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Delafé Testimonies
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[Music] at this point I wanted healing I was remembering all the things that I learned in school about these spiritual practices and for some reason I knew that the only thing that could really satisfy me was spirituality I would wake up smoke weed and I'd go to the pool and just read like all this like my books on like astrology esoteric knowledge trying to find something cuz I was like something isn't working I told my husband like I don't know what to do like I think I have be I have OCD I have schizophrenia I
have something I just feel like something's wrong like there's no peace in me and he's like aren't you trying to get closer to God and he just brought into remembrance like I healed you I delivered you I pursued you I put that child in there you have to repent and serve me and lay your life down like you can't keep living for yourself like this is my mandate [Music] I believe that Satan planted seeds of perversion in my life from an early age when I was 3 to 4 years old I was sexually molested then
at 5 years old I had an encounter with a UFO I was out with my siblings and we hear a voice um like a laughter a presence and all of a sudden we see like a red thing I don't know a UFO over us and it hovered for a moment before it left my mom came um she was down the street when it happened and she saw it she was like you guys are okay so it was that big to where like you could see it from down the street um I remember I was five
at that moment but something clicked for me and I became like conscious of the spiritual realm and I knew in that moment that there was more than the physical I think that's where my spiritual journey began 5-year-old shouldn't be having the questions that I had at that point but like I said I think those are early seats that really explained the rest of my life after when I was 9 to 10 years old in elementary school I had my first encounter with witchcraft my friend her mom and her aunt they were practicing witches so she
would teach my friends divination we would play divination games we would speak to spirits we would practice spell work um and it would work and that was my first encounter with the supern with the oul and it really fed that part of me that knew it was real people think that you need the herbs and the crystals and all the supplies right to do witchcraft but witchcraft at it's definition is a manipulation of energy it is just contacting the supernatural outside of the holy spirit that is witchcraft so we were using what we had and
you know objects would move our school supplies would move and we would ask the spirits questions then we would do like the Divination games um where we would ask afterlife questions and things like that um and then we would do certain things um that I'm really not going to get into specifics but we would do certain things and then it would give us visions and then my friend would through the spirit of divination would interpret those Visions um so that's kind of what we did as children it was very so it was this was very
real to you oh yeah it was real and it was like I said it was beautiful it was comforting because here I was like me and my five friends and we would go like to the back of the the school there's a little creek and like a like a woodsy area and we would lay down and like do spells on each other and like we would feel bodily Sensations and Satan is very strategic he is not going to hit us with like the scary spooky you know demonic it was fun and so that was the
the spark that started to ignite my love for the occult I was going to church at that point I grew up in a Christian household but there was no manifestations of the Holy Spirit and so I for the longest time I believe right until the point I was saved I thought Christianity was a religion and I hated going to church because it was it felt like a religious thing I didn't get it also during that time right after I had my encounter with witchcraft I started to suffer from sleep paralysis out to Demons obviously I
didn't make the connection but my parents you know they knew it was spiritual but there was like because I didn't tell them it was like there was nothing really they could do other than to pray for me also at that time I started to experience what I called the shakes which was when I would I would just start shaking like I don't knowwhere it would happen a lot at night all of a sudden this thing would come over me and I was just start like I would start shaking and so I remember I would have
to go to my parents' room and they would like they would have to like hug me so tight and like eventually I would stop shaking that would pray for me um one time when I was 13 years old this happened at church and it was just in the middle of the service I was like chilling I was fine all of a sudden I start shaking and my mom walks me to the restroom because it's kind of a scene right and I just hear these ladies like she's praying for me and they're like oh it's probably
her period like something really like weird like that where they were just kind of like dismissing me and it's like I needed prayer at that point I needed demons casted out of me and so at this time I'm in middle school and I have become fascinated with horror like I'd be watching Exorcist movies when I was like 13 years old and that's not a big deal I guess some kids do watch it now but like no kid should be watching those movies I thought it was normal it was cool I became obsessed with like Paranormal
footage on YouTube now it's been hours watching that to where like to the point where my friends would come home to my house after school and I'd be like oh my God gosh look what I just found like the cabinets just like open by themselves and my friends were were like let's go watch the Jonas Brothers like they were not interested I it was just a me thing you know and I remember in high school we learned about all of the religions right what was interesting to me is that when they would cover Christianity it
was just a religion but when they covered like Hinduism Buddhism there was spirituality like they would talk about the spiritual things that you access through those practices and now that you know I've asked the Holy Spirit he's like well scripture says that Satan has blinded the eyes of those who do not believe so obviously if someone is like an nonbeliever teaching Christianity they don't have the access to the Holy Spirit to understand the things hidden the things that God has hidden in the hearts of those who believe but of course they know what is in
Hinduism right they know the Kundalini Awakening they know what meditation does they know Nirvana because that's it's not holy it's not set apart for the children of God so Pagan spirituality is more accessible to those who like I said are not in need are not searching for a savior they're just looking for a spiritual experience and so that was me I just became super interested in these religions um but at that time I was still in high school like you know with my parents and stuff and it was very like like I've always tried to
be as obedient as I I I could but when I was 18 17 18 I started to drive it was my senior year and so I told my parents um I'm out like I'm done going to church um like still at that point if someone asked me like what I was I was Christian but these are my spiritual beliefs but like to me Christianity was a cultural thing that I had to respect because of my parents but my spiritual beliefs were really rooted in eastern mysticism at that age my brother was going to a different
church cuz he was married at the time and I was like I'm leaving but I'm going to my brother's church just so they could kind of let me cuz they're very like that was our relationship I wanted to honor them and I was like okay if I go my brother can vouch for me that I'm going and so after I left my little brother left too and I felt guilty for that because I would hear how they would speak about that like they were so sad and so I started going um to church just every
now and then just so my brother could see me during that time I started dating this guy and he was very um it was an abusive relationship I started to see the fruits of what happened to me as a child with the abuse because I realized that I had a Spirit of Rejection and insecurity that really thrived in that relationship because I kept wanting just validation from this person that didn't like me that would hurt me and it really started to feed my anxiety around this time I started to smoke weed and also like the
shakes got worse um it got to the point where I was at a restaurant and like having a conversation and it would happen and so I would have to leave to the restroom and just like cry it out by myself you know you look it up and you try to see things from a logical standpoint I was like maybe I have anxiety you know like it's a thing people have it but it wasn't anxiety like I would be fine and then my body would start convulsing um at this point I wanted healing and I was
remembering all the things that I learned in school about these spiritual practices and for some reason I knew that the only thing that could really satisfy me was spirit spirituality because of my attraction to it since a young child and so that's where my spiritual journey began I started smoking weed and what happened with weed is that it brought me into a different Consciousness I all of a sudden I started to receive messages um from something outside of me thoughts that weren't my own feelings that weren't my own and for those of you anyone watching
that would would argue against that and say you know like it's just yeah it's just weed doesn't have to be spiritual I just would like them to just think about um everyone at some point has said you know I feel more creative with weed um I'll have to smoke before making music like you hear artists talking about this all the time those things are not coming from yourself because if they from yourself you would access creativity um inside you know emotional intelligence without it but because it's happening when you smoke that means you're accessing it
from outside of you and that is because your Consciousness goes somewhere else you have removed the the boundary the filter that God has put in a sober mind and you have trespassed it you've gone outside of the jurisdiction that God has for us and so because of that your mind now has access to other things and I I experienced that firsthand before I even started studying what weed does other religions relationships with weed because a lot of Eastern religions have a very strong relationship with it but I didn't know at the time I was just
experiencing it and so this led me into yoga and yoga led me into other things and other things and other things and that's kind of what happens the new age it's a hamster wh hamster wheel through yoga I had my Kundalini Awakening which is basically um where the this is like the the Pinnacle of what you want like in the Hindu religions Kundalini Awakening gives you just complete access into the spirit realm and basically you have a a serpent right the belief is that you have a serpent in the back of your spine that when
all of your chakras are activated up into your third eye it slithers up and then it you have the Awakening and that's exactly what happened to me and and to get to that place what is it that you have to do to get to that place cuz I'm assuming so many people are are looking for that thriving for that it's a work yeah it's a work um I started doing chakra uh meditations and chakra work through crystals and different things so meditation was a big one too all these things you incorporate to um have that
calini Awakening and also just to ascend your Consciousness um and so all these modalities are really put in place to help you ascend spiritually so it's really different from a life with Christ where you don't where the work is done for you you know Jesus P did the work on the cross so then now you have spiritual sight spiritual knowing Vision through the Holy Spirit and that was free I didn't have to do anything I just had to repent you know and um yeah it was looking back it was a lot of work but I
it felt good it was self- validating to know that I had control over my own spirituality over my healing My Life um I was doing Shadow work which was is basically an integration of your Shadow's side so your demons into yourself all your trauma all your hurt pain you are trying to fuse it together as one because it's all about the Oneness within duality of all things and so when the world you know Sayan is saying ingate your demons Jesus is saying I want to cast them out of you like I don't want them in
you you have what Fellowship does light have with Darkness says the Lord but Satan he manipulates people that are hurting that are trying to have healing for themselves and it's like the Savior savior complex but it's like a logical fallacy because because you can't be the problem and the solution if you are the problem you need a solution and it has to be outside of yourself it's a logical fallacy um but yeah I was my own Savior and I was doing all these things and eventually I found astrology which became my Bible um astrology numerology
were everything to me and at that point I realized that like all the questions that I had were there um because it's so much more than like your person ity trait and like your zodiac sign and like you know it's literally like a map of life it tells you right down to the the details of when you're going to die who you're going to marry um what you're going to do tomorrow it's a divination tool and so I became an astrologer and I became really good at it and to the point where I was doing
readings for people and how how old were you at this time um so this was from 18 through right before I was saved so no I left it before I was saved so I think I was like 25 when I left it I think wow trying to think of the timeline so you were there for a couple of years lot yeah yeah and it was like everything to me it was like my religion um because at that point it was like not only spiritual but you know when you do things religiously there's a system right
and so I started like I would type these long like readings for people with like their numeral mology charts and and were people paying you for this no thank God it was yeah because I wanted to do that eventually but I realized that like if there was money involved then it probably would have been harder for me to let go of it so I'm so glad the Holy Spirit saved me from that but at that point it wasn't it wasn't about money like I loved it like I would spend so many time like I would
read like I was I've always been like a studious person and so all the metaphysical things all the esoteric knowledge I just became consumed with everything because the thing is like you're not sa satisfied like your spirit craves more and at the end of the day like all of this hidden knowledge is knowledge it's the the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil right like these are things that exist and it's just it's real and it's true but what good is it you know like God didn't want us to have access to these things because
they're not for us and it's just the fruit of Disobedience people think and I get this all the time you know when I talk about my experiences online and people are like well you left that because you couldn't handle it right and it's like that Spirit of Pride that Satan whispered to Adam and Eve you will be like God if you know these things and what happened in the entire world fell apart and so that's just the fruit of it we there is humility in in accepting like you are not God you do not have
access to this type of information you should not because you're not God God is the creator he can know all these things and still be God but when we know these things we become like Satan who had access to these things and then wanted to exalt himself like God you know what I mean and that's really what happens to people in the New Age we become our own Gods and we are told actually that we are gods that we are the creators of our reality and that it's us and I was all into like the
goddess worship and the worship of the self and um now Anna being involved in all of this you mentioned that the the whole reason for this is because you're trying to find Healing you're trying to fix things right you're trying to be the own God of your life and you know other people can look at people like this uh like yourself you know at some point and say man they got it all figured out was this working like what was going on in your life behind the scenes as you were uh exploring all of these
different things was it helping was it fixing the problem yeah it was it was like a wheel so like we always hear the the this line healing isn't linear right and so that's just like an excuse to just like not heal I think um because like you go through cycles of healing and then you're like you go it's like you go back around and you start experiencing everything again and you're told like by all all these like gurus and Masters and stuff like you're having another night Dark Night of the Soul you know healing isn't
linear you have to go through these valleys and they call them they call these things Ascension uh symptoms where basically you're having a spiritual awakening and so you can experience schizophrenia like symptoms and like anxiety and panic attacks hallucinations and all these things and it's demonic possession oppression but you just it's spiritual abuse you manipulated at this point that to where like you believe that in order to maintain this like like Affinity in the spirit and like access to things you have to kind of like suffer for it but it's fine right because it's just
another Dark Night of the soul and so you kind of Gaslight yourself into that but yeah I would find I I think I would find like little abs and flows of healing but it was never lasting I didn't know what demon were like I didn't have a fear of the oul the supernatural so like any sighting of that that I perceived it wasn't scary in the New Age demons are just projections of your own fear like when I when I say all these things I'm like I'm so silly because like it's so manipulative um like
how convenient for the for Satan to say that when you have sleep paralysis when you have a demon encounter a panic attack that but it's a projection of your own fear you know because he doesn't want you to think that he's real that was my life up until um I met my husband for the first time and that's where everything changed um because me and my exboyfriend uh we had broken up and I met him and immediately I was like oh my gosh like we're meant to be and all of that and like the butterflies
but um my Spirit guides told me that I was meant to go back to my abusive ex like but like at that point like you trust the synchronicities you trust the signs of the universe like you trust your own yourself your spiritual practice and I just felt like this Soul tie with my abusive ex and so I went back and after that happened I continued on you know doing all the things being this enlightened goddess you you know and then 3 years later I was on my way to a witchcraft shop with my friend she
was driving she did the wrong turn and we ended up at his house and I was like I told her I was like the universe brought me here like I am meant to text him and this is your your now husband's house okay yeah so crazy and it's like oh my God like I was on my way for evil and then God still you know like that's how good he is is you know like gives are given without repentance but at this time you're not even thinking about God you're thinking oh no no no I'm
thinking that now yeah but at that point it was the universe blessing me um because I really liked him you know and it was just sad that like I let things go and then I wasn't with that guy anymore at this point and so I texted him and I was like if he texts back it's meant to be and he did then went to get some witchcraft stuff and then we go back home and we just hit it off we started dating and within a couple weeks dating we realized like we're GNA end up married
and it was crazy because marriage was never like a thing for me I was all about like embodying like my femininity and like the goddess and like you don't need no man mentality because that's how it is but I don't know what it is it was just like it wasn't in my raidar but somehow like I was like yeah we're getting married and so at this point I did a a sinistry chart for both of us where it's basically where you it's an astr astrology reading where you compare like we had set up like a
date sort of at the end of the year to get married and so I looked at the date I looked at our sinistry charts I looked up like our compatibility and everything and it was just like no like the universe like the stars said no like don't and we go to the park cuz I'm like I have to break these how to break this news J we can't can't start dating now and I tell them I'm like like in all seriousness like this was Bible to me like this is true like my truth and I
laugh but it's because like it's just crazy how your mind can be renewed in that way because I was so serious I was like we can't like maybe if we start dating at a different like if we become like engaged at a different time like kind of like like trying to find loopholes but I was like Point Blank like we cannot like do you see like do you see where Venus is at like do you see where all these things at and he told me in that moment he was like you know like I respect
your beliefs like you know he wasn't in God in Christ either but he was still respectful but he was like um I will never forget when he said this he was like are you really going to allow your life to be ruled by the Stars something like that and no one ever had opposed my beliefs because it's so accepted by the world you know that was the first time I had any inkling of like going against my spirituality and I was like you know what like I am so in love we're getting married 6 months
later we got married that is when everything started to change for me I think we're married for like a year or something and then I left my job like I had the one that I had gone to school for I was passionate about and I had this promise um so manifestation works right um it's basically when you use a law of attraction to attract blessings onto you and so I was like manifesting this job like I felt like I was going to get this thing and just it never happened and I spent 4 months without
work and I became super depressed like I would wake up every day first thing I would do was smoke weed smoke weed all day like my husband would have to come home from work and literally just hold me when I as I cried and like my identity wasn't what I could do I think um taking control of my life but like manif manifestation wasn't working you know um I wasn't getting what I wanted and I just I remember like I literally remember feeling like the universe had betrayed me and so I started to read more
books do more chakra healing do more Shadow work I would wake smoke weed and I'd go to the pool and just read like all this like my books on like astrology esoteric knowledge trying to find something cuz I was like something isn't working and like it got to the point where this is so crazy but I was like I started seeing things about altars like building up an altar for all like the deities that I was into right it never came to pass but what happened is that I ended up going to V on vacation
with my husband and his family as of the beach and or we were going to the beach and I found out I was pregnant in the hotel room I freaked out because at this point like I was on birth control and he knew like when we got married like I was like we're not having kids and I I thought it was a I thought it was my own desire but it wasn't it was just a product of the um I I just felt dirty you know um because of my Abus as a child but that
was manifested in a way of in in like pride and like shame and hurt and so I just felt like I wasn't capable of having a child and so I was like yeah I'm just not having one and did did your husband at the time know about what happened to you as a child yeah he knew I was just at a place where it was just like a matter of fact thing like oh yeah this happened you know I wasn't in a place where I could heal and begin the healing process um but I asked
him to leave the room because I needed a moment alone to freak out by myself but when he left the Holy Spirit entered the room and I know that was him because I know him now you know and I pulled out my book like my little book I always just write when I'm receiving like intuitive messages or like spiritual messages and I was like I'm going to channel this you can't Channel the holy spirit so what exactly what exactly happened when you say the Holy Spirit walked in what could you describe that for for the
people who are watching right now so I've been surrounded by Spirits all my life you know so it's like you know like you know when you're around a presence but what's crazy is that like I didn't know what the word holy was but the word holy is kesim in Hebrew it means set apart unlike any other different I knew that it was different and like in my short vocab knowledge like I didn't have the the language to say that he was holy like there was something that was speaking to me that was like it was
a different voice because he and I knew that it was God I knew it was my Creator because he told me things that I only that like that only he could know he spoke like he was like I'm the one that put this child in you because I see you as worthy of caring life that's it like because I was like writing like I just don't feel like I'm capable of this I don't think I can I don't feel worthy and he was like like but I said you know it's just I said because I
love you and I like I had never had that like first of all I've never spoke I had never spoken to anyone about my feelings about that because I kind of made it like a like a prideful thing like oh like I would say things like if I ever get pregant pregnant like I'm getting an abortion you know like it just wasn't a thing to hide like my own hurt my own reasonings as to why I didn't feel like I could be a mother and so I remember writing um I was like this whole time
I was trying to get closer to the universe like on the universe right side you know cuz I was doing all these things all this work and little did I know that I was actually going to get closer to God you know because I was just desperate I was so depressed like I didn't know what was happening I was was like 3 4 months pregnant at this point where someone sends my friend a new age to Jesus testimony after I watched that new age to Jesus testimony I was 4 months pre pregnant and it wasn't
a crazy testimony or anything but she did say like basically all that I was doing was evil and that was the first time it was like presented as evil and not of God and so I still didn't understand Jesus at this point like his part in this but it it got to to a point where I was like this child is everything to me like if there's any anything that could potentially be evil I'm not going to take the risk cuz at this point I was finally living for something outside of myself I was I
was at the point of like I'm not going to be selfish and so we threw things away like not my crystals cuz that's that was my idolatry but like to my knowledge I threw away a lot of stuff um in my apartment and after that all hell broke loose in my apartment um things started to get thrown um across the room like we had this dresser and it was like it was a heavy vintage dresser and it got like thrown and like the drawer flew like across the wall and like what was interesting to me
is that the drawer that fell it was it had like all of our love stuff like our momentos like our love notes to each other and in that moment I realized like this is strategic like this is kind of an attack on like love after that I felt sick um literally like the moment I renounced a new age like I still had not accepted Jesus but I renounced evil basically and I just fell sick to where I was at the hospital we went to the ER twice a month every single month up until I delivered
I delivered my baby through an ER visit and so we go we weren't prepared and all of a sudden my husband texts me and he's like like have you been reading the Bible and I'm like no so he sends me a picture and it was open to the Book of Revelation and there was a crystal and it was the pink quartz which is basically the crystal that cultivates love and like Romans and all those things and so and and this Crystal it was in your Bible yeah it was placed not by me by saan and
it was put in on top of the chapter in Revelations where it talks about the woman and labor pains about to give birth and S the dragon is waiting for the child to be born to devour it obviously that was about Jesus not about me you know but in that moment it was like a mockery of that to bring fear into my life because I had lived in fear for the whole nine months that I was going to lose my child because it was just unbearable pain like they couldn't do anything I had to wait
to have surgery till after um but anyways so in that moment I was like there's I I just knew there was an attack I didn't understand spiritual warfare but there was an attack on my life and my child and they wanted my child and like when I was pushing her out um her heart rate started to go down and it got to the point where like there was like six doctors in the room and they were like just talking and I didn't understand and they were like we're going to have to pull her out with
like the things like the tweezer things and at that point like my husband texted my sister who texted my parents and there they all started praying her heart rate went back up and I was able to miraculously pull her push her out without any assistance um but that was kind of the pattern from that point forward um later on when she was 9 months um I was forced out of my body through astral projection um these are occult practices that I was practicing that I was learning about that I would have books you know but
this time I was laying with her and I was like I hear this mechanical sound in my ear and all of a sudden I'm like my body starts to vibrate and I'm ascending and you know I had heard about the Rapture at that point and so I was like you know I wasn't practicing things anymore supposedly so I was like I'm going to heaven now right and so I'm like Jesus like I'm like is it the Rapture I look at my child and she's still in bed and I'm like wait like if she's a child
like if she's not going to heaven like this is not what's going on so so I'm going up and I have to all I say is Jesus and I'm put back I'm put back into my body at this point my daughter's a year old and I'm like okay so I my physically like we're fine but all of a sudden I become what I perceive as schizophrenic um because you're still looking for logical things right I start seeing things I start hearing Visions seeing visions of myself dead I wake wake up and I literally hear like
you're going to die today make your will for your child and like all the like I was just being demonically oppressed because I had demons in me and I told my husband like I don't know what to do like I think I have BPD I have OCD I have schizophrenia I have something and I like we can't afford therapy I'm like we need to do something like I want to see something like like at this point like I'm in a happy marriage I'm with like my 2-year-old child like we're happy like why am I suffering
like I'm hearing voices all the time like randomly like I didn't do anything and all of a sudden I'm seeing images of me getting abused like graphic images of me and it's like and at this point like I believe in God right and I'm asking God like why like I'm praying for the first time and I'm like why did you let that happen and I've never had that conversation with him and I tell him like this is the reason why I was abused by men in my life you know like by my relationship because I
didn't value myself I felt dirty I felt unworthy like I had so many issues that I didn't understand that I had and that was a root like why did you let that happen and I start asking him all these things and I told my husband like I just feel like something's wrong like there's no peace in me and he's like aren't you trying to get closer to God and always like God just like has him speak because again like he had me that line was like it did something and I'm like you know what like
if God is Jesus and at this point Jesus was an ascended Master to me like he was another you know ascended person like Buddha like all these other gurus that ascended Consciousness to teach Humanity like their you know how to be like God and like I would tell him like you know people find comfort in Christianity and all these religions but it's all the same we're on our on our own Journey for truth and Jesus he taught things that I know like doesn't that sound like Sayan first of all he I was like Jesus taught
people things that I know but not everyone is meant not everyone can handle that information so to you Jesus was not God no no no no no because God is only revealed through scripture you know and I didn't read scripture and so I had made a God in my own image based of what people said about him but it's like how could they speak for him when he has already spoken for himself and it's the logical fallacy of like if you want to know like if someone wants to know about me they should hear me
speak you know they're not going to get the accurate depiction of who I am if they're listening to what other people say about me and Jesus is the same way like there's all of these esoteric writings about him that about who he is is and he did this and that but only in scripture did did he speak and he said I am the way the truth in the life that's the only place where he speaks out who he is his character and and so my image of him was wrong and I would tell him like
things in the B like the I was so prideful I was literally like the Bible is like watered down esoteric knowledge that's like easily digestible for people that aren't ready for the spiritual journey journe that I took right so I was above the Bible but And yet when I would try to read it was like another language to me like I didn't understand it so it's like how smart was I you know and so but when he said that I was like I'm going to start reading the Bible for the first time and so I
did it was hard like I said I still wasn't nothing was really happening but at least I was trying and then like one Sunday I was going to go back to the church that I was that I would go like that my brother you know that I would go with him family no not my parents yeah that church I canell that church cuz I was so prideful but and I was like we're going to go Sunday but we overslept and so I was like darn but the feeling kept at it like go to church today
go to church and I looked it up and there was no afternoon services so I was like I'm just going to read the Bible and it didn't go away and for the first time that was I realized like that was the Holy Spirit speaking like that was God speaking to me cuz I was like I could make the choice to obey or like not like that was like my first I guess like test and obedience because I was like I literally Googled Christian Church near me and I went with my daughter I was like I
need to go like I was like I need to go and so I go and there's a lady outside at the door and she's like are you here for the Revival because we passed out fowers at the apartment buildings down the street and we're so glad you're here I'm like that's where I live but it was just a Google Search and it just it just felt like I was meant to be there and so the preacher was talking about the book of Ephesians for we do not battle against flesh and blood but of rulers and
principalities of the air and you know spiritual warfare I have never heard that before like I was paying attention it was like going to church for the first time and this is why I always tell people like you cannot live off of your parents' Faith off of being born a Christian because you have to have your own encounter your your own relationship with Christ otherwise it's just a religion you know but you have to have a relationship as part of what you practice and so I was hearing everything for the first time and I'm like
oh my goodness I renounced evil like a year or two ago and now it's like Satan wants me back or something I was like putting two and two together like I was by myself at this point like my parents are Christian but like I just I never I don't like to worry them about anything like they didn't even know was going through this because I'm just like a private person so like for me to even be testifying about Jesus is crazy because he's changed me like I'm not I wasn't like this before I was learning
about that and then I was like oh my God like these are demons like these are the Spirit guides that were around me this whole time in like throughout my life so through this through that verse in Ephesians about um the battle between spiritual forces you realized that's when you had that moment of realization that everything that you had been doing to that point was literally the kingdom of darkness yeah yeah it was through that sermon because I just connected the dots like this lit the same month that I renounced everything I felt sick for
like 2 years you know and then the sick physical sickness became mental sickness and so I realized that I just the Holy Spirit was there and he gave me the Revelation that it was all the Spirit guides all the entities that I've been playing with this whole time didn't have a reason to mess with me to manifest people think that when you're demonically oppressed you're climbing up a wall you know but it's that's not how it is it's it's a mental game they don't want you to know that they're there as long as you keep
on sinning and so he he had an alter call and I never thought I would do like an alter call but I go to to the front and the pastor looks at me or is like a guest preacher and he looks at me and he's like I don't know you but God does and he sees everything that you've been going through everything and he wants to free you now and he rebuked like he was like I'm going to just and then he went back to like the pulpit he was like I'm going to come against
a spirit of fear right now because I think he's here he start rebuking it and I felt something left out of me and that was my first Deliverance um I didn't know what that was yet but I felt something left off and like the hallucina like the voices and the hallucination stopped coming and then I was like oh my God God is real Jesus is real and then um that summer I went back to the place where I had my first encounter with the Holy Spirit which is crazy cuz it was prophetic it I was
still kind of like you know like God is real right like that's kind of just what it was um and I was like okay no more doing whatever cuz I was still backsliding I was still like using my sage and things like that and so that summer August I don't think I had experienced the full repentance is what I'm trying to say that summer I get a text message from like an Ethiopian language like we're at that vacation house like by the beach and it's Matthew 24 I think where he's giving the Great Commission he's
like heal the sick cast out demons make disciples out of all Nations and that was like my my my moment where I I told my husband I was like this is it this like God has been trying to speak to me like before that I had had a dream where I was painting because in 2020 when I was experience experiencing that mental like weird state of like demonic oppression I started to paint like just demonic things because I was trying to e do something right to ease whatever was happening internally and so in that dream
I saw self painting and um I I said I just want to paint to serve the Lord I want to do th I want to create paintings that please the Lord and so oh maybe I'm supposed to serve him like do this right but I never gave it much thought after that when I got that message it was like no he's calling you out like he wants you to kill the sick cast out demons make disciple like this is a Great Commission it's not in the B like for whoever like it's for you it's for
everyone that has has been called to Jesus Christ and I remember like something snapped in me and I just started crying and I just I was like God like I've been dismissing you like uh like oh yeah you're real but like so is every other spiritual thing I've encountered you know what I mean like it wasn't that's why scripture says blessed he blessed is he who believes and yet does not see because you don't I was kind of desensitized to that um and he just brought into remembrance like I healed you I delivered you I
pursued you I put that child in there you have to repent and serve me and lay your life down like you can't keep living for yourself like this is my mandate to everyone who I called because there are people that need Jes there are people that need to be saved like you're not the only person that needs salvation there are people that are being deceived they're hurting they're suffering from demonic oppression and they think that they're crazy like they're suffering from sickness and there's no one there to pray for them to know that you know
say comes to steal kill and destroy but I have come to bring life and bring it in abundance God wanted me to do that because that was his heart and in that moment he revealed his heart for people and I just became like I I died I died that day and I remember I was on vacation like we were still there I woke up the next day early and I went on Tik Tok and I was like and I just post I was like repent like I was just like you know like I didn't know
what to say but I was like repent like these things are evil God is real and like from then on I just started like posting about God telling people about the deception of the new age later on I uh got baptized by the Holy Spirit like a few months later a month after that I received um Deliverance from so many demons that I had been having that were became part of like my personality and my likes and my dislikes and things that I thought I was born with so so many people say I was born
this way I love these things I that's what I like that's just who I am and God was like I didn't make you this way these are all things that you acquired through your sin and so I was delivered from those things and you know Deliverance doesn't save you but it it does help you have a clear like a clearer grasp on sin and open doors and living a holy life I got delivered and then I just I told God like I'm I'm so dead like alive in Christ dead to self and I started painting
for God I started doing prophetic artwork and I started reaching people from The New Age through that because that's where my heart is that's where my burden is um all these people are good people like they want to help others like I thought I was helping others through my astrology readings through my numerology readings like I repented for so many people that I let astray cuz I was like an evangelist for Satan basically like I was so puffed up and not puffed up in knowledge like scripture says to where I would tell people oh this
could heal you like meditate do this take mushrooms like take all this and like so many people are still that I've taught are still doing those things to today and so I know there's forgiveness and I know God um and I told him I was like for as many people that I've LED astray let my testimony bring that many more and that's just my heart since then now Anna uh you mentioned and a domino effect of Witchcraft from such a young age you know there was molestation sexual abuse today how has God helped you in
those areas in that healing you've talked about healing even in your life before you know that's this is what you were seeking for healing trying to heal yourself and you also mentioned that you had that moment with God where you said why you know why did this all happen to me what has God spoken to you about these things and how he how has he helped you healed or how is he helping you heal as well he showed me that that moment where I started asking why I'd been repressing those things but something he's revealed
is that he will wait until you're ready to receive healing to bring those things to light to bring those things into remembrance because and something he he said was when something remains in the occult when something remains hidden like I can't work in those things he's light God is light in him there is no darkness and so when you bring those things to him to light to the light of the Holy Spirit when you're open when you ask him like it doesn't doesn't matter like if you're confused like when you are honest with him he
begins that process because then you're ready to forgive other people there's healing in that there's healing and forgiveness of other people of yourself there's healing and understanding why people do the way that the things that they do that are battle is not against flesh and blood that there's a there's an agenda behind every sin in this world and that there's a redep and even more important part of that is that there's Redemption for it as well and that for every you know God never takes our Tears In Vain and he's brought me peace like the
new age was all about like taking power to yourself like feeling powerful despite the hurt but Jesus said it's okay to feel weak because when you are weak you are strong and it's okay to just just be you know rest I don't have to work anymore to find Healing because Jesus did it for me and his is a peace that surpasses all understanding the holy uh the new age would give you like spiritual highs where you're like oh my gosh like I'm Zen but holy spirit is lasting and he doesn't leave and so that's the
difference friends it's the peace that surpasses all understanding Jesus is the prince of peace and he gives you something that is constant without the excuse of oh healing isn't linear you have to go no like sometimes there are moments where you are going to hurt more than others again but you're not alone anymore and in those moments it's still okay to be weak because then you become strong you would take on the strength of Jesus all these other Spirits Gods entities they never they will never offer to take that burden upon their backs for you
because only God says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light because he's already taking it up only he can offer that for you and I would you mentioned the the people that that you've trained a lot of people in this you did this for free at some point what would you say to those who are watching that uh may be watching and saying man I know her she taught me some things I'm doing that now what would you tell to those people that are currently experiencing some of those same things that you
are experienced that you have experienced I just want to tell you that I love you I know I've distance myself from a lot of people because well distance is a natural part process that happens when you just don't see eye to eye anymore and I know a lot of you just don't see eye to eye with me anymore and I just want to apologize if I have led you because I have led you astray and we were both looking for truth but I have have good news I found it like I found the truth and
all those other things there it's deception and I pray I hope that you leave like in the same way that you gave all these things a chance you know like that little bit a chance that you do the same for Jesus it's not an open mind I feel like a lot we pride ourselves in having this open mind and being awake and spiritual but it's not we're not really living that if we're opening our hearts our souls the Eternal part of us it's so important carries so much weight so it's not fair to say that
if we do that with all these modalities with all these religions Hinduism even the non- Messianic uh Judaism with the cabala and the cold you know like that's fine but why not Jesus you know I just want you to sit and like wonder what is it about Jesus what is it that he challenges within me is it repentance and if so why is repentance a bad thing and I just want you to know that in the same way that I was there for you at one point like I am here now and I'm I'm willing
to be there with you if you have questions um because I wish that there was someone that had been there for me and know who is Jesus to you Jesus is is the embodiment of every desire that I've ever had that's just the best way that I could put into words a being that is so beyond human language he's my friend My Savior my Lord my God everything that I was thirsty for he is the water that satisfied that Hanna could you pray for those who are watching that are in need of the same peace
of the same God whom you have a relationship with today yes Father God I thank you now I thank you Jesus may your name be glorified through everything that I've shared in this moment that everything that I say be seed Let There Be seeds planted in the hearts of those who are searching for truth Lord because everyone who searches for truth genuine truth will find you because you are the way the truth and the life father God I just thank you for being that for us I thank you for the grace that you've given us
to have salvation and I just pray over everyone watching right now that you remove the scals from their eyes in jesus' name that you seek out the place of hurt the place that is seeking out counterfeit spirituality the place that of bondage that is keeping them tied to lies I pray father God right now in jesus' name that you remove the lying Spirit of occultism the lying Spirit of Witchcraft we come against it now in jesus' name May everyone that is a attacked in bondage that is in bondage by the spirit of Witchcraft that they
may be loosened now in jesus' name that they find the courage to seek truth despite their family despite their Inner Circle despite their friends and any relationship that they may lose despite anything or anyone that they may lose father God that they seek truth and they desire truth Above All Things Lord and I just pray right now that you embrace them that you show them your love that you reveal to them your love that that's all you've ever had for them Lord and I just pray now in jesus' name that everyone watching this be overcome
by the peace that is only accessible through the son Jesus Christ amen thank you Lord amen Anna do you have any last words for people who are watching your testimony right now if you are genuine about seeking truth um I feel like a lot of lot of people like just being honest here like new age has become a trend with the crystals and the um the yoga and the meditation and all these things and I feel like I see it so much now where people are just doing it because other people are doing it or
they think it's cool to be spiritual can't really speak for those people but for those of you that are in this journey because you've had a spiritual encounter or you want God and you want to know truth I just encourage you to seek keep seeking because if you are genuine and I always believe this and I have the certainty in my heart that if you are genuine about finding truth you will find it and at the end of the road at the end of all those books that you read Jesus is there waiting for you
he is the creator of all of all things says in Scripture that everything was created and sustained to him for him by him if you want truth you will leave room for the possibility that Jesus is the way of the truth and the life and so I just encourage you to be genuine about your encounter
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