Marvel's ORIGINAL PLAN For KANG and The Multiverse Saga, REVEALED!

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and you think you can beat me I am King hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and today we're going to reveal Marvel's original plans for Avengers of Kang Dynasty Kang the Conqueror and what they were originally going to do with the Multiverse Saga we're going to discuss what was supposed to happen on our journey to a vender Secret Wars and what the plans were for Kang Conquering the Multiverse as well as how Loki Deadpool and Wolverine Spider-Man no way home and Multiverse of Madness were all going to connect and tell the story of
the multiversal war the peace between realities erupted into all out war and we think we know what parts of that original plan are still happening with Dr Doom now at the helm as the new villain of the Multiverse Saga and before we get going I want to remind you guys that we are going on tour Colton myself and the team are traveling the country with our screen Crush Live show and we're coming to a city near you our first show is in Boston November 14th tickets are on sale now and they're selling out fast we
cannot wait to meet you guys in person and geek out together about all of our favorite movies and TV shows get tickets at the link in the description along with the link to our Discord so with all the talk around Robert Downey Jr is Dr Doom in the upcoming doomsday movie it's easy to forget that not all that long ago Jonathan major and Kang were all the rage and he was the one thing about the post endgame MCU that had everybody excited there was real hype for this character and his role in the Multiverse Saga
some of our top performing videos over the past few years were Theory videos on the sheer possibilities of a story with Kang the Conqueror fighting against the Avengers I mean remember guys how awesome it was when Jonathan Majors was introduced as he who remains a king variant in Loki season 1 and that Eerie ending of the the first season with the Kang statue had everybody pumped for the arrival of Kang but then came Antman of the WASP Quantum Mania you think this is new to me do you know how many rebellions I have put down
how many Avengers I've killed now I personally enjoyed Quantum Mania but there's no question the film was a box office flop and it did not turn Kang into a terrifying villain and I think major gave a great performance as the conquerer he was terrifying at times but let's be honest he really should have killed Ant-Man if he was the big bad of the multi Saga what so I think that despite Quantum Mania shortcomings the MCU could still successfully have landed the plane with a Kang Centric Saga so it's puzzling to know that Kevin feige and
Marvel Studios were actually already considering dropping Kang and switching to Dr Doom even before the legal issues with Jonathan major arose see following the arrest of Jonathan major and the eventual guilty verdict Marvel Studios officially parted ways with Majors Avengers the Kang dynasty was temporarily retitled to just Avengers 5 shangi director Dustin Daniel keton was moved out of the director's chair and is now slated to direct Spider-Man 4 and remember Ant-Man 3 screenwriter Jeff less was originally The Avengers five Rider and he was removed from that role less was reportedly Marvel's Kang guy so with
less being Ed and not being reassigned to another adjacent project like Dustin Daniel keton one could then take that to mean that Marvel was taking a very different direction from their original plans with Kang now despite Marvel resetting they still had Loki season 2 in the can a season that was bury Jonathan major Centric you were you were sticking it to the system going to beat the man and then whoop here he is and look man say what you will about Jonathan majors and believe me there is a lot to say about that guy but
he was absolutely fantastic in Loki and he damn near stole the show in the second season the second season of Loki did so much for the Saga that would have gotten fans even more pumped for Kang's War With The Avengers but unfortunately that season was burdened by the fact that we knew this was all set up that was likely going nowhere but a waste of time the series did more for the Multiverse Saga than any other Multiverse project Marvel was putting out Spider-Man no way home Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of madus and Quantum Mania
all PED in comparison to the Masterpiece that was Loki season 1 and two this show on its own was a kick-ass science fiction series but its implications for the greater MCU were also phenomenal and did a better job than any of those aforementioned films at setting up what was to come with Kang and the next Avengers movies and it's honestly too bad that all of that buildup lore and World building may have been for not or was it sure we don't have Kang anymore but Loki's introduction to the TVA and the void at the end
of time will likely still have a big role to play moving forward now guys like I said we have some inside sources that we can't reveal but they're people that we trust who have info on what was going to happen before they shifted away from Kang but it's also important to keep in mind how everything you read on the Internet isn't true unfortunately most of the leaks we read about on Twitter and Reddit aren't real and they're usually just made up and the same is true for a lot of our media landscape when it comes
to getting news about politics and about the world in general where the media's profit bias has divided us up into these separate camps and the real news is often hidden behind algorithms and that's why I've been using Straight Arrow news straight arrow news is an app and website that shows you all stories with facts free of bias these journalists are standing out from other news organizations by not only highlighting left and right leaning opinions but also by giving an unbiased view of stories and events across both sides of the aisle certain stories have a gauge
that shows you the stories media landscape reporting so you can see which way the story's bias is leaning straight ARA news also keeps you informed with news in real time I especially love their medium Miss tool that allows me to discover what stories are being underreported in the media for instance I had no idea that Elon Musk sent Starling terminals to help North Carolina to help hurricane victims or that former Trump a Cassidy Hutchinson has now endorsed Camala Harris you see I'm tired of media organizations using wedge issues to divide us to drive up engagement
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I was saying now it was reported that the Loki finale was Rewritten following everything that went down with majors and honestly when you watch the second season it does feel like they reworked things just to have Kang sort of Fade Into the background and hey and their defense I think they handled it pretty well having the character essentially be written out of time is very on theme for the series itself and even for the Multiverse Saga but hey Ryan even that seemingly concise ending couldn't keep Kang's exit from feeling a little anticlimactic after all of
that buildup that's it that's it contrary to those original reports I've actually heard some Insider information that claims the Loki season 2 finale was not Rewritten and that the original plan was always for the season to end with the Kang being dealt with and seemingly no longer a threat hand with Loki on the throne now despite Loki season 2 seemingly giving the impression that the kangs were handled we'd still get the impression that they are out there and they are still a threat but that the TVA was still monitoring them closely take this scene with
Mobius and B15 for example where they referen the defeat of quantum Mania Kang I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent realm but they handled it Avengers the King Dynasty would continue this on a larger scale with the Council of Kings attacking earth 616 the mainline MCU and our Earth's team of Avengers would fight them which would mean that the consequences of Loki and sylv's actions in the Loki series would have the consequences that he who remains warned of an infinite amount of be start another multiversal War I
think it's clear that the multiversal war he who remains said happened in the past and the one that he warned would happen again is the exact same War we were going to see in Avengers the King Dynasty and Secret Wars he who remains ultimate plan was essentially Flawless either Loki would listen and maintain the sacred timeline a timeline that existed in an Ora Boris of sorts meaning a circle of events that happen again and again and again or Sylvia would kill him the multiversal war would ensue the kangs would go to war just like they
had in the past and I just end up right back here anyways so according to our sources the king that died in quantam Mania was really dead following getting sucked into his power Corp but part of me still believes that the king the Conqueror from quantam Mania was going to be the same gang we'd see in King Dynasty and of course in secret Wars and the same King that would go on to become he who remains after winning the multiversal war it's been reported that essentially we'd see the arrival of a prime King in Avengers
King Dynasty similar to the version of King from the Ultimate Comics this King wouldn't be the main villain of King Dynasty but he would ultimately be the king to defeat his variant the Council of kings and he would be almost a godlevel king an omnipotent type King in Avengers Secret Wars similar to that of the beyonder from the original Secret Wars comics or God Emperor Doom in the 2015 Secret Wars now Marvel is no stranger to combining characters I mean the mcu's he who remains is literally a culmination of the Kang variant in mortise and
a completely separate comic character called he who remains that had no connection to Kang in the comics so it would have made sense if in the MCU we got a beyonder king hybrid or even a god Emperor King in the same vein as Doom in King Dynasty we likely would have seen the Avengers defending Earth from the Council of Kings who would be following up on this scene in Quantum Mania where am mortis warned of seemingly The Avengers beginning to touch the Multiverse the beginning to touch the multivers king Prime would then roll in defeat
his variants but then proceed with his plan of destroying all of time and space so that he could recreate it according to his own design which would be the sacred timeline and there's evidence of this in quantam Mania when Kang shares his plans with Janet on how to save the Multiverse through conquering that's what conquerors do they burn the broken world and the they make a new one we even see him holding his vision of a sacred timeline in the palm of his hand that's why I still personally believe or at least it's my head
cannon that the Kang from quantam Mania would go on to become he who remains so following the multiversal war and the destruction of the Multiverse Kang Prime and the Avengers would find themselves in the void at the end of time which we think would have served as the mcu's battle world in the comics The Avengers are transported to battle World a planet that is a concoction of various worlds and what is the void if not a concoction of various worlds all piled together Kang would then tame elath remember elath is in the void he's that
big purple Cloud monster elath is in this thing from Loki season 1 episode 5 now in the void we would have seen heroes from across the Multiverse team up with our main Earth 616 Avengers to take on King and restore the Multiverse Heroes such as the Spider-Mans Deadpool and Wolverine and the Fantastic four Colton I want to pause you there because I think you're touching on a key aspect of why I think Marvel even green lit the Multiverse Saga to begin with wow you really paused them good cool so Colton just mentioned that in secret
Wars we would have seen the Avengers accompanied by other multiversal Heroes going up against Kang and we do actually have a reliable inside source who was confirmed that that was the plan and that really drives home the fact that the whole point of this Saga was so that they could bring in Old IP like the fox X-Men like one of Kevin feige's first jobs in Hollywood was an associate producer on the first Fox X-Men film and it's clear that he really wanted to see characters like Patrick Stewart's Professor Xavier and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine play in
the MCU I mean come on who Among Us hasn't dumped out all of our action figures into one big pile so they can be split into teams and fight so this plan for the Multiverse Saga to be the memberberry Saga was driven home even more with a new character like Jonathan Major's Kang being swapped out for a returning Robert Downey Jr as Dr Doom the return of Robert Downey Jr is part of the same game plan to pluck those Nostalgia strings by bringing back familiar faces and you know what that's fine by me I think
following a global pandemic a violent Insurrection at the nation's capital and an attempt at assassination of a former president we could all use a little comforting trip back in time to Wi things seem simpler and what a better way to go than on an adventure with our favorite heroes from the Golden Age of comic book movies we've actually got a great video up on the channel right now that explains the overall theme of the Multiverse Saga and how it's all about the choices we make and how Robert Downey Jor is Doom perfectly represents that theme
perhaps even better than King the Conqueror would have oh and by the way guys we do have some aome merch up on our screen Crush merch store right now such as the variant shirt Mesto confirmed we have our Joker collection with the Monday shirt and the card on the front and back and the Marie Franklin Blood Stained mug and t-shirt we also have our Agatha collection and many many more shopping our merch store is the best way to directly support our Channel we have a blast making these designs for you the links are below so
anyway in the original plot for the Multiverse Saga we can assume that Kang would have been defeated and that the Avengers would have found a way to reconstruct the Multiverse so that it would flourish and then be free from the constraints of Kang and total Annihilation right that sound sounds awesome so that's not going to happen anymore well buddy I think we can actually anticipate a lot of these same events to happen in The retitled Avengers 5 Avengers doomsday and Avengers Secret Wars I think instead of Kang rising from the ashes following his defeat at
the hands of Loki we'll see Dr Doom fill those shoes and serve as a multiversal conqueror he'll attack the mainline MCU Earth just like Kang would have and ultimately the Multiverse will be destroyed and they'll find themselves in the void or battle world where the Avengers will have to fight a very powerful God Emperor Doom to save reality just like in the 2015 Secret Wars comics we'll still get to see faces like Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Toby and Andrew Spider-Man and hell maybe even Nicholas Cage's Ghost Rider but they'll all be going up against another familiar
face in Robert Downey Jr Shut Up And Take My Money so as excited as we all were for what Marvel had planned with Kang I think we can still expect a really great multiversal story with similar beats as the original plan but hopefully this reshuffling will be a little bit more simple and to the point instead of getting bogged down and all the confusing timey wiy stuff that I think was just a little too much for ual fans Colton the guy who's trapped in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him did
you have anything you wanted to add he stilled oh right I can't breathe when you do that so guys let us know did you like what was originally planned for the Multiverse Saga do you think that Avengers doomsday will follow a similar path and are you excited to see Doom as a new villain or do you wish they had stuck with a recast King let us know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me your colon on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for
screen Crush I'm Ryan Mary [Music]
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