Teen Killer Doesn't Realize He's Being Recorded

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Dr Insanity
This is 19-year-old Hollis Daniels.. He just got arrested and has somehow managed to sneak a g*n int...
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this is 19-year-old Hollis Daniels he just got arrested and has somehow managed to sneak a gun into jail you a family at home yep kids pry old and this is where all hell breaks loose the moment this happens the entire police station goes into lockdown as officer scramble to make sense of the situation they have no idea who did this and how something like this can even happen Hollis on the other hand was by this time long gone and thought he was going to get away with it but little did he know his heinous crime was being recorded every step of the way by hitting cameras now the chase was on to catch this cold blooded team killer you it's funny my mom called me and said Reed are you okay there's been a shooting and uh they say it's you and immediately then I knew I'm going to for the rest of my life at around 1:00 a. m. on the 8th of October Hollis Daniels got into an argument with his friends allegedly Hollis had stolen his friend Leo's gun and at one point even threatened him with it as Hollis left the house that evening Leo called the police telling them exactly what happened and Hollis was pulled over at around 138 a.
m. had the traffic stop you're about to see ended even slightly differently officer Floyd East Jr might still be alive to this day what's going on maner Police Department where were you coming from Bud's house we got a call about you causing a disturbance the disturbance yeah over at your friend's house what's your friend's name uh Leo Leo yeah okay why is Leo calling us telling us you're messing with them I have no idea sir cuz I guess he didn't I don't know I don't know okay you have any guns or any weapons in the vehicle any drugs or anything like that step out here and talk to me man okay okay is that necessary sir yeah it is necessary okay just come send over here for me okay after stepping out Hollis tells the officers that he did get into an argument with his friends even getting thrown onto the floor at one point however he's adamant that he didn't steal anything from them especially not a gun the cops though aren't so sure and want to search his vehicle to prove him wrong you don't have a gun inside the vehicle you have a gun on your person yes sir them down yeah them down you care if we search your vehicle yes sir I can't do for a you don't want us to search your vehicle yeah but not because I don't have a gun I just I just don't that it's not necessary I'm on my way home no it is necessary cuz right now you're involved in in an investigation that's why I'm asking if you have a gun in your car no I cannot put your vehicle for a gun yes sir okay then hang on to him I'm going to go there and see what's going on on that side I'll be back over here might as well just put him in the back of okay as Hollis didn't give consent to search the officers never ended up looking inside his vehicle it could have been argued they had probable cause but in this situation the officers must have thought it was a gray area and let it slide sources say that it's very likely Hollis did indeed have the gun with him in the car and that a search would have likely recovered the weapon and saved officer Floyd's life but instead Hollis was given a friendly sendoff and allowed to return back home damn he said I tried to kill him are you said that I said that yeah that's way told the other officer you can carry on with your night man get home safe buddy get some new friends the very next evening A call came in from a student saying that they'd heard a gunshot and saw another student holding a gun the cops of course took this extremely seriously as they were worried that he might harm himself or others on the campus so at 5:59 p. m.
officer Floyd East Jr conducted a welfare check with his partner Texas Police Department we're keying in inside Hollis was nowhere to be seen But the officers did manage to wake up his roommate whom they were able to question about hollis's whereabouts hey what's up man what's your name Andy Andy is that who we're looking for no for holl I just woke up I'm sorry that's okay um what do you know about your partner that lives in this room down here PA Daniels hollus I don't know a whole lot about him really um I don't know I haven't I haven't really hung out with these guys a whole lot okay despite the lack of information though it wouldn't take long for the cops to find something extremely unnerving that confirms their suspicions there's a gun right here revolver that's CO2 unfortunately for the cops this isn't the weapon that they're looking for it's actually just a CO2 gun and the cops eventually end up coming dry on any real Firearms or evidence that one has been discharged here however they don't stop on their search and they instead happen on something that worries them even more probably is some drugs and parapo in there but we can't tell from Plain View so we'll just go ahead and seiz all all that and I don't what those pills are but there's another in there and E when I was looking inside this box it looks like there's a little bag with some marijuana maybe the cops found small amounts of marijuana and a larger quantity of concealed in a bottle that was supposed to be for antibiotics according to his friends Hollis had recently developed an addiction for and was illegally obtaining it alongside smoking weed to supposedly treat his anxiety if that that was indeed the case imagine how nervous he must have felt when he returned home at 6:29 p. m. to see four police officers searching his dorm hang on what's your name bud what's your name Andreas no it's not no what's going on we've already talked to your other three roommates we know what they look like yeah that was a good try though hey stand up for me real quick do you have any weapons or anything on you interlace your fingers on top of your head this is the first of two searches that will be conducted on hollas marking the most pivotal points in this case from this point onwards he's never let out of the officer's sight and he never retrieves a gun from anywhere it would later come to light that at this very moment he had a loaded 45 caliber pistol concealed in his waistband a search should confirm that but watch what happens when they start to Pat him down spread your feet out a little for me what's all in this pocket uh money money yeah I can take it out is it okay to just empty out all your pockets while we're doing this uh do you have don't move your hands do you is that necessary I'm asking you a question uh no I don't think s about that okay somehow the officers don't find the gun that'll be used to shoot one of these officers in just 1 hour from now but the cops are clearly still suspicious he gave a fake name and seems extremely nervous while being searched tentatively asking to avoid searching in certain places so what's going on with all the stuff in your room um I poot sometimes to say and I have a few people sir yours yes sir so you don't have a prescription for that's a lot of for one person while he's not in cuffs Hollis seems remarkably calm so while he's relaxed they ask him a couple questions about the weapons before they throw them in coughs I have oh oh oh I do have a I do have a pet gun but it's not loaded yeah we saw that too okay what do you use the CO2 gun for uh honestly I haven't even noticed down here uh back home we used to just shoot squirrels and stuff I thought it'd be kind of fun but then I realized I got here there's not many squirrels here you know what I'm saying um then we also got a report of the gun there was no gunshot in here that's what we're told by who somebody that heard it so yeah oh no no no yeah I didn't no yeah I didn't I wasn't even here last night I was over my buddy uh uh 28th Street what time did did the shot go off cuz if you if you if you look up the police reports from uh officer what's his name it was Duckworth officer Duckworth uh we had we went through this whole thing did he Rite you a ticket or anything he didn't write me a ticket he let me go because the whole situation was uh they they thought that I stole their gun and so then they went and search my car you can look and I see uh you can look at his uh what time he pulled me over and I bet that whatever time The Gunshot was reported won't won't actually because I that wasn't when the cops checks the reports it turned out he was telling the truth and the body cam from last night's traffic stop backs this story up at this point the cops could start to connect the dots a kid accused of stealing a gun is now being accused of shooting it at Unity it could definitely be assumed that something's gone overlooked either way Hollis has been found in possession of multiple illegal drugs so the cops finally decide to arrest him what's the B and stuff you know I don't know we'll have to it all depends on the weight and how much of the pills there are to kind of determine the the cops then start a second pat down one that Hollis remembers vividly he says he felt the officer check just millimeters away from the weapon but somehow never finding it Hollis was then escorted from his dorm into a squad car where officer Floyd tragically missed another opportunity to stop what happened to him in just 50 minutes as Hollis sits down in the patrol car officer Floyd hears a strange noise I'll be C mail what was that big Thum oh my my uh handcuffs that noise wasn't his handcuffs at all it was actually the sound of his gun falling down the leg of his pants and hitting the floor as well as lying through his teeth he was even able to reach down and fully concealed the gun back in his pants before finishing his journey to the Texas Tech PD when they arrived a 30-minute countdown full of tragic and negligent mistakes would begin to take place at 12 minutes 7 one of the officer says that if Hollis continues to cooperate they'll remove his handcuffs if you cooperate with me we go and police cuffs off a little bit okay and 2 minutes later at 14 minutes pass the officers make good on their promise and take his handcuffs off 90 seconds later Hollis and officer Floyd enter a room to run through some paperwork and are left alone there is no footage of another search taking place before or after they entered this room together at 7:44 p.
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