they're feeding off humanity they've turned humanity into a slave race there's a simple explanation for everything the Illuminati welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 crazy Illuminati conspiracy theories before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're looking at the most out-there beliefs about how the Illuminati is behind well basically everything so nobody should be bored right now because this is a historic time number 10 the Rothschild family founded them in the 1760s Mayer Rothschild established
a banking business that was eventually handed down through his descendants and generated what was at one point the largest private fortune in the world some conspiracy theorists claim he also helped found the Illuminati a clandestine society in Bavaria that was banned and dissolved in the late 18th century means the enlightened ones they were physicists and mathematicians astronomers supposedly the Illuminati survived in secret controlling world events behind the scenes with the Rothschild family at their head Yahweh the Illuminati make it it's no such thing it's just a bedtime story this theory has drawn charges of anti-semitism
however as it's sometimes part of a larger claim that Jewish bankers rule the world number nine they orchestrated Watergate the founder of LimeWire mark Gorton a man who was at one time dubbed the new face of Wall Street is also an aficionado of conspiracy theories in 2014 he allegedly forwarded documents to his employees at our research claiming that a secret cabal is responsible for the assassination of JFK Watergate and 9/11 all theories which we'll get to in good time according to Gorton the cabal framed the overly independent Nixon in order to ensconce George Bush Senior
as their new head Gorton doesn't identify this group as the Illuminati but the idea of an elite and mysterious cabal is very similar and other Illuminati theorists have adopted Gordon's theory I'm saying that when the President does it that means it's not illegal number 8 chemtrails are they're doing you know contrails those white lines left in the sky by aircraft engines seems those are actually chemicals distributed by either the government the Illuminati or some other sinister group to harm our health and even control the weather contrails occur when engine exhaust condensates and creates trails of
ice crystals but conspiracy buffs point out that some seem to linger and cite a paper published by the US Air Force in 1996 in which uses for a hypothetical weather modification system were explored by severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves many Illuminati conspiracists are sure that their guys are the ones behind this nefarious plot number seven Disney films contain secret messages from them get ready to have your childhood ruined one far-right idea behind many Illuminati conspiracy theories is that they're hell-bent on corrupting the world's youth
through subliminal sexual and occult messages the segment of Fantasia about Mickey Mouse and a powerful wizard was supposedly used to brainwash subjects in sophisticated mind-control programs in the Lion King dandelion seeds allegedly formed the wards sex in the air and the video cassette cover for the Little Mermaid includes a giant golden penis wake up and see the phallus sheeple proponents of the theory claim that Walt Disney was a freemason and the theeilluminati took control of the organization when they went underground in the late 18th century number six there extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids I seem to have
an instinctive revulsion to reptiles I must fight to remember that this is an intelligent highly advanced individual so just who are the Illuminati if you answered shape-shifting reptiles from outer space you are not alone if you didn't hold on to your tinfoil hat it's about to get bumpy in 1991 former BBC sports broadcaster David Icke suddenly announced he was the son of the Godhead shortly after he announced that a hybrid race of human reptilians called the Babylonian Brotherhood or the Illuminati really ruled the world these aliens originated in the constellation Draco and are the sons
of God who took human wives in Genesis 6 no wonder some of us like lazing around in the Sun more than others this one real number 5 they run the entertainment industry [Music] you might think that getting famous is about talent hard work and being in the right place at the right time in fact according to some conspiracists there's one other deciding factor entering into a secret pact with the Illuminati you can identify celebrities who've sold out by their tendencies to cover one eye and make triangular hand gestures signs that refer to the all-seeing eye
of the Illuminati after all what's the point of being in a secret society if you can't broadcast the fact in music movies and social media number four they assassinated John F Kennedy back and to the left and to the left there are a few variations of the Illuminati JFK theory some say the Illuminati had him killed because he refused to invade Cuba others point to an executive order allowing the government to create and issue currency thus threatening the power of the Federal Reserve which of course is just an Illuminati front secretly owned by the Rothschilds
or perhaps JFK was assassinated because he exposed the Illuminati in a speech purportedly talking about the Soviets but really about the New World Order he warned of a quote monolithic and ruthless conspiracy quote a highly efficient machine with quote vast human and material resources so of course the Illuminati waited for two years then had him assassinated and once you conclude the magic bullet could not create all seven of those wounds you have to conclude that there was a fourth shot in a second life number three they faked the moon landings in a 1999 Gallup poll
six percent of Americans doubted the Apollo 11 moon landing really happened five years later a poll found that 27% of Americans between ages 18 and 24 doubted NASA had been to the moon the idea originated with Bill casing a technical writer for the company who built the Apollo programs engines casing argued that the astronauts would have suffered radiation poisoning that shadows in the footage appeared unnatural and that the American flag shook as if from a brief other moon truthers claimed Stanley Kubrick had shot the whole thing in a studio some blame the government others the
Illuminati that's one small step for a man one giant leap for conspiracy theorists number two 9/11 was an Illuminati plot it was a tragic event watched around the world but while the US government pointed the finger at Islamic terrorists conspiracists argued the attack was a false flag operation meant to justify invasions in the Middle East or to usher in a global government some think that the World Trade Center collapsed due to controlled demolition at least one conspiracy theorist Alex Jones believes Osama bin Laden was part of the Illuminati and other theorists believe the Illuminati was
behind the entire plot and attack some even allege that the black cubes at the Memorial Museum represent the Roman deity Saturn with whom the Illuminati are said to be linked number one they constitute a new world order the gist of these theories is that the Illuminati are behind basically all world events whether they're starting Wars manipulating economies or building Rihanna's musical career their plan to divide and conquer to create a new world order in 2013 public polling policy revealed that 28% of Americans polled believed that a secretive global elite is conspiring to rule the world
for 17 years Hydra has been secretly feeding crisis reaping war and when history did not cooperate the story was changed 4% think lizard people control our societies and 7% maintain that the moon landings were faked is there a single powerful cabal with a hidden agenda is that group the Illuminati are they aliens we'll let you decide do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watch mojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]