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Journey To God
Have you ever felt an unseen presence or an unexplainable sense of peace amid chaos? Perhaps you’ve ...
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have you ever felt an unseen presence or an unexplainable sense of Peace amid chaos perhaps you've experienced strange occurrences that defy logical explanation leaving you wondering if something more profound is at play as a child of God you are surrounded by a heavenly host of Angels in this video I will share eight signs showing these angels are next to you make sure you watch to the end before we continue please subscribe to this Channel and turn on the notification Bell to receive more inspiring videos in the Bible angels are described as ministering Spirits sent to
all who shall be hirs of Salvation to serve and protect them they are God's agents sent to execute his plan they walk beside you watch over you and intervene when necessary as you journey through the ups and downs of life it's comforting to know that angels are near waiting to offer guidance strength and reassurance recognizing these signs can deepen your faith strengthen your resolve and experience the joy of knowing you are never truly alone now what are these signs that your guardian angels are next to you number one you experience vivid dreams and Visions have
you ever had dreams or visions that appear to overflow with so many messages and meanings maybe you sleep and wake up feeling like you went to another realm for decades dreams and Visions are channels through which God sends messages to his people this tells you that experiencing vivid dreams and Visions are powerful signs of angelic presence this is like having a direct line to the spiritual realm where God reveals things to you that is why sometimes you wake up from a dream feeling like everything you just dreamt about was real the details appear Vivid the
emotions are intense and the messages are clear in the Bible Angels often appeared to people in dreams and Visions delivering messages and guidance from God in the Book of Genesis Jacob dreamed of a ladder reaching heaven with angels ascending and descending on it this dream reassured him of God's presence amid uncertainty and fear this marked a turning point in his life how about Joseph Jesus Earthly father God communicated with him through a dream when Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant before their marriage he wanted to put her away secretly so she wouldn't be disgraced
however God the author of The conception sent an angel to Joseph in a dream informing him that Mary's conception was by the Holy Spirit Matthew 1:20 says but after he had considered this an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is from the holy spirit it's not just in the Bible that you'll find stories of angels communicating through dreams throughout history people have reported having vivid dreams and visions that have
changed their lives you can experience this in your life as well you might wonder how you can know if an angel communicates with you through dreams here's the thing when an angel is involved the dream will feel different from usual it will be Vivid intense and real with a clear message it won't be some vague confusing dream that leaves you wondering what it means you might not know the direct interpretation but you know there's a profound meaning attached Joseph the son of Jacob must have had other dreams before God revealed his future to him but
why did he emphasize the two dreams that portrayed him as a leader that's because those were different from the others if you're drifting into a world of vivid dreams and Visions focus on the messages communicated through this experience Embrace this moment as a Divine gift propelling you to a deeper connection with the Heavenly hosts don't dismiss them as just your imagination running wild if you do you might end up missing your angelic visitation number two you receive unexpected help or guidance God always wants to ensure that none of his children is stranded when you need
guidance he sends his angels to guide you on every step this is another sign that an angel is near you they are known to intervene in your life and provide assistance in mysterious ways this type of guidance isn't one you've already figured out it is usually unexpected sometimes you might face a challenge or struggle with a problem and suddenly out of nowhere help arrives it might be an unplanned encounter with someone who offers valuable advice or an unexpected solution that pops up in your mind that's when you know an angel is at work have you
ever been in a situation where you felt stuck with no way out and then suddenly a stranger appears and offers help or maybe you receive an unexpected phone call from someone who provides guidance and support that's not just a coincidence it's an angel on assignment people have testified numerous times that they missed the direction they were headed and almost got lost just then a stranger appeared and led them to their exact destinations most of the time after that it's as if the stranger disappears Into Thin Air this might sound like fiction but these are true
stories in the Bible there's a beautiful story about an angel helping a woman named Hagar Hagar was Sarah's maid whom her mistress sent away with her son when she misbehaved and behaved arrogantly in the house she found herself lonely and frustrated in the desert at that moment an angel called out from Heaven leading her to a well to quench her son thirst the angel guided her to safety promising God would be with her son Angels always look for ways to help you even when you don't realize it they may come in a very gentle but
significant way helping you out of trouble and though you might not notice on time you'll later find yourself wondering this help I received was extraordinary how did it happen when you receive such help know that God is saying don't worry my child child I will help you while Prophet Elijah was running from Queen Jezebel he also encountered an angel who offered him help and guidance 1 Kings 1957 says all at once an angel touched him and said get up and eat he looked around and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals
and a jar of water he ate and drank and then lay down again the angel of the Lord came back a second time time and touched him and said get up and eat for the journey is too much for you so whenever you're faced with a challenging situation and suddenly receive a helping hand from a stranger or someone you least expected there are no two ways about it an Angelic presence is nearby nonetheless here's the thing you have to be open to receiving that help sometimes you might be so caught up in your struggles that
you miss out or ignore the Divine help around you you must trust in the Divine timing of these Divine beings present to provide assistance and guidance when needed whenever you pray for God's intervention stay open and receptive while trusting that God will send help from above let this divine presence be a reminder that you are never alone with their help you can handle life's challenges with ease Grace and strength number three you start to notice repeating numbers or symbols angels have a subtle yet fascinating way of getting your attention and repeating numbers or symbols is
one of their favorite methods have you ever seen a repeating number sequence like 111 or 444 pop up everywhere you go these numbers and symbols can appear anywhere like on clocks license plates or receipts maybe you glance at the clock and see 11 11 or notice that your bill at the shopping mall is $111 that's not just a coincidence it's an angel trying to tell you something however many don't know this has any Divine spiritual significance or a connection they assume its random numbers and nothing more though this may seem unreasonable remember that numbers hold
significant meaning in the Bible for example the number seven represents Perfection and completion while the number 12 represents Divine government Angels may use these numbers to convey messages or guidance to you you may wake up at 222 um C 222 on license plates and even receive $222 in change within a particular period you might even find the Holy Spirit leading you to scriptures like Psalm 2 2 Matthew 222 or Joshua 2222 though these scriptures may not precisely be related or convey the same message they keep happening this may happen consecutively for days at first you
might think it's just a weird coincidence but when it occurs more than twice you'll have to pause and reflect on what it means if you dig deeper you'll discover that an angel is trying to pass a message across to you but if you're too distracted you might never notice any of these when you notice repeating numbers or symbols please take a moment to reflect on what they might mean look up the symbolism behind that number and see if it resonates with what's going on in your life remember angels are always trying to communicate with you
to relay a message from God and deciphering these signs can help you tap into their guidance and wisdom you never know what encouragement you might receive number four you feel peace accompanied by a sense of comfort and reassurance God's divine presence always brings peace and comfort that surpasses human understanding it most times feels like God has you wrapped in his loving presence this peaceful feeling with a sense of comfort and reassurance is also a sign that an angel is close to you most times life gets overwhelming with worries weighing heavily on your heart amid all
these when you suddenly begin to feel a gentle calmness settle in like a cool breeze blowing on every part of your being you know that something incredible is about to happen that's when you know an angel is near offering you peace and reassurance of God's presence this doesn't mean your problems all sorted out instead it shows that God knows what's happening in your life it might seem like Like Your Mind is Playing Tricks on you but it's not it's an Angelic presence comforting and reassuring that God is your everpresent help in trouble Philippians 4 67
says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus if you ever feel anxious or scared about anything don't panic pray about it angels are always on standby Waiting for God to give them the go-ahead to deliver your soul from trouble their presence always brings you the needed peace the Bible records instances Where Angels appeared to bring peace to certain people in their times of trouble
one such example is the story of Jesus himself who often went to lonely places to pray and connect with God in such moments he was often surrounded by Angels who brought him peace and strength in the Gren of Gethsemane where he prayed with anguish and pain asking God to shift the impending suffering on the cross from him the Bible records that an angel appeared from Heaven to strengthen and give him peace another example is Mary Jesus mother when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her to relay the message of her Divine conception she was frightened and
Confused immediately the angel calmed her mind and saido not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God those words brought Mary peace and comfort the words helped her to trust God's plan knowing he had everything under control your situation might not be like Mary's but when you feel peace and comfort amid uncertainty and confusion remember that an angel is near watching over and ensuring your comfort they want you to know that everything will be okay and that God plans to prosper and not harm you so take a deep breath hold on to that
assurance and know you are not alone beloved can you boldly say that an angel is next to you which of these signs have you noticed in your life was it an amazing experience seeing them if this video has been insightful fasten your belt and watch for more signs number five you hear soft Whispering voices do you know that God speaks in a still Small Voice unlike the devil who comes loudly wanting to be heard by all means these soft Whispering voices are unique indications of an angel's presence you might be sitting in silence or even
on a busy day when you hear a whisper in your ear when you turn around you don't see anyone no one seems to admit speaking to you even when people are around this is a unique and comforting nudge of guidance only you can hear showing that an angel is close by trying to tell you something you're ignorant about that is why no one else seemed to have heard it it could be words of encouragement or Direction but you never know until you pay close attention in such a situation the first option might be to Panic
or be afraid however you must understand that this isn't something to be jittery about at first it might seem like you're imagining things or your mind is playing games with you but it's not many people in the Bible had similar experiences Prophet Elijah is one of such after defeating the prophets of Baal Queen Jezebel vowed to behead him this threat scared the prophet and he fled to the Wilderness something surprising happened while he hid in a cave alone and Afraid 1 Kings 19 11:12 says the Lord said go out and stand on the mountain in
the presence of the Lord for the Lord is about to pass by then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the Rocks before the Lord but the the Lord was not in the wind after the wind there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake after the earthquake came a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper one would think that because God is strong Mighty and all powerful he would always announce himself thunderously and loudly this time he didn't
from this scripture you can see that it was not until Prophet Elijah heard the gentle whisper that he acted because he knew God's way of speaking that whisper brought him the peace he needed and aided him to continue his assignment another example is that of the young boy Samuel while he was in his mentor Eli's house before this time God had never spoken to him so when God called him that night he didn't know it was God the whisper was so gentle that he kept going to Eli thinking he was the one calling nonetheless with
Eli's guidance Samuel responded to God's call this shows that a divine presence surrounded the young boy but he would have missed the call if he was not sensitive enough God still speaks in this manner today instead of panicking when you hear such a whisper why not ask God if it's him speaking if it's not him then it's his angels but if you keep hindering The Voice you will lose it this is a privilege V you wouldn't want to miss due to ignorance number six you feel a sense of protection or safety Psalm 991 11:12 says
for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone God made this promise of safety decades ago and it's still valid today you're protected against all odds with God's presence in your life you know that no matter what happens God will never leave or forsake you that is the assurance that Angelic presence offers you you may face an insurmountable problem or Challenge and God miraculously provides a way to escape do you doubt
this look at the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den this man was blameless yet his enemies kept seeking to take his life they made King Darius pass a decree that no one should pray to other gods except their false gods this was the best trap to set for Daniel because they knew he wouldn't submit to that decree they knew he had an unwavering Devotion to his God because he prayed to God three times daily it turned out exactly as planned and Daniel was thrown into the lion's den nonetheless God shut the lion's mouth so
none of the Lions came near Daniel or harmed him him is that ordinary of course not the next day when King Darius called out to Daniel from the top of the den Daniel said my God sent his angels to shut the mouth of the lion so that they didn't hurt me isn't this enough proof lot also experienced this Angelic protection when God sent angels to warn him of the destruction that was to occur in Sodom the Angels didn't only warn him they also led him out of the city to guarantee his safety these all prove
that Angelic visitations guarantee your safety and protection from harm God through his angels provides you with the strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way no matter how Mighty he says I am the Lord is anything too hard for me to do you know the answer to that don't you this divine presence ensured David's safety in the bush while watching over his father other sheep and on the battlefield with the Giant Goliath have you ever been in an uncomfortable situation that threatened your life maybe you found yourself amid dangerous people and kept praying for
God's intervention then suddenly these same people who were so determined to end your life set you free don't think it's because of their good Hearts God already declared touch not my anointed that is why that protection is always timely he works in mysterious ways remember that's why he says you should be of good courage he has overcome the world remember that guardian angels are watching over you and you can rest in their protective care anytime and anywhere number seven you receive sudden Insight Clarity or understanding about a situation have you ever found yourself smiling at
a suggestion that popped into your mind this isn't a result of your human understanding a Divine stirring your heart gives you the wisdom to help you solve a naughty situation Isaiah 30:21 says whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it it's at this point that everything will begin to make sense this Divine Insight Clarity and understanding app apply to every area of your life your marriage career or even academics maybe you're confused about whom to marry because many
suitors are lined up for you and they all seem to be the right one however you know that only one can be God's choice for you it could even be that the man God has destined for you isn't among these potential suitors in such a situation what are you to do after you've prayed for direction be be still and let God speak to you you will gradually receive insight and Clarity on who suits you according to God's standards it will be as if a veil is finally taken off your eyes letting you see better you'll
discover that the people who seem to be potential suitors don't align with God's will but your God ordained partner fits perfectly the way God wants it to be Angelic presence sheds light on on your path and guides you where God destined you to be you may wonder why your prayers aren't answered how you want them to but with Angelic visitation everything will become clear all you must do is trust him don't be in a hurry to do things your way the Bible says you should trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
on your understanding and he will direct your path if it's a decision about your career trust him your decision might seem like the best but it won't be that is why the Book of Proverbs says there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction in essence waiting on God for insight and Clarity is always good it's better to wait for God's directives before deciding than to be in a hurry and regret it later when you suddenly gain Insight Clarity and understanding about a situation it is a beautiful sign that
an angel is near guiding you toward the right path Angels want you to know that you have the power to make wise decisions and navigate life's challenges with confidence so trust that insight and know that you're not alone remember angels are messengers of God and their guidance is always available to you number eight you perceive Pleasant fragrances with no physical Source most of the time this seems weird but it holds spiritual significance in the Bible fragrances and scents are often associated with the presence of God or his angels they are a symbol of prayer worship
and adoration for God for instance when the prophet Ezekiel had a vision of God's Throne he described the sweet fragrance of incense filling the air another instance is when the three wise men visited Jesus after his birth they came bearing gifts of frankincense and marah symbolizing the sweet fragrance of worship and adoration what does this tell you perceiving Pleasant fragrances with no physical source is a captivating sign that an angel is next to you filling your life with sweetness and joy you know sometimes you might be going about your day when suddenly you catch a
whiff of a beautiful scent it could be roses or vanilla scents but there's no Apparent Source for the fragrance it might feel like it's your imagination especially if no one else seems to perceive it with this you know an angel is near bringing a touch of Heaven to your life dear child of God as you navigate life's journey you may encounter twists and turns that leave you uncertain and Afraid nonetheless take heart for angels are the messengers of God's presence sent to comfort and guide guide you through life's trials their presence is a blessing beyond
measure it is a reminder of God's love and care as you go about your daily life always be receptive to Angelic presence and guidance because it may come when you least expect it Psalm 347 says the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and he delivers them may this promise be your Guiding Light as you go through life journey and let it be a reminder that you are never alone say this prayer almighty God the Ancient of Days thank you for your divine presence in my life which offers me guidance protection and
provision I acknowledge you as The Giver of all good gifts and recognize that all I have is from you I'm grateful for your hand at work in my life merciful god I admit I fallen short of your glory please forgive my mistakes and shortcomings and cleanse me from all unrighteousness I don't want my prayer to be an Abomination to you please help me turn from my sins so I can do only what pleases you mighty Redeemer I seek your presence and guidance today with a humble and surrendered heart I am grateful for the gift of
life and the promise of your love and care as I encounter the ups and downs of life I'm reminded that I'm never alone because you promise to be with me always I've been a living witness to your guiding hand for many years I thank you for the Angels assigned to watch over guide and protect me from harm I'm grateful for their presence in my life even when I'm sometimes unaware of their activity I ask that you continue to send them to me to comfort me in time of Sorrow strengthen me in times of weakness and
guide me in times of uncertainty thank you for revealing the signs of their presence from today I will be receptive and always ready to embrace their presence gracious Lord please use your angels to draw me closer to you through these Angelic encounters please deepen my faith and increase my trust in you let them always remind me of your promises so that I will stand stand on your word and not be shaken by the circumstances of Life please Lord let them protect and shield me from the devil's attacks surround me with your heavenly hosts so that
evil will not befall me as I seek to deepen my relationship with you please send your angels to empower me to fulfill your purpose let their presence constantly remind me that you have overcome the world and given me peace please reignite the fire on my prayer alar and help me be fervent please help me meditate on your word so that I will know how you work help me to make it the standard for my life above all Lord please search me from within and without if there is anything in my life that will hinder these
Angelic visitations please take it away as I walk with you I ask that you use me to bring hope and light to those around me let this Angelic presence impact the lives of everyone I know please make me a vessel of your love and a testimony of your faithfulness thank you Lord for the gift of Angels in my life from today let me experience more of these visitations and let my life change for good I'm confident knowing that you have heard and will answer me I ask all these in jesus' name amen if this video
have blessed your soul Please Subscribe like drop a comment and share with your friends
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