THIS DEMONIC SPIRIT IS INVADING Churches & No One Is Talking About It

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let's get straight to the point we are living in dangerous times and many churches today are leading people Straight to Hell the lines between the church and the world have become blurred and it's no surprise that the distinction is almost non-existent in some places churches that are supposed to be sanctuaries of Truth have turned into dens of iniquity the spirit of lust the love of the world and a blatant disregard for Holiness have crept into the sanctuary and if we're not careful we'll find ourselves lost deceived and separated from God for eternity too many churches
have lost their way trading the truth of the gospel for feel good messages that tickle the ears but do nothing for the soul these churches are more interested in packing the pews than preaching the truth they are more concerned with being liked by the world world than being faithful to God they have sold out to the highest bidder the spirit of this age which is none other than the spirit of the Antichrist and make no mistake these churches are leading people straight to the Gates of Hell the Bible is clear 1 John 2:15 do not
love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him the message here is blunt you cannot serve both God and the world but more and more churches today are trying to do just that they want to mix light with Darkness Holiness with sin truth with lies they are playing with fire and if you're sitting in one of these churches you're playing with fire too let's not sugarcoat it Jesus said John 15: 18-19 if the world hates you know that it has hated me
before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love you as its own but because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you let's be real if the world doesn't hate your church if the world doesn't hate you then maybe it's because you're too much like the world and if you're too much like the world then you are not like Jesus period you cannot have it both ways you have two choices you can either please God the father or you can
please the world but you cannot please both they are on opposite ends of the spectrum one leads to life and the other to death one leads to light and the other to Darkness one leads to heaven and the other to Hell the Bible is Crystal Clear James 44 friendship with the world is enmity with with God if you're trying to be friends with the world you're making yourself an enemy of God and if you're sitting in a church that's trying to be friends with the world then you are sitting in a House of Lies one
of the most pervasive and Insidious influences in today's churches is lust it's not just the lust of the flesh but the lust for power Prestige and worldly acceptance lust isn't just tolerated it's celebrated it's disguised as Freedom Grace and love but make no mistake it's the enemy and it's sending people Straight to Hell the Bible says flee youthful lusts not entertain them not flirt with them not bring them into the church and put them on a pedestal flee run as if your life depends on it because it does churches that are in fested with lust
are a breeding ground for Destruction lust is not just a sin it is a deadly sin that can sever your relationship with God when you see a church that treats lust like a welcome friend rather than the deadly enemy it is you have a serious problem lust isn't just a minor issue it's a heart issue Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 but I say to you that everyone one who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart lust isn't just about what you do it's about what you desire
it's about what you allow to take root in your heart and if your church is allowing lust to take root then it's no longer a church it's a house of idolatry we've got churches today that are filled with people who are slaves to their their lusts they come to church on Sunday raise their hands in worship and then go home and live like the world they watch pornography engage in sexual immorality and think that they can still have a right relationship with God they've been deceived into thinking that Grace means they can do whatever they
want but the Bible says Romans 6:15 What then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace by no means Grace is not a license to sin it's the power to overcome sin how can you tell if a church is in love with the world look at how the people in the church dress let's be blunt the way people dress in some Churches today is no different than the way people dress going to nightclubs modesty has been thrown out the window the Bible calls us to to dress modestly with decency and
propriety but instead we see tight revealing clothing that glorifies the flesh not God this isn't about being legalistic it's about recognizing that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 if you claim to be the temple of God but present yourself in a way that draws attent attention to your body rather than to your savior then you are in conflict with the very God you claim to serve if your church doesn't preach on modesty if it doesn't teach you to honor God with your body then it's a church that's more in
love with the world than with God look at the activities and the messages of the church do they promote worldly entertainment are they more interested in concerts social events and self-help talks than in preaching the gospel do they talk more about living your best life now than about preparing for eternity these are signs of a church that has lost its way a church that is in love with the world will look and act like the world it will be more concerned with attracting people than with saving Souls another visible evidence of a worldly church is
its silence on sin these churches are quick to preach about blessings prosperity and favor but when was the last time you heard a sermon on sin when was the last time your pastor spoke about repentance judgment or the wrath of God in these churches sin is not confronted it's swept under the rug they won't preach on the sinfulness of lust greed Pride or any of the sins that entangle us because they don't want to offend anyone but let me tell you something if the message of the Gospel doesn't offend you you're probably not hearing the
true gospel Jesus didn't shy away from calling out sin and neither should we he told the woman caught in adultery go and sin no more he didn't say go and live your truth he didn't say go and do what feels right he called sin what it was and commanded her to turn away from it any church that won't call out sin is not a Church of Jesus Christ it's a synagogue of Satan these churches have created a false sense of security for their congregations they tell people what they want to hear not what they need
to hear they give people a false hope that they can live however they want and still make it to heaven but the Bible warns us 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God there's no room for negotiation here if your church is telling you otherwise it's lying to you these worldly churches have created a God in their own image a God who is okay with
sin who doesn't mind if you live like the world who turns a blind eye to your Unholy lifestyle this counterfeit God is nothing like the god of the Bible who is Holy righteous and has zero tolerance for sin the Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:14 without Holiness no one will see the Lord if your church isn't preaching Holiness if it's not teaching you to turn away from sin and to live set apart then it's not preparing you to meet the Lord these churches are filled with people who have been deceived into believing that they can
live however they want and still make it to heaven but the Bible is clear you cannot serve two masters you will either hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve both God and money just as you cannot serve both God and the world if your church is preaching a message that says you can have it all the world and Jesus then it's preaching a lie it's alarming how lust has become a welcomed guest in many churches we see it in the way
people dress in the kinds of relationships that are tolerated and even in the messages that are preached the Bible is clear Romans 13:14 but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires yet instead of starving the flesh these Church churches are feeding it instead of rebuking lust they're embracing it if lust is a welcomed friend in your church then you are in the wrong place churches that tolerate sin are not doing anyone any favors they are leading people into bondage not Freedom the Bible says John at
8:34 everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin if your church is not preaching freedom from sin then it's preaching slavery and if it's preaching slavery then it's preaching death because the wages of sin is death let me make this clear lust is not a minor issue Jesus said Matthew 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart lust is not just a physical act it's a condition of the heart and if your church is not addressing it then
your church is failing you the Bible says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God a church that does not teach you to be pure in heart is a church that does not care if you see God the true God of the Bible is not interested in your comfort he's interested in your soul he's not here to Pat you on the back and tell you that you're fine just the way you are he's here to transform you to change you from the inside out and to make you holy as he is Holy
the Bible says Romans 122 do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind a church that is in love with the world cannot renew your mind it will only conform you to the patterns of this world it will only drag you further away from God and closer to Hell God is not a COS MC Genie who exists to fulfill your every desire he is the Holy One the righteous judge the Alpha and Omega he has standards and those standards are not up for debate he calls us to be
set apart to be different from the world he calls us to take up our cross daily and follow him a church that doesn't call you to take up your cross is a church that is not calling you to follow Jesus you have a choice to make you can either th please God or pleasee the world but you cannot do both you can't sit on the fence Jesus said no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other
it's time to make up your mind will you follow God or will you follow the world if you're attending a church that is in love with the world that tolerates sin that Embraces lust that refuses to preach on the hard truths of scripture then it's time to get out these churches are not leading people to Heaven they're leading people to hell and if you stay they will lead you there too Jesus didn't die on the cross so you could continue living in sin he didn't suffer and bleed so you could blend in with the world
he died to set you free to make you holy and to call you out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light don't settle for a counterfeit Christianity that lets you live like hell and still think you're going to heaven the road is narrow and few find it make sure you're on the right path choose God choose Holiness choose truth and stay away from these churches remember the path to life is narrow and few find it the path to destruction is Broad and many are on it your eternal eternity is at stake don't be deceived by churches
that preach a watered down gospel don't be fooled by messages that make you feel good but leave your soul empty seek the truth and the truth will set you free John 8:32 stay away from these churches choose God and choose life
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