nobody's like oh man I can't wait for this guy to send me an email with with a sales letter people are looking for a reason not to read your [ __ ] or not to watch it yourself so if you don't give me a shove those questions right away how is this unique what's in it for me and just get right into the proof people just bounce I had no clue that Agora was this huge company I didn't know anything about copywriting I didn't know anything about marketing I was hired as a research assistant so
I'm showing you my sales in in Agoura as you can see I have zero sales for my first four years with a Gor because I was in editorial I'm so dumb that it took me four years to realize that copy was the soul of the business it's copy that drives the business without copy there will be no Agora so it took me four years but then once I realized that I started I started to learn about copywriting and he started like writing copy part time and then 2014 I became a full-time copywriter and as you
can see my first four years I was selling between 1 & 4 millions a year so nothing really amazing but nobody'd for someone who is starting with copy but in 2017 something big happened my sales jumped from 4 to 40 so that's the 10x that I was telling you guys about right that that was the year that I 10x my income why because that was the year that I develop and started implementing the 16 word sales letter method to every single copy that I wrote so if you walk into their bore financial office in Baltimore
Joe schrieffer who is the CEO the publisher of AG or financial he put these discs on the wall showing the top sellers for the year right and my name is on the top there because I was the highest selling copywriter the year and I remember looking at the wall and thank him and that's gonna mark the peak of cover here because there's no way I can beat 40 million dollars in a year I was wrong because next the next year I double that and I sold 80 million dollars in that state that's why that's the
year that divin was referring to 2018 sold 80 minutes and that just just to put that in perspective that's more money than a lot of companies inside agora that have 40 50 employees making a year so that's that's just crazy and then last year I so close to 50 million so the last three years about 170 million dollars in sales using this net this method that I'm gonna teach you guys here today okay so when I develop these method I was trying to solve the three biggest problems that I think copywriters face because those are
the problems that I was facing when I got started the first one is not knowing s your idea is good enough anybody here has faced a problem like you come up with an idea and you're not sure if it's good enough for you to actually spend time writing that copy the second problem is not having a clear mission for your coop you know sometimes you start writing copy but you're not even you're not even sure why you try to accomplish you know like what do you actually try to make people believe in there's not enough
clarity and I know the third one is a big problem anybody has faced the problem that of not knowing how to structure your ladder it's very easy for you to start writing copy and you just get lost in the middle of the copy you don't know what to write next you take a wrong turn in the copy and you end up writing like ten page of copy that it's basically useless so that's a big problem for a lot of copywriters so when I developed this method I was trying to solve those three problems and I
think it can help you solve those three problems so I'm sure by now you thinking man can you just shut up and tell us what's the secret okay so here's here the 16 words so the secret to converting cop is to define your one belief and answer these 10 questions now just heads up in the next few minutes it might sound like too much theory but don't worry because I'm gonna get into a lot of examples and you understand how to actually apply this in your coffee so the first thing you should know is so
you need to define your one belief and then you're gonna answer the same questions the one belief is gonna be your mission for the copy and the ten questions will help you structure the sales letter so remember when I said that your mission for the copy is to make the reader to make a prospect believe in one thing I just one thing you must make them believe that your new opportunity the new opportunity that you're presenting is the key to their desire and is attainable only through your new mechanism so that's the the one that's
your mission for the copy so you must you must present a new opportunity you must target the right desire and you must have a new mechanism so let me show you this ad is from 1919 20s and it's selling there's an ad for the mouthwash Listerine do you guys know that back then they use Listerine Listerine to clean the floor and to treat gonorrhea the same liquid you guys put in your mouth every day was used to treat gonorrhea so that's true but so back in the 20s they were trying to market that as a
mouthwash and they were not having success because they were they were targeting like bad breath until they had this campaign the halitosis campaign in their sales just blew up so when you talk about avoiding bad breath it's not it's not really it doesn't sound like a new opportunity right so what they did was instead of talking about bad breath they talked about halitosis halitosis is actually like a real term a Latin term that means bad breath but nobody was using that term back then like doctors were no longer using that term but it's a real
Latin term for bad breath so instead of talking about bad breath they talk about halitosis which makes like sound like a new thing and makes it sound like we are serious condition right so right there is a pre that's how the presented bad breath like getting rid of bad breath as a new opportunity and they targeted a desire that we all have which is the desire to be popular the desire to be accepted by our peers right so that's why the headline was halitosis makes you unpopular and this image is just so powerful right because
you can see these poor women here in the corner by herself and she's single she can't get anybody she's not gonna get married she's not gonna have kids she's gonna die alone and miserable because she has bad breath so imagine the company that makes Listerine comes to you and say man we need you to write a campaign for listening there are so many ways right how are you going to position that how are you going to position Listerine as a new new opportunity so that's why I tell all the writers in my team that the
first thing they must do before writing co-op is to define that one belief because that's how you're going to decide this decide how you're going to position your idea in the copy in a way that sounds like a new opportunity so the one belief for this campaign is getting rid of halitosis as the new opportunity is the key to avoiding social disaster and it's only attainable through the germ killing antiseptic Listerine so just imagine like if you are a copywriter and you write down this one belief before you write any piece of coffee you write
down this one bully if you're basically that's your mission for the copy is to make the reader believe in this one thing because if they believe in that it's very likely that they're gonna buy Listerine so that's gonna help you guide the copy because the only thing that you have to do for every single piece of copyright is to make the reader believe in this one sentence now once you have that define then you can start writing the copy and you're going to do that by answering ten simple questions so those questions will help you
structure the sales letter I'm showing you a picture of the whiteboard in my office and you won't be able to read everything here but you can see there's a one belief on the top that's the one belief sentence with the new opportunity that desire and the new mechanism and you see ten questions and that's from a meeting that I had with one of the writers in my team because I have these meetings every time we work on a new project before we write a single word of copy we have a meeting like this where we're
going to define the one belief and we're going to outline how we're gonna answer those ten questions because once you do that it's so much easier once you start writing copy and you know exactly where are you going you know exactly what you have to write next you know exactly what you need to research so you don't waste time thinking about all what should I write next you know so it's much more efficient so let me go over the ten questions now and these are sequential questions oh so you you gotta answer them in the
sequence and once you're done answering them but when your copies done so first one is how is this unique no we hear you have a few seconds to grab someone's attention in the copy that's why that's question number one because show me something thats unique is a great way to grab someone's attention and that's all backed up by science this is actually I'm I'm are I image showing how our brains light up when we see something new right it releases dopamine and want some it wants it makes it want to learn more about that new
thing and if it if you think in terms of evolution that makes perfect sense because if you think about the caveman running through the savannas and there's nothing happening and all of the sudden he he sees that bushes are moving he better pay attention to that because it could be a lion right so his survival depends on him paying attention to something new something that changed in the environment so that's how the way our brain is evolved is to pay attention to something new so that's the way our brains are wired and you should use
that in your coffee you're about to see confidential information about a patent pending investment tool this is the biggest breakthrough in our company's 30-year history please do not share this with anyone under any circumstances hi I'm Alan Tuchman I'll fully introduced myself in just a moment but right now I want you to look at this piece of paper I'm holding in my head its patent application number D zero three six five one nine three it was filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office to protect the invention of a powerful new market indicator as far
as I know it's the only indicator in the world they can tip you off about impending big market news before the news becomes public right away answer the question how is this unique first of all he's starting he started talking about a patent right if there is a patent involved a patent application already implies that's something new let me show you the slides again because I actually wrote the copy that script that I wrote for the Guru I'm gonna show you the copy so you can see so this is the copy that I wrote for
him and he was basically guru that guy the editor was just basically reading a teleprompter but the stuff that I wrote so you can see how I'm telling you how is this unique well it's a new indicator it's the only indicator that can tip you off about big news before it hits the public so that's how its unique so once you answer that question then you can move on to question 2 and that's what's in it for me everybody here's read this book so that's a classic book that everybody should read at least once a
year right if I could sum up this book in one idea is that nobody cares about your [ __ ] they only care about their [ __ ] so when you're right if you want to persuade people you have to focus on what they want their interest their desire right so you must answer this question right away what's in it for me I've lost I know this sounds obvious but I've lost count how many times I've seen copywriters waiting into page three or four to actually tell me what's in it for me and the problem
with that is by the time you get to page three you know there's nobody reading because everybody already left by I mean people are busy if you don't tell me what's in it for me right away I'm probably gonna close the page and go do whatever I was doing before so you want to answer the question with a specific promise now I'm gonna play the exact same clip that I just played from the beginning again but I want you to pay attention how right after telling you how is this unique I made a specific promise
and that's how you want to answer question number two this is the biggest breakthrough in our company's 30-year history please do not share this with anyone under any circumstances hi I'm Allen muckman I'll fully introduced myself in just a moment but right now I want you to look at this piece of paper I'm holding in my hand its patent application number D zero three six five one nine three it was filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office to protect the invention of a powerful new market indicator as far as I know it's the only
indicator in the world that can tip you off about impending big market news before the news becomes public I call it the weekly paycheck indicator because it gives you a chance to collect a big paycheck of as much as ten thousand two hundred dollars or more every single week while simultaneously slashing risk exposure by 25 to 50 percent right after telling you how is this unique I told you that you could make ten thousand a week why slashing your risk so that's the specific promise that I'm making in this copy and that's how you want
to answer question number two so after you do that and you notice that I did that really quick right answer question one boom - boom and I'm moving on after you do that I told you what's unique and I told you I made you a specific promise so now I grabbed your attention you are intrigued by the same time you are skeptical because now you're probably thinking how do I know this is real right so that's the that's why that should be the next question that you have to answer so here you're gonna have to
show some proof that what you're saying is actually true so there are many ways you can do that could be testimonials or case studies it could be a third party quote from reliable sources and on Wall Street Journal or some Forbes magazine it could be scientific studies no like how I study from Harvard it could be examples of trades that's very common in the financial space I'm sure all you guys already know like different types of proof so I'm not gonna spend too much time on that I do want to talk about a mistake that
I see a lot of copy writers making which is forgetting that proof is also copy right once we start showing proof you cannot be boring and - just to make the point I'm going to tell you that story took a messed up the PowerPoint but it's okay a Terry story of this study done by the Carnegie Mellon University and this study they they started involving fund raising for poor kids in Africa and it separated the groups in two separate groups first group received raw data and statistics about poverty in Africa and the average donation was
a dollar fourteen cents the second group received no statistics they only receive the story of this little girl rakia and telling her story how she was going days without food but parents didn't have money for anything like not even the most basic stuffs clothes she didn't have education just telling her story for that group the average donation was two dollars and 38 cents so more than double the statistics alone and then the researchers thought that maybe we'll forgive them all the information the facts and the story maybe the people don't make even more so they
did they start again with a separate group and they gave them the statistics the raw data and the story but that group only donated on average a dollar 43 a dollar forty three so still less powerful than just telling the story alone so the researchers concluded that when you give people raw data and statistics you put them in a analytical frame of mind and when people are in analytical frame of mind they are less likely to act right because we all act on emotions so you for you as a copywriter you want your prospect to
be in an emotional state of mind the entire time and for you to make that happen you cannot be boring so when you give proof you want to wrap that up in a storytelling format so instead of just showing what a scientific study said tell the story how the doctor or how the scientists discover that cure or whatever no so just try to wrap the proof in a storytelling format because you cannot be boring the once you once you show proof then you can move on to the next question and that's for me that's where
the magic happens and and the question is what's holding me back so the purpose of this question is for you to show the reader the prospect what's the real problem that's holding them back and you're gonna do that by using what I call the magic conversion formula this is probably one of the most important things that I learned in copy and once I learned how to use this formula we saw a huge boost in conversion in my copy so here's the formula the real problem plus the new mechanism equals hope so let me explain and
I'm gonna explain that with an example to make it easier for you guys to understand let's say you are you're trying to lose weight and you you're already doing all the right things you're eating healthy you are going to the gym but you're still you're not seeing results so I come to you say man the real problem is not because you're lazy it's not because you eating crap the real problem is you have low testosterone so I'm telling you something that you didn't know before so I'm revealing what's the real problem to you and then
after I do that I'm gonna come to you and say but man I have this supplement that's a hundred percent natural that's proven by science to increase levels of testosterone and a bunch of people just like you already tried and they're seeing results so that's the new mechanism so what happens when I do that when I put those two things together what happens is I giving them hope that they finally found something that's gonna work for them unlike all the other solutions that they tried in the past this thing will work right and that's why
that's very powerful because once you give people hope in your copy it's very likely they will buy your product so if you think back p90x the p90x diet campaign sold millions of dollars because they were basically saying if you're working out and you're not seeing results it's not your fault the real problem is you're hearing a plateau effect but now we created this new fitness program called muscle confusion that will confuse your muscles so you'll never hit the plateau effect again so that's how they give people hope that they finally found a fitness program that
could work for them so how do you find a real problem for your copy the way I like to do it's very easy you just reverse engineer they answer it to question number one so I showed you that copy that the VSL that I wrote for a weekly paycheck indicator the answer to question number one in the copy how is this unique was is the only indicator that can chip you off about big news before it hits the public so that's what made that unique so here's how I answer that question what's the real problem
you get in the trade after then you see what I did if what's unique is you're getting before the news is published the problem is you get in the trade after the news so here's how I did that in my copy if you've lost money with other indicators or trading systems in the past it's not your fault that's because every other system that I'm aware of is based on price data they only trigger by signal when the price change after the big moves by the time you get in it's already too late so what I'm
doing here is I'm telling the reader that if they lost money in the past it's not their fault so I'm justifying their failures while at the same time giving them hope that this thing is new it's different than everything else that they've tried in the past so that's how you want to answer question number four then once you do that you move on to the next question now you're gonna blame someone or something so we all we also evolved in tribes right so we are very tribal we have tribal instincts that's why we always we
like to be part of groups that's just the way our brains are wired so in your copy it also always helps with conversion if you can make your prospect feels like they are part of a special group and one of the best ways to do that is by having a common enemy this is so powerful the even big companies use that that technique in their marketing so I'm going to play an example now for you hello these days we bow from Microsoft Office we share files it's great we just get along PC yep okay hi
I'm a PC ok we're past that we move beyond them yeah I had to restart there you you know how this actually I don't follow what Mac's don't have to Adam the velocity I'm gonna go get IT keep an eye on him hello I'm a Mac and I'm a PC a Mac did you hear the good news Windows 7 is out and it's not gonna have any of the problems my last operating system had trust me I feel like I've heard this before PC what windows vistas here and it's not gonna have any of the
problems of Windows XP hat it's not gonna have any of the problems of Windows ME and it's not gonna have any other problems of Windows 98 and it's not gonna have any of the problems Windows 95 had it's not gonna have any of the problems windows do have trust me this time it's gonna be different trust me so I love how Apple position Microsoft and PC as a common enemy and they've done in such a great job that people who use Mac they're it's like a religion right anybody who who uses Mac here I'll show
you guys all feel like you're part of a special group right so much so that I'm a PC guy and I've lost count how many times one of you guys come to me and say dude use a PC what the [ __ ] and you guys are starting to convince me because my PC actually freezes all the time so I think I'm gonna get that Mac this year oh yeah so anytime you can have a common enemy in the copy it's gonna help your copy convert one key point here is that you cannot make make
up an enemy has to be someone or a situation that they already believe in my space and on the newsletter newsletter buyers our target audience they are already already believe they already distrust the government they are s wall street mainstream media FDA big pharma they believe the game is rigged so we have used all these things in copy as common enemy so you must understand your audience and see what are in think about what could be some of their common enemies that someone or situation that they already believe then once you do that you can
answer the next question and that's why now you see even if you do everything right in your copy even if you can convince people that your product is good and that's gonna solve their salute their problems people are not going to act just because that's the way we are no we it's so much easier for us not to do anything right for me to buy something I have to grab my wallet take out my credit card punch the numbers so so much easier for me to do anything so you must give people a reason to
act right now so you must answer this question to create urgency in your copy so back in 2017 you know I've came across a bunch of these headlines about a rumor that Amazon was going to accept Bitcoin by October you guys remember anybody here we've ever seen that so Amazon to begin accepting Bitcoin in October so I was having lunch with my wife one day and I was actually reading really one of those news on my phone and then I started laughing and then I showed it to my wife and she was like what's so
funny and I asked guess who we started that rumor so I wrote this crypto copy and we're are saying that we are on the verge of a massive buying frenzy starting with a single event on October 26 and that lady in the copy I said how Amazon was going could announced that they could start accepting Bitcoin as soon as October 26 now the thing is I'm writing for a guru right so just before you think I'm doing something unethical or just making stuff up my job is as the copywriter is to sell the Guru right
so in this case I asked the Google I knew I needed urgently for my copy so I asked him what were some situations I could create obviously in the market we come up with a list of things and the one that he believed that was most likely was Amazon making some sort of announcement that they would start accepting Bitcoin so that comes directly from the Guru is not something that I made up I gave you like I came up with the idea of having we need something here we need because I knew I needed to
answer this question why now so I after I explained what was happening October 26 I said once they make this announcement the impact on cryptocurrencies will be huge boost will see a buying frenzy like never before it'll be like Black Friday crowd a Best Buy only those who got in early will get a good deal most people will be left out so what I'm doing here is I'm using something that psychologists call the either-or fallacy and that's when you make people believe that they either act now or something Bad's gonna happen so that's how you
want to add urgency to your copy no we need to find some real situations something that's happening that will make them action now or they will miss out they cannot wait you either get it now or you will miss out then once you do that then you have to raise your question number seven why should I trust you and that's gonna be the credibility section of your copy now this is not a resume okay you don't want to write a resume here because resumes are boring so in my experience I found three very powerful ways
of doing this so basically three story lines the first one is the expert store line and the expert you're just gonna tell your past accomplishments no for the troll if you're writing for a guru in the financial space for example one might say the guy wrote for best-selling books he's made millions of dollars trading and markets he's been on TV CNBC in the healthy space maybe you're talking about a doctor talk about how many surgeries he's done that he's a doctor to celebrities so that's just the expert tutorial I know you're telling those things that
will make people believe that all this guy really knows what he's talking about he's an expert the second one the second way you can do that is by what I call the Robin Hood storyline and as you know Robin Hood steals from the rich and give to the poor so there are some contacts where you can use these storylines when someone used to be on the east side and he left with a secret and now they're sharing the secret with everyday folks so for example I wrote a copy for one of our gurus and she
used to work for Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs no JP Morgan and I told his story that while she was there working for these big banks she was making a bunch of money using a secret and they so she learned that secret when she was on the inside and she felt that was never fair that everyday folks like you didn't have access to the secret so she left and now she's sharing the secret with everyday folks so that story is very powerful because people feel like oh [ __ ] now I'm getting access to
something that only the insiders and all these Wall Street pros have the third storyline and that's in my opinion the most powerful one is I've been in your shoes so here you're gonna make the reader you're gonna tell your story how how you were just in the same place where the reader are today right so the reader will feel like they'll look at you and they'll think man this guy used to be just like me he already faced the same challenges that I'm facing right now and he found a solution right so it's almost like
the Guru is our way already went through a journey and now he's gonna grab you by the hand and he's gonna show you exactly how to go to the same journey so that's very powerful it builds a lot of trust you know how can you not like someone who used to be just like where you are today and he already overcome all the challenges and now he's gonna show you exactly what you need to do one of the best examples of that is actually the copy that crack claim is wrote dr. Condry it's a freaking
doctor so it's an expert tons of credibility but what made that copy if you guys if you guys watch that what made that copy so powerful is because the doctor was struggling with weight he used to be he used to be fat and he was trying to do all she was working out just eating healthy but he couldn't lose weight until he discovered something so that's like I be in your shoes you know I used to be just like you but then I discovered this thing that solved my problem so once you do that once
you answer this first seven questions the sale is done that's the motional sale they should be emotionally sold by now then after that you're gonna have to give them logical reasons that they can use to rationalize that decision right the emotional decision that's the way we operate we make we act on emotion and we use like rational stuff just to logically stuff just to rationalize our emotional decision so you're going to do that by instruction about eight how does it work so he's just gonna show more proof and you're going to you're gonna to explain
what's the mechanism right so you're gonna explain what's behind the mechanism if you think about p90x the mechanism was muscle confusion then he has to explain how does that work most confusion he's going to show scientific studies showing that if you can confuse your muscles and change the workout every other day or whatever he's going to show how this scientific studies actually proved that that works so you have to explain the mechanism and show more proof and the finance financial space and the financial copy the one that I showed weekly can I call weekly paycheck
indicator lady in the copy I explained what was behind the mechanism it was just unusual options activity so the Guru was looking at unusual options activity because a lot of insiders people who who might have inside information they place these trades in the options market and if you track those activities you can tell some you can get ahead of the news no because sometimes the insiders know what's going to happen before the news hit the public so I explained the mechanism in a logical way so the reader will like will when I explain that they'll
be like oh yeah that makes sense now so it brings everything together in the healthy space it's very common for the supplement to just be a combination a unique combination of herbs you know so when you answer this question for supplement copy you're basically going to explain the herbs how they work and show proof scientific studies why they work and how they work inside your body and once you do that you can move on to question number 9 how can I get started now at this point they're ready to buy so that's gonna be the
offer section and there are many many ways to structure the offer of your sales letter I'm just gonna walk you through like a very basic traditional way we do in the newsletter space we first say I put all this secret inside this special report it's yours free once you subscribe to this service then you're gonna introduce the service explain how it works and then you're gonna show testimonials here's what others are saying about this service and then you're gonna have a false close and the first pose is when you say something like others have paid
$10,000 for this but today it's not gonna cost you anywhere near that but you don't reveal what's the price you keep moving on I'll tell you details in just a moment but first I'm gonna give you some actual reports bonus gifts and then you talk about the reports and then that's when you're gonna review the final price with the value stack and the value stack is when you show everything that you're gonna get with the value you add them up and then you cut the value and just show the final price and if the total
value will just anchor and we'll make the will act as an anchor and will make the final price seem like a bargain and then of course you're gonna offer a guarantee that's the risk reversal so that's a very basic way of structuring the offer section then once you do that it's time to close close the sales ladder and you're going to do that by answering this question why do I have to lose so you want to remind them that if they do not act nothing is gonna change their lives will remain the same nothing will
change but you have to be careful here because a lot of copywriters they they get too desperate for to close the sale they get too needy and you cannot be needy nobody likes anybody who is needy so you have to be careful at the closing of the sales letter to not not sound too desperate for the sale right one way you can do that is by using what we call the push-pull technique and that's when you first you're going to push push them away and then you pull them back in and you push one way
to push them away just by giving them a reason why maybe this is not right for them so after all you wrote about like in the club how great this is you're gonna tell me maybe this is not right for you so that's gonna make you feel like oh this guy's not trying to sell me hard you know it's not desperate for the sale and they're gonna pull them back in by telling them what do they have to lose another way of doing that is by doing a classic three options so you have three options
do nothing do it yourself or let me do it for you so if you do that those three options the key here is to just explain what the options are and let them decide right you don't want to try to convince them to pick option three which is to work with you you just explain what the options are a lot in this side because that way you're not going to come across as too needy so the key here is to make them to make the reader think that they need you more than you need them
right why would a millionaire show you how to have a full-time paycheck without having a job at all it's because I just wrote my brand-new book it's called sewer jobs it's totally free no strings attached you hit the link below you download it for free right now in two seconds if you want and here's the thing see I have never had a job in my entire life yet I became a millionaire when I was 24 years old in the last 12 months I've helped over a hundred and fifty people from over 60 countries began to
earn a full-time income as well without having a job this is the digital age we don't need jobs to live life on our terms and do the things that we want so if you want to get my brand new book it's completely free for the rest of today just hit the link below you'll get it in literally less than a minute and part of this book by the way was dedicated to my college professor who told me I would never amount to anything so there's anyone your life doesn't believe in you doubt you says you
can't do it get this book and let's show them what you truly are capable of