Chosen Ones: THIS Is the Test You Cannot Afford to Fail!

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A Word of Wisdom
Chosen Ones: THIS Is the Test You Cannot Afford to Fail!
Video Transcript:
chosen ones what you are about to hear is not just a word it is a Divine message from almighty God it is a message of urgency a message of power for God never lie God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good listen everything you hear today will surely come to pass this message demands your attention hear me well chosen ones there is no turning back after this
there is no maybe or later so prepare yourself and listen carefully to this Divine instruction from God I stand before you today not as a mere messenger but as a voice set on fire by the Living God this is not a simple conversation nor just another moment in your life this is your Divine encounter your Turning Point your spiritual alarm going off loud and clear I stand before you chosen ones not to bring Comfort to your current state but to shake you to the core to awaken the fire that once burned brightly inside of you
the time has come for a Great Awakening the time has come for you to rise listen to me and listen carefully this is a moment of decision you cannot stay where you are you cannot afford to be stagnant in your spirit lukewarm in your walk or complacent in your calling there is no room in the kingdom of God for those who settle for Spiritual mediocrity you were not created to be mediocre you were created to burn you were chosen for greatness for a purpose for a Divine mission that only you can fulfill but the question
is will you rise to the occasion or will you allow spiritual stagnation to choke the life out of your calling I stand before you today to issue a holy challenge will you set your heart on fire for God once again will you awaken from the Slumber of complacency will you cast off the chains of spiritual laziness and run after God with everything you have this is your moment chosen one this is your Divine wakeup call God is calling you to rise above the distractions to press through the barriers and to keep growing in him welcome
to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to date with the word of God spiritual stagnation is a poison silent subtle and deadly it creeps into your soul without warning it doesn't announce itself with a crash or a bang no it seeps in quietly like a slow leak until one day you wake up and realize that the fire you once had is gone the passion you once carried has diminished the hunger for God that used to consume you is now
just a memory stagnation is dangerous because it makes you think you're safe when you're actually in danger do you understand what I'm saying spiritual stagnation will rob you of everything God has destined for you it will make you complacent it will cause you to stop pressing into God to stop hungering for his presence and to stop growing in your faith think of water when it is moving it is alive fresh and full of life but when it stops moving it becomes stagnant it starts to stink it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria for disease for
all things unclean this is what happens to your spirit when you stop growing in God you become stagnant and the things of the world the lies the sin the distractions start to grow in your heart this is why Jesus warned the church in Revelation 3:1 16 saying so because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I am about to spit you out of my mouth this is a harsh warning but a necessary one God cannot tolerate lukewarmness he cannot bless stagnation he is looking for for a people who are passionate who are on fire for
him who are constantly growing constantly seeking constantly pressing into his presence lukewarmness is the result of stagnation it is the result of a life that has stopped growing in God and make no mistake about it spiritual stagnation is a choice you choose whether or not you will keep growing you choose whether or not you will seek after God you choose whether you will stay on fire or let your flame die out but I tell you today chosen ones God Is Calling You Higher he is calling you to reject stagnation to cast off complacency and to
Fan into Flame the fire that he placed within you the fire of God is Not Meant To Be A flicker it is meant to be a consuming Blaze that burns so brightly within you that it impacts everyone around you but you must guard that flame you must protect it you must keep it burning God never intended for you to remain the same from the moment you gave your life to Christ a journey began a journey of transformation a journey of growth and this journey is not meant to end until the day you stand before him
face to face there is no Finish Line in your spiritual growth until you reach eternity hear me when I say this God is always calling you to go deeper he is is always calling you to grow more to know him more to experience him more the Apostle Paul understood this that's why in Philippians 3: 12-14 he said not that I have already obtained all this or have already arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus Took hold of me I press on toward the goal to win
the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus Paul never set L he never became complacent he was always pressing forward he understood that there was always more to know more to experience more to grow into and if Paul one of the greatest Apostles in history had to keep growing how much more do we there is always more there is always more Revelation more intimacy more power more grace more of God's presence to experience but you must choose to press in you must choose to keep growing you must choose to pursue god
with everything you have let me ask you something are you still growing or have you settled into a routine a place of comfort have you allowed yourself to become stagnant in your walk with God if the answer is yes then I challenge you today to make a decision decide right now that you will not settle for Spiritual mediocrity decide that you will pursue God with everything you have decide that you will keep growing keep pressing and keep moving forward you were not created to be stagnant you were created to grow and that growth is not
just for your benefit it is for the glory of God as you grow in him as you become more like Christ you become a testimony to the world around you of his power his grace and his love let me make this Crystal Clear complacency is the greatest enemy of your calling it is a thief it is a destroyer complacency will rob you of your destiny if you allow it to take root in your heart what is complacency it is the attitude that says I've done enough it is the mindset that says I've grown enough it
is the spirit that says I'm comfortable where I am but let me tell you something Comfort is the enemy of growth Comfort is the enemy of greatness and if you settle into a place of spiritual comfort you will miss out on everything that God has for you God did not create you to live a life of comfort he created you to live a life of purpose and purpose requires growth purpose requires pressing purpose requires you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown in 2 Peter 3:18 we are commanded to grow in
the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ notice the word commanded this is not a suggestion this is not something that is optional for the chosen ones of God this is a command God expects you to grow he expects you to pursue him he expects you to be hungry for more of him and if you are not growing then you are stagnating and if you are stagnating you are moving backward whether you realize it or not complacency is a trap it tells you that you're doing enough that you've grown enough that you
know enough but complacency is a liar there is no enough in the kingdom of God there is always more and if you settle for where you are you will miss out on the fullness of what God has for you now the question is how do you keep growing how do you avoid the deadly trap of spiritual stagnation how do you keep the fire burning day after day year after year let me give you some powerful keys to spiritual growth that will change your life if you apply them these are not just suggestions these are weapons
these are tools that if used properly will guarantee that you keep growing in God no matter what comes your way one cultivate a lifestyle of prayer prayer is the oxygen of your spiritual life it is is what keeps you alive in the spirit in 1 Thessalonians 5:1 17 we are commanded to pray without ceasing prayer is not an option it is a necessity if you do not have a strong prayer life you will not grow period prayer is how you connect with God it is how you hear his voice it is how you align your
heart with his will without prayer your relationship with God will be shallow weak and Powerless but let me say this prayer is not a chore it is not something to check off your to-do list prayer is a privilege it is your direct access to the throne room of God when you pray you are not just speaking into the air you are speaking to the creator of the universe you are entering into his presence if you want to keep growing in God you must cultivate a lifestyle of prayer this means praying daily not just when you
need something but praying to commune with God to know him to experience his presence two Feast on the word of God the word of God is your spiritual food just as your physical body needs food to survive your spirit needs the word of God to thrive in Matthew 4:4 Jesus said man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from from the mouth of God if you want to grow in God you must immerse yourself in his word you cannot rely on a verse or two here and there you must Feast
on the word you must dive deep into the scriptures study them meditate on them let them shape your thinking your decisions and your actions the word of God is alive and active Hebrews 4:12 it has the power to transform you to renew your mind and to strengthen your spirit the more you are in the word the more you will grow the more you study the more Revelation you will receive the word will guide your steps and keep you from falling into stagnation three surround yourself with Believers on fire you were not created to walk this
journey alone God designed you to be part of a body of believers a community where you are encouraged sharpened and challenged to keep growing in Hebrews 10: 25 we are exhaled not to give up meeting together but to encourage one another fellowship with other believers is essential to your growth when you are surrounded by others who are on fire for God their passion ignites your own iron sharpens iron proverbs 27: verse 17 find people who are hungry for God who are passionate about growing in him get connected to a church to a small group to
a community of believers who will push you to keep pressing into God this will keep you accountable and help you stay on fire for serve in the Kingdom serving is not just something you do it is who you are as a follower of Christ in Mark 10 verse 45 Jesus said for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many when you serve others you reflect the Heart of Jesus serving stretches you challenges you and helps you grow it takes you
out of your comfort zone and forces you to rely on God's strength and in that process you grow serving in the kingdom of God is one of the most powerful ways to keep growing in him whether it's through Ministry helping others or simply being available for God to use you serving keeps your heart soft and your spirit alive five stay hungry for God's presence this is the key to it all stay hungry for God never lose your Hunger for More of him never allow yourself to become satisfied with where you are in psalm 42:1 1
to2 the psalmist writes As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when can I go and meet with God stay thirsty stay desperate for his presence never lose that hunger that hunger will keep you growing it will keep you pressing it will keep you seeking him with all your heart six a word of Fire fan the flame within you I stand before you today to Fan into Flame the gift of God that is within you second Timothy 1:6 the
fire of God is within you chosen ones but you must fan it into flame you must keep it burning you must refuse to let it die this is your wakeup call this is your moment to rise up to break free from the chains of spiritual stagnation and to step into the fullness of what God has for you you do not settle for less than what God has destined for you the time is now the fire is waiting to be ignited God Is Calling You Higher chosen ones will you answer his call will you rise I
stand before you with words of fire with a message that I pray pierces your heart and ignites your soul you are chosen for greatness you are called for more than this do not allow spiritual stagnation to rob you of your calling do not not allow complacency to steal your destiny rise up chosen ones shake off the chains of mediocrity set your heart on fire for God and keep growing in him the time is now the fire is waiting to be rekindled the call is clear will you answer it let's pray this prayer of faith together
as one family heavenly father almighty God we come before you in this sacred moment with Hearts wide open and Spirits yearning for more of you Lord we acknowledge that you are the consuming fire The God Who ignites the hearts of your chosen ones today I call upon the fullness of your spirit your power and your glory to descend upon every person who listens to this message Father I declare that complacency is broken in the mighty name of Jesus Every Chain of stagnation that has kept your people bound every Spirit of lukewarmness every barrier that has
hindered their growth we destroy it right now by the fire of the Holy Ghost father your word says that you are a God who shakes the heavens and the Earth so right now Lord shake the very foundations of their souls awaken the hearts of your chosen ones let their Spirits Catch Fire a holy fire that burns with the desire to seek you to know you and to grow in you like never before father we rebuke Every Lie of the enemy that tells them they have grown enough we reject the Comfort zones that keep them from
the fullness of their calling let your word be like a hammer that shatters the strongholds of mediocrity in the name of Jesus we declare spiritual Revival over their lives fan the flame Lord rekindle the fire set their hearts Ablaze with unquenchable passion for your presence for your word and for your kingdom Lord I pray for those who are struggling with spiritual stagnation who feel stuck or complacent father send a fresh wind of your spirit into their lives right now Breathe new life into their Dry Bones just as you did in the valley of dry bones
Lord restore their hunger for your presence revive their desire to grow in you let your Holy Spirit fill them from the crown of their heads to The Souls of their feet empowering them to walk in your ways to press deeper into you and to grow from glory to glory father let this message carry fire let it be a message that pierces through every heart that hears it let it be like a hammer that breaks every hard heart that tear down every Wall of Resistance that smashes every excuse that keeps them from pursuing you with their
whole being and as they hear these words may they be filled with a supernatural desire to grow in you let your presence invade their homes their hearts and their minds right now father let your fire fall for every person who shares this message Lord I ask for a special blessing let them become carriers of this fire as they share this word may it ignite fires in the lives of those around them let them be vessels of your Revival Lord spreading the flame of Spiritual Awakening everywhere they go let every person they reach through this message
experience a fresh outpouring of your spirit a renewal of their faith and a deepening of their relationship with you for those who subscribe like or comment Amen to this message father I pray for a mighty touch from heaven let their amen be sealed with the power of your Holy Spirit open the floodgates of Heaven over their lives release Divine favor Supernatural growth and breakthrough over every area of their lives as they take this step of Faith as they engage with this word Lord let it be a sign of their Hunger for More Of You bless
them abundantly let this prayer activate a fresh fire in their hearts A Renewed passion to pursue you and a deep thirst for your presence Heavenly Father we call upon your divine power to break every chain of mediocrity every Spirit of stagnation every barrier that prevents your people from walking in the fullness of their calling ignite their hearts with a fire that cannot be quenched Let Them Burn For You Lord let their hunger for you consume them and as they grow in you Lord May their lives be a testimony of your greatness a reflection of your
glory and a beacon of light to all those around them we declare victory over every obstacle that stands in their way we declare breakthrough in their spiritual growth we declare that from this day forward they will grow in Grace in power and in intimacy with you oh Lord we declare that they will never be the same in the mighty powerful name of Jesus we pray amen and amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is
too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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