Top Brain Surgeon Instantly Banned After Revealing This!

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light was able to make chemicals in us that weren't there before when I saw this I immediately realized that everything in medicine was completely ass backwards and nobody has told you why I'm telling you why right now because you're blue light toxic blue light makes you fat what I tell you my day job was I'm a neurosurgeon right the alpha wave in the human brain is 7. 8 tree hurts exactly the same you have this direct Loop that goes to the pineal gland but the energy comes in here this energy has to be balanced blue and red what does this first do it turns your pituitary gland on so that's why I stopped operating at 7: a. m.
you need to question everything you're looking at a guy speaking to you right now who doesn't believe pretty much anything he learned in medical school can be taken with a any truth the the answers are right in front of us folks even though the answers are right in front of us if your dopamine level is low you will not perceive the truth right in front of your face energy and mass are exactly the same thing the only thing that's different is the environment that each side of the equation is in now the pupil is a perfect blackbox radiator what does that mean cuz we're doing a little physics here it means that light can go in and come back how did I know immediately that UV light got through I challenge anybody to go to Batteries and Bulbs buy a UVA light light uh flashlight LED put it in anybody's R you know what you'll see you'll see fluorescence come right back you don't need anything else so every time the optomologist like when I gave this talk three months ago and I proved to them they were full of that's how I did it I brought a UVA flashlight and shined in all their eyes said what did you see explain based on what we learned in medical school that shut them up pretty quick okay because you don't need a lot of photons to see the effect this is something that everybody in this room can do reproducible so when you go to the opthalmologist you can say I don't believe what you're telling but here's the key you guys have heard from all your food gurus that you've heard previously talk at all these other years about trypan about tyrosine about felon alanine and histadine but you know what you don't know about aromatic amino acids they all absorb UV light did you know that well I didn't 12 years ago but the key thing is the eye is loaded with these amino acids specifically so that raised the question why is this well I found out from physics that a Benzene ring which is in every single aromatic amino acid is a photon trap and they absorb all frequencies of UV light so guess what that means that 250 to 380 is absorbed by this that's the reason why we don't see it cuz it's designed to do something different so there's something that started Pollock book came out in 2014 there's two researchers named gel and perart in 2000 they they found that the EZ formed something called the coherent domain 133% of the exclusion Zone in water when sunlight hits water makes something called the coherent domain which makes 1 million electrons free electrons delocalized to run all the biochemical programs does anybody you know how many bio chemical programs run per second in a Cell It's 100,000 guess what has the control of those enzymatic flux if you ask any PhD or any nutritionist at all the answer is they don't know the answer but guess what it turns out light frequencies can control all of them by a molecular resonance phenomenon and that is how biochemistry works now this one is for the mckisic lecture everything that she told you is in this slide so if you want if you want to learn how light works here you go this is a protein UV light hits it that is a light antenna it's surrounded by water light is an electromagnetic wave that changes to an electromechanical wave that's called sound that sound is collected in water now here's the interesting thing water is a magnetic dipole what does that mean hydrogen and oxygen positive and negative that's the reason why it's tied to magne ISM the first time that we found out that magnetism truly controls sound Ohio State University acoustic phonons 2014 you can look it up when the light hits here it's absorbed in the water that changes the hydrogen bonding networks what is the physical change the physical change is the density of the water that is how this works fundamentally Quantum mechanically now here's the interesting thing m e makes the cytosolic water that surrounds all the things in the cytool including the nucleus and the mitochondria where is this connection well for those of you don't know the Schuman resonance comes from the interaction of sunlight on the ionosphere of the earth that's why people call it the the heartbeat of Earth but it's an electrical tension that develops between the solar plasma and the atmosphere that generates the 7. 83 Hertz why do you need to know about it what I tell you my job was I'm a neurosurgeon right the alpha wave in the human brain is 7. 83 Hertz exactly the same so guess what the solar system entrains you to these solar systems as it comes to Earth that's how it works okay why is it important it generates the alpha wave so when you live in an environment today you don't have as many Alpha Waves why because non-native EMF what's the number one effect which you learn about later dehydrates your cells because it lowers your Redux potential in your mitochondria other words original slide you can't make as much water from your own mitochondria that's where the dehydration comes and for the ladies in the room or the guys in the room who are not big science people simple biohack at home take a piece of steak that you have left over throw it in the microwave taste it what does it tastes like shoe leather why what do microwaves do they vibrate and rotate water really fast it Heats up and it dehydrates the meat it's happening to you right now here in Vermont it's happening to all of us cuz of these shitty lights that we have getting back to the the topic the I the scn is the big focus in medicine the big focus is on the camera that's why all these old people go see the opthalmologist and what do they get cataract surgery right anybody know what they put in for cataract surgery after it's done an implantable lens and guess what that lens blocks UVA UVB 100% % and also these days 50% of blue light in case you didn't know that that's been a change since 2009 what people don't realize 42% of sunlight that falls to Earth is infrared a light it's balanced all the time by Blue okay especially when the Sun rises now this is a side picture of a an eyeball what you need to know and this goes back to physics and in case you don't blue light bends the most by gravitational lensing it turns out this is important in the eye because when blue light comes through it falls in front of the retina that's the reason why when you use a computer screen or you use these horrible lights up here you get visual obscuration other words your vision gets worse what does that cause it causes you elongation of your eyeball when your eyeball gets longer you get myopia what happens when you get myopia the next step is you get retinal detachments what's the end result acute macular degeneration any anybody know anybody who's got that yeah lots of people and guess what else guess what causes cataracts blue light toxicity why the brain is trying to protect itself from this light that's coming in so it makes the lens hazy so this doesn't happen but why is it important to a mitochondria well it turns out in 200 about 2003 2004 through 2009 we had some really cool researchers that found out there's another option in the eye that opsin works with the retinal ganglion cells and that's called melanopsin melanopsin is the hormone that runs the central retinal Pathways in the eye and it turns out they're really important at night time and they link to melatonin but not in the way most people think the fobia is where the rest of the visual light spectrum fall and it falls right here why that's acute Vision that's your camera Focus that's what the optomologist all pay attention to they don't pay attention to this the only Opthomologist that do you're going to hear about later are the Japanese guys who are the guys that I talked to you three months ago they've been on this way quicker than our American counterparts but here's the key I'm going to make a very controversial statement now for many people in this room Central retino pathway energizes everything distal to it so let me explain that to you it basically turns on your pituitary gland and it turns on everything distal in the human brain and I'm going to show you how this paper I should say this gentleman his name is Fritz hwit he was an amazing cat if he was an Opthomologist in Germany he was born in the 1920s he happened to live in a time where we didn't have intraocular lenses one of the things that he noticed is that when he saw people with cataracts he would cut the Cataract out so they could see and for those of you don't know this is what happened to Vincent Van go you know when he painted Hy Stacks the reason why he paint them in all different colors is cuz when you take a cataract out and you don't put a lens in you can see UV in case you didn't know that so that's the reason why hast stack has all the different shades because he was able to see it in so many different colors as the light changed well it turns out this doctor actually practiced medicine in a time that we could never recapitulate now that's why sometimes looking back is a good thing and I started to look really really far back in fact as a neurosurgeon these guys especially kahal in 1891 he's the father of modern neuron Anatomy I started to find papers about this this energetic pathway that has huge effects on growth and Metabolism through the eye you didn't hear me say gut you didn't hear me say food did you turns out that htch did something rather remarkable and he wrote about it in this book here from 1979 and I guarantee nobody in this room's ever read it if you think Western a Price's book is huge you should read this suck cuz it's unbelievable what he did he basically took cataracts out of people and then noticed and watched them and saw that their growth and Metabolism improved tremendously they started to lose weight they started to feel better they started to sleep better and he documented it all and guess what he didn't just do it in humans he did all kinds of animals and he documented the color changes that occurred on animals after he took the cataracts out how their coats changed their surfaces how they started to act on the farm okay that's how important this was and he went he went even further he checked their urine and you know what he found he found there was metabolites of hormones that occurred after he took the Cataract out that weren't there before so in other words light was able to make chemicals in us that weren't there before four doesn't that sound a lot like eals mc² like how did light get turned into things with structure how does this really happen do you really think that you need it all from diet and exercise there's another way most of the opthalmologists I talked to three months ago didn't know a damn thing about Fritz htch and he was an optomologist and Well published and the crazy thing is there was another guy that you're going to learn about a little bit later named John A and you know what he was famous for he was Walt Disney's animator that did timelapse photography turns out he made some key uh investigative uh slides for Disney and and dropped it but then he took it to me the medical boards and and different Physicians Who Let It Go by the wayside and what he found is that when he took plants and he put them in different light the chloroplast molecules rotated five fter than not then he decided to do it on animals and he found out that one of the cells in the eye called the retinal pigmentum epithelium which you're going to hear about shortly at the base of the eye has melanin granules that absorb what UV light because it's made out of those things that we talked about rotates faster and guess what it makes what Reuben talked about a DC electric current in the eye so that means you can regenerate tissues when you have a high DC electric current isn't that right Reuben didn't Becker tell us that hm ain't that interesting he went even further and this is probably one of the most counterintuitive things I'm going to tell you this is a picture of people's pituitary glands who were blind and who could see what did he do he went the extra distance this is what I want you to focus in on light slows energy is lost the pituitary gets bigger when I saw this I immediately realized that everything in medicine was completely ass backwards why why did I say that to you everybody in this room except the people that heard me talk last year believe that people get fatter cuz they eat too much turns out it's exactly the opposite so when you spray your ankle does your ankle get bigger or smaller okay when you have heart failure does your heart get bigger or smaller okay just so you know he it gets bigger here's the third one when the star in the sky dies does it get bigger or smaller it gets a red giant so everything that loses energy in the universe gets bigger what did hch tell us HT showed that when light slows the pituitary gets bigger you know why it's getting bigger CU light is getting turned into chemicals that you call hormones that go in to the nuclear DNA to change it guess what that means that means light is capable of altering DNA it also means that light is capable of potentially reversing my previous problem meaning that when you're obese maybe your main main problem is you're not getting enough sunlight and it has nothing to do with food how's that for a shocker that's what Fritz hitch taught me so I didn't believe any of this and most of you may not know this but I went to medical school at LSU and there's a very very famous opthalmologic researcher named Nicholas bazon who's done incredible work and you know what he's cut his teeth on DHA he's he's like the DHA guy in the world and I learned this back in '95 through 99 when I was there he taught me a lot of crap and crap that I thought was crap CU it wasn't important to neurosurgery but 12 years ago it became extremely important to me right now it's huge and the number one effect right here in this Central retinal pathway between the clock and your hypothalamus you have two Loops in the eye one Loop's called the short Loop the other one's called The Long Loop and what it does it Cycles DHA constantly as light comes through but the key thing that I realized bazon taught me that this Central retinal pathway and the retina had more DHA in it than any other part of the brain and I thought that was bizarre then I realized why when I started to learn about physics remember the guys who came out with GPS devices Garmin devices well it turns out that the clock here has to run fasten all the other clocks in the rest of your body if it doesn't it doesn't work so if you have an iPhone and you use it to go to a restaurant here in Vermont the clock that's up in the sky in up there has to run 38 micros seconds faster than the one in your iPhone otherwise you're going to be 100 kilometers off that would not work you'd wind up in New Hampshire it wouldn't be good but turns out in your eye the exact same thing happens and the reason why DHA in the eye is important because this DC electric current runs faster than every other part of your body that's the reason why DHA is important and it turns out when you have too much blue light cuz blue light is the antidote for vitamin A and for DHA do you know why what kind of light makes vitamin A anybody want to guess you heard you heard somebody talk about it earlier blue light makes vitamin A how do you know what's the complimentary color to blue yellow and guess what vitamin A's yellow is that shocker that's the that's the link between this light frequencies control the level of vitamin A in the eye and also every opsin in the body is TI tied to retinol to vitamin A there's not an opsin in the human body that's not tied to it that's the reason why and Chris is here so he can verify this he wrote a very nice blog post I don't know how long ago it was that there's data from En hannes that when you have deficiencies of vitamin A it's tied to obesity and nobody has told you why I'm telling you why right now because you're blue light toxic blue light makes you fat okay really fat and it starts right here the reason why this is not equal is because light the evolution of light does not equal the evolution of our retinal Anatomy I started to put this together pretty quick then I started to look at sunrise and sunset when the Sun rises you have visible and infrared light you don't have any UV initially but guess what else happens at this time you don't need your rods and you don't need melanopsin in the morning so guess when they regenerate they regenerate in the amm guess what else happens you actually make melatonin in your eye in the morning the hormone of darkness is first made in the human body in the eye in the morning when you have a combination of UVA and infrared a light and the reason for you is what I told you before about the aromatic amino acid that absorbs that and you see that UVA light doesn't show up here so for the guy last night who I don't know who you are but asked the question how am I going to do this as an executive to fix my life this is the key you need to reconstruct your am to fix your real problem and that was what I had to do to my surgery schedule that's why I stopped operating at 7:00 a.
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