man how are you doing tonight man we just need to talk to you outside real quick if you don't mind to the top of kiding me not kidding at all walk up to the the problem is that you wouldn't comply with the mask rule on airplane I did you had the wrong person no they pointed you us no that's not me don't make this difficult this isn't me my mask has been on me and no one has spoken to me walk up here no one has spoken to me you are holding enti I don't know
why you guys are making this up that wasn't we're not making it up can you just please go you're the wrong person you're the wrong person what is the problem I M you please exit the jet way you need to leave me alone Captain is this the woman that was causing the issue okay what is the problem here my math it was not me ma' can you go I need to be left alone no you're not let's go walk forward you guys need to leave me alone that was the wrong person you need to leave
that's not me tell her she needs to leave I'm leaving I'm leaving I don't need you guys around me this isawful would you would you like to press charges you the jail would you like to press chares would you like to press charges call my lawyer that's what it takes for her to leave are you kidding me stop stop okay what stop you're under arrest CU to my back where is wrong okay I'll asked you to leave and you don't want to please stop resting what is going on here please put your hand behind your
back stop please put your hand behind your back I will comply what do you want for me ma'am he ask you to leave wait AC want to leave ow ow ow ow ow you broke it you broke my ha please my finger hurts nobody's hurting you please put your hands behind your back ma'am comply please stop what is going on here ma'am you kidding me stop there laughing me on purpose you guys are doing this stop please for God's sake it wasn't me what is going on here and I being set up come on for
a mask I'll grab her stuff me it was I'll grab her stuff M the ground please stop don't hurt me stop stop resisting stop I not I'm not resisting I'm not resisting St me I need to call my lawyer I need to call my lawyer right now you literally broke my iPad of crap what is going on please leave me alone please stop stop stop what is going on here you're under arrest what trespass at my please what is happening you broke my belongings it is you stay here we need a statement from you I
need to talk to my lawyer I need to talk to my lawyer right now I need to talk my lawyer this is unbelievable that was not me that wasn't me I don't know who you're talking about was not it wasn't me I people next to me saying it wasn't me was my mask no because you wouldn't leave I I'm leaving okay I know you're leaving now I'm sorry of course I'm leaving I wanted to talk about this no you didn't want to talk about it because I paparazi around me people are taking photos of me
walking off the plane obvious reason I wanted to discuss this in a different manner please it wasn't me my mask my mask come on I can't do this right now this is not happening oh it's happened what is happening you're going to jail what are you talking about stop pleas please please no no no God no just walk no no God please I can't afford this we asked you to leave the jet way you didn't want to listen God please please please please please for please please please please please God no please please please please
please ma' I need you to walk I'm going to get sick I'm going to throw up pleas please please please no no no no no no no no I got to talk to my lawyer this is not right you guys please no no no no no no God pleas ow my elbow no stop everything hurts me please God no no no I can't do this right now please God God oh my God oh my God oh my God please no please please please please please what is what did I do wrong you didn't leave when
you were I'm leaving I didn't mean please no it was is set up this is all set up please God no no no no no no this can't happen to me no God no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please God no please pleasee I can't do this kid happen to me oh my God you guys please stop no please please guys God no please God God no ma' please don't do this listen to me you guys are doing anything you're making this worse oh my God we have you on camera with everything please I'm
stop oh my God no please I'm so sorry it's the screaming all that not going to pleas we ask you to leave please let me talk you please God no no no I can't do this okay I want to leave I'll leave I'll leave so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry please don't do anything I'm sorry I'm going to put her sh in her bag real quick I can't I'm sorry you guys I'm so sorry please God no please oh my God no please you guys I'm so sorry stand right here oh my
God please face the truck face the truck pleas God don't move I'll do anything I'll do anything please do not move I won't move I won't move I swear to God I won't move I swear to God is your ID in here I is your ID in here where it's in there you guys I'm so sorry can I call my mom please stand right there my mom don't move please I'll do anything you guys anything I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry ma'am right here
so sorry I'm so sorry do not move you guys I am so sorry please please it's Valentine's Day I'm alone I'm so alone on Valentine's Day say please God I'll do anything for you please please God please no what happened to you you no that was not me yeah it was it was not me no it wasn't that ma'am his arm was perfectly fine before he no it wasn't me that just happened you walked across your truck that was not you you're holding me man stop stay of against the truck here that was not me
here that was not me face the truck that was not me face the truck what that was not me officer I'm sorry that was not me officer I I will do anything for you I'm so go to jail man officer I am so sorry I will do anything please look at me please it's okay you got you just got to go to jail officer officer please why are not I want to take you behind the scenes at Midwest safety for a moment the origins of this channel started with exclusive videos of traffic crashes in the
Twin Cities area like this semi-truck jack knife pile up or this wild pile up on a frozen bridge deck in April when drivers have their guard done those will always result in major crashes especially for Motors going way too fast they lose control they overc correct and they blast into another car or another driver and when you're seriously hurt your injury in truth could be worth millions especially once you consider that long-term recovery process lost revenue or even permanently lost revenue and finding out if you have a claim is now easier than ever because Morgan
and Morgan allows you to submit a claim online and communicate with your legal Team all from your phone and the best part is it's absolutely free unless you win and they've already recovered more than $20 billion from their clients Morgan and Morgan doesn't just settle for lowball offers they've achieved significant verdicts in the past couple of months for victims involved in life altering car crashes that's $12 million in Florida 34 times the highest insurance offer and $26 million in Philadelphia 40 times higher than the highest insurance offer Morgan and Morgan is the biggest for a
reason and their size only allows them to put more money and resources towards your case if you've ever got seriously injured you're only a few clicks away from potentially changing your life it's so easy you can start your claim now with Morgan and Morgan at the link in the description or by scanning the QR code on your screen from your phone's camera it's that easy you don't have anything in here that's going to poke me nothing all you guys please please God I'm on my ma' please I'm sorry you guys I'm sorry I will do
anything I will do anything for you where's your where's your license at I don't know I don't know officer what's your name I Adam can you please look at me offic you got to go to jail why you're going to jail because they told you to leave and you refuse to leave I'm leaving please officer officer look at me please it's Valentine's Day please you don't have I'm the mercy I'm at the mercy of you you already said it you don't have Valentine's please I will do anything I'm so sorry I'm leaving I have to
go I leave I can I please officer Adams officer Adams I'm so sorry I'm so sorry officer Adams please level with me I will do anything I'm so sorry I am at your mercy officer Adams officer Adams I'm at your mercy I am at your mercy know I have but you got to go to jail officer it's nothing it's nothing personal it's nothing personal nothing personal got to go please I'm praying I'm praying I'm praying I have no money I have no stand here nothing I you guys please I have no one in my life
I have nothing this is going to make my life so much worse pleas God please officer Adams officer Adams please I don't know what I did all right I'm sorry I didn't leave I wanted to just talk it out listen to me woman to woman listen to me woman a woman okay when we I'm my pants I listen so sorry L listen to yes I'm sorry please we didn't want it ma'am stand up I'm I'm praying I'm praying I'm praying listen to me I'm begging you guys I know I'm sorry I'm begging you the thing
is the captain pointed you out and said that you were the issue okay now yes or no we asked you to leave to get out I should have left and you said no you didn't want to leave you're right I'm sorry the moment he told you to leave and you didn't want to leave that's now trespass after I'm so sorry and knowing the situation this would not be the best situation you want to put yourself in but unfortunately you did this was so dumb of me I'm so sorry from him you got it sorry officers
pleas please please please please please please I'm praying I'm praying I'm praying Erica you got to go the decision's already been made no please guys please please please please please please please guys please stop please I'm so sorry I'm so sorry there's no way this is real no I'm so sorry what happens I I don't even know how this is going to be handled my mom's going to pick me up how is this sure how much is this going to be $500 oh my God what's going to happen after that from here I've got a
car coming with a cage in it you're going to set in the back seat of the car we're going to go to the jail you're going to get fingerprinted and photographed and then you wait until your mom comes and bonds you out of jail the Bond's $500 and then when you bond out of jail they'll give you a court date to appear and then what it depends on you you please guil to your no contct contest it's over with if you please not guilty I'll come to court you come to court I'll bring the video
the guy from Southwest will come and we'll let them the jury decide whether you're y you or not so sorry officer Adams ER it is what it is it's nothing personal I don't have my phone so I don't know who to I can't call anybody in the bag right going to St that's going to stay with you I'm so sorry this happened it was a misunderstanding I told you to leave I should have left you should have left I'm so sorry I'm a police officer I should have left I was just trying to talk to
you guys about this I wanted to no you didn't want to talk to us right I because I was I know people were taking photos of me didn't you see a guy with a camera I didn't pay attention cuz people take photos of us all the time I don't pay attention to cameras we get videoed every day I have a video camera I'm officer please I'm at your mercy I have a job to do ATC I have a job to do I'm not going I'm not going to get in trouble you out of trouble please
please for the trouble I'm 32 years old I have no one in my life I don't need this I'm not going to get in trouble do anything please just I will never let this happen again I'm not going to get in trouble to let you stay out of trouble it's not going to happen officer Adams this is everything I've already said that you were under arrest over the radio everybody apologize everybody to the world I'm so sorry no ma'am it doesn't work like that officer please no ma'am this is I'm sorry I left this isn't
right we dragged you because Kicking and Screaming lit literally I'm sorry okay this cannot happen to me this can't be my li this cannot happen I don't have any I don't I can't I don't know any I don't know my mom's phone number I don't know anyone's number your phone so I have to get my phone your phone stays with you so I'm in trouble for not for what for not leaving for not leaving officer I'm so I left ma'am you are holding everybody trying to I don't know why you guys are making this up
I didn't you didn't have to arrest me for this over there this doesn't have to be an arrest this doesn't have to be an arrest okay have see right here from what you getting in please this doesn't need to be an arrest this doesn't please officer officer my bracelet was taken from me it's in your bag no it's not my David Yurman gold bracelet I want to make sure my stuff it's in your bag I know it fell on the ground please please this is too much I I this doesn't need to happen oh scratch
it no I did not like that right there brother this is a lie that's a lie let's go let's go so this is what's happening why are you doing this to me why are you doing this I'm simply reacting to your action officer I'm sorry Erica I I don't disbelieve you officer yes ma'am I'm so sorry s sness i' made well it was very simple instructions so it should not being misunderstanding I'm sorry you're right I'm sorry okay and I and I accept your apology where at that's not for me that's not for me that's
not for me Hi boss okay H are you stay in the car okay he I you have to go he's my boss please please please I'm sorry I have a boss to answer I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm you have the chance to go once yourr I should have went I should have left but for for God's sake like I'm so sorry this is from the bottom of my heart I'm this will never ever ever ever never happen again I'm praying to God I'm at the mercy of you this cannot happen
now it's the law that's what that's what I said I messed up I messed up I shouldn't have done it's nothing personal have just left but to be honest Erica you're right not personal I was wrong okay so so you have to go so watch please I just want to go home watch your foot but please what's your name good offic good please I'm telling you to for Valentine they don't even have a date watch watch your foot I just wanted to just go home watch your foot I'm alone ER put ER put your foot
in the car do it now put your foot in the car and do it now thank you despite causing injury to one of the officers Erica was only charged with trespassing and resisting