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All right, this is CS 50 this is already week five. This is our last week on sea. And it's also reputed generally to be the, the most challenging perhaps of weeks whereby we sort of climax with the material we've been exploring thus far, sort of metaphorically. It's like we've been going up this, this hill and I know it's felt like a lift each and every step. But now things kind of plateau out, I dare say. And even though it's not gonna feel like we're suddenly going downhill or things get markedly easy, I do think you'll
be able to catch your breath and start to apply a lot of lessons learned over the past few weeks to everything that lies ahead. And among the things that lie ahead are exactly these data structures which we've only touched on briefly so far, we had this look at arrays way back in week two already. And we've used those in a few different ways, but arrays are a super simple data structure, data structure, meaning it's a way to structure your data in the computer's memory in so far as they have to be generally the same data
type, but most importantly back to back to back. And the catch with the rays recall is that you have to decide in advance how big the array is going to be. Do you want size three? Do you want size 3300? But you do indeed have to decide in advance. But there's other things in life, not only the virtual world, but the real world that we might consider a bit more abstractly. And in fact, you're going to start to notice after today, ideally that the world is filled also with abstract data types, whereby they these uh
ways of structuring information. But that don't depend necessarily on the underlying implementation details. That is to say you can implement certain features life in code, but there's bunches of different ways to actually implement them at a lower level, whether it's using arrays or in fact, as we'll see today, other data structures as well. So while data structures are something very concrete involving variables and pointers and functions and the like abstract data types are a little more broadly descriptive. For instance, there are in the world, these things called cues turns out there's things in the computer
world called cues too. But in the real world A Q is like what, where might you see cues in the real world? Definitely in the UK because they're typically called this there like a line, a movie theater like lining up for dinner or lunch or any kind of line, you have cues. Now queues have some kind of ordering often of people, but certainly in the virtual world, you might have cues as well. In fact, this isn't as common nomenclature anymore. But if you're printing a bunch of things to a printer, those documents are generally stored
in a queue so that they all print out in that precise order. And we can actually see this in the real world. So we wonder if we have three brave volunteers. If you three wouldn't mind coming on up first up we have here. Come on over here, if you'd like to introduce yourself to the world. Hi, everyone. My name is Akshay and I'm a freshman in Canada. Welcome. And if Akshay, you wanna line up first, right over here in the center of stage. Hi, everyone. I'm Jeffrey and I'm a freshman in there, which is better
than Canada. Ok. Welcome. If you want to line up second place behind him. Hi, I'm Jack. I'm a freshman in Matthews, which as Professor Malan would agree is the best freshman house. Ok. Yes. Thank you, Matthews over there. Ok. Wonderful. Go ahead and hop in third place behind there. So these guys have formed, what I would argue is a queue. They've sort of lined up wonderfully, uh, in order to receive their sort of thank you prizes. And so, in fact, if I hand these out in the order in which they kindly volunteered. We have one.
Thank you here. Thanks very much. We have two. Thank you here. Thank you very much. And three, thank yous. Maybe a round of applause for how easy that was for our volunteers. So it was sort of equitable all around and notice that the Q actually, if we kind of geek out about this, actually had some operations associated with it. And I dare say we would somehow implement it in code as well. So a Q or a line in the real world, as we know, it is actually an example of a FIFO data type first in
first out. So that's sort of a property of this structure no matter how you implement it, that describes sort of the equity of how you put the data in and get it out. Or in this case, the human volunteers, the first one to line up front there actually got his prize first because he was indeed first in line and then the second person and the third person. So not all that interesting, you would kind of hope or expect that that's how life works when people line up or cue. But let's make this now a little
more granular in the world of coding. So if you were to implement that same structure in code, be it for a printer or some kind of ticket master type scenario where you want to ensure a FIFO property, you would generally have two functions or two fundamental operations NQ, which means to put someone in to the QDQ, which means the opposite to take someone out. And just as FIFO implies like the first in is the first one NQ, but they're also the first one out to be D QED. So just some terminology now, how could we
make this in code? Well, if we suppose for the sake of discussion that you want to have a Q like a line that can fit 50 things or 50 people in total capacity of 50 we could declare an in and make it a cons so it can't actually change and initialize that to 50. And then we could use that elsewhere in our code and we could create our own structure using type def as well. That includes this many people in an array called exactly that people, each one of whom is of type person. So I
recall from weeks past, we used the struct keyword already. We use the type def keyword already to invent our own data type called person. So let's just assume for the moment that now exists. But notice that you can actually encapsulate data types inside of data types even if you've made both yourself. So the world starts to get more interesting when you structure things in this way. But I also have inside of this new struct which indeed I'm going to call a Q in code also size. Why is it that I need to keep track of
the total capacity of A Q in code. But also apparently I constantly have to keep track of the size of the Q. It's a subtle difference but these two words mean something very distinct capacity is and always will be 50 because it's a constant but size is different how just intuitively. Yeah. Yeah. So size is going to be the current number of people or things in the queue And it stands for reason. You've got to keep track of both because otherwise you might have like 50 garbage values in memory if you want to keep track
of how many of those values are valid and represent in this case, uh persons or people. Well, you need to know if there's zero people there or one or 49 or 50 or anywhere in between. So this is how we might encode and we won't go down this road further, how we might in C code implement the idea of a queue using familiar syntax by kind of layering some of these ideas we've seen already. All right. But it turns out you don't always want cues and you specifically don't always want fi O so there also
exist in the world, these things called stacks. For instance, if playfully, I propose that I actually do own different colored clothes. In fact, I've got like a red sweater, I've got a blue sweater. But if at home in my drawer or closet, I store, all of my sweaters in literally a stack like this one here. Well, it stands to reason that if I'm doing sort of laundry frequently enough, I might wear this on Monday, this on Tuesday, this on Wednesday, then I might do a load of laundry. And so there they're back on top of
the stack and I never actually get to the bottom of the stack here. So this is a very different operation. It's not equitable in the same way. Our cue was because it would seem that the last sweater I put in is gonna be the first sweater I take out. Now, this sort of stands to reason that that's obviously how the real world works when you stack clothes together. But these things called stacks are everywhere too, like in the dining hall in Annenberg hall, there's a whole bunch of trays, presumably. And unless the dining hall is
really busy, there could be one really dirty nasty tray at the very bottom of the stack that never gets used because people are constantly taking the ones higher up until they finally refresh them and clean them in the world of technology. Like your inbox, if you use Gmail, I mean, that's actually a stack in and of itself. Why? Because when you get new mails, where do they typically visually end up? Well, sort of at the top, at the top, at the top. And if you're like me, if you get lots of emails that you don't
really necessarily get to all of them. You might reply to someone who wrote you most recently and completely blow off someone who wrote you earlier because they've been pushed further and further down, so to speak in the stack. So these data structures or these rather data types are really everywhere and stacks, therefore, suffice it to say are not fifo first in first out, the what the world calls lifo last in first out because the last sweater into the stack is the first one that I actually pull back. And so we can see this even more
clearly with three more volunteers. If you three, wouldn't mind coming on up exhibiting a LIFO property here if you want to introduce yourselves. One it as high. Here we go. Hi. My name is Michelle and I'm a freshman in Greeno. Welcome Michelle. If you want to come over here first by the table. Hi, my name is Sophie and I'm also a freshman in Green. All right, Sophie, if you want to come over here. Hi, I'm Alex. I'm a freshman in Wigglesworth. Wigglesworth. Wigglesworth. Nice if you want to come in front here. So these three have
clearly stacked themselves into exactly this data structure of stack, which is actually too bad because I only have like two prizes this time. So I think I can offer you your prize and we can offer you your prize. And unfortunately, we can just give you a round of applause because you were the first one into the ST OK. All right. We actually have a third but point is hopefully made. So thank you to these three volunteers. That's all we need to do for. But a lifo then is a data type that indeed has that property
which you might want in some contexts, like your Gmail inbox, you might kind of have to tolerate in the physical world just because of gravity and how closets and drawers work. But it isn't necessarily a property that you want of all data types. For instance, case in point in the world of printers would be kind of a noxious if a lot of people in an office or university are printing to a common shared printer, but only the person who printed most recently is the one that gets their document first. So you'll see in the real
world, not only queues but potentially stacks, especially when things maybe get unfair when you're in a store. And the cashier isn't necessarily honoring the first in first out property. But as for operations, these two have some vernacular. And so instead of NQ and DQ in the world of stacks, we actually generally say push, which means to push something on top of the stack and pop, which means to remove something from the top of the stack. But top of the stack is the operative word, you're not sort of sliding the blue sweater out from under everything
else, you're only operating at the top of the data structure. But it turns out if we think now about stacks as being this abstract idea that have these operations associated with them in code, we could actually implement them pretty much the same. So notice here, the only difference on this screen here is that I'm calling this structure a stack, but the stack still has some capacity, it still has some size. But if you sort of imagine in your mind's eye, how a stack differs in code from A Q, whatever loop you're using whatever conditionals you're
using, you're probably removing things from a stack from a different part of the array than you would from A Q. So if you just imagine maybe you start removing things from the front instead of the back at the end of the day, you can implement these abstract types using similar code here. But you're gonna have to tweak the operations to give the property that you want fifo or lifo. So again, the overarching goal of just introducing stacks and cues at this point is that there is this distinction between an abstract data type, like some way
of organizing information that has certain properties, certain operations. But you don't necessarily need to know or care how it's implemented in code because clearly you can implement it one way or the other and the actual data structures with which you are building those abstractions. So one's high level, one's low level. And indeed, that's the whole purpose of abstraction. So our friend, Professor um Shannon Duval at Elon University actually brought this same idea to life with a short video in which Jack learns the facts about cues and stacks. So we thought we for a moment to
hammer this home would dim the lights and hit play on this short film. Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jack when it came to making friends, Jack did not have the knack. So Jack went to talk to the most popular guy. He knew he went up to loo and asked, what do I do? Lou saw that his friend was really distressed. Well, Lou began just look how you're dressed. Don't you have any clothes with a different look? Yes. Said Jack, I sure do come to my house and I'll show them to you.
So they went off to Jack's and Jack showed Lou the box where he kept all his shirts and his pants and his socks. Lou said, I see you have all your clothes in a pile. Why don't you wear some others? Once in a while? Jack said, well, when I remove clothes and socks, I washed them and put them away in the box. Then comes the next morning and up by hop, I go to the box and get my clothes off the top. Lou quickly realized the problem with Jack. He kept clothes, C DS and books
in a stack. When he reached for something to read or to wear, he chose a top book or underwear. Then when he was done, he would put it right back back, it would go on top of the stack. I know the solution said a triumphant lou, you need to learn to start using a cue. Lou took Jack's clothes and hung them in a closet. And when he had emptied the box, he just asked it. Then he said, now Jack at the end of the day, put your clothes on the left when you put them away.
Then tomorrow morning when you see the sun shine, get your clothes from the right from the end of the line, don't you see said Lou, it will be so nice. You'll wear everything once before you wear something twice and with everything in queues in his closet and shelf, Jack started to feel quite sure of himself. Oh, thanks to Lou and his wonderful cue. All right. So hopefully, now that reinforces really what these stacks and queues are. Let's actually transition now to building things and building on top of where we started in week two with a
raise and really reach a peak today of sophistication when it comes to using last week's concept that of pointers to kind of stitch together in a computer's memory, really any kind of structure that we want. But recall first that erase indeed had this key property that everything was contiguous back to back to back. So for instance, if in week two onward, we wanted to store like three integers in memory, it might look abstractly a little something like this where we might put one and two and three. But the catch with the razor call is that
you have to decide in advance as per those square brackets like how big the thing is going to be. And so if you decide in advance with square brackets that you want an array of size three, but later you realize, oh, darn, I want to have 1/4 integer or 1/5 1, you might have actually metaphorically painted yourself into corner. Ideally, you would put the number four, for instance right here. But again, in the context of the computer's whole memory per last week, there's other stuff going on. So for instance, these might not necessarily all be
freely available to use because if you've got 123, multiple variables and lots of functions in your program, well, these other memory locations might be filled with actual values and as well as garbage values. So as per Oscar, the Grouch here assumed that with him just represents a garbage value. We're sure we can use that location and memory, but there might actually be valid strings like hello comma world backslash zero. And I've kind of graded out because it's separate from the one, the two and the three. But there could be another variable in your program that's
storing hello world. And just by chance because you created that variable after the array, you ended up with an H immediately after the three. So it would seem that you've indeed painted yourself into this corner and that unless you sacrifice that H and wreck that whole string, there's no room for the four. But is there, I mean, obviously there's a lot of room for the number four, not to mention the one, the two and the three because all of those garbage values don't mean you have to respect them. You can reuse those locations. They're garbage
in the sense that you use them already, but you're no longer using them. So I could put this 123 and four somewhere up here, someone somewhere here, maybe even somewhere down here. So how could I then accept the fact that I do want to grow this array? Well, I could just say fine, I'm gonna have to uh sort of bite my lip and just copy the one, the 2 to 3 to a brand new location that actually has room for or fourth value as well. And we can put the one, the two, the three and
we can now have room for the four and then we can get rid of the original array somehow. So this is a solvable problem even though we haven't had to do it in code yet. But what's a downside of this solution to growing an array to store more data. After you first created, it takes up more, well, it takes up more space in a good way. At the moment. I think it's not so much space that we're worried about here. Sorry. Yeah, we have to keep doing this again and again. So if I can put
words in your mouth, it takes more time because now just to insert one value like the number four, instead of just jumping to a free location and putting it there in constant time, I kind of have to incur linear time to copy the original array into a slightly bigger array and then add that new fourth value. So you're just kind of wasting your own time. Now there's a potential alternative. What could we do? Well, could have just allocated more space than I need from the get go. So even though I asked the compiler for three
integers, maybe it could be a little generous and just give me four secretly or five or 500 or heck 5000 so that I never deal with this problem in the future. That way everything would be super fast because I never have to waste time moving things. But what would be the downside of that approach? Sort of over allocating memory for an array. Sorry. So it's, it's a waste of space. I mean, there's only a finite amount of memory in your Mac your PC your phone. Why are you going to write code that sort of designed
intentionally that way? But arguably poorly designed because you're just throwing memory away that no one can actually use none of your other programs or apps can actually use because you just wanna make sure you can grow this array in case you ever need it. So that too doesn't really feel like a compelling trade off. But here is really a theme now that we'll see really throughout the semester and throughout computing, there's always going to be some trade off and it's very often between time and space. But as we've discussed in the past, it might be
a trade off between the complexity of your code. I mean, honestly imagine in your mind the the sort of four loop or the wild loop that now you have to write code for to copy all of that from old to new array, like that's added complexity. We're wasting my human time. We're introducing more lines of code that increases theoretically, the probability that one of them has a bug. So there's just lots of trade offs of solving problems and or really any other way. So what might we do? Well, what if we could structure our data
a little more intelligently rather than just use this super simple data structure called an array where everything has to be back and back and back. Uh Could we instead sort of treat the computer's memory kind of like a canvas such that if there's free space over here, fine. I'm gonna put something over here. If there's free space over here. Fine. I'm gonna put it over here. Can I just then stitch these things together somehow? And I mean that word deliberately because last week we saw pointers which are just addresses, but maybe I can sort of
metaphorically and as per the arrows I drew on the screen last week, maybe I can just kind of connect the locations in memory that are available so that I no longer need to care if my data is back to back to back in memory, I can just sort of follow arrows from one piece of data to another. And all we need for this is some mostly familiar syntax. One we have struct, which is the keyword with which we can create a structure, our own data type along with type de there's dot which we haven't used
that much. But we did see a while back where by using the dot operator, you can go inside of a structure to get at the name or the number field for instance in a person. And then of course, we spent last week really focused on the star operator. So the asterisk whereby you can use pointers in some way. So using just these three, we can actually build most anything we want structurally in our computer's memory. And in fact, the only new piece of syntax today is gonna be this an arrow which is just a hyphen
and a greater than sign, which as we'll see is the exact same thing of using a period and a star together, we'll see what that means in just a bit. So how can we go about implementing an alternative to arrays that actually allows us to grow and even shrink them if we want without having to move everything that already exists in memory around in some way. Well, let's see where we might begin with arrays alone. Let me go over to my uh VS code. Let me open up a program called list dot C where in
where in I'm gonna implement a very simple list initially only using arrays and then we'll swap that array out for a more sophisticated structure known indeed as a linked list. So here we go in list dot C. Let me include standard IO dot H then let me go ahead and, and sorry, let me reload the screen apologies. Sorry, it was not syntax highlighting. I should have caught that. OK? Code list dot C and they thought still not working stand by, sorry, my bad. All right. Let's try this once more. OK. This is a bug with
VS code where sometimes it doesn't syntax highlight with the correct colors and everything was sort of white and yellow there for a moment. Uninteresting. So let's actually just rewind for just a moment. All right, let me go ahead and create a file called list dot C. And in list dot C let's include uh standard IO dot H at the top, let's declare in main with no command line arguments. And then let's super simply do in list three to give myself an array called list of size three. And then just for the sake of discussion, let's
go ahead and put at the zeroth location. That is the first the number one at the location one, the number two and at location two, the number three. So even though the array recall is zero, indexed, I'm gonna use some human numbers like 12 and three in sequence like this. And then let's just do something mildly interesting like four, I equals equals zero I less than three I plus plus. And then inside of my loop, let's just print out those numbers just to make sure that they are printing as I would expect. All right. So
if I scroll up to the top of this code, there's not all that much going on other than I'm printing an array of size three with the numbers 123 and then I'm printing them out with a simple loop. All right. Let's do make list so far. So good dot slash list. And there we go 12 and three. All right. So that works perfectly fine so far. But let's actually see what would be involved if we are using a rays alone to grow and shrink this array. So let me go back into my same program. Let
me throw pretty much all of this array for the uh all of this away for the moment. And let me propose that we're gonna create the link the array in a different way in a way that we haven't done before. I'm gonna say in star list equals the return value of malo whereby I want three times the size of an in. So I've not actually created in class at least an array in this way. But if an array is just a sequence of values continue in memory and Malo we saw last week is just a
function that gives you a chunk of contiguous memory. I could kind of do things the old fashioned way and use Malo to give myself a chunk of memory and then treat the first part of it as space for an inch, the second part as space for another in the third part as space for a third inch. I'm just kind of doing things at a lower conceptual level. Of course, to use Malo, we needed to include last week standard lib dot H. So that gives me access to that and recall that sometimes things can go wrong.
What does Malo return if like there's no memory available any more null. So null two Ls in the context of memory. So if this list value happens to equal equal null, well, there's nothing interesting to do here. Let's just return one and exit the program all together. But if we don't have that error, let's assume that I did get back a chunk of memory that's big enough for three integers based on whatever their size is on the computer I'm using. So let's now initialize this array. List bracket, zero gets one, list, bracket, one gets two
and list bracket two gets three. So, just as before, I'm initializing it in the same way. But now let's suppose that like time passes and I decide that, oh, darn it, I really wish I had allocated space for 1/4 integer. Now, obviously, I can just change this code quickly. But let's assume that this is a much more complicated program. It's running all the time and maybe it's up to the user to say when they are ready to give me 1/4 integer. So this is a simplification. But at this point in my story, after some time
has passed, let me propose that, oh, darn it. I've painted myself into that corner. Let's reallocate a new array that's a little bigger. Well, how can I do that? Well, let me go ahead and temp rarely give myself a variable called temp T MP for sure. Set that equal to the return value of malo whereby I'm asking now for four times the size of an in. So I'm just sort of changing my mind later on in this program, I actually want an array of size four. OK? I still have to check that nothing went wrong.
So if temp equals equals null, then let's go ahead and return one. Then let me go ahead and copy everything from the old array into the new array. So how do I do that? Well, I can do four in, I equals zero, I less than three I plus plus, just like I was printing the thing out earlier. And I can say, put into the temporary array at location I whatever is in the original array at location I as well. So this is kind of like the string copying program we wrote last week where I did
everything manually by copying one into the other. Now, I'm just doing it more generically for integers into arrays. Then if I want to go ahead and add 1/4 number to this array, I can literally do temp bracket three gets four. And I'm saying, gets to me an assignment here and that's just adding now the fourth value to the array just like I did moment ago by plopping the four into the bigger chunk of memory. All right, I'm almost done here, but I do need to do some clean up after I have created this new array
of size four. I don't think I need the original array of size three. So recall from last week I can free the original list and that just hands it back to the operating system. And then if I want to keep this new chunk of memory around, you know what I'd rather call it list instead of temp. So because both of those are just variables, I can simply say list equals temp. And this just sort of renames that new bigger chunk of memory to be the actual list that I care about. So that moving forward in
this program, I can continue to use that array instead of the original. And heck if I want to now print this thing out, I can do four and I equals zero. I is less than four I plus plus. And then inside of this loop, I can print out using print F and present I backslash N whatever is at list bracket I, which can now go up to index four, not through but up to index four because there's four possibilities there. And then at the very end of this program, I should probably be a good citizen.
So maybe time passes again. But if eventually I should free that list itself, I already freed the temporary, the original list. Now I want to free the new bigger list as well and now I can just return successfully zero. All right. If I didn't mess this up, let me open my terminal do make list again dot slash list and I should see 1234. And I think this is now correct. But notice that just to make this simple idea, I mean, 44 lines of code just to make an array slightly bigger if you will. And there's
actually a subtle bug. This is super subtle, but it's the kind of thing you need to start thinking about whenever you're manipulating memory. And I'll draw, I'll call this one out myself. So notice that at the very beginning of this program, when I initialized space for three integers, I realized something could go wrong because list could be null. And OK, I'm gonna exit immediately by returning one. But there's another subtlety here which I didn't fix yet. And valgrind eventually might catch this for me. Notice here, I again use Malo and I did realize here, oh
shoot something could go wrong and Mao could again here return null. So I do check for that. But notice that I return before cleaning up the memory that I already asked for. So this is super subtle. But what I should really do is this second use of Malo is if I didn't have a valid return value for Malo, that's fine. But I had better free the successful value of Malo that I got earlier. Otherwise, this is the definition of a memory leak. You've allocated memory here, you're exiting your program here, but you never actually give
this memory back like that's a memory leak. And to be fair, the operating system will eventually like reclaim that memory for you. But if we use this as sort of a working principle. You should always, always, always free memory that you yourself have allocated whether it's in cases of error like this or intentionally like down here. All right, let me go ahead and just make sure I didn't break anything. Make list dot slash list and Voila we have now 123 and four. All right. So let me propose that this is not actually as annoying as
it needs to be when you want to grow a list of size three into a list that's slightly bigger of size four. There's actually one other function we can introduce today that will make our lives a little easier. Let me go back to VS code, hide my terminal window and let me propose that what we could do is actually that after some time has passed inside of Maine. Instead of allocating a brand new array like this of size four, we can actually do this instead, we can use a function that we've not seen before called
reloc and just ask really C to do the reallocation for me. And this is nice because what C is going to do is if we get lucky and it is not the case that we painted ourselves into a corner to speak. And there's no hello world right after the 123 R A lock is going to be smart. And if it can leave the one, the two and the three in their current locations, but just give you a little more memory to the right of that array. So to speak, RLO is going to do exactly that
and give you back the same chunk of but a slightly bigger version of that memory. So you therefore do not need to move everything around in the computer's memory yourself. And so I still have check that something might go wrong whereby if temp equals equals zero, if temp equals equals N I still have to exit because I can't proceed further. But what I don't need to do anymore is copying the smaller array into the larger one because real lock just takes care of that for me. So it's a nice optimization. But my God, I mean,
still like what now we're down to like 40 lines of code instead of 44 like it's not a huge gain. So is there perhaps a better way to go about this process of actually resizing arrays if and when we need more memory? And yes, now that we have access to pointers from last week functions like Malo. Now Rallo as well as free, we can actually build a memory structure, a data structure that doesn't need everything being moved around ever. We can leave everything where we put it in the first place by way of a structure
called now a linked list. So what then is a linked list? Well, let me propose that a linked list is a list whereby you're just using pointers to link things together in the computer's memory. So for instance, if here is our canvas of memory and there's a lot of places that things could end up in this story, suppose that I want to store the number one first. Well, that location happens to be available. And so I plopped the number one there. We know from last week that every bite and computer can be uniquely addressed just
like this building is 45 Quincy Street. This is maybe byte number ox 123 using last week's hex decimal notation. Now, suppose for the sake of discussion that maybe this space is being used, this space is being used, this space is being used. So there's no room at the moment immediately next to this number one. That's OK. Why don't I go ahead and plop the number two where there is room which is maybe over here. Maybe that location for the sake of discussion is ox 456. Where do I put the three? Well, maybe it ends up
over here and that happens to be location ox 789. So no longer are these three integers continuous back to back to back. They're sort of all over the place in memory. But that's OK because if I can somehow connect these dots by pointing one to the other one to the other, maybe I can kind of stitch together a data structure in the computer's memory. And I can, if we use last week's building block of pointers, let me waste a little bit of space by using another byte. Or technically, it might be as many as eight
more bytes. So this is not drawn to scale. But pointers recall typically take up eight bytes or 64 bits nowadays. But I want to draw these things more cleanly as simple rectangles here. So here's still an inch, here's still an inch, here's still an inch. But let me propose that if for every integer in this list, let me also allocate a pointer, a pointer and a pointer. So each one can point to another location. So what should this pointer point to? Well, ideally, it should point to 04 ox 456. What should this one point to
ideally ox 789? What should this point to? Well, if this is the end of the list, we need some kind of special Sentinel value. And in the world of memory, like what's the only Sentinel value we've seen thus far? That can kind of signify the buck stops here. There's no more list. So null. So ox zero really? So just arbitrarily, but universally, we decide to use zero as a special that uh a special address that just means there are no more uh numbers in this list A K A null as we saw last week. Now
this is all fine and good memory address, memory address, memory address, and we're stitching things together in this way. But you don't need to think at this low level recall from last week, you think of pointers as for the sake of discussion, like last week, you can think of pointers as really just pointing from one location to another. And so we can kind of abstract this away and just get rid of all of that and use some basic arrows instead. So how do we keep track of a linked list? Well, a a linked list of
numbers while we store the numbers themselves, wherever there's space and memory, we use some extra pointers associated with each of those numbers to kind of link us from one to the other. And then the linked list itself, it turns out we're gonna spend one final pointer that just keeps track of where the start of or the so called head of the list begins in memory. So what's the upside here? Well, the problem I claim we have solved is we no longer need to have things contiguous back to back in memory, which means we can make
much more efficient use of memory because we don't need a huge chunk of memory to be available all contiguously, especially if the program is running over time, you can just start plopping things wherever you have room. Now, for those familiar that actually can lead to something called fragmentation of memory where your data structure is kind of fragmented all over the place. But nowadays, on modern systems, not really a big deal. And these pointers allow us to get from one location to another. But clearly, even in this picture alone, there is a downside, there is a
cost for linking numbers together in this way with pointers. What is the downside of linking them together here? Twice as many? It looks like it's twice as much space and it frankly might be a little bigger than that. If these pointers are particularly large, you're spending space, but you're gaining the flexibility of no longer needing to copy everything from one smaller location to one bigger location. And if you've got lots going on in memory, you can actually use all available memory as opposed to telling the user sorry, I've got a lot of bites, it's available,
but some are here, some are here, some are here. I just don't have them all contiguous for you. That would be really obnoxious if the program can't proceed because you have enough memory, but it's not all in one place. And you don't want to spend linear time. Like shuffling everything around a linked list, just gives you flexibility. You can use what memory is available, albeit at the cost of these pointers. So it's not a win, win, but it is a trade off depending on what feature is most important to you. All right, any questions on
this year's structure called the link list thus far, any questions at all? Now? All right. So let's translate this to the simplest code that we can. And it's actually not all that different from some of the syntax we've seen here is how I might remember implementing a couple of weeks back now, a person whereby originally it was a string name and a string number. We took away those training wheels and we revealed last week that it's char star name and char star number. But this is indeed is a person. But this allowed us using struct
and type de together to create a new structure in memory that encapsulated information we cared about like a person's name and number. Well, let me propose today that we actually introduce a new term of art. Node doesn't really have a technical definition as much as it is just a container for data in memory. So node is very common in graphs and types of structures. But no, it is like a generic rectangle that stores some stuff for us. What could I put inside of this data structure in C to implement that concept of a rectangle with
both a number and a pointer to another number? Well, I can literally say in number. So inside of every rectangle A K A node is going to be an integer called number. And then this one's a little weird. I'm also going to store a pointer called next that points to another node. So we've not seen this word node before, but it's the same idea as char star. But instead of pointing to the address of a character, this variable next is going to point to the address of another node. And this is somewhat subtle and a
little annoying. But because C reads code top to bottom left to right, there's a bit of a gotcha here. I am not allowed to use the word node here if it only technically exists once I get to the final line of this code. So a little subtlety and c there is a fix though I didn't need this for person because persons did not involve linking things together in this way. But if I add the word node here, so it's a little more verbose type de struct node, then I can change this to struck node star
as well. So now I've seen them top to bottom. This can stay the same. That's the solution to that problem. And this is how everyone does it in C it's not always necessary as with persons, but here you just need to mention a little more verbosely, what is the name you're giving to this thing? So you can reuse it here from top to bottom. So what does this do for us? It just creates in code a definition for those yellow rectangles that we just drew onto the screen. How can we now actually use these? Well,
let's take a look at the code via which we can start creating a linked list. Even though at a glance, it might seem a little complicated, but it's gonna build on exactly what we did last week. So let me go back to VS code here. Let me actually get rid of pretty much everything we just did effectively getting rid of our array based implementation at the top of my file. Let me go ahead and create with type de and struct and node exactly that data structure that has a number and inside of that is a
struct node star next. And then the name of this thing itself shall be more succinctly uh node. Just to be clear, we could call node anything we want, we could call it rectangle. If that's simpler, we could call next anything we want, we could call it arrow. So these are just arbitrary but conventional choices to describe that yellow rectangle previously on the screen. All right. Now what do I do in my program to create a linked list that looks ultimately a little something like this. Well, first, I'm gonna create a pointer that is of type
node star called list and set it equal to null. What this means is that I have created on the screen over here. The pointer at far left, a single pointer that's pointing to the beginning of this list, but I initialized it to null because there is no list of numbers just yet. All right. What do I then want to do? Well, let me just do something three times just for the sake of discussion. Let me do four N I equals zero, I less than three I plus plus. But in the real world, this should probably
be more dynamic and I don't just hard code the number three. But what do I want to do? Well, if I want to achieve this picture, I think what I need to do is ultimately use Malo to create a node, put a number in there and then do it again for another node, put a number in there and then do it a third time, put a number in there and then somehow stitch these things together. So how can I go about doing that? Well, let me propose to do it this way inside of this loop
because I want to do this three times in total. Let me create a pointer called N for node and set it equal to the return value of Malo whereby I want enough memory to fit the size of a node. So I keep using size of so that the computer can just tell me how much memory I actually need for a node recall as always Malo returns the address of a chunk of memory. Hence, I must sign it to a pointer. But what is that chunk of memory going to represent a node? So that's why now
today I'm using node star instead of char star because last week, I wanted a string of memory A K A char star. This week, I want a memory for a node instead. So otherwise it's behaving the same way quick sanity check. So if N equals equals null, something bad has happened. And so I should just go ahead and return one at this point to signify error and I'll come back to the issue of potentially leaking memory later on. All right here. Now, I have the opportunity to actually go into that chunk of memory and give
it a number. So how do I do that? We'll recall that if N contains the address of a chunk of memory, just like S was the address of a string. If I want to go to that address, I can do star N and that goes to the address to the chunk of memory I just created. If I want to then go inside of that chunk of memory and access specifically something like the number field as in my struct here. Well, I can use the dot operator which we used in the past. So my dot operator
would allow me to do this dot N uh number equals. And let's just use, get in to keep things simple, simple today. Even though that's from the CS 50 library, I can go ahead and set that equal to whatever number the human types in. Now, syntactically, I need to make a little tweak here. Because of order of operations, I want to make super clear that I want to go to that address first, then go inside of that chunk of memory and set the number to whatever the human types in. Then I'm gonna go to that
same chunk of memory a little redundantly. I'm gonna change its next field to at least be some safe value that I know about. Like no, I don't want it to be a garbage value. I want to just create this rectangle and memory and know that there's nothing there just yet. All right. Lastly, what do I actually wanna do? I'm gonna go ahead and go to um let me go ahead and prepend the uh I don't wanna do this. Yes, let's go to that same note again. Let's then update its next field. No, I don't like
this. Let's pause here. So what have I now built in memory? Let's do this a little more slowly. A little more methodically by visualizing what it is we've just built. So at the top of the screen here, we're going to see one line of code at a time. And in the bottom part of the screen, we're going to see what I'm building in memory step by step. The first line of code could be this just give me a variable called list that eventually is going to point to this list. I don't like this though because
it means that it technically contains a garbage value right from the get go. So who knows where this link list is in memory? And that's why in my actual code, I said no, no, no, let's not tolerate a garbage value there. Even though this does give me a variable called list, let's initialize that to null. So that this isn't pointing to some random location. I'm just gonna use blank to indicate that it's null. So this is how I might begin the story of creating this length list. All right. What was my next line of code
that I did? Well, I indeed used Malo to allocate enough memory for the size of a node. I claim that Malo always returns the address of that chunk of memory. So I stored it in a variable called N for short for node. So where is that on the screen? That's like getting a variable called N whose value initially is a garbage value as any variable is. But as soon as I call Malo, that's like giving me a rectangle of memory over here. And so I just have to change the number field and the next field
to be the values I care about. So what did I do after this recall here? That one after doing the assignment from right to left, that effectively means that N points to that chunk of memory, I could use ox 123 ox 456. But who cares? Let's just use arrows for now to keep things visually more s uh simpler. So this variable N is pointing to that chunk of memory. Then I went to that address following the arrow and went inside of that structure. How did I do that star N dot Number gets one and that's
like actually changing the number one there. And it turns out there's actually a simplification of this. This is not pleasant looking code, it looks cryptic. You have to remember all of the symbols. I bet we could simplify it using that one new piece of syntax today. The arrow operator that I showed on the screen earlier simply means do all of this with the parentheses and the star and the dot But do it in a way that kind of reads more clean from left to right. And it kind of does if this is N and you
follow the arrow and you go to number, you get to exactly that location in memory, start at N follow the arrow and Voila, you are right at that location in memory for both number and next. So most people would actually use this syntax. So just to be consistent, let me go back quickly to VS code and just make that subtle change instead of parentheses star and dot let's just say more simply and arrow number and down here N arrow next. And that's kind of tightening up the code already. All right, what happens after this? Well,
I should probably initialize this next pointer to be some known value so that it's not pointing at some garbage value still. How did I do this? And arrow next equals null just as you saw a moment ago in VS code. So Oscar goes away and that's effectively null now. So this isn't complete. This is now really a newly allocated list of size one. But notice we haven't updated the original list. So this is actually a step I haven't done yet in code. I think I want to set list equal to N which sounds a little
weird. But if N is an address and list will want, it should be an address. All I'm doing is copying whatever the memory address is here, ox something into list which is like duplicating the arrow and pointing it from left to right as well. And then heck I don't need the temporary node anymore in my story because I've just created the first number in memory. So let's actually go back to VS code for just a moment and add that final flourish at the bottom of this four loop when I am ready to insert this node
into the list. What I think I'm gonna do is change the uh N arrow, uh the sorry, the N nodes next field to equal whatever the list itself. Well, let's see. No, let me do it exactly as we just saw, I'm gonna say list equals N the problem with this approach at the moment is that if I'm doing this in a loop, I am going to constantly update list to point to the very node I just allocated. So if we keep going through this li this loop three times, I'm gonna create a very uh a
node for two and then a node for three. But based on that line of code, I'm always just gonna point list at the most recently created node and there's gonna be no arrows, linking the three to the two to the one. And so I actually need to be a little more clever about this. And so in vs code here, what I'm gonna do at the bottom of this loop here is instead, I'm gonna do the following. I'm gonna specify that whatever ends next field is should actually be the same thing as the list. And then
I'm gonna say the list should point at N. So I technically don't need this line of code here anymore. What instead I'm gonna do is this if I go back to the picture over here and I create now a second node. Let's see what actually happens if I create a new node here with Malo and I get some other chunk of memory here. I will eventually want to point N at that just as I did before as the same line of code does the second time through my loop. If I want to change that garbage
value to the number two, I go to N follow the arrow set, it equal to two, then I go to N follow the arrow set next equal to null. This still isn't a linked list because notice the one and the two are not yet connected. But the code I just wrote inside of my loop here proposes to update the currently created node ends next field to be that of list and then update the list itself to point at this new node. So what this means concretely even though we're crisscrossing some lines here is the following.
If my next step is going to be set list equal to N as it was a a moment ago, that's bad because watch what happens if I immediately set list equal to whatever N is and N is pointing here, that's like doing this and this is bad as per the red on the screen. Why this does not link the list together? Why? Yeah. Yeah. I've like lost track literally of the very first node in in computing speak, I have orphans the very first node because no one is pointing at it anymore. And this is actually
a really bad memory leak because if you have no variables pointing to that chunk of memory, you literally cannot free it later on in your code. So it's never going to be freed and you'll just gradually leak more and more and more memory by something as simple as this. And So that's why I deleted that line of code. And I propose now most recently in vs code to do this, take the new node, follow its arrow and change its next field to be whatever the list itself is currently pointing at. So what does that mean?
Go to n follow the arrow and update this box here to be whatever the value of list is. And here again, it's a little weird because what I don't want to copy the whole list but list list is just a variable containing a memory address and that memory address is whatever the address of this first node is. So that's like saying this box should point to the same thing that list points at which is like adding an arrow in memory this way. Now that's not the finished work. There's one last line of code that I
did just add to VS code where now it is safe to update list to equal the address of the new node because the new node is here pointing at this chunk of memory. So if I set list equal to that address, ah now we're linking things together, takes a few steps. And in fact, let's get rid of the temporary memory that I created to make all of this happen. Now I'm creating a linked list. And if we were to go through this one more time around same exact code inside of that four loop for the
third and final time I would then have this structure, for instance, in memory. Now I've deliberately artistically written it sort of left to right. So it kind of flows in a pretty way. But technically the three, the two, the one could be all over in the computer's memory. But these arrows would just curve a lot and point to those locations. But I haven't quite built up the same list of numbers as before. I kind of screwed this up. What have I done wrong? It would seem here vis a vis the array that contained the same
numbers like that code is correct. It links numbers together. But what have I built in memory? That's a little different. Damn it, it's backwards, right? Like it's 321 if I read it from left to right, which I should because this is where the start of the list is the so called head of the list. And indeed 3 to 2 to 1. Now, technically, I could probably come up with some way of reversing that process, but these arrows literally point in only one direction. And because in fact, what I've actually built is what computer scientists would
call a singly linked list whereby each node points to another node. But there's no way to go in the other direction that would be what's called the doubly linked list. And I could do that, I could build rectangles or nodes and memory that have three locations, one of which points this way, the other of which points that way, then I can go back and forth and back and forth and solve that same problem. But at the moment, without some fancy code, I don't think I can print these numbers from left to right in exactly the
same way. So I built this darn thing backwards, it would seem with this code. So while the code itself is correct, it doesn't maintain the property that I wanted of keeping these things perhaps in order. So what's the implication then, or how do I actually go about recovering from this? Well, let's actually see how the list prints in practice. Let me go back to uh let me just focus on the slide here. Here's that same memory. Suppose that I give myself a temporary variable, we'll call it pointer for short, which is what a lot of
programmers would do when using pointers PTR. And if I created a variable in memory called pointer, and I initialized it to the first element of the list, I could use print F and print it out, I could then follow that node's own arrow and effectively point at the second location and print its number out. Then I could update that arrow to point to the last location and print it number out. So this idea of having PTR, this variable loop from left to right is actually something I could translate pretty readily into code here. In fact,
let me do that in my VS code here. Instead of leaving this as is, let me go outside of this four loop and propose that time passes, maybe there's some other code that I've written there. But what I really care about now is printing those numbers. So how can I do that? Well, I need to create sort of my, you know, sort of foam finger in compute in the computer's memory, which I'll call PTR. So I can do node star PTR and I can set that equal initially to. Well, how do I begin this? Let
me go back to the diagram. I want PTR to point to three first, the very first node in the list. So in code, what should I set PTR to equal? How do I access the head of the list? I don't have too many options when it comes to variables in this program. What could I set PTR to equal? Well, there's only one variable in the computer's memory that technically points at anything at this point. So the answer is on line 12, still nothing list. That's correct. So I could set PTR equal to list because just
like this diagram, if I want PTR to start at the point of the li uh to start to point at the start of the list, that does not mean that I wanted to point to this thing. This is just a variable that I'm using to keep track of where the first node is. But again, if we were to take away these arrows as an abstraction, this just contains an address like ox something. So what I really want to do is put into the PTR variable that I just created the same o something so that it's
pointing at the first node in the list. So that's like saying PTR equals list semicolon. So that PTR effectively points at that same first element. And again, this is the annoying part of pointers because they are variables but they're really addresses to other variables, that kind of thing. So you kind of have to pause sometimes and think about. All right, what is it? I'm actually moving around in the computer's memory. In this case, it's just the address of that first node in the linked list. All right, if I go back to the S code here,
the rest of the code is actually fairly straightforward and we can use for instance A Y loop. So while that pointer value is not null, so while I still am pointing at valid memory and I have not reached the end of the list, go ahead and print out using print f present I backslash N and print out the current nodes number field. So again, PTR just per this diagram is pointing at this node, this node and this node. So in code, what we're gonna do is literally de reference PTR with the arrow operator. Follow that
arrow, get the number field and print it out. The only bit of complexity now is inside of this Y loop. How do I update the arrow to go from one node to the next? Well, this too is a little mind bending at first. But what I really want PTR to equal the next time through the loop is to point at this node. Well, how do I do that? I think after one iteration I can set pr to be the exact same thing as the first node, next field. So PTR is pointing at this node. Well,
then PTR arrow next is the address I want because it points to the second node. So even though this looks a little weird at first glance, this is the canonical way to sort of iterate through a linked list. I just want to set PTR now equal to whatever PTR is now and its next field. So this is just like following the arrow, follow, doing the arrow following the arrow. And if after all of this, I open my terminal window and I do make list again, enter, there is gonna be an error which I promise I
knew was coming. But how do I fix this undeclared function? Get in kind of need those training wheels back. We just need the CS 50 library and that's fine. I just didn't want to scan it and like complicate things unnecessarily today. I just wanted to get a simple integer to play this game. So I'm gonna include CS 50 dot H at the top, reopen my terminal window rerun, make list enter. Now we're good dot slash list. And I'm gonna manually do the exact same thing as I did with the array 123 enter. Uh That's it's
backwards, but at least it is built up in memory and we can indeed see that what I have built is exactly this structure here. The upside though of having built it backwards is actually arguably a little bit efficient. In fact, what I've actually done here can lead us to kind of a discussion of like the running time of these linked lists like arrays were super fast because they were contiguous and we could search them from left to right in linear time or per week uh zero and two. If we sorted the elements, we could even
achieve logarithmic time log of N because we could do binary search again and again and again. But let's consider linked list. Here's kind of our cheat sheet of some common running times but not all of the running times in the world. How much time does it take right now to search a linked list from left to right for some value big O of N. Why is that? Well, you have to start at the start of the list, the head of the list. And if you're looking for any value, whether it's sorted or not worst case,
you might have to go from left to right all the way to the end A K A the tail of the list in this case. So yes, big O of N exactly describes Oops exactly describes um the running time of search. Why. Well, if we go back to the diagram here and actually rather sorry. So big old even exactly describes the running time of search. What about insertion, the process of adding a node, adding a node, adding a node? Here's where I actually did something arguably clever even though it kind of backfired in the sense
that things came out backwards. What's the running time per this cheat sheet of inserting a new node into the link list as we've done it so far, it's not o of no of N would have implied that we're constantly going from left to right and adding it to the end, but I wasn't adding it to the end. I was adding it to the beginning, which means big O of it's actually big o of one because the beginning of the list is always perfectly accessible to me. It doesn't matter how long the list gets. If it
has three elements or 300 elements, the start of the list is always right there in front of me via that list variable. Now, technically, it doesn't take literally one step. I think if I did the pointer, so I might have to use like two or three steps in total, but it's constant and that's what big o of one means constant in time. And so indeed, I can kind of see that here if this is my list originally and the whole thing is empty. And I insert the number three that only took one step really? Or
that took rather a constant number of steps, whether there's one or two or three, whatever, it wasn't end steps. How do I insert the two? Well, my picture looked briefly like this, that two has no dependency on how long the list already is because I'm just pre pending it to the list and the number three prep pending it to the list. So even if this thing is getting longer and longer and longer, there's no reason for me to walk or search the thing from left to right. So the upside then of this algorithm thus far
of pre pending elements is that I can achieve sure big o of N for searching, but big o of one inserting. And if I'm doing a lot of inserting into this data structure, like that is compelling as constant time always is the catch though, of course, is that things end up backwards if I care about the order in which I insert them, and maybe I do as per our discussions of stacks and cues which are fundamentally separate from this topic. Now, we're talking about low level implementation details, but I might have accidentally now created a
lifo structure instead of a FIFO structure, which might indeed be germane. So how can I sort of work around this? Well, maybe I could do something a little differently instead instead of pre pending. Well, let me see how much effort it would be to actually do a um uh maybe an app pending to this list instead. So once I build the list with the first node, ideally plop it here, second node over there, third node, maybe over there I can maintain sorted order, which is great if I do in fact care about a FIFO property
because now first one in could be the first one out because it's always readily accessible. But I think I just shot myself in the foot here. Let, let me quickly pull up some code for this and let me propose that uh my code now might look a little different. Let me open up uh vs code here and in VS code, let me go ahead and propose that if I want to append instead that I go ahead and do this, let me hide my terminal window. Let me scroll down to the bottom here. And I think
what's gonna have to change is this stuff here? I can't just blindly insert the new element at the start of the list. And that's really what was happening with these two lines of code here. So how do I do this? Well, it turns out the code is gonna get a little more complicated as a result. First, I'm gonna initialize my next field here to null just to make sure that it's not a garbage value as I originally did. But then decided, ah, it's not necessary if I'm immediately pretending it to the list. But now I
actually have to consider two scenarios and this is where sort of building things in memory gets a little annoying because you might have corner cases, things that don't happen all of the time, but might sometimes happen. And what's a potential corner case when building a data structure like this? Well, maybe at the very beginning of the process, there is no list. So you can't just blindly append it to something that doesn't exist. You have to kind of special case the start of the process. So what do I mean by that? Well, in code here, I
might do this if my list variable which keeps track of the whole thing equals null as it will at the start of the story when no nodes in the list. Well, this is easy. I'm going to store the address of the new node I just created. So I'm gonna put a comment to myself to make clear if list is empty. I am going to do this special case here, but a pending is indeed going to evolve some kind of loop. So else I'm gonna go ahead and do this and I'll add a comment here. Uh
If list has numbers already, the second case that I wanna handle is gonna look a little different. I'm going to iterate from left to right over this structure in the following way. And I won't dwell on this code because it's perhaps more detail than we need right now. But one way I could do this is as follows uh four node star pointer equals list pointer, not equal to null pointer equals pointer next. Now that's a mouthful. But we'll come back to what that means in just a moment inside of this loop. I'm gonna say the
following. If at end of list, I am going to uh so if pointer next equals equals null, then I am going to assign the next field of this thing equal to N and then I'm going to break out of this entirely. All right. So this is a mouthful. But what do I actually want to do here? Well, if this is my empty data structure initially and I want to add one. That's easy. I just set list equal to one. But then things get more Generali for the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth node because
as follows, if I want to insert this next node two, what I really want to do is start at the beginning the list and a moment ago, look for the end of the list. And as soon as I find the end of the list, as indicated by this being null. OK. Now I can append it. How do I insert the third element? Well, I start at the beginning of the list, I iterate through it. I look for the null element and then I can append that to the end of the list. So even though this
code very admittedly is probably the most complicated that we've seen thus far, it actually achieves that same idea as per my comments. So if the list variable itself is null, there's no list already. That's a super easy case, just set list equal to the address of this new node done. The harder part is every other case where we're appending to the end of the list. Now, here I'm using a four loop which is a convention. I could use a Y loop as I did for printing. But let's just think about what this does. This creates
like any four loop, a variable in this case called pointer. And it sets it equal initially to the start of the list because that's where I want my finger to point from left to right. Then I keep doing this so long as the pointer itself is not null. And then on every pass through this loop, just like with my wild loop, I want to set pointer equal to pointer next, that's like moving my less fan to point to the next node to the next node to the next node. And I want to do this so
long as the pointer is not null because once it is null, then I've gone too far. So how do I do this here? I am inside of that loop. And I'm asking if I'm pointing at a node whose next field is null. That means I'm at the end of the list because that's the one node initially, then the two node and so forth. So if the thing I'm pointing at next field is null, there's nothing more to go. So what do I want to do? I want to change that null value to be the address
of the new node. And then I'm just gonna hit break and break out of this whole loop because I'm done. So it's a mouthful syntactically even though we're using all of the same stuff we saw last week like stars here and now arrows here. But this is just asking the question as I point from left to right left to right? Am I pointing at a null ending of the list? If so just tack on one more node, please? And that's it. And again, if you're comfortable, at least with the concept of what we're doing here
appending, that's really the current goal at hand. And in fact, what I can do now is let me go into VS code here and I can actually change uh that version of my printing to be very similar if it's helpful to see one side by side. So in fact, if instead of using a Y loop at the end of this code as I did before to print this thing out, let me actually change this to be quite similar. Instead, let me go in here and say four node star pointer equals list pointer, not equal to
null pointer equals pointer next. And then inside of this loop, just as before, let's just print out present I backslash N the number in the current field semicolon. And then down here, heck I'll return zero. So in other words, what I did with a four loop is identical conceptually to what I did with a Y loop. If I undo I'm hitting control Z again and again and again, I'm just undoing all of this code, the exact same thing as this. But just as we saw in week one, you know, four loops tend to be a
little more concise, fewer lines of code than the equivalent Y loop. So that's all I'm doing here is rewriting this using the same four loop syntax. Any questions on what we just did here, even though I know this is complex. Mhm Looks like the variable is also addressed a really good question. If list and if N are very uh are uh if list and N our addresses, then where are the names of these things being stored? The compiler is actually taking care of that for us inside of the program. Long story short there's a symbol
table and those symbols map to corresponding locations and memory. You don't have to worry about that in your own code. That's one of the things the compiler is doing for you. And in fact, the names of these variables at the end of the day don't even matter. But they help the compiler keep track of where all of your usable memory is this uh that we store the address, say that once more. Uh Yes, that is correct. Let me rewind to where we built this here. Uh Which one is helpful here. So when we had n
involved earlier like this, let's go back one step further. So this is why I keep emphasizing think about what the variables actually are in this world. Now of pointers, what list is, is the address of a node. What N is, is the address of a node. So when we say list equals N, that doesn't mean anything related to the names of these things that means go into memory and grab this address and copy it over here as well. So that they are fundamentally pointing at the same thing, the names have nothing to do with it.
But again, today, I encourage you when we're talking about addresses. Think about what's actually inside the box. It's not just a number per se, it's an address, it's an address, a good question. All right. So let's clean up one other detail here. Let me propose Oops spoiler. Let me propose that we consider this question. So we've just built up a link list now that is appending nodes to the list uh upside of which is that we're actually preserving that first in first out property potentially if we care about that because it's 123. Now, instead of
321. However, have we made a dent in the running time? I don't think so because if anything, it's gotten worse no longer, are we inserting in constant time? Now, all of our pens require big o of end time. Just like our search is because we have to constantly search from left to right, search from left to right. Now. Admittedly, we could do a minor optimization, we could just have another variable that just always keeps track of the tail of the list. And that is a perfectly valid solution. It's gonna cost us a little more memory
but that's valid. But in general, when you're appending something to a list and you're implementing the list as minimalistic as you can with just one pointer called list that points to the beginning of the thing, then arguably it is going to be big o of even. But if that matters is really a question for the problem you're trying to decide. But I think there's one thing we should still do before we move on past this code. Now, I have a program that indeed builds a linked list by keeping everything uh in the same order in
which we inserted it. However, I have not yet done anything about actually freeing the memory that I've actually been allocating all this time. So let me propose to the bottom of this program before I return zero and say I'm done successfully. Let's just propose that some more time passes in the sense that maybe there's more code going on. That's more interesting. But if and when I do want to free this link list, it's actually fairly straightforward. I can specify that I want a temporary pointer called PTR again, for instance, set that equal to the start
of the list while that pointer is not equal to null. What I wanna do is this and this is where you can potentially get into trouble. I could free the current pointer and then I can update pointer equals pointer arrow. Next. In other words, if I want to free these elements, I could simply iterate. Oops, I can simply iterate over all of these addresses from left to right, freeing the pointer and then updating it, freeing the pointer and then updating it. And that's how I move my hand, my finger from left to right. This is
a problem though, it's subtle. But as soon as you have freed an address in memory, you may not touch it again. You can think of it as the operating system immediately might do something with it and it's not yours to touch anymore. Therefore, online 59 at the moment, it is not allowed for me to go to that address, check the next value and actually update pointer accordingly. It's too late for that because in 958 I already said operating system, I'm done with PTR the address they're in. But there is a simple solution even though it
might feel like things are kind of escalating if I'm not allowed to touch pointer after I have freed it. But I really do need that next address. That's fine. You can simply create another pointer called next, for instance, set it equal proactively to the next field, then free pointer as you intend, but don't touch pointer again, just touch the temporary variable that you created. So when you free pointer free is not super powerful, whereby it's just going to iterate over the entire data structure, you've, you've created it is simply going to undo one of your
malos each time you call it undo one, undo one. So if you want to undo all of them, that's up to you and me with our wild loop here to iterate from left to right, freeing the node, then moving on to the next, freeing the node, move on to the next until we hit the end of the list and we don't need to go any further. So there's still one bug and I'm gonna wave my hands at this one. But up here, recall, we did use Matlock before and it might have been the case that
this very first call to Malo failed in which case. Ok. Fine. We returned one and we're all done. But if you imagine in your mind, what if the first call to Matlock succeeds? The second one succeeds and the third one fails, you can't just abort the program on line 20 be like, oh, well, I'm out of memory at this point. Technically, before you return, I should free any memory already. Malo and I'm not gonna bother doing this now because this is gonna add undue complexity. But that's the sort of subtlety that starts to get involved
when it comes to memory and memory management. And in fact, among the motivations in a couple of weeks time, when we transition to another language called Python is that if like you're kind of, you're, you're just getting confused by this, you're zoning out. It's getting way too complex. Like a lot of people in the world feel that way and it's so easy to write buggy code. It's so easy to write dangerous code and see that among the reasons for other languages like Python and javascript and the like to exist is that we can abstract away
all of this memory stuff that you and I only have to struggle with for one more week. But even these details will still be there. But someone else will have done that heavy lifting and you'll just use languages that take care of all of this complexity for you. So hang in there for this one week when we do sort of cap things off with these concepts, but rest assured that we'll soon be able to abstract those away as well. Any questions then on what we've just done here by freeing the memory we allocated, all right,
rather than type this one out. I'm gonna show one final version of this length list implementation. That's actually gonna be a little smarter still. So if you imagine a scenario in which you don't really care about, you don't want the thing reversed, but you don't really care about the order in which things were inserted. What you really care about is sorted order. So that no matter what order you insert integers in, you want them to be sorted from smallest to largest and you want the code to just figure out where to in them at the
beginning or at the end or heck maybe even in the middle. So for instance, if we have a link list that starts with the number two, I want it to look like this in memory. If though I then insert the number one, I want it to go before the number two. So that the thing is kept sorted. If I then insert the number four, I want that to be appended. So it retains sorted order. And lastly if I insert three, I want that one inserted in the middle. And this is one that I'm going to
sort of pull out of the oven already made because this is where code just gets to be a pain in the neck. Why? Because my God, there's so many different cases to consider. If I rewind here, there's the first case where the list is empty. And thankfully, that's actually pretty easy, just plop it at the beginning of the list prep pending. Also relatively easy. We saw that before I can just prepend it to the start of the list app pending is not that hard, but now I'm doing three. So I'm sort of combining all of
these past examples into one so I can append it to the end of the list. The one piece of code we haven't written yet is how do I deal with like inserting the three in between the two and the four without orphaning the four, so to speak. Well, let me just reveal how we would do this even though you yourselves won't strictly have to leverage this in your own code. Let me go in a moment back to VS code. And what I'm gonna open up here is another version that I've done in advance. Give me
just a moment to copy things over and in this version here, I'm going to open up this version that already has some comments in place just to help guide us. So it's almost the same from the start whereby in maine I initialize list to equal null. I then in my loop am going to proceed to build a list of size three. Just for the sake of discussion, I have the same code as before. Whereby I malo one of those nodes make sure that it's not null before proceeding to get a number from the user. And
then proactively initializing the next field to be null also. So there's no garbage values in this world. But here is the beginning of those several cases that we just saw pictorially on the screen. If the list is empty, easy peasy, I can just set list equal to N as we did earlier. So I've plucked that one off but notice now I've got an LTs if Y well, if the number I'm trying to insert belongs at the beginning of the list, that is if I want to prepend this thing, OK? I can steal some code from
earlier. Update this node's next field to be whatever the current list is pointing at and then change the list to be this new node. So that's the same logic as before, whereby I want to prepend a node. So this is like starting with just the number two. I want, I noticed that oh shoot one is less than two. So I want to put the one there a K A prep. All right. There's another ELTS here. And inside of this ELTS is actually a loop with its own conditional. And this is again why I'm not doing
this one live. So eelt, it's got to be at the end of the list or it's gonna be in the middle somewhere depending on what number is inserted. So let's start at four loop whereby we iterate over this whole existing list. This one's actually pretty easy if we have reached the end of the list, as would be indicated by finding a next pointer equaling null. OK. This one too is fairly straightforward, then change the next field to be the address of this new node and then break out of this mess altogether because we are done.
This is like in our picture here having one and two in place and realizing 04 is bigger than two and one. So it should be appended to the end of the list. It's the middle case that's kind of a headache and that's the final flourish here. If I'm in the middle of the list, what do I want to do? Well, here, I'm checking this logically if the current nodes N if the new nodes number is less than the next nodes number. So I kind of have to look ahead to realize OK, I found my location
and memory. I wanna change the new nodes next field to point at the current nodes next field that's like in this picture here, updating the three to point at the four. And then in code update the current nodes next field to point at N that's like updating the two to point at the three. And then thankfully break, I can get out of this mess again because I've handled the fourth and final situation. So again, with time, with comfort, with practice, like you too could like write code like this, but it really speaks to the complexity
of trying to build up a fairly sophisticated data structure correctly in a way that uses all of these building blocks but doesn't run afoul of leaking memory, orphaning memory. And this is why memory is just hard because you have to worry about all of these little details. Questions then on any of these particulars up until now. OK. I'm happy to say that everything here on out is gonna be much more conceptual and much less code oriented. But in the meantime, we have some delicious Halloween candy and we'll see you in 10. Oh my gosh, that's
where it went. All right. So we are back and I admit that like the code that we just wrote to build a link list absolutely complicated, but representative of how you can indeed stitch things together in memory and build more interesting structures. And so here on out today, let me propose that if you're at least on board with this idea that with some kind of complicated code, but with the building blocks of pointers and the C syntax, we've seen you can stitch together data structures in memory as you see fit. Let's just take for granted
then that we could implement the underlying implementation details for the following alternative structures. And indeed, let's see if now we can draw some inspiration from the world of arrays which were really appealing now, in retrospect, because they're simple, they're fast, they're contiguous, like it was pretty straightforward way back in week two. But let's kind of mash together array with this idea of linked list or at least more generally stitching things together because maybe we can kind of get the best of both worlds because ray arrays recall give us contiguous. That means we can potentially do
binary search, especially if the uh if the data is already sorted. But of course, we paint ourselves into a corner with a rays because they might not be big enough for future data. So then we introduce link list and link lists are wonderfully dynamic. We can make use very creatively of memory. But with the catch with link lists, of course, is that we're using extra space, the code got more complicated. So it's sort of the seesaw going back and forth as to what we actually care about. Well, it turns out that a very common data
structure in computing is that known as a tree sort of like a family tree, which we've mentioned before where you sort of have this upside down tree structure where a root is so called up here. And then you might have Children and grandchildren and so forth. So it sort of grows on the screen top to bottom, much like a real tree, sort of grows bottom up. But a tree as we'll soon see is sort of a two dimensional data structure. Whereas everything we've seen thus far is pretty much one dimensional like an array is just
left to right. And even though yeah, linked lists can kind of go up and down and around in memory. At the end of the day, it's still a left to right linear or one dimensional data structure. So what if we start to use a second axis, so to speak. Well, it turns out there's specifically a type of tree in the world called a binary search tree, which is this two dimensional tree like structure that you can actually perform binary search on. Because we did pay a price too with linked lists. You can't do binary search
on them even though you get all the upsides. We discussed the flexibility, the dynamism. Why can you not do binary search on link lists? Might you think based on how we've drawn them thus far? Yeah, exactly. Because there's this long string like data structure that you can't just go backwards on. I said like unless it's a doubly linked list, you can't go left and right. And there's no mechanism for jumping to the middle, right, no matter if you have arrows going left or right the only way to get to the middle is to sort of
traverse frankly, the whole thing, figure out how long it is. Then do it again, 50% as much time to get to the middle. So that doesn't seem like very instant constant time access. So long story short on link list, you cannot do binary search, which means the best we're really going to do for most of those operations is big o of N unless we do the whole pre pending thing and achieve some constant time access. But that would seem to get us in trouble by slowing down other operations eventually. All right. So what is a
binary search tree? Well, here's an array as we've seen in the past this one with seven doors if you will. But I've deliberately drawn it very one dimensional. But let me color code this a little bit. So as to highlight where the middle is where the middle of the middles are and where the middles of the middles of the middles are in this case. So we now have three different colors on the screen here whereby the four was the first middle, the two and the six were potentially the left, middle or the right middle. And
then the one, the three, the five, the seven are similarly in the middle, depending on whether you go left or right. But I'm going to draw it this way because let me propose that this is an array at the moment. So we do have the ability to do binary search, but we don't have the ability to grow or let alone shrink this structure. But suppose that's a goal, we'd like this thing to be able to grow and grow and grow and maybe shrink over time. Well, what if I redraw this array by using some pointers
in memory kind of like this? I've just kind of exploded it vertically so that you can see more clearly that we actually kind of do have like a family tree like structure here. If we think of four as the root and two and six as the Children of that root and 135 incentive and as the grandchildren of that root, so to speak. And in fact, if I draw some lines to make this more clear, I indeed think that's what we have. Now at the moment, I've drawn things more abstractly. I'm just using simple squares. Now,
I'm not drawing rectangles with numbers and pointers. But these arrows do imply that each of these nodes containing a number also contains not even one but two pointers now. And in fact, that's where we get our second dimension. Suppose that each of these nodes, these containers for data contain not just a single pointer but two pointers, one for a left child, so to speak, one for a right child, so to speak, that would seem to give us the ability to build this thing up sort of two dimensionally in memory. And what's the implication of having
built this up in this way? Well, how much time does it take to search this data structure now? Well, I can still do binary search even though pointers are involved because so long as you keep track of the root of the tree, always with like one special pointer called root by convention. Well, I can decide whether the number five is in this tree by starting at the root. And I know that five is obviously larger. So I can follow, instead of jumping to the middle of the middle, I can literally just follow the arrow to
the right child. Now, I know five is less than six. So I can just follow the arrow to the left child. And voila there is the number five or maybe it's a dead end in which case five might not be there, but I can implement binary search, not even with doing arithmetic. Like in the case of arrays, I can just literally follow these arrows. So long as I built the data structure in this way. Now, how can I do this in code? Well, here we're not going to write actual code with the code, but here
is how I might implement a data structure for this in memory. Well, I could redefine the notion of a note as being no longer a number and a single pointer to a next field this was how we defined earlier a node for a linked list. But let's reuse the notion of a node is just container for data and instead build a node for a binary search tree. As we've just shown, let me make a little more room vertically there. And let me propose that a node in a binary search tree that looks like the colorful
picture should have one pointer called left, another pointer called right that are going to literally point to other such nodes. And if it's null, that just means you're a leaf of the tree, which means you're at the very bottommost level with no additional Children. So this is indeed exactly how you could build using the same building blocks as before break. A more complicated two dimensional structure in memory. But gain back the ability to use binary search, which means now our running times are back in play such that a data structure like this can finally give
us whoops can finally give us big o of log and running time. But what's the downside if I'm now pitching this is like you want binary search trees now instead of just a raise or just a link list because you get back binary search. But you still have the dynamism, the grow ability of a link list. What's the downside of what we've just done? Yeah. Yeah. I'm just wasting more and more memory. It takes up more memory because I have not one but two pointers now for every node which might be problematic might not. It's
really a design decision ultimately. But I will stipulate that this is a very common design when you do have a structure and memory where you do want this kind of ordering to it and you don't want to waste time. Like we saw with the rays constantly copying or moving things back and forth around in memory. What's nice too about two dimensional data structures like the binary search tree and binary search tree just means to be clear that you can do binary search on it. Why it means that every node's left child is less than the
root and every node's right child is greater than the root or equal to technically would be allowed as well. And that's in fact, a recursive definition because why I can apply it here, the left child of this node is smaller, the right child of this node smaller. The left child of this note is smaller, the right child, sorry. I meant to say larger before the left child of this node is smaller. The right child of this node is larger. So that is true for every node including the leaves that just happens to have no Children.
So it certainly doesn't violate that same definition. So anytime you have this sort of recursive structure, just like the Mario bricks a while back. So can you use recursion in code? So I'm going to show code. But we're not going to write code, we're not going to run code. But here's code using recursion to search a binary search tree. So think of this as the implementation of binary search but on a two dimensional tree structure instead of an array if you pass in a pointer to the tree itself. So a pointer to the so called
root and you give me a number you're looking for here is how I could search a two dimensional binary search tree that someone else has already built. I can first pluck off the easy base case if the tree you've handed me is null. Well, I'm just going to return false. Obviously, the number is not in this tree because there is no tree. That's easy else if the number I'm looking for is less than the current nodes own number, think about that root. So it might have been that first number in the tree like numbers. Uh
like that's like the number four think of that as the starting point. So if the number we're looking for is less than the roots number, well, then let's go ahead and search the left sub tree for that same number. If the number we're looking for is greater than the current nodes number. Well, search the right sub tree for that same number. E final case. If the number you're looking for equals the number in the tree, the node that you've been handed then just immediately return true, you found it. And this is an unnecessary piece of
logic that can just be our elts condition there. So just like the phone book back in week zero where we were dividing and conquering, dividing and conquering by splitting the thing again and again and again, that's literally what we're doing here. Even though I'm using search here and here in my search function A K A writing a recursive function. Every tree I'm passing in is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. So if we rewind to the picture, it's start, it's like starting here and then deciding, oh, wait a minute, I'm looking for something over here.
So let me just kind of snip that sub tree and focus only on this one and then snip, snip, snip and you're essentially having the size of the tree each time just like we were having the size of the phone book. So we're already starting to sort of reuse ideas from back there in week zero. Well, what more can we do here? Well, let me propose that with binary search trees, we now have the ability to not only gain back uh binary search but to trip over ourselves again, by introducing a new problem, like it
seems straightforward that my binary search tree as of a moment ago was beautifully balanced. Like this is a nice logarithmic data structure. And in fact there in lies the having because you are uh splitting each node into two Children, two Children that's like pulling up these nodes much closer to the root than they would be if it was just a long stringy array or a long stringy linked list, the height of this tree. In other words, is log base two of N where N is the total number of nodes in the structure. But I had
to go to great lengths in making this slide. But also in code, if we were to write the code, we'd actually have to jump through some hoops to make sure that when we insert numbers into this structure and when we delete numbers from this structure, that everything stays nicely balanced in this way. But let's consider a sort of a perverse corner case whereby the numbers, you insert one after the other just happened to be an unlucky ordering. For instance, suppose I insert the number two first. OK? Easy. It's the root of the tree. Suppose then
I insert the number one. That's easy. I I, it gets to the left, then I assert the number three, I'm getting really, really lucky so far. So good. That would lead to a very balanced tree of height log N because everything is nicely balanced. But what if it's not that simple, simple. And indeed, we have this perverse case whereby I insert the number one. OK? No big deal. It becomes the root. OK? I insert the number two. OK? No big deal I don't have a third node yet, but that's not problematic. But what if the
next number I insert is a three. Well, if I want to maintain the binary search tree proper, that every node's left child is less than, and every node's right child is greater than the value in the node. I can't put three here just to keep the thing balanced like that would throw everything off. So three has to go there. And in your mind's eye, continue this logic, I insert four and then five and then six. Just because I get unlucky and I get the sequence of numbers or the users being difficult and giving me the
worst case scenario. What is my binary search streak effectively devolving into a linked list? And so the catch with binary search trees is that even though if they are nicely and beautifully balanced, do allow you to do binary search and achieve log base and uh base and running log base two FN running time. You have to put in some effort to ensure that it actually does in fact stay balanced. So in the worst case, inserting into a binary search tree could actually be linear because it just gets long and long and long and stringy with
just one perverse branch unless you're smart about it. And in fact, with that previous picture, you know, there's, there's clearly a solution here. Like what would you do if this is what your tree was devolving into, you know, I'd kind of get in there and like, kind of like ro it around there so that two becomes the new route and then one's a left child, three is the right child. But you can kind of imagine from before break, like, oh, now someone's got to implement that code and people have. And that's actually a discussion for
higher level algorithms classes, how you can maintain balanced trees. But it does involve some cleverness with the pointers and updating things and essentially rotating the tree around if it starts to get too long and stringy. And so in general, with binary search trees, if you do make that optimization and you maintain balance, it does not devolve ultimately into big on, you can ensure that it stays in la even for not only searching but insertion and deletion as well. So as long as you don't just blindly stick it in, but you kind of rejigger things as
needed to keep things nicely balanced. OK. Questions on this notion of a tree and specifically a binary search tree difference being binary search tree has that special property of left child and right child being less than and greater than respectively. OK. Well, here's another data type abstract if you will known as a dictionary. And we talked about di um so another data structure is that of a dictionary and a dictionary is actually something with which we're all familiar with in the human world, whether it's in English or any other human language that associates words with
definitions. You can kind of think of a dictionary as being like this two column chart whereby you've got a word on the left and its definition on the right word definition, word definition turns out that this is actually a wonderfully useful data structure to have access to beyond lists, beyond raises beyond trees, even the ability and code to associate words with definitions or more generally, what we'll call keys and values is just super useful. Why you can implement a phone book as what really is a dictionary instead of thinking of it as a word and
a definition, think of it as a name and a number. And throughout the world, there's just such a common need for associating something with something else. A dictionary lets you do that associate keys with values. The keys are very often strings like someone's name for instance or a word. The values are very often also strings or maybe numbers, phone numbers or the like or even structures like persons that have not just names and numbers, but email addresses and student ids and bunches of other information as well. In fact, in a few weeks time when we
focus on databases, we'll return to this paradigm of having keys and values to get at interesting data that we care about. Well, where do you see these w phone books, whether it's physical or virtual in a phone book. Of course, we've got like names ideally alphabetized by first name or last name. And then the value might be John Harvard's for instance, actual number there in. So dictionaries are sort of everywhere even though you might not in the real world think of them as such. But indeed, if you were to implement a phone book as a
dictionary, it's sort of like these two columns name and than a number. Um the catch though with or rather the appeal of a dictionary really is that you ideally want it to be super fast. And that was the goal of the phone book too. I could either do the linear search one page at a time. I could do slightly more intelligently two pages at a time plus an extra step to double back if need be. But log in as of week zero was like as good as it got when actually searching for information. But it's
what if I told you that there's maybe a way to implement this idea of a dictionary, otherwise known as an abstract data type that just has keys and values. But I could implement it with a data structure, an actual data structure that maybe actually gives me constant time. Like that's sort of the holy grail of algorithms and data structures. Can you build it so cleverly that there's no dependency on N you can just get at data super super fast, constant time maybe not one step, maybe two or three but super, super fast. And that's in
fact where we'll focus for the remainder of today. Can we find this holy grail of a data structure and algorithm that gives us constant time access? And all we have to play with is time and space and maybe pointers and memory. I think we have all of the building blocks thus far. So how might we set out on this particular goal to achieve that? Well, let me give us one new building block or ingredient, which is this notion of hashing. So hashing relates to what's known as a hash function and hash function like any function
takes input and produces output. And the idea of a hash function ultimately is that it allows you to decide where some value goes in memory. So for instance, here are by design four buckets on stage for the four s uh suits of a deck of playing cards, for instance. So we have the spades, the hearts, uh the clubs and the diamonds here. And if you had a deck of cards like 52 cards here, we've got the Jumbo version online. Um How much you go about like sorting these in order from like 234 on up to
Jack Queen King with the ace, either at the top of the bottom, depending on what you prefer. How could you go about sorting these? Well, you could kind of just like uh you know, spread them all out and start making a mess of things and figure it out and it takes some number of steps to get through all of the cards. But, you know, a lot of us myself included would probably bucket ize the values just to make the pro a big problem. Uh The same as like four smaller problems. Like give me all the
hearts, all the diamonds and the other two suits in separate piles and buckets is actually a term of art in computing to bucket, tize something means to put it in, put a, uh an input into a, a location. So what do I mean by this? Well, here we have uh the four of clubs. So we'll put this in here, the queen of clubs and here eight of spades here. And as I do this, of course, I'm sort of making the problem smaller and smaller. So that at the end of the day, it's gonna be easier
to sort like 13 of these cards instead of all 52. So here we have the six of diamonds that we have a bug. So like this, this, the program would crash if you don't actually have a bucket for it. So that's sort of an exception. Uh Here we have another two and a 10 and even though this is still gonna take me 52 steps, I bet you if you timed me, I could sort four buckets of 13 faster than I could sort one bucket of 52. And that's sort of the general idea, bucket organization helps
sort of uh quan um take an infinite or a very large domain and map it to a smaller range of values. So from 52 possible inputs or 53 into four possible range values. So that's actually a building block, an idea that we can use and hash functions are simply math or code that does exactly that takes as input some value and spits out as output some other value. But the key is that you go from a large or an infinite domain, any possible number of inputs to a very well defined finite range of values for
in this case, uh for instance, and it turns out that if you're on board with this idea of using hash functions, code or math functions that take as input this and produces output that we can actually build something that are called hash tables using that. And a hash table as we're about to see is essentially like the offspring of a ha of a array and linked list together. It's somehow a combination of the two. So for discussion's sake, I'm actually going to draw an array vertically which we don't normally do. But who really cares? These
are just artist renditions anyway. So here's an array with 26 buckets for instance. And suppose that I'm implementing a hash table that I want to ultimately store names of people for instance, so that I can implement a dictionary, key value pairs or more specifically a phone book. So again, here we see the distinction between a dictionary is this abstract data type that just has keys and values. A phone book is a specific example thereof. But a hash table is one way to implement a dictionary. Another way to implement a di dictionary would just be a
really long array. And you just put all the names, the numbers in one long array or use a link list and you put all of the names and numbers in one long list. The downside of those of course is that maybe it's big O of N, maybe it's big, big O of uh log N, maybe it's big O of N, but I'm talking about constant time. Now, I'm trying to take a step toward a data structure that maybe somehow leverages the boast of best of both worlds arrays and link lists and gets me closer to
constant time. Constant time using hashing is one technique to get there. So here are 26 buckets drawn vertically. And let me propose that this location zero represents the letter A, this location 25 represents the letter Z. So depending on someone's name, they're gonna end up over here over here or somewhere in between. I think that's not all that inter, that's not all that new, but it's an incarnation of uh bucket instead of four buckets, I've got 26 buckets and I'm going to use a person's name as, put specifically the first letter of their name as
input. So, how might this work? Well, here, I've numbered them for the sake of discussion. Now, let's more use their ask you letters that correspond A through Z and suppose now that once you're on board with that model, I want to insert someone like Mario into this. Well, I think I'm going to put this at location 0123456789, 1011 12. Even though it's the 13th letter, it's zero index. So Mario with an M ends up in this bucket here. So to speak more specifically in this array location, everything else for the moment is null. Then maybe
we insert Luigi. Well, L comes before M. So Luigi goes in this location 11 here instead, maybe then we have Peach who goes in this location here because her name starts with P instead. So this actually seems like a great system. So far we've got Mario Luigi Peach and maybe all of the other Nintendo characters in here. Ultimately, how many steps does it take to look someone up? It's already constant time, right? Because if you give me Mario, I just know. OK. M I can do the asking value trick that we did weeks ago. That's
12 boom. I can jump in an array with constant time to a specific location just using square brackets, you give me Luigi, I figure out L boom, there's Luigi peach P got it. There's her number. So already I seem to have a system because I'm hashing on not the suit of a card but the first letter in a name that's given to me as a string as input, I can find you that name and presumably number in constant time. But this is gonna mess up quickly, especially if you're a Nintendo fan. What could go wrong
with this model with 26 buckets like this? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what's gonna happen as soon as I have two characters whose names start with the same letter in the Nintendo Universe, this is eventually surely going to happen so far. I've gotten lucky with all of these other characters, but I do think indeed before long, I'm gonna have what we're gonna call collisions whereby here two L names somehow collide and I need to deal with this in some way. Now, one way to deal with a illusion in this sense was OK. I want to put
it here. OK. Mario space is taken up, I can put it where the N names would end up going, but that's a little stupid because now I'm just gonna make a mess of things eventually if I just resort to randomness or first available spot and I'm definitely not gonna get constant time, that's gonna quickly devolve into linear time because it might be all the way down here if that was the first available spot. But what I could do if I keep going link for instance, just added in. No pun intended, I could kind of link
all of the similarly named uh names together using a linked list here. And so this is why I say hash table is like an array of linked lists because here's the array, it's kind of like your quick cheat sheet, your buckets for getting into some of the data quickly. But then if you do have collisions, OK? OK. Let's deal with it by just having any linked list that can dynamically grow and even shrink as you add or delete people from this address book here, a wire link list. Well, I could use an array, I could
use a massive two dimensional array. But in your mind's eye, you can just imagine how much space you're wasting. If you're pre allocating 26 times 26 locations here or something like that, just to fill just to have enough room from the get go for these names. Let me go ahead and add a whole bunch of others from the Nintendo Universe collisions are actually gonna happen pretty commonly. And there's actually this principle in statistics known as uh the birthday problem whereby if we surveyed everyone's uh birthday in this room, essentially with a small number of people
in the room, we would have a very high probability of collisions. And so here too, even if you don't recognize some of these names pretty quickly, do you end up having collisions in a world where you're just looking at, for instance, the first letter in someone's name? So, unfortunately, this is not a great outcome. Why? Because imagine the perversion of this scenario, suppose that we get really unlucky and every darn name in this world starts with L. Well, it doesn't matter that you have this array and it doesn't matter that you're calling it a hash
table. At the end of the day, this algorithm for a hash table could still reduce to big O of N because in the most perverse case, all N names are in the same bucket and the link list at that location. So who really cares that you're calling it a, a hash table, you're not using 25 for instance of the locations. But that's sort of a theoretical risk is that really going to happen in practice now? Definitely with Nintendo, there's a lot of collisions here. But that's because my hash function is actually pretty naive. I chose
a fairly simplistic hash function, but maybe I could be a little more clever about that. And in code, I could take into account more than just the first letter. So for instance, if I want to get closer to this holy grail of constant time access, let's just think a little harder and implement this data structure. A little more intelligently. Well, first and foremost, it doesn't take that much effort to implement the code for this here. Again, as we've seen for a couple of weeks now is how you might implement structure for a person. Well, how
might we go about implementing a hash table using type de and struck and pointers as we've now seen? Well, I would propose that we could implement a node for people as having a name and a number just like always but also a pointer to the next one. So in the picture you saw earlier where we had Mario and Luigi and peach, each of them was this rectangle. As I drew it, you can think of each of those rectangles as a person structure. But in addition to having a name and somewhere in there, a number, there
was also a little bit of space left over for the next pointer to someone else whose name starts with the same letter. So implementing this in code is actually not all that hard. And in fact, if you want to have a hash table of size 26 no big deal, just say you want a table or whatever you want to call this thing of 26 node pointers. In other words, that vertical that I drew had 26 locations, each of those was initially null. I propose because the hash table was empty, but it was really a list.
Uh It was an array of 26 pointers because each of those could be the pointer to the beginning of a linked list. So this is how you can implement a hash table and code sort of one line. At least at a glance, you still need all of the functions to insert and uh delete and so forth. But this would really just be a hash table using all of the same ideas as in recent weeks. But what if we get a little smarter indeed about the hash function? So here's how we describe problem solving all this
time. A hash function is just sort of the algorithm in the middle in this story. So if we input Mario as input, the output should be 12. If we input Luigi as input, the output should be 11 and so forth. But if that's the problem, we keep returning 12 and 11 and other such numbers a lot. Well, let's not look at the first letter alone. Why don't we look at the first two, the first three letters? And I bet probabilistically we can drive down the probability of these collisions because there's not that many people whose
names in the Nintendo universe start with Lak or Lin or Lu I that really lowers the probability of collisions by increasing in this way, the number of buckets and I haven't even drawn them all dot dot dot Just means there's other combinations permutations of English letters there, but I can just increase the number of buckets instead of four instead of 26 I could actually increase it to 17,000 plus. If I do it in this way, looking at the first three letters that would seem to really, really help, it doesn't make the code all that more
complicated here. For instance is how you might implement and see pretty simple. If naive hash function given a word A KA A string, you want to return an integer like zero or one or two or 11 or 12 or so forth. So we've seen two upper before in the C type library, just look at the first letter in word, convert it to uppercase just so the math is simple, subtract capital A which we know is already 65. And this function as is we'll always return a number from 0 to 25. So you can imagine in
your mind we won't do it on the screen. But you can imagine just maybe looking at word zero and word one and word two and doing some similar math and returning a number between zero and roughly 17,000 instead to get back a much larger data, uh much larger hash table instead. What's the downside there? Because I'm proposing that the code is not that hard, it's like a couple of extra lines. What's the downside of having a bigger hash table wherein much less likely to have collisions? But of the latter. Yeah, you're reserving much more space
up front. In fact, the dot dot dots on the screen were really because I didn't want to draw a microscopic array with 17,000 locations which most of which are not actually going to get used. You start wasting space at that point and it becomes a little silly because in the world of Nintendo, it's probably a pretty sparse universe, so to speak, whereby you don't have any names to my knowledge that start with AAA, let alone A A B or A AC or BBB, I mean, there's thousands of permutations that just are not going to be
useful. So that maybe isn't the best solution instead as an aside, you'll see two in problem at five that you might want to hash on an input value like word which you can maintain. Do I want to say this as an aside, you can also specify that these inputs are constant because as an optimization, you know that the words coming in are not going to change. Um And as an aside, let me propose that with an actual hash function. If you know the array is zero indexed, you don't need to even return an in, you
might as well return an unsigned value so that it's zero on up no negative sign, which would be an optimization here. But that still doesn't change the fundamental reality that adding more complexity beyond this is going to certainly increase, it would seem the amount of memory that we actually use. So maybe the fundamental problem is that just looking naively at the first letter in someone's name is maybe not the best solution anyway. And in fact, at the risk of disappointing the whole hash table, even when we use three letters of a person's name, you know,
technically speaking, theoretically speaking, it is still big o of N because even though it's unlikely you could imagine a perverse scenario where all of the names you insert somehow start with the same first three letters. There's no guarantee in this model that you're going to avoid that. What then is the appeal of a hash table to begin with? Well, if you've got 26 buckets or heck 17,000 buckets, let's call it K as a constant. Well, really, if we get into the weeds, you know, if you have a uniform distribution of inputs, that is to say,
if you have a bunch of random names that are not all perversely starting with the same letters, you know, technically, those linked lists that I described coming out of the array are going to be probably on average N divided by K because if you've got K buckets again, whether it's four or 26 or 17,000 on average, hopefully each of those link lists, A K A chains is going to be N divided by K. Now, we know from our discussion of big O in the past that like if you have a constant value like a number
or a lower order term. Like who cares? That's still really big of N. But here is now in week five where we see kind of a dichotomy between the theoretical running time of an algorithm and the actual wall clock time of an algorithm. Like the reality is if you take the size of your data and divide it by 26 let alone 17,000, it is going to be way faster if you look at the clock on the wall or the time on your wrist than it would be if it were actually running in N steps alone.
So yes, hash tables technically are in N divided by K, which is really just big O of N. But in practice, if you are smart and if you are clever about the hash function you use and ideally use something that's more clever than just looking at the first letter you can probably create in the best case in uh um an ideal hash function that somehow magically it would seem ensures that you never have collisions. Because if you can find that ideal hash function or at least a really good hash function, the probability of collisions is
probably gonna be so low that even if occasionally the thing devolves into linear time, most of the time, it's going to be indeed constant time. A K A big O of one. So in short hash tables, not really constant time, but with a good hash function, they can be pretty darn close to constant time. But there's one final data structure we thought, thought we'd introduce today, this one pictorially for the most part. And that's known as a try, which is somehow short for retrieval, even though that's pronounced somewhat differently. But try means it's a data
structure for retrieving data. It is an alternative data structure via which again, we can implement uh dictionaries key value pairs. And to be clear again, you can implement a dictionary with an array, a linked list. Now a hash table now a try as well, but we get different running times based on those various structures. So a try is a tree of arrays. You can think of it as so frankly, all we're doing now is just kind of mashing together things we've already talked about and seeing what kind of weird Frankenstein data structure we come up
with. But in this case, it's actually gonna give us I think true constant time, but with a downside. So here's the beginning of a tribe. And a try is indeed a tree of arrays and each of those arrays represents a letter of the alphabet typically A through Z. So let me stipulate there's 26 boxes here written horizontally because I just want it to fit on the screen more like a typical array. And the way you use the arrays in a try is to have an array of pointers And if the person's name starts with a,
you sort of use one of those pointers to point at another node, which is just another array for the second letter, and then a third array for the third letter, 1/4 array for the fourth letter. And essentially you use arrays for each of the letters in your input strings. So what do I mean by that? Well, here might be that array of size 26 A through Z suppose that we want to insert like tot into this data structure initially or maybe shorter toad for instance, one of the characters from Nintendo. So here is t location
here and I've just highlighted it because if I have a word that starts with T, I'm going to actually change this null value to be a pointer to another array. And that second array shall be used to represent second letter in this person's name like O and that letter is going to map to another array whereby this location a in to points to finally 1/4 array, whereby now at the D location, we have some kind of Sentinel value, some kind of variable that says X marks the spot a name ends here. So there's a way
to do that in memory, but we're using four arrays, one for each letter to map out the person's name. But we can go further suppose that there's another character in this universe like Todt, which is a super string of this string. So it's a longer version thereof. That's fine. We can just add a pointer from the D location to another array. Then from that arrays E location to another array, then from that T location to another array. And from that uh that arrays E locate from that sorry, from that arrays T location to a final
array E. So in other words, each of these arrays is just an array of 26 pointers or really 26 structures of some sort. And somehow in green, we're just indicating that a name ends here and with the E A name ends here and we can do this again if we have Tom, for instance, as a third name, we don't need any of these arrays. We can actually encapsulate Tom in the first three of those arrays. Now suffice it to say this is a lot of arrays. But what have we gained? Well, if you imagine this
data structure getting crazy large with lots and lots of names and lots and lots of arrays inside of it, it turns out that the amount of time required to look up someone's name or to insert someone's name has no dependency on how many names are already in the structure case in point when I added Tom a moment ago, there was all of this bulk in the data structure already, but we didn't have to traverse any of that because we just go TOM and we don't depend on how big the data structure already is. It does
not depend on n technically, how much time does it take to insert or to delete or to um to search for someone's name in this? It would seem to depend only on the length of the person's name. So to ad E tt E so I think that is eight steps total for finding Todt four steps total for finding toad, three steps total for finding Tom. Those are really small numbers. And if you imagine there's surely some upper bound on how many characters are in the longest name in the world. I don't know if it's like
10 or 20 or 50 or whatever, but it is finite. It has nothing to do with the total number of words in this tree in this this tree. And so the implication then is that the amount of time it takes to search for, to insert to delete. And a name in a try is by definition, constant time, big O of one, maybe it's big o of two, maybe it's big O of 50 but it's not dependent on N because as massive as the structure gets 1231234123456 78, that's all the steps it takes to find any
of those names. It's dependent only on the length of the name itself, which itself, which has some kind of upper bound. So how might we implement this? There's, this is probably the most common way. We just redefine a note in the world of tries to now be a structure like this that contains one in array of 26 more pointers each of which points to a node. And then we need some other value. I'm calling it chart star number because I want this try to be storing people's names implicitly and numbers explicitly. So if I want
to store something like +194946 52750, like John Harvard's number, I'm just gonna store it as a string inside of the same structure. So a moment ago when I had the little green dots, the green dots in the array just meant that this string is not null. It's someone's actual number, which means if you see a non null number, well, there's Toad's number, there's Todd's number, there's Tom's number instead, this is a sufficient data structure to implement that notion of a try. All we need. Of course is one pointer to the root of the whole darn
thing. And so ultimately, like we found our holy grail like tries are by definition constant time because no matter how big the data structure gets, there's no dependency on how many elements are already inside of it. It has no effect on the running time per se, but it must come at a cost. What's the trade off then? For a try space, what, what space uh the space to store all those. Yeah, the space to store all of those arrays. This is like the logical extension of not using three letters of a person's name, but every
letter of a person's name and the math, there just means a massive amount of memory because you need an array for every possible letter of the alphabet would seem even if most of those letters are not actually used because there's just no name that needs those particular letters. So by six, difficultly using more memory or space, you can significantly decrease time. And so that too is potentially a trade off. You may or may not want to make. So today was ultimately about introducing a bit more complexity. The last of our complexity and c and these
building blocks of pointers and memory to sort of stitch these things together. And I'll stipulate ultimately that the kinds of data structures we've talked about today, whether it's cues and stacks at the beginning or linked lists in some form or dictionaries, key value pairs, phone books and the like they're sort of everywhere and even hash tables you can find in like Harvard Square or in New Haven as well. For instance, this is a photograph from this morning of a certain uh takeaway restaurant with which some of you might be familiar. Anyone know what place we're
looking at? Sweet Green. So Sweet Green, a little salad shop in Harvard square. What are you looking at? Like this is a photograph of the shelves. They used to distribute salads when you order them in advance online. But what really is this? Like, all your friends will be very impressed that you now see hash tables everywhere, right? This is effectively a hash table. Why? Because when someone has a salad with their name on it that came out of the computer, they're gonna put it in a specific location. This is location A through E, this is
F through JK through, no through Z. And so they're hashing it to one of these four locations, not unlike one of these four buckets. Of course, here, they're not using really in a of linked lists that can grow endlessly. This is actually sort of like an array of arrays because I can only imagine storing like so many salads on the shelf. And just imagine, I'm sure this happens during the busiest times. If you go in at like 12:30 p.m. and lots of online orders have come in if they run out of space, for instance, in
the A through E section, where do they probably put the next salad? Even if that person's name starts with A through E, you know, maybe over here, maybe over here, like to my point earlier, you can kind of just pop things anywhere. And so the real world like this data structure might indeed devolve. But I do dare say after today, you'll start to see hash tables and trees and tries and all of these structures in different places. And hopefully what we've given you now in a CS class is sort of a mental model for the
upsides and downsides of these structures, but also the technical skills with which you too can build them virtually as well. That's it for today. And we'll see you for Python next.
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