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Motivation Mastery™
Are you ready for a life-changing experience? This powerful motivational video featuring the renowne...
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today at this very moment you're exactly where you need to be this isn't chance this isn't luck you're here because something inside you is calling for change for growth for transformation and let me tell you you've got everything you need to make that happen think about it how many times have you told yourself I'll start tomorrow or I'm not ready yet but here's the truth there's no perfect time the perfect time is now right here right now you've been given this moment this opportunity and it's up to you to grab it with both hands now
I want you to do something for me close your eyes for a second take a deep breath feel the air filling your lungs now as you breathe out let go of all the doubt all the fear all the excuses that have been holding you back because that's all they are excuses they're not real they're just stories you've been telling yourself you see your mind is the most powerful tool you have it's like a supercomputer but here's the thing most people never learn how to use it properly they let their thoughts run wild filling their heads
with negativity and limitations but not you not anymore from this moment on you're going to start using your mind to create the life you want you're going to start thinking differently acting differently being different because when you change your mind you change your life now I know what some of you might be thinking but Joe you don't know my situation you don't know how hard it's been and you're right I don't know your specific circumstances but I do know this no matter what you've been through no matter how many times you've Fallen you have the
power to get back up you have the power to rewrite your story let me tell you something your past does not define your future your past is just a series of experiences that have brought you to this point but from this moment on you get to decide what happens next you get to choose who you become think about that for a second you have the power to become anyone you want to be you have the power to create any life you can imagine that's not just some feel-good statement that's a scientific fact your thoughts your
beliefs your emotions they all have a direct impact on your physical reality every time you have a thought your brain releases chemicals these chemicals affect every cell in your body so when you're constantly thinking negative thoughts constantly focusing on what's wrong in your life you're literally programming your body for more of the same but here's the good news you can change that you can reprogram your mind and your body for success for happiness for abundance how by changing your thoughts by changing your focus by changing your beliefs now I want you to think about something
you really want in your life maybe it's a new job a healthier body a loving relationship whatever it is I want you to see it clearly in your mind feel what it would be like to already have it let that feeling fill your entire body you see most people wait for their circumstances to change before they'll allow themselves to feel good they say I'll be happy when I get that promotion or I'll feel confident when I lose weight but that's backwards you need to feel the emotion first you need to become the person who already
has what you want your emotions are the language of your body when you you feel the emotions of joy of gratitude of love you're signaling to your body that your future is already here and your body which doesn't know the difference between a real experience and an imagined one starts to change on a biological level this isn't just positive thinking this is you actively rewiring your brain creating new neural Pathways new patterns of thought and behavior and as you do this consistently day after day you'll start to see changes in your external reality now I'm
not saying it's going to be easy Breaking old habits old patterns of thinking it takes work it takes commitment but let me ask you this is what's the alternative do you want to keep living the same life experiencing the same problems feeling the same way year after year or are you ready to step into your power are you ready to become the creator of your life instead of a victim of your circumstances because that's what this is all about it's about taking control it's about realizing that you're not at Mercy of your genes your environment
or your past you have the power to change to grow to evolve think about it like this every great achievement in human history started as a thought in someone's mind the rright brothers imagined flying before they built their first plane Thomas Edison imagined the light bulb before he created it everything in your life your home your car the clothes you're wearing all of it started as a thought in someone's mind so why should your future be any different why can't you imagine a better life for yourself and then now I know some of you might
be thinking but Joe I've tried to change before and it didn't work and to that I say good because failure is in the opposite of success it's part of success every time you try and don't succeed you're you're growing you're getting closer to your goal the only real failure is giving up the only real failure is stopping before you've reached your full potential and let me tell you something your potential is Limitless you are capable of so much more than you can even imagine right now but to tap into that potential you need to be
willing to step out of your comfort zone you need to willing to do things differently here's the truth if you keep doing what you've always done you'll keep getting what you've always got if you want different results you need to take different actions and it all starts with your thoughts so from this moment on I want you to start paying attention to your thoughts notice when you're thinking negatively notice when you're limiting yourself and then consciously choose to think differently instead of saying I can't say how can I instead of focusing on what's wrong in
your life focus on what's right instead of worrying about the future create the future you want in your mind and here's the C consistently do it every day make it a habit because your habits shape your life what you do consistently becomes who you are now I want to talk about something that's crucial to this process meditation I know I know some of you might be thinking meditation that's not for me but hear me out meditation isn't about sitting cross-legged and chanting um it's about taking control of your mind it's about learning to focus your
thoughts to quiet the constant shatter in your head and you can do that you open yourself up to incredible possibilities you see when you meditate you're literally changing your brain you're strengthening the parts of your brain associated with Focus emotional regulation and self-awareness you're reducing activity in the parts of your brain associated with Stress and Anxiety but more than that meditation allows you to tap into the Quan field the field of all possibilities it allows you to step out of your physical body out of your environment out of time and into pure Consciousness and in
that state you can begin to create your new reality now I'm not saying you need to meditate for hours every day even just 15 minutes can make a huge difference the key is consistency make it part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower and as you meditate I want you to focus on what you want to create in your life see it clearly in your mind feel the emotions associated with already having it let those emotions fill your entire body remember your body doesn't know the difference between a real
experience and an imagined one so when you vividly imagine your desired future and feel the associated emotions your body begins to change as if that future is already here this is how you begin to close the gap between where you are and where where you want to be this is how you begin to live in the future you desire in the present moment cool let's talk about another crucial aspect of this process your environment your environment has a huge impact on your thoughts your emotions and your actions but here's the thing most people let their
environment control them instead of the other way around think about it how many times have you said I'm in a bad mood because of the weather or I can't focus because it's too noisy but the truth is you have more control over your environment than you might think first there's your physical environment look around you right now is your space supporting your goals is it inspiring you if not change it even small changes can make a big difference clear out clutter add some plants put up pictures or quotes that inspire you but your environment isn't
just physical it's also the people you surround yourself with the information you consume the habits you engage in all of these things shape your thoughts and beliefs so take a good look at who you're spending time with are they supporting your growth are they challenging you to be better if not it might be time to make some changes the same goes for the information you're taking in what are you reading what are you watching is it feeding your mind with positivity and possibility or is it filling you with fear and negativity remember your mind is
like a garden you need to be careful about what you plant in it and you need to be even more careful about what you allow to grow now I want to address something that holds a lot of people back fear fear of failure fear of success fear of the unknown these fears can be paralyzing they can keep you stuck in the same patterns the same routines year after year here's the thing about for It's Just Energy it's a sensation in your body and like any energy you can learn to work with it instead of against
it the next time you feel fear I want you to do something different instead of trying to push it away or ignore it I want you to get curious about it where do you feel it in your body what thoughts are associated with it and then I want you to ask yourself what's on the other side of this fear what could I gain by moving through it because often the things we're most afraid of are the very things that will lead to our greatest growth remember courage isn't the absence of fear courage is feeling the
fear and doing it anyway and every time you do something that scares you you grow you become stronger you become more confident teacher now let's talk about something that's absolutely crucial to this whole process self-love because here's the truth you can't hate yourself into a better life you can't criticize yourself into success real lasting change comes from a place of self-acceptance and self-love think about it would you constantly criticize a child who's learning to walk of course not you do encourage them you'd celebrate their efforts you'd pick them up when they fall and encourage them
to try again so why do we treat ourselves any differently why do we beat ourselves up for our mistakes instead of learning from them why do we focus on our flaws instead of our strengths from this moment on I want you to start treating yourself with kindness and compassion celebrate your wins no matter how small learn from your setbacks instead of dwelling on them speak to yourself the way you'd speak to someone you love because here's the thing you are worthy of love and respect just as you are you don't need to achieve anything or
become anyone else to be worthy you are enough right here right now and when you truly believe that when you truly love and accept yourself that's when real transformation becomes possible because then you're not changing out of a sense of lack or unworthiness you're changing because you know you deserve the best life possible now I want to talk about something that's often misunderstood the concept of surrender a lot of people think surrender means giving up but that's not it at all true surrender is about letting go of your attachment to how things should be and
opening yourself up to all possibilities you see when you're too attached to a specific outcome you limit yourself you close yourself off to other opportunities that might be even better than what you originally imagined so instead of trying to control every aspect of your life learn to trust trust in yourself trust in the process trust that the Universe has your back this doesn't mean you stop taking action it means you take inspired action you do your part and then you let go of the outcome you stay open to all possibilities and here's the beautiful thing
when you surrender in this way when you let go of your need to control everything life often unfolds in ways that are far better than anything you could have planned now let's talk about gratitude gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can feel it's like a magnet for miracles when you're truly grateful you're telling the universe yes more of this but here's the key just be grateful for the big things be grateful for everything the air you breathe the water you drink the bed you sleep in the people in your life even the
challenges you face because there are opportunities for growth make gratitude a daily practice every morning when you wake up before you even get out of bed think of three things you're grateful for feel the Gratitude in your body let it fill you up and throughout the day look for things to appreciate the more you focus on what's good in your life the more good you'll find it's like tuning a radio when you tune into the frequency of gratitude you start picking up more and more things to be grateful for now I want to address something
that stops a lot of people from making changes in their lives the opinions of others maybe you've got family members who don't understand what you're trying to do maybe you've got friends who try to pull you back into Old Habits maybe you're worried about what people will think if you start living differently here's the truth other people's opinions you are not of your business let me say that again other people's opinions of you are none of your business you see most people are so caught up in their own lives their own problems that they're not
really paying attention to what you're doing anyway and even if they are their opinions are based on their own limited perspectives their own fears and insecurities your job is not to live up to other people's expectations your job is to live up to your own potential to become the best version of yourself to create a life that lights you up and yes that might mean some people don't understand it might mean some relationships change but that's okay because as you grow as you change you'll naturally attract people who support your new way of being remember
you're not responsible for other people's reactions to your growth you're only responsible for your own actions and choices now let's talk about something that's crucial to creating lasting change consistency it's not enough to do this work once or twice and then go back to your old ways real transformation happens when you show up day after day even when you don't feel like it think about it like working out you wouldn't expect to get in shape by going to the gym once right you know it takes consistent effort over time well the same is true for
mental and emotional Fitness every day you need to choose your new way of being every day you need to consciously direct your thoughts manage your emotions and take actions aligned with your goals and here's the thing it gets easier the more you practice the more natural it becomes what once felt like effort starts to feel like second nature but you've got to stick with it you've got to push through those moments when you want to give up when you don't see results right away when it feels like nothing is changing because change is happening even
if you can't see it yet every positive thought every moment of gratitude every action aligned with your goals is creating new neural Pathways in your brain it's shifting your energy it's moving you closer to your desired reality and she'll say and one day you'll wake up and realize that you've become the person you've been imagining that the life you've been dreaming of is now your reality but it all starts with a decision a decision to change a decision to grow a decision to become more and that decision is available to you right now in this
moment you don't need to wait for the perfect time or the perfect circumstances you can choose to start your transformation right here right now so I want you to make that choice choose to believe in yourself Choose To Love Yourself unconditionally choose to let go of old limitations and step into your power because you are capable of so much more than you realize you have gifts talents and abilities that the world needs you have a unique purpose that only you can fulfill and when you align with that purpose when you start living from a place
of passion and authenticity that's when miracles happen that's when doors start opening that's when synchronicities start showing up in your life that's when you start living in the flow now I want to talk about something that's often overlooked in personal developments the power of your body your mind and body are not separate entities they're intimately connected what effects one affects the other so if you want to change your life if you want to change your mind you need to involve your body in the process this means taking care of your physical health it means eating
nutritious Foods staying hydrated getting enough sleep and moving your body regularly but it's not just about physical health it's about using your body to change your emotional state you see your physiology affects your psychology the way you hold your body the way you breathe the way you move all of these things have a direct impact on how you feel so the next time you're feeling down or stressed try this stand up straight pull your shoulders back lift your chin and put a big smile on your your face take a few deep breaths now how do
you feel different right that's because you can't feel depressed while your body is in a state of confidence and joy it's physically impossible your body and your emotions are that closely linked so use this to your advantage use your body as a tool to shift your emotional state dance jump laugh do whatever it takes to get yourself into a positive physical state and your mind will follow now let's talk about something that's absolutely crucial to creating the life wants your selft talk the conversations you have with yourself in your head have a massive impact on
your reality most people go through life with a constant stream of negative selft talk running through their minds I'm not good enough I can't do this things never work out for me and then they wonder why their lives don't change but here's the funus mind is always listening it doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined so when you constantly tell yourself these negative things your subconscious accepts them as truth and works to make them your reality from this moment on I want you to become aware of your selft talk notice when you're
being negative or critical towards yourself and then consciously choose to change it instead of I can't do this say I'm learning how to do this instead of I'm not good enough say I'm constantly growing and improving instead of things never work out for me say I'm open to all the good that life has to offer it might feel awkward at first it might feel like you're lying to yourself but remember you're not describing your current reality you're creating your future reality ity you're programming your subconscious mind for success and as you do this consistently you'll
start to notice changes you'll feel more confident more capable more deserving of good things and your external reality will start to reflect these internal changes now I want to address something that holds a lot of people back the need for Perfection so many people never start because they're waiting to have it all figured out they're waiting until they feel ready they're waiting for the perfect plan but here's the truth there's no perfect plan there's no perfect time and you'll never feel completely R success isn't about being perfect it's about being willing to be imperfect it's
about being willing to make mistakes to look foolish to fail forward because every mistake every failure is an opportunity to learn it's feedback it's data that you can use to adjust your approach and get closer to your goals so stop waiting for Perfection stop waiting until you have it all figured out start where you are with what you have take imperfect action make mistakes learn from them adjust your approach and keep moving forward remember it's not about getting it right the first time it's about getting it right eventually and the only way to do that
is to start to take action to be willing to be imperfect now let's talk about something that's crucial to creating lasting change your habits your life right now is a reflection of your habits the things you do consistently day in and day out shape your reality if you want to change your life you need to change your habits and the key to changing habits is to start small don't try to overhaul your entire life overnight that's a recipe for Burnout and failure instead focus on one small habit at a time maybe it's meditating for five
minutes each morning maybe it's drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up maybe it's writing down three things you're grateful for before bed whatever it is make it so small so easy that you can't say no and then do it consistently every day no matter what because here's the thing small changes done consistently lead to big results it's not about making radical changes it's about making small changes and sticking with them long enough to see results and as you build one small habit it becomes easier to build another and another until eventually
you've transformed your entire life through a series of small consistent actions now I want to talk about something that's often misunder the role of emotions in this process a lot of people think that to be successful to achieve their goals they need to be positive all the time they try to suppress any negative emotions to push them away but that's not how it works emotions all emotions are part of the human experience they're not good or bad they're just energy and motion and uh all emotions have something to teach us if we're willing to listen
so instead of trying to push away negative emotions I want you to get curious about them when you feel angry or sad or frustrated ask yourself what is this emotion trying to tell me what need isn't being met what belief is being challenged and then instead of reacting from that emotional state choose how you want to respond choose the person you want to be in that moment this is emotional intelligence it's not about never feeling negative emotions it's about being able to feel them understand them and then choose your response and as you develop this
skill you'll find that you're no longer at the mercy of your emotions you're no longer controlled by your reactions you become the creator of your emotional state rather than um victim of it now let's talk about something that's absolutely crucial to this whole process patience in today's world of instant gratification we've lost the art of patience we want everything now we want to see results immediately but real change lasting change takes time it takes consistent effort over a period of time it's not about making a big change once it's about making small changes every day
and having the patience to stick with it even when you don't see immediate results think about it like planting a seed when you plant a seed you don't see results right away for a while it seems like nothing is happening but beneath the surface that seed is growing it's developing Roots it's gathering strength and then one day seemingly out of nowhere a small Sprout breaks through the soil and from there with continued care and attention it grows into a beautiful plant your personal growth is the same way for a while it might seem like nothing
is changing but beneath the surface you're developing new neural Pathways you're shifting your energy you're becoming a new version of yourself and and then one day you'll notice changes small changes at first but those small changes will lead to bigger changes and before you know it you've transformed your entire life but it all starts with patience with the willingness to trust the process to keep showing up day after day even when you don't see immediate results remember you're not just changing a behavior or two you're rewiring your brain you're shifting your entire way of being
and that takes time but it's so worth it now I want to address something that stops a lot of people from even starting this journey the belief that it's too late maybe you think you're too old to change maybe you think you've made too many mistakes maybe you think your past defines your future but let me tell you something it's never too late your past does not define your future unless you let it every moment is a new beginning every breath is an opportunity to start again think about it your body is constantly renewing itself
your skin cells replace themselves every 27 days your liver cells every 300 500 Days your skeleton every 10 years physically you are not the same person you were a few years ago so why should your mind be any different why can't you renew your thoughts your beliefs your way of being the truth is you can at any age at any stage of life you have the power to change you have the power to grow you have the power to become more in many ways the challenges you face the mistakes you've made they're not obstacles to
your growth they're fuel for it their experiences you can learn from strength you can draw on so don't let the belief that it's too late hold you back don't let your past toine your future choose to see every moment as a new beginning a new opportunity to become the person you want to be now as we start to wrap up I want to talk about something that's absolutely crucial taking action everything we've talked about with changing your thoughts managing your emotions developing new habits it's all important but without action it's just Theory you see knowledge
isn't power applied knowledge is power it's not enough to know what to do you have to actually do it it so I want you to commit right now to taking action it doesn't have to be big in fact it's better if it's small but it has to be something maybe it's setting aside 10 minutes tomorrow morning to meditate maybe it's writing down three things you're grateful for before bed tonight maybe it's making one small change to your diet or exercise routine whatever it is commit to it and then do it no excuses no putting it
off because here's the thing every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become every time you follow through on a commitment to yourself you build trust with yourself you prove to yourself that you're capable of change and as you take consistent action day after day you build momentum and that momentum makes it easier to keep going to keep growing to keep becoming more remember you don't have to see the whole path to take the first step you just have to take the first step and then the next and then the
next and before you know it you'll look back and be amazed at how far you've come so as we come to the end of our time together I want to leave you with this you are powerful beyond measure you have within you everything you need to create the life you desire you have the power to change to grow to become more than you ever thought possible but that power is activated by your choices by your thoughts by your actions it's activated by your willingness to step out of your comfort zone to face your fears to
keep going even when things get tough so Choose Wisely choose thoughts that Empower you choose actions that move you forward choose to believe in yourself even when no one else does because you are the author of your life story you are the creator of your reality and from this moment on you get to decide how that story unfolds so what will you choose will you choose to stay where you are or will you choose to grow will you choose to let your past Define you or will you choose to create a new future will you
choose to live by default or will you choose to live by Design the choice is yours and I believe in you I believe in your power to change to grow to become more I believe that if this message has found you it's because you're ready ready to step into your power ready to create the life you truly desire so go forth take action believe in yourself and remember every moment is a new opportunity to become more of who you're meant to be you've got this now go make it happen
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