Husband Got Most Ever Epic Revenge On Cheating Wife's Affair Partner. Sad Audio Story.

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita Husband Put Epic Revenge On Cheating Wife's Affair Partner...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I carefully examined the Towering ancient tree one wrong move even the smallest miscalculation and it would fall the wrong way creating a disaster I hated that it had to come down at all but after the thunderstorm and multiple lightning strikes there was no alternative yes multiple strikes people who claim lightning doesn't hit the same place twice clearly don't understand how it works this tree wasn't just old it was the biggest and tallest in the area before the third lightning strike it stood nearly 180 ft tall how do I know last weekend I trimmed off
the top and measured it just over 50 ft the middle section was a little longer than that and after removing it I made sure the remaining trunk was short enough to avoid crushing my neighbor's house I wasn't taking any chances today's job was the toughest yet if you hadn't figured it out by now I used to be a lumberjack these days I focus on processing wood and selling firewood my family has lived in this house for a long time when we first moved in there were only two neighbors Josh a retiree who had been here
long before us and old Mrs Frasier who had lived down the hill even longer now a decade later everything has changed a whole neighborhood has popped up around us replacing the quiet and isolation we once loved the trees were cleared to make way for streets sidewalks and homes what used to feel natural and untouched now looks cold modern and artificial getting approval to remove the tree came with strict conditions the city had rules about how long any part of it could stay standing and how quickly I had to clear the debris once the final section
was down I had only 3 days to cut it into firewood and haul it away the remaining trunk was still about 80 ft tall with a base nearly 10 ft wide and the upper branches had stretched almost 260 ft across there was plenty of work ahead the tre's removal had turned into a bit of a spectacle conservationists had tried to stop it insisting that with the right care it could have lived another two centuries the case even went to court but in the end the judge ruled against them independent forestry experts confirmed that the repeated
lightning strikes had drained the sap leaving it unable to recover the tree didn't realize it was dead yet but by Autumn its branches would at least the wood wouldn't go to waste Josh Mrs Frasier and even the judge would be set for firewood Josh's shed was already stocked with LS from the upper and middle sections today's Hall would fill Fraser's Supply with a little extra to spare I was assessing my next move when Josh approached holding a video camera hey neighbor mind if I record this he asked not at all I said just make sure
I get a copy when it's done Josh grinned of course want me to get your whole house in the shot too think I can capture everything the tree the fall The Works sounds good I replied I appreciate it Josh you've been a great neighbor I'm going to miss you when you leave Josh always measured life in years thinking long term While most people only focused on the present not everyone understood that about him and some found it odd to him hours days and even months were just fleeting moments he gave me a look half amused
half exasperated I'm not going anywhere Charlie we've had this conversation enough times I shook my head yeah we have I glanced toward the front yard we were standing standing near his porch the perfect vantage point for assessing where the tree would fall everything has a cycle I said things are born they grow and eventually they die some just go sooner than expected Josh nodded yeah nature follows its own rules no matter what we think exactly but at least you Fraser and the judge are set for firewood between this and that old Cedar I took down
for you you won't have to worry about it for years I appreciate that he said no problem I had to do something with all this wood I wasn't about to let it go to waste Josh studied me for a moment so you've made your decision yeah he nodded again as if confirming something to himself it's quiet now but I bet the city will be surprised when they see it's gone today instead of over the weekend there's a hurricane expected Friday I explained I can't risk leaving this tree standing in those winds Josh raised an eyebrow
you know a news crew is on their way right yeah that's another reason I'm doing this now I said if I waited until the weekend we'd have a crowd some people protesting others just standing around drinking I'd rather get it done before anyone makes a big deal out of it Youk be fine Josh assured me then he eyed the pile of wood and Tools looks like you've got your hands full though yeah you still want me to make those calls when it's down he asked yeah first the lawyer then Mary about 20 minutes later Josh
exhaled his expression unreadable got it I hope you're sure about about this Charlie if what I think is happening is actually happening Mary might show up just in time I looked away for a moment then back at him I've gone over this in my head a dozen times Josh watched me closely you already know don't you I hesitated not exactly Josh studied me for a moment then shook his head with a knowing smile he didn't say anything just turned and started walking back toward his house as he reached the porch steps he glanced back over
his shoulder give me 10 minutes to set up the camera upstairs he said then letun get this over with I met his gaze and nodded it'll be done Josh I walked over to my truck and pulled out an old but powerful chainsaw an industrial grade John's red with a 16-in blade it had been a while since I last used it but machines like this were built to last they don't make them this tough anymore the chain had carbide reinforced teeth sharp enough to slice through metal with ease that's exactly why these chains were designed to
handle nails and debris hidden deep in tree trunks the engine had just been overhauled and the day before I had personally sharpened the chain using a diamond tipped grinder the saw was primed for the job ahead with plenty of power to make quick work of the tree however because I was working within City Limits I had to attach a muffler something both Josh and I hated we had spent years around roaring earsplitting chainsaws loving the raw aggressive way they tore through logs but the permit for cutting this tree came with restrictions and I had to
follow the guidelines fine if I had to stick to the rules then so would everyone else when the dust settled I took one last look around before preparing for the Final Cut I had placed three wedges two on the South Side one on the North to control the fall if everything went according to plan the cuts would make the trunk rotate or as my wife Chris liked to call it a pouette before tipping West Northwest and Landing neatly along the sidewalk but it had been years since I handled a tree this massive maybe I was
out of practice maybe my calculations were a little off I sure hoped not the presence of TV cameras had a way of making people double check their work a glance over my shoulder showed several trucks pulling up near a news van on the next street a couple of men stepped out and started chatting with old Mrs Frasier she motioned toward me and their grins widened the whole scene had the energy of a Town Event almost festive it made my chest tighten this tree and I had history and I never thought I'd be the one bringing
it down especially not like this I checked the saw again nodded at Josh and fired it up it purred smoothly though too quietly for my taste that damn Muffler dulled the satisfying growl I was used to I pressed the blade into the base of the tree cutting at a precise angle stopping once I cleared some extra wood from the South Side the north wedge was holding just fine then I felt it a shift subtle but unmistakable a second later I heard the first crack I instinctively stepped back shutting off the Saw and moving quickly leaving
myself enough space to react if needed even the most experienced tree cutters know that nature sometimes has a mind of its own just as expected the trunk slid forward slightly before beginning its rotation I watched as the top leaned into the fall I had calculated everything perfectly satisfied I turned toward the house climbing the porch steps as the final impact echoed behind me a deep crunch of wood and metal followed by a faint squeal then silence quiet than I thought it would be joshh was still filming from his upper Veranda I shot him a quick
hand signal thumb and Pinky extended to make the calls he waved his phone in response and pointed toward the news van Live From The Scene he announced dramatically I muttered under my breath live the reporter edged closer while the cameraman remained near the van keeping a clear shot of the house and yard things were about to get interesting stepping inside I carried the still war saw into the living room my eyes landed on the coffee table the one I had painstakingly built for Chris over three long months it sat in its usual spot but now
a scattered mess of underwear covered the surface a bottle of wine and two glasses sat at the center no coasters another detail that stung she had never really appreciated that table despite the hours of work and care I had put into making it setting the saw down I reached into the closet and pulled out the expensive backpack Chris had insisted on buying when she started her new job it had sat there unused for months I unzipped it and began stuffing it with the clothing from the table a black dress a pair of tights moving further
I picked up a man's shirt some socks a little to the side I found his pants and his wallet opening it I stared at the name inside outside the cranked up stereo blared shaking the walls Chris always liked her music loud in this case that had been lucky otherwise they might have heard the unmistakable crash of a multi-ton tree flattening their vehicles that must have been quite a moment for them good thing I had stacked 10 buckets of cat litter beneath their cars before I got started I grabbed Chris's purse pulling out her keys and
wallet before tossing the bag into the backpack my mind drifted to her new truck she was obsessed with that thing modifying it to match her best friends almost exactly the only difference hers ran on gas while her friends was diesel Chris's truck was brand new fully loaded loed top tier sound system all the bells and whistles the one parked outside well now that I thought about it they did look exactly the same except for one Minor Detail the one outside was still under a loan Pete my so-called best friend still owed around $32,000 on his
Chris had traded in her BMW to pay hers off completely then for whatever reason she let her friend convince her to drop her full coverage insurance in favor of State minimum liability despite my advice now that was going to be a problem a brand new fully paid-off truck crushed Beyond repair and as for Pete he still had a massive loan hanging over his head with nothing left to show for it guess that's what happens when you cut Corners interesting with the chainsaw in one hand and the backpack in the other I made my way to
the bedroom door even from the hallway the music blasted loud enough to shake the walls beneath it though I could still hear them long muffled moans I tested the handle locked no surprise there Chris always made sure to lock the door when we were together even though there was no real reason to no kids no interruptions just old habits setting the backpack next to the expensive suitcase I had pulled out earlier I took a step back gripping the saw tightly then I fired it up panicked screams erupted from inside the moment the chain tore through
the door cutting cleanly around the lock it only took seconds I gave the door a firm push and it swung open Pete stood Frozen by the bed Stark undressed looking like a deer caught in headlights his face drained of color across from him Chris was curled up in the sheets crying scrambling to cover herself as if modesty suddenly mattered as if any of it mattered I met Pete's gaze and gave the saw a deliberate rev before letting it idle the chain rotating slowly menacingly he swallowed hard the door's through me the windows all yours Make
Your Move jumper I'd always wanted to say that line too bad I finally got the chance under these circumstances Pete's panicked gaze darted between me and Chris then without hesitation he turned and hurled himself through the window taking the Glass and Screen with him I SED great now I'd have to replace the damn thing I hadn't actually expected him to do it stepping up to the shattered frame I glanced outside Pete was sprawled on the ground clutching his ankle even from up here I could tell it was broken he wasn't going anywhere fast I set
the saw down and turned to Chris she was sobbing trying to explain saying it wasn't what it looked like that I had it all wrong that I was overreacting as if I was too stupid to understand what I was seeing as if this wasn't the 10th time they had turned my home into their personal love nest Chris shut up she froze her mouth snapped shut as though I had slapped her she wasn't used to me speaking this way listen carefully because I'm only saying this once I let the silence stretch between us making sure Chris
felt the weight of my words before I continued Mary's already on her way she'll be here in 15 minutes probably trying to make it in 10 keep that in mind oh and she just bought herself a brand new 12 gauge firearm yesterday you get where I'm going with this Chris's eyes widened in Terror she gave a frantic nod good then here's what's going to happen I said my voice steady you're going to pack whatever you can fit into that overpriced suitcase you just had to have your backpacks ready it's got all your boyfriend's clothes your
dress and everything that was scattered across the coffee table downstairs your purse is in there too but our joint bank cards our shared credit cards gone you still have your personal card though his wallet is missing a few things his bank card his credit cards I figure Mary might want those got it Chris nodded again tears streaming down her face I looked away for a second trying to steady myself this hurt more than I expected 10 years of trust and love don't just switch off like a light your truck his truck both Total I can
continued a tree fell on them about 5 minutes ago I guess you were a little too uh preoccupied to hear it so here's my advice take the back door Mary's coming and there's a news crew out front cameras rolling I also suggest you help your little boyfriend limp his way out of here call a cab and get him to a hospital pretty sure he's not walking out of here on his own I paused making sure she was still listening oh and one last thing if it wasn't obvious already we're done the divorce papers are in
the suitcase you've already been served don't come back unless a sheriff is escorting you understood Chris crumbled into sobs I turned and left I needed to be outside before Mary got here she had a short fuse and the last thing I needed was for her to make things worse I didn't know exactly when their little Affair started and I didn't care the fact that it happened at all was enough for the past month I had kept my mouth shut pretending I didn't know it took every ounce of control not to let my rage take over
there had been moments too many to count where I wanted to end them both and if either of them had been sitting in those trucks this morning I might not have hesitated thank God I snapped out of it before doing something I'd regret now I just had to stop Mary from making that mistake hopefully as I stepped off the porch the crowd outside edged closer news cameras captured everything the fallen tree the wreckage of the trucks my house in the background Josh stood near Chris's crushed truck chatting with the reporter leaning casually on what used
to be the driver's side door HEK the kindest guy you'll ever meet Josh was saying always looking out for us older folks never asks for anything in return just a damn good man damn good the reporter a woman wearing too much makeup her expression a carefully practiced mix of concern and composure turned to me with a hint of caution you wouldn't say he's dangerous with a chainsaw sir she asked Josh let out a booming laugh before answering honey that man over there best damn Lumberjack in the state he said nodding toward me he doesn't miss
doesn't mess up drops trees exactly where they need to go every single time 10 years running he was the state fair felling Champion I've watched him bring down 55ft trees on a hillside in high winds with internal stress fractures and still land them on a dime Josh let the words settle before flashing a smirk no ma'am he ain't bad with a chainsaw unless you get on his bad side then well that's a whole different story I exhaled rubbing a hand over my face the last thing I needed was Josh making me sound like a damn
Legend if this whole mess landed in court my reputation wouldn't exactly help my case just then a familiar Rumble of truck engines pulled up and I saw my Old Logging buddies arrive Jed had his portable hydraulic log splitter hitched to his truck which meant one thing they were here to help break the fallen tree into firewood Joe was the first to climb out taking a long essing look at me Charlie how's it going he asked I let out of breath I've had better days Joe he nodded scratching his chin yeah figured as much then with
a smirk he added I got to say the cat litter idea brilliant cat litter another voice chimed in Jed chuckled we were all wondering why you bought 10 20b buckets of cat litter the other day didn't think you even had a cat Joe nodded smart thinking though I shot them both a warning look let's not bring that up all right the last thing I need is the town buzzing about oil or anti-freeze running into the storm drains a laugh came from behind Joe remind me to never get on your bad side Max stepped forward and
offered me a firm handshake his usual good-natured grin replaced with something more somber so my no good brother is still breathing yeah Max pretty sure he busted his ankle diving out of my bedroom window lucky for him he missed the jacuzzi cleaning up his mess in there would have been a real hassle Max exhaled shaking his head Charlie man I'm sorry I never understood what was wrong with him he's my brother but I swear sometimes I think the hospital sent the wrong baby home with my parents it's not on you Max I just never thought
he'd do this to me and I definitely didn't think Chris would a heavy silence settled between us neither of them seemed to know what to say Joe was the one to break it well as soon as these news folks clear out we can get this thing cut up Max grab your saw I'll take care of the belts so we can haul the logs off the wreckage Charlie you mind if I park the trailer in your driveway Jed stepped up resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder hey Jed I greeted Charlie he said his voice carrying
more weight than just my name I nodded yeah letun get to it my place is yours Jed hesitated rubbing the back of his neck look I I know I cut in you and Betty knew about this but you stayed quiet because you were afraid of how I'd react I get it doesn't mean it didn't hurt though Jed exhaled sharply his face tightening damn man I didn't know what to do Betty's been Chris's best friend forever and you hell you're like family Betty kept saying Chris was going to end it soon that she had her reasons
but I knew better I knew you didn't deserve this still I didn't know how to tell you I met his gaze my voice steady I understand Jed I do and I forgive you but that doesn't change the fact that this is beyond repair now Jed nodded grimly yeah he hesitated before adding Betty's torn up about it too I finally told her everything last night she called me earlier seems like all this is blowing up on TV now they even got footage of Pete diving out your window bum undressed I raised an eyebrow you don't say
Jed let out a short laugh Josh caught most of it on his camera but I'm sure the news station got some great angles too I smirked might be worth adding to the Scrapbook I turned away needing a moment to collect myself that's when I saw it Mary's truck barreling down the road like a bat out of hell my stomach tightened this was about to get messy she barely hit the brakes before skidding to a stop a few feet away from me the driver's door flew open and out she came wild-eyed Furious and gripping a weapon
like she fully intended to use it the distinct Chach chunk of a pump action echoed through the street to my left the news crew took a cautious step back their expressions wavered between fear and the thrill of catching breaking news live on camera Mary I said calmly Put the gun down they're gone Pete broke his ankle jumping out of the window and Chris took him to the hospital honestly I wasn't sure if she had but I was hoping she had enough sense to because when Mary lost her temper she didn't just get mad she went
nuclear Mary's knuckles were white on the firearm grip I'll eliminate them both she snarled voice shaking with rage that son of a witch and that lying Mary I stepped forward keeping my voice steady it's over and no matter what they did if you go through with this you'll be the one paying for it trust me I nearly went down that road myself her nostrils flared who stopped you Josh said he kind of liked having me around and didn't want to visit me in prison for the next 20 years I let that sink in before adding
and if you do this that's where you'll be do you really think they are worth that her breath was coming in sharp gasps now handshaking Charlie after everything after all they did right in front of us tears welled in her eyes her grip on the firearm loosened that was my chance I stepped forward gently taking the gun from her hands she let it go without a fight I walked over to her truck set the firearm inside grabbed her keys from the ignition locked the doors and pocketed them then I pulled her into a hug for
a long moment we just stood there the world watching the crowd the cameras the wreckage after a while a soft voice spoke from behind us Mary would you like to come sit with me for a bit we turned to see Mrs Fraser standing near the ruins of Chris's truck hands outstretched Mary sniffled nodding without a word she walked toward the old woman I glanced around searching for the judge but he was nowhere in sight probably tied up in court for the day Mary had already started walking when she called back to me you coming Charlie
I shook my head nah I've got firewood to chop before dark better to get it done while I've still got extra hands Mrs Fraser studied me for a moment then gave a thoughtful nod come see me in an hour Charles I'll be expecting you I met her gaze and gave a respectful nod yes ma'am 1 hour behind me I could hear my buddies murmuring oh yeah back to hiding behind the ladies just like old times one of them teased he figures the older women get worried just so they can keep him company saves him from
doing any real work another chimed in hey Charlie someone called think we can get all this wood split before Sundown looks like a mountain of it yeah yeah I hear you I muttered but you all know just as well as I do when Mrs Fraser tells you to be somewhere you don't keep her waiting laughter followed and they got back to work I turned away just in time to hear Charlie Wilson you're under arrest slowly I turned around sure enough two local officers were standing by their Cruiser trying way too hard to look authoritative the
news camera was still rolling the work site fell silent my friends stopped what they were doing watching the cops with Expressions that range from disbelief to barely restrained hostility I lifted a hand in a casual wave for what I asked folding my arms the officer smirked destruction of private property vandalism attempted homicide oh and whatever else we dig up while we're at it I raised an eyebrow oh and don't forget cutting down this tree without permission that should add to my list of offenses right the officer straightened his expression turning more serious actually yeah it
does I let out a short laugh well first off I had permission to take down that tree second the fact that it crushed those two trucks was nothing but bad luck you can't prove otherwise and third does the judge know you two are out here wasting my time I took a slow step forward lowering my voice just enough to make them uncomfortable and one more thing attempted homicide let's be real if I had actually wanted that man dead do you think he'd still be breathing don't insult me silence the officer shifted awkwardly realizing they' bitten
off more than they could chew I smiled now why don't you go ahead and walk away cameras are rolling after all they hesitated glanced at each other then without another word Turned and Left the judge I was referring to wasn't just any judge he was an actual friend a neighbor someone they knew could make their jobs a nightmare if they pushed the wrong buttons and they weren't ready for that fight an hour later I made my way over to Mrs Fraser's house my buddies were still hard at work cutting up the last sections of the
tree Jed was at the splitter while a few others had arrived with their trucks loading firewood to take over to her Barn they waved me off as I passed cracking jokes about how I never actually worked to be honest I didn't argue I needed the Breather today had been one hell of a ride inside I sank into a deep well-worn chair in Mrs Fraser's living room across from me Mary sat much calmer than before her eyes were still red but the rage had faded I pulled the truck keys from my pocket and dropped them onto
her lap you've had some time to cool off I'm guessing I don't have to worry about you doing anything crazy now she exhaled running a hand through her hair yeah I think I'm done with that kind of hunting but tomorrow I'll be hunting for a damn good lawyer I nodded my guy said he'd be to help you out if you want he's already got plenty of dirt on both of them but if you want your own I Get It Mary considered it for a moment I'll talk to him I was told she's the best in
town I gave a small smile then that settles it she studied me for a moment how are you holding up Charlie can't imagine how hard this has been for you I sighed I'll get through it but yeah it stings you and I we're both dealing with the same kind of pain maybe we can lean on each other from time to time just to talk nothing more she gave a small tired smile that's just like you Charlie always looking out for others when you're hurting too but yeah I think we'll be all right it'll take a
while though I don't think I have it in me to feel much of anything for a long time I nodded I knew exactly what she meant after a moment Mary smirked so what was it like watching that tree flatten their trucks I grinned felt damn good I hated cutting it down but at least it went to good use she laughed bet Pete's regretting switching his insurance now how much does he still owe I asked already guessing the number would sting 31 Grand give or take I let out a low whistle yeah that's a hefty loss
but not nearly as bad as what you about to do to him I imagine Mary's smile widened oh trust me he has no idea what's coming I leaned back you think he and Chris will stay together she snorted not a chance the second he's out of the hospital he'll be gone this isn't the first time he's pulled something like this and she's about to find out the hard way if she sticks around she deserves every bit of misery coming her way I Shrugged at least Pete has his own business that's something I guess Mary burst
into laughter I frowned what she wiped her eyes still chuckling oh Charlie you actually thought it was his business I hesitated well yeah he's been running it for years I figured you just worked with him she shook her head Amusement still written across her face damn he really played that act well no Charlie the whole thing is mine the land the buildings the equipment the licenses it's all in my name he was just the manager nothing more I inherited it from my uncle and built it into what it is today Pete he had no hand
in any of it I blinked you're telling me he doesn't own a thing she grinned not a damn thing I sat back shaking my head well looks like you'll be just fine then probably better off than me to be honest she gave me a knowing smile Charlie you're going to be all right I know you and I know how much this town respects you you'll land on your feet trust me Chris on the other hand I could already hear Mary sealing the fate of my ex-wife's career with just a few words before I could dwell
on that thought Mrs Fraser entered the room balancing three cups of coffee on a tray she set the tray down with practiced EAS and fixed me with a knowing look so young man have you spoken with the judge yet I shook my head not yet ma'am now's not really the best time her expression hardened call him and set up a meeting she insisted her tone leaving no room for argument he's livid over what happened absolutely furious at Pete and Chris and let me tell you he thinks very highly of you just like I do I
sighed judge Fraser can't really do anything about this ma'am she gave me a sharp look oh don't be naive son of course he can you've already filed for divorce a judge is going to oversee the case and I can assure you he'll make damn sure neither Chris nor Pete tries to take advantage of you he's got your back he said so himself I shook my head again ma'am the judge doesn't owe me a thing Mrs Fraser scoffed shaking her head don't be ridiculous Charles you've done more for his family over the years than you probably
remember and I'm not just talking about all the firewood you've always been there for me even when my own grandson tried pulling his dirty tricks on you I exhaled meeting her gaze that's a separate issue Mrs Fraser not really she countered firmly Pete carries our family name but let's be honest heun's a disgrace he may be my grandson but I have no Illusions about what he is what he did today that won't be forgotten in our family anytime soon and certainly not in a way that makes us proud you were his best friend Charlie if
anyone should have known better it was him he should have had enough respect for you to never cross this line we were just hoping you wouldn't eliminate him though truth be told he had it coming her words hit harder than I expected that's what makes this so damn difficult she continued we care about you son even that Foolish Boy does in his own Twisted way and knowing how badly he's hurt you it's eating us up inside I took a deep breath nodding I appreciate that ma'am it's been tough tough she scoffed understatement of the Year
Charles then she fixed me with a knowing look by the way why don't you call me old Fraser to my face I know that's what you say when you think I'm not listening my face went red Mary nearly jumped out of her seat wait you knew about that Mrs Fraser chuckled of course dear I know everything and Charlie you should have known better you think I don't know what people call me behind my back I wear the title proudly I let out a nervous laughes ma'am fair enough Mrs Fraser waved a dismissive hand there's no
need to apologize young man I've always considered it an honor the moment someone says old Frasier everyone in this town knows exactly who they're talking about and don't for a second think I don't know that it's said with respect even if some might think it sounds a little rude I like it just fine I'm not some delicate flower yes ma'am she leveled a firm look at me now quit stalling and call the judge he's expecting to hear from you he's got plenty to say and trust me you'd be wise to listen I've known that man
for nearly 50 years and he gives damn good advice to those smart enough to take it yes ma'am you ever feel like a school boy caught sneaking a cigarette behind the gym or a kid getting busted for shooting spitballs in class that was the effect old Fraser had she could cut straight through the nonsense making everything Crystal Clear she valued honesty and as long as you were upfront she'd respect you her husband the judge was the same way they weren't just well respected in town they were the foundation of it and somehow Pete and Max
were their grandsons it was a damn mess Mrs Fraser studied me her gaze sharp are you planning to kick her out Charles I met her eyes and nodded yeah I already had her served with divorce papers last I heard she took Pete to the hospital I'd hope so he snapped his ankle HEK lucky that's all that happened she sighed shaking her head we were worried you might have broken his neck instead or shot him I smirked by the way you saw how clean that tree fell right best drop I've done in years that was something
else she admitted her lips curling into a Sly grin you're probably already framing this as a simple tree removal gone wrong aren't you uh yes I wasn't sure if I should be having this conversation with her but she gave me a knowing look there was more internal stress in the trunk than I initially expected I said keeping my expression neutral that's what caused it to lean that way Mrs Fraser laughed oh keep that poker face up and stick to your story son I was here I know exactly what happened and so does everyone else in
this town who's ever seen you drop a tree I exhaled that's what worries me she nodded knowingly that's why the judge wants to talk to you he's got legal advice you'll want to hear wants to make sure you don't end up tangled l in his system she gave me a long assessing look you know he's concerned about you right we all are I met her gaze thank you ma'am her expression softened slightly and by the way smart thinking with the cat litter under the trucks you made sure no oil or antifreeze leaked into the drain
I respect that my face warmed again across from me Mary studied me with fresh curiosity like she was seeing me in a whole new light did you plan all of this she asked quietly before I could answer Mrs Fraser burst into laughter Mary dear I thought you knew Charlie doesn't do anything without a plan the only part that wasn't calculated was Pete breaking his ankle that was just dumb luck but everything else that was all him Mary exhaled shaking her head remind me never to piss you off Charlie it's not that big of a deal
I said you could have taken him out when he was sitting in his truck she pointed out why didn't you I Shrugged like I said they're not worth me sitting in a prison cell for the next 20 years they made their bed they can lie in it Mary sighed she really loved that truck you know I nodded yeah Mary I know she hesitated then added probably more than she loved you I didn't answer Mrs Fraser stepped forward placing a gentle hand on my shoulder I think we all underestimated how much you gave to this Charles
I'm sorry it turned out this way I exhaled keeping my voice even it is what it is enough with the ma'am business she huffed I like old Frasier use it I chuckled shaking my head all right old Frasier I still wasn't used to saying it to her face it felt odd but at least she took the nickname as a mark of respect rather than an insult I should get back to the guys I said still plenty of wood to split son they finished already she said with a knowing smile Jed and Max just un loaded
the last trailer into my shed those boys move fast when they've got motivation she tilted her head I imagine they wouldn't mind a few cold beers after all that work maybe you ought to take them down to the tavern not a bad idea old Fraser I'll do just that before I could leave she gave me a long look Charles listen to me no matter how this shakes out you're a good man one of the best I've ever known don't forget that I nodded I hear you ma'am I hugged both Mary and old Fraser before heading
out the beer was damn good that night the guys kept the conversation light cracking jokes making me laugh in spite of everything they were solid friends the kind you hold on to Max was nothing like his brother he always said he must have been Switched at Birth because there was no way he was related to Pete more than once he told me that I was more of a brother to him than Pete ever was I'd heard it my whole life but after everything that happened it carried more weight for the next four nights I had
the house to myself it felt empty too big and too quiet a buddy of Josh's called him up passing along that Chris was staying with her parents no surprise there they weren't thrilled about the situation but she was their only daughter and family is family one evening the judge called me at home we talked for a while he wanted to know how I was holding up but he also had some legal advice to pass along he didn't want me ending up in a courtroom for the wrong reasons especially after how close I'd already come dropping
that tree exactly the way I did he had already taken steps to smooth things over but he needed to make sure I understood how to play this right not that he covered anything up not that he broke any laws for me he just guided me told me how to frame things properly how to avoid unnecessary trouble how to keep certain people from sniffing around and most importantly how to handle my divorce two months later after yet another Delay from Chris's lawyer the judge had finally had enough he slammed his gavel down so hard I thought
the bench might crack I'm done with this he snapped this case is closed I am granting Mr Charles Master's divorce petition under the original terms no modifications and no counselor you may not appeal this ruling Chris's lawyer looking like he'd been smacked upside the head hesitated before stammering your honor my client deserves better she contributed to the marriage the judge leaned forward fixing him with a glare that could burn a hole through steel son if you say another word I will hold you in contempt and throw you in a Cell until you learn some manners
are we clear the lawyer swallowed hard ye yes your honor sir then the judge turned his attention to Chris his expression softened not with sympathy but with something closer to disappointment Chris before you leave I want to say something with that we were dismissed I stepped out into the fresh air but a small part of me wondered what he had to say to her Chris sat in his office staring at the floor Chris I don't understand what you thought you were accomplishing the judge said his voice calm but firm I know you didn't want this
divorce but you paraded your Affair in front of Charles like it was some kind of game you threw it in his face at every turn he exhaled sharply and for what you traded in a perfectly good car to buy a truck that looked identical to his why what was the point she had no response she had been asking herself the same question for weeks but the only answer she ever came up with was because I could and she hated herself for it it had started off as something casual something she never thought would spiral the
way it did it was supposed to be a little fun a harmless thrill but before she knew it she had burned her entire life to the ground her mind flashed back to the mour it all fell apart the chainsaw roaring through the bedroom door the lock splintering Pete's pale terrified face and her own stomach twisting fear in that moment she had been convinced Charlie was going to eliminate her and the strange thing the second it happened she didn't think about Pete she didn't care about him at all all she could think about was getting away
she had taken Pete to the hospital only because Charlie told her to because she knew it was the only way to avoid Mary she had followed his instructions without question understanding deep down that it was the last time she would ever take his advice then there was the truck the way Charlie had destroyed it calm precisely as if it were nothing more than another log in his pile and that was when it hit her she had never really appreciated him she had dismissed all the little things he did for her over the years she had
taken them for granted never realizing how much effort he put into taking care of her even after everything because even when she deserved nothing from him he had made sure Mary didn't get to her even when he had every right to tear her apart he had simply Let Her Go and now now he didn't even look at her when he did it was just a brief indifferent glance like she was a stranger a nobody and the worst part the whole town had seen it everyone knew the gossip in the grocery store The Whispers at the
post office the lingering stares from people who once smiled at her she had become the topic of every hushed conversation and for what for Pete for some excitement that barely lasted for zeex that wasn't even that good she didn't love him she never had looking back she had always assumed Charlie would be there no matter what she did no matter how Reckless or thoughtless she had been he had always been the one to pick up the pieces it had never even crossed her mind that there might be a limit that one day he simply wouldn't
be there anymore that there would be something even he couldn't fix and now she had finally done it she' shattered something Beyond repair worse still she hadn't just lost Charlie she had lost the respect of the people who once mattered his family the judge the entire town and most painfully old Frasier the woman who had once treated her like she belonged like she was worth something even before she had figured that out for herself now she barely looked at her Chris thought back to the day she had run into Mrs Fraser at the grocery store
that quiet unmistakable disappointment In Her Eyes the way she and the judge had deliberately kept their distance as if Chris was someone they no longer wanted to be associated with that moment had stung more than she cared to admit and for what for a meaningless fling with Charlie's so-called best friend a man who once he'd gotten what he wanted had turned into a smug sneering idiot every time he saw Charlie a man who had watched her life burn to the ground and then walked away like none of it was his problem looking back she finally
understood something that had always been right in front of her love wasn't just about receiving it was about giving and she had never truly given it she had taken it for granted assumed it was endless it was only after she had stomped all over it that she realized how rare and valuable it had been I was sitting on the porch of the cabin Josh had owned the place for years and after I sold my house and finalized the divorce he offered it to me I had known about the cabin but I hadn't realized it came
with 700 acres of land until I went to finalize the paperwork Josh I told him shaking my head are you serious you're selling this place to me for $72,000 this land alone is worth millions this isn't right people are going to think I scammed You Hell they'll think you've lost your damn mind Josh crossed his arms giving me a look first off you know I've lost my mind that's old news second it's my land and I can sell it to whoever I want for whatever price I choose third I've already turned down three developers who
offered me way more than what you're paying and do you know why I sighed because you don't want them bulldozing the place and turning it into another soulless subdivision Josh nodded exactly I know you I know you'll take care of it and that's worth more to me than money I shook my head Josh this land could make you a fortune for the right kind of people sure he admitted but to me or to you this land is priceless I ran a hand over my face still I Josh cut me off no butts son you buying
this place ensures that no developer will ever touch it and besides I really like the folks you sold your house to they're good people I raised an eyebrow you know I could have sold it for a lot more Josh smirked yeah to that SLE bag who thought he could take advantage of your situation why didn't you I exhaled leaning back because he didn't deserve it and because that young couple reminded me of what life used to be like when things were good I wanted to make sure that house stayed a home not a project for
some flipper looking to make a quick buck Josh studied me for a moment then nodded in understanding now I see I grinned took you long enough he chuckled before his expression turned serious Charlie take care of this place all right it's peaceful up here keep it that way he wasn't wrong from my porch I could see everything the valley the distant City Lights even the neighborhood where I used to live over time I had turned the small cabin into something more I added a wraparound deck a hot tub on one side built a garage a
barn with a sloped roof and a full Workshop it still felt like a cabin but it was something more now I restored the old Paddock and started renting space to city folks who needed a place for their horses with 700 Acres of private land plus the national forest bordering it they had more than enough trails to ride between that and my job managing Timber sales life was steady simple Josh still came up on weekends so did the judge and of course old Fraser my old friends stopped by often too I hadn't seen Chris since we
signed the papers and honestly I missed her not the Betrayal not the way everything ended but there had been a time long before everything fell apart when things had been good when we had been happy I didn't want her back but I wished I could erase the way things had ended but some lessons Don't Come Easy some mistakes can't be undone after a handful of easygoing dates I found myself seeing someone she was unlike anyone I'd been with before straightforward for w reliable and true to her word and for the first time in a long
while I found myself thinking about making it last I won't lie letting someone in again wasn't simple after everything that had happened I had walls up and they weren't easy to tear down but she was patient steady she chipped away at my defenses little by little never pushing too hard the funny thing even when she wasn't around I still saw her because she was on my TV screen almost every evening that's right the same reporter who had been covering the day I took down that old tree ended up catching my attention in more ways than
one we ran into each other again when she interviewed me for a piece about sustainable logging I asked her out the rest well it just fell into place she still has the infamous photo the one of that massive tree flattening those two trucks it spread across the internet like wildfire turned into memes even landed on novelty greeting cards she was smart enough to sell the rights to it and now that very same picture sits framed on my mantle Josh never fails to chuckle whenever he comes by and sees it not just because of the sheer
irony but because the frame itself is made from the very tree that caused all the chaos and hanging above my fireplace isn't some hunting trophy or old heirloom it's something else entirely a Jered Chainsaw the exact one I used that day it hasn't touched a log since but every now and then Jessica asks me to fire it up just to hear it run whenever I do she watches it uneasily her gaze flicking between me and the Machine one evening I caught her looking at it and asked what's on your mind she hesitated before answering I
guess I just never realized how powerful that thing is she's also made it clear on more than one occasion that Chris made the biggest mistake of her life I can't argue with that at the end of it all Chris lost a truck she adored and wound up with well not absolutely nothing but close enough one thing's for sure she doesn't have me and I know that eats away at her just though she's content secure because she understands exactly the kind of man I am the kind who believes in loyalty always have always will I know
what it looks like when someone betrays that trust I've seen the damage firsthand and if you pay attention if you look really close at that wooden frame around the infamous photo you'll notice something beneath the varnish dark stains oil anti-freeze seep deep into the wood before I ever had the chance to preserve it marking it permanently fitting isn't it I think think so it's a quiet reminder of what truly matters months passed and life settled into a steady Rhythm the Scandal had faded from the town's gossip cycle replaced by new dramas and fresher stories but
some things never quite left people's memories I still ran into folks who'd give me knowing nods or a pat on the shoulder their eyes filled with that unspoken acknowledgement you handled it Josh being Josh never let me forget it you know Charlie I've seen a lot of things in my time he said one evening while sipping a beer on my porch but you you turned Revenge into an art form I chuckled shaking my head it wasn't Revenge Josh it was closure Hell whatever you want to call it but I'll tell you this if anyone ever
wrongs me that bad I want you on my side I didn't say anything to that just stared out over the land the Acres that stretched far beyond what I ever thought I'd own it was peaceful here quiet a stark contrast to the storm my life had been caught in just a short while ago Chris had moved out of town I heard she tried to start over somewhere new but I didn't bother finding out where I figured that was for the best Pete on the other hand didn't get off quite as easy between the debt from
his Total Truck Mary taking him for everything he was worth and losing the business he never actually owned he was damn near ruined did I feel bad no you make your choices in life you live with the consequences Mary though she bounced back stronger than I expected she put Pete behind her faster than I thought possible and took the business to new heights last I heard she was looking into expanding maybe even franchising good for her and me I kept moving forward the land Josh sold me turned out to be more than just a retreat
it became home in ways I never imagined I started building again not just structures but a life one that was mine Untouched by the wreckage of my past Jessica and I took things slow but something about her made it easy she didn't push didn't pry just let things happen as they were meant to and maybe for the first time in my life I wasn't looking over my shoulder waiting for something to go wrong one evening she sat beside me on the porch her eyes fixed on the chainsaw that still sat in its place of honor
above the fireplace you ever regret it she asked her voice soft which part all of it I thought about that for a long moment about the years with Chris about the Betrayal about that single defining day when everything came crashing down literally finally I shook my head no I said simply I regret trusting the wrong person I regret not seeing it sooner but handling it the way I did no that was necessary she studied me then nodded good the night stretched on quiet and still the only sound was the occasional rustle of the Wind Through
the Trees the same trees I had fought to protect the ones that stood as a reminder of the life I was building Jessica leaned against me and for the first time in a long time I felt something settle Inside Me Not Just peace but something deeper something that told me I had finally finally moved on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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