Always Be Silent In 9 Situations| Marcus Aurelius Stoicism

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unfortunately the art of Silence has been lost in our Busy World where noise and talk are always present but what if the times we choose not to speak were just as strong as the times we do how often do we stop and think about what our quiet means stoicism is an old theory that teaches people how to control themselves through reason and emotional strength it's a great way to learn when to speak Zeno the founder of stoicism said it's better to trip with the feet than with the tongue this wise saying brings up a basic
question how many times have we felt bad about saying something in a hurry or out of anger stoicism doesn't just tell us not to do things we owe it to ourselves to use silence as a tool for growth and peace imagine facing life's challenges with the calm confidence that your silence speaks louder than any words could ever hope to stoic philosophy teaches that silence isn't just the absence of speech but a deeply felt response that has been carefully chosen it is an active powerful force a plan that can help ease disagreements protect us from harm
and help us understand but when exactly should we Embrace silence together we'll find out in nine key times that choosing silence is not not only smart but also lifechanging as we go deeper into these lessons think about how practicing stoic silence might change the way you deal with others and your own peace of mind what if you could end a heated fight with a calm measured silence instead of harsh words what might a quiet pause help you say about your feelings and thoughts come with us as we dig up the strong times to shut up
and let let the knowledge of stoicism guide us are you ready to learn more about the Deep knowledge of stoicism please leave a word before you start your journey number one when being criticized unfairly according to the stoic philosophy being unfairly criticized is a unique chance to become stronger and show Integrity the main ideas behind this old knowledge the ruler Marcus alias once said that if something outside of you bothers you it's not the thing itself that's hurting you but how you think about it he also said that you can change how you think about
something at any time Insight says that what bothers us about criticism is not the criticism itself but how we see and respond to it think about this how might changing how you see criticism make you stronger can you think of a time when staying calm in the face of unfair criticism changed the outcome for example if you are leading a project at work and your boss criticizes it harshly a stoic response would be to calmly look at the feedback and find useful insights while ignoring any negative information that isn't based on facts epicus said that
this way of doing things will not only keep your peace but it will also keep your professional honor don't talk about your theory live it here to live by philosophy you have to respond with calm well-thought out responses instead of defensive ones you should let the quality of your responses and ultimately your work speak for itself not responding when unfairly criticized is not just a passive act it's a strategic one to embrace stoicism's call to focus on what we can control our responses and attitudes this quiet strength turns possible conflict into a sign of your
personal strength and philosophical dedication as you face life's difficulties think about how silence can help you what chances might come up if you choose thoughtful silence over impulsive speech how might this practice not only improve your own peace of mind but also have an effect on those around you by incorporating stoic principles into our daily lives especially when we are unfairly criticized we align ourselves with a philosophy that values the strength of character over the temporary approval of others this promotes personal growth and inspires others to do the same especially in today's world where boasting
and self-promotion often drown out humility stoicism tells us to embrace silence and the wise Marcus Aurelius says don't waste time arguing about what a good man should be be one in this light think about how silence in response to boasts can turn a potentially ego fueled environment into a place of self-reflection and growth there will always be criticism in life and it can often be a good way to learn and improve but criticism isn't always Fair even when it's meant to hurt someone in these kinds of scenarios it can be hard to stay calm and
act in the right way stoicism a theory that began in ancient Greece has Timeless advice on how to handle rude criticism with class and Grace by following stoic ideas we can turn bad things that happen to us into chances to grow as people and become stronger inside hey what matters is not what happens to you but how you react to it this is the stoic principle epicus what happened take a moment to think about what to say when someone criticizes you unfairly this keeps you from acting on impulse and gives you time to think about
what's going on without getting upset take the criticism away from yourself as the stoic said you control your mind not events outside of it know this and you will be strong Marcus Aurelius do this understand that unfair feedback only shows how the reviewer feels or what they think not how good you are or what you can do you can see the criticism more clearly if you separate it from who you are as the stoic said if anyone can prove and show me that I think and act in error I will gladly change it for I
seek the truth Marcus Aurelius do this there may be a small amount of Truth in even the most unfair judgment look for any helpful feedback that is hidden in the unfairness take this as a chance to improve yourself and get rid of the negative thoughts that aren't necessary as the stoic saying goes first learn the meaning of what you say and then speak epic tus what happened when someone criticizes you unfairly stay cool and and polite this not only shows how strong and in control you are but it also keeps things from getting worse a
calm answer often calms down the reviewer and shows that you are an adult take care of your own growth don't waste time arguing about what a good man should be says the stoic be one said Marcus Aurelius action stop focusing on unfair criticism and turn your attention to your goal goals and personal Improvement you can rise above the bad things that happen and keep moving forward on your road by focusing on your own growth and virtues it can be hard to deal with unfair criticism but if you follow stoic principles you can turn these situations
into chances to grow and become stronger remember to take a moment to think separate the criticism from your own worth look for any sliver of Truth truth reply with cool and respect and keep your attention on your own growth in this way you live up to the stoic ideal of staying calm and strong inside even when things are hard outside number two stoic silence in the middle of boasts imagine you're at a networking event where a co-worker is bragging too much about their recent raises and fancy lifestyle you might want to counter their bravado with
your own accomplishments stoicism teaches us the power of restraint if you choose quiet you keep your cool and let other people's words show you who they are this way you can save your energy for deeper conversations this method not only protects your honor but it also makes you look like someone who is sure of their own achievements and doesn't need outside approval in this Theory silence is not a sign of passivity instead it is a sign of strategic silence that shows knowledge and confidence another wise stoic says he who does not wish to be outnumbered
by greater benefits should not return one benefit with another he should return many at once in real life this means that you should not respond to empty boasts with words but with the Quiet Grace of your actions and the quality of your character how often do you find yourself responding to someone else's success uccess story with one of your own what might happen if you instead chose to listen fully acknowledging their accomplishments with a nod or a smile while keeping your attention on your own virtues and goals accepting stoic quiet in the middle of boasts
is a way to live a life not marked by competition but by happiness and inner success it creates an atmosphere where one can Thrive peacefully and successfully based on genuine self-worth worth rather than comparative measures please think about this lesson and use what you've learned in your daily life how could accepting quiet make your life and relationships better please write about your ideas and stories in the space below let's work together to make each other's lives more peaceful happy and successful number three when dealing with anger when we're angry it can feel like a wild
storm that can sweep away all reason and calm but in the middle of this storm stoic philosophy offers a safe place to be a moment of silence that helps us deal with these strong feelings epicurus a famous stoic figure said to keep quiet most of the time and only speak when you have to now imagine a day at work when a co-worker's mistake causes you hours of extra work your first instinct might be to lash out in anger but what would happen if you chose silence instead by not reacting in Anger you give yourself time
to think about the situation more objectively this pause can stop the conflict from getting worse and lead to constructive Solutions instead of heated arguments think about it how often has reacting quickly in Anger made you think about what could be different if you took a moment to calm down before speaking Marcus Aurelius another well-known stoic gives advice in his writings how much worse are the results of anger than the things that make people angry this thought makes us think about what happens after we get angry most of the time the effects of an angry Outburst
are worse than the thing that made us angry in the first place think about Nelson Mandela a famous leader who even though he had been jailed for years decided to forgive his abusers in instead of getting angry this decision not only improved his own life but also led a country to reconciliation for example using silence when you're angry doesn't mean hiding your feelings it means choosing a response that is in line with your best self this practice not only improves your own peace but it also leads to better relationships and a more successful life as
you deal with the inevitable frustrations of daily life remember that silence can be your Sanctuary a place where wisdom rules adopt it and you may find that the quiet response is not only the most profound but also the most powerful anger is a normal feeling that everyone has at some point in their lives on the other hand anger that isn't under control can hurt relationships and your own health stoicism teaches useful ways to control anger by focusing on self control clear thought and inner peace figure out the cause look at your triggers to figure out
what exactly makes you angry is it a person a setting or a certain event self-reflection think about why these things really set you off our assumptions and ideas about things often play a big role acceptance know that you can't change the things that happen in the outside world what you can change is how you react to these things practice being mindful keep your mind on the present time instead of focusing on past problems or worries about the future exercises for deep breathing when you feel angry do exercises for deep breathing to calm your mind and
body pause and think before you respond stop and think about what will happen if you do something change your point of view try to see things from the other person's point of view to show empathy seeing things from their point of view can help you feel less angry change the way you see it think about how a stoic philosopher would see things would they think it was unimportant or important focus on Solutions instead of dwelling on the issue at hand think of useful ways to handle it build emotional strength learn to to control yourself remind
yourself that you can choose how to react use self-control and patience emotional Detachment learn to separate your feelings from what's going on take a step back and look at it objectively instead of personally get stronger inside do things that help you deal with your emotions like exercising writing in a book or meditating use your anger in a healthy way positively Channel your energy instead of being angry put your energy into things that will help you like working out or making art learn and grow use your anger as a chance to learn more about yourself and
change how you respond in the future how to communicate well talk about how you feel in a cool and confident way without being hostile or angry managing your anger well is important for your health and the health of your relationships you can turn anger into a good Force by getting to the bottom of it practicing mindfulness changing your point of view building mental strength and finding healthy ways to use your anger follow the advice of stoicism to find inner peace and live a healthy peaceful life number four silence in the middle of false rumors when
people talk to each other stories are like leaves caught in a gust of wind when these rumors aren't true they can cause harm and confusion stoic philosophy gives us a strong answer quiet think about the story of a teacher in a small town who was wrongly accused of misconduct as rumors spread through the community the teacher chose not to add to the heat by denying or explaining what happened instead she relied on her honesty and int Integrity to stand firm this silence is not a passive surrender but a smart decision based on wisdom Marcus Aurelius
said you hold power over your thoughts not over outside events understand this and you will be strong how often have we seen quickly spoken words make things worse how might silence protect you from the arrows of false accusations by refusing to comment the teacher let the community's initial excitement die down as time went on and no new proof came to light the truth became her defense this shows the stoic belief that you should focus on what you can control like your reactions and actions instead of worrying about how stories spread which you can't stop epic
tetus once said that if someone says bad things about you you should alwayss compliment them this counterintuitive method says that reacting to negativity with positivity or in this case silence can stop and change the course of unproductive interactions when false accusations are made speaking quietly can show respect and Trust in the truth to use this in your own life think about how important it is to wait to reply to stories until the storm passes remember that the best way to keep your peace and image is to live by the ideal You Preach not by fighting
every whisper in these kinds of situations staying quiet isn't just a way to protect yourself it's also a way to show your dedication to stoic principles so as you deal with the difficulties of personal and professional relationships let stoic silence lead you through the chaos of false rumors finding in it the way to a peaceful happy and successful life number five how to deal with loss how do you deal with the utter silence that follows a major loss loss is a common human experience that often leaves a void filled with sadness and confusion but stoicism
has a unique way of dealing with pain for example CS Lewis a famous author who wrote about his grief after losing his wife in the book A grief observed says the pain I feel now is the happiness I had before this is a very stoic way of thinking stoics believe that our experiences are part of a bigger natural flow of life and that loss and love will always go handin hand senica a famous stoic philosopher has a lot to say about this subject the day we worry will be our last is actually the birthday of
Eternity how might your response to Lost change if you see it as a shift instead of an end what might you gain by accepting the silence that comes after loss giving yourself time and room to think and heal after his death Lewis didn't try to fill the Silence with explanations or distractions instead he used it to deeply explore his thoughts and feelings showing the stoic belief that hardships can be used for personal growth his journey through grief showed how keeping a calm mind can help someone deal with deep emotional pain and turn it into a
deep understanding of life's fragility and Beauty silence after a loss isn't a way to hide or deny what happened it's a way to give yourself time to relax think and move on Find meaning beyond the pain you're feeling right now this means letting your feelings run their course without causing a forced end think about how you've dealt with losses in the past how could the stoic practice of reflective silence help you in future times of grief how might this method change not only your own healing but also the healing of those around you please share
your thoughts and experiences with loss as well as how stoic practices may have affected your path what lessons have you learned and how has silence helped you get better let's talk about it and get better in the comments below one of the hardest things things in life is dealing with death it's hard to deal with grief and sadness when you lose something important in your life like a loved one a job or a big chance stoicism an old Theory started by Zeno of citium in Athens gives us Timeless advice on how to deal with these
Hard Times taking a stoic view can help us be strong and at peace even when we've lost something very important recognize and accept how you feel it's important to understand and accept the feelings that come with losing someone stoicism teaches us that feelings are normal reactions to things that happen in life step you can take let yourself cry and feel the pain without judging yourself writing in a journal or talking to a friend you trust can help you work through these feelings pay attention to what you can change according to the stoic Theory we should
let go of things things we can't change and focus on the things we can step to take figure out what you can change about the situation like how you deal with the loss and let go of what you can't reframe the loss as a chance to get better as explained stoics think that every problem can be used as a chance to grow and get better step you can take think about what you can learn from this what can this loss teach you that will make you better smarter or more caring practice being thankful being thankful
can help you stop thinking about what you've lost and start focusing on what you still have step write down every day a list of things you are thankful for this exercise can help you see things in a new way and make you feel calm seek help and group stoicism stresses how important it is to have a group and help each other through hard times step to take talk to family friends or support groups talking about your problems with other people can help you feel better and less alone it's never easy to deal with loss but
the stoic ideas can help us be strong and resilient when we're going through the pain of loss it can help to recognize our feelings focus on what we can control change our point of view be grateful and ask for help these techniques can help us heal and grow if we choose to use them number six navigating ignorance with stoic Grace have you ever met someone whose actions show they don't understand but whose belief is as strong as if they were an expert even though this situation is upsetting it's a good time to practice being patient
Grace Galileo the famous scientist who pushed heliocentrism during a time of strong geocentric beliefs is a great example of how to deal with ignorance even though he faced Fierce opposition and was even put under house arrest Galileo kept his honor and dedication to the truth often choosing to stay silent in the face of false accusations and ignorance stoicism teaches us that we can only control how we respond not what other people do Marcus Aurelius a Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher said you have power over your mind not over outside events realizing this will give you
strength think about using this point of view the next time you come across someone who is wrong thoughts how could changing how you respond if you knew you could control it Galileo's silence wasn't a sign of weakness it was a strong statement of his honesty and belief in what he had found he knew that truth doesn't need to be backed up by words but can stand firm on its own merits over time this approach is similar to the stoic idea of focusing on one's own actions and accepting that others beliefs are outside of one's control
being gracious means knowing the limits of your power and picking your fights carefully it means being patient paent and understanding even when things are frustrating this practice not only leads to a peaceful and happy life but it also helps you see things with a bigger picture that focuses on long-term respect and success instead of short-term Vindication think about how silence can be a graceful reaction to stupidity in your own life how might this method improve your relationships and your own health let Galileo's story motivate you to practice stoic silence turning possibly happy situations into chances
for inner peace and personal growth number seven how to deal with rumors there must have been many times in your life when you were the subject of a story hearing whispers getting louder as they went around it's a normal human reaction but keeping quiet can change the situation think about the story of a community leader whose dedication to protecting the environment led to false rumors about her personal gain instead of addressing each rumor she stayed focused on her work remembering Marcus aurelius's words the best revenge is to be unlike him who hurt you this Leader's
decision to remain silent and continue her advocacy let her actions speak louder than any rumor her behavior shows an important stoic concept it's not outside events that bother us but how we react to them how would your life be different if you ignored rumors with silence what strength could you gain by deciding not to explain but to keep going on your path if someone says bad things about you and it's true epic tetus tells us to fix ourselves if it's a lie this wise leader not only kept the peace but also told her people to
look past the lies by by telling them to laugh at them people who didn't believe in her slowly lost faith but her calm attitude and unwavering commitment showed that stoic silence can help you keep your image and self-respect this story shows how stoicism can be used in Modern Life by showing how our reactions to false information can either feed the fire or put it out it also shows that silence is not a passive choice but an active and powerful way to let our lives and results show what kind of person we are think about this
approach the next time you hear rumors how can practicing stoic silence help you stay calm and focused how might it change how other people see you over time I want you to share your ideas and experiences with dealing with Rumors in the comments section below what have you learned from these events and how has silence helped you get through them your ideas could help someone find their way rumors can spread fast and hurt your image cause a lot of stress and make things more confusing it is important to come up with good ways to deal
with gossip in a world where information spreads quickly there is timeless knowledge in stoic thought that tells us how to stay calm collected and logical when we face problems keep your emotions in check it is important to keep your feelings in check when you hear stories when you react quickly or strongly it can make things worse and give the stories more weight instead try to keep your emotions in check and look at the issue without bias pause before you answer take a few deep breaths and tell yourself that other people's opinions don't Define your worth
do things that calm you down like a awareness or meditation to stay calm get clear and get the facts thoughts and details that aren't clear often feed rumors do not take them at face value instead look into the facts find trustworthy sources and gather correct data to find out what the story is really about talk to Reliable people who can give you more information before coming to a decision ask questions and look for proof this method helps you react based on facts instead of guesses think things through before you act how you react to a
story can have a big effect on how true it is when you act without thinking you might misunderstand something and spread the story even more instead react carefully and with a plan look at the situation and think about what might happen if you do something different respond to the rumor in a cool and accurate way if you need to sometimes the best thing to do is to be quiet or say something slowly pay attention to your actions and personality the best way to fight back against fake rumors is to show that you are a good
person over time stories can be put to rest by always being honest and showing what kind of person you are keep following your beliefs and ideas in everything you do take acts that are good for you and show who you really are the more you act the same way over time the less likely it is that false stories are true practice not caring about what other people think stoicism tells you to let go of things you can't change and focus on the things you can the second group includes other people's thoughts and stories about you
remember that you can't change what other people think or say pay attention to what you do and how you think accept yourself and have faith in your ideals no matter what other people say stoic ideas like controlling your emotions finding the truth responding wisely being constant and not caring what other people think can help you deal with Rumors in a balanced and logical Way by using these tips you can handle the problems that stories cause with poise and strength protecting your honor and peace of mind number eight when confronted with Injustice stoic philosophy teaches us
to deal with life's problems with fairness and Inner Strength this is especially important when we face unfairness as the wise epicurian said bear and forbear this Maxim tells us to go through hard times without complaining and forgive others for their mistakes Nelson Mandela fought against racism m in South Africa in a way that made this Theory very clear Mandela's long time in jail could have made him angry but he came out as a supporter of peace and unity showing a deep stoic resilience Mandela didn't just stand there and let Injustice happen he chose to focus
on healing and unity instead of getting even this Choice shows a key stoic principle our biggest power lies in our ability to choose how to react to outside events how might our own lives change if we followed Mandela's lead when it comes to the unfair things that happen to us can we choose to show understanding and kindness even when it seems impossible by staying quiet when unfair things happen Marcus Aurelius wrote in his meditations that the best way to get back at someone who has hurt you is not to be like them by choosing not
to get into a fight and in instead developing a spirit of healing and Forward Thinking Mandela changed the way a whole country thought about Justice and peace his life shows us that silence is not a sign of submission instead it can be a powerful tool for Change and a sign of personal Integrity this stoic way of thinking doesn't mean passively accepting Injustice instead it involves a strategic and principled silence that prepares us for constructive action it's about keeping your inner peace and using calm to inspire thoughtful solutions that address wrongdoing and Foster a collective move
towards a better future as we Face both small and large injustices let us remember Mandela's silent strength his legacy teaches us that sometimes the most profound response is cultivated in silence allowing us to build a foundation for Meaningful change and a happier more successful life adopting this can transform both personal hardship and communal Strife leading us to a more peaceful existence everyone has to deal with unfair situations at some point in their lives as a stoic it's important to handle these scenarios with calmness and knowledge the ideas of stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius senica and
epicus can help you understand how to deal with unfair situations focusing on what we can control staying calm inside and reacting logically are some of the things they stress keep your peace inside focus on your inner State Marcus orelus says that no matter what is going on around you you should keep your mind cool and collected emotional regulation to keep your emotions in check do things like deep breathing being aware and meditation accept what you can't change know that you can only change how you react to other people's acts answer logically think before you act
instead of moving without thinking stop and think about what the best thing to do is try to understand try to figure out why the unfair thing happened this can help make things clearer and maybe even show a way to solve the problem avoid getting back at people getting back at people with anger or Revenge only makes things worse try to respond in a reasonable and calm way take a look at your values always stick to your principles no matter what let your behaviors be based on your core beliefs and principles moral Integrity make sure that
your answer is in line with your morals and upholds your honor set a good example show others how to deal with unfairness with respect and honor by the way you act look for constructive answers problem solving attitude instead of dwelling on the problem go into the situation with the attitude of finding ways to solve it communication talk to the people involved in an open and honest way to try to find a fair answer advocate for change whenever you can try to make changes to the system that get to the bottom of the unfair aess grow
and learn stop and think about what happened think about what happened and what you can learn from it personal growth look at the experience as a chance to grow as a person and make yourself stronger future Readiness get the skills and information you need to handle similar scenarios better in the future it is important to stay calm react logically stay true to your ideal look for helpful Solutions and learn from the experience when you are faced with Injustice if you follow these stoic principles you can deal with unfair situations with kindness and honesty making them
into chances to grow and make things better number nine how to handle insults with stoic wisdom epicus a stoic philosopher once said if someone succeeds in provoking you realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation this Maxim should wake us up every time someone insults us and it also gives us a deep way to deal with insults be quiet this Insight tells us that we can choose how to react by choosing silence and understanding instead of conflict Mahatma Gandhi for example faced insults and resistance in his fight for Indian freedom but he didn't answer
with anger or insult instead he chose to be silent and understand Gandhi believed in a hea or pacifism which is similar to the stoic way of life joyful peace Gandhi's reaction to verbal and physical attacks was to keep quiet this often made his enemies less dangerous and won support for his cause among the public how might taking a similar stance when you are insulted change the Dynamics of your interactions with others what could you gain by keeping your cool instead of responding with words when someone attacks you you give yourself room to act with purpose
instead of impulsiveness this Stern practice not only keeps you calm but it also makes you look like a leader who is above everyone else small disagreements that echoed Marcus aurelius's how much worse are the results of anger and grief than the things that made us feel those ways think about this as you deal with the problems that come up every day think about what this Stern silence could do for your life could it be the key to a better more successful life how might your actions affect how other people deal with problems as we've looked
at the nine pivotal moments to embrace Silence from dealing with talk to facing loss stoic advice has shown us a way to peace and understanding Marcus Aurelius once said don't waste time arguing about what a good man should be be one in the spirit of his words let us practice the Deep strength that can be found in Silence by deciding when to speak and when to listen this will help us live a peaceful happy and kind life feel free to use these stoic principles in your everyday conversations and see how the power of thoughtful silence
can make your life better if you found this talk deep and useful please click the like button leave a note with your thoughts and don't forget to share these deep philosophical ideas with everyone you know if you're new subscribe to our channel to get more deep lessons in stoicism that will help you grow see you in the next lessons [Music]
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