4 Terrifying Babysitting Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Another very heavily requested one. How do you like these late night uploads? (Well, if you're in th...
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that was this time long ago that I was in charge of watching my cousin and his four friends while they slept over my uncle was paying me a hundred bucks to watch them for the night all I did was play video games with a bunch of 10 year olds for most of the night I thought it would be the easiest hundred bucks I ever made but things took a huge turn for the worse when I heard footsteps coming from upstairs we were in the basement still playing video games two of the kids also heard the
sounds I counted five kids sitting on the couches and neither my aunt or uncle were supposed to be home that night I swallowed my gum when I realized the basement door was wide open I told them to stay there while I ran upstairs to shut the door the door didn't have a lock from the inside only the outside I called to the kids to hide in the workout room I shut the TV and all the lights and then followed the kids into the workout room we listened in the dark as the footsteps approached the basement
door and then the horrible sound of the basement door opening followed by heavy steps stomping down each stair one by one one of my cousin's friends were crying I had to tell them to shut the hell up I leaned against the door with a chair along with a bunch of barbell weights wedged against it I listened as the door to the boiler room was opened and a few moments later closed screams of children filled the room as the doorknob to the workout room began to turn I pushed the door with all my might to keep
it shut whoever was on the other side quickly gave up as we heard rushed footsteps going up the stairs I heard the footsteps right above our heads moving in the direction of the front door this was before everybody had cell phones so calling somebody first wasn't an option I scanned the whole house finding that the front door had been left open and all the bedrooms upstairs had been trashed nobody was in the house so I called the kids up a few things had been stolen but as long as nobody was hurt we were all happy
it was during a blizzard in Valley Stream I was getting paid two hundred and fifty dollars to watch some couples kid while they went away for the weekend his name was Matthew this took place on the first night which was a Friday night Matthew was already supposedly asleep while I was in the living room watching a movie I got a knock at the door and looked at the clock it was close to midnight there was no way I was opening it not even ten seconds later I heard the sound of two or three men angrily
banging on the door telling me to open up I felt like my heart was about to stop I took a peek through the blinds and there was somebody standing right on the other side of the window I fell back in fear and after managing to get back on my feet I ran to the kitchen phone first thing to call the police they said because of the weather it could take a while for an officer to get here I was told to take the child and hide somewhere until an officer arrived they wanted to keep me
on the line but I wasn't thinking clearly in the heat of the moment and hung up however it wasn't until I ran through the living room that I realized that banging had stopped I took a second peek through the living-room window nobody was there now I heard the sound of glass shattering from a few rooms over my knees started to feel weak as I realized they had just broken the window and we're about to climb into the house I had to run and get Matthew I couldn't just leave without him of course when I got
upstairs there was no time left to run back downstairs as I already heard footsteps and laughter coming from downstairs I covered Matthew's mouth with my hands as I ran with him into his toy closet a few minutes dragged on to what felt like half an hour as we sat there in the dark closet Matthew began to squeal as footsteps on the carpet reached the outside of his bedroom door there was more than one person they came inside there weren't many places to hide in this room I was actually reflecting on my whole life so Hera
was gonna die we heard the sound of a police siren outside even from in the closet and then I heard one of the men in the room mutter oh [ __ ] I opened the door back up as I heard at least three pairs of footsteps hurry ibly rushing down the stairs they didn't get far as the police later found their footprints in the backyard leading to our shed there were five men in total and they were all arrested I was fifteen years old still babysitting since I couldn't get a real job this was by
far the most horrifying experience of my life me and this kid I was babysitting his name was Mike we're taking a walk with his dog through the woods in his backyard his dog stopped ears pointed up straight and paw in the air the dog started barking pulling and gone crazy he noticed something we were nervous that it was a black bear so I told Mike to turn around and walk back to the house I struggled to pull the dog in the other direction and then I noticed what he was barking at beyond the big tree
was some guy just standing there staring up at me I yelled out asking to him if he needed something and with that he turned around and walked off I was genuinely freaked the [ __ ] out the dog calm down at this point so walking back was easier for a few minutes until yet again the dog started freaking out about something behind us I couldn't see what it was but I was worried it was the same guys before and that he might have been following me I was tempted to unleash the dog on this guy
but that seems like a bad idea I didn't look back for the rest of the way back to the house but the dog continued to bark and pull I did the best I could to run or at least walk fest I made sure for a good half hour that we weren't followed to the house checking every window and door routinely I thought it was safe to eventually play Mario Kart with Mike and forget about what happened but my worst fear came true when right outside the window in the patio I heard the sound of one
of the toy buckets falling over turning on the patio light I could see that a green bucket full of beach toys and balls had been knocked over there was no way some small animal could do that the dog was once again going crazy barking at something I told Mike to get me his dad's hunting rifle maybe that was dumb to have an eight-year-old get a gun for me but I didn't have time to think rationally there continued to be strange noises coming from all around the outside of the house there was some taps on the
windows chimes being pushed things falling over but I eventually caught a glimpse of him through one of the windows he was walking past until he noticed me and stopped I lifted the gun up to show him that we were armed he didn't run away right away though he stood there crouched - like some kind of creature staring right into my soul he finally walked back into the woods I didn't sleep much that night jumping at every small cracking noise a week later I got a call from Mike's parents they told me a creepy-looking men had
been stuck in their house from the woods they asked me to describe what the man that I saw looked like again I couldn't give a good description as I didn't see much of his face but I assured them it was the same man they practically begged me to babysit on a few occasions after this but I always respectfully declined that was awhile ago and I have no idea what's become of this family today and what's become of the man stalking their house I would frequently babysit back between the ages of 15 and 18 I lived
close to a relatively wealthy area where people were more generous in terms of pay there was never a shortage of need for babysitters either so I made a decent amount of money I definitely had to take care of some stranger kids but this one takes the prize right from the moment I met Michael he seemed really quiet and weird he was 12 years old to which some might argue is more than old enough to be home alone but maybe not overnight they needed me to stay overnight his parents told me he could be a bit
strange sometimes and may need some extra attention I didn't really need to do much though in the room that I would be sleeping in was a huge toy closet big enough to fit a big Lego play table with a bunch of Legos and other toys sitting on top of it Michael was up there for most of his time building with Legos and other toys I didn't really spy on him too much I just let him do his own thing but I heard him constantly talking in there as if someone were with him not play talking
I could only assume he had some kind of problems and that's what his parents were hinting at he came down eventually to eat some of the leftovers in the fridge but then went right back up to his closet it wasn't until I finally told him it was time to go to sleep that he left the closet I just wanted to go to sleep myself sometime in the middle of the night I woke up to sounds coming from the closet sounds of toys like Legos I called out to Michael to go to sleep the sound stopped
the light wasn't on in the closet so I was confused as to how the hell he could be playing in the dark I went over to open the closet and turned the light on Michael didn't seem to be in there I dismissed the noises I wasn't a paranoid person I fell back asleep I'd say an hour later I woke up to partial brightness in the room the closet light was on but the door was shut I called Michael's name again I was pissed now I saw the outlines of feet at the bottom of the closet
door and then heard a little giggle as if Michael were messing with me I knew he was in there now I marched over and threw open the door and literally fell back in horror when nobody at all was in there where the two outlines of feet were there was nothing now I felt a pain in my chest from the fear I ran to Michael's room to find him asleep in his bed I locked his door and laid down on his floor just being next to another person made me feel a little safer I fell asleep
on the floor and when the parents returned the next day I decided to keep quiet about what I witnessed I say what I witnessed because I know what happened I got paid and left and never had to worry about it again of course it still sends chills up my spine thinking about it and I still have no idea what to believe you
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