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today I'm going to buy and unbox over 30 secret custom Lego items that have never been released by Lego and you probably didn't know exist so anyway let's go okay now something about Lego mini figs is that they don't have any fingers but this first custom Lego piece I found solves that problem because it's a hand that actually has fingers on it I also found this one with a thumb what does he think of this song nope another thing mini figs don't have is a nose wow being a mini fig is actually so depressing so
this next item is a special Lego head that actually has one and honestly I'm kind of glad that they don't have noses now because this guy looks like a Wii Sports character okay now in order to reveal the next Lego piece we need to feed this Lego mini fig a bunch of food this next piece was made using a 3D printer and it's a special torso that makes your mini fig look fat now he looks like a Discord mod and before we unlock the next Lego piece we now need him to work out [Music] Yep
this next piece is also 3D printed and it's this Lego torso that makes any mini fig look muscular okay now a problem with mini figs is that their legs can only Bend in two directions which is honestly annoying because I have to break them apart if I ever want to do any special pose with them but these next items fix that problem and they's special leg pieces that are positioned in different ways that you wouldn't be able to do with regular legs like this guy looks like he's running and now he's bowing down and worshiping
the this K these legs can make your mini fig do a karate kick or maybe do the splits and these legs look like a post Spider-Man would do before saving a Bus full of children I even found these special arm pieces that can make your mini figs do certain poses like these ones or these ones that make your mini fig look mad this is how moms look when their kids get in trouble this guy looks like he's happy or celebrating and now he looks like he's going to negotiate a deal with me why does he
look like a Minecraft villager you can mix and match the arms or you can even mix and match them with the legs to do any pose you want this next item comes in two pieces and basically how it works is you put each piece on the arm of a minifig and they act as sleeves that would go on a t-shirt another item I found is the special minifig that's completely clear and there's actually a lot of things you can use this for you can use it to build something like a hologram or you can use
it to build an ie sculpture these next custom items are realistic Lego weapons that look just like ones from the real world like this flamethrower this machine gun that sits on a tripod this minigun with a long ammo belt attached to it a rocket launcher a grenade launcher or this tiny single grenade okay for these next custom Lego items there's small Lego tiles that are printed to look just like items you'd find in the real world like this Lego iPhone this Lego piece looks like an iPad and this one looks like a Nintendo switch I
also found this Pokemon card this Amazon package this realistic Lego money this piece which looks like the screen of a computer and I even found this Lego credit card I also found these pieces which are printed to look like dishes with food like these waffles these pancakes burritos or tacos this breakfast meal with eggs cheesecake and spaghetti and meatballs this is a normal Lego cup but a problem with these cups is there's literally nothing in it to actually drink which honestly makes no sense so instead I found the special LEGO cup which is way more
realistic because it actually has fake liquid in it okay now there's a lot of other random weird pieces I found like this one which looks like a normal Lego brick but when you flip it over there's actually studs on the opposite side so I guess this could be helpful if you're trying to build upside down you can do the same thing with this small Lego tube which can go between two plates and make them face in opposite directions this next Lego piece looks like a normal plate but it's actually made of rubber which makes it
very flexible so I ended up buying an entire roll of it that way you can cut it into small pieces and using adhesive on the back they can stick onto any surface you want which means you can basically build anywhere so I added it to the back of my phone and I even added some extra pieces to build my own phone stand you can use it to display a Lego build on your wall I used it to display Lego on the dashboard of my car if you have a clear glass you can add tape inside
add a mini fig fill the cup with water and now it makes an interesting display and the mini fig looks like it's actually swimming okay now if you go to the store and buy a Lego base plate they usually only come in one color but these next items are special because they're custom base plates that are designed to look a certain way like these base plates which can combine to form a giant tropical island I even found this base plate which is supposed to look like a professional basketball court let's go okay now these next
Lego items look like normal Lego pieces but they're special because they actually have lights attached to them so this first piece I found is this realistic Blaster that uses lights to look like it shooting I also found this realistic lightsaber which uses a light inside the handle to make the blade actually glow and you can get them in different colors like I also got this one in blue these pieces have tiny lights inside of them that glow in different colors like these lights would be great for an ambulance and these lights would be great for
a party I also found this working stoplight which would be perfect to put in a city this lamp post which also lights up and I even found this small plate with the light underneath and because it's so tiny it can B basically fit inside of any Lego build I also found this item which is a tiny speaker that's specifically designed for Lego because it's so tiny that it can fit into the smallest spaces of a Lego build so I used it as the siren on this police car then I used it on this giant dinosaur
to make it Roar okay very interesting product but also pretty cool and now it's time to unbox the biggest and most expensive Lego item I've bought for this video and it comes in this giant box I paid $200 so it better be worth it and after opening the box I got this giant thick Lego base plate but there's something about this that's special because if you put any object on top of it it can magically start moving wow this guy looks like Michael Jackson but it turns out that underneath this entire base plate is a
complex system of magnets that can rotate when you move this crank so if you put any magnet on top of the base plate it will attract to the ones beneath and follow them now we tried a minifig but now let's try seeing if we can do it with a larger object like a car okay so it can actually pull a lot of weight but now I have an idea so on this base plate I'm going to build a giant racetrack that goes in a circle in the middle of the track I built these bleachers with
a crowd of people ready to watch and if you pull off to the side there's a pit crew that's ready to change the tires on your car so now that we've built this track it's time to see if it actually works nice all four cars are moving and I don't even need to touch them comment what your favorite item was in this video thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
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