99% Won’t Believe This Message, But It’s Exactly What You Need – Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
In this groundbreaking presentation, Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals the neuroscience behind why 99% of peo...
Video Transcript:
The next few minutes could change everything you believe about your potential. But here's the uncomfortable truth: 99% of you won't accept what I'm about to share. Not because it isn't true, but because your brain is chemically addicted to your current reality.
Your nervous system is programmed to reject what I'm about to tell you. That's not my opinion; it's pure neuroscience. But for the 1% who are ready, who can feel in their bones that they're meant for something more, I'm about to share the exact biological process that keeps most people trapped in their past and the scientifically proven method to break free.
This isn't motivation; this isn't positive thinking. This is the science of transformation that most people are too afraid to face. The brain right now is running on a program you didn't choose—a program that's been repeating the same pattern, same thoughts, same emotions, day after day for years.
Take a moment: notice your breath, notice your posture, notice what you're feeling right now. Here's the truth that only 1% of people will ever understand: everything you're experiencing in this moment is simply a habit, a pattern that your nervous system has memorized. Let me share something fascinating from our research: your brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second, but you're only aware of 2,000 of those bits.
That means 99. 99% of your reality is created by processes you're not even conscious of. Think about that—the thoughts you're thinking right now, the emotions you're feeling, the way you're sitting—it's all running on autopilot.
I remember when this hit me. I was standing in my clinic treating patients, living what I thought was a successful life: same routine, same thoughts, same feelings every single day. Then it happened—that moment when I realized I wasn't living; I was just repeating patterns.
I was existing in a program that had been installed by my past experiences, my environment, my culture. The human brain is incredible. It's designed to take any repeated experience and turn it into automatic hardware.
That's why you don't have to think about how to drive a car or brush your teeth. But here's the thing: this same magnificent ability has also locked most people into unconscious patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that create the same reality day after day. And that's exactly why most people's future looks exactly like their past.
They're living in what neuroscientists call the default mode network—this series of brain circuits that activate when we're not consciously focused on anything. It's like a neural autopilot that keeps replaying the same old programs. Here's something that'll revolutionize your understanding of why you do what you do: your brain has created a complex network of neural connections.
Think of them as super highways of thought and behavior. Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, or perform an action, you're strengthening these pathways. It's like walking through a field of tall grass—the more you walk the same path, the more defined that trail becomes.
Now, most people wake up every morning, check their phone first thing, worry about the same problems, feel the same anxiety, and follow the exact same routine. They're reinforcing these neural pathways until they become so strong, so automatic, that breaking free feels impossible. That's not just a feeling; it's biology in action.
Let me break this down in a way that will blow your mind. When you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. These chemicals are like little messengers that tell your body how to feel.
When you think anxious thoughts, your brain releases stress chemicals. When you think happy thoughts, it releases different chemicals. Your body literally becomes addicted to these emotional states.
That's why so many people stay stuck; they're actually addicted to their emotions, addicted to their problems, addicted to their past. But here's the liberating truth: your brain is not hardwired to be one way for the rest of your life. Scientists used to believe that after a certain age, your brain was fixed, unchangeable.
We now know that's completely false. Your brain is constantly changing, adapting, rewiring itself based on your thoughts, experiences, and focus. This is neuroplasticity—your brain's incredible ability to create new neural pathways and break old ones.
Think about this: every time you learn something new, your brain physically changes. When you practice a new skill, new neural connections form. When you choose a different response to an old trigger, you're literally rewiring your brain.
This isn't just positive thinking; this is science. This is the biology of transformation. I've seen people who've been depressed for decades completely transform their brain patterns through consistent mental rehearsal.
I've witnessed individuals with chronic pain rewire their neural pathways to live pain-free lives. This isn't magic; it's the power of directed neuroplasticity. The key is understanding that your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your environment and what you're thinking about.
When you vividly imagine a new way of being, your brain starts creating new neural pathways as if that new reality is already happening. This is why mental rehearsal is so powerful: you're literally installing new neurological hardware before the actual experience. But here's why most people stay stuck: they wait for something in their outer world to change before they change their inner world.
They're waiting for something to happen to make them feel different, but that's backwards. You have to change your inner world first. You have to break the pattern from the inside out.
Right now, in this moment, you're either living in the present or you're lost in thoughts about the past or future. Most people spend 95% of their time thinking about what happened yesterday or worrying about what might happen tomorrow. But here's the revolutionary truth: the present moment is where all your power lies.
It's where you can break free from the emotional chains. Of your past, think about this: your body doesn't know the difference between an experience that's happening in your life and an experience you're just thinking about. When you remember a stressful event, your body produces the same stress chemicals as if it's happening right now.
That's why you can feel angry just by thinking about something that happened years ago. Your thoughts literally create your biological reality in every moment. Let me share something profound about energy and consciousness: every thought you think carries a specific frequency, like a radio signal.
Your brain is constantly broadcasting these frequencies into the quantum field—the invisible field of energy and information that connects everything. When you stay focused on problems, stress, and limitations, you're broadcasting a frequency that attracts more of the same. It's not just metaphysics; it's quantum physics.
But here's where it gets really interesting: your consciousness, your awareness, is like a spotlight. Whatever you shine it on grows stronger in your life. When you're conscious of your automatic negative thoughts, when you become aware of your habitual emotional states, you begin to break their power over you.
Because here's the truth: you can't change what you're not aware of. Most people are addicted to their emotions; they're addicted to feeling worried, stressed, angry, or victimized. These emotional states have become so familiar that their bodies crave them like a drug.
Their cells have literally become addicted to these emotional chemicals. That's why change feels so uncomfortable at first—you're breaking an addiction at the cellular level. The key to breaking this emotional addiction is staying in the present moment.
When you're truly present, you're not running the same old thought patterns that create the same old emotional states; you're not broadcasting the same old frequencies into the quantum field. You're creating space for something new to emerge. Here's a powerful truth: every time you become aware of a negative thought or emotion without getting caught up in it, you're weakening its neural pathway.
Every time you choose to stay present instead of falling into old patterns, you're literally rewiring your brain. This is why meditation is so powerful: it trains your brain to stay in the present moment. But it's not just about sitting quietly with your eyes closed; it's about bringing this present moment awareness into every aspect of your life.
When you feel stress rising, pause. When you notice yourself falling into old thought patterns, pause. In that pause, in that moment of awareness, you have the power to choose differently.
Most people never realize that their thoughts and emotions are creating their reality, moment by moment. They feel like victims of circumstances, not understanding that their inner state is broadcasting a signal that's attracting those very circumstances. But when you understand this, when you really get it at a deep level, you have the key to creating any reality you want.
The present moment is your point of power; it's where you can interrupt the automatic programs running in your brain. It's where you can choose a new thought, a new emotion, a new frequency to broadcast. Every time you do this, you're not just changing your mental state; you're changing your energy field, your biology, and ultimately your destiny.
Now I'm going to share something that will transform how you understand meditation. This isn't about sitting quietly and emptying your mind; this is about actively rewiring your brain's circuitry. When you close your eyes and begin this process, you're entering a state where you can make real physical changes to your neural architecture.
During meditation, your brain waves shift from beta (your thinking, analytical mind) to alpha and theta states. These slower brain wave patterns are like fertile soil where you can plant seeds of new possibilities. This is when your subconscious mind becomes programmable; this is when real change happens.
Let me explain the exact process: when you sit down to meditate, your analytical mind will fight you at first. It'll bring up all the reasons why you can't change, all your problems, all your to-do lists. This is normal; your brain is designed to keep running the same programs that have kept you safe in the past.
But here's the key: don't fight these thoughts. Simply observe them. Each time you observe a thought without getting caught up in it, you're weakening your brain’s resistance to acceptance.
As you move deeper into the meditation, something remarkable happens in your brain: your nervous system begins to calm down, the stress hormones in your body start to decrease, and your heart rate becomes more coherent. This is when the real work begins; this is when you start installing new neurological hardware. Think about learning to play the piano.
When you first start, your fingers are clumsy, your timing is off, but with practice, the neural pathways for playing become stronger until it feels natural. The same principle applies to emotional states, patterns of thinking, and ways of being. Through focused mental rehearsal and meditation, you can strengthen the neural pathways for joy, for confidence, for peace—even before you experience these states in your outer world.
Here's the science behind this process: every time you practice a new way of thinking or being in meditation, your brain releases different neurotransmitters. These chemicals signal your genes to make new proteins that create new neural connections. You're literally growing new brain circuits for your new destiny.
But here's where most people get stuck: they meditate once or twice and give up because they don't see immediate results. They don't understand that just like building physical muscles, building new neural pathways takes consistent practice. You wouldn't go to the gym once and expect to see massive changes in your body.
The same principle applies to rewiring your brain. The key is repetition with elevated emotion. When you combine clear intention with elevated emotion, you.
. . Emotion in meditation, you're signaling your genes to create new proteins that will build new neural circuits.
The stronger the emotion, the stronger the new neural connection becomes. This is why it's crucial to feel the emotions of your new future while you're in meditation. Let me share something powerful about breaking emotional habits: every time you feel an emotion, your body releases specific chemicals.
When you feel these emotions repeatedly, your body becomes addicted to these chemicals. That's why breaking emotional habits can feel like going through withdrawal, because you literally are. But here's the good news: through consistent meditation practice, you can break these emotional addictions and create new empowering emotional states.
Think about this: every morning when you wake up, your brain is flooded with the same chemicals that create the same thoughts that lead to the same choices, which create the same experiences that produce the same emotions. It's a cycle. But through meditation, you can interrupt this cycle.
You can install new programs; you can create new neural pathways before you face the challenges of your day. When you do this work consistently, something remarkable happens: your brain starts to organize itself in new ways. The neural pathways for your old habits begin to weaken while the pathways for your new ways of being become stronger.
You're not just changing your thoughts; you're changing your brain's physical structure. Let me tell you about something so profound it will change how you see everything. Right now, you're surrounded by an invisible field of energy and information: the quantum field.
This isn't mystical thinking; this is cutting-edge science. Every thought you have, every emotion you feel, is broadcasting a specific frequency into this field. Scientists have discovered that at the quantum level, particles exist in multiple possible states until they're observed.
Your consciousness—your observation, your attention—literally affects how these particles behave. This means your thoughts aren't just in your head; they're interacting with the physical world around you at the subatomic level. And when you understand this, you realize why your life keeps repeating the same patterns.
Most people wake up every morning thinking about their problems, feeling their familiar emotions, and that consciousness is interacting with the quantum field, organizing particles of energy into the same events, same experiences, same reality. It's like they're placing the same order with the universe every single day. But here's where it gets exciting: the quantum field responds to consciousness, regardless of whether you're thinking about what you don't want or what you do want.
It doesn't differentiate between positive and negative; it simply responds to the frequency you're broadcasting. When you sit in meditation, feeling the emotions of your desired future as if it's happening now, you're sending a new signal into the field. Think about radio waves—right now, there are countless radio frequencies moving through the space around you.
You can't see them, but they're there. Your consciousness works the same way: it's broadcasting a frequency based on your thoughts and emotions. And just like a radio needs to be tuned to the right frequency to receive a specific station, you need to tune your energy to the frequency of what you want to create.
This is why emotional intensity is so crucial in the process of transformation. When you combine clear intention with elevated emotion, you're amplifying your signal to the quantum field. You're becoming a stronger broadcaster of the frequency of your desired future.
The field has to respond; it's a law of physics. Most people don't realize they're always connected to this field. They think their thoughts and emotions are private, contained within their own mind and body.
But quantum physics shows us that everything is connected; there is no separation. Your consciousness is constantly interacting with the field, constantly affecting the particles that will organize themselves into your future experiences. The observer effect in quantum physics tells us that particles behave differently when they're being observed.
This means your attention, your focus—your consciousness—literally affects the physical world around you. When you understand this, you realize why it's so important to be conscious of what you're putting your attention on. When you're in meditation, feeling the joy, the gratitude, the excitement of your desired future, you're not just having a nice mental experience; you're literally affecting the quantum field.
You're reorganizing the particles of possibility into new patterns that match the frequency of your new consciousness. This is why so many people in our workshops experience synchronicities, unexpected opportunities, and what seems like coincidences after doing this work consistently. They're not coincidences; they're the quantum field responding to their new frequency.
They're the physical manifestation of their changed consciousness. Would you like me to continue with the next section? We're creating a powerful narrative that builds upon each concept while maintaining Dr Joe's signature style of combining science with practical application.
When you truly understand everything we've discussed, you'll realize something revolutionary: your personality creates your personal reality. Your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. Most people try to create a new future while holding onto their old personality.
That's why they fail; that's why they stay stuck. Let me share something that happened at one of our workshops: a woman had been suffering from chronic anxiety for 15 years. She had tried everything—medication, therapy, self-help books—nothing worked.
Why? Because she was trying to create a new future while living from the emotions of her past. During our 4-day event, she learned to break the habit of being herself.
She stopped checking her phone first thing in the morning; she stopped rehearsing her problems; she stopped waiting to feel better before she made different choices. The science of possibility shows us something remarkable: your brain is a prediction machine. It's constantly predicting your future based on your past.
But here's the key: when you interrupt. . .
Your usual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—you're telling your brain to stop making the same predictions; you're opening the door to new possibilities. I've seen people heal from incurable diseases. I've witnessed individuals transform decades-long depression.
I've watched people create extraordinary opportunities out of nowhere. How? By understanding this fundamental truth: you can't create a new future while you remain the same person.
You have to become someone else. You have to break the habit of being yourself. There was a businessman in our Advanced Workshop who had been stuck in the same income bracket for eight years.
Every morning, he would wake up feeling the stress of not having enough. Every day, he would work harder, push more, struggle more, but his reality stayed the same. Why?
Because he was broadcasting the frequency of scarcity into the quantum field. During our workshop, he learned to start his day by feeling the emotions of abundance before anything had changed in his physical reality. Within three months, his income doubled—not because he worked harder, but because he became a different person.
Think about this: every morning when you wake up, you have a choice. You can either continue being the same person—thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, making the same choices, and creating the same reality—or you can choose to be someone new. You can choose to think differently, feel differently, act differently.
When you do this, you're literally changing your brain circuitry, changing your energy signature in the quantum field. But here's the thing: this isn't about forcing change through willpower; it's about becoming so conscious of your unconscious states that you can't go back to being unconscious again. It's about breaking the habit of being yourself so completely that your new way of being becomes automatic.
Listen carefully, because what I'm about to share with you is the exact formula for creating lasting change: your morning practice is the foundation of your transformation. Before you check your phone, before you start thinking about your problems, before you get caught up in the same old emotions, this is when you do the work. First thing when you wake up, sit up straight, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths.
In this moment, you're interrupting the automatic program that usually runs as soon as you wake up. Your old personality wants to kick in—don't let it. This is your time to create something new.
Now here's the specific process: start by focusing on your heart. Feel appreciation, gratitude, joy—any elevated emotion. When you do this, your heart sends a signal to your brain that literally changes how your brain functions.
We've measured this in our research: your brain waves become more coherent, and your nervous system shifts from stress mode to growth mode. Next, clearly see your new future, but don't just see it—feel it. If you want vibrant health, feel what it's like to have endless energy.
If you want financial abundance, feel the emotions of security and freedom. If you want loving relationships, feel the joy of deep connection. Your body needs to believe it's happening right now.
The key is to maintain this state for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Why? Because it takes time to build new neural pathways; it takes time to shift your energy field.
In the first few minutes, your mind will try to pull you back to your old patterns. Push through this—stay focused, stay in the elevated emotion. As you do this practice every morning, something remarkable happens: your brain starts producing new neurochemicals, your genes start expressing in new ways, and your energy field begins to change.
People who come to our workshops often report feeling tingling sensations, waves of energy, or spontaneous movements during this practice. This is your body's electromagnetic field shifting. But here's the crucial part: you have to do this before you start your day.
Once you check your phone, once you start thinking about your problems, you’re back in your old patterns. This morning practice is your chance to install new neural hardware before your old programming kicks in. Most people quit right before the breakthrough happens.
They meditate for a few days, guide the morning practice for a week, and then give up because they don't see instant results. They don't understand that transformation follows a specific pattern. It's like water heating up: it stays at the same temperature for a while and then suddenly reaches the boiling point.
Your brain and body will resist change at first. This is normal. When you start doing this work, you might feel more emotional, more uncomfortable, more frustrated than ever before.
Why? Because you're breaking an addiction at the cellular level. Your body is screaming for the familiar chemicals of your old emotional states.
This is when most people quit; they interpret this discomfort as evidence that it's not working. Let me tell you about a participant in our workshop: she had been practicing for three weeks, feeling like nothing was changing. She was tempted to quit, but she kept going.
Then, on day 23, everything shifted. Her anxiety disappeared, opportunities started showing up, and people began treating her differently. Why?
Because she had finally reached the breakthrough point. She had maintained her practice long enough for her brain and body to accept the new pattern as the new normal. Here's the science behind this: when you first start creating new neural pathways, they're like thin trails in a dense forest.
Your old patterns are like super highways. Of course, your brain wants to default to the super highways. But every time you practice, every time you choose the new way of being, you're strengthening these new pathways.
Eventually, they become the dominant routes in your brain. The key to maintaining momentum is understanding that transformation isn't linear. You'll have days when you feel amazing, connected, powerful.
You'll have other days when you feel like you're. . .
Back at square one, this is part of the process. The only way to fail is to stop. Think about this every time you sit down to do your morning practice: you're building momentum in the quantum field.
Every time you choose a new thought over an old one, you're strengthening your new neural pathways. Every time you maintain an elevated emotion despite your circumstances, you're reconditioning your body to a new mind. Right now, in this moment, you're standing at a crossroads.
Everything you've learned about your brain's incredible ability to change, about the quantum field, about the power of elevated emotions, it all comes down to this moment—this moment of decision. You can choose to close your eyes, go back to your familiar patterns, and continue creating the same reality you've always created, or you can choose to become someone new. You can choose to break free from the emotional addictions, the limiting beliefs, and the unconscious programs that have been running your life.
The truth is, nobody else can make this choice for you; nobody else can do the work for you. Your future isn't determined by your past unless you live by the same thoughts, feelings, and actions of your past. Your future is determined by who you're being right now, in this moment.
Think about this: a year from now, you'll arrive somewhere. The question is, will you arrive at a destination created by default or by design? Will you be living the same life, feeling the same emotions, facing the same challenges, or will you be standing in a new reality that you consciously created?
The science is clear; the process works. We've seen thousands of people transform their lives using these principles. But knowing isn't enough.
Information without application is just entertainment. You have to take action. You have to do the work.
You have to become someone new. So make the decision right now—not tomorrow, not when conditions are perfect, not when you feel ready. Now.
Because this moment, this exact moment, could be the turning point where everything changes. This could be the moment you finally break free from the prison of your past and step into the infinite possibilities of your future. The power is in your hands.
The time is now. Make the choice.
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