doing that. E: But then we can earn time talking, instead of trying to break down a door right in front of the elevator. B: I don’t think it’s viable for us to blow down a wall without making noise, I don’t think we could do that. GM: It’s a very thick wall. The hole is very tiny, like the size of an eye, it’s not a big hole. A: I have a lock pick set here, if someone wants to use… (B: I have tools too). A: Let’s go then. (B: D’you know what I was thinking?) That
both of us could try to go through the iron gate, try to get to the garage, or anything, while the other two try to break into the apartment. A: Iron gate? B: Yeah, the one we came from, you said there were two wooden doors and one made of iron. (GM: He didn’t say it, you saw that.) Triz: Yeah. A: Oh, in the entrance, I forgot. OK, but let’s go, please, please. E: Well, let’s try to break it down then. (A: Let’s try to…) GM: OK, while you come here… Lucian- Fernando, I always mix them up.
You get here, you come in and there’s no one. Neither the... the doorman nor the Landlord are here. Luis: OK, I… holy shit. I... I try to open the gate, can I? (GM: Strength test.) Luis: Failed. GM: You shake it [sound of the gate shaking]. but nothing happens. The gate is weak but not that weak, you can't open it alone. Luis: OK, I’ll go back to the van. GM: OK, you go back to the van. Meanwhile, the guys in the apartment… you can come ahead already. You’re now in front of this door… Who has a
lock pick set? Triz: I have a tool kit. (Guaxi: Me and Erin.) Kalera: Yeah, I can try to use it. Guaxi: OK, I’m already holding my gun. (GM: But they are-) lock pick tools, right? Guaxi: Yeah. GM: Because there are tool kits and lock pick kits, they're different. Guaxi: Yeah, I have lock pick. GM: Perfect, ok. That means you can roll a locksmith test with an advantage. Guaxi and Calango: Locksmith... GM: Locksmith, yeah. Guaxi: Dear Lord... Do I have locksmith here? GM: Everyone does. Guaxi: Locksmith, damn. [laughs] Okay, I’ll do it. A: I can try,
do you want me to? E & B: Yup. A: OK. I’ll try, I just wanted to remind ya that I just have one hand, okay? But I’ll try. Guaxi: I failed. (GM: You have an advantage, you can try again.) Guaxi: … But I’ll try again. I've failed. B: Can I try it with your tools? (GM: You can push the test, with a chance of breaking the tool.) A: Someone else try it, I’m really nervous. (B: I want to try.) GM: OK. Triz: Locksmith, come on. Failure. K: What are you doing there? A: The door, the
door. (E: We’re trying to…) B: Try it, Erin, try it. E: Sure. K: The doors once again, huh? A: Always, Kaiser. (Kalera: Failure.) GM: You can’t open the door... (E: Yeah, that’s hard.) E: Maybe if I... (GM: …With the tools.) E: Take off the handle? GM: There’s no screwdriver, it’s not easy to take off the handle. Triz: Can Tristan try it? GM: Tristan, he… (A: Do you want to blow it up?) GM: Hold on... He's back here. He looks… Tr: I don’t know much about tools. If you couldn’t do it I don’t think I would.
A: Guys, let’s be real, look, now… The noise, what will happen… We’re already in the middle of the place where all this crazy stuff is happening, we just saw a lot of dead things, so let’s blow this up already! E: Can I… can I... Calango: Did Fernando came back to the van? E: Can I give you an idea? A: Blow it up! E: Thank you! (Calango: Is Fernando back in the van?) E: I was just waiting for you to tell me that! (A: Blow it up, blow it up. Just do it.) GM: Let’s go… E:
Can I blow it up? Can I? No one is against it? GM: No one heard it, okay. Calango: Is Fernando back in the van? GM: Fernando is back in the van, yes. He didn't see no one and he came back. He’s in the van. K: What’s up, Fernando? F: There’s no one, F: no one… (K: Ok, it’s time, then.) Calango: I start to get the weapons on the floor and hand it to him, the M4 and the other ones. Each carries what they can. GM: OK. K: There’s a room full of blood there, we saw
it, they said. It's time for us to come in. B: I think from the moment we explode something, we won’t have any time left to do what we want to, to explore and all. A: But they already know we’re here… B: Yes. A: Whatever… whoever did this. A: So we don't have much to lose either. (K: Hey) K:We’re taking the weapons, we’re coming. GM: OK, you take the weapons and walk to the entrance, right? Triz: Yup. Calango: Yes. There’s no one in the streets, right? (GM: Ok, let's go.) GM: No, there’s no one in the
streets. Like I said, the streets are very empty. K: Right. It’s near noon right now, it’s 11:40 AM now, 11:35, actually. You can... teleport to the lobby. You arrive and the gate is still closed. F: I tried to open the gate, I couldn’t. K: Let’s try again, the two of us. F: Each from one side, you mean? K: Wait. Calango: I want to take a look into the doorman’s balcony, K: to see if there's any button or something to open it. (GM: Roll finding.) Calango: Finding... regular. GM: You see a button under the balcony, a
red button. Do you press it? (Calango: I press it.) When you do that, the gate [creak] instantly opens. K: Easier, isn’t it? (F: There was a button?) K: There was... But it was hidden. Let's go. GM: You go up… F: 5th floor. GM: When you arrive, the lift... Is closed. It’s not in your floor. Calango: We’ll call it. GM: OK. It’s in the 5th floor. You press it, okay. You press the button to go to the 5th floor. Uh, Meanwhile... the guys over there. A: So what? Let’s blow it up, let’s kick it. B: Let’s
try to kick it first. Guaxi: Damn, there’s two Erins here, Jesus. Not two Erins… GM: There’re two Beatrices, there’s something wrong here. I deleted it. Guaxi: How scary, bro. (GM: Ah, the potoo-) A: There was one staring at me. GM: Let me drag the potoo. He've followed you. Let me just rescue him, but he’s with you. He’s on Erin’s shoulder- on Beatrice’s. E: How large is this corridor in meters? GM: It's about four square meters. Kalera: All right. Calango: Have we arrived? GM: You see... (E: Okay, do you want..) GM: the lift behind you closes,
it goes down, when the lift reaches the bottom, the two of you enter the lift, going up and eventually Kaiser and Fernando arrive. Guaxi: Okay. Luis: You can't remember my name bro. GM: You sent me 45 different names, bro (Calango: Can I pull myself over here?) What do you want me to do? [laughs] Calango: Can I pull myself over here? GM: You can. Luis: Sorry if my story is complex, man. K: What's up? Calango: I start to give the weapons to the respective people. So the shotgun for Erin, Calango: the M4 for Arthur? (GM: Okay!)
GM: You all then take your respective weapons. (Guaxi: No no) GM: Ah, I'm going to ask for you all to press... (E: Oops) GM: Ah, wait…. let me confirm it! Guaxi: In your time my prince. GM: In my time. (Calango: Chill bro.) GM: Yeah, that's it, that, that, that… whoops no, that GM: that and... (Luis: It happens, it fell) GM: that, no. That! Wait, no. Let's go. All of you are now holding your guns, except for Fernando who hasn't taken his gun in his hand yet. E: Okay, how is the situation with the two of
them down there? A: They are already here. E: No! (GM: They just arrived) E: The landlord and the… A: They said they weren't there. K: Yeah, they weren't there anymore E: Ah K: But… I heard on the wiretap, your conversation, this is the landlord's apartment right? A: This one on the right. (E: That's what it looks like.) K: The one that's full of blood? E: That one. K: Right, excuse me! Calango: I pass by everyone and stand in front of the door. Guaxi: I knew it. (GM: Okay.) Guaxi: I will say: GM: Cesar, he passes
by... (A: I knew it!) Guaxi: I'll stand aside. GM: He passes by you… You can consider that he is… okay, let's just pass here, that's it! Kalera: Oops. GM: There are many people... GM: in a 4 by 4 room, (K: Excuse me!) GM: you are sometimes bumping into each other. Luis: I'm in the lift, I'm in the lift here. (GM: Ok.) A: Go inside the lift; (Luis: Holding the lift like that.) GM: You see Cesar positioning himself with M4 in front of the… Guaxi: I put my hand on his shoulder, and say: (GM: From the
door) A: You can do it. K: I know, I know. Calango: Can I throw it? The famous one? Can I go? Kalera: Go! Calango: Cellbit doesn't say if I can! GM: Do I need to approve? GM: I thought you were just going to... Just fucking go. (Calango: Ah, it's Strength, maybe!?) GM: I'm waiting for you to do it. (Guaxi: Let's see) Calango: I rolled (E: Kaboom, Kaboom, Kaboom) Calango: Boom! GM: No fucking way. Calango: Yes! GM: Almost like planned, you see… Kaiser, you can describe the kick if you want. You opened the door with your
kick. Calango: Dude, I put the M4 on my back like this with the strap, then I move away a little, bump into the guys a little, and then I give a Thiago like style kick. Arthur even... Calango: He even sees an image of Thiago kicking the door. (Guaxi: Yeah, like anime.) GM: Perfect! When you open the door with a kick, [bang] and at the same time, for some reason… [clunk] all you see is a blackout. Calango: Damn it. GM: And now .... I'm going to ask .... come on... Kaiser turns on his flashlight. And each
of you also have a flashlight... let turn it on here, for the dark environment you are about to explore. GM: it seems that the light in the whole building went out, (Calango: So cool) and the lift is just stopped behind you. Ah, find your dummy there and press the "4" key. Kalera: Okay. Calango: Let me go in for a while... GM: Okay. You can split up here. GM: When you enter the room, I'll increase you a little bit. GM: You… wait wait, no, yeah… take it easy. When you enter the room, you see... Luis: I
don't think mine is "4", "Cellbo". GM: Oh, yours is probably "5". Oh you got a… it's "2" is "2", yours is "2" and yours is "2", because you didn't took a gun yet, that's it. You can use the flashlight, to see each other You enter this room, it is a place .... The first thing you feel when you open the door is that the apartment is very... it has a very rotten and heavy smell. It's all dirty, abandoned and has blood stains everywhere. The flashlight light reveals it little by little, and a light fog can
be perceived in the air. There is destroyed furniture, garbage thrown on the floor, the floor is all scratched and you can see pieces of rotten meat. This place looks like a slaughterhouse. K: Yeah. E: What the fuck is this? Triz: Can I take a Listen check? GM: Yes. F: Who... who...is behind me? GM: There's no one behind you. (Guaxi: It's Tristan.) GM: Oh it's Tristan, it's Tristan here. F: Are you going ahead, Tristan? Tr: Ah, that's fine. But I have no flashlight. Triz: Fumble. F: I'll... I'll... light it for you, okay? Tr: If you can,
let's go. GM: Let me just fix him, he's buggy. Guaxi: Yeah, fix everyone. Let's go one at a time, in a queue. GM: Okay. The room is very small, (E: Someone...) GM: It's a very small apartment, exactly! E: Can anyone stay in the hallway? (GM: Okay,) How much did you roll, Beatrice, for Listen? Triz: Fumble, I got 1. GM: Okay… (Triz: If anyone else wants) to help. (GM: One day you'll listen, I trust you, Beatrice.) Luis: She takes a knife, stuck it in her ear. GM: Oh no, you can't ask them to listen, that's metagaming,
you can't ask them... to use skills they didn't think of... Triz: Okay. (GM: Uh...) GM: You then… Kaiser, start exploring this macabre environment. Calango: Cigarette on the lips, walking. GM: Ok, you can walk calmly. (K: Hey guys, come on…) Let's go together. (GM: You see at the end of the hall,) you see these furnitures, some bloody cupboards closed, and you see that at the end of the hall there's a door. Plus a table, and a broken lamp on the floor. (Calango: Oh yeah, yeah.) K: Hard to see huh!? (E: Oh the bird here on the
ground my god) GM: What? E: Take the bird with you, my god. (Guaxi: Leave the bird somewhere bro,) it keeps getting in the way for us to pass. GM: Consider that it's always with you, there's no need to drag it all the time. Guaxi: Yeah. (Calango: I can rotate the character....) to see the room properly, can't I? (GM: Yes, yes, yes.) Calango: Okay. K: Alright, is everyone okay there for now? A: Oh, I think so. E: Everything is fine! (GM: Kaiser...) As you approach the door... (E: I'm right behind you.) GM: you hear knocks coming
from the inside. You hear footsteps, and a growl. [Rrrrgh] [thump thump thump] Calango: Okay, I say: K: Shhhh! There's something in here guys! GM: Not only that, but since you got Extreme, you all... most of you heard this, but Kaiser, you feel... you hear footsteps coming from... the outside of the apartment, behind you. K: Behind us. Who's the last? (F: What’s that?) K: Look behind us. E: Fernando ? GM: Fernando, when you look back, you see silhouettes... moving there in the dark [whoosh], in the hall. F: There is someone here! there are people here! K:
Oh, no... F: Guys... K: Guys, you'll have to see it there... it's too small here, you'll have to see. A: It's fine, Kaiser, stay there, I'll protect back here. (K: There's something here in front of me.) F: Tristan, Tristan! Stand in front of me, Tristan, you've got the gun! K: There's something wrong in front of me too. Three with me and two behind. (GM: Everyone hears…) fighting noises, [THUD] [POOF] [URGH] [ARGH] [AAH] coming from the hallway. K: Guys, what are you waiting for? (E: What the fuck is this?) B: Right, let's see. (Guaxi: I'm taking
Tristan out of the way, okay?) Guaxi: He is always in front of me (Kalera: Oh Tristan, yeah.) GM: Tristan he... (A: Tristan, run!) Tr: I can't see, I don't have a flashlight, for God's sake, what's going on? A: I'll go ahead, excuse me. Tr: Someone's there, (F: I'll light it up for you.) there's a fight going on there. Guaxi: Ok, I reach here. GM: When you arrive in the hallway, you see a man... with a yellow hood, completely bloodied, blown apart, being thrown to the ground [squelsh]. Let me pull him here... On top... in front
of him... you see... a silhouette, standing still. Calm down, this is the guy who… who's crushed on the floor. He was supposed to be… not bugged. I don't know what's going on because he's buggy, calm down. Guaxi: Yeah. Wow, look at this light, look. GM: Bro (Guaxi: Cinematic broo.) GM: Anyway, there's a bloodied, fallen guy here, and in front of him…. Who's up front looking? Arthur? Guaxi: Me, yeah. GM: You see a familiar silhouette. You see... a guy holding a sword, wearing a mask. Luba, I'll ask you to describe Joui for me. (Guaxi: No fucking
way) Luba: Well, Joui takes off his mask... as soon as he sees Arthur but... anyway, (GM: Okay.) Joui Jouki, he's Japanese, a former gymnast, and as an ex-gymnast, he stopped doing a lot of aerobics and... focused on more physical exercises to keep in shape, so he got a little more... pumped, let's say, in partnership with Arthur on crossfit, I hope. Guaxi: Always, my friend, always. Luba: And he already realized, that there was something strange with Liz, and was investigating... this space before… before everyone else. Oh, parenthesis: Joui managed to overcome... his… how can I say…
Luba: His mania... (Guaxi: Trauma… ah) Luba: ...of getting fixated, like, with firearms, actually he It's still... (GM: His obsession.) Luba: The obsession, exactly, although he's still extremely... happy when he sees something being blown up. GM: Joui, from your perspective, you saw this movement, you were already inside... you were watching the building, you saw the agents coming in, and you noticed, knowing the... you were watching this building for a few days, that several cultists, in this apartment, are climbing to kill everyone who's here. You climbed fast, ahead of them and stopped the first one that arrived,
but there's more to come. Joui: Good morning Arthur! Guaxi: I'm kind of thrilled looking at him like that. Joui: You guys make a lot of noise. A: It was Kaiser. (Calango: Can I see the door?) Joui: Everyone! This guy I just killed, (E: Oh, I would have done more, but...) Joui: there are more people coming. GM: Did you kill, or did you just take down? Joui: And I'm seeing a few new faces out there? Hi! (Guaxi: You killed, or knocked him down?) GM: Yeah, you killed right? (E: Hey! Chillin'?) F: Hi. (Luba: I did.) GM:
OK. (Calango: Can I see?) GM: Ah, you all come here.. A: Kaiser?! GM: Ah, I'll turn on the light, I think it's easier for you. There! Everyone can turn off your flashlight now. (K : Joui?) GM: Just put 1, 2 again. Calango: I still have the gun in my hand GM: Okay, you can still let the gun in your hand, it is only 3, without the flashlight. (Guaxi: Okay.) Kaiser: Joui? Tr: Joui! What's up, bro? (J: Hi, Cesar... I mean,) J: sorry, Kaiser. Hiii, how are you guys? K: Hey, you took a while this time.
Tr: Who is this guy? What's going on, who is this guy that you just... blew up? (A: Okay, focus people, pay attention.) J: It doesn't matter who he was, it only matters that there's more coming. A: Exactly. We'll have a get together and everything else later, we're here looking for Elizabeth! K: Reminding that there's a pomeranian here. (F: Are there more of these coming?) J: I know. Tr: Are they coming here now? J: Exactly. That was just the first (Tr: From where?) They're climbing the building. Tr: By the stairs? (J: I managed to get there
fast enough...) GM: It's the stairs, you know it's the stairs. J: From the stairs, yes. Tr: Ah, let's get ready then. E: Well, let's try to close the stairway door. Isn't there something we can put up in the front, to prevent the opening? (GM: Oh…) GM: Joui opened it from the inside, he came up the stairs. J: Guys, here's... (Kalera: No, to put it in front of the door?!) GM: There are several things around, you see what's there. J: Guys, I don't see any alternative but to face them. Attaching the stairs, means that we would
have to go down the elevator, neither option is good at the moment, unless we free up this space. A: Ok, so we better check if everything is ok in this apartment, which obviously is not, and then we decide how we're going to get out. J: Guys! Attention, (A: Say it.) horrible things has been happening here. I've been investigating this place for a long time, I've been looking for Miss Liz for a long time, and I'm sure she's in danger. Any step has to be very careful in here. K: Yeah, I heard something strange, it sounded
like a pomeranian here at the other door. GM: When you say that, the door… that particular door... [THUMP] sounds an impact. Calango: Does it open? GM: No, it's just being beaten from the inside. K: See? (A: Oh, Jesus Christ.) K: Okay, I'll go ahead. F: I... let me stay in the middle. (E: I'll go right behind!) K: Don't forget, don't forget... (GM: Fernando,) K: the rear, someone has to stay back. (GM: roll a sanity test please?) Luis: Fumble. GM: Have you failed? You start to feel very nervous, your heart rate starts to rise. You already
feel what's happening, you take the gun in your hand. and the transformation begins to happen. Your eyes change color, and you eventually switch… to Luciano. Luciano: What the fuck is going on here? Erin? E: Hi, just calm down. Luciano: C'mon, brief me everything, quickly. E: Uh, dog barking, a lot of noise, death, bodies, occultists arriving, Erin: This is going to stink. It’ll stink a lot, more than it already is! (Luciano: Okay.) E: Joui just got here too. Hi Joui! Joui: Hi... (B: What just happened?) J: Is everything fine? Uh… L: Did we lose anyone? Is
everything OK? E: No, it’s OK. L: Are there people coming up to kill us? Is that it? E: We’re looking for Liz. GM: [TOOM] The door is hit again. You feel that it’ll break soon, Cesar… Kaiser. K: Hey, we’re running out of time. B: Ok, we don’t have enough time for this, let’s open this door and face whatever is coming. K: Wait, I have an idea. (A: OK.) B: We won't be able to deal with this after... (K: I turn to…) GM: Luciano, you hear footsteps coming from the stairs. (B: ...others arrive.) Calango: I crouch
in front of the door and wait for it to break eventually. (L: Silence, silence, silence...) L: There are people coming up the stairs. A: Let’s do this then: three of you take care of the apartment and we watch the apartment’s exit. Me, Joui, Luciano and Tristan. Luba: Joui draws an arrow and prepares himself by the door. Guaxi: Yeah, I stay beside him and I poke him on his arm, wink and aim with the pistol too. (Calango: I'm standing by this one.) GM: Ok, so position yourselves exactly where you are, please. Luis: I’m here. (Triz: I
am not holding the gun.) Triz: just to make it clear, I'm not holding any gun. GM: OK. GM: Tristan is going to stand behind the sofa, probably. (L: Arthur...) Triz: I’m saying that my character, on the... (L: Arthur, the corridor looks very...) Triz: ... on the map, is not holding any gun. (GM: What? Huh.) GM: Oh, OK, she has the crossbow, you just gotta change the number. (Triz: Here… Ah, yeah.) Kalera: Yeah, press "3". L: Arthur, this corridor doesn’t look very long. Is there another place here? Another apartment? A: Here on the side there is
another one, but we don’t know if... A: ... someone got in it while we were here. (L: Is there something there?) A: We went there earlier, but look at this place. L: Are there occultists in the apartment? A: Apparently, there wasn’t anyone in there when we got here. I’m not sure about now. L: So they can just come through the stairs or the elevator? A: We hope so. J: Exactly. (L: Okay, right.) A: So, what now? L: It's good to see you, Joui. J: Nice to see you, now, Luciano. (GM: Everyone hears footsteps, and I’ll
ask...) GM: You see, Joui, before everyone else. [TUTUTU] You see another man, wearing a yellow raincoat, soaked in blood, holding a stick. And he comes screaming. ???: Aaah! GM: And comes towards you. I’ll ask everyone to roll initiative, please, because we’ll start our first fight. Luba: Ooh! Luba: It’s dexterity, right? (Guaxi: Let’s go.) GM: Yeah, dexterity. Everyone, roll dexterity and tell me the order. At the same time this is going on, he’s coming screaming. (Luba: Uhul!) GM: Cesar, the door... [PLOW] GM: ...is blown up, and inside you see an appalling, red creature, completely slimy and
fleshy, it moves quickly and aggressively, and it growls [Rawr]. It’s eyes are completely empty and the teeth and claws are enormous and sharp. It starts to approach you quickly. GM: Now let’s all roll the initiatives. (Calango: Okay.) GM: Tell me in order… (Triz: I just rolled it.) Triz: I got extreme, I rolled 20. (GM: Ah, let’s go. OK) GM: Extreme? Luba: I got 20 too. GM: Two extremes, OK. (Kalera: 12.) Who's got the highest amount of dexterity between Joui and Beatrice? Triz: Ah, mine is 15. (Luba: I’ve got 17.) GM: Ok, so Joui goes first,
then it’s Beatrice... Good, who got good? Calango: I got good. GM: Hold on. Beatrice… then it’s Kaiser, anyone else got good? Guaxi: No. GM: So it’s just Kaiser. After Kaiser, who got regular? Kalera: Me, 12. GM: Erin. Now… Between the people who failed, who has the least dexterity? Guaxi: I think it’s me, I’ve got 10.. (Luis: I’ve got…) GM: Who’s got the most, sorry. Luis: I’ve got 11. GM: Okay, so… (Guaxi: I’m the last one then.) GM: It’s Luciano GM: And then… Guaxi: Tutu. GM: Arthur. GM: Added. Let me add the Blood Zombie. Put it
up here… And, let me roll for him… The occultist is the last one. Joui, you can go ahead. Luba: Well, he was coming toward me, right? GM: Yeah, he was charging at you with a stick, but you’ve got quick reflexes. Luba: Ok, I had the arrow ready, I’ll shoot him. GM: You can attack. Luba: Um… The arrow is what, Shoot? GM: It’s shoot, (Luba: Normal?) it’s what you’ve got in that skill, it’s Shoot Bow and Arrow. Luba: Alright. Luba: Swift bow, right? GM: Yeah… GM: No, that’s the damage. Shoot is in the skills category. Luba:
Oh, sorry. Luba: Dude, Shoot… I don’t have it. There’s Firearm. GM: Yeah, it’s firearm, that’s it. (Luba: I don’t have Shoot.) GM: Firearm, that's it. (Luba: OK.) Luba: Okay. GM: Firearm, bow and arrow. Luba: I rolled 4, what a great way to start. GM: Since the guy suddenly showed up, he opened the door and came running, you’re not able to hit the arrow and he kinda jumps to the side and comes running towards you. Um... Now it’s Beatrice. Triz: I’ll try to shoot the monster with my crossbow. GM: Go ahead. Triz: I roll shoot, right?
GM: Yes, you roll shoot of bow and arrow, yeah. Triz: Regular success. GM: Tristan went to the side... Regular success? Triz: Mhm. GM: Let me see if it can dodge it… GM: You... can already roll the damage, if you want. Triz: Alright. GM: It's unlikely for it to dodge. GM: OK, it failed, you can deal the damage. Triz: 6, 6 damage. GM: 6 damage? You see, as soon as it opens the door, the creature [RAWR] appalling, charging at you guys, you were ready, you shoot, the arrow gets right into its chest and pops out the
other side and it stays in it. You damaged it pretty well, but it keeps coming. Uhm... Next is… Kaiser. Calango: I’ll shoot the monster. GM: Go ahead. Calango: Wow, extreme! GM: You got extreme? Calango: I got extreme. GM: What’s your gun’s max damage? (Calango: 19.) GM: 19? Calango: It’s 12. (GM: 12? Uhm…) Calango: Two d6, 12. GM: It just took an arrow, right? Triz: Mhm. (Calango: Mhm.) GM: As soon as it shows up, you were already ready [POW], you were already aiming and you just blow its head up, and it falls, turning into a pool
of slime, sliding in front of you. [Splash] Oops. [Splash] And it falls in front of you. But then, you realize that behind him, there was another one… Calango: Ah! GM: That was already on its way. And it’s its turn, it comes, fuming. [TUTUTUTUTU] bolting, and it's unable to reach you, actually. Its movement ends right here, but it can’t reach you to attack you. Calango: Damn. GM: Um... Next one is Erin. Kalera: It’s firearm, right? GM: Yes. Kalera: 4, failure. GM: You try to hit it, when it comes running towards you, but it is too fast.
It is faster than you expected, your bullet ricochets [puff] and [papapapa], hits the wall and the door, destroying a bit of the door, but it doesn’t hit it. Now is Luciano. Luis: Uhm... I just want to shoot. Aim and shoot this guy here. GM: The one that’s arriving, right? He’s coming from here, (Luis: Yeah.) I think you don't… I’ll say that you have an angle. He came over here, I’ll say you’ve got an angle, go on. Luis: Shit, hold on, everything disappeared for me. Luis: Wouldn’t I be able to shoot him from here? (GM: No,
you would.) GM: You would. You can shoot him, yes. Luis: I failed, 3. GM: Your bullet hits the wall. You thought that you had a good angle, but when you shoot, it hits the wall. It wasn’t able to get to him. Now it’s Arthur. Guaxi: Yay. I’ll shoot this guy here. GM: Go ahead. Guaxi: Uh... let’s go. Luis: Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! Guaxi: Failure. [Laughs] GM: You too. Since he was running, it was a scare, this all happening at the same time. All of you tried to shoot him and missed. And he comes running, holding a
stick with some nails. And comes running. ???: Aaah! Son of a bitch! GM: And [POW] tries to hit Joui. Luba: Who is going to fight back, of course. GM: Yeah, you can dodge, fight back or block. Luba: Fight back. Luba: It’s fighting/brawl, right? GM: Yeah, fighting/brawl. You’re not holding the sword, you’re holding the bow, so it’s just a normal punch. (Luba: Yeah.) Luba: It was a regular success, can it be a kick? GM: Yes, you can kick. Let’s go… (Luba: Okay. I'll kick him.) GM: This cultist… Ok, let’s see. Guaxi: Let’s go, Joui, let’s go!
GM: Hold on. Luba: Miss, miss, fail! GM: Damn, okay. He... [laughs] he went towards you, tripped over some trash that was on the floor and he [Puff] let go of his gun and it gets flung off behind you. He almost falls in front of you. He rolled 1. GM and Luis: [Laugh] GM: Then, behind him, you see running, a figure that you’ve already seen before, but now with a completely different expression. Josivaldo, holding a gun, comes running. Josivaldo: You assholes, you’ll pay for this! GM: And he shoots Joui twice. Calango: [gasps] Luba: Already!? Already!? GM:
Let's see. He's holding a machine gun. Luba: That's so nice. Do I have time? GM: He missed one bullet, but hit the other one. Luba: I have no time at all? GM: You aren't taking any cover, so you can't try dodging. Luba: Can't I use the guy as a shield. He's tripping. (GM: No, because he...) GM: No, because he just... he shot twice Missed the first one, but hit the second one He will give you... If you had any kind of cover, You'd be able to try to dodge, and get some armor. Let me see
the damage... GM: He dealt... 1 damage The shot went by scraping, because It's still very dark. Luba: Easy GM: And just scratches you a little, and doesn't really affect you. (Joui: Argh!) J: It's the doorman! (GM: You see that...) J: Again! GM: It's always the doorman, dude! [Everybody laughs] GM: And you see, behind him, coming... (J: Arthur.) GM: A very muscular and big cultist, Way bigger than the other two. Ah, but, he's... (A: Don't shoot, my friend!) Guaxi: Then I'll just grab my pistol, fuck it. Just to... GM: And Kaiser, you hear, coming from the
door on the left This one closed right here, [PUM] another strong knock. Calango: Fucking hell. K: Hey, theres another pomeranian here on the left J: We're kind busy now. GM: Now it's Joui. (E: Aw, c'mon.) Luba: Ah... I'll try to... Shoot another arrow at the crazy doorman. GM: OK, the guy's still in front of you, but you'll aim in the doorman behind him, right? Luba: Can I do two things slightly at the same time? GM: It depends (Luba: Can I just step aside, like this?) GM: Yeah, you can move and then attack Luba: OK, that's
it then. GM: I'm sorry, I didn't add Tristan. (Luba: I'll go a step to the side) GM: I didn't add Tristan. I skipped his turn, hold on Luba: Ah, OK. GM: I gotta roll his initiative. He got a one, so now it's his turn Luis: Poor him GM: Tristan will shoot this cultist that was... Actually, he was aiming over here, he'll shoot the cultist that came screaming and attacking. GM: He missed, I got another one. Calango: Holy fuck. (GM: He just... he just...) Guaxi: This system is crazy. (GM: He [Laughs].) GM: He just... hits the
wall behind the guy. You can go now, Joui. Luis: Jesus Christ, I'm right there, dude. (GM: I got one twice in a row.) Luba: I'll go to the side a little GM: OK (J: Arthur!) Luba: Then I just crouch a bit, aim and shoot. GM: With the arrow? GM: The arrow is round to grab, and another one to shoot (Luba: Yes.) GM: It's two rounds per attack. Luba: OK, so I just take cover and prepare the arrow. GM: Where did you get cover? Luba: Over here, look. GM: Here, on the side, OK (Luba: I get
on top of the TV.) GM: You can go, you can go, here. J: Get him, Arthur! A: I'm on it. GM: Now it's Beatrice (J: He's insane.) Triz: Alright, I'll... I'll try to aim my crossbow again at this monster that showed up. (GM: He's charging) GM: He's charging at Cesar. [TUTUTUTU] Triz: Alright, I'll shoot. GM: At Kaiser, sorry. Kaiser, Kaiser. (Calango: Kaiser!) GM: It's a habit. You can shoot. Ah, wait. You just attacked a... um... You attacked before, right? You rolled 1. Alright you don't even shoot. Because you need a round to recharge the cross...
crossbow So you've just recharged. Now it's Kaiser. Calango: Um… Can I… I think I can, right? Shoot and then move. GM: No. Calango: No? Isn't there movement action, and the action... GM: Yeah, but... Yeah, you can do it, actually. You just can't move, attack and... move again. But you can do one then the other, you can, you can. Calango: OK, I'll shoot the slimy bitch then. GM: OK. Luis: Slimy bitch. GM: Since it is... it's not point-blank, it almost is, but it isn't (Calango: Damn!) Calango: I failed. GM: Ah... You miss you bullet, It hits
the wall once again. The creature reaches you. It charges at you. Since it was walking very quickly, it is kinda crooked. It comes towards you in the most inhuman possible, It comes [PLARG] it comes growling, like a crazy dog, and it jumps on you, and tries biting you GM: Do you want to dodge, fight back or block? Calango: Um... I'll dodge, bro. [Luis laughs] Calango: Can I dodge yet? GM: You can try to dodge, yeah. Calango: [Puff] I got 1. [Luba, Guaxi and Luis laugh] GM: You got 1? Calango: Yes GM: He missed too, he
missed too, so you don't... Luba: Uh! Saved. GM: It came... it... It just charged at you, but it was so crooked, That when it tried to bite you, it fell, right in front of you And got up to try attacking you again Calango: 12/12. Let's go. Guaxi: Kaiser is getting confused with the previous dices that 1 was good. GM: Now it's... Erin! Kalera: Okay, I'll try to shoot back Calango: I scream like "K: A little help here!". GM: OK, you can try to shoot. In the same zombie, right? Kalera: 14. Regular success. GM: Okay, let
me... you can roll the damage. It's the 10-meter damage. Kalera: 9. GM: 9 of damage? Kalera: Uhum. (GM: Okay) GM: You cause a good damage, You take a good chunk out of its back, And you see [CLURGH], and it turns to you. And falls down... Drooling lots of blood, and you... Painted even more than it was, the floor with his blood, and he's pissed off, looking at you. Ah, Luciano, it's you! Luis: Can I see anyone than the guy on the ground? GM: Let me see... N-No. Luis: OK. (GM: He's not in the ground,) GM:
he just dropped his stick (Luis: So I'll just...) Luis: I'm going to shoot this guy on the head... I suppose he will try to get the stick back, no? GM: He... Ah, you don't know, his round it's to come. Luis: Okay, so I'll shoot him. GM: You can attack Luis: Well on point-blank, fuck it. Regular success GM: You can roll the damage, he can't defend himself. Luis: 8. GM: 8 of damage? Luis: Yeah. GM: Let's how much life he has You hit a bullet right on his chest... He [UURGH], he suffers a lot, clearly hurt
a lot, but you didn't kill him. Occultist: Oh, [pain noises] son of a bitch! GM: And now it's Arthur. Guaxi: Okay, I'll... (Luba: Wait!) Guaxi: You can speak, my darling Luba: I was before Arthur GM: Ah, you are the first. (Guaxi: I'm the last one) Luba: Arthur is the last one? Guaxi: Yeah, I'm the last one. Luba: Oh fuck, Guaxi. Okay, my bad. Guaxi: All right, it's okay, I'll... Pull here and try to hit this guy here, the... the... the Concierge. GM: Okay, Josivaldo. Guaxi: Josivaldo, haha, Okay, I'll roll. Oh bro, no way that's possible,
man. (GM: Did you miss again?) Guaxi: 4, yeah... Fuck. GM: You see Arthur aiming his silenced weapon, but he's too distracted, that he just hits the ground. GM: Ah, now are the cultists, let's go. GM: That guy that's here, he's going to... (Calango: What about Tristan?) GM: He goes into Arthur And tries to sma... Like, hold Arthur and smack him against the wall. Arthur, give me a Strength test, please. Guaxi: This dices are loaded, Cellbit, I'm not kidding. 5, fail. GM: Okay... He also fails... Bro, what's going on? He also failed. Ah... he comes... He
comes with everything, tries holding you like this, but you stop him And he... couldn't do anything on this round Guaxi: You'll see now (GM: But...) GM: The doorman, since his friend is holding you, he runs over here, And he stays on edge here on... Taking cover at the door's threshold And he'll try shooting Luciano who's armed. GM: Let me just... Luis: I'll... GM: He misses. He hits two shots [TA TA TA TA] Actually it's only two [TA TA] on the couch. It's two shots that he hits on the cough, both of them lands on the
sofa back there. (Luis: OH MY GOD.) GM: And the other cultist... He comes [TUM TUM TUM TUM] And he tries... He passes kind of squished Behind Josivaldo, he's not succeding actually (Guaxi: He's trying.) GM: He can't pass through, so he'll stay there. If the figurine doesn't pass, he didn't either. Guaxi: He knocks Josivaldo down and they both die. GM: Yeah, he's back there like: ???: Mr. Josi-Josi, Mr. Josival-, Mr. Josiv-. GM: And he doesn't pass. GM: Ah... Tristan... [Laughs] Will attack... He'll turn around to the Blood Zombie and will shoot him at point-blank range. He'll
try to put the gun on the Blood Zombie, and then shoot. Let's see if he shines this time. That's not possible. He didn't... he tried to aim (Calango: Oh no, bro.) GM: but the beast is shaking too much And he misses the shot, even with advantage. Now it's Joui. Luba: Do I see the concierge? GM: Yes, now you do. But he's hiding behind... He can dodge your shot. Luba: Oh, but then... I'll accept you dice's destiny, and I'll shoot (GM: OK.) Guaxi: It's all gonna be fine, buddy. Luis: For Tristan is 1, for them is
20. (Luba: Four again, it's impossible!) GM: That's not possible... I got a four too on Dodge. GM: That's ridiculous. (Guaxi: That's...) Guaxi: It's programmed to only fail. (GM: OK) GM: You miss the arrow, and it hits behind him. Luba: Man, it's 4 still. (Luis: And the doorman hits) Luis: his head on the wall trying to dodge. [Laughs] GM: Now, it's Beatrice. (Luis: It’s one worse than the other.) J: KUSO! Luba: I scream. Triz: Now that I've loaded the crossbow, I'm going to shoot it. GM: The Zombie? Triz: Mhm. (GM: Okay.) Triz: Hmm… Regular. GM: Okay,
you hit. You can deal damage. E: Come on, Bea, this motherfucker is coming after me! Triz: 6, 6, 6 damage. GM: 6 damage? On the creature that was already pretty beaten, right? Kalera: With 9. Triz: Yeah. GM: So hold on, you... You hit its knee... and its leg... since it's already pretty damaged, its leg bends forward, but it's still alive, only without one leg, and it's [CRUUCH] crawling towards Erin. Now, it's Kaiser. Guaxi: That’s horrible. Calango: I will... I'll to take a little step aside, like this. GM: Okay. Calango: And I'm going to shoot the
scumbag. GM: Go ahead. Luis: [POW] done, that was the shot. Calango: Oops, regular. GM: You can deal damage. You killed it, actually. You just killed it. Calango: Let’s go. Everybody: [Laughter] GM: You see it crawling towards Erin, trying to bite her... It's clearly trying to do something to her, you just [POW] you shoot and it [PLUERGH] starts to turn into more of a goo. But, now it's the turn... it's the moment, the turn of the Blood Zombies. Calango: Damn. GM: We have a friend here, who finally manages to break down the door it was trying
so hard to. it [PLARR] comes out in the middle of the hallway, and it looks to the side [REEERGH] and it comes running towards Cesar, but it just used its action. It's Erin now. Calango: Phew! Kalera: Towards Kaiser. GM: Towards Kaiser, sorry. Kalera: [Laughs] Luba: [Bur] Kalera: Let's go, I'll... I'll shoot. GM: Are you going to shoot? Kalera: 15. GM: It will hit Kaiser if you fail. Calango: AAAH. Kalera: Oh no, 15 is regular success. GM: Okay... okay, it worked. Everyone: [Laughter] (Calango: Wow, phew!) Guaxi: My God! (GM: It's a... Actually, look...) GM: I'm going
to... I don't... This formation here, you're going to hit Kaiser, you have nothing to do. There’s an area. Calango: Oh, bro! GM: It's a cone. It's a shotgun, you can't control it. (Kalera: Ah...) Kalera: Can I get closer to him and... try to deal damage with a dagger or get closer to… GM: You can pull a dagger, but this is an action, or you can try to get closer to him. You can get closer at an angle that won't hit Cesar… Kaiser. Kalera: Um... come closer and shoot? GM: Yeah, you can do that. And I’ll
consider your previous roll. You rolled 15, you can deal the shotgun damage. Luis: The Miner, The Blacksmith. Kalera: 10 meters. 10! GM: 10 damage? Kalera: [BOOM] Calango: Gosh! You shoot [POW] and I: K: Jeez! Thanks! GM: Okay, you hit it. You create a hole in the middle of its chest, but it keeps coming, and it comes at you in its round, and you're facing it... You see that [PLORGH] it didn't stop. You see, the Blood Zombies now, as opposed to before, are rampaging beasts. Before, they would go backwards, sometimes they would make decisions, this thing
is like a... a crazy beast, it doesn't stop. You shot and it doesn't even seem like it noticed, it's just coming at you insanely. Ah, Luciano, it's your turn. Luis: Um, can I... step aside, crouch down and aim the gun from the bottom? To shoot? GM: If you can... Luis: Just a little, like I'm here... (GM: Yes, you can do it.) Luis: I want to do that, because I want to try to hit the concierge's head from the bottom and hit the other one too. GM: If you get an extreme, I’ll accept that. (Luba: Yes!)
Luis: OOOH! (Calango: If you hit part of the head of the first one, you hit the guy on the side, right?) Luis: MOTHERFUCKER! GM: No fucking way, bro! [several screams] Calango: Nice, my man. (GM: How much damage?) Luis: Come on... Luis: 5. Everyone: [Laughter] GM: Wait… your gun does 5 of damage? Luis: It's because… Luba: No, it's... (GM: Because if it's extreme, it's maximum damage.) Guaxi: Yeah, extreme is maximum damage, you fool. (Luis: Maximum damage?) Oh, so 12! GM: 12 of damage? Let me see this. Okay… you… describe how you want to kill him, Luis.
(Luba: Oh the phrase, he said it.) Luis: So, I want to crouch… Luba: He said it, chat. Luis: Aim from below, hit the concierge's head and the bullet goes through and hits the other guy’s head. GM: Okay. You slide towards the floor, you position yourself, with all your military background from years in the war, actually not so long in the war, but years in the army... Luis: Training. GM: Yeah, training. You aim perfectly, you see the concierge looking at you, he realizes what's about to happen and [POW] he takes the shot and lands hard on
the floor, and the guy behind him is much taller, it goes through and hits his shoulder and gets wounded too, but he's still standing. ???: Mr. Josisvaldo, no! GM: And he gets pissed off, he glares at you. Luis: Come on, come on! (GM: Josivaldo is dead,) GM: he will never see a Living Pool game again. (Guaxi: We don't like Living Pool.) Everyone: [Laughter] GM: And you have that HP. Okay. Now, it's Arthur. Guaxi: I'm going to try to shoot the big guy there. GM: Okay. Guaxi: Is this guy here already dead or not? The one
in front of me here. Guaxi: No, we were entangled, right? (GM: No. Yeah.) GM: He went after you, but he couldn't bring you down. Guaxi: Oh, right. I'm going to try to push him to… GM: You're holding the gun, if you shoot him, (Guaxi: ...take him off of me.) GM: you have an advantage, ‘cause you’re in melee combat… Guaxi: OK, so that's it, that's it, I didn't know. GM: Yes, you are… you are… point-blank. Guaxi: I'll try to shoot him then. 19, good success. [Laugh] GM: Okay. You have an advantage, you can roll it twice.
Guaxi: Okay. GM: To see if you get an extreme. (Guaxi: I’ll roll it, I hope it… No.) Guaxi: It was 5, fail. GM: How much is your Shoot? Guaxi: I have Firearm… Pistol, 12. GM: It's 12? Guaxi: Mhm. GM: So 19 is extreme, isn't it?! Guaxi: Yeah, but it didn't say it, I thought it would be so too. GM: Let me just confirm this. (Calango: It's weird, because I rolled... Mine is 12 too) and I rolled 19... rolled 18 and it was extreme. GM: Yeah, 18 is extreme when it's 19... when it's... Wait, is it
12? Guaxi: Uhum. GM: 19 is extreme. Guaxi: Oh, so it's 10 of damage. Guaxi: I don't know why it said that... (Luba: Oh, so that 4 was extreme too.) GM: No, it wasn't. Luba: It's bugged there. GM: The guy comes, he is on top of you, you just point... stick the gun to his head and [Psheew Priff] Your gun is silenced and he [Broof] just falls hard in front of you. Guaxi: I give him a shove, with my foot. A: Get out! GM: And now it's the guy's turn. He says: ???: Oh my God! Aaah!
My friends! GM: And he comes running towards Luciano, and he's going to punch Luciano. He's really tall and strong. Luis: Can I Fight Back with a shot? GM: No. It's melee combat. Luba: Can’t I intercept it either? GM: No. It's because it's just between the two of them that are... Luba: Okay. (Luis: Holy shit.) GM: …in combat. Let me… (Luis: I will….) Oh Jesus, man! GM: Hold on... Um... Let me get the occultist here. Luis: I'm going to Fight Back. Calango: Will there be an attack of opportunity? GM: Ah, the more... The more people attack
the same guy in a round the more he will have a disadvantage when defending himself and vice versa, you will gain advantage. Um... If several people beat the same guy in a round, that happens, but this is not the case yet. Okay, let's go. Do you Fight Back, Dodge, or Block, Luis? Luis: I will Fight Back. (GM: OK.) Luis: Fumble. GM: Let's go, he gave you a fucking punch, he hit... (Calango: Jesus!) GM: he hit a good one. He hit a good one. Guaxi: Luis is already worried, bro. GM: Okay, you took one in the
mouth [Poow] your jaw almost dislocated, you took 5 of damage all at once. He's pissed and desperate. And now it's Tristan's turn to try to hit this new Zombie that just arrived. Luba: Luis, don't die this episode, I'll to lose the bet. GM: He hits! he finally hits a shot. Calango: Yeah! GM: Let me deal the damage. Luis: You got it, you got it. GM: He nailed it, right on the creature's head. Has this creature taken damage yet? Let me see. Triz: Uh-uh, not yet. GM: Okay, it's safe, yeah. This creature… no, it has taken
damage, yes, it was with… (Luis: It took damage from Erin.) GM: It was shot. Yeah, it was shot. GM: Tristan hits the last shot on this creature… (Triz: Oh, yeah. On its chest, it's true.) GM: And [Plurgh] the creature falls hard and turns into a goo on top of Erin and stains her… bathes her in blood. [Purf] Luis: [Laughs] I loved the sound effect [purf]. (E: Oh, delicious.) GM: Now there's only the occultist left and it's Joui. Luba: Uh, to pick up the sword and attack is it two rounds? (GM: It's one round,) it's one
round for each. Luba: So I want to kick him. But remembering that I'm on top of the TV. GM: Okay. Luba: Like, it’s easy to hit his face. Luis: But he’s big, right? He’s tall. Joui is small, he was on top of the TV, it’s hard to reach him. Luba: Joui’s not small, Joui is 1,80cm tall, bruh. Luis: Ah, so small. Luba: It is fighting/brawl, right? GM: Yup. Luba: Ok. Alright. I don’t know the alphabetical order of the things, but it’s fine. Kalera: A, B, C, D… Luba: Regular success. GM: Ok. Let me see if
he can block it... (Luba: Got an 8.) GM: No, you hit. Roll the damage. Luba: Uh, how do I know what the damage is? GM: It's 1d3. It’s your body, is it 0 or 1? Luba: Body? (GM: Yes, your body.) Is it 0 or 1? I think it’s on 0, isn’t it? Luba: Uh… My body’s damage is 1. GM: Is it 1? You have 1d3 + 1d4 then. Luba: Here says it's 1d4 actually, is that it? GM: It's 1d3 + 1d4. 1d3 is the regular damage And 1d4 is your body’s damage. Luba: And how do
I roll that? It’s a normal die, right? GM: You’d have to add it on Combat The punch, on Combat. Luba: Sorry, I didn’t do that. GM: Do it now, quickly, just put 1d3+1d4 On brawl combat, on your sheet. Luba: Ok. Keep the scene going meanwhile. GM: No, no, do it quickly. Joui, he... He’s taller than he was before, he’s stronger, he's jacked And his Body increased because of that. He used to have a 0 Body, now it’s 1, his punch damage increased. Luba: It’s all in lowercase, right? GM: Yes. Luba: 1d3+1d4, right? GM: No spaces
either. Luba: Ok, add… Uhh… it’s in “Body”, right? GM: Yes. Luba: No, it’s fighting, fighting. (GM: Yeah, fighting.) Luba: Sorry, chat, don’t be mad at me, ok? Uh… done. Luba: Four. GM: Four damage? ( Luba: Yes, 4HP. ) GM: You kick him in the stomach, and… Occultist: Ugh! GM: He feels pain, but he’s still standing. He is very resistant. Now it’s… Beatrice. J: Are you okay, Luciano? Triz: It’s okay, I think I’ll… I need to reload… (L: Hit them!) Triz: I need to reload the crossbow. GM: Ok. You reload the crossbow? Triz: Uh-huh, I’ll use
this round for that. GM: Fine. Kaiser’s next. Calango: I take a look at what is happening there… K: They can handle that. Calango: And I walk towards here. GM: Ok. Luba: What?! GM: You start walking towards the other side of the kitchen. You can walk over here if you want to, but there’s a door. Calango: Okay, I’ll try to… Even with all this mess happening there, I’ll try to hear something inside rooms (GM: Ok, roll finding and listen) Calango: Uh… Finding… I rolled good. GM: Ok, you notice that this door specifically, Has two big locks
On the outside, both locked. Calango: This one above me? GM: Yes. Calango: Okay. GM: Do you want to listen? Calango: To listen GM: With penalty 'cause there’s a fight going on… (Calango: I failed.) GM: Ok, so you’ve already lost it. There’s a frickin’ fight going on over there and it’s hard to focus. Next one… is Erin. (Calango: This door is open, isn’t it?) GM: What? Calango: This door is open, isn’t it? There’s nothing in the bathroom. GM: Uh, the bathroom is open, yes. The door was broken down, that’s all you can see: Just a common
bathroom, no lockers, nothing. Calango: Good. Kalera: Ok. I don’t think I can do anything from here. I don’t know what to do… I will… I’ll go with him. GM: Ok. You don’t want to say anything? You can still talk to the ones who are fighting. A: Help! Kalera: Can I come here? Here? Can I come here? GM: What? Sorry. Kalera: Here. GM: Where’s here? You can… No, no, Beatrice and Tristan are blocking the way, you can’t. Kalera: They’re blocking it? Triz: Cellbo! GM: Yes? Triz: Can I attack with Orpheu? GM: You can attack with Orpheu,
of course, but only in your round. I’ll get him here. Luis: Orpheu is badass. GM: He’s there. Orpheu, then, will attack the remaining occultist. He was on her shoulder… By the way, he would attack anyways. Luis: There’s two of them. GM: Shh, shut up. He would attack regardless of what she did, But I forgot about him during the battle There was so much to take care of. He comes flying, And tries to scratch the creature. Not the creature, the guy. Let’s see if he can make it. Calango: That birdie is a bitch, dude. GM: He
can’t, he just… He goes flying behind him… (Luba: Of course he can’t.) GM: And goes back to Erin’s shoulder. (Guaxi: Welcome to our family, Orpheu.) Kalera: Not Erin’s. GM: Not Erin’s, sorry, Beatrice’s. Now it’s Arthur, no… Erin already moved, she can’t Do you want to do something, Erin? E: Eh, guys, I’m kinda… I’m kind of stuck here, bruh. J: Gross. Tr: Hold on, hold on, I got you, just wait a minute. GM: He can’t move yet. You can delay your action to after his, if you want to. Kalera: After… After… GM: After Tristan. Then he
moves and you go. Kalera: Fine. GM: Now it’s Luciano. Luis: Uh, I guess I got punched and fell back. GM: No, you didn’t fall. You just got punched. Luis: Just got punched I want to shoot the guy, then. GM: Let’s go. You have an advantage because he’s near you It’s point-blank. Luis: One, it's a disaster. GM: Okay. Luis: The other was regular success. GM: Ok, you hit him, and forget about that disaster because you had an advantage, or else the gun would’ve jammed. This advantage saved your life Roll the damage. Luis: Seven. GM: 7 damage?
He got punched and, when he got down, He opened his mouth You shot him right into his mouth And he falls, his head completely blown up. J: Is everyone okay? E: That’s my boy! L: Are you sure it’s over, Joui? J: I didn’t count how many there were, But it seems like it. Even so, let’s be careful. How’s it back there? GM: You, Joui, know that there are a lot more, But you didn’t see more coming up. You know there’s something really fucked up going on in this building. A: Ok, we didn’t see the Landlord’s
face, did we? I don’t know, I can’t see this one’s face anymore. GM: None of them looked like the Landlord. J: I don’t think so. (E: Oh! I thought...) He was cool A: Yeah. (J: They aren't.) K: What’s up? Are you guys okay there? B: Joui, Joui. You’ve been investigating this building for some time, Do you know if there’s a way to the garage? To the parking lot? J: No, there’s none. Except for the usual ways GM: Yeah. You know that this stairway you came from Also gives access to the garage, It gives access to
the parking lot. J: Except for the usual ways… the staircase, the staircase leads to the garage. But guys. Kaiser? K: ‘Sup. J: Come here for a second. You’re far from us. K: Okay, I’m coming. J: You didn’t answer my text. K: Ah! (A: You didn’t answer us) K: You never reply to the texts in the group chat. Luba: I looked quickly and noticed that I was out of service. J: Oh, sorry guys. So, let’s… Let’s… (K: Excuse me, excuse me.) J: Miss… Calango: I start to search these guys’ pockets. GM: Ok. Roll finding. K: Say
it, Joui. Luba: I’m waiting for you to roll it. Calango: I Failed. Guaxi: [Laughs] GM: You don’t find anything in this guy. (J: Kaiser, what are you doing?) GM: Nothing special in that one. In those two occultists laying there. K: I’m searching their pockets, to see if we can find something. A: Good idea, we know how dangerous that is. L: But do it right. A: Damn, dude, calm down. J: Guys, I’ve been investigating Miss Liz, even without her knowing. I don’t think “investigating” is the right word, I’ve been taking care of her, from afar. K:
Yeah, we thought so. J: I noticed that she disappeared about two weeks ago. After she was gone, I kept investigating the building And saw trucks coming in some nights Which was really weird. On some nights, It was also possible to hear screams From inside the trucks. It seems like they were getting living people To do something, I’m not sure yet. Maybe occultist experiments, But I still don’t have a clue about where Miss Liz can be. Then I saw you guys coming. A: Based on what we found in the other apartment, We also have no clue
of where she is, We just know she really had to go. And there’s some papers I kept. It’s a Liz thing, you know. Luba: Master, have I searched her apartament before? (GM: No.) Luba: Like, do I already know these things? (GM: No.) Guaxi: That’s why I told you, I thought you might have just kept looking from afar. GM: You entered after them, because you saw... You recognized your allies And saw movement, then you entered the building for the first time. E: Guys, there’s another room we haven’t checked yet. K: There is a lot of stuff
in this apartment that seems off. There’s a specific door that has two huge locks. A: Ok, let’s take a look then. J: Uh, meanwhile, can you share with me What you found in Miss Liz’s apartment? B: Yes, if we could get that first paper back, I don’t know how to do that, but it seemed like she could have fled instead of being kidnapped. J: Ah, OK. Guaxi: Yeah, but you didn’t see this paper, I think. GM: Yeah. Triz: What? GM: It depends on the paper. Guaxi: It was me and Erin, I think. GM: No, no,
but the one she’s talking about was in the living room, Erin read it out loud. Triz: Yup. E: We found notes in a diary, it seemed like she was looking for Deconjuration, rituals, trying to better understand all this. Uh... newspaper clippings as well, with some articles about dead people in this neighborhood this rented apartment too, it was in newspapers, and she was searching. Tr: I’ll take a look in there, guys. You can keep talking, I don’t really understand what you’re talking about, I didn’t know that girl. GM: And Tristan heads towards the apartment. Luis: I’ll
go with Tristan. Triz: I’ll go with him. J: Did you find any other material? Something she could have left behind? A: Uh… no object… (Kalera: I’ll go too.) A: Just a lot of paper. Guaxi: I show him the papers, like, even though… Luba: Can I get them, Master? I was watching. GM: You can, you can, you can get the papers. (Guaxi: I can drag them somewhere else if you want me to.) Luba: Okay. So I’m kinda following it. The recorder too, right? GM: The recorder too, yes. Actually, I think the recorder is with Beatrice. E:
Ah! There was a recording too! (Triz: Yes, it’s with me.) B: Yes, the recording was exactly what you said. She saw some trucks, heard screams, and she… GM: Who are you talking to? Luba: I’m walking, I’m walking. GM: No, no. Wait, wait. Where are you? There’s no problem in stopping to talk, you know, you can talk and then explore, it’s okay. B: And she said she noticed these loads, and the Landlord’s behavior, that there was something wrong with him Exactly the same things you told us. It’s just that there was no new info, so I
thought it wasn’t necessary to repeat everything you have just said. J: Something about her new apprentice? Gustavo? B: No. She left a note telling him to leave the apartment, so he was here at some point. Did you see him? Since you were taking care of her? J: Uh, I saw them, doing normal stuff but nothing… nothing that seemed dangerous. B: Okay, it seems like they got separated… (Luba: Joui remains thoughtful.) B: It seems like they got separated and, noticing he was in danger for being here, since the occultists were making some decision, she told him
to go away as fast as possible, through a letter. J: OK. Luba: Joui thinks about all that, for now. Calango: I want to check on the doorman’s pockets. Guaxi: Yeah, I was going to say that. K: Hey, Kaiser, let’s search there. (Calango: I light up a cigarette.) GM: What’s this noise? Oh, Kah, mute your microphone, there’s noise coming from the streets. Thanks. Calango: Planes, planes. (Guaxi: Planes.) GM: Roll Finding for the doorman’s body. Calango: OK, I light up a cigarette. A: Hey, Kaiser, I told you to stop that. GM: When you light up your cigarette…
Nah, just kidding. Calango: Damn it! GM: Nice. Guaxi: Oh, let’s go. GM: You didn’t even have to bow down to see something shining in his pocket. You [PUSH] got a metallic little key. K: Nice, bro. A: Great, a key. K: Hey, Arthur, a key, look. A: Yeah, a key. K: Joui! J: Yes? K: Are you okay? J: Uh, I’m just thinking. If Miss Liz… It doesn’t make sense for her to run away and not let anyone know, especially her apprentice, or the Order. I know that… I know they’re not on good terms, but it seems
weird, it’s not… It's not like her. B: Does someone have the first letter? Who got the first letter? We could show it to him. GM: I think… (Guaxi: I think it’s here...) Guaxi: ...but I can’t drag it… I can’t get it. (GM: You don’t have…) Guaxi: It gets dark. GM: Throw it on the street, throw it there. K: But, putting Liz aside a little… GM: It’s actually already on the street. No, it’s not, I’ll get it. Guaxi: It’s on the street, it’s all on the street. Luba: OK, found it. K: Putting Liz aside a little,
how are you? We missed having news from you, again. J: I’ve been busy. A: We can see it, right? Look at the size of his arm! Guaxi: I squeeze his arm. J: Stop it. K: Always busy. I, by the way, found a key on the doorman’s body, okay? In his pocket. I’ll take a look at the other guy too. J: Careful, guys. I don’t know how many people may be following us. I don’t think we have much time. GM: You were very loud. (Kalera: OK,) I want to check on the kitchen now. L: Tristan. GM:
OK, you go to the… to the kitchen. Meanwhile, you notice, Luciano, that Tristan is trying to hear something by the door. Calango: I’ll search the other guy’s pocket, okay? (L: Can you hear something?) Tr: Can you hear that? Can you hear that? L: I… don’t know. Luis: Can I roll a Listen? GM: Yes. GM: Erin... (Kalera: What?) GM: As you explore this kitchen, you…. now that the battle is over, everyone roll a Sanity check, please, for the monsters you've encountered. Luiz: Fail, okay?! Luba: Even me? GM: Yes, everyone who saw the monster. Luba: I've seen
so many monsters! (Guaxi: I succeeded.) Calango: I failed. [Fake laughs] Kalera: Nine... fail, fail. Triz: Success. Luba: 94 is a fail?! GM: 94 is a fail because, in sanity, the smaller the better. Triz: I got a Success. Calango: Wait… so I have to get less than what I have in sanity? (GM: Ah, okay... Whoever failed...) GM: Whoever failed loses 1 Sanity. Calango: Here it said that I failed, but I got less than what I have in terms of Sanity. GM: No, but it's Paranormal Exposure. Luba: Here too. GM: You have to get less than your
Paranormal Exposure. Calango: Oh, OK. GM: Yeah, the system has changed. (Kalera: Lose 1?) The idea is that the more Paranormal Exposure you have, the less sanity you lose, but the less sanity you can have, because the more used to it you are, obviously, you will be less shocked by things. Guaxi: Yes, sir. GM: Uh, Erin... Kalera: Do I lose 1 then? GM: You lose 1, yes! Luis: I didn't hear anything, Master. Kalera: Okay. GM: It's okay, if you failed you lose 1, basically. E: Dear people, I think... I found the head of the oldie. (GM:
Yeah... you see...) GM: You see several pieces of bodies, knives, instruments used to mutilate and tear those bodies apart. It's disgusting, it's disgusting, it's terrible… this place is a vision of hell, like, it's disgusting. E: Wow, this fucking stinks. GM: The more you explore, you see... roll me a Finding check for… you have already rolled a Finding check, right, Ka? Kalera: I don't know. Have I? GM: No, give me a Finding check, give me a Finding check. Calango: Can I also roll for the pocket of the other guy I didn't look at? GM: Yes. Kalera:
Fail. GM: At 15? How much of a Finding do you have? Finding, you have... Kalera: How much of what? Calango: Regular in the guy’s pocket. GM: How much of Finding do you have? Kalera: I have 5. GM: Oh, so you really have little. Uh... okay, but it's kind of hard to avoid… you see a sheet of paper, on a table, a letter full of blood. How much did you get, Kaiser? Calango: 12, regular. GM: Who? Calango: On the fellow in front of me here. (GM: You don't see anything.) GM: It seems like when they're wearing
these raincoats, they don't bring anything with them. Calango: Oh, okay. (E: Hey,) what is this here? Oh, it's a thing I used for the system, ignore it. Kalera: Oh, okay. GM: It was for the gap. Guaxi: Looks like I'm pointing the gun at Kaiser here, this is so morbid. Kalera: Wait, I found what? GM: Everyone can press 1 already , if you dropped the weapon. Guaxi: No, are you crazy? (Calango: I'm not going to let it go, man, come back to me.) Luis: I didn't. (GM: Oh yeah, so... it's okay, it's okay. You're the boss.
) GM: While Erin explores... uh, how much did you get out of the Listen check, Luciano? Luis: I rolled… I failed. GM: Oh, okay. Tristan, he is… he has his ear, like that. Tr: Can you hear it… it sounds like an engine…? There's something in here. L: Do you want to break into it? Tr: Oh, we can open it, right? There are these locks, but… if the lock is on the outside… Triz: I'll join them over there. Kalera: [Sneezes] E: Oops, sorry. Tr: Bless you, Erin. E: Blood allergy! I think… Tr: Fuck… we have a
problem then. E: Huh? That doesn't make sense. Guaxi: Something is wrong there. L: Is there a key around here? In this apartment? Tr: But the locks are... are… they're not padlocks, we can just open them. L: Oh, okay then. Let's open it. E: Oh, I'm getting a cold. GM: Beatrice... Roll me a Listen check. Triz: I’ll do it. Kalera: Wait, did I find something here? GM: Uh, what have you done? Can you give a Finding… where are you looking for stuff? Kalera: No, I looked in the kitchen. GM: No, but... where in the kitchen? Kalera:
Nah, I was here. GM: But where… no. Finding in the kitchen, where, exactly? (Triz: Success, my first success.) Triz: I could hear it, I could. Kalera: Okay, I'll look here. GM: Finally! Triz: Amen, amen God. GM: Triz, when you come close to the door to listen... you hear what sounds like a big engine roaring, [HUUM] very big, coming from inside this place. Luis: It's a pug. B: I hear it, Tristan, I hear it, I hear it, Tristan. I don't think we should try to blow the door up, this time. Guaxi: Ah, just one thing, Master.
Didn't Erin find a letter, up here in something? GM: Yes, she did. I was pulling the document she got, wait. Guaxi: I doubt it. GM: Here. You found... I'll pull it, I'll pull it on… (Luis: You pulled it because you remembered.) GM: Yeah, no, it's because she left and I forgot. Here, this letter. It's on the street. Guaxi: On the street... on the street... Kalera: Which one? GM: It's the blood one, it's the blood one. (Guaxi: It's the last one [inaudible] Here, look.) E: Guys, I found a letter here. A: Read it out. B: Can
you read it? E: "The tattooed will arrive soon to get the pigs. We have to prepare everything for one more ritual in the parking lot before he takes all the bastards away. The truckload of motherfuckers will arrive at dawn, now, on the 31st." Today! "I need to take advantage to get some powers. I'm feeling it'll work this time." The writing is kinda wrong, but... Yeah. Guys, this parking lot thing is kinda bizarre. L: What time is it? GM: It's around midday now. (B: It's still early.) Ka: I'll come back to here. (B: But we know
this shipping is later.) Let's try to open this door, Tristan and Luciano. Nothing aggresive, tough. There could be explosives inside. E: Ah... (L: Guys, are my lips swollen?) GM: The character or Luis? (Luis: The character.) GM: Oh, okay. [laughs] (Triz: I was already checking the camera.) Tr: It's kinda ugly. Actually, it looks pretty bad. You may wanna treat this later. Talk to Marcela and she'll take care of it. She might have to make a stitch in there, I think? L: Son of a bitch. Tr: Does this hurt? GM: He pokes your… L: [Pained hiss] L:
Stop, Tristan! Tr: My bad, my bad, oh my… A: Hey, are we going to open it or not? B: Yes. Tr: Who will open? Triz: What do I need to do to open it? I want to try. GM: You just… open it. Triz: I opened it. GM: Okay, you open the first lock... you open the second lock, and you slowly open the door... There's a noise... and you see little by little, a room that is glowing completely red. There are candles on the floor, all extinguished, and in the center of a large ritual symbol there
is a very large creature, a huge creature. Similar, visually, with the one you had found, but it has teeth that... If they were ever human, are unrecognizable now. It is a muscular quadruped, made out of nothing but exposed flesh, its teeth are all bulging. Clearly, one bite from this creature will rip a head off instantly. And when you open the door... it lunges at you, [TUM TUM TUM] and it jumps at you. I'm going to ask you to turn off the flashlight, it's bugging. Calango: Fucking shit. GM: And it rushes with all its being. [RUUUAAGHH]
Triz: Does it catch up? GM: That's what we'll find out in the next episode of... Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. (Luis: Son of a bitch!) Kalera: No!! GM: Thank you so much for participating in this first episode, many new mechanics, many things happening at the same time! Everything will be explained very well, things will make sense eventually. I'm very anxious to see where this story goes, and I'm very anxious to see if Beatrice will survive. GM: Thank you very much, (Calango: Damn it!) for participating in this first session. Next Saturday at 6 PM we're back to continue
this story and to see this new group forming and see who survives this madness. Luis: Just wanted to say one thing. (Luba: Thank you very much.) Luis: One out of three, huh? Come on, guys. GM: Oh, will he make it? (Luba: True, man. I can't lose this bet.) Luba: You can't die on the next one or the third one. (Guaxi: Let's go.) GM: Will he make it, bro? A heartfelt thank you to everyone who watched, thank you very much for participating, and we are just starting. This is nothing. It's going to get really crazy. (Guaxi:
That’s right!) GM: Thanks guys, stay well. Calango: Thank you. (Kalera: Thanks guys.) GM: Until Saturday at 6 PM. Good night. Calango: Bye guys. [thin voice filter] [OUTRO] Subtitles made by Equipe T @Equipe__T on Twitter
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আওয়ামী লীগকে নিষিদ্ধ করার বিষয়ে সাবধানী ...
The Business Standard
Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $500,000
Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $500,000
জয়ের তথ্য বিক্রির ফরমুলা | Investigation 360 Degree | EP 382 | Jamuna TV
জয়ের তথ্য বিক্রির ফরমুলা | Investigation ...
Jamuna TV
JO TUM MERE HO (Slowed & Reverb) | Anuv Jain | Heart Broken | Rain | SR Lofi
JO TUM MERE HO (Slowed & Reverb) | Anuv Ja...
The Relax Guy
I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!
I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!
"Orfanato" - Episódio 04 - Ordem Paranormal: Desconjuração
"Orfanato" - Episódio 04 - Ordem Paranorma...
Cellbit Lives
$10,000 Every Day You Survive In A Grocery Store
$10,000 Every Day You Survive In A Grocery...
প্রধান কাজ নির্বাচনের আইনি কাঠামো শক্তিশালী করা: বদিউল আলম মজুমদার| Election Commission| Badiul alam
প্রধান কাজ নির্বাচনের আইনি কাঠামো শক্তিশাল...
Daily Ittefaq
‘সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন’ হিসিবে ৭ দিনের মধ্যে ছাত্রলীগকে নিষিদ্ধের দাবি মাহমুদুর রহমানের | BSL | Rtv News
‘সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন’ হিসিবে ৭ দিনের মধ্যে ছাত...
Rtv News
প্রত্যক্ষদর্শীর মুখেই শুনুন আবরারের সাথে সেদিন কী ঘটেছিলো? | Abrar Fahad | Jamuna TV
প্রত্যক্ষদর্শীর মুখেই শুনুন আবরারের সাথে স...
Jamuna TV
"Reunião" - Episódio 8 - Ordem Paranormal: Desconjuração
"Reunião" - Episódio 8 - Ordem Paranormal:...
Cellbit Lives
I Spent 7 Days In Solitary Confinement
I Spent 7 Days In Solitary Confinement
অক্টোবর পলিটিক্স | রাজনীতি | Rajniti | 03 October 2024 | Jamuna TV
অক্টোবর পলিটিক্স | রাজনীতি | Rajniti | 03 ...
Jamuna TV
যন্ত্রের যাঁতাকলে কৃষক ! | সার্চলাইট | Searchlight | পর্ব-২৮৯ | 04 October 2024 | Channel 24
যন্ত্রের যাঁতাকলে কৃষক ! | সার্চলাইট | Sea...
Channel 24
$1 vs $1,000,000,000 Yacht!
$1 vs $1,000,000,000 Yacht!
শেখ হাসিনার ফোন কল গুলো ইচ্ছাকরেই ফাঁস করা হচ্ছে : জুনায়েদ সাকি | Zunaid Saki | Sheikh Hasina Call
শেখ হাসিনার ফোন কল গুলো ইচ্ছাকরেই ফাঁস করা...
ATN Bangla News
I Hunted 100 People!
I Hunted 100 People!
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