President Abraham Lincoln Quotes To Inspire You | Always Be Silent In Five Situations

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To Be Powerful, Learn to Be SILENT in 5 Situations | President Abraham Lincoln Quotes To Inspire You...
Video Transcript:
[Music] situations will teach you the real meaning of life risk is always better than regret don't complain just enjoy your pain value your peace more than people's opinions upgrade your life in silence make money to be free not to impress others trust takes years to build seconds to break and forever to repair it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men when your parents are not rich but still afford to give you a beautiful life appreciate their sacrifices a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor sometimes the thing that is holding you
back is all in your mind make a trapping memory today tomorrow isn't promised to be calm is the highest achievement of the self what others think about you is not important what you think about yourself means everything life is a one-time offer don't waste it people don't respect you when you are available they respect you when you are valuable one day you'll be living the life you prayed for it is wiser to be alone than to be in the wrong company jobs fill your pocket Adventures fill your soul spend time with people who teach you
inspire you and help you grow do not follow the majority follow the right way I don't care what other people think of me I enjoy my life with my own rules you learn a lot about people when they don't get what they want from you no more expectations just go with the flow and whatever happens happens never laugh at someone's situation because you just never know if someday you will find yourself in the very same position a good life is given to those who make efforts to achieve it a comfort zone is a be beautiful
place but nothing ever grows there learn to diso applying your emotions because if you don't your enemies will use them against you a true man hates no one give people as much as they give you don't waste your 100% for their 10% pleasure comes from something on the outside happiness comes from within the truth is like a lion you don't have to defend it Let it Loose it will defend itself I don't care how beautiful you are if your personality is ugly you are ugly your happiness is your responsibility I'll do it tomorrow is a
disease that will kill your dreams be good even when no one is watching in the end you only have yourself a lone path teaches you a lot by complaining you tell people how weak you are direction is more important than speed when people laugh at you don't react don't feel down wake up the line inside you work hard in silence let your success make the noise strong people don't put others down they lift them up never depend on anyone work hard and be independent problems are the doors to opportunity notice the people who make an
effort to stay in your life the goal is not money but Financial Freedom Hard Times test you not kill you success is being able to sleep in peace with your soul every night being silent in a place where someone ignores you where you are not respected and where people do not tolerate you increases your value life is a journey not a race attitude maturity and mindset are more attractive than looks the starting point of all achievement is [Music] desire enjoy it before it becomes a memory
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