Begin Your Day With God and Experience Miraculous Promises Fulfilled | Morning Prayer

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In moments of uncertainty, God's truth remains unshakable. His promises never fail, and His faithful...
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God's truth is unchanging he is the same yesterday today and forever this means that the God who was faithful in the past who fulfilled his promises to Generations before us is the same God who is faithful today we can expect him to do what he has promised he will not fail us as his children we can stand confidently on his word knowing that what he has spoken will come to pass there is no Shadow of Doubt with God his promises are sure and his faithfulness is Everlasting whatever he has said he will do the Lord
never changes and we can trust him completely so I invite you to join me in faith and make this declaration I trust that God will keep his word I trust that even when life seems uncertain even when things don't go as planned God's promises remain true he will never leave me and he will never fail me I believe that when everything around me seems to be falling apart he is the one who holds me together he is my cornerstone the Firm Foundation on which I stand I believe that he will protect me from every danger
seen and unseen because he is the lion of the tribe of Judah strong powerful and able to defend me from all harm I trust that he knows exactly what my future holds because he is the author and finisher of my faith he wrote my story before I was even born and he knows how it will end I believe that God will bring about breakthroughs in my life because his word says with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible no matter how impossible my situation may seem I know that nothing is too
hard for God now let us come together in prayer dear heavenly father you are not only a mighty and Sovereign God but a loving father who watches over his children with tender care as I approach you I am comforted by the fact that nothing is beyond your control and no situation I face is too difficult for you to handle in every moment of uncertainty in every challenge I find rest knowing that you are at work even in the details I can't see you know My Heart Lord and you understand the burdens I carry today I
willingly place every part of my life into your Loving Hands the moments I'm proud of the ones I regret and even the ones that seem insignificant to me I give them all to you my family my loved ones those I cherish most I place them in your care I Surrender them to your guidance because I trust that your plans are far better than mine thank you for being a father who cares about every aspect ECT of my life I Surrender every relationship I'm part of to you father whether it's friendships family bonds or other connections
I ask that you take control of them you know what is best for me and for those around me I also bring before you every worry every fear that tries to take root in My Heart Lord you know the things that sometimes weigh heavy on me the thoughts that Rob my peace you see the sadness the anxiety the moments when I feel overwhelmed in these moments I need you Lord I need you to step in and calm the storms within me whatever is preventing me from fully trusting your promises whatever is standing in the way
of me experiencing the fullness of your love I ask that you gently remove it holy spirit I ask you to cleanse my heart from anything that breeds doubt or questions your faithfulness take away everything that drains my faith whether it's my own thoughts or the voices around me and replace it with a deep unshakable confidence in you father when the enemy tries to come against me whether through Temptation discouragement or even attacks on my family I ask that you would be my shield stand before me and protect me from all harm the enemy seeks to
bring fear and confusion into my life but I trust that you Lord are my refuge and defense when I feel overwhelmed by the trials of Life remind me that you are my stronghold I find my safety and my strength in you you are my rock my Fortress the one who delivers me from all evil You Are My Strength when I am weak and I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper because you Lord are my protector I hold on to your word which says the Lord is my rock and my Fortress the Lord
is my deliverer my God and my strength the Lord is my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold This Promise gives me the courage to stand firm knowing that I am never alone I lift up my heart in Praise Lord for the gift of this day this day like all others is a day you have made and I choose to rejoice in it regardless of what challenges or blessings come my way I know that you have already gone before me you've paved the way and you've provided everything I need to get through today
I will rejoice and be glad because you are The Giver of Life you have breathed new life into me today and for that I am grateful I don't take this day for granted Lord because I know each new day is a gift filled with your grace and new mercies I thank you for the chance to start aresh for the opportunity to experience your love again today with a heart full of gratitude I step into today knowing that you walk with me thank you Father for the grace the protection and the peace you offer me today
your grace covers every area of my life and your peace guards my heart and mind I ask that the precious blood of Jesus would cover me my mind my body and my soul let your blood protect me from all harm both seen and unseen whatever troubles or worries I may face today I lay them all before you trusting that you will take care of them this is another day Lord and I don't know what it holds but I know that you are already there and I ask that you go before me and guide my steps
lead me in the way I should go let your Holy Spirit walk with me giving me wisdom in every decision I make make give me the strength to obey your commands even when it's difficult father I ask for your mercy in every area where I fall short you know my needs Lord you know the things I struggle with the areas where I feel weak but I know that you are a God who provides for every need I declare that your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life your word says the
Lord is good to all and his Tender Mercies are over all his works I trust in that promise Lord thank you for being rich in Mercy and for never running out of Grace to give I ask that you help me turn away from relying on My Own Strength teach me to trust you more and lean on your strength not my own and when I do fall short Lord I ask for your forgiveness thank you for always welcoming me back with open arms no matter how how many times I've failed you never turned me away and
for that I am so grateful your kindness and grace are like no other I give you all the glory and honor thank you for hearing my prayer and for always being there when I call amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and please let us know in the comments section if you would like us to pray for you specifically May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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