The Seawater Boiled Under 8000-Degree Sun Rays

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The only way to save Earth from catastrophe is to drill down to the core and set it spinning again. ...
Video Transcript:
the sun's Rays piercing through a hole in the ozone layer boiled the sea water and melted cars Bridges and buildings under a temperature of 8,000 de in Boston a green World Festival is taking place on the street inside an office building A man preparing for a meeting notices his watch has stopped Gathering his thoughts he and his two companions had to finalize a deal however as soon as they enter the conference room the man falls ill and dies outside people are screaming for help as other across the city suddenly die meanwhile at the University of
Chicago Professor Joshua Keys is delivering a lecture on sound waves when two men arrive and ask him to come with them confused about the situation and their destination Keys learns that the men lack clearance for classified information and can't provide answers they take keys to Washington where he reunites with his friend Serge Serge is equally frustrated having received no explanations and feeling uncomfortable surrounded by military and biochemists as they chat the men lead them to a large room filled with military vehicles and tables covered with sheets while talking Josh leans on one of the tables
and a dead hand falls out from under the sheet startling him a military officer reassures them they are in the right place he explains that at 10:30 a.m. local time 32 civilians in one area died simultaneously without any apparent illness Josh quickly suggests that the victim's pacemakers might have failed impressing Thomas pel with his Insight Josh explains that Serge is an expert in pulse radiation while he specializes in geomagnetism their presence suggests the cause in involves an electromagnetic pulse affecting people sensitive to electronic interference when the general asks if such a pulse could have been
weaponized Josh replies that generating such a powerful pulse would require immense energy and he is unaware of any such weapon the officer leaves relieved that it doesn't seem to be an attack in London people are enjoying themselves at troger Square a family recording a video notices a dead pigeon and as they discuss it chaos erupts birds suddenly start falling Dead from the sky or crashing into buildings windows and cars Panic spreads as people flee and seek cover from the falling Birds Josh watches the news from London with his students where they see reports of erratic
bird Behavior one student mentions this isn't the first time such incidents have occurred similar aggressive behavior was reported last month in Australia and Japan this observation Sparks an idea for Josh who knows Birds use the Earth's magnetic field for migration he asks the student to gather information from the past two years on unusual animal and bird Behavior plane crashes and strange atmospheric phenomena he then assigns a female student to form a team to create a computer model of the Earth's magnetic field and map out the anomalies found by the other student to identify potential patterns
meanwhile a NASA Shuttle is in Orbit preparing to land something goes wrong and Mission Control notices the shuttle is off course heading over Los Angeles co-pilot Rebecca suggests a plan but pilot Bob hopes they can clear a highway for an emergency landing when it becomes clear that won't happen he agrees to Rebecca's idea to land on a river using their skills they managed to land the shuttle safely at the Academy of Sciences Dr Conrad zimsky a renowned scientist leaves the building surrounded by security photographers and fans Josh approaches him with his research convinced the world
is in grave danger after reviewing Josh's work zimsky dismisses the idea confident he would have detected such a problem however as Josh leaves zimsky retrieves a secret folder from his safe hinting he may know more than he lets on in a government building Rebeca waits to see General purel seeking to understand the committee's reaction to the shuttle incident he offers little reassurance Insurance suggesting her career might be at risk their conversation is interrupted by excited shouts when pel answers his phone zimsky informs him they may be facing a major crisis stepping outside they see the
Northern Lights an ominous sign in the wrong part of the world Josh and serge meanwhile are relaxing in a bar when they are approached by the same two men from earlier they inform the scientists that they are urgently needed at the Pentagon during a meeting with zimsky and military officials Josh learns the Earth could be doomed within a year zimsky explains that the planet is protected by an invisible energy Shield the magnetic field which deflects Cosmic radiation however this field is breaking down because the Earth's core has stop spinning within months All Electronics will fail
superstorms will erupt from atmospheric static and eventually the magnetic field will collapse exposing Earth to deadly radiation the only solution is to restart the core a seemingly impossible task yet zimsky proposes an idea to attempt reaching the earth center zimsky Josh Serge and general pel head to the Salt Flats where they meet Dr braz Elon known as BRZ who has developed a powerful laser drill capable of cutting through the hardest rock the scientists are impressed but zimsky questions the protective measures BRZ demonstrates an experiment with a rat he places the rat in a box which
is set on a concrete block with a solid steel plate behind it after setting everything up BRZ activates the device which burns a hole through everything except the box with the rat inside the men are shocked by what they see he explains that he has created a new material unobtanium by mixing crystals with a titanium Matrix at extremely low temperatures this material can withstand extreme heat and pressure converting it into energy thus reinforcing the ship's armor although he has a prototype ship bras estimates needing 10 to 12 years to complete it the general asks what
it would take to finish in 3 months to which BRZ jokingly replies just $15 billion the general however is serious and assures him the money can be arranged FBI agents arrive at Mr Finch's door seeing them through the peephole Finch hurriedly retreats to his room where he starts erasing data from his computers and destroying discs and other devices when he doesn't answer the door the FBI agents force their way in and arrest him now in custody Theodore Finch who insists on being called rat is taken to meet the scientists and the general Thomas reviews rat's
file and notes that rat it hacked into the FBI's database the previous year making him one of the best in his field the government offers him a job to Monitor and control sensitive information on the internet and after some deliberation rat agrees meanwhile Rebecca is awaiting a review by a commission during her hearing she is praised for her resourcefulness decisiveness and exceptional skill based on her performance the commission assigns her in Bob Iverson to the next mission the scientists led by the general hold a conference zimsky wants to present his findings but Thomas blocks him
citing concerns that zimsky project Destiny might have contributed to the current crisis the general introduces the assembled scientists and Pilots to one another as they struggle to come up with a name for their group Rebecca suggests terona Nots during the meeting Keys outlines the plann for the next 3 months Dr Brazelton will oversee the construction of the ship and once they reach the Earth's core they will deploy a powerful explosive device to restart it Dr zimsky calculates that the device must have a yield of approximately 1,000 megatons the scientists have prepared five Warheads each with
a 200 Megaton yield BR explains the ship's design which includes six compartments the locomotive navigation section living quarters control room Bombay and weapons control module if any compartment is damaged a safety mechanism will trigger sealing off the section and detaching it at headquarters rat creates a virus to monitor the internet and delete unnecessary information as the ship's construction progresses the team undergoes various simulations having already failed 22 training sessions meanwhile Earth's situation worsens one day the team observes a massive static discharge in the sky and rushes to investigate rat tracks the superstorm to its epicenter
in Rome where a devastating thunderstorm is causing widespread equipment failures and casualties a massive lightning strike to destroys the Coliseum and severely damages other buildings nearly leveling the city finally the ship is ready and the launch is scheduled near the Mariana Trench before the launch the team chooses a name for the ship and BRZ reveals that he has already decided on Virgil as the countdown Begins the pilots conduct final system checks once the checks are complete and headquarters gives the go- ahead Virgil begins its descent in the depths of the ocean at a tremendous depth
the crew of Virgil encounters singing whales BRZ explains that the ship's resonance tubes ID ultrasonic sounds similar to whale songs the ship continues its descent deeper into the ocean meanwhile at headquarters monitors detect an underwater earthquake and Virgil enters a fisure after overcoming intense underwater currents the ship reaches the ocean floor they activate the lasers just in time creating a hole and penetrating into the Earth's crust the ship successfully continues its Journey with all compartments and systems functioning at 100% 15 minutes later they reach the mantle and enter it 12 hours after departure Bob notices
something unusual on the screen and calls the scientists they analyze the image and realize they are in a vast void the crew quickly takes their seats as the ship suddenly collides with something they find themselves surrounded by an enormous number of crystals the ship now out of control heads straight toward the crystals unfortunately one of the crystals blocks the lasers which are crucial for their mission to proceed they need to remove the obstruction the only exit from the ship is through the compartment with the impellers where the temperature is a searing 3000° bras suggests using
liquid nitrogen from the cooling systems to lower lower the temperature the crew Don their space suits leaving Rebecca to monitor the systems upon inspecting the area they discover they are inside a gigantic bubble a Cobalt cocoon suddenly a piece of Lava Falls at Josh's feet looking up he realizes they have breached the Cocoon and lava is now pouring in part of the crew rushes back to the ship while two men stay behind to cut the Crystal and free the lasers one of the Falling Rocks damages the oxygen hose of the cutter Josh connects his suit's
hose to it to maintain the Cutter's function on the monitors Serge sees Josh Vital Signs plummet due to lack of oxygen Josh loses Consciousness BRZ manages to cut the Crystal and activate the lasers while Bob oversees the process after confirming success Bob prepares to return to the ship but is struck by a Falling Rock fatally injuring him realizing Bob cannot be saved bras and surge drag Josh back into Virgil distraught Rebecca activates the impellers and the ship escapes the Cocoon the crew manages to revive Josh who is informed of the success but also of Bob's
death the team honors Bob's bravery a ack knowledging that not everyone would sacrifice their life if Josh hadn't connected his hose they wouldn't have succeeded the next day the ship nears the boundary between the mantle in the core the scientists prepare the charges for installation and activation meanwhile Rebecca notices Ultra hard clusters on the monitors zimski identifies them as diamonds which are scattered everywhere the ship speeds forward at high velocity and Rebecca navigates between the diamonds however one of the Rocks damages the weapons control compartment Rebecca instructs the crew to evacuate the rear section of
the ship the the automatic ejection system activates and everyone quickly exits the compartment Serge decides to return to retrieve essential equipment and Records needed for charge activation he manages to pass everything to Josh but remains in the damaged module in a desperate move Serge pleads with Rebecca to disable the ejection system but zimsky prohibits it warning that the entire ship could be jeopardized if they lose the compartment Josh sees his friend on the monitors trying to reassure him and promising to get him out BRZ attempts to manually locate and disable the ejection system wires but
is unsuccess uccessful as the compartment is depressurized Serge dies before Josh's Eyes Josh accuses Rebecca despite her deep guilt she feels responsible for Serge's death twice once when she inadvertently snagged the diamond and again when she didn't disable the ejection system nevertheless she reminds herself that the mission is critical for the survival of the planet after 35 hours Virgil reaches the boundary of the core the ship suddenly accelerates due to the core's different density rendering their calculations obsolete zimsky requests updated parameters for the computer model model with the new data the crew realizes that the
current charge will not provide enough thrust Conrad suggests using Destiny deep Earth seismic trigger I initiative this weapon developed by a potential adversary can trigger earthquakes in targeted areas zimsky reveals that Destiny might be responsible for the planet's current crisis Rebecca questions the general about why they weren't informed earlier but he explains that if they hadn't developed it an enemy would have BRZ is skeptical about using a weapon that could potentially have destroyed the planet zimsky Compares it to an electric shock that can restart a heart Josh vehemently opposes using Destiny fearing it will cause
total destabilization Thomas intervenes stating that the president has ordered the use of Destiny and Virgil must return or they will perish except for zimsky everyone decides to attempt an alternative method to activate the core zimsky Furious and considering the others as suicidal has a breakdown leading to a confrontation with BRZ meanwhile rat detects an electromagnetic field disturbance on the monitors he informs the general that invisible microwaves indicate a breach solar radiation is seeping through a crack above San Francisco causing the Bay's water to boil burning people and melting cars and tires the Golden Gate Bridge
collapses as its support structures melt reducing the city to ruins and burying tens of thousands realizing the urgency the general decides they must immediately activate Destiny rat informs Josh that the device is ready and asks how he can assist Josh requests rat to sabotage the launch the general authorizes the weapons use and preparations begin on Virgil the scientists attempt to find an alternative method to activate the core using simulators zimsky proposes a strategy of making five explosions at different points meanwhile preparations for Destiny's launch continue and rat desperately tries to hack the system but fails
repeatedly on Virgil everything is ready but the bomb casings cannot withstand the pressure at the core's surface the only option is to place them in compartments and jettison the module at the required points however the ejection system only activates if the compartment is damaged bras proposes unlocking the valve to allow separation of the bomb compartment ments the valve is located in a shaft with a temperature of 5,000 de and liquid nitrogen is almost depleted being essential for cooling the ship knowing the shaft is deadly the men draw straws to decide who will go BRZ draws
the shortest straw but zimsky exposes him revealing that all the straws were identical in length and BRZ had bent his BRZ insists on being released declaring that Virgil is his whole life and he is willing to sacrifice himself as BRZ enters the shaft his suit begins to melt with his last ounce of strength he unlocks the valve and requests that the impellers be activated he dies instantly Josh and zimsky then prepare and jettison the bomb compartments one by one at the designated points Destiny is fully prepared for launch desperate to find a loophole rat discovers
a file with access permissions at the last moment and shuts off the power supply causing a delay in restoring the system during the preparation of one of the compartments zimsky and Josh realized that the final charge needs to be a quar or more powerful than the others due to an error in their initial calculations they rush back to the compartment trying to find a solution so suddenly the ship is violently jolted the men are thrown to the floor and a projectile pins Josh down despite his efforts zimsky is unable to free him knowing his end
is near Josh asks Conrad to leave him behind however another jolt causes the bomb to slip off Josh and pin zimsky down now it's Zim's turn to assist but he lacks the strength and also asks to be left behind at the last moment zimsky manages to escape the module through the monitor he instructs them to use the fuel assembly from the reactor to enhance the explosion Josh with great great difficulty in burning his hands drags the fuel assembly into the compartment and jettison the final module returning to Rebecca he informs her that he has enhance
the bomb but they now lack the energy to return the compartments begin to explode one by one Josh and Rebecca brace themselves for the worst however Josh suddenly has an idea the ship's Hull can convert the core's heat into energy which might be enough to activate the impellers meanwhile at headquarters the explosions are monitored in one compartment zimsky records his final thoughts on a dictaphone before the module explodes killing him the monitors show that the core has started spinning again confirming that the explosions have worked after making some modifications to Virgil Josh and Rebecca managed
to start the engines on the surface a massive seismic wave occurs and the planet begins to heal itself Virgil ascends at full speed at headquarters they track their coordinates and expect them to surface near Hawaii however as the ship passes through the crust the signal is lost 4 hours later Virgil surfaces on the ocean floor and stops due to a lack of energy they have no communication with the surface and the sonar cannot detect them they can only emit an ultrasonic beep but no one is listening to those frequencies ships and helicopters are dispatched to
search for them but their efforts are in vain the only detection is a large pot of singing whales rat recalling his knowledge of the ship realizes that the whales are singing for Virgil search teams are immediately sent out and find the module with the survivors while being lifted to the surface Josh and Rebecca discuss their ordeal Rebecca is frustrated that the heroism of their fallen friends may go Onre recognized Josh however suggests there might still be a chance for information to leak a week later in California a man enters an internet CA connecting to the
network he shuts down all the computers and uploads detailed information about the incident and the heroes who saved the world to the public network do you think Humanity will ever be able to reach the Earth's core and what might this lead to share your thoughts in the comments below hit the like button and subscribe to the channel see you in the next videos [Music]
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