Glucose Goddess: The SHOCKING Truth about Oats! These 5 Hacks to Beat Diseases & Lose Weight!

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Healthy Long Life
New Book from the Glucose Goddess, "Glucose Revolution" and "The Glucose Goddess Method". Jesse Inch...
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the people who eat the most sugar get the most diseases the fruit that we have today in our supermarkets is not natural 1 billion people in the world have either type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes up to 80% of the population still has glucose spikes this leads to lots of symptoms from mental health problems to fertility to acne to faster aging if you have really high glucose levels High insulin levels you're more likely to get heart disease dementia depression so most of us have unhealthy glucose levels but in this video do not worry about your unhealthy
glucose level because we will learn from Jesse and CHP the dynamic biochemist who's taken the World by storm as the glucose goddess with a mission to transform lives she's breaking down the science of glucose spikes making it easy for Millions to take control of their health as a New York Times best-selling author her debut book glucose Revolution the life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar has sold millions of copies worldwide igniting a global movement her latest book the glucose goddess method is another New York Times best seller offering a 4-we road map to crush Cravings
Boost energy and feel incredible in this video we will look into the very essence of the teachings of the glucose goddess we'll dive into what a glucose spike is and explore three key consequences of it then we'll reveal the top five hacks to reduce glucose spikes without drastically changing your diet the final section we'll uncover three seemingly healthy foods you should actually cut back on for a longer healthier life let's first understand what glucose spike is there are two that impact our blood sugar levels it's starches so that's bread rice pasta potatoes oats and sugars
if you eat a lot of starches and sugars at once a lot of glucose molecules are arriving into your blood that's the spike you see on your glucose monitor these Spikes have a few different consequences you know having a few spikes here and there is not a big deal but if you have really big spikes which I think most of us are discovering we have even if we don't have diabetes that's when problems start happening there's basically three processes that take place in your body when you spike it chronic fatigue of your mitochondria aging glycation
and then insulin release too much glucose taxes the mitochondria through oxidative stress overload of the energy producing machinery and inflammation eventually leading to reduced efficiency in energy production and tired mitochondria the second consequence is glycation glycation it's the process of Browning or of cooking a human being from the moment we're born we're slowly cooking we're slowly glycating when we're fully glycated we die and every glucose Spike increases its process of glycation it accelerates aging you get wrinkles faster if you glycate more and also on the inside your organs slowly get damaged the third consequence of
glucose spike is the increased level of insulin which will have negative impact to our body in response your pancreas sends a hormone called insulin and Insulin stores glucose away into your liver into your muscles and then when those are full insulin stores glucose away into your fats cells and that's one of the ways that you gain fat on your body it's in response to the spikes and your body trying to protect you from the spikes insulin itself has consequences and is the driver of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance here are some studies that show
how glucose spikes may affect fertility cause brain fog and Alzheimer's the more insulin resistant you are the more likely you are to be infertile one study that's really interesting shows us that in rats scientists noticed that the more glucose spikes they had the slower the speed of the signal between their neurons so their brain was literally slowing down the information was going more slowly throughout the brain they theorized that in humans this could lead to brain fog there's a study that has followed people for 30 years they found that people who had elevated glucose levels
in their 40s were more likely to get Alzheimer's when they reach 60 70 80 so having high glucose level that midlife is a risk factor for Alzheimer's when you're older not only that but scientists have started to see that some of the things you see in the brain of someone with Alzheimer's are actually similar to what you see in the body of somebody with diabetes namely inflammation lication and insulin resistance so much so that some scientists call Alzheimer's type three diabetes diabetes of the brain now we understand the potential damage caused by frequent glucose spikes
let's hear from the glucose goddess on her top five hacks in reducing the glucose spikes first and the most important hack is to have savory breakfast the Savory breakfast the principle is the following a Savory breakfast that keeps your glucose level steady and helps you feel amazing is built around protein eggs fish nuts tofu protein powder leftovers from dinner and then you can add some fiber or some fat to that so you know olive oil butter avocados maybe a bit of spinach if you want and then the most important thing to remember remember is that
in a Savory breakfast you should not eat anything sweet except if you want some whole fruit for Taste no fruit juices no Jam no sweet cereal no sweet yogurts Etc you can still have sweet Foods later in the day but for breakfast if you want to set yourself up for Success it's very important to not have sweet food if you just do one hack do this one it is a complete Game Changer and a Savory breakfast should keep you satiated for 4 hours the second hack is to have one tblspoon of vinegar a day drink
1 tspoon of vinegar in a big glass of water before your biggest meal of the day and the reason it's important is because it's easy so vinegar contains acetic acid any kind of vinegar just dilution so that it doesn't hurt your teeth that's to interact with your digestive enzyme acetic acid slows down how quickly food breaks down into glucose molecules when you digest it so one tablespoon big glass of water before eating and um it's quite powerful you can do it once a day that's what I recommend um a lot of people ask me what
about lemon so lemon contains citric acid and that's a different molecule and the studies show that one tablespoon of vinegar in a big glass of water that can reduce the spike of your meal by up to 30% one thing to note about vinegar is that vinegar gummies are not the way to go as those gummies often contain sugar that have 2 gam of sugar per gummy and they say vinegar gummies so you think oh that's going to be good for me I'm going to be able to replace the vinegar drink with this but vinegar gummies
containing sugar will negate the positive effect of vinegar so remember to go for the real vinegar diluted with water instead next hack is to have vegetables as the starter to your meals veggie starters veggies contain fiber when you have fiber at the beginning of a meal what it does is that it coats your intestine it makes this sort of protective barrier this protective mesh kind of gooey fibrous mesh and so any glucose you eat afterwards will not be able to go through your intestine into your bloodstream so quickly so it's slow down the arrival of
glucose into your blood and it slows down that Spike eating your food in the right order the science shows us that if you eat a meal in the right order meaning veggies first then proteins and fats then starches and sugars instead of the opposite you reduce the glucose Spike of the meal by up to 75% you're eating the same meal the same quantity the same food just the order and using that fiber first mentality is going to reduce your spikes the fourth hack is is also similar to Veggie as starter it is the concept of
clothes on carbs clothes on carbs anytime you eat starches or sugars which are the big category of carbs make sure you're never eating them naked or on their own because if you eat them on their own they just turn into glucose really really quickly so instead of having a slice of bread on its own have bread and some avocado add some fat to that that's a good clothing to add or add some protein or add some fiber or ham and milk or rice and beans salad and then pasta which is much better for your glucose
levels than having pasta and then the salad the fifth hack is to move after eating there are 10 hacks in total but this video shared five most easy and important hacks after a meal use your muscles for 10 minutes now this can be just walking it can be cleaning your kitchen it can be doing my new favorite thing which is calf raises so you just sit at your desk and you just like put your feet plant it on the floor and you just raise your feet up on your toes so only your toes are touching
and you do these calf raises or calf push-ups for like 5 minutes your calf actually has a muscle called the Solus muscle which is specifically excident at soaking up glucose from the bloodstream so the calf raises are a good option because as you're Contracting your muscles the glucose from the meal as it arrives in your bloodstream is going to be soaked up by your muscles and used for energy so you're going to reduce the glucose bike of that meal without needing to change what's in the meal at all while the glucose goddess doesn't advocate for
restrictive diets she often spotlights three seemingly healthy foods that can actually trigger significant glucose spikes first is oats oats are a grain and grains are full of starch and as I explained there's two types of food that create glucose bikes in the body starches and sugars so oats are a starch and actually if you look at starch it's just one long chain of glucose molecules attached hand to hand and when you eat starch the glucose molecules get freed and then it creates a glucose Spike so oats in the morning if you're just having oats you're
just having starch which means glucose bike one you can learn to put some clothes on those oats so maybe some Nut Butter maybe you can put some protein powder in there maybe you have a little egg you know a little soft booil egg in the oats make it like Savory oats uh you can find lots of nice little combinations to put protein fat and fiber in the oats so it is not a surprise that the milk made from oat oat milk can cause a big glucose Spike wait oat milk is made is that it's just
taking oats and pulverizing them into this juice it's making oat juice when you look on a glucose monitor what happens when you drink an oat milk coffee versus a cow's milk coffee I mean it's night and day the oat milk or the rice milk will create a big glucose spike in the body and it makes sense because you're just drinking liquid starch so it's pretty obvious if you think about the source of it if you have something like almond milk at least almonds don't have that much starch in them so it's a much better situation
coocon coconut milk is also better cow's milk if you're into Dairy but oat milk unfortunately massive massive spikes in most people now I know people really love oat milk so here's here's my recommendation if you don't have many symptoms and you feel pretty great and you have good energy no Cravings whatever no problem and you love the oat milk go ahead I have nothing to teach you but if you could feel better than you currently do and if you want to help some of the symptoms you might be feeling you might want to consider switching
to another type of milk or you can also do another hack I have if you want to eat something sweet have it at the end of a meal instead of on empty stomach the next seemingly healthy foods you should be mindful about are fruits humans have been Crossing and breeding fruit for Millennia to make them more appetizing for humans to make them sweeter to make them have fewer seeds less fiber if you look at an ancestral banana it's tiny it's full of seeds it's quite dense and it's not very sweet if you look at a
banana today it's very sweet very little fiber very little seeds super easy to eat humans have been creating these fruit to be extra juicy and extra sweet and extra full of sugar so that's one thing to note the fruit you see today in the supermarkets is not natural however a piece of fruit still has fiber in it fiber helps reduce the glucose Spike of a meal because it creates that mesh in the intestine so if you want to eat something sweet eating a piece of whole fruit is still the best thing to do because of
that fiber blunting the of sugar always eat your fruits whole never Juiced never dried never smoothed only whole to have that protective fiber in there specifically the glucose goddess mentions that grapes and some tropical fruits cause higher glucose Spike so we should be more mindful in consumption grapes first it's just a big dose of sugar it's in the fruit format so people think it's good for them but actually when it comes to your glucose levels it's just big glucose Spike so berries are lower in Sugar so create a smaller Spike but any tropical fruit like
bananas mangoes papayas and then grapes also those are really high in sugar yeah but the thing is you know a piece of whole fruit is okay because it has fiber in it so when eating fruit we can apply one of the hacks we learned earlier eating in healthier combination grapes and cheese the glucose response shows us that if we had the grape on its own it would be a bigger Spike than the grape with the cheese not only is it really delicious it's also better for your glucose levels because you're putting clothing on that sugary
carb that is the piece of fruit the third and final food the glucose goddess frequently cautions us to watch out for his honey I'm going to tell you something that's going to blow your mind so people often think like okay honey has antioxidants in it so that's why they'll have it so there are many as there are as many antioxidants in a teaspoon of honey as they are in half a blueberry when you're eating honey you don't do it thinking it's beneficial for you it's really desert sugar
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