WAKE UP AMERICA! The Beast System Is Active (Tucker Carlson & John Rich)

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the strangest events that have occurred in 2024 Trump prophecy Tucker Carlson and John Rich talk about the Book of Revelation mark of the beast 2024 has indeed been a strange year July has been a strange month and it goes without saying this week has been a really strange week number one Tucker Carlson and John Rich talk about the Book of Revelation mark of the beast and the anti Christ on a July 16th episode of the Tucker Carlson podcast John rich and Tucker Carlson discussed the beast in the Book of Revelation John Rich says the Beast
is going to be whatever entity group of Nations it speaks of that will set in the motion we always talk about globalist and the globalist agenda and all these things it will be a globalized strangle hold on the human population that they will know where you spend your money and where you get your money reminds me of Central Bank digital currency is something like that Tucker then replies so I've read I'm embarrassed this is being recorded I probably should admit that I've read Revelation actually tried to understand it last year I didn't realize it how
did I miss that it says you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast this is very interesting what are the answers to these questions will there be a group of Nations that will enforce the mark of the beast in the end times what are the devices to make this Revelation come to pass watch this video to the end to find out and at the end we have a special surprise for you you will never see the Book of Revelation the same way again in the same podcast Tucker is very surprised that John
the Apostle wrote about things that are pressing issues today he says John on the Apostle John on some Greek island 2,000 years ago said that John Rich replies yes he did so prior to technology showing up where it's at now in 2024 these things were impossible I mean how's that going to happen Tucker replies that's a pretty specific call though too very specific the podcast was indeed fascinating it points out that a lot of people that are very engaged in Christianity are not aware of the signs to watch out for in the last days to
convince Tucker Carlson and his audience John Rich then says yeah so now all the things that need to exist physically are all here now so that the prophecies that have been laid out could now physically manifest and I don't know if this is going to be today or 100 years from now or a thousand years from now I don't know the answer to that but I do know this is a new era so when you read Revelation and you read Daniel and you read these other these other prophecies it now doesn't sound like science fiction
anymore because we see it every single day Tucker remarks that is absolutely crazy well the crazy prophecies are happening now the development of technology that makes Endtime prophecies possible chips Etc have you ever wondered how the amazing technology we use today might connect to Bible prophecies about the end times from computer chips to smartphones many believe these advancements could play a role in fulfilling what the Bible foretold long ago technology and biblical prophecies the Bible describes a time when a Living Image will be created that can speak and cause people to be killed if they
do not worship it and he is given power to give breath to the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast will even appear to speak and cause those who do not Bow Down and Worship the image of the Beast to be put to death Revelation 13:15 this prophecy can be seen in light of modern technology the idea of a living image that can speak and control people's lives is not far-fetched with advancements in Ai and holographic technology these could be used to enforce compliance and Allegiance similar to the biblical description the
mark of the beast another well-known prophecy is the mark of the beast also he compels all the small and the Great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name Revelation 13: 16-17 the two beasts show up in Chapter 13 the first is a political leader
a world dictator with total power over all people he is the Antichrist the man of lawlessness following only his own rules claiming to be divine and demanding worship the Beast is a human who accepts the offer from Satan that Jesus refused but he is also anti-christian in another sense he has the power to make war against the Saints and to overcome them he is like other Fierce beasts a leopard bear and lion is he human or Divine he seems to come from a group of political rulers gaining the world's attention by recovering from a fatal
wound likely from an attempted assassination his arrogant Blasphemous behavior is shown for 42 months his position is supported by the second beast a religious partner with Supernatural Powers who makes people worship the first Beast his miracles will trick the Nations as he calls fire down from the sky and makes images of the dictators speak he will look like a lamb a young sheep with only two horns according to Revelation 16:2 and 1920 the mark of the beast is a symbol that shows those who worship the beast from the sea Revelation 16:2 so the first went
and and poured out his bowl upon the Earth and a foul and loathsome SAR Came Upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped His Image Revelation shows us the economic strategy of the first Beast and the second beast Revelation 13: 16-1 17 he makes everyone get a mark this Mark will be given to all the people under the rule of the Beast and his friend you need this Mark to take part in the economy without it you can't buy or sell anything this shows we are not in that time
period yet because the verse says the Mark will be required three things need to happen for this to occur first there will need to be a rule to put these chips in people also we haven't seen the abomination of desolation yet for the chips to be used the Antichrist also needs to be in charge the person known is Antichrist so we see three names for the same being the Antichrist the man of lawlessness and the son of predition and we are given one other important name came in Revelation 13 this is part of the vision
that John had Revelation 13: 1-4 then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns 10 crowns and on his heads a Blasphemous name now the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne and great Authority here we see the fourth title the Beast a person who is going to arise to
whom Satan the dragon will impart his power these are different beliefs about what the image of the Beast could be some people think it might be a statue or a picture that appears to come to life and speak others believe it could be a supercomputer Holograms human clones cyborgs or superhuman artificial intelligence it may surprise you that this concept has been around forever over a thousand years and is still present today an image is a likeness or a resemblance not an exact copy the technology to give people a Mark that enables them to buy and
sell in the electronic economy is available there are many different ways it could happen and such programs are proposed and tested constantly a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads Satan is not a creative being all he can do is imitate God we are not surprised to find that this too is a satanic parody of something God will do it imitates God Mark upon his people the number of his name this was a common Concept in the ancient world in Greek and Hebrew as well letters were assigned a numerical value such as a
equaling 1 B equaling 2 and so forth the Antichrist is described as a man whose appearance was greater than his brothers the worldwide Tyrant akin to his father the devil will initially appear as an angel of Light but will ultimately reveal his true evil nature the mark of the beast cannot exist in any form prior to the tribulation as the Bible states that it will only appear when the Antichrist is ruling the entire Earth which is at the midpoint of the 7-year tribulation therefore any suggestion that a mark of the beast exists today in any
form is merely a forewarning regardless of what the mark of the beast will be an RFID chip or some other means of tracking and protocol Christians should redeem the time Ephesians 5:15 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise we have much to praise God for much good to do in the world and many people to reach with gospel all the while we look for the Blessed hope Titus 2113 looking for the Blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ people ask are we in the end
times the Bible speaks of the last days a period that has lasted for 2,000 years since the prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost Christians must always be prepared for the Lord's return but this doesn't mean they should expected the Bible is full of predictions with 735 prophecies about the future in one quarter of its chapters it is a prophetic text from start to finish although some books focus more on predictions than others according to scripture prediction 596 out of 735 prophecies have already come true equivalent to to 81% some of these prophecies were made centuries ago
and it is highly likely that the remaining 19% will also come true the Bible has proven to be correct for every prediction that could have been fulfilled by now the remaining prophecies are mostly concerned with the return of Jesus and the following events how many of these predictions need to come true before the return of Jesus the answer is approximately 20 and we must observe these events happening before we can anticipate the Lord's return Jesus instructed us to remain watchful and prayerful but what should we watch out for we cannot just stand idle and gaze
at the clouds waiting for him to appear That's not what he meant instead he meant that we should keep track of the happenings in the world and recognize the signs that he provided to help us prepare signals are the signs the role of technology in prophecies as technology continues to develop it's important for us to understand how these advancements might relate to biblical prophecies technological advancements often reflect the unfolding of prophetic events described in scripture we see these things happening today that could be part of the Fulfillment of prophecies written Long Ago by staying informed
and Discerning we can recognize the signs of the times and respond appropriately this understanding can help us stay vigilant and prepared the end and culmination of all all things is near therefore be sound-minded and self-controlled for the purpose of prayer staying balanced and focused on the things of God so that your communication will be clear reasonable specific and pleasing to him 1 Peter 4:7 Jesus should always be the center of our lives and our church his teachings and examples should guide every aspect of our ministry and personal conduct everything we do should point to him
and reflect his love in teachings by by focusing on Christ we can navigate the complexities of the modern world with Clarity and purpose whatever you do no matter what it is in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in dependence on him giving thanks to God the Father through him Colossians 3:17 this verse emphasizes that all our actions should be done in the name of Jesus reflecting our dependence on him and gratitude to God by keeping Jesus at the center we can ensure that our efforts are aligned with God's
will we often think of presidents Prime Ministers and other leaders as the ones who guide and Lead our Nations but what if I told you that these individuals might not be the real decision makers this is not a conspiracy theory but a spiritual reality right from Biblical times throughout history there have been leaders who made decisions that were influenced by evil or demonic forces for instance King Herod ordered the killing of children who were born around the time of Jesus and similarly Pharaoh took the lives of many children who were born around the time of
Moses King Ahab and his wife Jezebel attempted to lead the nation into worshiping Idols these are a few examples of leaders who were influenced by evil forces many leaders in the past have made poor decisions often because spiritual forces influenced their choices unfortunately the same thing is happening today with many of our world's leaders their decisions can directly or indirectly impact you even if you're not aware of it how can we be certain that this is true the answer is simple it's because the policies made by these leaders often align more with the devil's agenda
rather than Gods these leaders are carefully handpicked by the devil who influences their decision-making process we find in the Book of Revelation that leaders of great Nations will make an evil agreement during the end times John wrote down what he saw and heard and sometimes what he saw was so extraordinary that the an had to remind him 11 times to write it all down during his Visions John was taken up to heaven where he heard various voices and choir singing and he had to make sure he wrote all these things down Revelation is an incredible
book with a clear subject the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to Earth this event is predicted 318 times in the Bible making it the most frequently mentioned prediction The Book of Revelation covers the events that occur before during and after the Return of the Lord Jesus
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