Testimony: Woman Dies During LABOR and Goes to HEAVEN!!!

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In this impactful video, we explore the journey of a courageous woman who tragically loses her life ...
Video Transcript:
I could feel my spirit separating from my body and to the point to where it's like floating but then I was in the doorway of the operating room and I could see my body laying on the table hi my name is April Smith and I'm 39 years old and this is my turn to testify I'm from Augusta Georgia and you know I was I was a wild child I would say I'll consider myself a wild child back then really didn't have too much Direction was like really just kind of just going with the wind going
with the flow of things and one day I remember laying across my bed thank you Holy Spirit I remember laying across my bed and at an early age at the age of 18 I have I felt during that time that I went through a lot of stuff mentally emotionally like everything above and I remember laying across my bed and I was crying out to the Lord and mind you I really didn't have a relationship but one thing I do know this is a sidebar where you get to the point in your life where you want
change believe me something within you will unction you to cry out to the Lord and I remember crying out to the Lord and I was like I'm tired of this I'm tired of that and um after that cry you know I got saved at the age of 18. and it was a little different um because right now I'm in Las Vegas Nevada and so with me being saved then I didn't really know too much about the Lord but I didn't know I was supposed to go to church on Sunday and with that because I knew
I had to go to church on Sunday I still had the mind frame of I could do what I want to do Monday through Saturday as long as I got up on Sunday morning and went to church and so I am so glad that God changed my mind frame from that perspective but I learned a lot during that time and learning came through dreams and visions and encounters with God I remember seeing these words Lord send me someone that's going to love me for me and that's when I met my husband and at this time
I had my own apartment and things of that nature and um in Georgia we do this thing called jiving that means that you're actually like joning on somebody you're picking at them and I remember he came through the door and at that time at that time I still was going to church please keep that in mind but at that time he came over with some male friends that I already knew and when he came through the door Holy Spirit I didn't know it was Holy Spirit then but I know Holy Spirit now but I said
something within me said that's your husband and I was like I know I'm drunk I know I'm high that was my exact words to myself and um I met him we were jabbing on each other he had sidebar he's gonna like flip out because I said this but he had on these baby blue and white Jordans right and I told him he said something I was like look at you with the baby shoes on because they have they were soft bottoms so it just started from there and he just happened everything that I have prayed
for but he was going through his own things but we'll talk about that at a different time so I meet my husband and long story short we have four amazing children um together and but I learned my experiences through my children and what I mean by that is every child that I've had I hadn't God gave me an experience like my oldest she's 21 and I had her when I was five months pregnant and normally people who have their babies early at five months they don't survive or they go through some drastic changes in their
bodies and I remember when I found out I was pregnant with her I went to the doctor the doctor literally wanted to abort her for free my first pregnancy the doctor wanted to abort her for free he came in and said well you have all these things going we see that the baby is not growing and she's going to be mental when she come here she's going to need 24 hour around the clock care this is what the doctor told me and so he was like but you know what we could actually do an abortion
for you if you choose to you don't have to pay for your insurance will cover it and even though I was a wild child I had enough sense to say you know what I laid down in my bed to get her so whatever comes after that I'm going to accept the consequences and just know she is 21 years old she has no problems at all and God is good and from that experience I remember there's another cry out moment when I had her five months I went to see her in the NICU she was very
small her head was literally at the tip of my finger and her feet was literally at the bottom of my wrist I could fit her in the palm of my hand she wore one pound and six ounces normally when babies come at that particular age or during that time they don't breathe on their own they need you know breathing assistance and things like that but when she came here she was breathing on her own and the only reason why they gave her like this breathing tube because they didn't want her to exhaust herself exhaust her
lungs and things of that sort but let me tell you when I went home without my baby the doctor called me a few days later and he said well your daughter honesty that's her name she has double pneumonia in her lungs her lungs have collapsed and we don't know what else we could do for her and again I cried out to the Lord because I was saved but I wouldn't say for real and so when I cried out to the Lord I said Lord if you save my child I promise that I'll serve you for
the rest of my life and again that now now she's 21 years old she has graduated from Community College she's a medical assistant and she's thriving for her RN she has her own vehicle and she is such a blessing in our lives me and her dad's life and let me tell you we named her honesty and baby that girl is honest and she go tell you some stuff that you just don't want to hear sometimes you know I'm like how I look that just don't look good you know and so I just love her personality
because her personality is literally who she is her name is honesty and she's a very honest young lady and so that's my first experience with just truly crying out to God and him answering me now going into my next daughter her name is Journey and boy she is a character she's she's a very pleasant young lady to be around and when she walks into a room she is sure just to light it up and I remember when I was pregnant with her um the doctors always said that my body was not designed to have babies
and for whatever reason something would just always transpire in my pregnancy so there was like you know your body is just not designed to have babies and so when I was pregnant with journey half of my pregnancy I was in the hospital with her and I remember when I used to have these dreams it would always be about the Bible and then the day before delivery because I was a little early with her as well the day before delivery but that night not knowing that I was going to have to deliver her the next day
I went to sleep and I was in this room and in this room it just was like pillars it was like a little dark brownish dark and it was like pillars and on these pillars it was like books but in the middle it was like a higher pillar and it was like the biggest Bible that I've ever seen in my life in in this dream and um I began to walk towards the pillar in the middle and as soon as I stepped over the Bible the Bible opened by itself and the pages just started to
flip like really fast and in the dream while the pages were turning I literally felt like I was obtaining the whole world the word of God and I remember even in a dream saying like wow I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it and literally like the whole Bible just kept turning like really fast and as the pages was turning I was literally being filled with the word of God and then I woke up I was like man I remember nothing but I know that that experience will carry over into who
I am today and God and going into my son CJ I was in the hospital with him as well because I had preeclampsia and high blood pressure and all these things and again they were telling me you you know my body was not designed to have babies and that every time that I had a baby I was going to go through something and so here I am pregnant with CJ I'm in hospital again and I would just dream at night time and I had a dream to where I was literally in this Forest and we
were all like in this plane or something like that but everybody had like on this white suit and you know how astronauts have like the little space thing over their face and so we're all were like that and I was looking for something sacred I didn't know what I was looking for but in the dream the spirit was telling me I'm looking for something sacred and so all of us is in this forest or this field with surrounded by all these trees and everybody was looking for something and all of a sudden the people that
I started out with we're all in white we're all in these little um helmet clear helmet things and as we proceed to go further into whatever we're looking for only thing I know is the spirit was like we're looking for something sacred and the closer that we got the people around me just started to drop like flies and when I looked around I was literally standing by myself and what the Lord was revealing to me and I know we hear this from a cliche perspective but the Lord was showing me then even in my empathy
as a babe in Christ is that there are people who are going to start out with you but the people who start out with you when you look around you're going to be by yourself and I didn't know the magnitude of that dream until I came into who I am today in Christ you know people will I'm not going to say people thank you Holy Spirit for a long time it took it took courage for me to actually say that I am a prophet of God and that dream connected to me because when you move
in the not just the spirit of Prophecy but when you're in the office of a prophet there are times where you have to stand alone by yourself and I thank God for the dreams then that he brings back to my remembrance when I get into this thing of oh man I'm by myself for oh I can't do what other people do it brings me back to the position of who I am in Christ and it took me a while to admit that because I've seen so many people misabuse the office of a prophet or I
see so many people even from a Facebook platform use it from a monetary perspective to profit p-r-o-f-i-t instead of truly moving in the office of the profit and let's be honest nobody want to be thrown into a category of people just like oh y'all just out for money and all these things but I do want to sidebar and say this there are true prophets still in the world today there are true prophets still standing for righteousness and standing for Holiness and now I am proud to not just admit but to say that I am a
prophet of the most high God and it's only by his doing after I had my son CJ it was like literally because their birthdays is June CJ's birthday is June and Troy's birthday is in July so it's like literally I got pregnant back to back and I was embarrassed though I'm married though my marriage is thriving I was embarrassed to be pregnant again that soon and at that time I was being introduced as a minister and for some reason the enemy tried to put this shame upon me about being pregnant again so soon though it
wasn't not a wedlock or nothing like that I was married and I remember one day I decided that I was going to get an abortion I didn't tell my husband I was pregnant I didn't tell my mom I was pregnant I didn't tell nobody I was pregnant I just got the news and I just withheld it because in my mind I didn't know if I was going to have the baby or not and I was at my mom's house and this is what I said I said Lord I know what I want to do but
if you don't want me to abort this child you're gonna have to send me some some type of sign I said that right okay so I turned on the TV Joyce Myers is talking about being fruitful and multiplying right and I this is what I said and guess what it was she was using it from the context of children I laughed and I said God that's too easy that's too easy and so I got invited to go to matter of fact I remember it was December and it was a watch Night Service it was a
watch Night Service and it was in December and that was I had choice in 2009 so it lit until 2008. I walked through the doors of that church and I could hear Holy Spirit tell me you want to sign I'm about to give you one and the whole time I'm walking into the church I'm saying don't do don't do this to me right now don't do this to me right now don't do this to me right now because I'm thinking about it from an embarrassing perspective don't do this to me right now I don't do
this to me right now so I literally tried to blend in in the back to avoid being in the front um because I knew he was a true prophet of God and he got up singing and his song was I'm so amazed by you I'm so amazed by you I'm so amazed by you how you love me he started singing this song to the Lord I know I don't sound good y'all but it's all good I'm going somewhere and he started to preach his sermon in the middle of his sermon he stopped preaching and he
began to Pace back and forth on the pulpit and then he came down on the floors and he began to Pace again he began to Pace like in between the pews and again I'm blending in in the middle I'm still saying Lord don't do this to me right now don't do this to me right now this man came to me and he said daughter I'm saying the words verbatim because I remember it like it was yesterday he said daughter the Lord said if you kill that child going into 09 he's going to kill you and
your ministry now I know somebody may be saying you mean to tell me that the Lord said he was going to kill you I'm being to tell you that that was the word that was given at that time I didn't even know I had a Ministry come on here and I don't mean like being a pastor over a church I just mean like moving in the things of God and the things that he called me and chew honey that man said let me say it again he said the Lord said if you go into um
he said you're going he said you kill that child going to 09 he's going to kill you in your ministry I dropped to the floor now here's the funny part because my husband hadn't made it to the church then and he was looking like who pregnant that I was pregnant but I literally I dropped down I repented and that was the end of that experience they were telling me I couldn't have him naturally because I was dealing with the cervical cancer issue so they were saying you have to we have to do a C-section and
so during this C session I am at the hospital and I'm being prepped for the C-section and the doctors come in or the nurse one of them and they begin to put like the epidural in my back they begin to give me like some type of I believe it's the epidural in your back so you won't feel the pain from the C-section and I told the nurse I said I believe you're giving me too much medicine this is what I told her she was like oh no it's okay it's always going to feel it's going
to feel like that it's going to feel cold when you start to feel whatever that solution is going into your body and I was telling her I said I understand that I'm going to feel the solution go on my body but I don't think I should be feeling it in my legs and that's what I told her it's like I could literally feel this solution pumping throughout my body but I knew it was too much and she was telling me that it wasn't so when we get into the operating room for the C-section you know
my husband almost fainted um and but before then they laid me back and my husband was like right there he was like I love you and I said I love you too and this is what I told him I said but if I don't make it just know that I love you and I love the children and he was like girl stop talking crazy but I at that moment I literally can feel my spirit leaving my body I couldn't explain it I was already like halfway out of breath but when they put me back it's
like I couldn't breathe at all and I told him I said just know if I don't make it I love you and you love you and the children and sure enough when they put me back and they took Choice from my body I literally flatlined and according to medical records it was like um it was like eight minutes it was like eight minutes when I flatlined and during that time I could however the Lord does what the Lord does I could feel my spirit separating from my body and to the point to where it's like
floating but then I was in the doorway of the operating room and I could see my body laying on the table and I could see the doctors like trying to do what whatever they were doing and then my doctor she was a woman doctor I'm not going to say her husband doctor and she literally jumped on my chest and she started doing this and I'm in the doorway in the spirit because it was all about experience and even then I was like what is she doing why is she jumping on me like that and I
remember me saying that and then next thing you know is like I was no longer in the in the doorway and it was like I was just brought to this place and it was just like these tall Gates and they literally at these tall Gates it was like pearls or something at the end and um as I'm like I wasn't even walking I can't even explain it it was just like a movie to where you literally just gliding through the scenes and I came to this place and it was like this field of flowers and
it was not a flower that I have seen here on Earth and literally everything was in sync and what I mean by that is like I can't even explain the the singing but it was just so in sync and the flowers will move with the singing and it was like the gates will move with the singing and everything was in sync it was going back and forth and back and forth and then literally it went to like a different pattern like breathing and so it literally like when it was breathing everything breathed in together everything
bring out together now when I think about that experience now I think about the Matrix because there was like a scene in the first Matrix when when Neo when he would Breathe In Everything breathed in but when he would breathe out everything would Breathe Out and ah it's just amazing and that experience oh thank you holy spirit thank you Holy Spirit I was there and the spirit of the Lord told me that I was in heaven and I remember I didn't see like a physical body or anything like that but I heard a voice and
the voice said that I had to go back because I literally did not want to come back in my body I wasn't even thinking about my husband I was leaving behind I wasn't thinking about the my children at that moment and that moment I have never ever in my Earthly life experience that much peace it was so much peace that I did not want to come back in my body I can't even explain it that's that's the only words I have for it was such a piece that I did not want to go back into
my body and the voice said the spirit of the Lord said you have to go back and you have to tell people what you've seen here I did not want to go back I was literally crying I was literally crying and after that I didn't go through no tunnels or nothing like that it was like another scene play I was back in the operating room back in the operating room I literally felt the um I forgot the tool the fibrillator or something like that I know I'm pronouncing it wrong but that's my Georgia coming out
it's all good uh they had the machine to where they like press to bring you back to life and in that moment I saw the lights in the room but then I went back out of myself and then that's when I was in the doorway of the operating room and they were operating on me and when I did come back into my body it was like pins and needles it's like I literally had to take those days to learn how to walk it was just pins and needles that's all I could um really Express and
that my doctor at the time she came to me and she expressed what happened and things of that nature and this is what I said I said after she said what she said I said well let me ask you something and she was like sure I was like why were you jumping on my um chest like that because I was like it was a real question for me then and she was like how did you know I was how did you know that I got on your chest I said because I saw you and that
moment she said um she switched my doctors she was like well this is my last visit seeing you I will switch you to a different doctor so in my closing I would say this this is the first time outside of just testimonial service that I have shared this experience and I believe in a roundabout way I didn't know how to feel about sharing my experience because you have those people again that would try to say oh this didn't happen and then you have another set of people think you're trying to be too deep or something
like that but I stand Here I am grateful that I am alive to share this experience with you all because if it only reaches one person if it only touches one person then God has done his job there's no glory unto me now with boldness it's because you have someone that is literally sitting here testifying to you telling you baby you are not crazy that son or daughter you are not crazy this is just something that God is working in you and in the process of that the Deliverance that take place I was a chief
smoker and I'm not talking about cigarettes I was a chief weed smoker not just a weed smoker I would lay place my blunts with cocaine I'm telling you what you're looking at now is a transformation that only God can do he has delivered me from drugs he have delivered me from weed smoking he has delivered me for being a chronic alcoholic I used to see these shows they used to come on um the Discovery Channel and people used to talk about how they died and went to heaven and I was the main one talking like
whatever be lying it is amazing now I'm throwing in their category somebody may be looking at me like girl you lying but I'm not and them people were not lying and I'm grateful that God allowed me to have that experience because when I go through things I know that one day heaven will be my home the Bible tells us that we overcome by the power of Our Testimony that's my testimony and now I invite you for you to tell yours under the spotlight [Music]
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