SHOCKING: If Your Dog Bites Your Hand, Here Is What It Actually Means

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Smelly Belly
If your dog has ever bitten your hand, you might be wondering what it actually means. In our video, ...
Video Transcript:
ouch oh God your dog just bit you does this mean that they're a bad dog does it mean that they don't like you anymore although dog bites can be severe most are relatively minor actually there are several different reasons why a dog might bite and not all of them are bad sometimes unbelievable as it sounds your dog putting their mouth on you can even be a good thing in this video we're going to look at 10 reasons why a dog bites you from the very bad to the very good but before we dive in why
not subscribe and join our K9 loving Community for more tips and tricks on how to care for your dog reason number one the most obvious reason why a dog might bite and the cause of most genuinely serious bites is fear dogs lash out when they're scared just like humans do a dog who feels cornered or under attack is more likely to bite you can recognize when a dog is starting to feel freaked out by looking at their body language are their teeth out are there hackles the line of fur that runs along their spine standing
on end are they growling if you notice a dog showing signs of aggression then you can deescalate the situation by slowly backing away reason number two some people get super cranky when they're feeling unwell and some dogs are the same if a if a dog seems unusually aggressive then that can be a sign that they're experiencing some pain or discomfort that is making them act out this kind of situation can easily escalate to biting especially if the bite happens after you touch them on a specific part of their body if a dog experiences sudden extreme
pain they can sometimes lash out blindly in response if you accidentally aggravated an unseen injury then that could explain why your dog bit you reason number three resource guarding is a problematic Behavior exhibited by dogs when they become too possessive over a place or object to the extent that they start growling when somebody looks like they're about to steal their object or invade their space if an unsuspecting human hand starts reaching over at this point then it's common for the dog to respond with their teeth in general never try to snatch something from your dog's
mouth for situations where your dog starts chewing something that they shouldn't train them to drop or leave it so that you won't have to approach them reason number four to a certain extent you have to remember that biting is a natural behavior for dogs most dogs won't seriously bite their friends but they might nippet each other occasionally as puppies dogs learn the difference between just playing and a serious bite through trial and error seeing how their siblings respond to their attempts to play and adjusting their behavior accordingly unfortunately most humans are more delicate than most
puppies when it comes to being nipped so puppies who move into their furever homes have to learn these boundaries all over again if a dog wasn't trained in puppyhood to be gentle with humans this can cause them to grow up into a dog who bites they're not being mean they were just never taught how to properly behave reason number five sometimes a dog might not actually bite you but will rather put their mouth around your arm like they're pretending to bite you but won't then apply any pressure this technically isn't actually biting it's called mouthing
and is a common displacement behavior in dogs displacement behaviors are behaviors that occur when an animal or person is unable to do something that they really want to do thus creating some extra energy that needs to be worked off a human equivalent would be a little kid doing the potty dance when they need to go but don't have access to a toilet reason number six breed can play a role in How likely your dog is to bite the biest breed is surprisingly enough the Chihuahua followed by the dock hund it's always the ones you least
suspect small breeds are more likely to bite as are some working breeds herting dogs like Border Collies are bred to use their ancient predatory instincts to herd sheep which can occasionally involve snapping at them to get them to do what they're told unfortunately hering dogs aren't always too picky about what they're herting sheep are obviously the ideal option but they'll also accept ducks or even young children young children aren't always that obedient shocking we know so they're more likely to get seriously nipped as the dog tries to get them to do as they're told reason
number seven we all love playing with our dogs but it's important to ensure that your pup understands the difference between playing with you and playing with another dog dogs naturally bite and snap at each other when they're playing which as we mentioned above can cause problems due to humans having much more delicate skin we don't have a layer of fur to protect ourselves if your dog isn't used to playing with humans then they may bite simply because they don't know that it's inappropriate if a dog has been trained out of play biting however then they
might still snap occasionally if they get carried away in the moment no dog is perfect and it's important to stay aware of your dog's mood so that you don't allow them to get too excited reason number eight dogs are famously needy creatures requiring almost constant human attention in order to be happy and healthy if your dog feels like they're not getting enough attention accurately or not they may start engaging in attention seeking Behavior such as snapping or nipping it can be hard not to give into these kind behaviors when they crop up no least because
it's slightly painful to ignore them in order to train your dog out of the behavior however you have to avoid giving in tell your dog no when they nip you and then move away wait until they stop nipping or engaging in any other disruptive attention seeking behaviors then give them the attention that they crave along with praise and potentially a treat once your dog learns that staying quiet and still is a better way of getting your attention than barking and biting you the problem should resolve itself reason number nine dogs are pack animals thousands of
years ago your dog would have been a wolf dependent on their packmates for their very survival in the modern era you are their pack and they consider it their responsibility to keep you from harm this Instinct sweet though may be can vary in its usefulness some dogs make excellent Guardians the internet is full of cases like that of Axel a British dog who saved his 86-year-old dog parent from a home Invader by biting the attacker and chasing him from the home in other dogs however this Instinct can manifest as an unnecessary viciousness towards anybody and
everybody that the dog doesn't know including Partners friends family and delivery people another situation where your fur baby's protective Instinct can lead to issues is if your Pooch is a new mama a new litter of puppies can be a very exciting thing but it's important to never try approaching the litter unless the mama seems comfortable with it Mama dogs are more than willing to defend their babies if they think it's necessary reason number 10 being bitten can hurt not just your flesh but also your feelings you may feel like your dog doesn't love you anymore
now that they've made the choice to bite you but you'd be wrong dogs can sometimes bite their owners as a sign of love and affection rather than a sign of hatred this kind of bite is better described as a slight nibble and should not break the skin another name for it is cobbing because when they do it your dog might look a bit like a human nibbling on some corn in reality though your dog isn't trying to eat you they're trying to show you that they care young dogs are especially likely to engage in this
Behavior because it's a common way for puppies to communicate affection to each other when they're in the nest if you don't find the sensation Pleasant although again it shouldn't hurt you may be relieved to learn that most dogs grow out of it in adulthood for more tips and tricks on how to build a better relationship with your best bud why not check out this video on simple things you can do to boost your dog's happiness
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