15 Minute Guided Meditation | Clear & Calm The Mind In Uncertain Times

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Boho Beautiful Yoga
This 15 minute guided meditation to clear and calm the mind is a perfect powerful practice for begin...
Video Transcript:
thank you so much for joining me today for our meditation practice today we're going to take this time together to simply gift ourselves a moment of stillness and peace and plugging ourselves from the external world of action and constant movement and giving ourselves this opportunity right now to go within so find a comfortable place to sit down or even lay down if you need to just be careful that you do not fall asleep if you're seated place your hands on your knees and Jana or chin mudra where you connect the thumb and index finger or
simply have your palms open resting comfortably on your knees take a long inhale feeling that oxygen entering your body and then slowly release everything with your gentle and calming exhalation give yourself and your mind permission to settle in this present moment feel your body in whatever position it is grounded centered and relaxed I understand the mind might find it really difficult right now to turn off the thoughts and the worries but know that you are in control of your mind and you are able to simply make a choice right now to pause just pause breathe
in and let it go you may be experiencing a lot of uncertainty in your life right now but just know that with every challenge and pain we are faced with in life within those moments is where incredible strength and growth develops within us and in the moment of pain and struggle it may be really difficult to understand that there is something we will take from this that it will help us along this path of human experience but I truly believe that nothing is brought to us without a greater divine purpose of evolving us through this
journey of human life so right now as you listen to my voice I want you to simply exhale and let all of that fear and tension melt away out of your body out of your mind out of your being even just for this moment inhale and exhale remember that there is great power within you and that power will guide your way through the storm believe in it believe in yourself and never allow the external circumstances of the outside world diminish that inner flame that burns within you I want you to take another deep breath in
and simply relax everything is going to be okay take another deep breath in allowing yourself to settle down even deeper into the stillness that you are experiencing externally and internally at this very moment this stillness is always here within you it is your neutral state of being the state of complete presence and self awareness and now in this presence we are going to come back to our cells connect to our heart to find true peace and love that is within us take another deep breath in and let it go feel the body slowly letting go
feel the mind slowly letting go be present and all that you are a beautiful radiant being of light breathe in and - welcome calmness and peace today we are going to repeat a very simple mantra of gratitude this is something you can practice every morning and evening or any time of the day a phrase and mantra that allows your mind to focus on the positive beautiful things around you and even if it is hard for you to find something to be grateful for right now as you may be going through a very difficult time in
your life but just remember even giving things for the most simple gifts of life like your breath like having this moment to yourself could be enough to begin to cultivate that beautiful energy from within so as you allow yourself to go deeper within feel free to place your hands in Anjali mudra or some call it the prayer position with the palms of your hands together or you can just keep the hands exactly where they are in here I just want you to repeat a very simple mantra thank you thank you thank you as you begin
to say these simple two words try to fully feel it not just saying the words themselves but attaching this energy to the words and turning it into gratitude towards the universe truly feeling it within you and speaking it from your heart thank you for my breath thank you for my strength thank you and allow yourself to finish that sentence with whatever comes through your heart as you repeat this simple mantra and connect deeper to your heart find even the smallest of gifts in your life to be thankful for thank you for the strength to be
able to be with myself in this time thank you for the love around me thank you for the support continue to repeat this from your heart feel it find everything that's beautiful in your life that you can give thanks for even if your health is not doing well right now may you give thanks for your strength that you have thank you thank you universe thank you for my body thank you for my mind thank you for my health thank you for the people around me that care for me thank you continue to repeat this and
allow your heart to speak it's okay to feel emotions arising if they do just send your love and gratitude out from your heart and watch what comes up and what releases stay here for a moment with yourself surrounded by the energy of gratitude and love [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you now slowly feel free to release your hands back to your knees or keep them wherever is comfortable for you take this opportunity to come back to your breath breathe in and let it go just let it go sit
with this feeling within you right now notice how you're feeling do you feel lighter do you feel more calm perhaps a little bit more blissful become aware of this beautiful energy that you have created within you with this simple mantra of gratitude this is such a powerful tool for us to use in everyday life but especially when challenge is brought forward to us because it is in those moments when our mind and ego clings to lack and fear that we must fight to keep our strength and presence through love and gratitude I encourage you to
practice this in any moment you find throughout your day whether it is at the end of your practice before bed or in bed when you wake up practice being grateful for the miracles of life that we get to experience every single day each breath each day is a blessing if you choose to see it that way and the choice lies within you feel free to stay where you are in this beautiful peaceful presence or feel free to now slowly begin to open your eyes and simply sit with yourself give yourself time to process everything or
simply breathe in total silence and stillness may you be blessed with health with strength and with all the love that you deserve thank you for being here with me on this journey it has been an honor thank you namaste [Music] [Music] [Music]
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