3 TRUE Disturbing Home Alone Horror Stories

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In today's episode, we will share a few true home alone horror stories. This story starts when a fr...
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[Music] [Music] a few months ago my friend in the Navy got orders to move to Virginia she tried to find someone to rent her house but it didn't work out so she asked me to stay at her place for free and help find a renter to take care of the house it also turns out my friend had to leave one of her cats behind because there wasn't enough space for it where she was going it seemed a bit of neglect if you ask me but it wasn't my decision I really like cats at first I
was happy about getting to live in her house for free I usually stay in the barracks which are small rooms with other people so this felt like a nice change when I arrived at her place I felt really disappointed the house was big but oh my goodness it was a mess there was stuff scattered everywhere dust covered everything fleas were all over it surprised me because my friend seemed like someone who kept things clean but I was wrong about that it seemed easy for me to ask my friends to help clean up and make the
place nice I assisted her and finishing packing and then we sat down to talk that's when she shared about her ex he was in the Army just like me but in a different unit at beginning she thought he was nice but later he wasn't right for her for whatever reason when she broke up with him and said he had 2 weeks to move out he started acting really annoying and childish he hit her boots scared the cats made the place even Messier and blocked her car so she couldn't leave without causing a fuss after she
left I pretty much stayed away from the place until I scheduled a day for me and my buddies to clean it I went there every day to clean the cat box and give the cat food but one night after I had dinner with a friend she said she wanted to come with me to feed the cat I thought it would be good to show her the place and figure out what we needed to do next when we got to the house and got out I I heard a loud noise from the trees nearby I thought
it might be some animal looking back it could have just been my memory making things seem scarier than they were when I approached the door I felt really nervous like something wasn't right and I shouldn't be there but I didn't want to bother my friend so I ignored the feeling I also found it a bit puzzling when I tried to open the door that means I turned the lock tried to open the door and repeated it until it finally opened but this time the door opened after the first try I thought it was probably just
luck at the time but part of me wondered if I had forgotten to lock the door in the first place anyway once I went inside I was going upstairs to feed the cat but when I tried to turn on the lights in the hallway only one of them worked so I guess the other one must have gone out but when I got closer to check I stepped in a puddle of water which surprised me when I looked closely I found that the light was completely full of water and some leak from somewhere was dripping water
onto the floor also I heard a noise from the light which I thought was the AC at the time I knew it was above the entryway on the top floor so I thought it might be broken or not working right causing a leak I thought oh no more problems to deal with but I was there to do something so I asked my friend to look around and see what supplies we might need while I went upstairs to feed the cat before I even got halfway up the stairs my friend called me down she was in
the kitchen by the back door that went to the porch the glass from the broken door window was all over the floor she asked if it was like this when I left I had only been to this place once or twice since the owner left and I was pretty sure I would have noticed the broken window looking at how the glass was scattered it seemed like it broke from the outside what was weird though was that the door was still locked not sure if someone was inside I told my friend to stay there while I
checked upstairs I didn't have any weapons and I don't think the place had any guns but but surprisingly my friend liked collecting swords and many of them were downstairs so I grabbed one and quietly went upstairs fortunately no one else was in the house but to be safe we both waited outside and called the police after calling the police I contacted the owner and explained everything the Breakin was strange because nothing was taken the place didn't seem to be in a worse condition than when I left left as far as I could tell the only
weird thing was the broken window in the back door with the door still locked and maybe the front door unlocked I thought the water issue wasn't connected to a break-in because of all these signs we thought my friend's ex might be behind it it seemed like he was either searching for something or just being destructive my friend said he knew she was away but didn't realize anyone was keeping an eye on the place so he probably thought it was okay to mess with it but apart from the broken window neither I nor the police discovered
anything else at least not that night after that incident I was still very uncomfortable about going back to the place I never had to deal with a break-in before thinking that my friend's ex was just being mean and messing with the place made me not want to stay there too much I was afraid he might come back and I didn't want to be around but the cat no offense to it was still there so while the police were looking for the person they thought did it and the insurance company was getting details I still had
to go to the place to feed the cat I couldn't keep it with me because the barracks don't allow pets and I didn't have any friends who wanted to take it in also I won't lie as I waited a couple of days before going back to the house even though I didn't live there the idea scared me and I could only imagine how it would feel if it were my place but the cat needed to eat so I went in the first thing I noticed was the smell it was musty and moldy the water leak
got much worse the hardwood floors at the entrance started bending and the ceiling was sagging then I realized the leak was way more serious than I thought it wasn't just an issue with the AC I could still hear the rumbling too I got curious not as scared as the last time I went in the house I went upstairs with a sword at the top there's a short hallway leading to the main bedroom on the way there's a storage closet when I walked past the closet my foot made a squeaky sound there's water here too which
makes sense because it's right above the entrance both the AC and water heater were at the back of the closet when I went into the main bedroom there was no water but the roaring sound was louder and now it sounded like running water similar to what you hear from a bathtub indeed I found a door at the back of the bedroom that I hadn't seen before it went to a small bathroom with a toilet and a sink in inside that room there was another door indeed the noise was from a running faucet the carpet in
front of the door was completely wet and the door was locked based on where the door was the room on the other side would be next to the storage closet and the bathtub would be right above the entrance of the house at first I thought about breaking down the door because it was clear the bathtub had been overflowing for a while and fixing the water damage with would already be really hard a broken door would be the least of the owner's problems but then I stopped myself I didn't know what I might find behind that
door I didn't want to go in without help so I called the police again and asked for an officer to assist he unscrewed the knob and opened the door there was nothing behind it but the bathtub had been running and overflowed so the thinking about everything it seems pretty clear what went down the Troublemaker probably the owner's ex broke in that night just before my friend and I got there maybe the noise I heard was him breaking in or maybe I imagined it he smashed the window to get in through the back door and probably
left through the front which is why it was unlocked now I'm not completely sure if the next part happened during the first Breakin or if he came back later to do it but I think while he was in the house he went upstairs turned on the water and messed with the door he clearly wasn't there to take stuff instead he wanted to flood the house because he knew the owner would be away and water damage is really tough to deal with anyway whoever did this is a mean and nasty person in my opinion I don't
know if they ever caught him or what happened afterward I handed the key to the insurance folks the owner trusted them and I chose never to go back to that place the latest I heard she found new people to live there and the place got fixed up nicely with no more [Music] problems I want to tell you about a really bad experience I had while taking care of someone's dog this isn't the first time something like this happened but it's the worst one I started dogit sitting when I was 13 and made few decent money
from it I often post on Facebook and Instagram about dog sitting people send me messages asking if I can take care of their dogs one day I received a message on Facebook I accepted it and the person said my wife and I need a dog sitter because we're going to Florida for a week you need to take care of the dog from the 4th to the 11th of this month you can choose to stay at our house or go back to your own home I had a conversation with this man and we'll call him Mr
Brown to keep things private I agreed to take the job and let him know I'd be staying at his house for the week we talked about some details like the dog's routine where everything was in the house and any special instructions for them when I arrived at his house he introduced me to his two dogs Mina and lety Mina was a small Yorkie and Ley was a blue Hound he showed me around the house which was on a big piece of land 76 Aces to be exact I live in a town with farms and my
own place is on 32 Acres so being here didn't make me nervous the nearest neighbors were quite far so if you wanted to talk to them you'd need to take a drive they explained few rules and then Mrs Brown told me about the lady who lives nearby she said the lady is a kind person but sometimes seems a bit out of it and Confused then she mentioned how the lady might accidentally come to their driveway instead of her own also sometimes even mistake Mrs Brown for her late daughter listening to this made me feel really
sad for her I understand how tough it is for parents to lose a child child because my own parents struggled a lot when my brother passed away in a car accident Mrs Brown said the lady shouldn't do anything wrong but if she comes to the house just point her back to her own home and she should leave without any issues after they went away I was ready to watch movies and relax with the dogs the first two days were good no problems but on the third day though an old lady let's call her Rose did
drive into the driveway I came outside as she was getting out of the car when she saw me she quickly got back into her car and drove away I thought she figured out she was at the wrong house when she saw me and went back inside later that night I got a call from Mrs Brown asking if everything was okay or not I said yes and asked why she was asking then she told me me that she got a call from Miss Rose claiming there was a robber at their house I told Mrs Brown what
happened and she just laughed saying M Rose must have been confused and forgot we were away I finished the call planning to go over there the next day to clear up any confusion about me being a robber but when I went to bed that night things got wild I woke up around 2:00 a.m. hearing light scratching sounds almost like ticking coming from outside the window but at first I thought it could be a bird or some creature so I ignored it but the sound made it hard for me to go back to sleep I wanted
to scare it away I got up and went to open the blinds however I screamed when I lifted the blinds and saw Miss Rose trying to open the window with a pair of pliers as soon as she saw me she started hitting the window with the pliers the dog began barking I told the dog to come with me grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom I locked the door just in case she got in I called 911 and explained the situation giving them the address as best as I could remember they told me the
police would arrive in about 10 minutes I made the dogs quiet and put them in the closet next to the bathroom to make sure she didn't hear them I was trying to stay calm and I could still hear her hitting the window as I kept talking to the operator then I heard a glass break now I was really scared and almost ready to cry because I was afraid of being hurt by someone who wasn't thinking clearly after around 4 minutes of almost no noise I heard footsteps and I could see feet under the other side
of the door then I saw m Rose kneeling and putting her hands down looking under the crack of the door I accidentally let out a gasp she started hitting the door more frequently and I could tell she was using the pliers by now I was crying and asking the operator where the police were he said 3 minutes but those 3 minutes felt like forever I screamed at Miss Rose to please go away she screamed back you shouldn't be here once I heard the sound of police cars and about a minute later they were trying to
kick the door down and eventually they got in I shouted to get their attention although they didn't really need it she was still hitting the door once they got into the room she was told to drop the weapon she listened and said she didn't do anything wrong they put handcuffs on her and the police officer told me it was okay to unlock the door so I slowly got up and unlocked it after going to the police station telling them what happened for their report I went to my parents' house as I was just too scared
to be alone the next day I called Miss Brown and told her what happened I got paid in full even after saying I couldn't go back to the [Music] house we were in Colombia living in my mom's house the place was nice and there were no issues but as time went on around the third month strange things started to happen I was alone at home like usual but this time something felt weird when I came home that day my head started hurting a lot my dog who usually never goes into my room was there this
time so it was strange to see him right by my bed head lying down and shaking with his tail between his legs at first I thought he was just enjoying the breeze coming through the window in my room but the window was closed and he looked really frightened for the next few hours I let him come up on the bed and we napped together but when I woke up I saw a dark tall shadow that looked like a person I thought it was just a dream so I closed my eyes tight but when I opened
them again it was still there right next to the door where I sleep as weeks went on I couldn't sleep well each day and eventually I couldn't sleep in my own room that thing was still there I didn't tell my mom or sister because I was scared they would laugh at me I started having bad dreams about that thing in the last dream I remember the house was dark and when I woke up I felt dizzy there was still Moonlight shining in I felt like the shadow was crying because something was bothering it that's when
I thought the shadow in my room and this manlike Shadow were different and they seemed to be against each other all of a sudden the man's shadow felt like a very scary presence but I couldn't do anything I tried to tell it once that I didn't want it here but it just got mad I couldn't go back to my normal life because of this when I was home alone again the doors in the house would slam shut and open forcefully sometimes glasses would fall from the cabinets and break on the floor I thought the scary
thing might never leave my life then one day I was so upset that I just screamed really loud letting out all my frustration in one big yell when I needed to catch my breath and it got quiet again the the shadow disappeared I don't know if it was me or something else that made it go away but even now a year later I still have some lingering [Music] nightmares my family and I used to love going camping together and we did it often at least three or four times a year normally we stuck to traditional
campsites like Yogi Bear jelly stone or KOA however this time was different we decided to try something new and went to White Mountain National Forest for a more primitive camping experience but I wasn't very excited about it as I thought it wouldn't be enjoyable at that time I was around 15 going through my angsty teenage phase I was a bit emotional and had rough edges when we arrived my parents began setting up the camp and during that time my little brother and I couldn't resist the urge to explore the surroundings we walk around the area
not going too far because we didn't want to lose our way our conversation was just like any chat between two unsupervised kids discussing random things then I started teasing my little brother Jeffrey pretending we were lost and warning him about bears and monsters it might sound mean but we always joke around like that however I could see he was genuinely getting a bit scared so I reassured him letting him know it was all in good fun as we explored I kept my eyes open for a cool spot by the water a place where we could
swim or maybe do some fishing and guess what we stumbled upon the perfect spot it truly was beautiful my little kid brain loved every second of being outside I knew we had been gone for a while and I was in charge of my brother so I didn't want us to get in trouble mom wanted us back before it got dark and we were running out of daylight we walked back to our camp had dinner and did our usual family stuff like playing board games and having a campfire and until it was time for bed Jeffrey
and I had our own tents and our mom and dad had their own too we had sleeping bags a lantern and not much else maybe some snacks We snuck into our tent and a DVD player to watch a movie I fell asleep but woke up for no reason feeling a bit drowsy I turned over towards Jeffrey and noticed he was gone it startled me and I instantly shot up I walked out of the tent and there he was heading towards the trail we had taken earlier Jeff what are you doing I asked in a hushed
tone get back to sleep before Dad finds out what you're up to just then I heard a rustling noise coming from my parents' tent I was worried that my loud Whisper had woken them up but I couldn't figure out how Jeffrey managed to slip out of the tent without me noticing in the first place he continued walking away and soon he was out of my sight I followed him with my Lantern trying not to make too much noise I eventually located him a bit off the trail sitting quietly by the lake I grabbed jeffy's arm
and yanked him back towards our camp when out of nowhere we noticed a shadow and it turned out to be a man and there was something seriously off about him he was wasn't just being a bit creepy by staring he seemed genuinely deranged in the Moonlight I could make out some details he had long greasy looking hair with a mustache which sent shivers down my spine in his hand he clutched what looked like a hammer the way he just stood there all gross looking and staring at us set off alarm bells in my head his
mouth was wide open and he was breathing heavily giving often weird vibe the guy looked extremely pale like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks I mean come on I had a feeling he might be dangerous so I started running and Jeffrey being younger couldn't keep up well remember he was only 10 or 11 so his little legs couldn't go fast I grabbed his arms and practically pulled him along trying to make him go faster but another issue isue was that we had to get past that man to go back to our camp we had
to be sneaky and run in a big circle around him it was dark and we were lucky to be close to our camp I don't know what we would have done if it was Daylight or if we were farther away we were pretty sure we lost him and finally we found our mom and dad they found us a bit away from Camp so I guess we went the wrong way maybe in the rush what happened next was disturbing when we got back to Camp my dad's truck was gone the only vehicle we had there that
man tricked us away from camp and he took the truck he also broke into our tents and took my dad's wallet and phone thankfully we had a walkie-talkie to call for help the police found my dad's truck and arrested the man a few days later if we were deeper into the woods that night that man might have caught us for sure he chased us and it felt like he wanted to hurt us or take us away when my dad got the truck back it was in bad shape
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