Good morning, my beloved ones. Today is Monday, January 6, 2025. Let's answer here another question sent by Elisiane Carlotto - 9817.
Elisiane questions here something that other people have already asked the same question, which happens to the vast majority of people, with all of us. Elisiane says: How to keep your frequency high in a world of trials and expiations? If there are people who feel like victims and demand a lot from others, they don't help themselves and demand that others solve their own problems, they are bothered by the higher frequency of those around them, and if you don't respond to them, they try to destabilize you, they do not accept limits being placed.
I feel their negative energy, how can I protect myself? What to do other than send unconditional love? I took these topics from the question she sent in writing, here on the YouTube channel page.
In the text of January 1, 2025. As it was a question that had many lines, I made a summary of the topics and here I will try to answer this question, because it is not just Elisiane Carlotto who has this question. Surely many of you also feel this, and sometimes.
. . you think or want to find a solution, how to act in the face of all this?
How to keep the frequency high in the world of trials and expiations? This is an exercise, perhaps one of the most difficult exercises that all souls learn to develop, to create the solution for this case. Why?
Trials and expiations are already a natural condition of Earth, where souls come here to experience co-creation, in the light, in the world of shadows. Because we have the light within us, we have the shadow within us, we are part of this duality that exists on this planet, in this world. We are now completing the cycle of trials and expiations.
Obviously we are increasing our light, but we still have shadows, we still have penumbras. What I like to make a comparison with is that we already have our right foot in a world of regeneration, but our left foot is still planted, trapped, in a world of trials and expiations. We are in transition.
In past lives, we had both feet in the third dimension, in the world of trials and expiations. So, we had little knowledge of the higher world, the higher consciousness. So, it was normal to experience this and no one worried.
As we do not remember past lives, we can remember the beginning of this current incarnation. A few years ago, we, in general, did not have the knowledge we have now, in recent years. Then it also seemed normal, because the two feet were still there in the third dimension, in the world of trials and expiations.
As our little foot moves forward, we will feel the weight that holds the other foot behind. And this. .
. resistance of that foot that still insists on remaining glued, trapped in the third dimension, is what makes us feel all these feelings here on a daily basis, all the difficulties that Elisiane posed. Understand that this left foot still needs to be pulled forward and pass this dimensional bridge definitively.
It's the goal now, but there's no way to take the leap without experiencing it, without clearing it up, without understanding, understanding, accepting and transmuting what's needed. We are on the last sifting stage and this sifting process will leave the rest of what does not need to be loaded. The last dirt on the beans.
Let's sift properly, let's clean well, because up ahead, the world that awaits us is a world of regeneration, no longer of trials and expiations. And we will no longer feel pain, discomfort, suffering, difficulties, because learning will be in a different way, at a different frequency. There is no way to keep the frequency high all the time in the world of trials and expiations.
We need understanding to have a little more peace of mind and maintain this frequency, because it lowers this frequency when we destabilize emotionally. And it's very easy to get into this low frequency, because any cause for concern, any anger, any discomfort, any discomfort, our frequency drops. Download instantly.
So we have to try to maintain it for longer, as long as possible, but wanting to stay at the top all the time, no. . .
there's no way. We will only stay at the top of the high frequency, permanently, when both feet are there, in the fifth dimension, in the world of regeneration. Understanding this when we see that people who feel like victims demand solutions for everything from others.
Look, it still has it. We know that there is a good part of humanity who will not achieve ascension. And they are still there learning and they are uncomfortable, because their frequency is completely inverse to that of the one who is already expiating.
But we have to look at these people with compassion. Understand that they are in a process that we have already gone through. If we don't understand this, we won't accept them, we won't sympathize with them, because we don't have to help them if they don't want to, as the question says here, they don't want to be helped, they don't want to do anything.
They want their problems to be solved. We won't solve other people's problems, and others won't solve our problems. But we need to understand here that both our problems depend on us, and the problems of others depend on them.
If they ask us for help, we do charity. Let's help. Because they ask, they accept.
But if the other person doesn't ask, if you try to help, they will touch you with the broomstick. Because she doesn't want to. She thinks you're meddling in her business.
She wants the practical solution, she wants the magic formula, as if it were going to fall from the sky. That's why today so much dependence has been created. And the current, dominating, controlling system knows this.
So they create the problem to sell the solution, but to create dependency. So it's a solution for this, a solution for that, but it's all deception. They offer miserable help, crumbs, they offer quotas where they separate the herd by classification, by weight, by age, by appearance, in short.
It's like separating there. . .
The cattle in the pasture, the adults, the medium ones, the young calves, the dairy cows, all separated in the pen. This is what they did to us, humanity, so that we need external assistance. Because those who get used to receiving ready, unlearn how to produce, how to create to their needs, what will meet their needs.
That's why there are so many people who feel like victims, because they were made to believe that she is a victim, and if she is a victim, she demands that others, who victimized her, resolve the situation. And it's not true! We are victims of our own conduct.
Over time, what we did today will appear in front of us. That's why there are no victims or perpetrators. There is the law of return.
There is the harvesting of the sowing previously practiced. When someone demands a solution from you, the best thing you can do is ignore it. Unfortunately that's it.
And it is not a crime under divine laws, because you will not help that person if you give a ready-made answer. How many times has it been said here that in a school, the student who demands the teacher's answer on his test does not study, does not learn. He just wants to get the grade.
So he wants the answer ready. A good teacher is one who does not give ready answers. One more part of this issue is that people are bothered by the higher frequency of others.
Yes, light bothers those who like darkness. That's the right thing. That person who sleeps late the next day, when the day dawns, and he continues sleeping, because he is in a dark room.
Woe betide anyone who goes there to open the window or turn on the light. Even if it's close to noon. It's going to take a lot of swearing.
It is necessary to understand that the person who enjoys the shadow does not like the light. So anyone who has a light next to that person is very uncomfortable. This also doesn't need to go into too much detail here, because you all go through experiences, even within your own families, you know that.
So also understand and don't insist, don't attack with your light, just be the light. If you light your steps without. .
. demonstrating that you want to light the other's steps, the other will end up over time, gradually seeing that that light that also reaches him, helps him choose the place where to place his feet. You'll stumble less, you'll have less difficulty following your path, because it has a ray of light, which helps to clarify your road as well.
If you don't respond to them, they try to destabilize you. Yes, this is a very serious thing. The victimist demands, and demands a lot.
If you don't help, you are a mortal enemy. And even if you help all the time, just one time you don't help. He will demonize you.
He will forget all the favors you did, all the work you did to help him, to help him, to help him. And he will only remember that one moment when you didn't answer. Then he will destabilize you.
He wants to take you to rock bottom with him. This is also very common and requires understanding. We must not enter that frequency of the other, just understanding.
Let him worry, one day he will understand. The more we defend, the more negative energetic food we are giving it. We are adding fuel to the fire we want to put out.
These people also do not accept limits being set. Yes, because they want to eat like that ox that doesn't want to stay in its enclosure, wants to eat in someone else's pasture. So he doesn't like limits.
He will jump the limits, he will break the fence. You don't want the limit. Because it's practical.
Your wishes are above everything and everyone. You need to satisfy your desires, which are not necessarily needs, just whims. And they don't accept limits being placed , because they think they are privileged in terms of service.
First me, and then the rest. And damn the world, I need to satisfy my will. I'm first in line.
If it's to receive, I'm always in front. If it's to collaborate, I'm always at the end of the line. Typical of this case cited here in this question.
Another part of the question, I feel the negative energy of these people, how can you protect yourself? Well, when we expiate our conscience and understand life, we begin to develop the sixth sense. The sixth sense brings deeper information that is not seen or felt by the other five senses.
Because he is etheric, he is quantum, he has no form, he has no color, he has no smell, he has nothing. It's not matter. So, we feel, we simply feel.
The sixth sense is a preparation for what comes on the new Earth, where we can communicate telepathically. We can interpret the other's thoughts, feel what the other feels, and we can also teleport. Anyway, everything that comes on the new Earth comes from the sixth sense.
And we are training for that. So, if we are already on the new Earth, in the world of regeneration, we already have this more developed sixth sense. And we begin to feel what others feel.
And as we feel what the other feels, we also feel the bad things the other feels. All the negativity that others carry, we will feel. So we need to understand this and not give it the importance we have.
Because if we are going to give the importance we are giving, we will enter that negative frequency and it will weigh down our frequency. Energetically we will become heavy and we will descend to that other's levels. Always look, because that's always the solution, look at the other person at a level that I've already gone through.
He's still a little behind on the walk. So let's understand this. Let's just accept that it's an individual journey, and that everyone will one day pass where I am now.
But many who are already ahead, and others who are behind, move at their own pace. Just that. I don't have to carry anyone on my back, I don't have to go back there and pull anyone by the hand.
We will only always help those who are close by. Mainly those who come in our wake, where we have already passed and know the way. Those in front of us help us too.
It’s solidarity, it’s sharing experience, it’s cooperation. We are training for the new screen, where everything will be cooperation. And what to do, besides sending unconditional love?
Look, if we can send unconditional love, I'd say we don't need anything else. The problem is that we still have difficulty sending unconditional love. We still send a little conditioned love, interest.
Sometimes the interest is not to take advantage, but to get out of the problem without. . .
Without getting your hands dirty, for example, you're going to work on something that needs to get your hands dirty, right? So, unconditional love is really looking at our brothers on the journey and understanding that each one is on their own step of the ladder, without judgement. And not take what the other says, what the other says, as your own, because what the other says or says is a relationship and concerns him/herself.
If I can't even clearly assess my conscience, imagine how I can evaluate the other's conscience, there's no way. So what the other person says or doesn't say is their problem, not mine. What the other person does is their problem, not mine.
Now, if he asks me for help, if he asks me for help, yes, that's where our charity comes in, good deeds, empathy, real compassion. Then we join hands, even if it's just to cross that. .
. That little stretch there, that ditch, as they say, that small stream, one step. But we gave a hand when he asked.
Let's not bother with others. It's not easy, I know it's not easy. We are still in a time where our conscience, our limitation.
. . in everything, it exists, and it exists very strongly.
We are moving from a practically limited time to the maximum possible and imaginable. Now that we are creating a little space and more favorable conditions to act, where our conscience is expiating itself, and those who are coming after us have not yet reached that point. Sending unconditional love is not a will, it is a feeling.
Oh, I'll send love, then he'll stop bothering me. No, it won't stop bothering you. He will continue to bother you.
But you keep sending love without conditioning, otherwise it is not unconditional. Just send love. The love you feel, in your own way, in your own way.
There is no formula. Everyone feels differently. Keep training.
Remember that the one who ascended is the Ascended master. And the Ascended master will mentor those souls who have not ascended now and will go to other worlds of trials and expiations. And there you won't make a distinction as to whether the person is annoying, whether they are inconvenient, whether they are a victim, whether they are this, whether they are that.
You will simply give the necessary assistance unconditionally. This is how mentors act. So get ready, because this is also an opportunity to improve yourself for what is to come later.
If our intention, and in fact it is the desire of all of us, to ascend, we will have to be on the frequency of ascension. We are here working towards this. Everything that is happening around us is helping us, contributing to each of us improving our highest frequency.
We will need this frequency. to pass the ascension portal and then, further on, use all our knowledge, our experiences, to help those who have not yet ascended and who go to worlds where they need help from mentors, guides, as has always happened here on Earth. Even if we don't have this idea, we have always had the support, the help of our benevolent brothers.
He is well? So here, thanking Elisiane Carlotto - 9817, for the theme she brought here, which provided the audio and video for today, the 6th of the first month of the year, January 2025. And now I leave you with a hug of light in each one of you.