5 HABITS that CHANGED my LIFE in 1 WEEK - Louise Hay's Life Advice

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5 HABITS that CHANGED my LIFE in 1 WEEK - Louise Hay's Life Advice #LouiseHay #lawofattraction #lif...
Video Transcript:
hello beautiful souls welcome back to my Channel today I want to share with you a secret in just one week I was able to entirely improve my life over the course of five behaviors that we are going to discuss in depth that's right you heard that correctly one week I am aware that it appears to be almost too good to be true but I assure you that they are not your typical advice that you he wherever you go it is my personal experience that I have Incorporated these genuine unfiltered and truthful routines into my everyday
routine as a result of going through the challenges the breakthroughs and the victories I went through a metamorphosis that was nothing short of remarkable it is with great anticipation that I will share these with you because they have had such a significant influence on my life and I am confident that they will have the same effect on yours as well in the event that you are looking to increase your productivity enhance your mental health or simply bring about a beneficial shift in your day-to-day life the following habits can assist you in accomplishing your goals get
yourself a cup of coffee choose a comfortable position and let's get started right away believe me when I say that you will want to stay until the very end because these routines are not only theoretical rather they are actually practical concrete activities that you can begin putting into practice right away in addition I will be sharing some personal experiences and insights from my own path providing you with an unfiltered and honest look at how these behaviors worked for me in light of this let's get started without further ado [Music] the first habit getting up early
getting up earlier was the first habit that brought about a difference in my life I am going to tell you the truth right now I have never been someone who enjoyed getting up early when I was younger my bed was my best friend and I would hit the snooze button more times than I can count with my fingers the mornings were a flurry of activity and I frequently had the impression that I was getting off to a poor start with my day in spite of this I made the decision to give getting up early a
try and let me tell you it was a lifechanging experience the first thing I did was set my alarm for 5:00 in the morning the first several days were quite difficult I can still vividly recall dragging myself out of bed feeling sleepy and questioning whether or not this exercise was truly worth it but I pushed through and on the third day something incredible started to happen it was during the early morning hours that I started to enjoy the peace and calm that prevailed when everything was quiet and tranquil there was a certain something that was
almost magical about being awake before the rest of the world I was able to find time for activities that I had never appeared appeared to have time for in the past because I had these additional hours in the morning a little bit of light exercise was the first thing I did in the morning it wasn't anything too strenuous it was just some stretching or a quick jog around the neighborhood I not only became alert as a result of this but I also felt invigorated for the remainder of the day in addition I devoted some time
to meditating and establishing my goals and objectives for the day with just a few seconds of mindfulness I was able to significantly improve both my overall mindset and my level of productivity one more unexpected advantage of getting up early was that I no longer experienced feelings of being harried I had plenty of time to Sav a nutritious breakfast consume my coffee in a leisurely Manner and make a plan for the the day the pace of this unhurried beginning set a pleasant tone for the rest of the day my time management skills improved I experienced less
stress and I had a stronger sense of control over my schedule one personal experience that stands out was the morning I saw the sunrise from my balcony this was a moment that was uncomplicated but incredibly wonderful as the sky changed hues and the globe slowly woke up I felt a deep sense of appreciation and calm it was in that moment that I truly understood the power of waking up early now getting up early might not be something that everyone is interested in doing but I strongly suggest that you give it a shot even if it's
just for a week beginning with a mere 15 minutes earlier than your typical wakeup time progress rively increase the amount of time you wake up it is possible that you will be taken aback by the extent to which it can have a good influence on your life it is not enough to Simply have extra hours in the day you must also make use of those hours to create a more focused intentional and satisfying beginning to your day the second habit is to exercise every day in relation to exercises the second habit that had a significant
impact on my life was the practice of working out every day let me be completely honest with you I wasn't always the most active person in the world in the past I would make every possible excuse to avoid working out such as saying things like I'm too tired I don't have time or I'll start [Music] tomorrow does this sound familiar to you then one day I made the decision that enough was enough I made a promise to myself to move my body as much as possible each and every day for a week and the effects
were wonderful I began with a modest amount of time just 20 minutes every day and I alternated between doing yoga jogging and weight training I wanted to make sure that it was fascinating so that I wouldn't become bored and give up in the middle of it a handful of the initial days were challenging my muscles were aching and I was feeling completely worn out I took a moment to remind myself of the reason I was engaging in this activity to improve my emotional and physical well-being at the end of the fourth day an incredible circumstance
occurred by the time I woke up I felt more energized I saw a significant Improvement in my mood the more positive I was the less irritable I became I came to the realization that the purpose of those 20 minutes of exercise was not only to enhance my muscle mass or burn calories rather it was to provide me with the opportunity to concentrate on myself to alleviate tension and to increase my endorphin levels once upon a time I can recall lacing up my sneak in preparation for a jog over the course of my run I had
a sense of freedom and Clarity that I hadn't felt in a very long time the day was clean and crisp and I was able to run on it only I the wide Road and my thoughts were present at that moment I found that feeling of connection to both myself and the environment around me to be really incredibly empowering I also began to observe changes in my physical appearance such as an improvement in my posture a sense of increased strength and a discernable shift in my general fitness level the most significant shift however was in my
frame of mind it was during my workouts that I was able to disengage from the outside world and reconnect with myself rather than considering it a chore it evolved into a sort of self-care another defining moment in my life was when I attempted yoga for the very first time the first time I tried yoga I was hesitant because I believed that I was not flexible enough or that it would not be a true workout however after a few sessions I found that I was obsessed with it because of yoga I learned to be fully present
to take deep breaths and to pay attention to my body in addition to the physical advantages it was a life-changing experience that went beyond those rewards my realization that taking care of my body had a direct impact on both my mental health and my general happiness came about as a result of my decisions to incorporate regular exercise into my routine find a kind of movement that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your life it is not about being perfect or pushing yourself to extremes rather it is about choosing a form of movement
that you enjoy for those of you who like me are having trouble getting started my recommendation is that you begin with a tiny step whether it's dancing hiking or even just going for a Brisk stroll you should find something that you enjoy doing make a commitment to spending only a few minutes every day and then gradually increase the amount of time you spend doing it take my word for it the benefits you will enjoy will more than justify the effort you will put in it is a routine that gives you the ability to alter not
just your physical appearance but also your entire perspective on life a third habit is keeping a journal journaling is the third habit that I work on before I was under the impression that journaling was reserved exclusively for individuals who were inherently introspective or who had a lot of spare time my attitude was one of skepticism what I mean is when there is so much going on in one's life who has the time to sit down and write about their day however after a week of continuous journaling my perspective underwent a dramatic transformation and it became
an essential component of my journey toward personal development simply put I began by devoting 10 minutes of my time each night just before going to bed to writing in my journal I went out and purchased a simple notepad and a pen that was easy to hold there were no fancy applications required and there was no pressure to make it appear good it was just me and my thoughts I was at a loss for words on the first night and I found myself staring at the blank page on the other hand I started with something as
fundamental as how my day went what brought me joy and the things that I battled with throughout the course of the days I began to delve more deeply I wrote about my anxieties my hopes my goals and even my vulnerabilities I wrote about everything the magic occurred while I was having a chat with myself which was like having a conversation with myself it was then that I became aware of patterns in both my thoughts and my actions I came to the realization that some of the things that were giving me cause for concern were absolutely
beyond my ability to control While others were areas in which I could take actions to address them writing about a particularly hard day at work is something that I recall doing one night I was able to better digest my feelings by writing down my ideas and putting them down on paper in my writing I discussed the precise things that caused me stress how I felt as a result of those things and what I could do differently the next time my ability to get insight and feel more in control of my emotions was much enhanced by
this straightforward forward exercise of reflection I was able to keep track of my development which was another significant feature of journaling it didn't matter how insignificant the successes and Milestones appeared to be I made sure to record them when I looked back over these entries I felt a sense of success and it inspired me to keep moving on with my life to give you an example I wrote about a presentation that I was anxious about and how I prepared for it it was quite encouraging to see the great conclusion reflected in my notebook as well
as the process of preparation that I had gone through a thanks column was also included in the journal that I started I made it a habit to record three items with which I was thankful each day my attention was redirected from the things that were lacking in my life to the things that I already already had and I began to appreciate them it was a change that was both straightforward and profound and it brought more positivity into my day-to-day existence a particular entry that stands out in my mind is the one that describes a random
act of kindness that I experienced whenever I was having trouble with my grocery bags a complete stranger came to my Aid not only did writing about this act of kindness make me feel appreciative but it also motivated me to do something similar for other people the act of keeping a journal allowed me to gain a great deal of insight about myself including my worries my desires my strengths and my limitations as time went on it evolved into a form of therapy a method for unraveling the intricate web of thoughts and feelings that each of us
carries around with us my ability to be entirely honest with myself without the fear of being judged was made possible by the safe atmosphere that it provided it is highly recommended that you begin keeping a journal if you have never done so before you shouldn't be concerned about writing properly or having meaningful insights just yet simply jot down whatever thought comes to mind either a stream of Consciousness a summary of your day or some thoughts on a particular event could be included specific event you should allow oneself the Liberty to express whatever it is that
you are experiencing depending on how much Clarity and Tranquility it brings into your life you might be surprised by how much it brings always keep in mind that the process of writing itself is more important than the content that you choose to write the fourth half habit is to eat mindfully mindful eating is the next topic I used to eat on the go and I didn't pay much attention to what I was eating or how much I was eating this was a significant change for me because like many other people I used to do this
the majority of the time I ate my meals in A hurried and distracted manner while simultaneously scrolling through my phone or working on my laptop the fact that this was having such a significant impact on my General Health was not brought to my attention until I made the decision to give mindful eating a try for a week paying complete attention to the sensations that occur during the act of eating and drinking both within and outside of the body is the essence of the practice of mindful eating the key is to take your time and and
relish each bite paying attention to the flavors textures and even sounds that your food makes as a result I resolved to eat each of my meals with a conscious awareness the first thing I did was prepare the environment for my meals without a phone a television or a laptop I cleaned my dining table made a beautiful spot for myself and eliminated all potential sources of distraction action sitting quietly with my lunch was initially a bit of an odd experience for me but it rapidly became into a routine that helped me relax each time I sat
down to eat I started by taking a few slow deep breaths to help me get my bearings and bring my attention to the here and now a significant Improvement in the quality of my meals was one of the first things I became aware of I savored each bite and made sure to give it my full attention and appreciation there was a sudden emergence of new and pleasant flavors and textures in foods that I had consumed hundreds of times before but had never really noticed before as an illustration the contrast between the crispiness of fresh vegetables
and the sweetness of ripe fruit became significantly more prominent having this experience was like having a highdef food display I also noticed that I felt considerably more full after meals which was another significant shift by taking my time and eating thoughtfully I allowed my body the opportunity to show me when it was satisfied this was a significant change for me because I used to eat rapidly and frequently ended up eating more than I needed to I found that by paying attention to my indications for hunger and fullness I was able to naturally consume less food
and experience a greater sense of satisfaction the experience of eating a bowl of Oats was one that will stick with me forever in a normal situation I would devour it without giving it a second thought however this time I took my time and savored the smooth consistency as well as the subtle sweetness of the honey that I poured on top the moment turned into a moment of thankfulness and awareness which helped me to have a more optimistic outlook for the remainder of the day in addition to this I started to become aware of how various
foods made me feel the consumption of manufactured foods made me feel sluggish and Bloated whereas the consumption of fresh Whole Foods made me feel invigorated and Light Within because of this Insight I was able to make naturally healthier choices without experiencing feelings of deprivation or restriction becoming conscious of the emotional connections we have with the food we eat is another component of the mindful eating practice as time went on I became aware of the instances in which I was eating not out of genuine hunger but rather out out of boredom stress or emotional Comfort this
realization was really potent rather than mindlessly munching I might address the underlying emotion that I was experiencing perhaps I needed a break some relaxation or a conversation with a friend rather than a bag of chips one evening in particular after dinner I felt a yearning for something sweet I couldn't help but order something sweet I halted and questioned myself if I was actually hungry or if I was just looking for a reward after a long day instead of grabbing for dessert without thinking I paused and asked myself this question after coming to the realization that
I was not genuinely hungry I decided to go with a warm cup of herbal tea instead it was a minor wind that brought to light the power that may be gained by practicing mindful eating the practice of mindful eating was a lifechanging event for me when I first started applying it it helped me build a healthy relationship with food improved my digestion and even elevated my general sense of well-being I am currently experiencing all of these benefits it's a routine that I've maintained beyond that first week and I can't suggest it highly enough to anyone
beginning with just one meal each day is a good place to begin if you are interested in trying out mindful eating take a seat in a place where there are no interruptions take a few mindful breaths and relish each meal it is important to pay attention to the flavors textures and feelings that the food evokes in you your entire eating experience can be completely transformed by this straightforward exercise which may come as a surprise to you getting in touch with your body and gaining a deeper appreciation for the nutrients that food provides is a good
approach to reconnect with your body putting a time limit on screen time is habit number five five limiting the amount of time spent in front of a screen my experience with this one was extremely difficult and I have a feeling that it was the same for a good number of you as well because we live in a digital environment it is quite simple to become engrossed in activities like as scrolling through social media binge watching television series or checking email for an extended period of time I came to the realization that the amount of time
I spent in front of a screen was having a negative impact on my mental mental health my productivity and even my sleep as a result I made the decision to establish some limits and observe the results my first step was to establish a daily restriction of 1 hour for screen use that was not tied to work this meant that there would be no Mindless scrolling through Instagram no NeverEnding marathons on YouTube and No late night binges on television at first it was a challenge I had grown so accustomed to spending every free moment in front
of a screen yet I was aware that I needed to make a difference in my daily routine first thing that came to my attention was the fact that I had a lot more time in my day when I first started actively limiting the amount of time I spent in front of devices I had no idea how much time they were taking up I realized that I was able to ReDiscover old hobbies and interests that I had neglected due to the extended amount of time that I had available I started sketching and drawing again and I
even tried my hand at cooking new recipes I picked up a book that I had been intending to read for what seemed like an eternity after I finished my meal one evening I made the decision to go for a walk in the park rather than watching television taking in the crisp air listening to the sounds of nature and simply moving my body all contributed to a feeling of immense revitalization a dramatic contrast to the usual weariness I experienced as a result of being glued to a screen taking that walk turned into a treasured component of
my daily routine it was something I eagerly anticipated and took much pleasure in doing the quality of my sleep was another important shift that occurred when I was younger I would bring my phone to bed with me and watch videos or surf through social media until I felt completely exhausted on the other hand this practice frequently left me feeling wired and Restless which resulted in interrupted sleep I discovered that reducing the amount of time I spent in front of a screen particularly in the hours leading up to bedtime made it much simpler for me to
wind down and get to sleep I began a pattern before going to bed that did not involve using electronic devices such as reading a physical book meditating or simply thinking about the events of the day I experienced a significant Improvement in my general energy levels as a result of this shift which also led to a more restful and deeper sleep the state of my mental health has also shown signs of improvement I experience less anxiety and a greater sense of presence when I was not subjected to the constant onslaught of news updates comparisons on social
media and other digital distractions it was easier for me to concentrate during conversations pay closer attention to the people around me and be more involved in the activities I do on a regular basis it was as if a cloud had lifted making it possible for me to see and feel life with significantly more clarity an experience that stands out in my mind is the time when I went to a nearby cafe and sat there with nothing but a notebook and a pen for the entire afternoon my thoughts were written down I made some plans for
the future and I even sketched a little bit without any distractions from digital devices it was a delightfully tranquil and fruitful period of time in a way that screens had never been able to do I experienced a greater sense of connection to both myself and my environment there were without a doubt instances of Temptation and slip UPS along the way but whenever I became aware that I was reaching for my phone out of habit I gently reminded myself of the benefits that I was feeling and shifted my attention to something that was more satisfying putting
a limit on the amount of time you spend in front of a screen does not mean completely removing technology from your life rather it means striking a more healthy balance and being more deliberate with how you spend your time I would want to advise you to try setting some boundaries for your screen time if you are experiencing feelings of being overwhelmed or disconnected begin with a little amount perhaps reducing your daily Time by 1 hour and gradually increase it reconnect with yourself the people you care about and the World Around You by making use of
the more time you have when you take a break from your electronic devices and spend more time in the real world you might be surprised to find that your life becomes significantly more rewarding and colorful as a result I would want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for joining me on this trip through the five habits that have significantly altered my life in just one week the experience of not just putting these routines into practice but also of sharing them with you has been nothing short of extraordinary of every one of these routines has
the potential to bring about major and favorable changes in your life and I am convinced that if they were successful for me they are also capable of being successful for anyone else for those of you who have been motivated by any of these routines I strongly suggest that you give them a shot for yourselves now try it out on a modest scale perhaps with just one habit and see how it goes a TR in accordance with what is suitable for your way of life and requirements keep in mind that the objective is not Perfection but
rather progress it is about making adjustments that are achievable and minor but over time they will add up to significant alterations I would be really interested in hearing about your experiences so if you could kindly leave a comment below I would appreciate it if you could share whatever habit you are considering adopting or any questions you might have about beginning everything that makes this group so incredible and encouraging is the feedback and stories that you share furthermore if you found this video to be helpful please make sure to give it a like subscribe to our
Channel and activate the notification Bell so that you do not miss any of our upcoming content in the near future we we will be sending you a great deal more information and advice that you won't want to miss it is possible that if you share this video with relatives or friends who could potentially benefit from these routines it will also make a significant difference in their lives thank you so much for watching and always keep in mind that even Minor Adjustments can have a significant impact let's continue to develop continue to evolve and transform the
mundane activities that we do every day into significant opportunities for personal growth
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