You want to manifest your dream life? I got you.

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you know what i find so weird whenever somebody says manifesting is being delusional manifesting is believing in your own lies aren't we always delusional you see what i mean is every like we know that one day we will leave this earth right but nobody goes to bed at night thinking oh tomorrow i won't wake up even though we know it's a fact that we will leave this earth we still every night expect to wake up and to fulfill our goals and go to work and go see our family and whatever you know if we did
not have this delusional fate and that we will continue to live on and have a long life and all these things we will probably do nothing we would not believe in religion we would not have children we would not marry would we would not even go to work because why bother we will not be here one day anyways you know so i think it's important to realize that we're delusional every single day we're delusional our whole life so why not be delusional to the things that you can attract to the things that you want i
think a lot of times people don't realize and they don't even dare to ask for more and sometimes people are just afraid of their own potential they're just afraid of okay what if i have everything you know that that can be a burden to some people as well so i think that you need to start realizing you can receive anything you want but you have to put in the work hi guys my name is liz and welcome back to my channel in this video i am going to show you guys how you can manifest your
dream life i want you to realize something manifesting is not some like writing something down 10 times and burning the paper or forgetting about it and that's it it will come to life and whatever no manifesting is a lifestyle it's there are certain things that you need to do and change in your life in order to manifest your desires and in this video i am going to show you how okay so the first thing in order to manifest your dream life and what's very important is you need to let go of the past and past
situations past people you know a lot of people um they're still in love with their ex they're there and or they're still like hanging on to their ex or whatever and they're wondering why does love not come into my life why do i not meet somebody good maybe because you're not letting go of this situation so the universe or god cannot provide you with something else because you're showing god uh or the universe i'm gonna refer in this video to god because i believe in god but if you believe in the universe or whatever please
just know that i'm just referring to god because that's my belief anyway so you're showing god that you don't trust him you don't trust that if you let go of this person that he will bring you something new and better in your life you don't trust that you're showing him that so in that way he's not gonna give you anything he's just gonna let you learn and learn and learn again until you're sick and tired of this situation and you're ready to let go and open up for somebody new or just focus on yourself but
many times when even manifesting money even manifesting a job people are not willing to let go of their job that they're having right now that's making them unhappy because they're afraid that they won't find something else i had a lot of people in my life that were every single day they would come to me complaining crying i hate my job i hate my job i said quit i said quit even though like you cannot have this scared like i'm scared no i won't have money money is in abundance everywhere you know how much money there
is on the earth there is insane amount of money why do you think you won't get it you will get another job you will get another opportunity maybe you will even start working for yourself sometimes you need to let go of things that are toxic for you of things that are draining you of your energy you need to let go and once you let that go you see that god opens up new doors for you god shows you what he has for you and then you will be like oh wow i wish i had done
this sooner i wish i had trusted him more the next step is be super grateful for what you have now you know one thing in my life even when i did not have the best car when i did not have even when i was like riding the bus when i did not have money whatever i have always been very grateful for everything for everything it did not matter what it was the fact that i had food the fact that i had a phone the fact that even my health i was oh i've always said thank
you god thank you god thank you god over and over again because i am so grateful for everything that i have every single night before i go to bed i always list everything that i before i talk to god because i told you guys every single night before i go to bed i talked to him about how my day was about uh how my life is going what i want to accomplish but every single time before i start a conversation with him i always list up everything i'm grateful for i always say thank you for
giving me food today thank you for uh me being able to afford things thank you for giving me health even if my skin is clearing up thank you for clearing up my skin things like that you know i think a lot of times people just don't especially because of social media everybody thinks oh they have more than me why do i have less why do look at people that have less than you i'm telling you you are abundant in a lot of ways there's people in hospital right now wishing they just had health they might
have a lot of money but what will you do with money if you don't have help you know a lot of things money cannot buy all the things money cannot buy they're priceless and a lot of you have that you might not have money but you have love you have all these things that are that are lacking somebody else's life so be grateful for that uh there was this quote that i really liked i read in a book and it says what if tomorrow you were left with the things you were grateful for today so
if you for example say like oh i'm so grateful for this bottle of water today tomorrow you would wake up with that bottle of water so always list today what you are grateful for what what are you grateful for you can always list something like at least five things every night before you go to bed list something no gratitude being grateful it puts you in a positive mindset it puts you it in your mind you're creating like oh wow actually i am doing good i already have a lot of things thank you thank you you
know god likes to be thanked he also needs that you know um so if you create that environment of like even like you see i'm talking about being grateful i get like heightened emotions it's making me happy so whenever i get depressed whenever i don't feel well i always try to remember okay liz what are you grateful for right now list three things at least that you can be grateful for even though you're not feeling well what what can you be grateful for i list them and it instantly lifts my mood i feel the sense
of love you know and if you are in that state it's very easy to attract things to manifest things another thing is know exactly what you want see a lot of people they say uh i want to manifest okay but what do you want to manifest i want to manifest love okay love can come in many forms do you want love from your family do you want love from a partner do you want love from children what do you where do you want love from um i want money like what type of money where did
where do you what do you need money for like do you want a job do you want any like do you want a business what do you want you have to get very specific on what you want if it's a car that you want maybe you want to buy a car that's what you need the money for manifest the car you want to buy a house manifest a house don't be a i need money because it's very broad and you might get money but not the amount you want um to buy what you want you
know that's why you have to be uh very specific on those things use positive affirmations i like to do this whenever i am looking in the mirror doing my skin skincare i tell myself positive affirmations for example my skin you might think like oh her skin is very clear i'm i have been dealing with a lot of breakouts the past month it's been depressing me um constantly breakouts breakouts like tiny red bumps it's annoying but every single time that i do my skincare time i look in the mirror i say my skin is clear and
glowing i say my hair is thick and growing um and i love my face i love my body i keep telling myself that while looking in the mirror um if there's any goals i want to accomplish i i say that i say those goals as well like for example i want a car oh i'm driving i'm driving this dream car of mine you know i say that to myself and i know a lot of people may think like oh i don't want to do positive affirmations because i don't believe it and it feels like lying
to myself i don't think it's really lying to yourself i see it more as if i am i am focusing on the goals that i'm setting so if i say that i have clear skin or whatever that i know that my goal is to get clear skin you know i don't see it as like oh i'm just lying to myself no it gives me focus it's the same as creating a vision board and every single day you wake up you see the vision board i am just telling myself in the mirror what my goals are
but i'm telling them as if i already have it you know cleanse your environment completely unfollow unfriend any people that are draining you any people that are toxic if you're on social media and you're insecure why are you on social media delete your social media or at least take a break because seeing all these filtered people all these people just posting their best lives which is totally up to them you know it will make you unhappy it will it will make you more insecure it will only make you unhappier so if you're insecure at the
moment just delete it for a while don't look at it don't follow these people don't watch them don't watch the content and just focus on building your self-esteem because i'm gonna tell you something a lot of times you guys want to say oh these girls they never look like that like ig girls or they're all fake and whatever i'm gonna disappoint you there is girls natural girls natural born girls i have friends beautiful drop that gorgeous no filter needed nothing they're literally goddesses walking and what are you gonna do then when you see them on
the street you'll get insecure as well so your insecurities your problem it's not their fault they can edit as much as they want if they want to you are being triggered by it this is you this is a you issue all these negative emotions you're gonna feel because of these toxic people these toxic friends and a lot of people also tell me like liz i have toxic friends but i i don't want to be alone and i don't want to leave them how are you guys so comfortable being unhappy surrounded by the wrong people i
don't get it i do not get it like this is one thing that really frustrates me because i am always i have always been the person i would literally go to high school and i would sit alone on a bench i could not care less and you know how many people wanted to befriend me but i did not want to befriend them because i just didn't want to i didn't feel that their energy was good and i was really comfortable just sitting by myself you know how many people thought that i was a a lot
of people thought that i was a weirdo and probably still think that i am do you think i care i don't care i i am happy i'm happy just sitting by myself i only invite quality people into my life whether it's in a relationship whether it's in a friendship show me what you can teach me how in what way will you elevate me if there is no way that this person will either elevate me will make me smarter will i will make me happy or whatever i do not start a friendship or relationship with that
person because i do not benefit from it and you might say no that's such a selfish way of thinking yeah okay and let me be selfish this is my life i want to make the best of my life i will not be surrounded by people that make me unhappy even though i will rather be alone than be unhappy with like people that are training so back in the day during my depression and stuff i had this one friend uh who was a big influencer and he would always teach me about spiritual things about feminine energy
and everything he would send me like articles and i would never read them or be interested in them because i was literally thinking like this guy is crazy um he was such he could have been my mentor like honestly this was a guy that um i think at 21 was in depth crazy in depth had no money and at 23 he was a multi-millionaire and he did it all by himself no illegal stuff nothing he made his money and i really looked up to him but i was not in the mental state to really learn
from him other than this one thing and he literally changed my life with that so i remember when they were sitting and eating and stuff and i showed him a video of like this youtube channel of like these guys reacting to another creator and kind of bullying her laughing about her content her content was very cringy so they were laughing making jokes and now showing him that and i remember he like he was not laughing he looked at me and he was like liz um don't you consider the fact that this girl might have put
a lot of effort into her content even though you find it cringy she put a lot of work into it and i looked at him and i was like okay yeah yeah that makes sense but it's just funny it's jokes it's funny lighten up man that's what i was thinking he looked at me and he's like i see you always watching netflix shows and watching like these stupid guys he was like liz like what are you watching that will elevate you in the future what are you watching that is gonna make you go further in
life and get you closer to your goals and i just looked at him and i went silent because none of the things that i was watching none of the things that i was listening and listening to was aligning with my future goals so he completely gave me a reality check right there you have to realize that whatever you want whatever you desire is already here you already have it only thing you need to do is take the steps towards your desire for example you want to move to new york new york exists you need to
find a plan on how to get there you want a million dollars a million dollars exists millionaires exist billionaires trillionaires exist you need to figure out how to get that you guys need to stop living into in a lack mindset of like oh no i i will never be able to accomplish that why not why not you why can so many people have a great life but you can't why why are you not good enough why are you telling yourself that you're not good enough a lot of you guys have so many advantages oprah winfrey
was living in her car before she started her career she was homeless you guys are watching videos from the safety of your home and you guys think that you are not qualified it's the people that believe even they do not look at their circumstances they just believe that they can and that they deserve to have it those people get successful and then you have the people that already have a really big advantage but they do not believe that they can or that they deserve to have certain things and they do not get successful and that's
the difference have to plan and take action towards your goals and this is the issue because a lot of people say like oh yeah i wrote it down and that's it and now and then what you're the one that has to take the action god will help you god will guide you you'll probably get there but for example your goal is to lose weight you're the one that has to go to the gym you're the one that has to eat healthy you're the one that still has to do those things in order to accomplish the
goal you cannot sit and be like oh yeah i'm manifesting and that's it i'm not going to do anything anymore no because then obviously it will not work but what we're talking about is if you have to believe if you have the if you have the the hunger to achieve whatever you want to achieve you'll achieve it no matter how big it is you'll achieve it but you're the one that has to take action you're the one that has to plan this all out for yourself and be like okay this i can do this i
will do this i will do and step by step and step you will get there but you will have to start believing that you can and you have to start taking action towards the goal so another thing is ask god for sign or help so i saw this stick talk of this girl and she was like i asked the universe for a sign and she asked for a lion and that day she saw a lion so she asked if you guys are guiding me show me a lion they showed her a lion and i was
like oh my god let me do that as well and what i did was um i asked i was like okay god if you are if i'm on the right path if you are guiding me show me a lion i said the same thing as her i was like show me a line today and what happened is that day i did not see a lion um what happened is and this is like even when i think about it i get goosebumps a friend of mine she came she was coming by that day later in the
evening and she came by and she said like liz i have a gift for you and i was like huh what do you have like you know she was just coming back for dinner and uh she gave me this little uh this little angel it was a little angel and on that package of the angel it says your guardian angel is always with you and on the back of it was my birthday and immediately i thought of the sign that i asked for you know i asked if you are guiding me show me a lion
but i literally got a little angel that says your guardian angel is always with you ah and from that on i always ask like if there is a certain relationship whatever i ask please god show me a sign of this person is for me if he's not i ask for signs and i i always receive signs ask for help ask for signs you'll get it you'll get it you have to specifically ask you'll get it might not be a day might not be a week two weeks you'll get it you'll get the sign you have
to ask forget about it and you'll receive vision boards writing things down visualizing yourself living your dream life these things actually really work i have um i have a paper that i wrote on i think like two years ago or something exactly um what i wanted every single thing and i forgot about that paper every single thing that i wrote down right now is my reality every single thing and it's so detailed it's insane i do not want to read it again because it's like you know embarrassing but every single thing that i have right
now i manifested with that paper and i forgot about it so those things do work vision birds work writing and down works what i think the science behind it is when you're writing it down your head subconsciously registers it so it makes a goal towards that so even if you forget about it your head knows okay that's where we're going that's where we're heading that's why those things are so powerful um and if you visualize your life feel the emotions look at yourself in your head even like if you want to visualize a car see
yourself driving the car feel the steering wheel emotions is what attracts because this is energy feeling something is energy you know um for example you want to attract love you have to give love you have to be a loving human being because love attracts love you have to have self-love as well if you have self-love you will see all the love will surround you and another thing is you cannot be desperate you cannot be desperate have you guys ever noticed if you are going after a girl if you are going constantly after a guy he
is not interested in you but the moment you switch in your head and you're like you know what i don't want them anymore they all come back why do you think that is because you do not have that desperate energy around yourself anymore you are focusing on yourself you're elevating yourself and they can actually really feel that and they can see that because you start to glow differently and when that happens you literally are just manifesting whatever you want and everything you want comes to you because being desperate is actually telling god um that you
don't trust him that you don't believe that it will happen that you have fear that's why you're desperate you're desperate because you don't have it and you're showing them like once again again i don't have it well if you're putting out that you don't have it you won't receive it people often say if you're ordering something from a restaurant you in your head you know that the food is coming right so you're relaxed well that's it you order something from god you ask for this then be relaxed it's coming it's come and last i want
to say believe that you deserve it you deserve a great life you deserve amazing love friendship whatever you want in life you deserve everything you deserve it people can live their best life people have money that you cannot even imagine people have money you know jeff basils and stuff they're not even the richest people on earth there's people so rich you will never ever know who they are because they're private you will never ever know who they are they have insane amounts of money if they can have why cannot you why can't you have like
even ten percent of them not even one like z 0.1 of what they have why can't you have that why are you not good enough no i deserve to have me personally i deserve to have a great life i deserve to walk whatever buy whatever what i desire i deserve to travel wherever i desire i deserve my children deserve to have the best life because why not so i hope you guys learned something from this video you really have to start acting talking and walking like you're blessed and like blessings are coming in your life
constantly and that's how you attract blessings if you watch this video and think you know what she's saying is not right i don't believe it then leave this video alone and go somewhere else and live your life but for the people that want to give this a try miracles will come into your life i guarantee you you don't have to believe me but at least try okay guys thank you so much for watching i love you guys so much and yeah i see you in the next video
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