Venom: The Last Dance (is bad)

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Mr Sunday Movies
The Venom trilogy has come to an end with The Last Dance, the latest entry from SPUMM (the Sony Pict...
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[Music] off the back of Venom 2018 and Venom The Big Red Venom from 2021 oh guey already a Venom oh yeah and the first one was also gooey a different color that's right yeah he's not fighting a Venom in this one though is he no for the most part yeah I guess uh who is he fighting it's tough to say spiders or something uh we got Venom 3 The Last Dance that's right oh I forgot to put the budget in give me one second I'm going to say 70 m I'm going to agree with you
now this one is directed first time director call Marcel who wrote the previous two movies yes and some other stuff budget $120 million damn we were way off yeah looks bad must have paid that horse a lot of money that's right lot of Oats uh she probably went to Oat Studio that's good well this makes sense she was a script editor on Bronson which is one of the early Tom Hardy breakout roles oh right okay she also wrote 50 Shades of Gray mhm sure also she gets she got uncredited script work thanks incred on Mad
Max Fury Road so that's good okay and like you said the writer of the two three Venom movies plus the story of crella I see how that woman hated dogs or whatever sure but she was justified in hating dogs yeah I think so one pushed her mom off a cliff or something yeah that's right saw that movie yeah and laughed about it it was pretty good for what it was caveat Mason uh so yeah budget $120 million the box office of this it's not looking great variety are calling this series A downtrend okay or recognizing
a downtrend I should say so they've gone they must have gone pretty granular because it's kind of difficult like that level of you know what I mean cuz I give you some numbers okay want some numbers yeah yeah so the original had a 22 million Us opening on its day one okay sorry 32 million for the original one okay 37 million for the second okay uh and this one has 22 million opening that's just one day in the US the original made 856 million to the box office in 2018 which makes sense CU that's Avengers
Etc era the sequel only made 56 million still hugely profitable but that's quite a drop off yeah and so they decide at this time spend more get less L plan exactly so this is going to have a 65 million Us opening maybe a bit less okay this is definitely a dying series flagging one would even same as uh anyways the goo is drying out certainly is and winning is gone Patrick Mulligan is reported dead Rex Strickland is on the heart are you telling me what do you think the story I was going to say are
you telling me what the story is just setting the the the scene and the pace all right all right here we go here we go so so you don't like it when I do the story don't take my bit don't take my bit where I pretend I'm surprised you've asked me what the story is I was only I was only surprised the first hundred times now I'm not surprised at all all right so any and Venom they they're um they're back from their little trip to the MCU where they did nothing that's right well they
left some stuff and they said some stuff um looked at the TV looked at the TV they went uh boy we got some stuff to do in this universe but now they're back and uh they've learned that they've learned they wanted for a murder they didn't commit and probably a lot of crimes they actually did commit yeah uh so they can't they've been eaten dudes yeah yeah yeah they've been in Mexico but they can't go back to San Francisco where Eddie Brock is from because Heat's too much so they're like let's go to a place
where there are no cops New York City um no they're going to bribe a judge or whatever a so you think you're going to get venom in New York well yeah so this is going to so so this Spider-Man Etc well yeah so I mean that's that's the that's if you recall in the post credits of whichever one that was yeah uh Venom's like oo that's Spider-Man on the TV we should go to New York yeah to meet Spider-Man and they're hoping would forget the reason that he was going to New York cuz now he's
back in his own to meet Spider-Man anyway that's the number one thing is they've got to go on a little road trip across America to get to get to New York City baby but also uh a scientist with a tragic backstory uh is is is working on researching Venoms in a secret lab under area back story would you say backstory what I would say is that her backstory is that uh when she was a when she was young her little brother wanted to be a NASA scientist but then one day they both got struck by
lightning on a beach and he died so she's decided to to to honor him she'll become a scientist and then she's ended up researching Venoms in in a secret lab under Area 51 which is closing down so they got to deal with that but also they're dropping acid on things they are there's an acid dropping machine don't worry about that though a o ands nightmare if you ask me just an open air acid dropping ma it's not important but also third thing is that out in deep space null who was the god of the Symbiotes
who created the Symbiotes but they locked him up they rebelled against him and locked him up because he was too evil they've locked him up in a in a prison Dimension space thing or whatever in space uh and he he he's sending out monsters cuz he's got to track down something that he that that uh that could maybe release do a big evil he's got some of his power some of his portal powers back he does so he can send these monsters to different planets cuz he's looking for the Codex which is a key to
him Escape yeah now you might be wondering uh will will all of these three things uh you know coales and and and join together into a satisfying ending to this movie and the conclusion of the Venom saga no but do we have a lot of fun along the way also no we don't Mason yes these movies are bad I agree I've been saying that I've been what I've look what I've been saying is I didn't like the the last one be gooey red Carnage but if you ask me why I couldn't tell you cuz I've
forgotten and I remember liking the first one but if you were to be like here's a quick recap tank I might be like this is bad the lobster tank bit I liked the performance and it's the romcom buddy cop element to it it's it's you know good work from Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock and Tom Hardy as Venom playing across himself and each other to to have a funny I can't understand Venom a lot of the time right uhuh is that is that just a me problem no I don't think it is again you know
not like exclusively but I feel like I'm missing jokes or they're not jokes I think it's a combination of sometimes it's happening when there's a lot of big action happening on screen like like he's hanging off the side of a plane or there's explosions or what have you combined with the fact that a lot of the time sound systems in cinemas are not very good and they you know they've been in there for 20 years and they're malfunctioning and it's it's a muddy in there and everybody's on Tik Tok on their phones on full volume
Tom Hardy does love a weird little voice though doesn't he he does he we can't understand him yeah now me and you were speaking to my son before this and uh he said we asked about the Venom movies like what's the new Venom movie like and I can't remember what we said probably it's bad and then uh you no I said well and he said did you like the other ones and I said no and he and he said he said what I can't remember we got to this but we told him that there's no
Spider-Man in these yes and he went what and then he said because an 8-year-old 9-year-old yeah 9-year-old his knowledge of the the Marvel un seen any Venom stuff but he is aware from probably Lego Spider-Man or Lego Marvel or whatever that Venom and Spider-Man are very yeah extremely linked and you said well the thing is in the comics Venom he has the Rivalry with Spider-Man but he eventually goes out on his own and he decides to become an anti-hero and the lethal protector and then he said I did say that I did say all those
trademark terms that's right and then he said how does he become venom then and I said I don't remember yeah which is true I guess he found a symbiote came to Earth that's all like yeah he goes into a lab yeah he goes into that lab does it or does it I'm thinking of Spider-Man 3 where a comet landed near him yes no that's that's yeah but in this one he goes Eddie Brock goes to investiga lab and there's a Venom there okay you know that's great yeah it is great isn't it yeah I just
um um I don't know man okay here's what's good I'll tell no I tell you what this is for the listeners here and I'll remind you of this James this is a scene in the movie this current movie that I think is emblematic of this movie as a whole it's a microcosm of this movie okay there's a moment where cheel egio for as the military General Rex Strickland uh he is on he's having a he's speaking to his shadowy mysterious superiors over a shadowy mysterious Zoom call and he says I'm going to go in and
get Eddie Brock I'm going to capture Venom but I need full control over the six and then the the shadowy mysterious General he goes yes you have approval to deploy the six we're like whoa and at this point in the movie I'm like well there's been enough kind of leg work to establish in this in at this point that the six that they' they've said so dramatically it's probably some kind of team of symbiote bonded Special Forces soldiers all of whom have like distinctive personalities and they use the this this the goo in in you
know tactical ways that we've not seen before one's gold maybe exactly and probably venom Eddie Brock will be defeated but then he'll learn from that and then you know and then maybe later he'll he'll convince some of them to change their ways or what have you but anyway it turns out the six are just six guys who are easily killed yeah they're just Tom Hardy shoots one they're just six not when he's Venom no but there's they're six no see here's the thing you're thinking of a different thing the six that he's that he's he's
gotten to deploy they're just six Anonymous black suited soldiers hanging off a helicopter and they're identical to a bunch of other black suited soldiers hanging off a helicopter from earlier the one who shoots underwater that's not one that's not the six that's the previous guys oh so like and I'm not even sure there were six the six you the six that he deploys are the six that show up in Las Vegas later and crash in on the hotel room okay that's the six but but I mean you could also do I mean they were never
going to do this OB I don't even know if there were six of them Sinister Six obviously yeah right I guess obviously all but the foreshadowing of this movie suggests that the six are going to be symbiote guys and I think probably at some point they might have been yeah but at a at a at a at a at a synopsis level or a screenwriting level or a film film making level or an editing level they chopped that out but they had to leave the line cuz they're like well we film this what what's also
strange is like and this is a slight spoiler there are a bunch of other Venoms in this that's what I'm saying what are we doing I'm going to talk about that in spoilers what are we doing I'm I'm going to point I'm going to talk about it in spoilers and I think I'll I'll tell you where I thought this was going to go before they were like that seems too expensive so we'll just use random Special Forces guys but anyway strength of this movie I think Tom Hardy yeah he's good is good he's he's sweatier
and more shambling than ever he's hung over the entire movie I think that's quite funny um where's his shoes why can't Venom make him shoes can't Venom disguise him that's never been a thing in these movies for some reason it's in in all other Venom media on or it's off yeah in all other Venom media Venom can turn into just street clothes yeah but in this he just can't I guess he hasn't learned it yet no and so what this movie ultimately is I think the problem with it and as I mentioned there's three there's
these three things that are happening yeah all at once it's that they they want this to be a series of kind of loosely connected funny skits of stuff Eddie and Venom get up to like their various H Jinks but they also want he's on the run for murder and they also want and there's a team of Special Forces guys who want to capture him and experiment on him and also there's there's a a god being that wants to end the world and they I don't think they can have it all I don't think it works
they definitely can't they definitely can't balance all of those things and and also like you mentioned there's there's characters that have been given back stories that don't culminate in anything and there's characters that are significant in the comic books Che tellio for's characters significant in the comic books and this is just some guy in name only it's strange that like chel eif for and REE eens are in this movie and ree eens has been in Spider-Man yes he was the lizard yeah recently again and was he there in person for any of that probably not
they used some existing footage for it to actually put and he was in he was in the booth yeah and he was and and [ __ ] Sony tell each of for is Baron [ __ ] MTO like what's happening I don't know I mean I know it's a Multiverse thing but like but it doesn't similar it also doesn't matter yeah he's something that is good sometimes the Venom is a fish or a frog or a horse but all of that was revealed beforehand that's true and they also didn't do anything with it I want
to see a frog Venom do something I mean get the horse running but again that was in the trailer and that was the bit where we went maybe maybe yeah they got us we were wrong yeah they but I yeah I wouldn't have seen this if I didn't have to I tell you that much I would have heard what people said about it and been like oh it's this again yeah so it doesn't really it just sort of there's a lot going on but also next to nothing going on really you know what's also not
going on the goo that was left in the MCU which was then left in the MC goo the MC goo so at the end of the the no way home post credits Venom is sucked out of his unit the MCU and he leaves him goo on the bar and then he's back in a pretty much identical bar with the same bar where he Le some more goo which I think is I think some of that is a re-shoot where they realize they [ __ ] up some dimensional [ __ ] yeah right I that's what
I don't know that for a fact and then so there's a goo there's goo left in the MCU with the implication being that it'll get to Spider-Man or do something but that's never coming back probably not no I mean cuz they' have to reference no but see that's the thing they're relying on sort of remembering the stuff that sort of happened some goo was left on a in the previous movie and some goo is left on the bar in this movie yeah that's what I mean yeah so like we've got to remember they covered it
yeah they covered it or they it's seeming they seemingly I'd forgotten also like I didn't remember I had to look that up because I couldn't remember the end of that I was also curious about whether the portal effect was the same and it's sort of not but they cut away from it and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you know what also I think maybe is to the detriment of these movies Yeah Eddie Brock doesn't have any friends no he's got an wending well see that's the thing all like Mrs Chen and Venom and Venom
but I and I guess they're trying to be like well it's just these two against the world kind of thing it's kind of like um it's kind of like you know uh Bill Bixby L fno Incredible Hulk it's you know in in that every in that TV series every week he he went to a different town and then he got in some trouble and he turned into the Hulk and then he left and it was sad music and he and he moved on again it but there's but this one is this one is sort of
relying on the idea of we've been through a lot with Buddy and this is a real look at our fabulous memories or whatever but there's no one really to share that with because there's nobody who's really carried on besides Mrs Chen there's no one who's really carried on he doesn't I guess that's why she reappears in this that's exactly they' got no one else they've got no one else yeah just it the idea of this being a you know a tearful finale for Venom I think would work better if we saw some people he'd connected
with in the past and we we saw what theyve been up to in this you know like the shopkeeper from two of those Mo like CH Mrs Chen like that's what they're going even if he ran into morbius in Vegas that would be like real okay at least you'd be like that's someone I guess I mean I guess this is also not this movie's fault if they'd given him a Supporting Cast that's stuck around sure then then that would you mean like another person one more person would be fine one more person would be great
uh the action in this is all right it's okay uh but the the they're called uh the V noage so so null I like their big buzz or blenderhead yeah okay it's it's I guess but it's also one of those things where the uh the the xenop ages are indestructible to some degree and some are venoms so it's just goo slapping into each other and if you're into that thing that's that's that's great you know what I'm not into in the opening of this we see canal and is and he just gives all the information
you need to know about the codec Etc and how the Codex works and the Codex being the key that gets him out and so on and so forth yes which is a terrible start to anything just like an expedition dump and then I'm going to send my minions Etc uhhuh um and then i' I don't know I must have dozed off or I missed it but like it's later explained that Venom is the one with the Codex and apparently the reason cuz I had to Wikipedia this I'll I'll tell you cuz I was awake so
so in order to so null is trapped on a sort of prison because he was too evil and the symbo trapped him there and he wants to escape so he can destroy the universe or whatever he's the big bad he's the Thanos guy yeah and so the way to unlock his prison is he needs something called a codex once he gets the Codex to his Planet Venom lethal protector the comic not is that the one yes but it operates differently in in in the comic book so in this universe codex comes about if someone is
bonded to a symbiote and then they die and then they're brought back to life by the Symbiote and that creates a codex so Venom died in Brock died in venom 1 or Venom 2 one of those he died there's a flashback to it he gets St through the chest and I guess he died and then Venom brought him back to life which has created a codex so now so the xenop ages can they have a sort of grayscale vision but when Venom and Eddie are in full Venom mode the full giant Venom mode these xenop
ages can see the Codex and they they charge towards it but when he's not in full Venom form they can't see it he's basically invisible yeah uh but nobody else is no I would also why why is he the only one this has ever happened to that's a great question and why if there are so many other Venom s if there aren't so many other you know there's Toxin and RI and Jam Jar and whatever then why why wouldn't why wouldn't he just get and they're all like very inexperienced why wouldn't n just get one
of his monsters to kill one of them and then it would bring them back and then it would have a codex and then he could just use them it's a good question to track down Venom what's the yeah I thought there must have been a better reason for this but there's not that's the reason right it's not like he was an original or he tussled with Canal at one point and stole a bit of his whatever so in the in the comic in the comic books the law is that every uh this is the 2018
Venom comic which we're covering coming yeah all the Symbiotes have a codex in them and it's sort of like their they their it collects all their core memories so you know it's it's just sort of a convenient way to say they all have a hive mind symbiot latory just well we recovered the codec and we've squirted all the memories back yeah exactly and it's back they're back now kind of thing but in this there's only one it's very conveniently in venom I agree also this is a road trip movie it is yeah uh because there's
a bunch of it spent in a van with reens ree plays a kind of uh hippie type uh who is who is road tripping with his yeah he's Tri his family to Area 51 cuz it's been closed down and they're melting everything with an acid machine uh and he wants to go there before they close it down in the hopes that he'll see an alien and then his the rest of his family sort of reluctantly going on and sort of humoring him um and then they get there it's like a day before Area 51 is
closing and nobody else is there no did you find that odd that was very strange wasn't nobody else would go yeah I just God that no good and also look we'll save this for uh for the spoilers I guess but there is a mid credits and a post credits and just and you said I should stick around cuz they're really good no I said do not stay I know you think that like oh I got to see this now that now that um now that old James missed the Sunday movies himself said it's not worth
it and I said James loves all movies and everything and all every pre he sticks around for the credits he said you say I just want to support the people I I I clap for everybody want on the crew I don't putting these in is [ __ ] dirt bag behavior that is taking advantage of people's Goodwill Mason mine in particular all right cuz I was late coming back to record with you cuz I was sitting in the [ __ ] theater for an extra 20 minutes to see nothing yeah and then afterwards it was
me and another guy who stayed and I was the cinema employees waiting and I'm like I hate doing this and then as I'm leaving I said Thank you and then the the guy who was with me bailed up the cinema employee about what they're going to do with Venom next oh the future of the franchise wanted to be like leave him alone we should have cards we should have we should have business cards and we should be like buddy don't talk to this guy it should be like it should say don't bu up Cinema employees
listen to the weekly Planet podcast you're right and there's a QR code there's a QR code yeah so yeah there you go let's do some spoilers okay uh I'm going to say alas it's the worst movie ever it is the worst movie ever I think if they had because this is this is how my brain works if Tom Holland had have been in a post credits it would have bumped it up slightly for me to be something but this is how do you think they would tie that in though they just put him in it
it doesn't matter yeah right and they figure it out later well I mean the post which will get to is it again it's it's some elements where yeah so anyway so before we get to the post credit so big spoilers for this movie it's less than nothing what they did so big spoiler time for the movie um so uh we learn that Venom's got the Codex in him and if if null gets the Codex he'll you know destroy the universe or whatever um and also the the there the Venoms are good now yeah yeah so
if any but if Venom if if either Eddie or the Symbiote die the Codex will be destroyed forever so the you know the the the the narrative thrust of this movie the the Dilemma is is one of them going to die or are they going to they're going to escape you know certain death you know or is one of them going to make the sacrifice you know and their best friends and what have you and and it's a real it's going to be a big deal and the answer is that they they it all culminates
everybody ends up in everybody ends up everybody gets captured and ends up in Area 51 yep in the base yep um and then all the zenes show up actually Eddie Eddie Eddie and Venom get captured and separated well they get captured because they both know that if they turn into full Venom form the xenophage will know and will will get them but why would they how would they get captured if they didn't have if they because they wouldn't just do that would they no they just do it they do it because Mrs Chen is there
and and and Venom's like I want to do a dance and so he turns into full Venom and then and then he's immediately captured he's immediately captured and which I would but also but as is shown in the movie repeatedly if he just sort of gops out yeah that doesn't count no he has to fully cover so he could just goop out of Eddie and just do a little dance and it wouldn't matter would it no but he just he simply must turn fors the plot requ yeah the plot requires him to be captured so
they're like well what if he just is absolutely compelled to turn into venom had to do it and to do it it um so that happens so he's get he gets captured they all go to they all go to Area 51 where he's there and all the other symes are there and then all the xenop ages show up and and all the and they think they're killing them but they're not but also but also James yeah then then all the all the other symbiotes they gloop on to various people who work in the facility and
then they fight the xenop fages as well and then Venoms like but and and they they try various methods to destroy these things and there's no there's no um nobody has a moment of Revelation where they go oh my God it's they're like this so maybe we can defeat them or whatever they just blow some stuff up but it doesn't work and they chop their heads off and that doesn't work and then eventually um Venom's just like I'll drag him into the acid machine and then that just does work they do come back yeah that
machine another thing does come back we'll talk about it in a minute sure oh but also um and then the whole facility is self-destructing and it's all exploding and what have you Venom sacrifices himself he all melts but Eddie uh gets in the van with the with the um with the hippies no he gets under a door oh he does get under a door and then yeah yeah and then but then the whole facility is blowing up and one of the one of the scientists there she's going to get caught in the explosion and die
but the the scientist who has the tragic backstory she's taken a a symbiote sample she's got it in her pocket and she breaks it open and it turns her into like lady flash venom so she's so she's a symbiote but she's also electric and and super fast and so she runs in and she res temp it is Juno Temple she's been in she's in T and other things and she's in this she's in the Dark Night Rises and and that the question then is did did her DNA collect getting struck by lightning and is that
why her symbiote is super fast okay her DNA was imprinted by by being struck by lightning what's the difference between like getting a Venom symbiote and just getting a little bit of Venom it's hard to say isn't it do one mean you've got a personality oh yeah cuz none of them do seem to have no cuz they do have split personality but but then the Big Red Venom from the previous one that was was that one guy cuz he was an offshoot of Venom all right we have to we have to think about it have
to think I don't want to think about it or we could just watch a series of videos of Tom Hardy being interviewed where he's just or the director being interviewed where they just sort of making stuff up on the Fly and it becoming Cannon I would love that yeah so okay so here's the thing so I think there was going to be a moment where in this movie where the six were going to be special forces guys yeah who were CU there's a big one and another one yeah because there's a big there's all they've
collected all the different symbo yotes and they're in you know holding containers in this facility and I think initially there was going to be a plan where they're bonded to Special Forces soldiers and they get sent out to to capture Venom but then they're all destroyed by the xenop ages because they're not properly connected to them or what have you and then later in the movie because the scientists they're all they're capable of emotion and they've bonded with them and they're friends and they've got you they hang out and whatever then they're better connected to
the Symbiotes or whatever cuz that would make more sense right it would make more sense would make some sense make some sense but in but I think they're just like yeah well we don't have the budget to do two symbiote action sequences with six symbiot so we'll just do it once but I'll leave in the line about of deploying the six cuz that was really cool yeah that was really cool a really cool thing to do God so then Venom's dead and finally Tom Hardy ends up in New York and he's like I'll never forget
you and then we get a montage of them hanging out over previous movies just flinging stuff they don't even do the lobster bit yeah right I think yeah um and then that's nothing obviously it's obviously and then the movie ends but you think it has ended but then it hasn't really ended cuz there's a mid credit scene okay so there's a mid credit scene and it's just a shot it's we Zoom n died when they destroyed the Codex or was trapped forever did did they oh yeah he sort of gets he sort of reeds he
sort of recedes in Shadow and then Andy circus's null goes yeah I guess it's Andy and he goes I'll be back or I'm back the mid credit sequency comes back and he's like I'm back and I'm going to destroy the Earth why do you care about the Earth do you think it's because that's in the implication that Venom is alive I mean Venom is alive well Venom is alive well here's the thing the second post credits so at earlier in the movie they the the Special Forces guys abducted the bartender from the start of the
movie because they think he might know something and then we don't see him for the rest of the movie and then the post credit sequence he emerges from the area 51 facility he hasn't been assited to death as you might have imagined but then he just wanders around for a bit and then we see the broken container that Juno Temple got her lady flash venom symbo yot out of and there's probably still some goop in it and then a then a cockroach yeah which he said earlier has can survive anything oh yeah uh goes up
and approaches the the V and then it then it uh then the movie ends so I think the implication there would be you want to bring cuz that that goop came from Venom I think that's the collected goop from Venom was it I think so oh great and that combined with Juno Temple being struck by light a teenager why why did that one have electricity cuz she broke it I guess I guess and the DNA the lightning DNA you would even think that because Venom licked the Spider-Man screen in the previous movie that he'd have
the Spider-Man symbol never has the Spider-Man isn't that crazy y not even for a moment there should have even just a moment where he leaps through the air and it briefly becomes the spider emblem or whatever that would have made us happy right would we would have bumped it up it still would be the worst movie ever alas I wish it were better UMO but I think probably they're just going to go okay if they if they need to bring him back for another movie seeming seems unlikely or you know a MCU Excursion they'll just
say they'll just go oh that that cockroach got venomized and there was enough Venom DNA on that thing and they all got a hive mind and then the cockroach is going to fly AC cross country to New York and you also left himself in the MCU so they could also use that they could do that yeah you're absolutely right there's no rules to this so it doesn't matter this is by th this is Kelly Marcel director on Venom 4 she said yes it's the end of a contract we're asked to do three oh that's what
a beautiful thing to say we're asked to do three we've delivered three and who knows what the future holds I hope that that we've laid the ground work for them in in this third movie with other characters and other symbiotes and bad guys that can that they can run with should they choose but this is the last one for Venom and Eddie we have definitely given it forth thought so we definitely know what these stories could be oh we definitely know four thought oh you know we definitely know what these stories could be should they
want them we definitely know what these stories could be yeah we definitely know yeah yeah absolutely yeah I mean and as well with this movie I struggle to remember which of those symbiotes have been in previous movies any of them I don't know I don't there's I mean one was brown and one was red one was sort of a squid yeah one had a big long fish tail like an eel or something yeah also there's no reason for that character to be in this movie The it's um yeah um it's Steven Graham he was in
the last one he was in the last one is that good enough for you but I guess if he died yeah then he would also have a codex or something no if he died he wouldn't have a Cod oh wait if he died and then he would but he would have had to have come back he would have died and then come back and then he would get the Cod I don't know yeah I don't know yeah also wasn't the plot of the first movie that the the evil symbo wanted to get back to its
home planet yeah there was a bunch of them on a rocks but why would you if if it's the home of n the evil guy because it's cool there well it's also in the comic it's in like you think that it is this planet of Symbiotes but it's not the whole thing is a prison for can okay so but why would the first guy want to get back to it what does anybody want anything you did see his sword for a second though I don't know if you no I didn't say that you see his
sword for a second black evil sword from Thor the worst Thor so you know that's a fun little connection isn't it Thor the Dark World Is Not the worst Thor Mason I know you knew that you knew that yeah yeah M here some reviews we got this from Matt the Pharaoh wizard who says Venom the Last Dance was terrible not surprised it it feels like the trailer was made first for people uh first then people made the movie around it with both terrible mid and after credit scenes this could this be up for the game
is on yes certainly uh for those people don't know the game is on is a war we give at the end of the year for a movie which sets up a movie that's never going to happen this is from big tasty who says Venom the last Dan had the worst Montage in a movie I've ever seen third Act was fine but I guess uh but I'm just glad each symbiot got to put got put in a blender so yeah they just I mean again the this the thing about the symo if if if we'd had
a couple like if he'd had a a couple of syote friends throughout the course of the movies I'd be like oh it's that guy again or whatever there's there's two that merge together that was kind of a fun bit to Venom to at Venom but we don't know their names or anything again like I they're confusing they've got different colors with where interested in anything about them like if you'd given them abely wasn't toxin green doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter we'd know if if they said or did anything memorable there wasn't just what if
Carnage was in this they just brought him back yeah right or the guy from the first one yeah whatever that guy whatever that guy's name was yeah yeah yeah but like toxin it's not enough for them to just one be red and one be blue with tentacles and one have blade arms whatever in addition to that it's just nameless faceless scientists one of which we sort of knew and one was the door man one was the door man and I'm just I'm just glad each Symbio got put in a blender so this franchise with so
much wasted potential can be put down James Michael Parry says just saw new Venom and Tom hard's dual performance still makes it bit of a silly best plot-wise but a fun time and a really good cast that probably deserved more to do W what it means for the future spam Adventures is anyone's guest watching we're two spms in for the year do we have another spum left in us we do we got one more spum coming yeah uh this from spaced Cactus who says Venom Last Dance seems completely improvised on the day it's like they
knew it was going to be awful and they brainstormed ideas on how to make it as absurd as possible the fact this was released absolutely baffles me worst movie ever and de says does Cy just make these movies and then not look at the reviews Lally they aren't doing anything that's working maybe stop trying to make Marvel adjacent movies and let Marvel have all their characters back and not joint not this joint custody [ __ ] look man I don't even I I like the idea of there being like different Marvel universes but yeah when
it's this this sucks and it hurts everybody everybody in the world yeah we're all we're all suffering so true isn't it God yeah trash and poop yeah I I mean I did like again I like it's in the trailer the bit where um Venom get immediately addicted to gambling I thought that was funny yeah but it's again in the trailer that's we need more we it needed it needed to I you know and I said this earlier it needed to focus on one thing I think it was just a road trip movie would have been
fun but even an on theun movie yeah as opposed to like we're going to New York but are we yeah no on the Run would be great yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean and he was he was a bit for a bit was for a bit all right M should we move it why can't he make him shoes why can't he make like because he can do he can do stuff like that yeah why can he just not they didn't wouldn't even have to look like Sho they could be goo look at my two gooes
you could say and then he does a little dance yeah yeah yeah that's what we're all after that's good that is good all right everybody should we move it along let's move it along to what what we reading what what we going to read what [Music]
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