How My First Meet-Up Went.... (Lots of Value)

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
so guys welcome to this vlog now today is a very fun day today is actually my coffee networking Meetup know basically how this came about was one of my friends Holly who's also a digital marketer he put it on his Instagram like five six days ago like guys I'll be in South Kensington this weekend it'd be cool just to do a little like meetup a little gathering so I sent him a DM back saying dude I'll be there how many people are we talking so he said you know maybe three four and in my head
I'm like wait no that like why don't we make it a real thing so I've got my graphic designer to whip up a bit of marketing material I put out on my Instagram I even made like a little clickfunnels like opt-in page and an autoresponder so people could get their free e-ticket and I'll be honest I was thinking maybe like nine ten people would sign up I check back like 48 hours later and there's 30 people who have signed up to the event now the problem was it wasn't really an event in my head so
now I'm so now I'm frantically on the phone trying to call places to find somewhere that will accommodate 30 people on a Saturday luckily I found one so yeah I am just packing up a bit of stuff for my videographer just so he can document the whole thing I'm super excited so let's see how this goes guys we're here then it's kicked off around like 2025 minutes ago we got some people over there just doing a bit like one-to-one they're like coaching a little insight as to what I've been doing with my facebook ads but
um I'm pretty happy with the turnout so far I just seen her for the last time she was living back there you know I came to London I was a mess right going through my first ever like proper break like I couldn't even get out of bed like I just had no motivation so like what did i do I put on a like tony robbins goal-setting audio book i listened to i go to the park and i set some goals for the next year these are my goals dog it's like invest one thousand pounds in
whatever you wish that was my goal for a year right three months later I met I met Tony Ross headed August 2016 and a year later my mom and I empower her so I mean my point with all of this is like corporate world is fun but corporate world is I'm just gonna help people make more money who already have a lot of money which is fun it's cool to see like when you got a like student who's like just trying to take care of us your family and you can and you can help them
and you can give them that opportunity to do so like to me that's more fulfilling than any sort of b2b side of social media marketing I'm a marketing agency like I hate having to deal with clients but that's one of the reasons I do it because like I think it's gonna be so important week further down the line to be able to understand customer relations which is why I do it even though I hate it a million people reach 3,000 clicks 22,000 people on the mailing list that's what the that's what my conversion pixel was
for digital marketing anything to do with that tie Lopez Grant Cardone as long as they're interested I don't care where in the world they live you need to understand that you need to understand that a Facebook ad it is compiled of two variables number one bid so you have to remember the week when you're running an ad you're actually bidding against like 4,000 other marketers trying to win the same ad space say cost per click or cost per conversion it's made up of you know how much are you bidding for the ad space itself and
then what's the conversion rate or the click-through rate I mean so what percentage of those people are actually clicking through to the ad so save see you and I both win ad space at 1:00 pens right and we both run 100 except only one person clicks on your ad because it has a call-to-action abate but a hundred people click online I've paid one P for a click you've paid one pound right so number one your job ism as a facebook advertiser really is to make sure that your bait your offer is amazing so there click
through our click-through rate is higher but before that decide are you going for specialized leads or are you going for volume so I mean one of the reasons I'm getting all of this traffic for so cheap is because I'm looking where no one else is looking so look if we go look into the targeting right here they call it a domino what's the one big Domino that you can get people to believe so as I said a lot of foam with ads is that or ads that people run is that they try and make them
believe like we'll solve this for you solve this for you to solve that you have one second you need to make people believe one thing how can I go say it's hard no no once I learned the concept that paid traffic growing in general isn't it's not a concern to me anymore without oh without putting in ads you have to be very clever with your key wording and doing a freaking wave or Leslie I'm doing me this Sunday right and then instead of that you can add a second variation so very variations in the headline
there and then you know you can you can add variation in even in the photos right yeah exactly so this allows me to run a bunch of split tests at one time at one place rather than duplicate duplicate do great plus I don't know how likely like visual side of things like I think it looks a lot better than paste yeah it's very it's very nice it's cool to see like the click-through rates it breaks down for person stuff like that and that network is your net worth like it's so cliche but it's kind of
true dude some of the Commission's you can get from like referring people but then my main main source of income is my marketing agency yeah it's my marketing agency and then I very recently started getting into coaching actually monetizing my personal brand because I used to do consult or I still do consulting and coaching for four companies trained their sales team sharing their marketing team helped bridge the gap between their traditional marketing methods and their digital marketing so base you get the first thing yeah and what what the key is in the personal brand playbook
as I say guys so this is the first product in a series right and this is the first agent in a much larger journey right so so your your pre framing the later sales right and what you're saying is like the one Domino like basically what I'm saying in their head is like if you want to do this because when you're reading my book like you've got blinders on you're just listening what I'm saying you know looking what else is out there when you're reading my book and I'm saying this is the first product in
a lot in a large much larger series in your head it's like if I want to achieve this goal which is build a personal brand make a living off it this is the only way like this is the one domino like yeah I have to follow this funnel otherwise I'm not gonna get it like I have this limiting belief I've thought of it I've thought of the story a month behind to destroy it so what I would say is like dude like I don't know when you're when you're traveling somewhere where you're when you're in
the gym or something like think about like what is an objection someone will have and how can I have a story to destroy that limiting belief so guys I really hope that you enjoyed this video now it has taken me way way too long to actually get together I think the event was like 12 days ago at this point I'm actually in Marbella right now bulb is somewhere around here so we're just yeah we're chilling at the apartment we've got this place for like the next week or so pretty nice pretty cool spot so that's
like the outside area all of that it's just a really nice area in general when you can see out there I said this is a crib all through here bedrooms bedrooms etc etc so as I said this is Ben who was just so cool to me it was so cool to meet all of you guys it just kind of shows me that this whole social media thing like there's actually someone on the other side of all of this stuff that I'm putting out but if you enjoyed this video please leave a like if you could
also just kind of give me some ideas as to what I should start uploading like what sort of stuff would you guys like to see cuz yeah just in general it's been like really hard to keep the YouTube going because obviously work business is like really picking up so leave a couple ideas below and I'm actually gonna bother to plan out this next month's content so yeah leave a like oh yea last thing speaking about personal brands if you guys haven't already I just put out the personal brand playbook which basically it's like the fundamentals
is the basics is everything you need to understand before you actually grow your personal brand to 10k 25k 50k and then apart from that actually make 5 to 10 km from your personal brand so I mean obviously hopefully this video was a testament to the fact that I've done pretty well my personal brand like there's 25 to 30 I don't know exact number there's 40 people who actually signed up for the event 25 to 30 actually showed up which was just so cool for me so yeah if you want to get that the link is
gonna be in the description and I will catch you guys next time
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