The Batman Part II: Who should be the villain?

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The Whole Shebang
When it comes to rogues' galleries, you’d be hard pressed to find one with more memorable and comple...
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when it comes to Rogues galleries you'd be hard pressed to find one with more memorable and complex villains than Batman's from jacked masterminds to a tortured Soul weaponizing fear to a man really into condiments he's got it all and since Batman is such a popular character we've been blessed with seeing so many of his villains brought into Live Action For Better or For Worse but let's not focus on the past today we're here to talk about the future I could not be more excited for the Batman part 2 as its predecessor is one of my
favorite movies of all time it's an absolute Masterpiece and a movie I will forever treasure and a large part of that is because of how interesting the villains are look what they did with the Riddler I'll always love the Siler take of the character but in this grounded Universe I really like how they turn him into a more sadistic serial killer type character they kept the core of the character alive all while doing a unique take on the villain even if he does bear a striking resemblance to the Zodiac Killer now just with a Twist
stream but if they were able to reinvent The Riddler for the Modern Age I'm really excited about the potential for how these other villains in the universe could be redefined in their own special way so let's not wait any longer and get to what you've all been waiting for as we dive through this Rogues gallery to find the most suitable choice for the longwa sequel fasten your bat themed seat belts and grab your bat popcorn as it's time for America's favorite reality show The Bachelor as I Look to answer the question of who could and
should be the villain of pant's next Batman film but here's the thing you're probably thinking to yourself that this is obvious as they already set up Joker to be the villain of the Batman's second Batman and that's a fair point but director Matt Reeves confirmed that that tease was more about World building and establishing that he already has a pass with the joker than it was about setting him up for the sequel which leaves a very big opening for someone new would I love to see Barry Keegan's Joker return absolutely he's in an incredibly talented
actor and I think he has the potential to put in an alltime performances the clown Prince of Crime but we've seen so many different versions of the Joker in live action up to this point that I think it's time we let other characters have the spotlight plus personally I need some more time to forget the unhinged things Barry did in salurn before I could process him as the Joker so let's meet our real candidates let's kick things off with the most likely candidate another character who already exists in this universe that being the penguin the
Batman largely acted as the beginning of his origin story as we saw Oz working under Falcone's crime syndicate along with teaching a very important Spanish lesson no now with Falone out of the picture penguin is able to step up as a real powerhouse in the criminal underworld it just makes sense that he'd be a contender when they've already done all the hard work and setting up as a consistent threat in this universe I mean just look at this shot right here at the end of the movie that's some of those blatant foreshadowing for the future
and I mean that in the most complimentary way because it goes so hard it's clear that re has a vision for how the penguin is going to play a role in Batman's story and perhaps that means setting the two up for a rematch especially when you take into account the Penguin series dropping on the streaming service with the dumbest name ever Max later this year that series is only going to further a establish him and show his rise to power in Gotham City it could serve as a great way to not only add depth to
his character but put in the work to position Oz as a genuine threat to Batman because let's be real if it came down to a fist fight Batman would hit that man so hard he'd start to look like Colin frell again this show needs to lift him up with an Empire that Rivals that of the Romans and give him the resources he needs to keep the bat busy penguin has never been one of my favorite Batman villains but I've always appreciated the corner of the universe that he comes from pharoh's take on the character is
also easily my favorite adapted version even if I do love the horny nightmares Goblin that dny DeVito's penguin was I really hope that this series does a good job defining his character because there's a lot to work with in the dark underbelly of Gotham City and he's the perfect character to explore that with he's a much more straightforward villain than other gimmicky characters but with how grounded this universe is he'd obviously fit the tone and is different enough from the rther to present a more unique story for Batman if they also want to continue the
themes of Bruce paying for the sins of his family's past they can lean into how the wayes practically ousted the cobap Poots from the wealthy Elite and that caused oz to grow up in poverty it gives him this grudge against Bruce as he finally has the power to get his revenge that being said I don't think he's going to be our win here tonight as much as I love that freak I'd rather see him act as a secondary villain in the background than be the main villain right now personally when it comes to the sequel
I want to see the universe expand even further with newer characters and continue to build on the Mythos for this version of Batman Pharaoh's penguin is great and I hope he has a role in this upcoming movie but I want someone new to take the spotlight a character who pushes not just Batman but Bruce Wayne out of his comfort zone into his limit that brings us to our second candidate and someone who's a very realistic Choice based on what the first movie heavily teased I'm of course talking about Tommy Elliott better known as hush a
childhood friend of Bruce Wayne who grew up rich like he did but that's basically where their similarities ended while Bruce grew up with loving parents tommies were abusive and neglective and understandably he hated them which you know I can't blame him for that it all came to a head when he attempted to kill them to be free of their torment inherit their Fortune but Thomas Wayne managed to save his mother with his skills as a surgeon thus began his lifelong brdge against the Wayne family which he targeted directly at Bruce out of jealousy his plans
didn't come to fruition until a few years later after his mother died when he finally got the wealth he desired and he put that towards his master plan to destroy Bruce Wayne he got plastic surger to steal his identity and ultimately try and ruin his life hush is a fascinating villain because of how personal his ties are to Bruce most of Batman's enemies have an issue with the bat himself but hush is one of the few who has beef with The Man Behind the Mask specifically I think that element there is what would make him
a near perfect choice for this movie and what they should focus on in the Batman Bruce has no interest in being himself he's putting all of his time and energy into being Gotham's Dark Knight and doesn't see how Bruce Wing can help the city in the sequel they should develop Bruce's Playboy Persona more and have his Arc throughout the film involve him realizing the value and Power that comes with being a Wayne and the best way to do that have Tommy arrive in Gotham posing his him and immediately start ruining things the public has no
perception of who Bruce is since he's a recluse nowadays so they have no choice but to leave that's who he is now it would actually Force Bruce to start making his presence known to the public as a helpful figure to undo the harm Tommy caused as he can help develop that Manor Persona we all know and love to help differentiate himself from the Batman identity the seeds have already been planted for this as the 2022 film confirmed that the Ells not only exist in this universe but already have an established history with the wayes Ed
Elliot was the reporter who dug up dirt on Thomas during his mayoral election campaign he tried to offer him hush money but once that didn't work out Thomas got desperate and went to Falone this leads to Elliot's accidental death depending on who you believe and has set the stage for hush's arrival I mean come on they literally have the word hush written out in big letters here you can't get more obvious than that traditionally Edward is Tommy's grandfather but I think they should just simply make him his father here it gives him a motive to
want Bruce Wayne to pay since he benefited from his father's death and perhaps he tries to take the identity because Tommy feels he deserved that life not Bruce it's another way to continue SE the themes of that first movie with a villain from the Wayne's family past who's come back to haunt Bruce and that sounds great right but maybe it's too good to be true because part of me feels like HH is way too similar to this version of The Riddler he's another serial killer villain with personal ties to Bruce's ancestry and isn't trying to
get revenge on Batman but Bruce Wayne instead even their looks are similar in this universe just swap out the mask for some bandages and Bam you've got a good-looking hush design that's not to say I don't think they should ever do hush they absolutely should but maybe hold out until later for him for now let's look at another contestant who'd be a breath of cold fresh air as the villain up next is a char I've seen a lot of fans myself included ask for in the sequel he's one of the coolest villains of all time
and would be a nice addition to the universe it's Victor Mr Freeze freeze honestly not a very creative name on his part but hey if it works it works well he's made an infinite appearance in live action before what killed the dinosaurs the I AG Breeze has never been done Justice on the Silver Screen despite being arguably the most complex of Batman's villains he's not have to hurt people or cause chaos he's just desperate to find equipment that will help save his beloved Norah she's dying of an incurable disease so he froz her in hopes
of finding the Cure one day and letting her live out a full life it's a noble effort on his part and the villain I most sympathize with because at his core he's a relatively normal guy even if he is blue and trapped in a suit after an accident left his body with subzero temperatures and no they shouldn't do the bad modern origin where Norah actually isn't his wife because that rips away all the tragedy and makes him a much less interesting character that idea is stupid and whoever came up with that should be a shame
I just want to see Mr Freeze as a smart man driven to Crime for good reason unlike the other two villains mentioned thus far Mr Freeze doesn't have any personal grudges with Batman or Bruce Wayne Batman just happens to be getting in his way and that's where the conflict arises that dynamic between the two would immediately set freeze apart from the Riddler and offer a different way for Batman to handle him he's not a terrorist trying to blow up the city or end to corrupt officials he's in a Race Against Time to complete an impossible
task it could be really interesting to see Batman trying to appeel to Victor's emotions while the city hunts him for the collateral damage he's causing sure he may be stealing Wayne Tech but for a billionaire that's nothing Bruce can lose that and the company wouldn't even notice but I think having him almost relate to freeze in a way as they connect over their grief could be really touching Bruce knows what it's like like to lose someone he can sympathize with Victor because he's familiar with all that pain himself as well as holding on to it
as long as possible I bet Bruce would have done the same thing if he could to try and save his parents but he never had the chance to like Victor has with Nora perhaps she could also help Bruce process his grief more too as he goes out of his way to help freeze the solution isn't fighting him as Batman it's helping him as Bruce Wayne it's another way for Bruce to see the impact he can have as himself Batman would have just locked Mr Freeze up to send a message throughout Gotham but Bruce can make
a difference here he can use his team of scientists to work around the clock to find this cure for or even go as far as hiring Victor and giving him the resources he needs to do things by the book unless he turned the city into popsicles then that wouldn't really be a good look for him but the point is that Bruce has the money and Technology to make a difference and solve Victor's problems with the right methods leaning into that different side of him is really important when the Batman ended with Bruce realizing that only
through hope can change be made this is a much more hopeful solution and could even maybe help Bruce heal from his parents' deaths a little more as he prevents someone else from losing their beloved one and going down a dark cold path Mr Freeze would also be a great villain to help this universe embrace the super natural more while it's ice gun is unrealistic it's a much easier cell than something like controlling planes with your mind it's a step in the right direction towards making this universe more comic bookie as each movie gradually increases the
amount of sci-fi elements included his cryogenic abilities can all be Tech based to still fit in with the tone of the universe as it begins to differ more from our own world I think it'd be really smart to bring freezen and help push ree's Batman Universe forward and add variety to the saga's villains it also helps that Gotham City flooded last fall now maybe over the winter it's all turned to ice it's the perfect atmosphere to bring freeze into as he's working as an element it'll only make him a more dangerous threat to Batman and
most importantly it'll give us some great Snowy visuals just imagine a Christmas Batman movie in a wintertime setting with a cold theme Villain at the Forefront wait a second am I just describing Batman Returns okay don't do that again but you get my point I love a good winter Batman story and Mr Freeze is the perfect choice for that along with establishing a new Supernatural side of this universe I think it's a good choice and long overdue for a proper adaptation but before I make my decision let's meet our last candidate in my humble opinion
he's the most underrated villain in Batman's entire Rogues Gallery a character who's never had the proper adaptation and is just waiting for his moment to break out of the mud none other than basil Carlo better known as Clayface well there are a few different Origins out there for the character I think that this movie should focus on his time as an actor caught in a terrible accent that leaves him disfigured and when you're ugly Hollywood wants nothing to do with you this leaves him desperate using an experimental cleam called renew you clever right it restores
his perfect looks but only temporarily it's an incredibly addictive chemical and the more he uses it the worse his condition gets when it wasn't being applied to make a long story short it ends up with him being covered in that stuff and turning to the shape shap shifting monster that is Clayface able to become anything or anyone he's a dangerous threat both mentally and physically adding paranoia and packing some serious strength Clayface was made for the movies I don't understand how we haven't gotten him in live action up to this point his power set is
ideal for both exciting action and thrilling suspense and would be a real challenge for the world's greatest detective picture a murder mystery where the killer could be anyone at any time and there's no way of knowing that sounds great right I'm just going to assume you agree with me I can't hear you please stop talking to your screen it would be really exciting watching Batman try and find out who's going around killing people to get more of this mysterious drug when the trail runs dry every time his detective skills would be really put to the
test here and the best part is that it will all culminate in a big final battle with a giant Mud Monster at the End what more could you want in a comic book movie let me just get the obvious out of the way I am very well aware that going from a grounded Villain Like The Riddler to a living Mudman would be a huge jump but you've got to make it at some point right I'm probably delusional for even pitching him but you don't understand how bad I want to see this Clayface is such a
cool character and is long overdue for his time to shine I know there's a version where he's just a guy can change his appearance and isn't made of clay but L plus ratio plus the mud manand is better I do think he should start out as that version at the beginning of the movie though then at a certain point he applies too much of the renew you and becomes a mud monster going into the third act that way you get the best of both worlds where it's still a grounded killer changing his appearance and making
it difficult for Batman but then at the end of the movie you get this exciting action sequence as Batman is outmatched by a giant mud monster and that's just the coolest thing ever to be it may be too early to bring someone like him into this universe but you can't get a much fresher villain than someone who hasn't even been in live action before he would offer something that has hasn't been seen in a Batman movie you could make for some really tense and horrific scenes if handled correctly plus I think there are some really
interesting angles you could approach him with from a thematic standpoint there's a really interesting and tragic story to be told about addiction as basil struggles with his new life and accepting his appearance he's not only addicted to the drug cream but to the fame and Spotlight that comes with being a famous actor no matter how hard Batman tries to save him from himself the illness that his addiction is too strong and pulls him towards doing some truly heinous things to sustain it if you really want to go crazy with the addiction angle have Bruce's Arc
be about his addiction to crime fighting how he's become too obsessed with his work as Batman to the point where he doesn't even have healthy life balance he's going too hard with it and is bound to get himself killed if he doesn't take it easy but in his mind he can't stop because every second he isn't protecting Gotham more innocent people are getting hurt then by the end of the movie after seeing clay Face's addiction destroy him Bruce can take a step back and try and deal with his own issues as he looks to establish
a healthier balance between Batman and Bruce Wayne there's so much untapped potential in a Villain Like Clayface that have warrants the supernatural jump for The Unique storytelling action he brings with him now that we've ran through all of our candidates that brings me to my final decision for who I think should be the villain in the Batman we're doing another Batman it's genuinely a really hard Choice I've struggled a lot with trying to pick just one character because I think all four of these villains have something to offer and would give you a great original
Batman story on one hand hush makes the most sense thematically as he continues telling the story of the first movie setup and will give us more Bruce Wayne development but then again there's so much you can do with a character like Clayface that we haven't seen in live action that I really think they should jump on here and for that alone I think I'm officially going to Crown Clayface as the bachelor congratulations to my muddy buddy now go ruin that mentally ill Billionaire's life also I think it'd be really cool to have Victor freeze as
a way Tech scientist in this movie and Bruce goes to him to get cryotechnology to freeze clay face and that's how Batman defeats him then in a post credit scene set up Mr Freeze is the villain for the next movie bam It's the Best of Both Worlds I get all villains I won this universe I never lose and you can't stop me you're already at the end of the video what are you going to do click off I already got your attention the sunk cost fallacy says you're going to see it through to the end
why not just have hush be the villain for the first movie then the second movie is Clayface and then the third is Mr to freeze I get it all I figured it out who needs one Bachelor when you could have three okay but for real you've all heard the reasoning so hope you can understand my choice for Clayface there are so many good Batman villains that this was impossible to narrow down I didn't even get to mention a character like Twoface who is perfect for this universe but I think he should be saved for later
they should build him up as the district attorney in a few appearances before he goes full sadistic murderer it'll make that turn hit even harder when the audience has gone to know him and love him as a character honestly you really can't go wrong with any Batman villain as long as it isn't the Joker please Matt reev stay true to your word he's a great villain but I'm so desperate to see other characters get to be in these movies my only hope is it'll be a fresh new character I just gave him like four ideas
right there all right they can have those for free but I will charge for the next ones there are hardly any misses in Batman's Rogues galleries whoever they do end up choosing I have no doubt will go down as another alltime villain thank you all for watching let me know down below who you want to see as the villain and the Batman more Batman if it's someone that wasn't mentioned in the video please do let me know I'd love to see what everyone else is thinking and if you want to see more videos like this
you can click right here and make sure to like And subscribe so you don't miss another one if you don't do it we're just going to be stuck with Joker forever so please for the love of God go subscribe and save us from that clown
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