The Business Expert: The BEST Way To Make Millions (Sell THIS!) ft. Myron Golden | #TheDept Ep. 39

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Omar Eltakrori
In this episode of The Dept. Omar talks with Myron Golden on how to create, convey and convert offer...
Video Transcript:
funny we were golfing yesterday right I yelled at your card I was like Hey that one event you did how did it go what was the offer and then the guy that was carding with me was like hey what did you mean when you asked myin what is the offer I guess it's a New Concept even though it's a an age-old concept an age-old concept everybody doesn't have the same thing to offer everybody has something to offer my offer doesn't start in here my offer starts out in the marketplace my offer starts with what are
people looking for what Solutions are they seeking you start started charging more for the same thing and the same amount of people were buying more people were buying more people were buying more people were buying and more people who would actually do the work or buying can you first Define what is an offer I was hoping you were going ask that question my job is to create a process as an offer that can help you achieve this desire that you have more quickly more efficiently more effectively with less human effort and more completely than any
other solution you've ever found and then the value is this big and the price is this big it becomes an easy yes for you myin thank you so much for being back on the podcast my pleasure bro my pleasure always good to hang out with you Omar I think you were you were episode 11 which is CRA what episode is this this will probably be like 40 3940 39 okay let's go and that conversation almost has 200,000 views let's go and let's have a conversation interesting enough to watch 200,000 times again there you go yeah
yeah and you know you are someone I would deem an expert at offer Creations you I think you say the best skill that you can possess is how to um you know come up with an offer convey it and convert it right create convey and convert an offer yeah it it's it's the most profitable skill for sure at least one of them that you can that you can but what so funny we were golfing yesterday right and you did an event a few months ago right and I I yelled at your card I was like
Hey that one event you did how did it go right you know and then you said it was pretty good we did this I was like what was the offer right and you were like oh we did it was it was called this it was this much much right and then the guy that was cting with me was like hey what did you mean when you asked myin what is the offer what is the offer and this I guess it's a New Concept even though it's a an age-old concept an age-old concept and um we
talk about so much about how content creators and people who have built an audience which kind of could be the hardest part oh yeah in the process building the brand sure but like not knowing what you can sell them not knowing what you can I think the hardest part is the part you don't know how to do yeah right so if you know how to build the audience like so so and what I mean by that is a lot of people know how to create offers but they don't know how to build an audience right
so to them the building the audience is the hardest part but a lot of people know how to build an audience they don't know how to create an offer so for them creating the offer is going to be the hardest part yeah so I have I have a few people in the back of my mind having this conversation so you're welcome if that's you you know but can you first Define what is an offer I was hoping you were going to ask that question so an offer this is the mying golden definition of an offer
you're not going to find this in any dictionary except for the mying golden definition of entrepreneurial terms which does not exist so you're not going to find it eventually you're going to have an encyclopedia who knows who knows okay so an offer is the opportunity you give a potential client to exercise their desire to buy or otherwise obtain the thing or the things you've helped them realize they've desired all along wow at a price that you previously decided on and they've subsequently agreed to which they now expect to use to make their experience of Life
exponentially better that's an offer that is so good and I think can you sounds like you can say it one more time I can say it 10 more times say it one more time okay do you want me to break it down as I say it yeah let's do that okay so an offer is the opportunity you give a potential client so it's the opportunity so which means I'm not begging you to do I'm not convincing you to do it I'm not attempting to talk you into doing it it's an opportunity tell me yes or
tell me no but tell me now I got to go it's like it's it's it's an offer it's an opportunity you can say yes or no to an opportunity there's no gun to your head there's nobody twisting your arm it's just a chance to say yes or no okay so it's an opportunity you give a potential client so this is a person who's not a client yet they've not bought anything from you yet and you're giving them the opportunity or they might be a client um a client or potential client uh to which means they've
either bought something from you or they haven't but they're contemplating it uh to exercise their desire to buy now I think that's one of the most important parts about the offer is too many people think that presenting things to people that they have no desire for is an offer that's not an offer that's an interruption wow that's good okay and what I mean by that is people ask me all the time they say Marin um how do I find people to sell my stuff to and my answer is always the same that's not a very
good question and if you'll allow me I'll give you a better question and they always say well yeah give me a better question how can I make myself more findable for people who already desire to buy what I already desire to sell because looking for people to buy your stuff is exhausting what I mean by that is you got to go through all these people who you have no you have no idea anything about them and so now you've got to sort through all these people to try to find a handful of people who might
want to buy what you want to sell that's just that's exhausting but the what if we what if we started from the perspective that there are already T tens or hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions or hundreds of millions or even billions of people in the world already who would love to buy what you'd love to sell if they only knew you existed so that's why I say it's the opportunity you give a potential client to exercise their desire to buy my offer doesn't start in here my offer
starts in there my offer starts out in the marketplace my offer starts with what are people looking for what Solutions are they seeking yes that's a more valid question than what have I made what do I know what would I like to sell right okay so that's number one and this is the that concept actually gets um exposed with people who want to make a course they want to sit down and shoot it before even Consulting anybody before before having a conversation with a single soul who might or might not desire it right right which
doesn't I mean it's I guess it's a good exercise in execution but it's a really bad exercise and Effectiveness because you don't know if anybody desires to have it executed right right yeah that's really good and I do like how you say opportunity because now because like you've opened my eyes to this I see when people don't have an offer that you're you're you're actually robbing yourself and the person you're serving of an opportunity of an opportunity and and if you don't give them an opportunity they still have a desire to do take advantage of
something like everybody who's working right now at job they already have a when I get paid I'm going to buy list M our job is to figure out how we can get on more people's lists that's good as opposed to finding people and attempting to get them to put us on their list and they don't know anything about us okay okay so so exercise their desire to buy okay so so it's it's the opp opportunity you give a potential client or a client to exercise their desire to buy or otherwise obtain some of the offers
that we have they don't pay for with their money they pay for with their name email address and phone number like in an optin funnel or they just pay for it with their attention like on a YouTube video a YouTube video is an offer that's good right the thumbnail is the hook and then the intro might be the story and then the open loop might be the offer right so like even a YouTube video is it's like it's an offer right and they pay for it with their attention Okay so it's the opportunity to give
a potential client to exercise their desire to buy or otherwise obtain in other words pay attention to your YouTube video optin to an optin funnel or otherwise obtain the thing or the things that you've helped them realize they've desired all along now what do I mean when I say you've helped them realize they've desired all along people know that they desire outcomes they don't know exactly all the time the process that they desire to get to that outcome it's my job to figure out the process to get them the outcome but the objective is the
outcome not the process that's where I think a lot of inventors creators artists entrepreneurs make a mistake I've always wanted to do this thing I've always wanted to sing this song I've always wanted to create this thing and instead of saying there are people out there who've always desired to have this result and I figured out the most elegant process to get them this result so good right so their desire to buy or otherwise obtain the thing or the things we've helped them realize they've desired all along at a price that they like before or
for instance you knew you had a desire to make more money as an entrepreneur 100 right but did you know before you came into our coaching program that you had a desire for $100,000 day had that thought even ever entered your mind no right so it's a desire that you had but you weren't aware of the fact that you had it you just knew you wanted more of something that in the financial Arena you didn't know exactly what it was yeah so when you came into our space we helped you realize more clearly what that
was by showing you what's possible and what other people who you and every all of us are the same who you perceived were not necessarily as smart as you and not necessarily as good as you well they did it I can do it so those are some of the ways that we help people realize things right so you've helped them realize they've desired all along so the desire was already in them before you met them that's so good at a price that you previously decided on so if they can decide on the outcome they desire
apart from me and I create the solution I can decide on the price apart from them and then they can tell me yes or tell me no but tell me now I got to go I don't have to sit here and justify or rationalize or beg or plead or congeal or force or high pressure this is everybody's a yes there I I look at people like this they're already a yes or there already a no and I don't I have no desire to change either one of those I just desire to know sooner rather than
later because for me way more exhausting and torturous is a forever maybe than a hard no just tell me no yeah and I'm cool with it so at a price that you previously decided on and they've subsequently agreed to okay so now they agree to the price because in their minds the res getting this result is worth more than the money they have to pay to get it um which they now expect to use to make their experience of Life exponentially better so for instance I hate to keep using you but you're the one I'm
talking to so a year a little over a year ago you came into our coaching program and you're like okay well this sounds feasible and so let's see what happens and only you know if it turned out better worse or exactly how you expected it to turn out right but it was better it it was better right and so but but my job is to find is to create a process as an offer create a process that can help you achieve this desire that you have more quickly more efficiently more effectively with less human effort
and more completely than any other solution you've ever found and then if the value is this big and the price is this big it becomes an easy yes for you it's really good so that's the whole breakdown of the whole def my definition of an off that's how I came up with it's so good I I think about I think where people get stuck is and I think it's a skill to be able to uncover a value sure and sometimes you're so close to the work or you're so close to how you've helped people in
the past that you see it it's very surface level The Exchange so let's just in in my context like i' I've helped people with video sure if I end there there's really no value in that unless you you make that connection yourself as a client but if I say I help you build your personal Brands and increase awareness to your business and what would it look like if you just did 10% 15% more businesses year year without chasing clients but they were coming to you what would that look like sure I've had to grow in
my ability to see that and explain it and say it yes to see it and say it yeah yeah exactly hey question for you what would your business look like if it got the attention that it deserved you probably wouldn't even have a business problem most people don't have a business problem they have an awareness problem this is why you're invited to join me on the next content to cash challenge that is coming up in 5 days you're going to be getting the system that I have implemented in my business that's allowed me to be
a part-time seven figure entrepreneur yes because I built my personal brand online it's opened up opportunity more importantly it's given me more time to spend with my family and my community the link to join this challenge is down in the description below and I want to encourage you to take the VIP experience where I'll be doing 1 hour of Q&A every day of the challenge and nowhere else do I Avail myself in this capacity and so I hope to see you on the content to cast challenge coming up and and what's really interesting when you
when you look at like when you're creating an offer and you're thinking about okay who is this offer going to be good for it's about about learning to think from the marketplace more than thinking of the marketplace so I don't start my business in here right I I I start my business with conversations with people who have a hole in their soul or in some aspect of their life how could how can I figure out an elegant solution for this and none of us are good at everything yeah right fortunately all of us are good
at something and there are other people who desire to be good at the stuff you're good at like I'm thinking of questions I have like I'm looking at some of this equipment you're using for this pod right now and I'm thinking to myself you know okay we got a little bit of background noise coming from outside right with the ocean and the trees and the breeze but none of that noise is coming I mean you interviewed me in a conference in a hallway with so much background noise I'm like how are you doing this yeah
right and so you've got your you've got your equipment and I'm like I don't know how to do what you're doing right now I mean I know how to have a conversation but what you're doing right now with a portable podcast I don't know how to do this right so that caused me to say oh man I need to ask Omar what's that thing over there and what's that thing over there and what kind of microphones are these and you know all of that stuff comes to mind uh so that when I'm traveling and I'm
doing interviews with people we have the best possible scenario with regard to audio and video does that make sense 100 is how do you determine that price usually yeah so you said you said you you made a statement about value right yeah um people who are creators don't know how to articulate value one of the reasons they don't know how to articulate value is because they don't understand where value comes from okay so I'm going to help everybody understand where value like everybody uses the word but nobody defines it or nobody talks about like what
it really means so um value comes from values in other words you're going to Value Things based on what your values are so the like the underlying question the root question when it comes to creating an offer when it comes to creating Valu is what are your values because if I know what your values are then I can speak to those values and if I speak to the values that you have then I will be valuable in your eyes does that make sense yes okay so where do values come from that's the question it's a
great question so I think values come from multiple places I think number one the first place that I think of that values come from values come from past perceived voids what does that mean things that you perceived as missing in the past are things that you value in the present um when I was a kid we only had ra raggedy cars like my parents never bought a new car the whole time I lived in their house ever like all seven all my me and all of my six brothers were all graduated out of the house
before my parents ever bought a new car wow so shout out to them shout out to them exactly yeah they had they had really good the Dave Ramsey model yeah yeah it was it it wasn't really a Dave Ramsey model as much as it was hey this is what we can afford yeah and so um how so for me I like nice cars my dad worked on cars I worked on cars um I painted cars I changed engines Transmissions all that stuff like working on cars all night long any so I've done all of that
stuff and so I value cars I like cars I have very nice cars yeah um I have many well several I shouldn't say many cuz I don't really have many but I've got like I've got a Rolls-Royce Wraith I've got a Mercedes gt63s super fun car to drive um I've got a Mercedes GLE 53 and my favorite I'm not going to bring the Segways in because that's not a car but my favorite car is my 1968 Pontiac GTO um I that car what's that is it like a like it's in a great condition it's in
great condition it's not mint condition but it will be when I get done with it it's in really good condition though but it is it's got a 4 400 4 Bell carburetor it's just it's it's it's the legit and it's the car I desire and it's a convertible and I desired this car like a good friend of mine his brother had this car and I wanted to buy it from him he'd never sell it to me when I a teenager I'm like I want a Pontiac GTO 68 GTO 68 GTO finally found one bought it
and now I have it right and so but why do I have value cars so much because we never had nice cars right and so that to me was a past perceived void that creates a present perceived value right um another place that values come from is present perceived virtues create present pursued values so things that we consider are good to be good are things that we value um we played golf yesterday and I noticed that you have mauno irons I have Muno irons I have mauno irons and woods so I have Muno like the
manufacturer our golf club's Muno um uh Troy he had Muno irons I'm like we're like the mauno band yeah right why why do we because we value having nice golf clubs to hit our golf shots with right so that's something that's that's value that's virtuous to us I was say regardless of the Swing right regardless of the Swing yeah regardless swing the golf the like we want to have nice equipment to play this game with right um I saw um I took a picture of my golf bag yesterday and posted on my Instagram story my
Superman bag right why I don't know because it's it's cool like I think it's cool right and so if as we look at like where do people's values come from if I can figure out something that's been missing to your life in your life in the past and I can speak to that you're going to value and I can show you a connection between how you can get how you can fill that past void through this process you're going to Value this offer yeah if I know what your current values are like I know you're
a father I know you're a husband I know that you are faith-based if I can show you how my offer matches that that internal virtue part of you it's going to make you more of an have more of an affinity towards my offer so good right and then lastly which I I I'll love I love that your brand did that right right so so being who you were true to who you were like you said like what you value you were just you and that attractive I was and I wasn't attempting to attract a bunch
of people based on some words that are coming out of myou I'm just going to be who I am and let it attract who it attracts and repel who it repels and I'm okay with both of those yeah so something I know that like I'm always marketing so like the fact that I love golf showing that I love golf someone's gonna join something or do something with me because of that connection right you know and like somebody who loves golf is going to want to like like like I came to San Diego I'm like well
Omar's in Las Vegas how far is Las Vegas from San Diego right he's like uh uh 40 minute flight you want to come play some golf like yeah like I was like let me pray about it yes right exactly that's exactly what you said and like I If you wouldn't if you wouldn't have been posting on your Instagram and on your YouTube that you play golf and your shorts and your what I wouldn't even know yeah and so I would not like we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now right it just gives people
another point of connection yes and be I have the permission like you you're selling what like offer has a part of you in it right but don't try to be somebody you're not right yeah never do that like don't don't adjust your beingness to attract a large audience I'm gonna be more like myON golden I'm gonna be more like Alex rosi I'm gonna be more like Omar I'm gonna be more like Sean I'm gonna no just be yourself and let it attract who it attracts let it repel who it repels so we have past perceived
voids we have present perceived virtues and then we have future pursued visions also create present Pursuit present pursued values so something that an objective that I'd like to have in the future causes me to Value certain things that I believe will get me there in the future so anytime you create an offer if you can combine all three of those values past perceived voids present perceived virtues and future perceived uh Visions into one offer it becomes almost irresistible 100 so so that like people don't know how to talk about their offer because they think they're
supposed to talk about the thing yeah there how many there's how many pieces it has it has 16 modules it has 13 ebooks it has and right and so they think putting more stuff in it makes it more valuable but the only thing that really makes it more valuable is you being able to demonstrate or show them that it can get them the result they've been seeking for a long time even faster yeah it's something I have found with that cuz I think amateur hours is that you are into the process and and all the
things and you have to have a process that works 100 I found and I think I think I have a question I'd love for you to give a good answer to Is and I'll say it after I say this if you just give those things a name this is something I learned from you just give it a name don't say what it is give it a name this isn't the 16 module thing no you're going to get the jump start your the three C's of no that's that's yeah giving something a name that connects to
those three things sure get lets people see it better right how do you get better with words read more write more speak more period listen to great speakers listen to people who are good with words when somebody memorize quotes see you don't want to memorize quotes just so you can quote people you want to memorize quotes to train your brain to think in quotes a lot of people don't realize that like when you use epigrams um Abraham Lincoln said I will prepare myself and perhaps my time will come right right so the front end is
preparing yourself why because the back end time your time's coming well myON golden says your time's going to come whether you prepare yourself or not if you're prepared when your time comes it will reveal you if you're not prepared it will expose you so now the choice is yours are you going to make your life a grand reveal or is it going to be an expose so what did I do I took an Abraham Lincoln quote but because I memorize a lot of quotes I said oh well I will prepare myself and perhaps my time
will come well that's not true your time's coming whether you're prepared or not why don't I just say that he didn't say it he didn't say it exactly so I took an Abraham Lincoln quote that everybody knows and I expanded upon it yeah and so when people hear me quote Abraham Lincoln and they hear me like make his quote better I'm just using that as a terminology right obviously Abraham Lincoln was way smarter than me but but I expanded on his incomplete thought that thought that's an incomplete thought I will prepare myself and perhaps my
time will come it was an incomplete thought probably something that he came up with when he was a child I or when he was a teenager or when he was very very young I will prepare myself perhaps my time was come will come that was as far ahead as he could think when he came up with that thought and maybe he just never Revisited it but as somebody who's older who hears that quote I'm like well your time's coming whether or not you're prepared bro and then I say how can I address that oh well
myON golden says your time's going to come whether you prepare yourself or not okay what what's the end of that oh if you're prepared when your time comes it will reveal you what else could I say oh if you're not prepared it will expose you and so what I've done is I've now taken I've taken people through the entire gamut of This brilliant Genesis thought I'm taking people through the entire gamut of the whole idea of preparing yourself for your time when it shows up so good and it's made me memorize it like I memorize
I could have finished all that for you right but but that's the point but now but you what happens when you memorize a lot of quotes and I I read quote books then I take the quotes that I really like categorically and I memorize them so that I'm teaching my brain to think in befores and afters and epigrams and if this happens then what about that and on this side is this and on that side is that and so all I'm doing is I'm using principles like the law of polarity for every action there's an
equal and opposite reaction so when I talk about something I don't just talk about the action I also talk about the equal and opposite re reaction like oh my goodness I never heard anything like that before right so that's how you get better at communicating you study it like the you study it then you practice it the same way you get better at anything yeah I like to say if you change the way you consume you'll change the way you create well that'll work huh well that was a bar see I sounded like a young
guy didn't I what do golden say about that finish it no I'm just kidding uh you have this really cool story where you've made I think over 3 million from creating an offer you say you know you you buy things with offers yeah uh it's $12 million since flying private yeah 12 million can you just break down that story it's it's brilliant and I know not everyone's heard it so I have a belief um well I have multiple beliefs but a belief around like how much things cost I never I I I I I consider
how much things cost before I buy them but I don't ever I'm never concerned about how much something costs regardless of what it is MH um and so I discovered that poor people and middle class people feel like everything's expensive because they think they're pay they I I or they believe everything's expensive poor people middle class people believe everything's expensive because they feel like they pay for everything with their life because they are if you're exchanging time for money and you're working for $15 an hour $50 an hour $100 an hour $300 an hour you're
exchanging time for money time is something you have in limited a supply so the money that you're going to get in exchange for that time is something you're going to get in limited Supply right and so so when a person who makes $50,000 a year for instance looks at a $50,000 car they're not asking is this car worth $50,000 they're asking is this worth a year of my life right right because I'm going to take a year of my life and pay for this car if they buy a $500,000 car is this worth 10 years
of my life and that we're not even talking about the interest we're just talking about the principle right and we know they're going to pay two or three times more than that okay cool so now that we have our minds wrapped around this idea that they pay for things with their lives wealthy creators like yourself and myself we don't pay for things with money we've exchanged our time for we pay for things according to our creativity and really wrap your mind around what I just said I didn't say with our creativity from our creativity or
out of our creativity I said according to our creativity why if I paid for it with my creativity from my creativity or out of my creativity I would have less creativity after I paid for it than I had before I paid for it right if I pay for it according to my creativity then I can pay for it according to my creativity I have no less creativity after I paid for it than I had before I paid for it so I'm going to give you give you an illustration so a person goes to work they
exchange the time they have now for the money they desire later when they do that they get the money but they no longer have the time the time is gone forever they can't get the time back the time's gone right but they have the money and then they go spend the money on a car I'm just it could be anything but I'm just going to call it a car so they they go change exchange their time for money they get the money they no longer have the time they go exchange the money for the car
now they no longer have money and they no longer have the car so every time they buy something especially a depreciating liability like a car or house or some clothes or whatever they actually are becoming poorer by spending money which is why so many middle class and poor people are price a verse and spending a verse okay now I get ready to buy something I pay for it according to my creativity so I had a an unpleasant experience in fact I had two very unpleasant experiences in um 2022 with the we will inconvenience you at
our convenience Airlines which ones are they all of them all of the commercial airlines could change their name to we will inconvenience you at our convenience and so American Airlines in a flight from Tampa to Dallas and I was speaking the next day so I flew to Dallas and I was speaking at a real estate conference they lost my suitcase with my suit and my clothes and then I had to fill out this paperwork and it didn't show up and so I had to fill it out again when I got back to Tampa and then
a couple months later they called me and said hey you need to fill out this form again or you're never going to see your luggage I said well I'm never going to see it again because I'm not I'm wasting any more time on this I'm done right and then a few weeks after that the luggage shows up on my front porch my favorite suit had mold growing on it it's just like this is so dumb it was a non-stop flight right crazy right you know what you can do now though you can put air tags
in there go put air tag I right so I said okay cool that's done well I don't have to do that now no cuz it's on the plane with me but only person's luggage on that plane is mine and the people who are with me okay so um and then um it was my birthday and I'm coming back from Cincinnati Ohio and my son rented a yacht for my birthday and I'm getting ready to like this beautiful gift that my son is giving me and our flight got delayed which means we were missing our connecting
flight which missing means I was going to miss the yacht trip that my son planned for my birthday I was so I was over it so had to go to a different we will inconvenience you at our convenience Airline buy a whole different ticket for me and my team so we could get back from this event in in Cincinnati and I'm like I am done I am never flying commercial again I had never looked into flying private I had no idea how much it cost I had no I just know I'm done I'm done having
people mess with my life I'm done and so I have a friend who had access to a jet and I said hey Gary can I I need a jet to fly to Las Vegas in two weeks because I was doing an event in Las Vegas I'm like can you book a jet I'm thinking can't cost more than 2530 Grand to fly round trip from Tampa to and I'm going to make you know a significant amount of money while I'm there so 530 rent okay I'm okay paying that well he says yeah but it's going to
cost 60 Grand I said it's going to cost how much and it didn't it wasn't that I didn't have 60 Grand it was just it shocked me that it was twice as much more than two times as much as the low end of what I thought it was going to be I like what and then he said yeah you got to put your big b boy pants on If You're Gonna Fly private then I got I got this crazy look on my I only have big boy he hit that past perceived oh yeah he oh
and so I said I only have big boy pants book The Jet and so we booked the Jet and so then I said okay so I can either take money that I already have and pay for this $660,000 for this jet or I can create a new offer so I created a new offer it was $200,000 and I made the offer and two people bought it okay I just got paid $400,000 for and so now I generate $400,000 I pay 60 I got $340,000 left over I'm in the cat Ro seat crazy I just got
paid $340,000 and I'm flying out here to Vegas it's great right I think people are probably like that's that's awesome easy for you to say you have people who will buy that but I didn't know that I had people who would buy it until I what made the offer boom okay just wanted to quiet the and I mean that's fair yeah but I also have a reputation of delivering on my promises hey right I have a reputation of being a person of my if I tell you I'm going to do something then you know it's
going to happen Okay so so that's big it's not there's a reason that there are people who will pay me that money right okay cool my name is synonymous with certain results okay cool so so then I thought okay this is cool and then I also like got paid from the event for half of my jet fee that's what's that right so I got another 30,000 from the event so so now I'm up 400 I'm $370,000 profit from that one trip okay cool I said well you know I got this offer so here's the cool
thing now I created the offer according to my creativity so when I created the offer I now have both the creativity that I created the offer with and I have the offer so I still have both assets right okay then I make the offer somebody gives me money for the offer they receive the value of the offer but I still have the offer and so now I have the creativity I have the offer and I have the money oh this is oh this is Juicy yeah so wait a minute what's happening here oh this is
amazing then I bought the air card like the the the um the private jet card so now I've got my 100 hours of private jet travel time I bought a 50h hour card on light and a 50h hour card on heavy so now I'm I'm good I got my cards right I didn't I had bought I hadn't even bought those yet so but I I bought my private jet travel I'm like okay cool I paid for that one flight cool and I'm like I need to make this offer some more I still have the off
I still have the creativity I still have the offer I still have money left over from the money I spent I said let me make the offer again so I made the offer to a room full of people m 16 more people bought it at 200,000 and I told them this is the last time it'll ever be this price you want to buy in the future is going to be $350 to $500,000 so you want to get it2 200,000 this is the time so 16 people bought it well well I'd already done 400,000 now we
just did another 3.2 million in sales crazy like wait what what just happened so now buy a couple of jet cars buy 100 hours so which cost me 775,000 out of the 3.2 million and the first year of flying private I spent 1 $7 million on private jet travel my first year in 2022 or half first half of 2022 to 2023 from Summer of 2022 December 2023 I spent $1.7 million but I generated $3.9 million in Revenue which means I profited $2.2 million that's how much profit I made crazy then I raised the price we
sold it for 350 we sold I don't know 12 more 350,000 so do the math on that crazy yeah it's going bananas it's like it's like whatever that is uh 4. 4.2 million and then I took my $350,000 Vip Day put four of them together turned it into a royal family offer sell that for a million and three people bought that plus every time I'd go speak for somebody's event I would charge them my jet fee m so that I could like because I I'm buying these private jet cards for me and my family like
we're on vacation right now we flew from San Diego to I mean from Tampa to San Diego on a G5 and nobody was on the plane but us and the two c the captain the first officer and the flight attendant right and so I bought my jet cards for that kind of travel so when I'm going somewhere to speak at somebody's event they have to pay for my jet fee right so that just becomes part of my so I've generated a total of over $12 million and I've spent less than five million I think right
around $4.7 million in private air travel since I got started so my profit has been over $7 million that I've made because I had something that I desired to do and I created an offer to pay for it and so to me when I buy a private jet card or if I buy a new car if I buy a house or an island or mountain or whatever a farm whatever I'm going to spend my money on everything costs the same amount mhm what do I mean by that well because I don't pay for things with
money I've exchanged my time for I pay for things according to my creativity everything that I buy in my life I buy by creating an offer so it doesn't matter if it's a bottle of water a pack of tic tacs a pack of gum private jet a Rolls wor it doesn't matter they all cost the same amount they cost me according to my creativity but the beauty of it is when I buy something I create an offer I have the creativity I still have the offer I get the money I spend some of the money
I still have most of the money Y and I still have the creativity and when I decided to buy something that was outside of my spending comfort zone this part A lot of people are going to miss but I don't think you'll miss it it gave me the ability to tap into a higher level of creativity than I ever tapped into before mon because I asked better questions I came up with better answers and therefore created an offer that was more valuable to a handful of people than all the other little off offers put together
are to a big boatload of people so good and then you say that I mean this is how the rich dude this is how they live Jeff Bezos created Amazon out of his brain yeah Elon Musk created Tesla and SpaceX out of his brain Steve Jobs came up with iPhone and his head he's like oh this this would be better this is a solution right and he just he was just crazy enough all of these people that I'm naming are just crazy enough to believe their offer would impact people's lives in so in so many
ways that those people would have a hard time saying no to the offer MH and any of us could do that right most of us just don't so good so if I were to like structure this conversation it's like this is very helpful in creating offers but if we're speaking like new entrepreneurs or content creators selling the offer creating the conditions or the context in which they buy the offer because no one's going to buy necessarily that offer straight off the YouTube video or straight off your Instagram stories no nobody's going no so I like
what Frank Kern says Frank karna says that you can that you should prove to people that you can help them by actually helping them right so I think the reason you have your YouTube channel the reason I have my YouTube channel I I call my YouTube channel my Instagram my all of my Social Media stuff I call that my community service content this is the stuff that I put out there for free and the only thing you have to pay for it with is your attention and then go see if it works right I'm not
worried about whether or not it works I already know it works yeah so I put out content that people don't have to pay for and that they don't have to pay for with money but they can pay for it with their attention I put that content out there for them and then when they consume it and they go do it they're like wow this worked their thought process I believe is if this guy taught me this much for free I can't even begin to imagine how much he'll pay me he'll teach me if I pay
him and so that's people buy from me because I've already helped them I mean not maybe not everybody but most of the people who buy from me they buy from me because I've already helped them so I always like to yeah I like to think of it like if you're influencing their human behavior whether that's telling somebody to go buy something that even has nothing to do with you but will make their life better easier they just made a connection psychologically in their brain to say like dang whatever comes out of this person's mouth makes
my life better yeah and is legit legit so good okay can we talk a little bit about like fulfillment sure like yeah you're fulfilling you're but more or less more or less like defining what it could and should be yeah um ideally fulfillment worst case scenario should be at least everything you told them that would be ideally it should be everything you told them that would be and more so um if you're objective is getting the money that's your primary objective is getting the money you're probably going to fudge on reality and tell people things
that will get them to say yes even though you know they're not true I see it in the industry because you know that if you told them the truth they'd probably say no which is a sign that you're using the people to love the money I believe we're always going to be better off if we don't love the money but we love the people and we take it a step further and we use the money to love the people instead of using other people's money to love ourselves my desire is always to get something to
my clients what I get from them is just a bonus so um if I prom if I tell you you know uh with the skill set that you have and I I may have told you something like this I don't even know if we talked before you joined our like I just saw you at our event I was like Omar's here wow okay and so um I just but I knew based on what I had already seen of you because I had been watching you for years on think media right and man if this guy
learns what I'm about to teach him oh $100,000 day million dollar day is in his future which I can perceive that I I couldn't necessarily tell you that but I could I know for a fact that with the skill sets of attracting attention that you already have your ability to attract assets to follow that attention going to be a piece of cake I knew that um and so like everybody doesn't have the same thing to offer everybody has something to offer if you can cook and you're really good at it don't create content to teach
people how to make money M if you can create money and if you know how to make money and you're good at it don't create videos to teach people how to lose weight like have the ability to fulfill on your promise of producing the result everything is about obsessing over the results of your clients and potential clients that's where success really lies you want to be great serve a lot of people you want to be the greatest serve the most people and the best way to do that is to serve them the things that they
desire to be served instead of just serving them stuff if you desire to serve them so good yeah because like I I think when I'm trying to help friends that are new to this whole concept I'll I'll say like dude just charge more for your offer and and then they think that the more I charge and I used to think this the more I charge the more I have to give right so like let's just say my offer is eight weeks of Zoom calls a call a week MH that could be a $5,000 thing that
I'm helping you achieve in eight weeks or a $2,000 thing or a $1,000 thing MH and I have friends having a hard time to say like just just charge 5,000 bucks for eight Zoom calls like I I again I know it goes back to like their inability to really see the value of what they're helping somebody a i i i i don't it's not even so much their inability I think it's their unawareness that seeing the value of what they're offering is the is the game m people are so used to exchanging time for money
that when they step out of the Arena of employment into the arena of Entrepreneurship they're still selling their time for money they're just selling a little bit less time for a little bit more money that's why it's hard for them to charge $5,000 for eight weeks so so instead of charging $5,000 for eight weeks don't charge $5,000 for eight weeks charge $5,000 for XYZ outcome good and then produce that outcome in eight weeks so the eight weeks are not the offer the outcome is the offer Bo people don't care about like it's not about your
pieces how many how much stuff you have in it it's not about your process the eight weeks and we're going to do spreadsheets and Trello boards and slack channels for eight weeks and videos zoom videos and it's not about your person how much of your personal time they get the only thing they care about is the payoff dude I'm fat when am I GNA be skinny dude I'm broke when am I gonna be rich dude I don't know how to cook when am I going to learn how to cook dude I don't how to play
the guitar when am I going to become fretboard fluid like when am I going to have this result and so it's not about putting more minutia the more stuff you put in your offer that has nothing to do with getting the result the further into the future you're pushing them getting that result that's good and the the worse off the worse off your reputation is going to be because it's taking people too long to get results if they get them at all so when it comes to the value of an offer more more stuff in
the offer is not b better faster is better getting them the result faster is the only thing that matters does that make sense no 100 here's here's what you made me cuz you told it to me once on a call didn't really sit and then at one of your events I think last year October I asked the question because you were talking about how you went on the road back in the day and you were doing the same presentation and you realized like somebody was selling the same thing for more and you're like I'm just
going to the next city I'm going to charge a little bit more and then on the next city and you started charging more for the same thing and the same amount of people were buying more people were buying more people were buying more people were buying and more people who would actually do the work were buying yeah but here's what you said and this is where it clicked you said Omar I'm going to give you a hypothetical offer hypothetical offer is I'm going to show you make $10 million this year it comes with a 100
videos 100 page PDF and 100 audio files it's $20,000 what do you think about that offer I was like that's pretty solid like 20K make 10 mil amazing he's like I also have this other offer you said I have this other offer it shows you how to make $10 million in a year it's 30k or 35 it's one video One PDF one audio file which one would you rather I was like dang man it clicked I was like it's like oh less is more less is more less is more and and maybe there there's a
lot of mind or head to wrap around that whole concept but the reality is the more you the more you help people and the more you you just put out offers and you help people and you help people you help people you you actually get access to refinement and you figure out and I'm finding this the veterans in our space are condensing the time of delivery in their offers charging more right and it's because they've arised to the essentials that is needed in order to get they've taken out all the fluff all the sawdust all
the filler all the cereal just the Nutri just the nutrients just the valuable stuff and what's interesting is when you do this for a long enough time and you really obsess over helping other people solve their problems and you you're obsessed over your client's results more than your client's money they're going to talk about youh and the stuff they're going to say is good it's like really good you probably before you bought anything from me you probably met some people who bought stuff from me and they probably said hey yeah I learned how to do
XYZ for myON golden and blah blah blah you're like really maybe that didn't happen that was Neo okay okay so that was Neo for you yeah right so you're like really yeah really you're like really right and it's because it doesn't seem to make sense right right when somebody tells you yeah I did what this guy said and I did XYZ result you're like what are you talking about bro right so what happens is when you like the greatest longtail marketing campaign you can have is to deliver on the Promises cuz otherwise all your doing
is creating an environment in which you are going to implode and people are going to celebrate yikes I mean these online marketers like you it's oh bro it's so like the the number of scammers out there telling people they can do something they don't have any idea how to do or telling people they're going to do something they have no intention of doing so one of my pet peeves is I hate done for you offers okay I hate them like you pay me and I'll just build a million dollar business for you pay me $30,000
I'll build a million dollar business first of all the math and the logic that that promise are both way off like scam alert should like all of your seven scam alarms should go off in your brain when somebody says that to you at least for me that's what they did because if you can build a million-dollar business it's only $30,000 why would you build it for me and not for you that's costing you $970,000 that doesn't make sense why would you build that for me instead of building for you like first of all somebody says
I'm going to do it for you not if you're paying an agency to do a service for you that's one thing but somebody's telling you they're going to build a million-- Dollar business for you MH my conclusion is always that they are lying because they're telling me something that goes against something that God already told me and here's what the first thing that God ever said to a human being I call it the First Command thousands of years before the Ten Commandments was be fruitful do multiply do replenish do subdue and have dominion be do
have which means don't be can't do can't do can't have be a little do a little do a little have a little be a lot do a lot do a lot have a lot so when you tell somebody I'm going to do it for you you're saying you can have the result without becoming the person who could do the thing that is always a lie so good I agree and so so we have to be we have to obsess over two things one our clients's results two keeping our word become a person of your work
you say you're going to do something and inconveniences you cost you money causes you Blood Sweat and Tears do what you say you're going to do because the moment you lie the moment you are dishonest with a client you've just demonstrated who you really are and they will assume either consciously or unconsciously well if you'll lie about anything anything they'll lie about everything yep and so once you become a liar in the minds of the marketplace really hard to bounce back from for sure and like yeah I that's something that comes with a cost like
number one that compounds like you you're man of your word wom of your word it compounds over time reputation is everything everything um and because I was in a season of testing stuff there were a few like offers I tested honestly I'm just like saying this straight up where it didn't quite like work out well maybe it was a little bit thirsty on my end to even give an offer it was like I was underselling myself and they thought it was awesome and even got to the point where after like six months of like me
really I took the ownership dude I just gave them back their money and I'm like I'm okay with it because like you have you have nothing bad to say we get you know like you know did all this work for you I showed up and then it didn't work I gave your money back good yeah and I don't know I I felt like that was good for my 100% 100% cuz now you can look people in the eye and you don't have to look away and you can be like you can be just straightforward and
transparent uh something Macy and Cat said the sales girls you know they said fulfillment is part of the sales process 100% And if you and very critical part yeah if your internal reality does not match your external marketing and your promises your business is going to implode it's just a question of when so good this is just really good I feel like this was a master class can you encourage really quickly those there's there's just a lot of people listening I know or watching this and they're like I I could create the content I just
I'm still like what's the biggest thing that you feel like those you say like when you go to those like YouTube conferences you're like there's these kids like with these skills and they're running around they don't even realize what they don't even realize what they have you have the attention of this many people and you have no earthly idea what to do with it um I I think first and foremost they have to divorce themselves from this idea that there's an inherently something wrong with making an offer or there's inherently something wrong with somebody paying
you money like everything that we get we paid money for why would we expect for somebody to get something from us and not have to pay for it's it's so like Hollywood and the government has s done such a great job since the 1970s of demonizing Entrepreneurship and making people think that entrepreneurship sales and business are inherently evil Endeavors and somehow that entrepreneurship sales and business take so much from society that like the only way we can make amends for our evil ways is create stuff for people for free or give all our money away
it's it's insan it's just insano it doesn't make any sense yeah and for those of you who are thinking insane is not a word I know I made it up it is The Offspring of insane and mon so just in case somebody's thinking there's no such word as ins sanicle now you know where it came from I think and I think really good people that mean well even like Believers sure they think it's service to not charge I think it's service to charge because Jesus said the heart follows the pocketbook where your treasure is there
will your heart be also your heart is going to follow your money so be very intentional where you put your money because your heart's going to be there soon and so one of the best things I ever do for my clients is charge them a lot of money to work with me yep if you wouldn't have bought our $55,000 coaching program how much less comfortable would you be charging somebody 10 or $20,000 oh no I I think I 10 xed my price after it gave me it gave me a conviction that yeah that allowed me
the pricing is something you do for your clients not to them yeah like if I don't charge you enough if I say okay I'm going to teach you how to make a million dollars and all you have to do is pay $37 your subconscious won't even let you work on that no your subconscious says but if it's worth a million dollars how come he only charge me 37 we all of us and it doesn't matter whether this is right wrong or indifferent this is the way it is we all perceive things that cost more as
being better well so be it really good I have one last personal question business personal question yeah sure so like people people have said like bro you need a you need a you you need a low ticket Community something or low like $97 a month whatever sure that's a that's a great idea my my issue is is I have a hard time separating what like my my current 17K offer is the information sure from what like uh like I have a hard time separating information and I'd rather just charge more for it yeah and helpl
less people sure but there's that too yeah it's not an either or it can be a both and it can be it can be a both hand um you could have a software that teaches people entry-level stuff or maybe it just teaches them tactical stuff right or or I'm sorry a membership site not a software a membership site that teaches them tactical stuff about how to do video so the membership teaches them the tactics right now you can give the membership to the people who buy the 17 or 25,000 or $35,000 offer you can give
that to them as a bonus but you still have the lower tier at offer you could have a newsletter that teaches them tactical video stuff about tactical video growth strategies right so you could have a newsletter charged $97 a month you could have um a software program of some kind that you create or an app that helps them edit videos without them having to use whatever that works on Androids and iPhones and iPads what like so there are different ways you can do it then you charge them a monthly subscription for the software so there
are different ways you can create a subscription model it's not a question of should I have premium value offers or continuity have both but when you sell the premium value offer you could give the continuity to the people who depending on what the continuity is if it's software i' still charge them right if it's a newsletter I might still charge them because it's going to be different right um people are paying different prices for different mediums like like what medium am I getting this information on because the information itself is just the information like it's
it's interesting that for instance Russell Russell brunon in his $50,000 Inner Circle the information is the same as in expert secrets and traffic secrets so why would we pay 50,000 for the same information because it's in a different format that's in a more intimate setting and puts us in a in a an environment around other like-minded people so we're paying for more than just the information we're also paying for the experience does that make sense yes and so like I don't think it has to be in either I think if you created a membership
site that just taught tactical video stuff and you taught more of the highle philosophical and sales and marketing video stuff in your highlevel program I think you could do both equally as well and have a thousand people paying you $100 a month and that's a $100,000 extra dollars a month coming in which I know that's not going to make you rich and buy you a yacht and retire you in Venice but it's a good start it is a good start oh so good dude thank you so much this has been so enlightening especially on the
birthday yeah happy birthday to you bro yeah uh let's get these let's hit the links oh let's go play some golf bro yeah but if we're going out here like I'm from Tampa this is cold oh you're cold what don't you feel like that's cold no that's beautiful it is beautiful it's a breeze but if I'm outside I'm going to have to have some long pants on or jacket or something okay oh yeah real quick tell them about the uh your challenge I think it's perfect so like make more offers challenge oh make more offers
challenge um and you can tell him the link right yeah I'll put in the description okay so he's gonna put the link in the description so I do a challenge every month it's called the make more offers challenge where I teach people the four types of offers that can make you rich and the Beautiful part about it is each day I break down a different offer in a different way to make that offer so we have lead generation offers core product offers premium value offers continuity offers and then the last day I put it all
together give everybody in outline that they can turn into a coaching program it's a five-day challenge I have had doctors attorneys uh um marketers authors speakers coaches um podcasters like W2 employees W2 employees like all kinds of people who've taken this Challenge and they say it's one of the best experiences of their life they they it's they're people are just blown away by it yeah and the reason they're Blown Away by it is because I've literally spent the last several decades four Decades of my life obsessing over solving people's business problems mhm and so now
I kind of know some of the answers and I share those answers with people and they pay either $97 for general admission which they get to watch it in a Facebook group or they pay $297 they get to be actually on Zoom with me for two hours a day for five days in a row and it just takes their life to another level yeah are you not doing Platinum anymore oh we do Platinum too but but you can only buy VIP or general admission so and then the VIPs get to listen to me answer the
questions for platinums and then a week before the challenge starts we give the VIPs an opportunity to upgrade to platinum okay so that's how we do it five days before the challenge starts we send out an email to all the VIPs hey if you want to be one of the people who ask my a question and you get to upgrade and so we have three levels general admission VIP and platinum we only have we only allow 40 platinums per challenge so that we can make sure we get at least everybody who's a platinum we get
at least to one of their questions yes so if you want myin I don't think you don't Avail yourself in any other context at this level other than the challenge yeah other you could do a VIP day like if you want to just spend you could spend $40,000 an hour yeah for coaching or you can buy a whole Vip Day for 350,000 or you can be get four VIP days for a million bucks or you can attend the challenge yeah yeah that's good that's a deal right there yeah and I I'm I'm not invested in
any particular one do the one serves you at the highest level it's really good and if you don't like any of those and you don't want to pay me any money just watch my YouTube channel and just do what I say your life will get better yes that is very true appreciate you thank you so much br that was great that was so much fun happy birthday hey
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